experimental feature! proceed with caution.
if you experience song corruption or crashes, report issue immediately!
files with multiple songs will be readable in older versions of Furnace,
but only the first song will be read in those versions.
issue #199
to cam900 and grauw: I have moved the per-system effect processing code
to sysDef.cpp as lambdas
you may want to do the same when you pull this commit.
i'm still working on it
to @cam900: DO NOT PULL TO YOUR ES5506 BRANCH YET - wait until I am done
with this refactor
to @grauw: DO NOT PULL TO YOUR OPL4 BRANCH YET - wait until I am done
with this refactor
It means Custom wavetable sound generator logic on Bubble System.
It's wavetable select and volume is controlled by single AY-3-8910 IO for both channels, Another AY-3-8910 IO is used for reading sound status.
Schematics: http://pdf.textfiles.com/manuals/ARCADE/K-R/Nemesis%20[Schematics]%20[English].pdf (Nemesis, derivative of Bubble system)
Bubble System 2 channel Wavetable sound generator logic is configuration with K005289, 4 bit PROM and DAC.
K005289 controls pitch and 5 bit address generator per channel, Waveform select and Volume control is tied to AY-3-8910 ports. (each port for per channels)
these configuration is better known as K005289, the part of logic.
furnace emulates this configurations as single system, waveform format is 15 level and 32 width.
its 16 channel wavetable/PCM chip, with (optional) stereo support.
Its also has envelope, this feature has similar as AY PSG's one but its shape is also stored at RAM, and each nibble in envelope data is for each output: so i decided to added some feature for more stereo-ish envelope.
Split: Envelope shape will be splitted to Left and Right half for each output.
HInv, Vinv: Envelope shape will be Horizontally/Vertically mirrored the left one.
Max sample length is sample bank size of Seta 2 arcade hardware (currently not emulated yet, nor it doesn't support on VGM).
Chip id is temporary, it can be changed with to suggestions.