MinecraftForge/FML@8960f6869f Add windows lzma executable http://tukaani.org/xz/ He states that most things are under public domai
n, But I couldn't find an exact reference to this executable. I'm going to assume it under public domain and distribuiting it here is fine. If not someone pleas
e direct me to the apropriate license and I will act accordingly.
MinecraftForge/FML@70cfe24e67 Fix wrong project name in distro eclipse launch.
MinecraftForge/FML@7a004087f7 Add deobf data to src dist. Dont create deobf jar as we ship the lzma Added *.lzma to .gitignore
Updated FML:
MinecraftForge/FML@22738de028 Attempt to properly fix deadlock if the internal server derps. It should never hang now. Damn you fast computer..
MinecraftForge/FML@05a854cd2a Small tweaks to the mcp data. Nothing major..
Also cleaned up the names of said delegates, we do not have to follow MCP's crowdsourced names as they are very bad.
Redirected damage through setItemDamage to allow items to have finder control of breaking.
MinecraftForge/FML@24c4056651 Add in an optional modid identifier for @SidedProxy. It's main use is when both scala and java @Mods reside in the same package, and you want the @SidedProxy behaviour for a specific @Mod language type. In general it should not be needed otherwise.
MinecraftForge/FML@cd0466395a Fix sysout with trailing messages after a newline
MinecraftForge/FML@6f3da97365 Don't throw an exception if the scala adapter find a java proxy. I may add some distinguishers to @SidedProxy so you know which mod it's for.
MinecraftForge/FML@59fe905695 Don't continue trying to send events to mods that depend on errored mods.
In order to support multi-worlds such as MultiVerse, the server needs the
ability to register dimensions on client or many forge mods such as IC2
will not function correctly. This has been an issue for MCPC which
provides both Forge and Bukkit support to players. By adding the
DimensionRegisterPacket class, MCPC now has the ability to send the
required packet to client to register a dimension with DimensionManager.
MinecraftForge/FML@23b070c7d0 Alternative @SidedProxy setter for Scala.
MinecraftForge/FML@2cca7aa759 Some more Scala @SidedProxy adjustments. Now properly supporting pure singletons, i.e. object C { @SidedProxy(...) var proxy: P = null } Removed fallback, as all such singletons are properly handled by the new code now, and class implementations fall back to the code also used for plain Java mods.
MinecraftForge/FML@8517a824e5 Merge declaration and initialization of a variable.
MinecraftForge/FML@a3a920437f Merge pull request #230 from fnuecke/master