2012-08-08 22:57:37 -04:00

3533 lines
283 KiB

func_74611_a,getStringValue,0,Gets a String by navigating the hierarchy below this node.
func_74612_b,getArrayNode,0,"Gets a List of JsonNodes, representing a JSON array, by navigating the hierarchy below this node."
func_74614_d,getFields,0,return the fields associated with this node
func_74789_a,parse,0,Parse the specified JSON String
func_70002_Q,isSnooperEnabled,2,Returns whether snooping is enabled or not.
func_70003_b,canCommandSenderUseCommand,2,Returns true if the command sender is allowed to use the given command.
func_70004_a,translateString,2,Translates and formats the given string key with the given arguments.
func_70005_c_,getCommandSenderName,2,"Gets the name of this command sender (usually username, but possibly ""Rcon"")"
func_70011_f,getDistance,2,"Gets the distance to the position. Args: x, y, z"
func_70012_b,setLocationAndAngles,2,Sets the location and Yaw/Pitch of an entity in the world
func_70013_c,getBrightness,2,Gets how bright this entity is.
func_70014_b,writeEntityToNBT,2,(abstract) Protected helper method to write subclass entity data to NBT.
func_70015_d,setFire,2,"Sets entity to burn for x amount of seconds, cannot lower amount of existing fire."
func_70016_h,setVelocity,2,"Sets the velocity to the args. Args: x, y, z"
func_70017_D,doBlockCollisions,2,"Checks for block collisions, and calls the associated onBlockCollided method for the collided block."
func_70018_K,setBeenAttacked,2,Sets that this entity has been attacked.
func_70020_e,readFromNBT,2,Reads the entity from NBT (calls an abstract helper method to read specialized data)
func_70021_al,getParts,2,Return the Entity parts making up this Entity (currently only for dragons)
func_70022_Q,getEntityString,2,Returns the string that identifies this Entity's class
func_70023_ak,getEntityName,2,Gets the username of the entity.
func_70024_g,addVelocity,2,"Adds to the current velocity of the entity. Args: x, y, z"
func_70025_b,dropItem,2,"Drops an item stack at the entity's position. Args: itemID, count"
func_70026_G,isWet,2,Checks if this entity is either in water or on an open air block in rain (used in wolves).
func_70027_ad,isBurning,2,Returns true if the entity is on fire. Used by render to add the fire effect on rendering.
func_70028_i,isEntityEqual,2,Returns true if Entity argument is equal to this Entity
func_70029_a,setWorld,2,Sets the reference to the World object.
func_70030_z,onEntityUpdate,2,Gets called every tick from main Entity class
func_70031_b,setSprinting,2,Set sprinting switch for Entity.
func_70032_d,getDistanceToEntity,2,Returns the distance to the entity. Args: entity
func_70033_W,getYOffset,2,Returns the Y Offset of this entity.
func_70034_d,setHeadRotationYaw,2,Sets the head's yaw rotation of the entity.
func_70036_a,playStepSound,2,"Plays step sound at given x, y, z for the entity"
func_70037_a,readEntityFromNBT,2,(abstract) Protected helper method to read subclass entity data from NBT.
func_70038_c,isOffsetPositionInLiquid,2,"Checks if the offset position from the entity's current position is inside of liquid. Args: x, y, z"
func_70039_c,addEntityID,2,adds the ID of this entity to the NBT given
func_70040_Z,getLookVec,2,returns a (normalized) vector of where this entity is looking
func_70041_e_,canTriggerWalking,2,returns if this entity triggers Block.onEntityWalking on the blocks they walk on. used for spiders and wolves to prevent them from trampling crops
func_70042_X,getMountedYOffset,2,Returns the Y offset from the entity's position for any entity riding this one.
func_70044_A,setOnFireFromLava,2,Called whenever the entity is walking inside of lava.
func_70046_E,getBoundingBox,2,returns the bounding box for this entity
func_70048_i,pushOutOfBlocks,2,"Adds velocity to push the entity out of blocks at the specified x, y, z position Args: x, y, z"
func_70049_a,newFloatNBTList,2,Returns a new NBTTagList filled with the specified floats
func_70051_ag,isSprinting,2,Get if the Entity is sprinting.
func_70052_a,setFlag,2,"Enable or disable a entity flag, see getEntityFlag to read the know flags."
func_70054_a,dropItemWithOffset,2,"Drops an item stack with a specified y offset. Args: itemID, count, yOffset"
func_70055_a,isInsideOfMaterial,2,Checks if the current block the entity is within of the specified material type
func_70056_a,setPositionAndRotation2,2,"Sets the position and rotation. Only difference from the other one is no bounding on the rotation. Args: posX, posY, posZ, yaw, pitch"
func_70057_ab,performHurtAnimation,2,Setups the entity to do the hurt animation. Only used by packets in multiplayer.
func_70058_J,handleLavaMovement,2,Whether or not the current entity is in lava
func_70060_a,moveFlying,2,Used in both water and by flying objects
func_70061_h,unmountEntity,2,Called when a player unounts an entity.
func_70063_aa,setInPortal,2,Called by portal blocks when an entity is within it.
func_70064_a,updateFallState,2,"Takes in the distance the entity has fallen this tick and whether its on the ground to update the fall distance and deal fall damage if landing on the ground. Args: distanceFallenThisTick, onGround"
func_70065_x,preparePlayerToSpawn,2,Keeps moving the entity up so it isn't colliding with blocks and other requirements for this entity to be spawned (only actually used on players though its also on Entity)
func_70066_B,extinguish,2,Removes fire from entity.
func_70067_L,canBeCollidedWith,2,Returns true if other Entities should be prevented from moving through this Entity.
func_70068_e,getDistanceSqToEntity,2,Returns the squared distance to the entity. Args: entity
func_70069_a,fall,2,Called when the mob is falling. Calculates and applies fall damage.
func_70071_h_,onUpdate,2,Called to update the entity's position/logic.
func_70072_I,handleWaterMovement,2,Returns if this entity is in water and will end up adding the waters velocity to the entity
func_70073_O,getTexture,2,Returns the texture's file path as a String.
func_70074_a,onKillEntity,2,This method gets called when the entity kills another one.
func_70075_an,canAttackWithItem,2,"If returns false, the item will not inflict any damage against entities."
func_70076_C,kill,2,sets the dead flag. Used when you fall off the bottom of the world.
func_70077_a,onStruckByLightning,2,Called when a lightning bolt hits the entity.
func_70078_a,mountEntity,2,"Called when a player mounts an entity. e.g. mounts a pig, mounts a boat."
func_70080_a,setPositionAndRotation,2,"Sets the entity's position and rotation. Args: posX, posY, posZ, yaw, pitch"
func_70081_e,dealFireDamage,2,Will deal the specified amount of damage to the entity if the entity isn't immune to fire damage. Args: amountDamage
func_70082_c,setAngles,2,"Adds par1*0.15 to the entity's yaw, and *subtracts* par2*0.15 from the pitch. Clamps pitch from -90 to 90. Both arguments in degrees."
func_70083_f,getFlag,2,Returns true if the flag is active for the entity. Known flags: 0) is burning; 1) is sneaking; 2) is riding something; 3) is sprinting; 4) is eating
func_70084_c,addToPlayerScore,2,"Adds a value to the player score. Currently not actually used and the entity passed in does nothing. Args: entity, scoreToAdd"
func_70085_c,interact,2,"Called when a player interacts with a mob. e.g. gets milk from a cow, gets into the saddle on a pig."
func_70087_a,newDoubleNBTList,2,creates a NBT list from the array of doubles passed to this function
func_70089_S,isEntityAlive,2,Checks whether target entity is alive.
func_70090_H,isInWater,2,Checks if this entity is inside water (if inWater field is true as a result of handleWaterMovement() returning true)
func_70091_d,moveEntity,2,"Tries to moves the entity by the passed in displacement. Args: x, y, z"
func_70092_e,getDistanceSq,2,"Gets the squared distance to the position. Args: x, y, z"
func_70093_af,isSneaking,2,Returns if this entity is sneaking.
func_70094_T,isEntityInsideOpaqueBlock,2,Checks if this entity is inside of an opaque block
func_70095_a,setSneaking,2,Sets the sneaking flag.
func_70097_a,attackEntityFrom,2,Called when the entity is attacked.
func_70098_U,updateRidden,2,Handles updating while being ridden by an entity
func_70099_a,entityDropItem,2,Drops an item at the position of the entity.
func_70100_b_,onCollideWithPlayer,2,Called by a player entity when they collide with an entity
func_70101_b,setRotation,2,Sets the rotation of the entity
func_70102_a,isInRangeToRenderVec3D,2,Checks using a Vec3d to determine if this entity is within range of that vector to be rendered. Args: vec3D
func_70104_M,canBePushed,2,Returns true if this entity should push and be pushed by other entities when colliding.
func_70105_a,setSize,2,"Sets the width and height of the entity. Args: width, height"
func_70106_y,setDead,2,Will get destroyed next tick.
func_70107_b,setPosition,2,"Sets the x,y,z of the entity from the given parameters. Also seems to set up a bounding box."
func_70108_f,applyEntityCollision,2,Applies a velocity to each of the entities pushing them away from each other. Args: entity
func_70109_d,writeToNBT,2,Save the entity to NBT (calls an abstract helper method to write extra data)
func_70110_aj,setInWeb,2,Sets the Entity inside a web block.
func_70112_a,isInRangeToRenderDist,2,Checks if the entity is in range to render by using the past in distance and comparing it to its average edge length * 64 * renderDistanceWeight Args: distance
func_70114_g,getCollisionBox,2,"Returns a boundingBox used to collide the entity with other entities and blocks. This enables the entity to be pushable on contact, like boats or minecarts."
func_70115_ae,isRiding,2,"Returns true if the entity is riding another entity, used by render to rotate the legs to be in 'sit' position for players."
func_70184_a,onImpact,2,Called when this EntityThrowable hits a block or entity.
func_70185_h,getGravityVelocity,2,Gets the amount of gravity to apply to the thrown entity with each tick.
func_70186_c,setThrowableHeading,2,"Similar to setArrowHeading, it's point the throwable entity to a x, y, z direction."
func_70196_i,getPotionDamage,2,Returns the damage value of the thrown potion that this EntityPotion represents.
func_70220_a,moveTowards,2,"The location the eye should float/move towards. Currently used for moving towards the nearest stronghold. Args: strongholdX, strongholdY, strongholdZ"
func_70227_a,onImpact,2,Called when this EntityFireball hits a block or entity.
func_70240_a,setKnockbackStrength,2,Sets the amount of knockback the arrow applies when it hits a mob.
func_70244_c,setArrowHeading,2,"Uses the provided coordinates as a heading and determines the velocity from it with the set force and random variance. Args: x, y, z, force, forceVariation"
func_70265_b,setTimeSinceHit,2,Sets the time to count down from since the last time entity was hit.
func_70266_a,setDamageTaken,2,Sets the damage taken from the last hit.
func_70267_i,getForwardDirection,2,Gets the forward direction of the entity.
func_70268_h,getTimeSinceHit,2,Gets the time since the last hit.
func_70269_c,setForwardDirection,2,Sets the forward direction of the entity.
func_70271_g,getDamageTaken,2,Gets the damage taken from the last hit.
func_70296_d,onInventoryChanged,2,"Called when an the contents of an Inventory change, usually"
func_70297_j_,getInventoryStackLimit,2,"Returns the maximum stack size for a inventory slot. Seems to always be 64, possibly will be extended. *Isn't this more of a set than a get?*"
func_70298_a,decrStackSize,2,Removes from an inventory slot (first arg) up to a specified number (second arg) of items and returns them in a new stack.
func_70299_a,setInventorySlotContents,2,Sets the given item stack to the specified slot in the inventory (can be crafting or armor sections).
func_70300_a,isUseableByPlayer,2,Do not make give this method the name canInteractWith because it clashes with Container
func_70301_a,getStackInSlot,2,Returns the stack in slot i
func_70302_i_,getSizeInventory,2,Returns the number of slots in the inventory.
func_70303_b,getInvName,2,Returns the name of the inventory.
func_70304_b,getStackInSlotOnClosing,2,"When some containers are closed they call this on each slot, then drop whatever it returns as an EntityItem - like when you close a workbench GUI."
func_70306_a,addMapping,2,Adds a new two-way mapping between the class and its string name in both hashmaps.
func_70307_a,readFromNBT,2,Reads a tile entity from NBT.
func_70310_b,writeToNBT,2,Writes a tile entity to NBT.
func_70311_o,getBlockType,2,Gets the block type at the location of this entity (client-only).
func_70312_q,validate,2,validates a tile entity
func_70313_j,invalidate,2,invalidates a tile entity
func_70315_b,receiveClientEvent,2,"Called when a client event is received with the event number and argument, see World.sendClientEvent"
func_70316_g,updateEntity,2,"Allows the entity to update its state. Overridden in most subclasses, e.g. the mob spawner uses this to count ticks and creates a new spawn inside its implementation."
func_70317_c,createAndLoadEntity,2,Creates a new entity and loads its data from the specified NBT.
func_70318_a,getDistanceFrom,2,Returns the square of the distance between this entity and the passed in coordinates.
func_70319_e,getAuxillaryInfoPacket,2,signs and mobSpawners use this to send text and meta-data
func_70320_p,isInvalid,2,"returns true if tile entity is invalid, false otherwise"
func_70321_h,updateContainingBlockInfo,2,"Causes the TileEntity to reset all it's cached values for it's container block, blockID, metaData and in the case of chests, the adjcacent chest check"
func_70322_n,getBlockMetadata,2,Returns block data at the location of this entity (client-only).
func_70333_a,getProgress,2,Get interpolated progress value (between lastProgress and progress) given the fractional time between ticks as an argument.
func_70336_c,getPistonOrientation,2,Returns the orientation of the piston as an int
func_70339_i,clearPistonTileEntity,2,"removes a pistons tile entity (and if the piston is moving, stops it)"
func_70341_b,isExtending,2,Returns true if a piston is extending
func_70351_i,getFilledSlots,2,returns an integer with each bit specifying wether that slot of the stand contains a potion
func_70352_b,getPotionResult,2,The result of brewing a potion of the specified damage value with an ingredient itemstack.
func_70382_c,getMobEntity,2,will create the entity from the internalID the first time it is accessed
func_70386_b,anyPlayerInRange,2,Returns true if there is a player in range (using World.getClosestPlayer)
func_70387_f,updateDelay,2,Sets the delay before a new spawn (base delay of 200 + random number up to 600).
func_70397_c,getCookProgressScaled,2,Returns an integer between 0 and the passed value representing how close the current item is to being completely cooked
func_70398_a,getItemBurnTime,2,"Returns the number of ticks that the supplied fuel item will keep the furnace burning, or 0 if the item isn't fuel"
func_70399_k,smeltItem,2,Turn one item from the furnace source stack into the appropriate smelted item in the furnace result stack
func_70400_i,isBurning,2,Returns true if the furnace is currently burning
func_70401_b,isItemFuel,2,Return true if item is a fuel source (getItemBurnTime() > 0).
func_70402_r,canSmelt,2,"Returns true if the furnace can smelt an item, i.e. has a source item, destination stack isn't full, etc."
func_70403_d,getBurnTimeRemainingScaled,2,"Returns an integer between 0 and the passed value representing how much burn time is left on the current fuel item, where 0 means that the item is exhausted and the passed value means that the item is fresh"
func_70408_a,setEditable,2,Sets the sign's isEditable flag to the specified parameter.
func_70413_a,changePitch,2,change pitch by -> (currentPitch + 1) % 25
func_70414_a,triggerNote,2,plays the stored note
func_70418_i,checkForAdjacentChests,2,Performs the check for adjacent chests to determine if this chest is double or not.
func_70429_k,decrementAnimations,2,Decrement the number of animations remaining. Only called on client side. This is used to handle the animation of receiving a block.
func_70430_l,getTotalArmorValue,2,"Based on the damage values and maximum damage values of each armor item, returns the current armor value."
func_70431_c,hasItemStack,2,Returns true if the specified ItemStack exists in the inventory.
func_70432_d,storeItemStack,2,stores an itemstack in the users inventory
func_70433_a,setCurrentItem,2,Sets a specific itemID as the current item being held (only if it exists on the hotbar)
func_70435_d,consumeInventoryItem,2,"removed one item of specified itemID from inventory (if it is in a stack, the stack size will reduce with 1)"
func_70436_m,dropAllItems,2,Drop all armor and main inventory items.
func_70438_a,getStrVsBlock,2,"Gets the strength of the current item (tool) against the specified block, 1.0f if not holding anything."
func_70440_f,armorItemInSlot,2,returns a player armor item (as itemstack) contained in specified armor slot.
func_70441_a,addItemStackToInventory,2,"Adds the item stack to the inventory, returns false if it is impossible."
func_70442_a,writeToNBT,2,"Writes the inventory out as a list of compound tags. This is where the slot indices are used (+100 for armor, +80 for crafting)."
func_70443_b,readFromNBT,2,Reads from the given tag list and fills the slots in the inventory with the correct items.
func_70444_a,getDamageVsEntity,2,"Return damage vs an entity done by the current held weapon, or 1 if nothing is held"
func_70446_h,getInventorySlotContainItem,2,Returns a slot index in main inventory containing a specific itemID
func_70447_i,getFirstEmptyStack,2,Returns the first item stack that is empty.
func_70448_g,getCurrentItem,2,Returns the item stack currently held by the player.
func_70449_g,damageArmor,2,Damages armor in each slot by the specified amount.
func_70450_e,hasItem,2,Get if a specifiied item id is inside the inventory.
func_70452_e,storePartialItemStack,2,This function stores as many items of an ItemStack as possible in a matching slot and returns the quantity of left over items.
func_70453_c,changeCurrentItem,2,Switch the current item to the next one or the previous one
func_70454_b,canHarvestBlock,2,Returns whether the current item (tool) can harvest from the specified block (actually get a result).
func_70455_b,copyInventory,2,Copy the ItemStack contents from another InventoryPlayer instance
func_70463_b,getStackInRowAndColumn,2,"Returns the itemstack in the slot specified (Top left is 0, 0). Args: row, column"
func_70469_d,inventoryResetNeededOnSlotChange,2,"if par1 slot has changed, does resetRecipeAndSlots need to be called?"
func_70490_h,isMinecartPowered,2,Is this minecart powered (Fuel > 0)
func_70491_i,getDamage,2,Gets the current amount of damage the minecart has taken. Decreases over time. The cart breaks when this is over 40.
func_70492_c,setDamage,2,Sets the current amount of damage the minecart has taken. Decreases over time. The cart breaks when this is over 40.
func_70498_d,setMinecartPowered,2,Set if this minecart is powered (Fuel > 0)
func_70518_d,onValidSurface,2,checks to make sure painting can be placed there
func_70519_a,setDirection,2,Sets the direction the painting faces.
func_70526_d,getXpValue,2,Returns the XP value of this XP orb.
func_70527_a,getXPSplit,2,Get xp split rate (Is called until the xp drop code in EntityLiving.onEntityUpdate is complete)
func_70528_g,getTextureByXP,2,Returns a number from 1 to 10 based on how much XP this orb is worth. This is used by RenderXPOrb to determine what texture to use.
func_70536_a,setParticleTextureIndex,2,Public method to set private field particleTextureIndex.
func_70599_aP,getSoundVolume,2,Returns the volume for the sounds this mob makes.
func_70601_bi,getCanSpawnHere,2,Checks if the entity's current position is a valid location to spawn this entity.
func_70603_bj,getRenderSizeModifier,2,Returns render size modifier
func_70608_bn,isPlayerSleeping,2,Returns whether player is sleeping or not
func_70609_aI,onDeathUpdate,2,"handles entity death timer, experience orb and particle creation"
func_70610_aX,isMovementBlocked,2,Dead and sleeping entities cannot move
func_70611_aB,isWithinHomeDistanceCurrentPosition,2,Returns true if entity is within home distance from current position
func_70612_e,moveEntityWithHeading,2,"Moves the entity based on the specified heading. Args: strafe, forward"
func_70613_aW,isClientWorld,2,Returns whether the entity is in a local (client) world
func_70614_a,rayTrace,2,"Performs a ray trace for the distance specified and using the partial tick time. Args: distance, partialTickTime"
func_70615_aA,eatGrassBonus,2,This function applies the benefits of growing back wool and faster growing up to the acting entity. (This function is used in the AIEatGrass)
func_70616_bs,getSpeedModifier,2,"This method returns a value to be applied directly to entity speed, this factor is less than 1 when a slowdown potion effect is applied, more than 1 when a haste potion effect is applied and 2 for fleeing entities."
func_70617_f_,isOnLadder,2,"returns true if this entity is by a ladder, false otherwise"
func_70618_n,removePotionEffect,2,input is the potion id to remove from the current active potion effects
func_70620_b,getItemIcon,2,Gets the Icon Index of the item currently held
func_70621_aR,getHurtSound,2,Returns the sound this mob makes when it is hurt.
func_70623_bb,despawnEntity,2,Makes the entity despawn if requirements are reached
func_70624_b,setAttackTarget,2,Sets the active target the Task system uses for tracking
func_70625_a,faceEntity,2,Changes pitch and yaw so that the entity calling the function is facing the entity provided as an argument.
func_70627_aG,getTalkInterval,2,"Get number of ticks, at least during which the living entity will be silent."
func_70628_a,dropFewItems,2,Drop 0-2 items of this living's type
func_70629_bd,updateAITick,2,"main AI tick function, replaces updateEntityActionState"
func_70631_g_,isChild,2,"If Animal, checks if the age timer is negative"
func_70633_aT,getDropItemId,2,Returns the item ID for the item the mob drops on death.
func_70634_a,setPositionAndUpdate,2,"Move the entity to the coordinates informed, but keep yaw/pitch values."
func_70635_at,getEntitySenses,2,returns the EntitySenses Object for the EntityLiving
func_70636_d,onLivingUpdate,2,"Called frequently so the entity can update its state every tick as required. For example, zombies and skeletons use this to react to sunlight and start to burn."
func_70638_az,getAttackTarget,2,Gets the active target the Task system uses for tracking
func_70639_aQ,getLivingSound,2,Returns the sound this mob makes while it's alive.
func_70641_bl,getMaxSpawnedInChunk,2,Will return how many at most can spawn in a chunk at once.
func_70642_aH,playLivingSound,2,Plays living's sound at its position
func_70645_a,onDeath,2,Called when the mob's health reaches 0.
func_70646_bf,getVerticalFaceSpeed,2,The speed it takes to move the entityliving's rotationPitch through the faceEntity method. This is only currently use in wolves.
func_70647_i,getSoundPitch,2,Gets the pitch of living sounds in living entities.
func_70650_aV,isAIEnabled,2,Returns true if the newer Entity AI code should be run
func_70653_a,knockBack,2,knocks back this entity
func_70655_b,applyArmorCalculations,2,"Reduces damage, depending on armor"
func_70656_aK,spawnExplosionParticle,2,Spawns an explosion particle around the Entity's location
func_70658_aO,getTotalArmorValue,2,Returns the current armor value as determined by a call to InventoryPlayer.getTotalArmorValue
func_70659_e,setAIMoveSpeed,2,set the movespeed used for the new AI system
func_70660_b,getActivePotionEffect,2,"returns the PotionEffect for the supplied Potion if it is active, null otherwise."
func_70662_br,isEntityUndead,2,Returns true if this entity is undead.
func_70663_b,updateRotation,2,"Arguments: current rotation, intended rotation, max increment."
func_70664_aZ,jump,2,Causes this entity to do an upwards motion (jumping).
func_70665_d,damageEntity,2,Deals damage to the entity. If its a EntityPlayer then will take damage from the armor first and then health second with the reduced value. Args: damageAmount
func_70666_h,getPosition,2,interpolated position vector
func_70668_bt,getCreatureAttribute,2,Get this Entity's EnumCreatureAttribute
func_70669_a,renderBrokenItemStack,2,Renders broken item particles using the given ItemStack
func_70672_c,applyPotionDamageCalculations,2,"Reduces damage, depending on potions"
func_70673_aS,getDeathSound,2,Returns the sound this mob makes on death.
func_70676_i,getLook,2,interpolated look vector
func_70678_g,getSwingProgress,2,Returns where in the swing animation the living entity is (from 0 to 1). Args: partialTickTime
func_70682_h,decreaseAirSupply,2,Decrements the entity's air supply when underwater
func_70684_aJ,isPlayer,2,Only use is to identify if class is an instance of player for experience dropping
func_70685_l,canEntityBeSeen,2,returns true if the entity provided in the argument can be seen. (Raytrace)
func_70689_ay,getAIMoveSpeed,2,the movespeed used for the new AI system
func_70690_d,addPotionEffect,2,adds a PotionEffect to the entity
func_70691_i,heal,2,Heal living entity (param: amount of half-hearts)
func_70692_ba,canDespawn,2,"Determines if an entity can be despawned, used on idle far away entities"
func_70693_a,getExperiencePoints,2,Get the experience points the entity currently has.
func_70694_bm,getHeldItem,2,"Returns the item that this EntityLiving is holding, if any."
func_70777_m,getEntityToAttack,2,Returns current entities target
func_70778_a,setPathToEntity,2,sets the Entities walk path in EntityCreature
func_70779_j,updateWanderPath,2,Time remaining during which the Animal is sped up and flees.
func_70780_i,isMovementCeased,2,Disables a mob's ability to move on its own while true.
func_70781_l,hasPath,2,Returns true if entity has a path to follow
func_70782_k,findPlayerToAttack,2,"Finds the closest player within 16 blocks to attack, or null if this Entity isn't interested in attacking (Animals, Spiders at day, peaceful PigZombies)."
func_70783_a,getBlockPathWeight,2,"Takes a coordinate in and returns a weight to determine how likely this creature will try to path to the block. Args: x, y, z"
func_70784_b,setTarget,2,Sets the entity which is to be attacked.
func_70785_a,attackEntity,2,Basic mob attack. Default to touch of death in EntityCreature. Overridden by each mob to define their attack.
func_70790_a,isCourseTraversable,2,True if the ghast has an unobstructed line of travel to the waypoint.
func_70800_m,canDamagePlayer,2,Indicates weather the slime is able to damage the player (based upon the slime's size)
func_70801_i,getSlimeParticle,2,Returns the name of a particle effect that may be randomly created by EntitySlime.onUpdate()
func_70803_o,getJumpSound,2,Returns the name of the sound played when the slime jumps.
func_70804_p,makesSoundOnLand,2,Returns true if the slime makes a sound when it lands after a jump (based upon the slime's size)
func_70805_n,getAttackStrength,2,"Gets the amount of damage dealt to the player when ""attacked"" by the slime."
func_70806_k,getJumpDelay,2,Gets the amount of time the slime needs to wait between jumps.
func_70807_r,makesSoundOnJump,2,Returns true if the slime makes a sound when it jumps (based upon the slime's size)
func_70809_q,getSlimeSize,2,Returns the size of the slime.
func_70814_o,isValidLightLevel,2,Checks to make sure the light is not too bright where the mob is spawning
func_70816_c,teleportToEntity,2,Teleport the enderman to another entity
func_70817_b,setCarryingData,2,Set the metadata of the block an enderman carries
func_70818_a,setCarried,2,Set the id of the block an enderman carries
func_70820_n,teleportRandomly,2,Teleport the enderman to a random nearby position
func_70821_d,shouldAttackPlayer,2,Checks to see if this enderman should be attacking this player
func_70822_p,getCarried,2,Get the id of the block an enderman carries
func_70824_q,getCarryingData,2,Get the metadata of the block an enderman carries
func_70825_j,teleportTo,2,Teleport the enderman
func_70829_a,setCreeperState,2,"Sets the state of creeper, -1 to idle and 1 to be 'in fuse'"
func_70830_n,getPowered,2,Returns true if the creeper is powered by a lightning bolt.
func_70831_j,setCreeperFlashTime,2,Connects the the creeper flashes to the creeper's color multiplier
func_70832_p,getCreeperState,2,"Returns the current state of creeper, -1 is idle, 1 is 'in fuse'"
func_70835_c,becomeAngryAt,2,Causes this PigZombie to become angry at the supplied Entity (which will be a player).
func_70839_e,setBesideClimbableBlock,2,"Updates the WatchableObject (Byte) created in entityInit(), setting it to 0x01 if par1 is true or 0x00 if it is false."
func_70840_n,spiderScaleAmount,2,How large the spider should be scaled.
func_70841_p,isBesideClimbableBlock,2,Returns true if the WatchableObject (Byte) is 0x01 otherwise returns false. The WatchableObject is updated using setBesideClimableBlock.
func_70873_a,setGrowingAge,2,"The age value may be negative or positive or zero. If it's negative, it get's incremented on each tick, if it's positive, it get's decremented each tick. With a negative value the Entity is considered a child."
func_70874_b,getGrowingAge,2,"The age value may be negative or positive or zero. If it's negative, it get's incremented on each tick, if it's positive, it get's decremented each tick. Don't confuse this with EntityLiving.getAge. With a negative value the Entity is considered a child."
func_70876_c,procreate,2,Creates a baby animal according to the animal type of the target at the actual position and spawns 'love' particles.
func_70877_b,isWheat,2,Checks if the parameter is an wheat item.
func_70878_b,canMateWith,2,Returns true if the mob is currently able to mate with the specified mob.
func_70879_a,spawnBabyAnimal,2,This function is used when two same-species animals in 'love mode' breed to generate the new baby animal.
func_70880_s,isInLove,2,Returns if the entity is currently in 'love mode'.
func_70892_o,getSheared,2,returns true if a sheeps wool has been sheared
func_70893_e,setSheared,2,make a sheep sheared if set to true
func_70895_a,getRandomFleeceColor,2,This method is called when a sheep spawns in the world to select the color of sheep fleece.
func_70900_e,setSaddled,2,Set or remove the saddle of the pig.
func_70901_n,getSaddled,2,Returns true if the pig is saddled.
func_70908_e,playTameEffect,2,"Play the taming effect, will either be hearts or smoke depending on status"
func_70915_j,getShadingWhileShaking,2,Used when calculating the amount of shading to apply while the wolf is shaking.
func_70916_h,setAngry,2,Sets whether this wolf is angry or not.
func_70919_bu,isAngry,2,Determines whether this wolf is angry or not.
func_70942_a,generateRandomParticles,2,par1 is the particleName
func_70944_b,getRandomCountForItem,2,"default to 1, and villagerStockList contains a min/max amount for each index"
func_70948_a,addMerchantItem,2,each recipie takes a random stack from villagerStockList and offers it for 1 emerald
func_70950_c,addDefaultEquipmentAndRecipies,2,"based on the villagers profession add items, equipment, and recipies adds par1 random items to the list of things that the villager wants to buy. (at most 1 of each wanted type is added)"
func_70964_e,superAttackFrom,2,"Returns a super of attackEntityFrom in EntityDragonBase, because the normal attackEntityFrom is overriden"
func_70967_k,setNewTarget,2,Sets a new target for the flight AI. It can be a random coordinate or a nearby player.
func_70968_i,getDragonHealth,2,Returns the health points of the dragon.
func_70969_j,updateDragonEnderCrystal,2,Updates the state of the enderdragon's current endercrystal.
func_70970_a,collideWithEntities,2,Pushes all entities inside the list away from the enderdragon.
func_70971_b,attackEntitiesInList,2,"Attacks all entities inside this list, dealing 5 hearts of damage."
func_70972_a,destroyBlocksInAABB,2,Destroys all blocks that aren't associated with 'The End' inside the given bounding box.
func_70973_b,simplifyAngle,2,Simplifies the value of a number by adding/subtracting 180 to the point that the number is between -180 and 180.
func_70974_a,getMovementOffsets,2,"Returns a double[3] array with movement offsets, used to calculate trailing tail/neck positions. [0] = yaw offset, [1] = y offset, [2] = unused, always 0. Parameters: buffer index offset, partial ticks."
func_70975_a,createEnderPortal,2,Creates the ender portal leading back to the normal world after defeating the enderdragon.
func_70996_bM,shouldHeal,2,Checks if the player's health is not full and not zero.
func_70997_bJ,getSpawnChunk,2,Returns the coordinates to respawn the player based on last bed that the player sleep.
func_70999_a,wakeUpPlayer,2,Wake up the player if they're sleeping.
func_71000_j,addMovementStat,2,"Adds a value to a movement statistic field - like run, walk, swin or climb."
func_71001_a,onItemPickup,2,"Called whenever an item is picked up from walking over it. Args: pickedUpEntity, stackSize"
func_71003_h,isPVPEnabled,2,returns if pvp is enabled or not
func_71005_bN,getInventoryEnderChest,2,Returns the InventoryEnderChest of this player.
func_71006_a,displayGUIDispenser,2,Displays the dipsenser GUI for the passed in dispenser entity. Args: TileEntityDispenser
func_71007_a,displayGUIChest,2,Displays the GUI for interacting with a chest inventory. Args: chestInventory
func_71008_a,setItemInUse,2,"sets the itemInUse when the use item button is clicked. Args: itemstack, int maxItemUseDuration"
func_71009_b,onCriticalHit,2,Called when the player performs a critical hit on the Entity. Args: entity that was hit critically
func_71010_c,updateItemUse,2,Plays sounds and makes particles for item in use state
func_71011_bu,getItemInUse,2,returns the ItemStack containing the itemInUse
func_71012_a,joinEntityItemWithWorld,2,Joins the passed in entity item with the world. Args: entityItem
func_71014_a,displayGUIEditSign,2,Displays the GUI for editing a sign. Args: tileEntitySign
func_71015_k,addMountedMovementStat,2,"Adds a value to a mounted movement statistic field - by minecart, boat, or pig."
func_71016_p,sendPlayerAbilities,2,Sends the player's abilities to the server (if there is one).
func_71017_a,displayGUIBrewingStand,2,Displays the GUI for interacting with a brewing stand.
func_71018_a,sleepInBedAt,2,Attempts to have the player sleep in a bed at the specified location.
func_71019_a,dropPlayerItemWithRandomChoice,2,"Args: itemstack, flag"
func_71020_j,addExhaustion,2,increases exhaustion level by supplied amount
func_71021_b,dropPlayerItem,2,Args: itemstack - called when player drops an item stack that's not in his inventory (like items still placed in a workbench while the workbench'es GUI gets closed)
func_71022_a,alertWolves,2,"Called when the player attack or gets attacked, it's alert all wolves in the area that are owned by the player to join the attack or defend the player."
func_71023_q,addExperience,2,This method increases the player's current amount of experience.
func_71024_bL,getFoodStats,2,Returns the player's FoodStats object.
func_71026_bH,isPlayerFullyAsleep,2,Returns whether or not the player is asleep and the screen has fully faded.
func_71028_bD,destroyCurrentEquippedItem,2,Destroys the currently equipped item from the player's inventory.
func_71029_a,triggerAchievement,2,Will trigger the specified trigger.
func_71032_a,removeExperience,2,"Decrease the player level, used to pay levels for enchantments on items at enchanted table."
func_71035_c,addChatMessage,2,Add a chat message to the player
func_71036_o,onItemUseFinish,2,"Used for when item use count runs out, ie: eating completed"
func_71038_i,swingItem,2,Swings the item the player is holding.
func_71039_bw,isUsingItem,2,"Checks if the entity is currently using an item (e.g., bow, food, sword) by holding down the useItemButton"
func_71040_bB,dropOneItem,2,Called when player presses the drop item key
func_71042_a,displayGUIFurnace,2,Displays the furnace GUI for the passed in furnace entity. Args: tileEntityFurnace
func_71045_bC,getCurrentEquippedItem,2,Returns the currently being used item by the player.
func_71046_k,getSwingSpeedModifier,2,Returns the swing speed modifier
func_71048_c,displayGUIBook,2,Displays the GUI for interacting with a book.
func_71049_a,clonePlayer,2,Copies the values from the given player into this player if boolean par2 is true. Always clones Ender Chest Inventory.
func_71050_bK,xpBarCap,2,"This method returns the cap amount of experience that the experience bar can hold. With each level, the experience cap on the player's experience bar is raised by 10."
func_71051_bG,getBedOrientationInDegrees,2,Returns the orientation of the bed in degrees.
func_71052_bv,getItemInUseCount,2,Returns the item in use count
func_71053_j,closeScreen,2,sets current screen to null (used on escape buttons of GUIs)
func_71054_m,increaseLevel,2,This method increases the player's experience level by one.
func_71055_a,getCurrentPlayerStrVsBlock,2,Returns how strong the player is against the specified block at this moment
func_71056_a,verifyRespawnCoordinates,2,Ensure that a block enabling respawning exists at the specified coordinates and find an empty space nearby to spawn.
func_71057_bx,getItemInUseDuration,2,gets the duration for how long the current itemInUse has been in use
func_71058_b,displayGUIWorkbench,2,Displays the crafting GUI for a workbench.
func_71059_n,attackTargetEntityWithCurrentItem,2,Attacks for the player the targeted entity with the currently equipped item. The equipped item has hitEntity called on it. Args: targetEntity
func_71061_d_,resetHeight,2,sets the players height back to normal after doing things like sleeping and dieing
func_71062_b,canHarvestBlock,2,Checks if the player has the ability to harvest a block (checks current inventory item for a tool if necessary)
func_71063_a,setSpawnChunk,2,Defines a spawn coordinate to player spawn. Used by bed after the player sleep on it.
func_71064_a,addStat,2,Adds a value to a statistic field.
func_71065_l,isInBed,2,Checks if the player is currently in a bed
func_71111_a,updateCraftingInventorySlot,2,inform the player of a change in a single slot
func_71112_a,updateCraftingInventoryInfo,2,send information about the crafting inventory to the client(currently only for furnace times)
func_71115_a,requestTexturePackLoad,2,on recieving this message the client (if permission is given) will download the requested textures
func_71118_n,setPlayerHealthUpdated,2,"this function is called when a players inventory is sent to him, lastHealth is updated on any dimension transitions, then reset."
func_71119_a,sendTileEntityToPlayer,2,called from onUpdate for all tileEntity in specific chunks
func_71122_b,updateFlyingState,2,"likeUpdateFallState, but called from updateFlyingState, rather than moveEntity"
func_71124_b,getCurrentItemOrArmor,2,"0 = item, 1-n is armor"
func_71150_b,setHealth,2,Updates health locally.
func_71151_f,getFOVMultiplier,2,Gets the player's field of view multiplier. (ex. when flying)
func_71152_a,setXPStats,2,"Sets the current XP, total XP, and level number."
func_71165_d,sendChatMessage,2,Sends a chat message from the player. Args: chatMessage
func_71166_b,sendMotionUpdates,2,Send updated motion and position information to the server
func_71167_b,incrementStat,2,Used by NetClientHandler.handleStatistic
func_71192_d,setUserMessage,2,"typically menu.convertingLevel, menu.loadingLevel, saving, or others"
func_71197_b,startServer,2,Initialises the server and starts it.
func_71199_h,isHardcore,2,defaults to false
func_71204_b,setDemo,2,Sets whether this is a demo or not.
func_71206_a,shareToLAN,2,"does nothing on dedicated. on integrated, sets commandsAllowedForAll and gameType and allows external connections"
func_71209_f,getFile,2,Returns a File object from the specified string.
func_71214_G,getServerOwner,2,Returns the username of the server owner (for integrated servers)
func_71215_F,getServerPort,2,Gets serverPort.
func_71216_a_,outputPercentRemaining,2,Used to display a percent remaining given text and the percentage.
func_71217_p,tick,2,main function called by run() every loop
func_71224_l,setServerOwner,2,Sets the username of the owner of this server (in the case of an integrated server)
func_71227_R,textureFlag,2,"this is checked to be 16 on reception of the packet, and the packet is ignored otherwise"
func_71228_a,finalTick,2,called on exit from the main run loop
func_71230_b,addServerInfoToCrashReport,2,iterates the worldServers and adds their info also
func_71232_g,getDifficulty,2,"defaults to ""1"" for the dedicated server"
func_71234_u,getMyServerPort,2,"never used. Can not be called ""getServerPort"" is already taken"
func_71235_a,setGameType,2,sets the game type for all dimensions
func_71240_o,systemExitNow,2,"directly calls system.exit, instantly killing the program"
func_71242_L,isDemo,2,Gets whether this is a demo or not.
func_71243_i,clearCurrentTask,2,Set current task to null and set its percentage to 0.
func_71248_a,getPossibleCompletions,2,"if par2 begins with / then it searches for commands, otherwise it returns users"
func_71250_E,getKeyPair,2,Gets KeyPair instanced in MinecraftServer.
func_71258_A,returnAnEmptyString,2,rename this when a patch comes out which uses it
func_71260_j,stopServer,2,Saves all necessary data as preparation for stopping the server.
func_71263_m,setServerStopping,2,sets serverRunning to false
func_71267_a,saveAllDimensions,2,par1 indicates if a log message should be output
func_71272_O,deleteWorldAndStopServer,2,WARNING : directly calls getActiveAnvilConverter().deleteWorldDirectory(dimensionServerList[0].getSaveHandler().getSaveDirectoryName());
func_71274_v,getServerMOTD,2,minecraftServer.getMOTD is used in 2 places instead (it is a non-virtual function which returns the same thing)
func_71276_C,getServer,2,Gets mcServer.
func_71351_a,setServerData,2,Set the current ServerData instance.
func_71352_k,toggleFullscreen,2,Toggles fullscreen mode.
func_71353_a,loadWorld,2,par2Str is displayed on the loading screen to the user unloads the current world first
func_71355_q,isDemo,2,Gets whether this is a demo or not.
func_71356_B,isSingleplayer,2,"Returns true if there is only one player playing, and the current server is the integrated one."
func_71357_I,loadScreen,2,Displays a new screen.
func_71358_L,forceReload,2,Forces a reload of the sound manager and all the resources. Called in game by holding 'F3' and pressing 'S'.
func_71359_d,getSaveLoader,2,Returns the save loader that is currently being used
func_71360_a,installResource,2,Installs a resource. Currently only sounds are download so this method just adds them to the SoundManager.
func_71361_d,checkGLError,2,"Checks for an OpenGL error. If there is one, prints the error ID and error string."
func_71362_z,getServerData,2,Get the current ServerData instance.
func_71364_i,setIngameNotInFocus,2,"Resets the player keystate, disables the ingame focus, and ungrabs the mouse cursor."
func_71365_K,screenshotListener,2,checks if keys are down
func_71370_a,resize,2,Called to resize the current screen.
func_71371_a,launchIntegratedServer,2,"Arguments: World foldername, World ingame name, WorldSettings"
func_71372_G,isFullScreen,2,Returns whether we're in full screen or not.
func_71373_a,displayGuiScreen,2,Sets the argument GuiScreen as the main (topmost visible) screen.
func_71374_p,debugInfoEntities,2,A String of how many entities are in the world
func_71377_b,displayCrashReport,2,Wrapper around displayCrashReportInternal
func_71378_E,getPlayerUsageSnooper,2,Returns the PlayerUsageSnooper instance.
func_71379_u,isAmbientOcclusionEnabled,2,Returns if ambient occlusion is enabled
func_71380_b,getMinecraftDir,2,gets the working dir (OS specific) for minecraft
func_71381_h,setIngameFocus,2,Will set the focus to ingame if the Minecraft window is the active with focus. Also clears any GUI screen currently displayed
func_71383_b,updateDebugProfilerName,2,Update debugProfilerName in response to number keys in debug screen
func_71384_a,startGame,2,"Starts the game: initializes the canvas, the title, the settings, etcetera."
func_71385_j,displayInGameMenu,2,Displays the ingame menu
func_71386_F,getSystemTime,2,Gets the system time in milliseconds.
func_71388_o,getWorldProviderName,2,Gets the name of the world's current chunk provider
func_71390_a,setDemo,2,Sets whether this is a demo or not.
func_71391_r,getSendQueue,2,get the client packet send queue
func_71392_a,scaledTessellator,2,Loads Tessellator with a scaled resolution
func_71393_m,debugInfoRenders,2,A String of renderGlobal.getDebugInfoRenders
func_71394_a,getAppDir,2,gets the working dir (OS specific) for the specific application (which is always minecraft)
func_71397_M,clickMiddleMouseButton,2,Called when the middle mouse button gets clicked
func_71400_g,shutdown,2,Called when the window is closing. Sets 'running' to false which allows the game loop to exit cleanly.
func_71401_C,getIntegratedServer,2,Returns the currently running integrated server
func_71402_c,clickMouse,2,Called whenever the mouse is clicked. Button clicked is 0 for left clicking and 1 for right clicking. Args: buttonClicked
func_71403_a,loadWorld,2,unloads the current world first
func_71405_e,shutdownMinecraftApplet,2,"Shuts down the minecraft applet by stopping the resource downloads, and clearing up GL stuff; called when the application (or web page) is exited."
func_71407_l,runTick,2,Runs the current tick.
func_71408_n,getEntityDebug,2,Gets the information in the F3 menu about how many entities are infront/around you
func_71409_c,handleClientCommand,2,Returns true if the message is a client command and should not be sent to the server. However there are no such commands at this point in time.
func_71410_x,getMinecraft,2,Return the singleton Minecraft instance for the game
func_71411_J,runGameLoop,2,Called repeatedly from run()
func_71480_b,shutdown,2,Called when the applet window is closed.
func_71497_f,getFile,2,Gets the file this crash report is saved into.
func_71498_d,getCauseStackTraceOrString,2,"Gets the stack trace of the Throwable that caused this crash report, or if that fails, the cause .toString()."
func_71499_a,addCrashSectionThrowable,2,Adds a Crashreport section with the given name with the given Throwable
func_71500_a,addCrashSectionCallable,2,Adds a Crashreport section with the given name with the value set to the result of the given Callable;
func_71501_a,getDescription,2,Returns the description of the Crash Report.
func_71502_e,getCompleteReport,2,"Gets the complete report with headers, stack trace, and different sections as a string."
func_71503_h,getWittyComment,2,Gets a random witty comment for inclusion in this CrashReport
func_71506_a,getSectionsInStringBuilder,2,Gets the various sections of the crash report into the given StringBuilder
func_71507_a,addCrashSection,2,Adds a Crashreport section with the given name with the given value (convered .toString())
func_71508_a,saveToFile,2,Saves the complete crash report to the given File.
func_71509_c,getSections,2,Gets a string representation of all sections in the crash report.
func_71516_a,addTabCompletionOptions,2,Adds the strings available in this command to the given list of tab completion options.
func_71519_b,canCommandSenderUseCommand,2,Returns true if the given command sender is allowed to use this command.
func_71520_a,joinString,2,"Joins the given string array, starting with the given index, into a space seperated string."
func_71521_c,getCommandSenderAsPlayer,2,Returns the given ICommandSender as a EntityPlayer or throw an exception.
func_71523_a,doesStringStartWith,2,Returns true if the given substring is exactly equal to the start of the given string (case insensitive).
func_71525_a,compareNameTo,2,Compares the name of this command to the name of the given command.
func_71526_a,parseInt,2,Parses an int from the given string.
func_71527_a,joinNiceString,2,"Joins the given string array into a ""x, y, and z"" seperated string."
func_71528_a,parseIntWithMin,2,Parses an int from the given sring with a specified minimum.
func_71529_a,setAdminCommander,2,Sets the static IAdminCommander.
func_71530_a,getListOfStringsMatchingLastWord,2,Returns a List of strings (chosen from the given strings) which the last word in the given string array is a beginning-match for. (Tab completion).
func_71531_a,getListOfStringsFromIterableMatchingLastWord,2,Returns a List of strings (chosen from the given string iterable) which the last word in the given string array is a beginning-match for. (Tab completion).
func_71532_a,parseIntBounded,2,Parses an int from the given string within a specified bound.
func_71539_b,getGameModeFromCommand,2,Gets the Game Mode specified in the command.
func_71549_c,getWittyComment,2,"Returns a random ""witty"" comment."
func_71553_b,addTime,2,Adds (or removes) time in the server object.
func_71555_a,getCommands,2,"returns a map of string to commads. All commands are returned, not just ones which someone has permission to use."
func_71557_a,getPossibleCommands,2,returns all commands that the commandSender can use
func_71558_b,getPossibleCommands,2,"does a ""begins with"" string match on each token in par2. Only returns commands that par1 can use."
func_71559_a,dropFirstString,2,creates a new array and sets elements 0..n-2 to be 0..n-1 of the input (n elements)
func_71560_a,registerCommand,2,adds the command and any aliases it has to the internal map of available commands
func_71563_a,notifyAdmins,2,"Sends a message to the admins of the server from a given CommandSender with the given resource string and given extra srings. If the int par2 is even or zero, the original sender is also notified."
func_71564_a,getAllowedCharacters,2,"Load the font.txt resource file, that is on UTF-8 format. This file contains the characters that minecraft can render Strings on screen."
func_71565_a,filerAllowedCharacters,2,Filter string by only keeping those characters for which isAllowedCharacter() returns true.
func_71569_e,getDistanceSquared,2,Returns the squared distance between this coordinates and the coordinates given as argument.
func_71570_a,compareChunkCoordinate,2,Compare the coordinate with another coordinate
func_71745_a,addPlayer,2,adds this connection to the list of currently connected players
func_71747_b,networkTick,2,processes packets and pending connections
func_71846_a,onBlockHarvested,2,Called when the block is attempted to be harvested
func_71847_b,updateTick,2,Ticks the block if it's been scheduled
func_71848_c,setHardness,2,Sets how many hits it takes to break a block.
func_71849_a,setCreativeTab,2,Sets the CreativeTab to display this block on.
func_71850_a_,canPlaceBlockOnSide,2,checks to see if you can place this block can be placed on that side of a block: BlockLever overrides
func_71851_a,getBlockTextureFromSide,2,Returns the block texture based on the side being looked at. Args: side
func_71852_a,breakBlock,2,"ejects contained items into the world, and notifies neighbours of an update, as appropriate"
func_71853_i,canProvidePower,2,Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.
func_71854_d,canBlockStay,2,Can this block stay at this position. Similar to canPlaceBlockAt except gets checked often with plants.
func_71855_c,isIndirectlyPoweringTo,2,Is this block indirectly powering the block on the specified side
func_71856_s_,getRenderBlockPass,2,Returns which pass should this block be rendered on. 0 for solids and 1 for alpha
func_71857_b,getRenderType,2,The type of render function that is called for this block
func_71858_a,getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata,2,"From the specified side and block metadata retrieves the blocks texture. Args: side, metadata"
func_71859_p_,tickRate,2,How many world ticks before ticking
func_71860_a,onBlockPlacedBy,2,Called when the block is placed in the world.
func_71861_g,onBlockAdded,2,"Called whenever the block is added into the world. Args: world, x, y, z"
func_71862_a,randomDisplayTick,2,A randomly called display update to be able to add particles or other items for display
func_71863_a,onNeighborBlockChange,2,"Lets the block know when one of its neighbor changes. Doesn't know which neighbor changed (coordinates passed are their own) Args: x, y, z, neighbor blockID"
func_71864_b,setBlockName,2,set name of block from language file
func_71865_a,isPoweringTo,2,Is this block powering the block on the specified side
func_71866_a,onFallenUpon,2,Block's chance to react to an entity falling on it.
func_71867_k,onBlockDestroyedByExplosion,2,Called upon the block being destroyed by an explosion
func_71868_h,setLightOpacity,2,Sets how much light is blocked going through this block. Returns the object for convenience in constructing.
func_71869_a,onEntityCollidedWithBlock,2,"Triggered whenever an entity collides with this block (enters into the block). Args: world, x, y, z, entity"
func_71870_f,getBlockBrightness,2,"How bright to render this block based on the light its receiving. Args: iBlockAccess, x, y, z"
func_71871_a,addCollidingBlockToList,2,"if the specified block is in the given AABB, add its collision bounding box to the given list"
func_71872_e,getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool,2,Returns a bounding box from the pool of bounding boxes (this means this box can change after the pool has been cleared to be reused)
func_71873_h,getDamageValue,2,Get the block's damage value (for use with pick block).
func_71874_e,getMixedBrightnessForBlock,2,"Goes straight to getLightBrightnessForSkyBlocks for Blocks, does some fancy computing for Fluids"
func_71875_q,setBlockUnbreakable,2,"This method will make the hardness of the block equals to -1, and the block is indestructible."
func_71876_u,getEnableStats,2,Return the state of blocks statistics flags - if the block is counted for mined and placed.
func_71877_c,shouldSideBeRendered,2,"Returns true if the given side of this block type should be rendered, if the adjacent block is at the given coordinates. Args: blockAccess, x, y, z, side"
func_71878_a,collisionRayTrace,2,"Ray traces through the blocks collision from start vector to end vector returning a ray trace hit. Args: world, x, y, z, startVec, endVec"
func_71879_a,getSubBlocks,2,"returns a list of blocks with the same ID, but different meta (eg: wood returns 4 blocks)"
func_71880_c_,createStackedBlock,2,Returns an item stack containing a single instance of the current block type. 'i' is the block's subtype/damage and is ignored for blocks which do not support subtypes. Blocks which cannot be harvested should return null.
func_71881_r,getTickRandomly,2,Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake.
func_71882_w,getCreativeTabToDisplayOn,2,Returns the CreativeTab to display the given block on.
func_71883_b,onBlockEventReceived,2,"Called when the block receives a BlockEvent - see World.addBlockEvent. By default, passes it on to the tile entity at this location. Args: world, x, y, z, blockID, EventID, event parameter"
func_71884_a,setStepSound,2,Sets the footstep sound for the block. Returns the object for convenience in constructing.
func_71885_a,idDropped,2,Returns the ID of the items to drop on destruction.
func_71886_c,renderAsNormalBlock,2,"If this block doesn't render as an ordinary block it will return False (examples: signs, buttons, stairs, etc)"
func_71888_h,getAmbientOcclusionLightValue,2,Returns the default ambient occlusion value based on block opacity
func_71889_f_,getRenderColor,2,Returns the color this block should be rendered. Used by leaves.
func_71890_c,isVecInsideXYBounds,2,Checks if a vector is within the X and Y bounds of the block.
func_71891_b,onEntityWalking,2,"Called whenever an entity is walking on top of this block. Args: world, x, y, z, entity"
func_71892_f,fillWithRain,2,currently only used by BlockCauldron to incrament meta-data during rain
func_71893_a,harvestBlock,2,"Called when the player destroys a block with an item that can harvest it. (i, j, k) are the coordinates of the block and l is the block's subtype/damage."
func_71894_b,setResistance,2,Sets the the blocks resistance to explosions. Returns the object for convenience in constructing.
func_71895_b,getBlockTexture,2,"Retrieves the block texture to use based on the display side. Args: iBlockAccess, x, y, z, side"
func_71896_v,disableStats,2,"Disable statistics for the block, the block will no count for mined or placed."
func_71897_c,dropBlockAsItem,2,Drops the specified block items
func_71898_d,onBlockDestroyedByPlayer,2,"Called right before the block is destroyed by a player. Args: world, x, y, z, metaData"
func_71899_b,damageDropped,2,Determines the damage on the item the block drops. Used in cloth and wood.
func_71900_a,setLightValue,2,Sets the amount of light emitted by a block from 0.0f to 1.0f (converts internally to 0-15). Returns the object for convenience in constructing.
func_71901_a,velocityToAddToEntity,2,"Can add to the passed in vector for a movement vector to be applied to the entity. Args: x, y, z, entity, vec3d"
func_71902_a,setBlockBoundsBasedOnState,2,"Updates the blocks bounds based on its current state. Args: world, x, y, z"
func_71903_a,onBlockActivated,2,Called upon block activation (right click on the block.)
func_71904_a,getExplosionResistance,2,Returns how much this block can resist explosions from the passed in entity.
func_71905_a,setBlockBounds,2,"Sets the bounds of the block. minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ"
func_71906_q_,canSilkHarvest,2,"Return true if a player with Silk Touch can harvest this block directly, and not its normal drops."
func_71907_b,setTickRandomly,2,Sets whether this block type will receive random update ticks
func_71908_a,getPlayerRelativeBlockHardness,2,"Gets the hardness of block at the given coordinates in the given world, relative to the ability of the given EntityPlayer."
func_71909_a,updateBlockMetadata,2,called before onBlockPlacedBy by ItemBlock and ItemReed
func_71910_a,quantityDroppedWithBonus,2,Returns the usual quantity dropped by the block plus a bonus of 1 to 'i' (inclusive).
func_71911_a_,getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool,2,Returns the bounding box of the wired rectangular prism to render.
func_71912_p,setRequiresSelfNotify,2,Blocks with this attribute will not notify all near blocks when it's metadata change. The default behavior is always notify every neightbor block when anything changes.
func_71913_a,canCollideCheck,2,"Returns whether this block is collideable based on the arguments passed in Args: blockMetaData, unknownFlag"
func_71914_a,dropBlockAsItemWithChance,2,Drops the block items with a specified chance of dropping the specified items
func_71915_e,getMobilityFlag,2,"Returns the mobility information of the block, 0 = free, 1 = can't push but can move over, 2 = total immobility and stop pistons"
func_71916_a,isVecInsideYZBounds,2,Checks if a vector is within the Y and Z bounds of the block.
func_71919_f,setBlockBoundsForItemRender,2,Sets the block's bounds for rendering it as an item
func_71920_b,colorMultiplier,2,Returns a integer with hex for 0xrrggbb with this color multiplied against the blocks color. Note only called when first determining what to render.
func_71921_a,onBlockClicked,2,"Called when the block is clicked by a player. Args: x, y, z, entityPlayer"
func_71922_a,idPicked,2,"only called by clickMiddleMouseButton , and passed to inventory.setCurrentItem (along with isCreative)"
func_71923_g,dropXpOnBlockBreak,2,"called by spawner, ore, redstoneOre blocks"
func_71924_d,isBlockSolid,2,"Returns Returns true if the given side of this block type should be rendered (if it's solid or not), if the adjacent block is at the given coordinates. Args: blockAccess, x, y, z, side"
func_71925_a,quantityDropped,2,Returns the quantity of items to drop on block destruction.
func_71926_d,isOpaqueCube,2,"Is this block (a) opaque and (b) a full 1m cube? This determines whether or not to render the shared face of two adjacent blocks and also whether the player can attach torches, redstone wire, etc to this block."
func_71927_h,onSetBlockIDWithMetaData,2,Called when this block is set (with meta data).
func_71928_r_,initializeBlock,2,This method is called on a block after all other blocks gets already created. You can use it to reference and configure something on the block that needs the others ones.
func_71929_a,dropBlockAsItem_do,2,Spawns EntityItem in the world for the given ItemStack if the world is not remote.
func_71930_b,canPlaceBlockAt,2,"Checks to see if its valid to put this block at the specified coordinates. Args: world, x, y, z"
func_71931_t,translateBlockName,2,gets the localized version of the name of this block using StatCollector.translateToLocal. Used for the statistic page.
func_71934_m,getBlockHardness,2,"Returns the block hardness at a location. Args: world, x, y, z"
func_71935_l,isCollidable,2,"Returns if this block is collidable (only used by Fire). Args: x, y, z"
func_71936_b,isVecInsideXZBounds,2,Checks if a vector is within the X and Z bounds of the block.
func_71937_a,onTimeChanged,2,Called when the time changes.
func_72110_l,updatePistonState,2,handles attempts to extend or retract the piston.
func_72111_a,canPushBlock,2,returns true if the piston can push the specified block
func_72112_i,canExtend,2,checks to see if this piston could push the blocks in front of it.
func_72113_e,isIndirectlyPowered,2,checks the block to that side to see if it is indirectly powered.
func_72114_f,isExtended,2,Determine if the metadata is related to something powered.
func_72115_j,tryExtend,2,attempts to extend the piston. returns false if impossible.
func_72116_b,determineOrientation,2,gets the way this piston should face for that entity that placed it.
func_72117_e,getOrientation,2,returns an int which describes the direction the piston faces
func_72118_n,getPistonExtensionTexture,2,Return the either 106 or 107 as the texture index depending on the isSticky flag. This will actually never get called by TileEntityRendererPiston.renderPiston() because TileEntityPiston.func_70338_f() will always return false.
func_72124_n,canSnowStay,2,Checks if this snow block can stay at this location.
func_72125_l,canPlaceTorchOn,2,Gets if we can place a torch on a block.
func_72126_n,dropTorchIfCantStay,2,"Tests if the block can remain at its current location and will drop as an item if it is unable to stay. Returns True if it can stay and False if it drops. Args: world, x, y, z"
func_72128_l,isIndirectlyPowered,2,Returns true or false based on whether the block the torch is attached to is providing indirect power.
func_72133_a,setGraphicsLevel,2,"Pass true to draw this block using fancy graphics, or false for fast graphics."
func_72140_j,isValidSupportBlock,2,Checks if the block ID is a valid support block for the trap door to connect with. If it is not the trapdoor is dropped into the world.
func_72141_e,limitToValidMetadata,2,returns a number between 0 and 3
func_72145_a,playSoundEffect,2,only of the conditions are right
func_72150_l,canVineStay,2,Returns if the vine can stay in the world. It also changes the metadata according to neighboring blocks.
func_72151_e,canBePlacedOn,2,returns true if a vine can be placed on that block (checks for render as normal block and if it is solid)
func_72153_f,getMetadataForBlockType,2,Returns the metadata to use when a Silverfish hides in the block. Sets the block to BlockSilverfish with this metadata. It changes the displayed texture client side to look like a normal block.
func_72154_e,getPosingIdByMetadata,2,Gets the blockID of the block this block is pretending to be according to this block's metadata.
func_72161_e,canThisPaneConnectToThisBlockID,2,Gets passed in the blockID of the block adjacent and supposed to return true if its allowed to connect to the type of blockID passed in. Args: blockID
func_72162_n,getSideTextureIndex,2,Returns the texture index of the thin side of the pane.
func_72165_e,isEnderEyeInserted,2,checks if an ender eye has been inserted into the frame block. parameters: metadata
func_72167_k_,checkBlockCoordValid,2,"Checks if current block pos is valid, if not, breaks the block as dropable item. Used for reed and cactus."
func_72168_l,updateAndPropagateCurrentStrength,2,Sets the strength of the wire current (0-15) for this block based on neighboring blocks and propagates to neighboring redstone wires
func_72169_f,isPoweredOrRepeater,2,"Returns true if the block coordinate passed can provide power, or is a redstone wire, or if its a repeater that is powered."
func_72170_e,getMaxCurrentStrength,2,"Returns the current strength at the specified block if it is greater than the passed value, or the passed value otherwise. Signature: (world, x, y, z, strength)"
func_72172_n,notifyWireNeighborsOfNeighborChange,2,"Calls World.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange() for all neighboring blocks, but only if the given block is a redstone wire."
func_72173_e,isPowerProviderOrWire,2,"Returns true if the block coordinate passed can provide power, or is a redstone wire."
func_72176_l,glow,2,The redstone ore glows.
func_72177_n,sparkle,2,The redstone ore sparkles.
func_72179_a,isPoweredBlockRail,2,Return true if the blocks passed is a power related rail.
func_72180_d_,isRailBlockAt,2,"Returns true if the block at the coordinates of world passed is a valid rail block (current is rail, powered or detector)."
func_72181_a,refreshTrackShape,2,Completely recalculates the track shape based on neighboring tracks
func_72182_a,isNeighborRailPowered,2,"Powered minecart rail is conductive like wire, so check for powered neighbors"
func_72183_n,isPowered,2,Returns true if the block is power related rail.
func_72184_d,isRailBlock,2,"Return true if the parameter is a blockID for a valid rail block (current is rail, powered or detector)."
func_72185_a,isRailPassingPower,2,Returns true if the specified rail is passing power to its neighbor
func_72187_e,setStateIfMinecartInteractsWithRail,2,"Update the detector rail power state if a minecart enter, stays or leave the block."
func_72190_l,tryToFall,2,If there is space to fall below will start this block falling
func_72191_e_,canFallBelow,2,Checks to see if the sand can fall into the block below it
func_72193_l,setStateIfMobInteractsWithPlate,2,"Checks if there are mobs on the plate. If a mob is on the plate and it is off, it turns it on, and vice versa."
func_72195_l,checkIfAttachedToBlock,2,"Checks if the block is attached to another block. If it is not, it returns false and drops the block as an item. If it is it returns true."
func_72196_d,invertMetadata,2,"only used in ComponentScatteredFeatureJunglePyramid.addComponentParts"""
func_72198_f_,getFlowDecay,2,"Returns the amount of fluid decay at the coordinates, or -1 if the block at the coordinates is not the same material as the fluid."
func_72199_d,getFluidHeightPercent,2,"Returns the percentage of the fluid block that is air, based on the given flow decay of the fluid."
func_72200_l,checkForHarden,2,"Forces lava to check to see if it is colliding with water, and then decide what it should harden to."
func_72201_j,triggerLavaMixEffects,2,Creates fizzing sound and smoke. Used when lava flows over block or mixes with water.
func_72202_i,getFlowVector,2,Returns a vector indicating the direction and intensity of fluid flow.
func_72203_d,getEffectiveFlowDecay,2,Returns the flow decay but converts values indicating falling liquid (values >=8) to their effective source block value of zero.
func_72204_a,getFlowDirection,2,the sin and cos of this number determine the surface gradient of the flowing block.
func_72205_l,updateFlow,2,Updates the flow for the BlockFlowing object.
func_72206_n,getOptimalFlowDirections,2,Returns a boolean array indicating which flow directions are optimal based on each direction's calculated flow cost. Each array index corresponds to one of the four cardinal directions. A value of true indicates the direction is optimal.
func_72207_p,liquidCanDisplaceBlock,2,Returns true if the block at the coordinates can be displaced by the liquid.
func_72208_o,blockBlocksFlow,2,Returns true if block at coords blocks fluids
func_72209_d,calculateFlowCost,2,"calculateFlowCost(World world, int x, int y, int z, int accumulatedCost, int previousDirectionOfFlow) - Used to determine the path of least resistance, this method returns the lowest possible flow cost for the direction of flow indicated. Each necessary horizontal flow adds to the flow cost."
func_72210_i,flowIntoBlock,2,"flowIntoBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, int newFlowDecay) - Flows into the block at the coordinates and changes the block type to the liquid."
func_72211_e,getSmallestFlowDecay,2,"getSmallestFlowDecay(World world, intx, int y, int z, int currentSmallestFlowDecay) - Looks up the flow decay at the coordinates given and returns the smaller of this value or the provided currentSmallestFlowDecay. If one value is valid and the other isn't, the valid value will be returned. Valid values are >= 0. Flow decay is the amount that a liquid has dissipated. 0 indicates a source block."
func_72215_l,setNotStationary,2,Changes the block ID to that of an updating fluid.
func_72216_n,isFlammable,2,Checks to see if the block is flammable.
func_72217_d,getDirection,2,Returns the orentation value from the specified metadata
func_72224_c,isFenceGateOpen,2,Returns if the fence gate is open according to its metadata.
func_72225_b_,isBedOccupied,2,Return whether or not the bed is occupied.
func_72226_b,getNearestEmptyChunkCoordinates,2,Gets the nearest empty chunk coordinates for the player to wake up from a bed into.
func_72227_n,setBounds,2,Set the bounds of the bed block.
func_72228_a,setBedOccupied,2,Sets whether or not the bed is occupied.
func_72229_a_,isBlockHeadOfBed,2,Returns whether or not this bed block is the head of the bed.
func_72231_a,onPoweredBlockChange,2,A function to open a door.
func_72234_b_,getFullMetadata,2,Returns the full metadata value created by combining the metadata of both blocks the door takes up.
func_72235_d,getDoorOrientation,2,"Returns 0, 1, 2 or 3 depending on where the hinge is."
func_72236_l,fallIfPossible,2,"Checks if the dragon egg can fall down, and if so, makes it fall."
func_72237_n,teleportNearby,2,Teleports the dragon egg somewhere else in a 31x19x31 area centered on the egg.
func_72238_e_,getBlockFromDye,2,Takes a dye damage value and returns the block damage value to match
func_72239_d,getDyeFromBlock,2,Takes a block damage value and returns the dye damage value to match
func_72240_d,getFullSlabName,2,Returns the slab block name with step type.
func_72246_i_,tryToCreatePortal,2,"Checks to see if this location is valid to create a portal and will return True if it does. Args: world, x, y, z"
func_72247_n,isWaterNearby,2,"returns true if there's water nearby (x-4 to x+4, y to y+1, k-4 to k+4)"
func_72248_l,isCropsNearby,2,"returns true if there is at least one cropblock nearby (x-1 to x+1, y+1, z-1 to z+1)"
func_72250_d,canConnectFenceTo,2,Returns true if the specified block can be connected by a fence
func_72251_l,canNeighborBurn,2,Returns true if at least one block next to this one can burn.
func_72252_e,getChanceToEncourageFire,2,"Retrieves a specified block's chance to encourage their neighbors to burn and if the number is greater than the current number passed in it will return its number instead of the passed in one. Args: world, x, y, z, curChanceToEncourageFire"
func_72253_a,setBurnRate,2,"Sets the burn rate for a block. The larger abilityToCatchFire the more easily it will catch. The larger chanceToEncourageFire the faster it will burn and spread to other blocks. Args: blockID, chanceToEncourageFire, abilityToCatchFire"
func_72254_n,getChanceOfNeighborsEncouragingFire,2,Gets the highest chance of a neighbor block encouraging this block to catch fire
func_72256_d,canBlockCatchFire,2,"Checks the specified block coordinate to see if it can catch fire. Args: blockAccess, x, y, z"
func_72259_b,eatCakeSlice,2,Heals the player and removes a slice from the cake.
func_72260_l,getOrientation,2,Get side which this button is facing.
func_72261_n,redundantCanPlaceBlockAt,2,"This method is redundant, check it out..."
func_72263_d_,canThisPlantGrowOnThisBlockID,2,Gets passed in the blockID of the block below and supposed to return true if its allowed to grow on the type of blockID passed in. Args: blockID
func_72265_d,getState,2,"Returns the current state of the stem. Returns -1 if the stem is not fully grown, or a value between 0 and 3 based on the direction the stem is facing."
func_72268_e,isSameSapling,2,Determines if the same sapling is present at the given location.
func_72269_c,growTree,2,Attempts to grow a sapling into a tree
func_72271_c,fertilizeMushroom,2,Fertilize the mushroom.
func_72272_c_,fertilize,2,Apply bonemeal to the crops.
func_72273_l,getGrowthRate,2,"Gets the growth rate for the crop. Setup to encourage rows by halving growth rate if there is diagonals, crops on different sides that aren't opposing, and by adding growth for every crop next to this one (and for crop below this one). Args: x, y, z"
func_72274_a,createNewTileEntity,2,each class overrdies this to return a new <className>
func_72276_j_,ejectRecord,2,Ejects the current record inside of the jukebox.
func_72277_e,insertRecord,2,Inserts the given record into the JukeBox.
func_72280_l,setDispenserDefaultDirection,2,sets Dispenser block direction so that the front faces an non-opaque block; chooses west to be direction if all surrounding blocks are opaque.
func_72281_c,dispenseItem,2,dispenses an item from a randomly selected item stack from the blocks inventory into the game world.
func_72283_a,spawnEntityWithAction,2,"arrows are fired, eggs are thrown, buckets create liquid blocks ..."
func_72285_l,setDefaultDirection,2,set a blocks direction
func_72286_a,updateFurnaceBlockState,2,Update which block ID the furnace is using depending on whether or not it is burning
func_72290_b_,unifyAdjacentChests,2,Turns the adjacent chests to a double chest.
func_72291_l,isThereANeighborChest,2,"Checks the neighbor blocks to see if there is a chest there. Args: world, x, y, z"
func_72292_n,isOcelotBlockingChest,2,Looks for a sitting ocelot within certain bounds. Such an ocelot is considered to be blocking access to the chest.
func_72295_d,getTileEntityAtLocation,2,gets the piston tile entity at the specified location
func_72297_a,getTileEntity,2,gets a new TileEntityPiston created with the arguments provided.
func_72298_a,cleanPool,2,"Marks the pool as ""empty"", starting over when adding new entries. If this is called maxNumCleans times, the list size is reduced"
func_72299_a,addOrModifyAABBInPool,2,"Adds a AABB to the pool, or if there is an available AABB, updates an existing AABB entry to specified coordinates"
func_72300_b,clearPool,2,Clears the AABBPool
func_72314_b,expand,2,"Returns a bounding box expanded by the specified vector (if negative numbers are given it will shrink). Args: x, y, z"
func_72315_c,isVecInXZ,2,Checks if the specified vector is within the XZ dimensions of the bounding box. Args: Vec3D
func_72316_a,calculateXOffset,2,"if instance and the argument bounding boxes overlap in the Y and Z dimensions, calculate the offset between them in the X dimension. return var2 if the bounding boxes do not overlap or if var2 is closer to 0 then the calculated offset. Otherwise return the calculated offset."
func_72317_d,offset,2,"Offsets the current bounding box by the specified coordinates. Args: x, y, z"
func_72318_a,isVecInside,2,Returns if the supplied Vec3D is completely inside the bounding box
func_72319_d,isVecInXY,2,Checks if the specified vector is within the XY dimensions of the bounding box. Args: Vec3D
func_72320_b,getAverageEdgeLength,2,Returns the average length of the edges of the bounding box.
func_72321_a,addCoord,2,"Adds the coordinates to the bounding box extending it if the point lies outside the current ranges. Args: x, y, z"
func_72322_c,calculateZOffset,2,"if instance and the argument bounding boxes overlap in the Y and X dimensions, calculate the offset between them in the Z dimension. return var2 if the bounding boxes do not overlap or if var2 is closer to 0 then the calculated offset. Otherwise return the calculated offset."
func_72323_b,calculateYOffset,2,"if instance and the argument bounding boxes overlap in the X and Z dimensions, calculate the offset between them in the Y dimension. return var2 if the bounding boxes do not overlap or if var2 is closer to 0 then the calculated offset. Otherwise return the calculated offset."
func_72324_b,setBounds,2,"Sets the bounds of the bounding box. Args: minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ"
func_72325_c,getOffsetBoundingBox,2,"Returns a bounding box offseted by the specified vector (if negative numbers are given it will shrink). Args: x, y, z"
func_72326_a,intersectsWith,2,Returns whether the given bounding box intersects with this one. Args: axisAlignedBB
func_72328_c,setBB,2,Sets the bounding box to the same bounds as the bounding box passed in. Args: axisAlignedBB
func_72329_c,copy,2,Returns a copy of the bounding box.
func_72330_a,getBoundingBox,2,"Returns a bounding box with the specified bounds. Args: minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ"
func_72331_e,contract,2,Returns a bounding box that is inset by the specified amounts
func_72332_a,getAABBPool,2,Gets the ThreadLocal AABBPool
func_72333_b,isVecInYZ,2,Checks if the specified vector is within the YZ dimensions of the bounding box. Args: Vec3D
func_72343_a,clear,2,will truncate the array everyN clears to the maximum size observed since the last truncation
func_72345_a,getVecFromPool,2,"extends the pool if all vecs are currently ""out"""
func_72358_d,serverUpdateMountedMovingPlayer,2,"using player's dimension, update their movement when in a vehicle (e.g. cart, boat)"
func_72359_h,addToWhiteList,2,Add the specified player to the white list.
func_72360_c,removeOp,2,"This removes a username from the ops list, then saves the op list"
func_72362_j,loadWhiteList,2,"Either does nothing, or calls readWhiteList."
func_72364_a,setPlayerManager,2,Sets the NBT manager to the one for the worldserver given
func_72366_a,createPlayerForUser,2,also checks for multiple logins
func_72367_e,playerLoggedOut,2,Called when a player disconnects from the game. Writes player data to disk and removes them from the world.
func_72368_a,respawnPlayer,2,"creates and returns a respawned player based on the provided PlayerEntity. Args are the PlayerEntityMP to respawn, an INT for the dimension to respawn into (usually 0), and a boolean value that is true if the player beat the game rather than dying"
func_72370_d,isAllowedToLogin,2,Determine if the player is allowed to connect based on current server settings.
func_72373_m,getAvailablePlayerDat,2,returns a list of usernames for which playerData is available
func_72374_b,sendPlayerInfoToAllPlayers,2,"sends 1 player per tick, but only sends a player once every 600 ticks"
func_72377_c,playerLoggedIn,2,Called when a player successfully logs in. Reads player data from disk and inserts the player into the world.
func_72378_q,getTagsFromLastWrite,2,gets the tags created in the last writePlayerData call
func_72379_i,removeFromWhitelist,2,Remove the specified player from the whitelist.
func_72380_a,readPlayerDataFromFile,2,called during player login. reads the player information from disk.
func_72385_f,syncPlayerInventory,2,sends the players inventory to himself
func_72386_b,addOp,2,"This adds a username to the ops list, then saves the op list"
func_72387_b,setCommandsAllowedForAll,2,Sets whether all players are allowed to use commands (cheats) on the server.
func_72391_b,writePlayerData,2,also stores the NBTTags if this is an intergratedPlayerList
func_72392_r,removeAllPlayers,2,"kicks everyone with the ""Server closed"""
func_72393_a,sendToAllNear,2,"params: x,y,z,d,dimension. The packet is sent to all players within d distance of x,y,z (d^2<x^2+y^2+z^2)"
func_72395_o,getViewDistance,2,Gets the View Distance.
func_72397_a,sendToAllNearExcept,2,"params: srcPlayer,x,y,z,d,dimension. The packet is not sent to the srcPlayer, but all other players where dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz<d*d"
func_72398_c,getPlayerList,2,returns a string containing a comma-seperated list of player names
func_72399_a,allowUserToConnect,2,"checks ban-lists, then white-lists, then space for the server. Returns null on success, or an error message"
func_72415_s,getIntegratedServer,2,get the associated Integrated Server
func_72429_b,getIntermediateWithXValue,2,"Returns a new vector with x value equal to the second parameter, along the line between this vector and the passed in vector, or null if not possible."
func_72431_c,crossProduct,2,Returns a new vector with the result of this vector x the specified vector.
func_72432_b,normalize,2,Normalizes the vector to a length of 1 (except if it is the zero vector)
func_72433_c,lengthVector,2,Returns the length of the vector.
func_72434_d,getIntermediateWithZValue,2,"Returns a new vector with z value equal to the second parameter, along the line between this vector and the passed in vector, or null if not possible."
func_72435_c,getIntermediateWithYValue,2,"Returns a new vector with y value equal to the second parameter, along the line between this vector and the passed in vector, or null if not possible."
func_72436_e,squareDistanceTo,2,The square of the Euclidean distance between this and the specified vector.
func_72438_d,distanceTo,2,"Euclidean distance between this and the specified vector, returned as double."
func_72439_b,setComponents,2,"Sets the x,y,z components of the vector as specified."
func_72440_a,rotateAroundX,2,Rotates the vector around the x axis by the specified angle.
func_72441_c,addVector,2,"Adds the specified x,y,z vector components to this vector and returns the resulting vector. Does not change this vector."
func_72442_b,rotateAroundY,2,Rotates the vector around the y axis by the specified angle.
func_72443_a,createVectorHelper,2,"Static method for creating a new Vec3D given the three x,y,z values. This is only called from the other static method which creates and places it in the list."
func_72444_a,subtract,2,Returns a new vector with the result of the specified vector minus this.
func_72445_d,squareDistanceTo,2,"The square of the Euclidean distance between this and the vector of x,y,z components passed in."
func_72446_c,rotateAroundZ,2,Rotates the vector around the z axis by the specified angle.
func_72452_a,handleRemoveEntityEffect,2,Handle a remove entity effect packet.
func_72463_a,handleMapChunk,2,"Handle Packet51MapChunk (full chunk update of blocks, metadata, light levels, and optionally biome data)"
func_72464_a,handleCreativeSetSlot,2,Handle a creative slot packet.
func_72467_a,handleServerPing,2,Handle a server ping packet.
func_72469_b,canProcessPackets,2,packet.processPacket is only called if this returns true
func_72471_a,handlePlayerAbilities,2,Handle a player abilities packet.
func_72473_a,handleEntityAction,2,runs registerPacket on the given Packet19EntityAction
func_72477_a,handleKeepAlive,2,Handle a keep alive packet.
func_72480_a,handlePlayerInfo,2,Handle a player information packet.
func_72483_a,handleRespawn,2,respawns the player
func_72484_a,handleAttachEntity,2,Packet handler
func_72485_a,handleEntityStatus,2,Packet handler
func_72487_a,handleUpdateSign,2,Updates Client side signs
func_72489_a,isServerHandler,2,determine if it is a server handler
func_72493_a,handleEntityMetadata,2,Packet handler
func_72494_a,handleMapData,2,Contains logic for handling packets containing arbitrary unique item data. Currently this is only for maps.
func_72495_a,handleEntityPainting,2,Packet handler
func_72503_a,handleEntityEffect,2,Handle an entity effect packet.
func_72508_a,handleWeather,2,Handles weather packet
func_72514_a,handleEntityExpOrb,2,Handle a entity experience orb packet.
func_72517_a,handleStatistic,2,runs registerPacket on the given Packet200Statistic
func_72520_a,handleEntityVelocity,2,Packet handler
func_72521_a,handleUpdateHealth,2,Recieves player health from the server and then proceeds to set it locally on the client.
func_72522_a,handleExperience,2,Handle an experience packet.
func_72526_a,getServerId,2,Returns the server Id randomly generated by this login handler.
func_72529_d,initializePlayerConnection,2,"on success the specified username is connected to the minecraftInstance, otherwise they are packet255'd"
func_72532_c,tryLogin,2,"Logs the user in if a login packet is found, otherwise keeps processing network packets unless the timeout has occurred."
func_72547_c,cleanup,2,sets netManager and worldClient to null
func_72548_f,getNetManager,2,Return the NetworkManager instance used by this NetClientHandler
func_72551_d,processReadPackets,2,Processes the packets that have been read since the last call to this function.
func_72552_c,addToSendQueue,2,Adds the packet to the send queue
func_72553_e,disconnect,2,Disconnects the network connection.
func_72566_d,handleSlashCommand,2,Processes a / command
func_72567_b,sendPacketToPlayer,2,"addToSendQueue. if it is a chat packet, check before sending it"
func_72568_e,packetSize,2,returns 0 for memoryMapped connections
func_72570_d,networkTick,2,run once each game tick
func_72591_c,getRequestID,2,Returns the request ID provided by the client
func_72592_a,getRandomChallenge,2,Returns the random challenge number assigned to this auth
func_72593_a,hasExpired,2,"Returns true if the auth's creation timestamp is less than the given time, otherwise false"
func_72594_b,getChallengeValue,2,Returns the auth challenge value
func_72601_a,registerSocket,2,Registers a DatagramSocket with this thread
func_72602_a,startThread,2,Creates a new Thread object from this class and starts running
func_72603_d,getNumberOfPlayers,2,Returns the number of players on the server
func_72604_a,closeSocket,2,Closes the specified Da
func_72605_a,closeServerSocket_do,2,Closes the specified ServerSocket
func_72606_c,logWarning,2,Log warning message
func_72607_a,logInfo,2,Log information message
func_72608_b,closeServerSocket,2,Closes the specified ServerSocket
func_72609_b,log,2,Log message
func_72610_d,logSevere,2,Log severe error message
func_72611_e,closeAllSockets,2,Closes all of the opened sockets
func_72613_c,isRunning,2,"Returns true if the Thread is running, false otherwise"
func_72620_a,sendResponsePacket,2,Sends a byte array as a DatagramPacket response to the client who sent the given DatagramPacket
func_72621_a,parseIncomingPacket,2,"Parses an incoming DatagramPacket, returning true if the packet was valid"
func_72622_d,sendAuthChallenge,2,Sends an auth challenge DatagramPacket to the client and adds the client to the queryClients map
func_72623_a,stopWithException,2,Stops the query server and reports the given Exception
func_72624_b,createQueryResponse,2,Creates a query response as a byte array for the specified query DatagramPacket
func_72625_a,getRequestID,2,Returns the request ID provided by the authorized client
func_72626_g,initQuerySystem,2,Initializes the query system by binding it to a port
func_72627_c,verifyClientAuth,2,"Returns true if the client has a valid auth, otherwise false"
func_72628_f,cleanQueryClientsMap,2,Removes all clients whose auth is no longer valid
func_72645_g,cleanClientThreadsMap,2,Cleans up the clientThreads map by removing client Threads that are not running
func_72653_g,closeSocket,2,Closes the client socket
func_72654_a,sendResponse,2,Sends the given response message to the client
func_72655_a,sendMultipacketResponse,2,Splits the response message into individual packets and sends each one
func_72656_f,sendLoginFailedResponse,2,Sends the standard RCon 'authorization failed' response packet
func_72661_a,getBytesAsString,2,Read a null-terminated string from the given byte array
func_72662_b,getRemainingBytesAsLEInt,2,Read 4 bytes from the
func_72663_a,getByteAsHexString,2,Returns a String representation of the byte in hexadecimal format
func_72664_c,getBytesAsBEint,2,Read 4 bytes from the given array in big-endian format and return them as an int
func_72665_b,getBytesAsLEInt,2,Read 4 bytes from the given array in little-endian format and return them as an int
func_72667_a,writeInt,2,Writes the given int to the output stream
func_72668_a,writeShort,2,Writes the given short to the output stream
func_72670_a,writeByteArray,2,Writes the given byte array to the output stream
func_72671_a,writeString,2,Writes the given String to the output stream
func_72672_a,toByteArray,2,Returns the contents of the output stream as a byte array
func_72675_d,getStepSound,2,"Used when a entity walks over, or otherwise interacts with the block."
func_72676_a,getBreakSound,2,"Used when a block breaks, EXA: Player break, Shep eating grass, etc.."
func_72683_a,addPlayer,2,Adds an EntityPlayerMP to the PlayerManager.
func_72685_d,updateMountedMovingPlayer,2,"update chunks around a player being moved by server logic (e.g. cart, boat)"
func_72687_a,flagChunkForUpdate,2,"the ""PlayerInstance""/ chunkWatcher will send this chunk to all players who are in line of sight"
func_72693_b,updatePlayerInstances,2,updates all the player instances that need to be updated
func_72695_c,removePlayer,2,Removes an EntityPlayerMP from the PlayerManager.
func_72702_a,playRecord,2,"Plays the specified record. Arg: recordName, x, y, z"
func_72703_a,obtainEntitySkin,2,"Start the skin for this entity downloading, if necessary, and increment its reference counter"
func_72704_a,playSound,2,"Plays the specified sound. Arg: soundName, x, y, z, volume, pitch"
func_72705_a,destroyBlockPartially,2,Starts (or continues) destroying a block with given ID at the given coordinates for the given partially destroyed value
func_72706_a,playAuxSFX,2,"Plays a pre-canned sound effect along with potentially auxiliary data-driven one-shot behaviour (particles, etc)."
func_72707_a,markBlockRangeNeedsUpdate,2,"Called across all registered IWorldAccess instances when a block range is invalidated. Args: minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ"
func_72708_a,spawnParticle,2,"Spawns a particle. Arg: particleType, x, y, z, velX, velY, velZ"
func_72709_b,releaseEntitySkin,2,Decrement the reference counter for this entity's skin image data
func_72710_a,markBlockNeedsUpdate,2,"Will mark the block and neighbors that their renderers need an update (could be all the same renderer potentially) Args: x, y, z"
func_72711_b,markBlockNeedsUpdate2,2,As of mc 1.2.3 this method has exactly the same signature and does exactly the same as markBlockNeedsUpdate
func_72712_a,loadRenderers,2,Loads all the renderers and sets up the basic settings usage
func_72713_a,renderEntities,2,"Renders all entities within range and within the frustrum. Args: pos, frustrum, partialTickTime"
func_72714_a,renderSky,2,Renders the sky with the partial tick time. Args: partialTickTime
func_72715_a,drawOutlinedBoundingBox,2,Draws lines for the edges of the bounding box.
func_72716_a,updateRenderers,2,Updates some of the renderers sorted by distance from the player
func_72719_a,sortAndRender,2,"Sorts all renderers based on the passed in entity. Args: entityLiving, renderPass, partialTickTime"
func_72722_c,markRenderersForNewPosition,2,Goes through all the renderers setting new positions on them and those that have their position changed are adding to be updated
func_72723_d,getDebugInfoEntities,2,Gets the entities info for use on the Debug screen
func_72724_a,renderSortedRenderers,2,"Renders the sorted renders for the specified render pass. Args: startRenderer, numRenderers, renderPass, partialTickTime"
func_72725_b,markBlocksForUpdate,2,Marks the blocks in the given range for update
func_72729_a,clipRenderersByFrustum,2,"Checks all renderers that previously weren't in the frustum and 1/16th of those that previously were in the frustum for frustum clipping Args: frustum, partialTickTime"
func_72731_b,drawSelectionBox,2,"Draws the selection box for the player. Args: entityPlayer, rayTraceHit, i, itemStack, partialTickTime"
func_72732_a,setWorldAndLoadRenderers,2,set null to clear
func_72733_a,renderAllRenderLists,2,Render all render lists
func_72735_c,getDebugInfoRenders,2,Gets the render info for use on the Debug screen
func_72736_c,renderCloudsFancy,2,Renders the 3d fancy clouds
func_72784_a,sendPacketToAllPlayersTrackingEntity,2,does not send the packet to the entity if the entity is a player
func_72786_a,addEntityToTracker,2,"if entity is a player sends all tracked events to the player, otherwise, adds with a visibility and update arate based on the class type"
func_72789_b,sendPacketToAllAssociatedPlayers,2,sends to the entity if the entity is a player
func_72796_p,getBlockTileEntity,2,"Returns the TileEntity associated with a given block in X,Y,Z coordinates, or null if no TileEntity exists"
func_72797_t,doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface,2,Returns true if the block at the given coordinate has a solid (buildable) top surface.
func_72798_a,getBlockId,2,"Returns the block ID at coords x,y,z"
func_72799_c,isAirBlock,2,Returns true if the block at the specified coordinates is empty
func_72800_K,getHeight,2,Returns current world height.
func_72801_o,getLightBrightness,2,"Returns how bright the block is shown as which is the block's light value looked up in a lookup table (light values aren't linear for brightness). Args: x, y, z"
func_72802_i,getLightBrightnessForSkyBlocks,2,Any Light rendered on a 1.8 Block goes through here
func_72803_f,getBlockMaterial,2,Returns the block's material.
func_72804_r,isBlockOpaqueCube,2,"Returns true if the block at the specified coordinates is an opaque cube. Args: x, y, z"
func_72805_g,getBlockMetadata,2,"Returns the block metadata at coords x,y,z"
func_72806_N,extendedLevelsInChunkCache,2,set by !chunk.getAreLevelsEmpty
func_72807_a,getBiomeGenForCoords,2,Gets the biome for a given set of x/z coordinates
func_72809_s,isBlockNormalCube,2,Indicate if a material is a normal solid opaque cube.
func_72810_a,getSkyBlockTypeBrightness,2,Brightness for SkyBlock.Sky is clear white and (through color computing it is assumed) DEPENDENT ON DAYTIME. Brightness for SkyBlock.Block is yellowish and independent.
func_72811_b,getLightValue,2,"Gets the light value of the specified block coords. Args: x, y, z"
func_72812_b,getSpecialBlockBrightness,2,is only used on stairs and tilled fields
func_72813_a,getLightValueExt,2,Get light value with flag
func_72821_m,notifyBlockOfNeighborChange,2,"Notifies a block that one of its neighbor change to the specified type Args: x, y, z, blockID"
func_72822_b,setBlock,2,"Sets the block to the specified blockID at the block coordinates Args x, y, z, blockID"
func_72823_a,setItemData,2,"Assigns the given String id to the given MapDataBase using the MapStorage, removing any existing ones of the same id."
func_72825_h,getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock,2,"Finds the highest block on the x, z coordinate that is solid and returns its y coord. Args x, z"
func_72826_c,getCelestialAngle,2,calls calculateCelestialAngle
func_72827_u,getProviderName,2,"Returns the name of the current chunk provider, by calling chunkprovider.makeString()"
func_72828_b,unloadEntities,2,Adds a list of entities to be unloaded on the next pass of World.updateEntities()
func_72829_c,isAABBNonEmpty,2,Returns true if there are any blocks in the region constrained by an AxisAlignedBB
func_72830_b,isAABBInMaterial,2,checks if the given AABB is in the material given. Used while swimming.
func_72832_d,setBlockAndMetadataWithNotify,2,"Sets the block ID and metadata, then notifies neighboring blocks of the change Params: x, y, z, BlockID, Metadata"
func_72833_a,getSkyColor,2,Calculates the color for the skybox
func_72834_c,canBlockFreeze,2,"checks to see if a given block is both water, and cold enough to freeze - if the par4 boolean is set, this will only return true if there is a non-water block immediately adjacent to the specified block"
func_72835_b,tick,2,Runs a single tick for the world
func_72836_a,scheduleBlockUpdate,2,Schedules a tick to a block with a delay (Most commonly the tick rate)
func_72837_a,setBlockTileEntity,2,"Sets the TileEntity for a given block in X, Y, Z coordinates"
func_72838_d,spawnEntityInWorld,2,Called to place all entities as part of a world
func_72839_b,getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity,2,"Will get all entities within the specified AABB excluding the one passed into it. Args: entityToExclude, aabb"
func_72840_a,getAllCollidingBoundingBoxes,2,calculates and returns a list of colliding bounding boxes within a given AABB
func_72841_b,getUniqueDataId,2,Returns an unique new data id from the MapStorage for the given prefix and saves the idCounts map to the 'idcounts' file.
func_72842_a,getBlockDensity,2,"Gets the percentage of real blocks within within a bounding box, along a specified vector."
func_72843_D,setRandomSeed,2,puts the World Random seed to a specific state dependant on the inputs
func_72845_h,markBlockNeedsUpdate,2,"Marks the block as needing an update with the renderer. Args: x, y, z"
func_72846_b,getClosestVulnerablePlayer,2,"Returns the closest vulnerable player within the given radius, or null if none is found."
func_72847_b,releaseEntitySkin,2,Decrement the reference counter for this entity's skin image data
func_72848_b,removeWorldAccess,2,Removes a worldAccess from the worldAccesses object
func_72849_a,getBlockLightValue_do,2,"Gets the light value of a block location. This is the actual function that gets the value and has a bool flag that indicates if its a half step block to get the maximum light value of a direct neighboring block (left, right, forward, back, and up)"
func_72850_v,isBlockFreezableNaturally,2,checks to see if a given block is both water and has at least one immediately adjacent non-water block
func_72851_f,notifyBlockChange,2,"The block type change and need to notify other systems Args: x, y, z, blockID"
func_72854_c,updateAllPlayersSleepingFlag,2,Updates the flag that indicates whether or not all players in the world are sleeping.
func_72855_b,checkIfAABBIsClear,2,"Returns true if there are no solid, live entities in the specified AxisAlignedBB"
func_72856_b,getClosestVulnerablePlayerToEntity,2,"Returns the closest vulnerable player to this entity within the given radius, or null if none is found"
func_72858_w,canSnowAt,2,Tests whether or not snow can be placed at a given location
func_72859_e,setBlockWithNotify,2,"Sets a block and notifies relevant systems with the block change Args: x, y, z, blockID"
func_72860_G,getSaveHandler,2,Returns this world's current save handler
func_72861_E,getSpawnPoint,2,Returns the coordinates of the spawn point
func_72862_i,markBlockAsNeedsUpdate,2,calls the 'MarkBlockAsNeedsUpdate' in all block accesses in this world
func_72863_F,getChunkProvider,2,gets the IChunkProvider this world uses.
func_72864_z,isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered,2,"Used to see if one of the blocks next to you or your block is getting power from a neighboring block. Used by items like TNT or Doors so they don't have redstone going straight into them. Args: x, y, z"
func_72866_a,updateEntityWithOptionalForce,2,"Will update the entity in the world if the chunk the entity is in is currently loaded or its forced to update. Args: entity, forceUpdate"
func_72867_j,getRainStrength,2,Not sure about this actually. Reverting this one myself.
func_72868_a,addLoadedEntities,2,"adds entities to the loaded entities list, and loads thier skins."
func_72869_a,spawnParticle,2,"Spawns a particle. Args particleName, x, y, z, velX, velY, velZ"
func_72870_g,updateEntity,2,Will update the entity in the world if the chunk the entity is in is currently loaded. Args: entity
func_72871_y,isBlockGettingPowered,2,"Whether one of the neighboring blocks is putting power into this block. Args: x, y, z"
func_72872_a,getEntitiesWithinAABB,2,"Returns all entities of the specified class type which intersect with the AABB. Args: entityClass, aabb"
func_72873_a,doChunksNearChunkExist,2,Checks if any of the chunks within distance (argument 4) blocks of the given block exist
func_72874_g,getPrecipitationHeight,2,Gets the height to which rain/snow will fall. Calculates it if not already stored.
func_72875_a,isMaterialInBB,2,Returns true if the given bounding box contains the given material
func_72876_a,createExplosion,2,"Creates an explosion. Args: entity, x, y, z, strength"
func_72877_b,setWorldTime,2,Sets the world time.
func_72878_l,isBlockIndirectlyProvidingPowerTo,2,"Is a block next to you getting powered (if its an attachable block) or is it providing power directly to you. Args: x, y, z, direction"
func_72879_k,isBlockProvidingPowerTo,2,"Is this block powering in the specified direction Args: x, y, z, direction"
func_72880_h,getStarBrightness,2,How bright are stars in the sky
func_72881_d,setBlockMetadata,2,Set the metadata of a block in global coordinates
func_72882_A,sendQuittingDisconnectingPacket,2,"If on MP, sends a quitting packet."
func_72883_k,getFullBlockLightValue,2,Does the same as getBlockLightValue_do but without checking if its not a normal block
func_72884_u,isBlockFreezable,2,checks to see if a given block is both water and is cold enough to freeze
func_72885_a,newExplosion,2,returns a new explosion. Does initiation (at time of writing Explosion is not finished)
func_72886_a,extinguishFire,2,"If the block in the given direction of the given coordinate is fire, extinguish it. Args: Player, X,Y,Z, blockDirection"
func_72887_b,isBlockNormalCubeDefault,2,"Checks if the block is a solid, normal cube. If the chunk does not exist, or is not loaded, it returns the boolean parameter."
func_72888_f,destroyBlockInWorldPartially,2,Starts (or continues) destroying a block with given ID at the given coordinates for the given partially destroyed value
func_72889_a,playAuxSFXAtEntity,2,See description for playAuxSFX.
func_72890_a,getClosestPlayerToEntity,2,"Gets the closest player to the entity within the specified distance (if distance is less than 0 then ignored). Args: entity, dist"
func_72891_a,setAllowedSpawnTypes,2,Set which types of mobs are allowed to spawn (peaceful vs hostile).
func_72892_b,scheduleBlockUpdateFromLoad,2,Schedules a block update from the saved information in a chunk. Called when the chunk is loaded.
func_72893_g,tickBlocksAndAmbiance,2,plays random cave ambient sounds and runs updateTick on random blocks within each chunk in the vacinity of a player
func_72896_J,isRaining,2,Returns true if the current rain strength is greater than 0.2
func_72897_h,joinEntityInSurroundings,2,spwans an entity and loads surrounding chunks
func_72898_h,notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange,2,"Notifies neighboring blocks that this specified block changed Args: x, y, z, blockID"
func_72899_e,blockExists,2,"Returns whether a block exists at world coordinates x, y, z"
func_72900_e,setEntityDead,2,"Dismounts the entity (and anything riding the entity), sets the dead flag, and removes the player entity from the player entity list. Called by the playerLoggedOut function."
func_72904_c,checkChunksExist,2,"Checks between a min and max all the chunks inbetween actually exist. Args: minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ"
func_72905_C,getSeed,2,Retrieve the world seed from level.dat
func_72906_B,checkSessionLock,2,Checks whether the session lock file was modified by another process
func_72907_a,countEntities,2,Counts how many entities of an entity class exist in the world. Args: entityClass
func_72908_a,playSoundEffect,2,"Play a sound effect. Many many parameters for this function. Not sure what they do, but a classic call is : (double)i + 0.5D, (double)j + 0.5D, (double)k + 0.5D, 'random.door_open', 1.0F, world.rand.nextFloat() * 0.1F + 0.9F with i,j,k position of the block."
func_72910_y,getLoadedEntityList,2,Accessor for world Loaded Entity List
func_72911_I,isThundering,2,Returns true if the current thunder strength (weighted with the rain strength) is greater than 0.9
func_72912_H,getWorldInfo,2,Gets the World's WorldInfo instance
func_72914_a,addWorldInfoToCrashReport,2,Adds some basic stats of the world to the given crash report.
func_72915_b,setLightValue,2,"Sets the light value either into the sky map or block map depending on if enumSkyBlock is set to sky or block. Args: enumSkyBlock, x, y, z, lightValue"
func_72916_c,chunkExists,2,"Returns whether a chunk exists at chunk coordinates x, y"
func_72917_a,checkIfAABBIsClearExcludingEntity,2,"Returns true if there are no solid, live entities in the specified AxisAlignedBB, excluding the given entity"
func_72918_a,handleMaterialAcceleration,2,handles the acceleration of an object whilst in water. Not sure if it is used elsewhere.
func_72919_O,getHorizon,2,Returns horizon height for use in rendering the sky.
func_72921_c,setBlockMetadataWithNotify,2,"Sets the blocks metadata and if set will then notify blocks that this block changed. Args: x, y, z, metadata"
func_72922_b,getFirstUncoveredBlock,2,"Returns the block ID of the first block at this (x,z) location with air above it, searching from sea level upwards."
func_72923_a,obtainEntitySkin,2,"Start the skin for this entity downloading, if necessary, and increment its reference counter"
func_72924_a,getPlayerEntityByName,2,Find a player by name in this world.
func_72925_a,getSkyBlockTypeBrightness,2,Brightness for SkyBlock.Sky is clear white and (through color computing it is assumed) DEPENDENT ON DAYTIME. Brightness for SkyBlock.Block is yellowish and independent.
func_72926_e,playAuxSFX,2,See description for func_72706_a.
func_72927_d,blockHasTileEntity,2,Checks if a block at a given position should have a tile entity.
func_72928_a,markTileEntityForDespawn,2,adds tile entity to despawn list (renamed from markEntityForDespawn)
func_72929_e,getCelestialAngleRadians,2,Return getCelestialAngle()*2*PI
func_72930_a,setBlockAndMetadataWithUpdate,2,"Sets the block ID and metadata of a block, optionally marking it as needing update. Args: X,Y,Z, blockID, metadata, needsUpdate"
func_72931_a,canPlaceEntityOnSide,2,Returns true if the given Entity can be placed on the given side of the given block position.
func_72932_q,removeBlockTileEntity,2,"Removes the TileEntity for a given block in X,Y,Z coordinates"
func_72933_a,rayTraceBlocks,2,"ray traces all blocks, including non-collideable ones"
func_72934_a,playRecord,2,"Plays a record at the specified coordinates of the specified name. Args: recordName, x, y, z"
func_72935_r,isDaytime,2,Checks whether its daytime by seeing if the light subtracted from the skylight is less than 4
func_72937_j,canBlockSeeTheSky,2,Checks if the specified block is able to see the sky
func_72938_d,getChunkFromBlockCoords,2,"Returns a chunk looked up by block coordinates. Args: x, z"
func_72939_s,updateEntities,2,Updates (and cleans up) entities and tile entities
func_72940_L,getActualHeight,2,Returns current world height.
func_72942_c,addWeatherEffect,2,adds a lightning bolt to the list of lightning bolts in this world.
func_72943_a,loadItemData,2,"Loads an existing MapDataBase corresponding to the given String id from disk using the MapStorage, instantiating the given Class, or returns null if none such file exists. args: Class to instantiate, String dataid"
func_72944_b,updateTileEntityChunkAndDoNothing,2,marks the chunk that contains this tilentity as modified and then calls worldAccesses.doNothingWithTileEntity
func_72945_a,getCollidingBoundingBoxes,2,"Returns a list of bounding boxes that collide with aabb excluding the passed in entity's collision. Args: entity, aabb"
func_72946_b,findClosestStructure,2,Returns the location of the closest structure of the specified type. If not found returns null.
func_72947_a,calculateInitialWeather,2,Called from World constructor to set rainingStrength and thunderingStrength
func_72948_g,getFogColor,2,Returns vector(ish) with R/G/B for fog
func_72953_d,isAnyLiquid,2,Returns if any of the blocks within the aabb are liquids. Args: aabb
func_72954_a,addWorldAccess,2,Adds a IWorldAccess to the list of worldAccesses
func_72955_a,tickUpdates,2,Runs through the list of updates to run and ticks them
func_72956_a,playSoundAtEntity,2,"Plays a sound at the entity's position. Args: entity, sound, volume (relative to 1.0), and frequency (or pitch, also relative to 1.0)."
func_72957_l,getBlockLightValue,2,Gets the light value of a block location
func_72958_C,isBlockHighHumidity,2,"Checks to see if the biome rainfall values for a given x,y,z coordinate set are extremely high"
func_72960_a,setEntityState,2,sends a Packet 38 (Entity Status) to all tracked players of that entity
func_72961_c,setBlockAndMetadata,2,Sets the block ID and metadata of a block in global coordinates
func_72962_a,canMineBlock,2,Called when checking if a certain block can be mined or not. The 'spawn safe zone' check is located here.
func_72964_e,getChunkFromChunkCoords,2,"Returns back a chunk looked up by chunk coordinates Args: x, y"
func_72965_b,addBlockEvent,2,"Adds a block event with the given Args to the blockEventCache. During the next tick(), the block specified will have its onBlockEvent handler called with the given parameters. Args: X,Y,Z, BlockID, EventID, EventParameter"
func_72966_v,calculateInitialSkylight,2,Called on construction of the World class to setup the initial skylight values
func_72967_a,calculateSkylightSubtracted,2,Returns the amount of skylight subtracted for the current time
func_72968_M,updatingLighting,2,Updates lighting. Returns true if there are more lighting updates to update
func_72970_h,createChunkProvider,2,Creates the chunk provider for this world. Called in the constructor. Retrieves provider from worldProvider?
func_72972_b,getSavedLightValue,2,Returns saved light value without taking into account the time of day. Either looks in the sky light map or block light map based on the enumSkyBlock arg.
func_72974_f,setSpawnLocation,2,"Sets a new spawn location by finding an uncovered block at a random (x,z) location in the chunk."
func_72975_g,markBlocksDirtyVertical,2,marks a vertical line of blocks as dirty
func_72976_f,getHeightValue,2,"Returns the y coordinate with a block in it at this x, z coordinate"
func_72977_a,getClosestPlayer,2,"Gets the closest player to the point within the specified distance (distance can be set to less than 0 to not limit the distance). Args: x, y, z, dist"
func_72978_e,isBoundingBoxBurning,2,Returns whether or not the given bounding box is on fire or not
func_72979_l,updateWeather,2,Updates all weather states.
func_72980_b,playSound,2,"par8 is loudness, all pars passed to minecraftInstance.sndManager.playSound"
func_72981_t,getDebugLoadedEntities,2,This string is 'All: (number of loaded entities)' Viewable by press ing F3
func_73022_a,removeAllEntities,2,also releases skins.
func_73024_a,getEntityByID,2,Lookup and return an Entity based on its ID
func_73027_a,addEntityToWorld,2,Add an ID to Entity mapping to entityHashSet
func_73031_a,invalidateBlockReceiveRegion,2,"Invalidates an AABB region of blocks from the receive queue, in the event that the block has been modified client-side in the intervening 80 receive ticks."
func_73039_n,getEntityTracker,2,Gets the EntityTracker
func_73041_k,flush,2,Syncs all changes to disk and wait for completion.
func_73042_a,saveLevel,2,Saves the chunks to disk.
func_73043_a,onBlockEventReceived,2,Called to apply a pending BlockEvent to apply to the current world.
func_73044_a,saveAllChunks,2,Saves all chunks to disk while updating progress bar.
func_73045_a,getEntityByID,2,"Returns the Entity with the given ID, or null if it doesn't exist in this World."
func_73046_m,getMinecraftServer,2,Gets the MinecraftServer.
func_73047_i,createBonusChest,2,Creates the bonus chest in the world.
func_73048_a,setTime,2,Sets the time on the given WorldServer
func_73049_a,getAllTileEntityInBox,2,"pars: min x,y,z , max x,y,z"
func_73050_b,uncheckedUpdateEntity,2,direct call to super.updateEntityWithOptionalForce
func_73052_b,createSpawnPosition,2,"creates a spawn position at random within 256 blocks of 0,0"
func_73055_Q,sendAndApplyBlockEvents,2,Send and apply locally all pending BlockEvents to each player with 64m radius of the event.
func_73057_a,spawnRandomCreature,2,only spawns creatures allowed by the chunkProvider
func_73073_c,destroyBlockInWorldPartially,2,note: this ignores the pars passed in and continues to destroy the onClickedBlock
func_73074_a,onBlockClicked,2,"if not creative, it calls destroyBlockInWorldPartially untill the block is broken first. par4 is the specific side. tryHarvestBlock can also be the result of this call"
func_73077_b,initializeGameType,2,if the gameType is currently NOT_SET then change it to par1
func_73078_a,activateBlockOrUseItem,2,"Activate the clicked on block, otherwise use the held item. Args: player, world, itemStack, x, y, z, side, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset"
func_73079_d,removeBlock,2,Removes a block and triggers the appropriate events
func_73080_a,setWorld,2,Sets the world instance.
func_73084_b,tryHarvestBlock,2,Attempts to harvest a block at the given coordinate
func_73085_a,tryUseItem,2,Attempts to right-click use an item by the given EntityPlayer in the given World
func_73101_e,sendDemoReminder,2,Sends a message to the player reminding them that this is the demo version
func_73116_b,sendPacketToAllAssociatedPlayers,2,"if this is a player, then it recieves the message also"
func_73117_b,tryStartWachingThis,2,if the player is more than the distance threshold (typically 64) then the player is removed instead
func_73120_a,sendPacketToAllTrackingPlayers,2,"if this is a player, then it is not informed"
func_73122_a,sendLocationToAllClients,2,"also sends velocity, rotation, and riding info."
func_73148_d,makeString,2,Converts the instance data to a readable string.
func_73149_a,chunkExists,2,"Checks to see if a chunk exists at x, y"
func_73150_a,findClosestStructure,2,Returns the location of the closest structure of the specified type. If not found returns null.
func_73151_a,saveChunks,2,"Two modes of operation: if passed true, save all Chunks in one go. If passed false, save up to two chunks. Return true if all chunks have been saved."
func_73153_a,populate,2,Populates chunk with ores etc etc
func_73154_d,provideChunk,2,"Will return back a chunk, if it doesn't exist and its not a MP client it will generates all the blocks for the specified chunk from the map seed and chunk seed"
func_73155_a,getPossibleCreatures,2,Returns a list of creatures of the specified type that can spawn at the given location.
func_73156_b,unload100OldestChunks,2,"Unloads the 100 oldest chunks from memory, due to a bug with chunkSet.add() never being called it thinks the list is always empty and will not remove any chunks."
func_73157_c,canSave,2,Returns if the IChunkProvider supports saving.
func_73158_c,loadChunk,2,loads or generates the chunk at the chunk location specified
func_73164_a,initializeNoiseField,2,"generates a subset of the level's terrain data. Takes 7 arguments: the [empty] noise array, the position, and the size."
func_73165_a,generateNetherTerrain,2,Generates the shape of the terrain in the nether.
func_73166_b,replaceBlocksForBiome,2,name based on ChunkProviderGenerate
func_73187_a,initializeNoiseField,2,"generates a subset of the level's terrain data. Takes 7 arguments: the [empty] noise array, the position, and the size."
func_73205_a,initializeNoiseField,2,"generates a subset of the level's terrain data. Takes 7 arguments: the [empty] noise array, the position, and the size."
func_73206_a,generateTerrain,2,Generates the shape of the terrain for the chunk though its all stone though the water is frozen if the temperature is low enough
func_73207_a,replaceBlocksForBiome,2,Replaces the stone that was placed in with blocks that match the biome
func_73234_b,unloadChunk,2,Unload chunk from ChunkProviderClient's hashmap. Called in response to a Packet50PreChunk with its mode field set to false
func_73239_e,safeLoadChunk,2,"used by loadChunk, but catches any exceptions if the load fails."
func_73240_a,unloadAllChunks,2,"marks all chunks for unload, ignoring those near the spawn"
func_73241_b,unloadChunksIfNotNearSpawn,2,"marks chunk for unload by ""unload100OldestChunks"" if there is no spawn point, or if the center of the chunk is outside 200 blocks (x or z) of the spawn"
func_73242_b,safeSaveChunk,2,"used by saveChunks, but catches any exceptions if the save fails."
func_73243_a,safeSaveExtraChunkData,2,"used by saveChunks, but catches any exceptions if the save fails."
func_73255_a,addPlayerToChunkWatchingList,2,called for all chunks within the visible radius of the player
func_73266_a,writePacket,2,"Writes a packet, prefixed by its ID, to the data stream."
func_73267_a,readPacketData,2,Abstract. Reads the raw packet data from the data stream.
func_73268_a,containsSameEntityIDAs,2,eg return packet30entity.entityId == entityId; WARNING : will throw if you compare a packet to a different packet class
func_73269_d,getNewPacket,2,Returns a new instance of the specified Packet class.
func_73270_a,writeItemStack,2,"Writes the ItemStack's ID (short), then size (byte), then damage. (short)"
func_73271_a,writeString,2,Writes a String to the DataOutputStream
func_73272_a,readPacket,2,"Read a packet, prefixed by its ID, from the data stream."
func_73273_a,writePacketData,2,Abstract. Writes the raw packet data to the data stream.
func_73274_a,writeByteArray,2,Writes a byte array to the DataOutputStream
func_73275_a,writeNBTTagCompound,2,Writes a compressed NBTTagCompound to the OutputStream
func_73276_c,readItemStack,2,Reads a ItemStack from the InputStream
func_73277_a_,isWritePacket,2,"if this returns false, processPacket is deffered for processReadPackets to handle"
func_73278_e,isRealPacket,2,"only false for the abstract Packet class, all real packets return true"
func_73279_a,processPacket,2,Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing.
func_73280_b,readBytesFromStream,2,the first short in the stream indicates the number of bytes to read
func_73281_k,getPacketId,2,Returns the ID of this packet.
func_73282_a,readString,2,Reads a string from a packet
func_73283_d,readNBTTagCompound,2,Reads a compressed NBTTagCompound from the InputStream
func_73284_a,getPacketSize,2,Abstract. Return the size of the packet (not counting the header).
func_73285_a,addIdClassMapping,2,Adds a two way mapping between the packet ID and packet class.
func_73349_b,setFlying,2,Sets whether we're currently flying or not.
func_73351_a,setFlySpeed,2,Sets the flying speed.
func_73353_a,setDisableDamage,2,Sets whether damage is disabled or not.
func_73355_b,setWalkSpeed,2,Sets the walking speed.
func_73404_l,getYOffset,2,Returns the offset from yPosition where the actual click took place
func_73406_j,getXOffset,2,Returns the offset from xPosition where the actual click took place
func_73408_m,getZOffset,2,Returns the offset from zPosition where the actual click took place
func_73453_d,getProtocolVersion,2,Returns the protocol version.
func_73454_f,getUsername,2,Returns the username.
func_73641_d,connectToNeighbor,2,"The specified neighbor has just formed a new connection, so update accordingly"
func_73643_c,canConnectFrom,2,Determines whether or not the target rail can connect to this rail
func_73644_a,refreshConnectedTracks,2,"Neighboring tracks have potentially been broken, so prune the connected track list"
func_73646_c,canConnectTo,2,Determines whether or not the track can bend to meet the specified rail
func_73649_b,isInTrack,2,Returns true if the specified block is in the same railway.
func_73650_a,getNAdjacentTracks,2,get number of adjacent tracks
func_73652_a,refreshTrackShape,2,Completely recalculates the track shape based on neighboring tracks and power state
func_73660_a,update,2,Updates the Jlist with a new model.
func_73666_a,logMessageAndSave,2,logs an info message then calls saveSettingsToFile Yes this appears to be a potential stack overflow - these 2 functions call each other repeatdly if an exception occurs.
func_73667_a,setArbitraryProperty,2,"returns void, rather than what you input"
func_73668_b,saveSettingsToFile,2,calls logMessageAndSave if an exception occurs
func_73669_a,getOrSetIntProperty,2,"set if it doesn't exist, otherwise get"
func_73670_a,getOrSetBoolProperty,2,"set if it doesn't exist, otherwise get"
func_73671_a,getOrSetProperty,2,"set if it doesn't exist, otherwise get"
func_73681_a,setBanStartDate,2,null == start ban now
func_73699_a,init,2,Initialises the console logger.
func_73703_b,saveToFile,2,par1: include header
func_73707_e,loadBanList,2,"Loads the ban list from the file (adds every entry, does not clear the current list)."
func_73712_c,getBannedList,2,removes expired Bans before returning
func_73717_a,onNoMoreProgress,2,"called when there is no more progress to be had, both on completion and failure"
func_73718_a,setLoadingProgress,2,Updates the progress bar on the loading screen to the specified amount. Args: loadProgress
func_73719_c,resetProgresAndWorkingMessage,2,"This is called with ""Working..."" by resetProgressAndMessage"
func_73720_a,displayProgressMessage,2,"""Saving level"", or the loading,or downloading equivelent"
func_73721_b,resetProgressAndMessage,2,"this string, followed by ""working..."" and then the ""% complete"" are the 3 lines shown. This resets progress to 0, and the WorkingString to ""working...""."
func_73729_b,drawTexturedModalRect,2,"Draws a textured rectangle at the stored z-value. Args: x, y, u, v, width, height"
func_73731_b,drawString,2,Renders the specified text to the screen.
func_73732_a,drawCenteredString,2,"Renders the specified text to the screen, center-aligned."
func_73733_a,drawGradientRect,2,Draws a rectangle with a vertical gradient between the specified colors.
func_73734_a,drawRect,2,Draws a solid color rectangle with the specified coordinates and color.
func_73736_c,mousePressed,2,Returns true if the mouse has been pressed on this control. Equivalent of MouseListener.mousePressed(MouseEvent e).
func_73737_a,drawButton,2,Draws this button to the screen.
func_73738_a,getHoverState,2,"Returns 0 if the button is disabled, 1 if the mouse is NOT hovering over this button and 2 if it IS hovering over this button."
func_73739_b,mouseDragged,2,Fired when the mouse button is dragged. Equivalent of MouseListener.mouseDragged(MouseEvent e).
func_73740_a,mouseReleased,2,Fired when the mouse button is released. Equivalent of MouseListener.mouseReleased(MouseEvent e).
func_73759_c,deleteChatLine,2,finds and deletes a Chat line by ID
func_73763_a,printChatMessageWithOptionalDeletion,2,"prints the String to Chat. If the ID is not 0, deletes an existing Chat Line of that ID from the GUI"
func_73765_a,printChatMessage,2,takes a String and prints it to chat
func_73777_b,deleteFromCursor,2,"delete the selected text, otherwsie deletes characters from either side of the cursor. params: delete num"
func_73780_a,updateCursorCounter,2,Increments the cursor counter
func_73781_b,getText,2,Returns the text beign edited on the textbox.
func_73782_a,setText,2,Sets the text of the textbox.
func_73783_i,getEnableBackgroundDrawing,2,get enable drawing background and outline
func_73785_a,getNthWordFromPos,2,"gets the position of the nth word. N may be negative, then it looks backwards. params: N, position"
func_73786_a,setEnableBackgroundDrawing,2,enable drawing background and outline
func_73787_n,getSelectionEnd,2,"the side of the selection that is not the cursor, maye be the same as the cursor"
func_73788_c,getNthWordFromCursor,2,"see @getNthNextWordFromPos() params: N, position"
func_73789_c,drawCursorVertical,2,draws the vertical line cursor in the textbox
func_73791_e,setCursorPosition,2,sets the position of the cursor to the provided index
func_73792_b,writeText,2,"replaces selected text, or inserts text at the position on the cursor"
func_73793_a,mouseClicked,2,"Args: x, y, buttonClicked"
func_73795_f,drawTextBox,2,Draws the textbox
func_73796_b,setFocused,2,setter for the focused field
func_73797_d,setCursorPositionZero,2,sets the cursors position to the beginning
func_73799_h,getCursorPosition,2,returns the current position of the cursor
func_73801_o,getWidth,2,returns the width of the textbox depending on if the the box is enabled
func_73802_a,textboxKeyTyped,2,Call this method from you GuiScreen to process the keys into textbox.
func_73803_e,setCursorPositionEnd,2,sets the cursors position to after the text
func_73805_d,setCanLoseFocus,2,if true the textbox can lose focus by clicking elsewhere on the screen
func_73806_l,isFocused,2,getter for the focused field
func_73807_c,getSelectedtext,2,@return returns the text between the cursor and selectionEnd
func_73808_g,getMaxStringLength,2,returns the maximum number of character that can be contained in this textbox
func_73827_b,getChatGUI,2,"returns a pointer to the persistant Chat GUI, containing all previous chat messages and such"
func_73828_d,renderBossHealth,2,Renders dragon's (boss) health on the HUD
func_73829_a,renderVignette,2,"Renders the vignette. Args: vignetteBrightness, width, height"
func_73830_a,renderGameOverlay,2,"Render the ingame overlay with quick icon bar, ..."
func_73831_a,updateTick,2,The update tick for the ingame UI
func_73832_a,renderInventorySlot,2,"Renders the specified item of the inventory slot at the specified location. Args: slot, x, y, partialTick"
func_73835_b,renderPortalOverlay,2,"Renders the portal overlay. Args: portalStrength, width, height"
func_73846_a,queueTakenAchievement,2,Queue a taken achievement to be displayed.
func_73847_a,updateAchievementWindow,2,"Updates the small achievement tooltip window, showing a queued achievement if is needed."
func_73848_b,queueAchievementInformation,2,Queue a information about a achievement to be displayed.
func_73849_b,updateAchievementWindowScale,2,Update the display of the achievement window to match the game window.
func_73860_n,handleKeyboardInput,2,Handles keyboard input.
func_73862_m,handleInput,2,Delegates mouse and keyboard input.
func_73863_a,drawScreen,2,Draws the screen and all the components in it.
func_73864_a,mouseClicked,2,Called when the mouse is clicked.
func_73865_d,setClipboardString,2,store a string in the system clipboard
func_73866_w_,initGui,2,Adds the buttons (and other controls) to the screen in question.
func_73867_d,handleMouseInput,2,Handles mouse input.
func_73868_f,doesGuiPauseGame,2,Returns true if this GUI should pause the game when it is displayed in single-player
func_73869_a,keyTyped,2,Fired when a key is typed. This is the equivalent of KeyListener.keyTyped(KeyEvent e).
func_73870_l,getClipboardString,2,Returns a string stored in the system clipboard.
func_73871_c,drawBackground,2,Draws the background (i is always 0 as of 1.2.2)
func_73872_a,setWorldAndResolution,2,Causes the screen to lay out its subcomponents again. This is the equivalent of the Java call Container.validate()
func_73873_v_,drawDefaultBackground,2,Draws either a gradient over the background screen (when it exists) or a flat gradient over background.png
func_73874_b,onGuiClosed,2,Called when the screen is unloaded. Used to disable keyboard repeat events
func_73875_a,actionPerformed,2,Fired when a control is clicked. This is the equivalent of ActionListener.actionPerformed(ActionEvent e).
func_73876_c,updateScreen,2,Called from the main game loop to update the screen.
func_73879_b,mouseMovedOrUp,2,"Called when the mouse is moved or a mouse button is released. Signature: (mouseX, mouseY, which) which==-1 is mouseMove, which==0 or which==1 is mouseUp"
func_73892_a,getSentHistory,2,"input is relative and is applied directly to the sentHistoryCursor so -1 is the previous message, 1 is the next message from the current cursor position"
func_73895_u_,completePlayerName,2,Autocompletes player name
func_73906_g,wakeEntity,2,Wakes the entity from the bed
func_73912_g,makeUseableName,2,"Makes a the name for a world save folder based on your world name, replacing specific characters for _s and appending -s to the end until a free name is available."
func_73968_a,rotateAndBlurSkybox,2,Rotate and blurs the skybox view in the main menu
func_73970_b,drawPanorama,2,Draws the main menu panorama
func_73971_c,renderSkybox,2,Renders the skybox in the main menu
func_73985_g,respawnPlayer,2,Respawns the player.
func_74004_a,joinServer,2,Join server by slot index
func_74005_e,getButtonDelete,2,Return buttonDelete GuiButton
func_74014_d,getButtonEdit,2,Return buttonEdit GuiButton
func_74016_g,initGuiControls,2,Populate the GuiScreen controlList
func_74042_b,getDoneButton,2,Returns the private doneButton field.
func_74043_a,Returns,2,the private theGameSettings field.
func_74058_f,getLocalizedWorldName,2,Gets the localized world name
func_74059_d,getRenameButton,2,returns the rename button
func_74060_g,getDateFormatter,2,returns the date formatter for this gui
func_74062_b,getSelectedWorld,2,returns the world currently selected
func_74063_d,getSaveName,2,returns the name of the saved game
func_74064_e,selectWorld,2,Gets the selected world.
func_74065_g,initButtons,2,intilize the buttons for this GUI
func_74066_h,getLocalizedMustConvert,2,Gets the localized must convert text
func_74067_i,getLocalizedGameMode,2,Gets the localized GameMode
func_74069_a,getSaveFileName,2,returns the file name of the specified save number
func_74070_c,getSelectButton,2,returns the select button
func_74071_e,getDeleteButton,2,returns the delete button
func_74072_a,onElementSelected,2,called whenever an element in this gui is selected
func_74073_h,loadSaves,2,loads the saves
func_74109_g,drawTitle,2,"Draws the ""Achievements"" title at the top of the GUI."
func_74128_e,getFontRenderer3,2,there are 11 identical methods like this
func_74129_h,getFontRenderer4,2,there are 11 identical methods like this
func_74131_a,drawItemSprite,2,Draws the item sprite on top of the background sprite.
func_74132_d,getFontRenderer2,2,there are 11 identical methods like this
func_74133_g,getMinecraft2,2,exactly the same as 27141 and 27143
func_74134_a,drawSprite,2,Draws a sprite from /gui/slot.png.
func_74135_j,getFontRenderer6,2,there are 11 identical methods like this
func_74136_b,drawGradientRect1,2,exactly the same as 27129
func_74137_c,drawItemSprite,2,Draws the item sprite on top of the background sprite.
func_74138_c,drawSprite,2,Draws a sprite from /gui/slot.png.
func_74139_f,getMinecraft1,2,exactly the same as 27141
func_74140_n,getFontRenderer10,2,there are 11 identical methods like this
func_74141_m,getFontRenderer9,2,there are 11 identical methods like this
func_74142_b,drawButtonBackground,2,Draws a gray box that serves as a button background.
func_74143_g,addHeaderButtons,2,Creates the buttons that appear at the top of the Stats GUI.
func_74144_o,getFontRenderer11,2,there are 11 identical methods like this
func_74145_b,getFontRenderer1,2,there are 11 identical methods like this
func_74146_i,getFontRenderer5,2,there are 11 identical methods like this
func_74147_l,getFontRenderer8,2,there are 11 identical methods like this
func_74148_k,getFontRenderer7,2,there are 11 identical methods like this
func_74185_a,drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer,2,Draw the background layer for the GuiContainer (everything behind the items)
func_74186_a,isMouseOverSlot,2,Returns if the passed mouse position is over the specified slot.
func_74187_b,getSlotAtPosition,2,Returns the slot at the given coordinates or null if there is none.
func_74189_g,drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer,2,Draw the foreground layer for the GuiContainer (everything in front of the items)
func_74192_a,drawSlotInventory,2,Draws an inventory slot
func_74221_h,displayDebuffEffects,2,Displays debuff/potion effects that are currently being applied to the player
func_74226_k,needsScrollBars,2,returns (if you are not on the inventoryTab) and (the flag isn't set) and( you have more than 1 page of items)
func_74229_i,getInventory,2,Returns the creative inventory
func_74252_a,setNetClientHandler,2,Sets the NetClientHandler.
func_74253_d,getNetClientHandler,2,Gets the NetClientHandler.
func_74275_a,updateTimer,2,Updates all fields of the Timer using the current time
func_74291_a,saveScreenshot,2,Takes a screenshot and saves it to the screenshots directory. Returns the filename of the screenshot.
func_74297_c,getKeyBinding,2,Gets a key binding.
func_74298_c,getKeyDisplayString,2,Represents a key or mouse button as a string. Args: key
func_74300_a,loadOptions,2,Loads the options from the options file. It appears that this has replaced the previous 'loadOptions'
func_74301_b,getOptionDisplayString,2,The string that appears inside the button/slider in the options menu.
func_74303_b,saveOptions,2,Saves the options to the options file.
func_74304_a,setOptionFloatValue,2,"If the specified option is controlled by a slider (float value), this will set the float value."
func_74305_a,parseFloat,2,Parses a string into a float.
func_74306_a,setOptionValue,2,"For non-float options. Toggles the option on/off, or cycles through the list i.e. render distances."
func_74307_a,setKeyBinding,2,Sets a key binding.
func_74309_c,shouldRenderClouds,2,Should render clouds
func_74371_a,checkARBOcclusion,2,Checks if we support OpenGL occlusion.
func_74372_a,grabMouseCursor,2,Grabs the mouse cursor it doesn't move and isn't seen.
func_74373_b,ungrabMouseCursor,2,Ungrabs the mouse cursor so it can be moved and set it to the center of the screen
func_74423_d,serverShutdown,2,Shuts down the server. (Only actually used on the server)
func_74424_a,networkShutdown,2,"Shuts down the network with the specified reason. Closes all streams and sockets, spawns NetworkMasterThread to stop reading and writing threads."
func_74426_e,packetSize,2,returns 0 for memoryConnections
func_74427_a,wakeThreads,2,Wakes reader and writer threads
func_74428_b,processReadPackets,2,Checks timeouts and processes all pending read packets.
func_74429_a,addToSendQueue,2,Adds the packet to the correct send queue (chunk data packets go to a separate queue).
func_74430_c,getSocketAddress,2,Return the InetSocketAddress of the remote endpoint
func_74436_b,processOrCachePacket,2,"acts immiditally if isWritePacket, otherwise adds it to the readCache to be processed next tick"
func_74446_k,encryptOuputStream,2,flushes the stream and replaces it with an encryptedOutputStream
func_74447_i,readPacket,2,"Reads a single packet from the input stream and adds it to the read queue. If no packet is read, it shuts down the network."
func_74449_b,isServerTerminating,2,Is the server terminating? Client side aways returns false.
func_74450_c,readNetworkPacket,2,Static accessor to readPacket.
func_74451_d,sendNetworkPacket,2,Static accessor to sendPacket.
func_74455_a,onNetworkError,2,Used to report network errors and causes a network shutdown.
func_74456_f,isTerminating,2,Gets whether the Network manager is terminating.
func_74457_g,getReadThread,2,Returns the read thread.
func_74458_a,sendError,2,Sends the network manager an error
func_74459_h,sendPacket,2,"Sends a data packet if there is one to send, or sends a chunk data packet if there is one and the counter is up, or does nothing."
func_74461_h,getWriteThread,2,Returns the write thread.
func_74462_a,isRunning,2,Whether the network is operational.
func_74517_a,setColorBuffer,2,Update and return colorBuffer with the RGBA values passed as arguments
func_74518_a,disableStandardItemLighting,2,Disables the OpenGL lighting properties enabled by enableStandardItemLighting
func_74519_b,enableStandardItemLighting,2,Sets the OpenGL lighting properties to the values used when rendering blocks as items
func_74520_c,enableGUIStandardItemLighting,2,Sets OpenGL lighting for rendering blocks as items inside GUI screens (such as containers).
func_74521_a,setColorBuffer,2,Update and return colorBuffer with the RGBA values passed as arguments
func_74524_c,createDirectByteBuffer,2,Creates and returns a direct byte buffer with the specified capacity. Applies native ordering to speed up access.
func_74525_a,deleteTexturesAndDisplayLists,2,Deletes all textures and display lists. Called when Minecraft is shutdown to free up resources.
func_74526_a,generateDisplayLists,2,Generates the specified number of display lists and returns the first index.
func_74527_f,createDirectIntBuffer,2,Creates and returns a direct int buffer with the specified capacity. Applies native ordering to speed up access.
func_74528_a,generateTextureNames,2,Generates texture names and stores them in the specified buffer.
func_74529_h,createDirectFloatBuffer,2,Creates and returns a direct float buffer with the specified capacity. Applies native ordering to speed up access.
func_74535_a,formatString,2,Formats the strings based on 'IStatStringFormat' interface.
func_74572_a,downloadResource,2,Downloads the resource and saves it to disk.
func_74573_a,reloadResources,2,Reloads the resource folder and passes the resources to Minecraft to install.
func_74574_b,closeMinecraft,2,Called when Minecraft is closing down.
func_74575_a,downloadAndInstallResource,2,Downloads the resource and saves it to disk then installs it.
func_74576_a,loadResource,2,Loads a resource and passes it to Minecraft to install.
func_74583_a,updateRenderInfo,2,Updates the current render info and camera location based on entity look angles and 1st/3rd person view mode
func_74584_a,getBlockIdAtEntityViewpoint,2,"Returns the block ID at the current camera location (either air or fluid), taking into account the height of fluid blocks"
func_74585_b,projectViewFromEntity,2,Returns a vector representing the projection along the given entity's view for the given distance
func_74603_a,withElement,2,Adds the given element to the array that will be built.
func_74686_a,with,2,"Constructs a JsonNodeSelector consisting of this chained with the given JsonNodeSelector. For example, if we have JsonNodeSelectors for the first element of an array, and another that selects the second element of an array, and we chain them together in that order, we will get a selector that works on nested arrays, selecting the second element from an array stored in the first element of a parent array"
func_74688_a,matches,2,Determines whether this JsonNodeSelector can extract a value from the given JsonNode
func_74731_a,writeNamedTag,2,"Writes the specified tag to the given DataOutput, writing the type byte, the UTF string key and then calling the tag to write its data."
func_74732_a,getId,2,Gets the type byte for the tag.
func_74733_a,newTag,2,"Creates and returns a new tag of the specified type, or null if invalid."
func_74734_a,write,2,"Write the actual data contents of the tag, implemented in NBT extension classes"
func_74735_a,load,2,"Read the actual data contents of the tag, implemented in NBT extension classes"
func_74736_a,getTagName,2,"Returns the string name of a tag with the specified type, or 'UNKNOWN' if invalid."
func_74737_b,copy,2,Creates a clone of the tag.
func_74738_o,setName,2,Sets the name for this tag and returns this for convenience.
func_74739_b,readNamedTag,2,"Reads and returns a tag from the given DataInput, or the End tag if no tag could be read."
func_74740_e,getName,2,"Gets the name corresponding to the tag, or an empty string if none set."
func_74742_a,appendTag,2,Adds the provided tag to the end of the list. There is no check to verify this tag is of the same type as any previous tag.
func_74743_b,tagAt,2,Retrieves the tag at the specified index from the list.
func_74745_c,tagCount,2,Returns the number of tags in the list.
func_74757_a,setBoolean,2,"Stores the given boolean value as a NBTTagByte, storing 1 for true and 0 for false, using the given string key."
func_74758_c,getTags,2,Returns all the values in the tagMap HashMap.
func_74759_k,getIntArray,2,"Retrieves an int array using the specified key, or a zero-length array if no such key was stored."
func_74760_g,getFloat,2,"Retrieves a float value using the specified key, or 0 if no such key was stored."
func_74761_m,getTagList,2,"Retrieves a NBTTagList subtag matching the specified key, or a new empty NBTTagList if no such key was stored."
func_74762_e,getInteger,2,"Retrieves an integer value using the specified key, or 0 if no such key was stored."
func_74763_f,getLong,2,"Retrieves a long value using the specified key, or 0 if no such key was stored."
func_74764_b,hasKey,2,Returns whether the given string has been previously stored as a key in the map.
func_74765_d,getShort,2,"Retrieves a short value using the specified key, or 0 if no such key was stored."
func_74766_a,setCompoundTag,2,Stores the given NBTTagCompound into the map with the given string key.
func_74767_n,getBoolean,2,"Retrieves a boolean value using the specified key, or false if no such key was stored. This uses the getByte method."
func_74768_a,setInteger,2,Stores a new NBTTagInt with the given integer value into the map with the given string key.
func_74769_h,getDouble,2,"Retrieves a double value using the specified key, or 0 if no such key was stored."
func_74770_j,getByteArray,2,"Retrieves a byte array using the specified key, or a zero-length array if no such key was stored."
func_74771_c,getByte,2,"Retrieves a byte value using the specified key, or 0 if no such key was stored."
func_74772_a,setLong,2,Stores a new NBTTagLong with the given long value into the map with the given string key.
func_74773_a,setByteArray,2,Stores a new NBTTagByteArray with the given array as data into the map with the given string key.
func_74774_a,setByte,2,Stores a new NBTTagByte with the given byte value into the map with the given string key.
func_74775_l,getCompoundTag,2,"Retrieves a NBTTagCompound subtag matching the specified key, or a new empty NBTTagCompound if no such key was stored."
func_74776_a,setFloat,2,Stores a new NBTTagFloat with the given float value into the map with the given string key.
func_74777_a,setShort,2,Stores a new NBTTagShort with the given short value into the map with the given string key.
func_74778_a,setString,2,Stores a new NBTTagString with the given string value into the map with the given string key.
func_74779_i,getString,2,"Retrieves a string value using the specified key, or an empty string if no such key was stored."
func_74780_a,setDouble,2,Stores a new NBTTagDouble with the given double value into the map with the given string key.
func_74781_a,getTag,2,gets a generic tag with the specified name
func_74782_a,setTag,2,Stores the given tag into the map with the given string key. This is mostly used to store tag lists.
func_74783_a,setIntArray,2,Stores a new NBTTagIntArray with the given array as data into the map with the given string key.
func_74788_a,parse,2,Parse the character stream from the specified Reader into a JsonRootNode object.
func_74794_a,read,2,Reads from a CompressedStream.
func_74796_a,readCompressed,2,Load the gzipped compound from the inputstream.
func_74799_a,writeCompressed,2,"Write the compound, gzipped, to the outputstream."
func_74803_a,translateKeyFormat,2,Translate a key to current language applying String.format()
func_74805_b,translateKey,2,Translate a key to current language.
func_74808_a,getInstance,2,Return the StringTranslate singleton instance
func_74809_c,translateNamedKey,2,"Translate a key with a extra '.name' at end added, is used by blocks and items."
func_74837_a,translateToLocalFormatted,2,Translates a Stat name with format args
func_74838_a,translateToLocal,2,Translates a Stat name
func_74860_a,isLiquidInStructureBoundingBox,2,checks the entire StructureBoundingBox for Liquids
func_74861_a,buildComponent,2,"Initiates construction of the Structure Component picked, at the current Location of StructGen"
func_74863_c,getMetadataWithOffset,2,"Returns the direction-shifted metadata for blocks that require orientation, e.g. doors, stairs, ladders. Parameters: block ID, original metadata"
func_74864_a,placeBlockAtCurrentPosition,2,"current Position depends on currently set Coordinates mode, is computed here"
func_74867_a,randomlyRareFillWithBlocks,2,"arguments: World worldObj, StructureBoundingBox structBB, int minX, int minY, int minZ, int maxX, int maxY, int maxZ, int placeBlockId, boolean alwaysreplace"
func_74870_b,fillCurrentPositionBlocksDownwards,2,"Overwrites air and liquids from selected position downwards, stops at hitting anything else."
func_74871_b,clearCurrentPositionBlocksUpwards,2,Deletes all continuous blocks from selected position upwards. Stops at hitting air.
func_74875_a,addComponentParts,2,"second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences..."
func_74876_a,randomlyPlaceBlock,2,Randomly decides if placing or not. Used for Decoration such as Torches and Spiderwebs
func_74877_c,getComponentType,2,Returns the component type ID of this component.
func_74880_a,randomlyFillWithBlocks,2,"arguments: World worldObj, StructureBoundingBox structBB, Random rand, float randLimit, int minX, int minY, int minZ, int maxX, int maxY, int maxZ, int olaceBlockId, int replaceBlockId, boolean alwaysreplace"
func_74882_a,fillWithRandomizedBlocks,2,"arguments: World worldObj, StructureBoundingBox structBB, int minX, int minY, int minZ, int maxX, int maxY, int maxZ, boolean alwaysreplace, Random rand, StructurePieceBlockSelector blockselector"
func_74883_a,findIntersecting,2,Discover if bounding box can fit within the current bounding box object.
func_74884_a,fillWithBlocks,2,"arguments: (World worldObj, StructureBoundingBox structBB, int minX, int minY, int minZ, int maxX, int maxY, int maxZ, int placeBlockId, int replaceBlockId, boolean alwaysreplace)"
func_74888_b,getVillagerType,2,"Returns the villager type to spawn in this component, based on the number of villagers already spawned."
func_74889_b,getAverageGroundLevel,2,Discover the y coordinate that will serve as the ground level of the supplied BoundingBox. (A median of all the levels in the BB's horizontal rectangle).
func_74891_a,getNextComponentNN,2,"Gets the next village component, with the bounding box shifted -1 in the X and Z direction."
func_74893_a,spawnVillagers,2,"Spawns a number of villagers in this component. Parameters: world, component bounding box, x offset, y offset, z offset, number of villagers"
func_74894_b,getNextComponentPP,2,"Gets the next village component, with the bounding box shifted +1 in the X and Z direction."
func_74950_a,findValidPlacement,2,Trys to find a valid place to put this component.
func_74961_b,getNextComponentX,2,Gets the next component in the +/- X direction
func_74962_a,getNextComponent,2,Finds a random component to tack on to the bridge. Or builds the end.
func_74963_a,getNextComponentNormal,2,Gets the next component in any cardinal direction
func_74964_a,isAboveGround,2,Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10
func_74965_c,getNextComponentZ,2,Gets the next component in the +/- Z direction
func_74966_a,createValidComponent,2,Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it.
func_74973_a,createValidComponent,2,Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it.
func_74974_a,createValidComponent,2,Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it.
func_74975_a,createValidComponent,2,Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it.
func_74977_a,createValidComponent,2,Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it.
func_74978_a,createValidComponent,2,Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it.
func_74979_a,createValidComponent,2,Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it.
func_74980_a,createValidComponent,2,Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it.
func_74981_a,createValidComponent,2,Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it.
func_74982_a,createValidComponent,2,Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it.
func_74983_a,createValidComponent,2,Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it.
func_74984_a,createValidComponent,2,Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it.
func_74985_a,createValidComponent,2,Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it.
func_74986_a,getNextComponentNormal,2,Gets the next component in any cardinal direction
func_74987_c,getNextComponentZ,2,Gets the next component in the +/- Z direction
func_74989_b,getNextComponentX,2,Gets the next component in the +/- X direction
func_74990_a,placeDoor,2,builds a door of the enumerated types (empty opening is a door)
func_74991_a,canStrongholdGoDeeper,2,returns false if the Structure Bounding Box goes below 10
func_75022_a,getStrongholdStairsComponent,2,"performs some checks, then gives out a fresh Stairs component"
func_75037_a,recursiveGenerate,2,Recursively called by generate() (func_75036_a) and optionally by itself.
func_75041_a,generateLargeCaveNode,2,Generates a larger initial cave node than usual. Called 25% of the time.
func_75042_a,generateCaveNode,2,Generates a node in the current cave system recursion tree.
func_75043_a,generateCaveNode,2,Generates a node in the current cave system recursion tree.
func_75044_a,generateLargeCaveNode,2,Generates a larger initial cave node than usual. Called 25% of the time.
func_75051_a,generateStructuresInChunk,2,Generates structures in specified chunk next to existing structures. Does *not* generate StructureStarts.
func_75062_a,selectBlocks,2,picks Block Ids and Metadata (Silverfish)
func_75067_a,markAvailableHeight,2,"offsets the structure Bounding Boxes up to a certain height, typically 63 - 10"
func_75068_a,generateStructure,2,Keeps iterating Structure Pieces and spawning them until the checks tell it to stop
func_75069_d,isSizeableStructure,2,"currently only defined for Villages, returns true if Village has more than 2 non-road components"
func_75072_c,updateBoundingBox,2,Calculates total bounding box based on components' bounding boxes and saves it to boundingBox
func_75077_d,getNextVillageStructureComponent,2,"attempts to find a next Structure Component to be spawned, private Village function"
func_75078_a,getNextStructureComponent,2,attempts to find a next Structure Component to be spawned
func_75081_c,getNextVillageComponent,2,attempts to find a next Village Component to be spawned
func_75111_a,addStats,2,Eat some food.
func_75112_a,readNBT,2,Reads food stats from an NBT object.
func_75113_a,addExhaustion,2,adds input to foodExhaustionLevel to a max of 40
func_75115_e,getSaturationLevel,2,Get the player's food saturation level.
func_75116_a,getFoodLevel,2,Get the player's food level.
func_75117_b,writeNBT,2,Writes food stats to an NBT object.
func_75118_a,onUpdate,2,Handles the food game logic.
func_75121_c,needFood,2,If foodLevel is not max.
func_75122_a,addStats,2,"Args: int foodLevel, float foodSaturationModifier"
func_75128_a,setPlayerIsPresent,2,adds or removes the player from the container based on par2
func_75129_b,isPlayerNotUsingContainer,2,NotUsing because adding a player twice is an error
func_75130_a,onCraftMatrixChanged,2,Callback for when the crafting matrix is changed.
func_75131_a,putStacksInSlots,2,"places itemstacks in first x slots, x being aitemstack.lenght"
func_75134_a,onCraftGuiClosed,2,Callback for when the crafting gui is closed.
func_75135_a,mergeItemStack,2,merges provided ItemStack with the first avaliable one in the container/player inventory
func_75136_a,getNextTransactionID,2,Gets a unique transaction ID. Parameter is unused.
func_75138_a,getInventory,2,"returns a list if itemStacks, for each slot."
func_75140_a,enchantItem,2,enchants the item on the table using the specified slot; also deducts XP from player
func_75141_a,putStackInSlot,2,"args: slotID, itemStack to put in slot"
func_75142_b,updateCraftingResults,2,Updates crafting matrix; called from onCraftMatrixChanged. Args: none
func_75143_b,transferStackInSlot,2,Called to transfer a stack from one inventory to the other eg. when shift clicking.
func_75146_a,addSlotToContainer,2,the slot is assumed empty
func_75183_a,scrollTo,2,Updates the gui slots ItemStack's based on scroll position.
func_75184_d,hasMoreThan1PageOfItemsInList,2,theCreativeContainer seems to be hard coded to 9x5 items
func_75198_a,prepareStructurePieces,2,sets up Arrays with the Structure pieces and their weights
func_75200_a,getStrongholdComponentFromWeightedPiece,2,translates the PieceWeight class to the Component class
func_75208_c,onCrafting,2,"the itemStack passed in is the output - ie, iron ingots, and pickaxes, not ore and wood."
func_75209_a,decrStackSize,2,Decrease the size of the stack in slot (first int arg) by the amount of the second int arg. Returns the new stack.
func_75210_a,onCrafting,2,"the itemStack passed in is the output - ie, iron ingots, and pickaxes, not ore and wood. Typically increases an internal count then calls onCrafting(item)."
func_75211_c,getStack,2,Helper fnct to get the stack in the slot.
func_75212_b,getBackgroundIconIndex,2,Returns the icon index on items.png that is used as background image of the slot.
func_75213_b,onPickupFromSlot,2,Called when the player picks up an item from an inventory slot
func_75214_a,isItemValid,2,Check if the stack is a valid item for this slot. Always true beside for the armor slots.
func_75215_d,putStack,2,Helper method to put a stack in the slot.
func_75216_d,getHasStack,2,Returns if this slot contains a stack.
func_75217_a,isSlotInInventory,2,returns true if this slot is in par2 of par1
func_75218_e,onSlotChanged,2,Called when the stack in a Slot changes
func_75219_a,getSlotStackLimit,2,"Returns the maximum stack size for a given slot (usually the same as getInventoryStackLimit(), but 1 in the case of armor slots)"
func_75220_a,onSlotChange,2,"if par2 has more items than par1, onCrafting(item,countIncrease) is called"
func_75246_d,updateTask,2,Updates the task
func_75247_h,getMutexBits,2,"Get a bitmask telling which other tasks may not run concurrently. The test is a simple bitwise AND - if it yields zero, the two tasks may run concurrently, if not - they must run exclusively from each other."
func_75248_a,setMutexBits,2,"Sets a bitmask telling which other tasks may not run concurrently. The test is a simple bitwise AND - if it yields zero, the two tasks may run concurrently, if not - they must run exclusively from each other."
func_75249_e,startExecuting,2,Execute a one shot task or start executing a continuous task
func_75250_a,shouldExecute,2,Returns whether the EntityAIBase should begin execution.
func_75251_c,resetTask,2,Resets the task
func_75252_g,isContinuous,2,Returns whether the task requires multiple updates or not
func_75253_b,continueExecuting,2,Returns whether an in-progress EntityAIBase should continue executing
func_75270_a,setSitting,2,Sets the sitting flag.
func_75296_a,isSuitableTarget,2,A method used to see if an entity is a suitable target through a number of checks.
func_75317_f,doRangedAttack,2,Performs a ranged attack according to the AI's rangedAttackID.
func_75349_a,findUsableDoor,2,Determines if a door can be broken with AI.
func_75388_i,spawnBaby,2,Spawns a baby animal of the same type.
func_75389_f,getNearbyMate,2,Loops through nearby animals and finds another animal of the same type that can be mated with. Returns the first valid mate found.
func_75398_a,isSittableBlock,2,Determines wheter the Ocelot wants to sit on the block at given coordinate
func_75399_f,getNearbySitableBlockDistance,2,"Searches for a block to sit on within a 8 block range, returns 0 if none found"
func_75461_b,findRandomTargetBlockAwayFrom,2,"finds a random target within par1(x,z) and par2 (y) blocks in the reverse direction of the point par3"
func_75462_c,findRandomTargetBlock,2,"searches 10 blocks at random in a within par1(x,z) and par2 (y) distance, ignores those not in the direction of par3Vec3, then points to the tile for which creature.getBlockPathWeight returns the highest number"
func_75463_a,findRandomTarget,2,"finds a random target within par1(x,z) and par2 (y) blocks"
func_75464_a,findRandomTargetBlockTowards,2,"finds a random target within par1(x,z) and par2 (y) blocks in the direction of the point par3"
func_75469_c,getInsideDistanceSquare,2,Get the square of the distance from a location 2 blocks away from the door considered 'inside' and the given arguments
func_75474_b,getDistanceSquared,2,Returns the squared distance between this door and the given coordinate.
func_75483_a,isSafeToStandAt,2,"Returns true when an entity could stand at a position, including solid blocks under the entire entity. Args: xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, entityXSize, entityYSize, entityZSize, originPosition, vecX, vecZ"
func_75484_a,setPath,2,"sets the active path data if path is 100% unique compared to old path, checks to adjust path for sun avoiding ents and stores end coords"
func_75485_k,canNavigate,2,If on ground or swimming and can swim
func_75487_m,removeSunnyPath,2,Trims path data from the end to the first sun covered block
func_75488_a,getPathToXYZ,2,Returns the path to the given coordinates
func_75489_a,setSpeed,2,Sets the speed
func_75490_c,setEnterDoors,2,Sets if the entity can enter open doors
func_75492_a,tryMoveToXYZ,2,Try to find and set a path to XYZ. Returns true if successful.
func_75493_a,isDirectPathBetweenPoints,2,"Returns true when an entity of specified size could safely walk in a straight line between the two points. Args: pos1, pos2, entityXSize, entityYSize, entityZSize"
func_75494_a,getPathToEntityLiving,2,Returns the path to the given EntityLiving
func_75495_e,setCanSwim,2,Sets if the entity can swim
func_75496_b,isPositionClear,2,"Returns true if an entity does not collide with any solid blocks at the position. Args: xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, entityXSize, entityYSize, entityZSize, originPosition, vecX, vecZ"
func_75497_a,tryMoveToEntityLiving,2,Try to find and set a path to EntityLiving. Returns true if successful.
func_75499_g,clearPathEntity,2,sets active PathEntity to null
func_75500_f,noPath,2,If null path or reached the end
func_75503_j,getPathableYPos,2,Gets the safe pathing Y position for the entity depending on if it can path swim or not
func_75504_d,setAvoidSun,2,Sets if the path should avoid sunlight
func_75505_d,getPath,2,gets the actively used PathEntity
func_75506_l,isInFluid,2,"Returns true if the entity is in water or lava, false otherwise"
func_75507_c,getCanBreakDoors,2,"Returns true if the entity can break doors, false otherwise"
func_75522_a,canSee,2,"Checks, whether 'our' entity can see the entity given as argument (true) or not (false), caching the result."
func_75523_a,clearSensingCache,2,Clears canSeeCachePositive and canSeeCacheNegative.
func_75528_a,tick,2,Runs a single tick for the village siege
func_75544_a,tick,2,Runs a single tick for the village collection
func_75550_a,findNearestVillage,2,"Finds the nearest village, but only the given coordinates are withing it's bounding box plus the given the distance."
func_75551_a,addVillagerPosition,2,"This is a black hole. You can add data to this list through a public interface, but you can't query that information in any way and it's not used internally either."
func_75558_f,getVillageDoorInfoList,2,called only by class EntityAIMoveThroughVillage
func_75559_a,tryGetIronGolemSpawningLocation,2,Tries up to 10 times to get a valid spawning location before eventually failing and returning null.
func_75560_a,tick,2,Called periodically by VillageCollection
func_75566_g,isAnnihilated,2,"Returns true, if there is not a single village door left. Called by VillageCollection"
func_75567_c,getNumVillageDoors,2,"Actually get num village door info entries, but that boils down to number of doors. Called by EntityAIVillagerMate and VillageSiege"
func_75569_c,findNearestDoorUnrestricted,2,"Find a door suitable for shelter. If there are more doors in a distance of 16 blocks, then the least restricted one (i.e. the one protecting the lowest number of villagers) of them is chosen, else the nearest one regardless of restriction."
func_75570_a,isInRange,2,"Returns true, if the given coordinates are within the bounding box of the village."
func_75599_d,getPeacefulCreature,2,Gets whether or not this creature type is peaceful.
func_75614_a,addMapping,2,Adds a entity mapping with egg info.
func_75615_a,createEntityFromNBT,2,create a new instance of an entity from NBT store
func_75616_a,createEntityByID,2,Create a new instance of an entity in the world by using an entity ID.
func_75617_a,getStringFromID,2,Finds the class using IDtoClassMapping and classToStringMapping
func_75618_a,addMapping,2,adds a mapping between Entity classes and both a string representation and an ID
func_75619_a,getEntityID,2,gets the entityID of a specific entity
func_75620_a,createEntityByName,2,Create a new instance of an entity in the world by using the entity name.
func_75621_b,getEntityString,2,Gets the string representation of a specific entity.
func_75642_a,setMoveTo,2,Sets the speed and location to move to
func_75649_a,onUpdateLook,2,Updates look
func_75650_a,setLookPosition,2,Sets position to look at
func_75651_a,setLookPositionWithEntity,2,Sets position to look at using entity
func_75661_b,doJump,2,Called to actually make the entity jump if isJumping is true.
func_75679_c,getWatchableObjectInt,2,gets a watchable object and returns it as a Integer
func_75680_a,writeObjectsInListToStream,2,"writes every object in passed list to dataoutputstream, terminated by 0x7F"
func_75681_e,getWatchableObjectString,2,gets a watchable object and returns it as a String
func_75682_a,addObject,2,"adds a new object to dataWatcher to watch, to update an already existing object see updateObject. Arguments: data Value Id, Object to add"
func_75683_a,getWatchableObjectByte,2,gets the bytevalue of a watchable object
func_75691_i,getWatchedObject,2,"is threadsafe, unless it throws an exception, then"
func_75692_b,updateObject,2,updates an already existing object
func_75735_a,queueIO,2,threaded io
func_75736_b,processQueue,2,Process the items that are in the queue
func_75742_a,loadData,2,"Loads an existing MapDataBase corresponding to the given String id from disk, instantiating the given Class, or returns null if none such file exists. args: Class to instantiate, String dataid"
func_75743_a,getUniqueDataId,2,Returns an unique new data id for the given prefix and saves the idCounts map to the 'idcounts' file.
func_75744_a,saveAllData,2,Saves all dirty loaded MapDataBases to disk.
func_75745_a,setData,2,"Assigns the given String id to the given MapDataBase, removing any existing ones of the same id."
func_75746_b,loadIdCounts,2,Loads the idCounts Map from the 'idcounts' file.
func_75747_a,saveData,2,Saves the given MapDataBase to disk.
func_75752_b,readPlayerData,2,Reads the player data from disk into the specified PlayerEntityMP.
func_75753_a,writePlayerData,2,Writes the player data to disk from the specified PlayerEntityMP.
func_75754_f,getAvailablePlayerDat,2,Gets an array of Usernames there are available player.dat files for.
func_75755_a,saveWorldInfoWithPlayer,2,Saves the given World Info with the given NBTTagCompound as the Player.
func_75756_e,getSaveHandler,2,returns null if no saveHandler is relevent (eg. SMP)
func_75757_d,loadWorldInfo,2,Loads and returns the world info
func_75758_b,getMapFileFromName,2,Gets the file location of the given map
func_75759_a,flush,2,"Called to flush all changes to disk, waiting for them to complete."
func_75760_g,getSaveDirectoryName,2,Returns the name of the directory where world information is saved
func_75761_a,saveWorldInfo,2,Saves the passed in world info.
func_75762_c,checkSessionLock,2,Checks the session lock to prevent save collisions
func_75763_a,getChunkLoader,2,Returns the chunk loader with the provided world provider
func_75764_a,getPlayerData,2,Gets the player data for the given playername as a NBTTagCompound.
func_75765_b,getSaveDirectory,2,gets the File object corresponding to the base directory of this save (saves/404 for a save called 404 etc)
func_75766_h,setSessionLock,2,Creates a session lock file for this process
func_75777_a,areTasksCompatible,2,Returns whether two EntityAITaskEntries can be executed concurrently
func_75786_a,getFileName,2,return the file name
func_75788_b,getDisplayName,2,return the display name of the save
func_75801_b,isOldMapFormat,2,Checks if the save directory uses the old map format
func_75802_e,deleteWorldDirectory,2,@args: Takes one argument - the name of the directory of the world to delete. @desc: Delete the world by deleting the associated directory recursively.
func_75803_c,getWorldInfo,2,gets the world info
func_75804_a,getSaveLoader,2,Returns back a loader for the specified save directory
func_75805_a,convertMapFormat,2,"Converts the specified map to the new map format. Args: worldName, loadingScreen"
func_75806_a,renameWorld,2,@args: Takes two arguments - first the name of the directory containing the world and second the new name for that world. @desc: Renames the world by storing the new name in level.dat. It does *not* rename the directory containing the world data.
func_75807_a,deleteFiles,2,@args: Takes one argument - the list of files and directories to delete. @desc: Deletes the files and directory listed in the list recursively.
func_75809_f,createFile,2,par: filename for the level.dat_mcr backup
func_75810_a,addRegionFilesToCollection,2,"filters the files in the par1 directory, and adds them to the par2 collections"
func_75811_a,convertChunks,2,"copies a 32x32 chunk set from par2File to par1File, via AnvilConverterData"
func_75814_c,writeNextIO,2,Returns a boolean stating if the write was unsuccessful.
func_75815_a,loadChunk,2,Loads the specified(XZ) chunk into the specified world.
func_75817_a,chunkTick,2,Called every World.tick()
func_75818_b,saveExtraData,2,"Save extra data not associated with any Chunk. Not saved during autosave, only during world unload. Currently unused."
func_75819_b,saveExtraChunkData,2,"Save extra data associated with this Chunk not normally saved during autosave, only during chunk unload. Currently unused."
func_75820_a,writeChunkToNBT,2,"Writes the Chunk passed as an argument to the NBTTagCompound also passed, using the World argument to retrieve the Chunk's last update time."
func_75822_a,checkedReadChunkFromNBT,2,"wraps readChunkFromNBT. checks the coordinates, and several NBT tags"
func_75823_a,readChunkFromNBT,2,Reads the data stored in the passed NBTTagCompound and creates a Chunk with that data in the passed World. Returns the created Chunk.
func_75829_a,distanceTo,2,Returns the linear distance to another path point
func_75831_a,isAssigned,2,Returns true if this point has already been assigned to a path
func_75843_a,format,2,Formats a given stat for human consumption.
func_75844_c,dequeue,2,Returns and removes the first point in the path
func_75845_e,isPathEmpty,2,Returns true if this path contains no points
func_75846_b,sortForward,2,Sorts a point to the right
func_75847_a,sortBack,2,Sorts a point to the left
func_75848_a,clearPath,2,Clears the path
func_75849_a,addPoint,2,Adds a point to the path
func_75850_a,changeDistance,2,Changes the provided point's distance to target
func_75853_a,createEntityPath,2,Returns a new PathEntity for a given start and end point
func_75854_a,openPoint,2,Returns a mapped point or creates and adds one
func_75855_a,getVerticalOffset,2,"Checks if an entity collides with blocks at a position. Returns 1 if clear, 0 for colliding with any solid block, -1 for water(if avoiding water) but otherwise clear, -2 for lava, -3 for fence, -4 for closed trapdoor, 2 if otherwise clear except for open trapdoor or water(if not avoiding)"
func_75856_a,createEntityPathTo,2,Creates a path from one entity to another within a minimum distance
func_75857_a,createEntityPathTo,2,Internal implementation of creating a path from an entity to a point
func_75858_a,getSafePoint,2,Returns a point that the entity can safely move to
func_75859_a,createEntityPathTo,2,Creates a path from an entity to a specified location within a minimum distance
func_75860_b,findPathOptions,2,"populates pathOptions with available points and returns the number of options found (args: unused1, currentPoint, unused2, targetPoint, maxDistance)"
func_75861_a,addToPath,2,"Adds a path from start to end and returns the whole path (args: unused, start, end, unused, maxDistance)"
func_75870_c,getFinalPathPoint,2,returns the last PathPoint of the Array
func_75875_a,incrementPathIndex,2,Directs this path to the next point in its array
func_75876_a,isSamePath,2,Returns true if the EntityPath are the same. Non instance related equals.
func_75877_a,getPathPointFromIndex,2,"return the PathPoint located at the specified PathIndex, usually the current one"
func_75878_a,getPosition,2,returns the current PathEntity target node as Vec3D
func_75879_b,isFinished,2,Returns true if this path has reached the end
func_75880_b,isDestinationSame,2,Returns true if the final PathPoint in the PathEntity is equal to Vec3D coords.
func_75881_a,getVectorFromIndex,2,Gets the vector of the PathPoint associated with the given index.
func_75899_a,getMD5String,2,Gets the MD5 string
func_75901_a,initializeAllBiomeGenerators,2,"the first array item is a linked list of the bioms, the second is the zoom function, the third is the same as the first."
func_75902_a,nextInt,2,"returns a LCG pseudo random number from [0, x). Args: int x"
func_75903_a,initChunkSeed,2,"Initialize layer's current chunkSeed based on the local worldGenSeed and the (x,z) chunk coordinates."
func_75904_a,getInts,2,"Returns a list of integer values generated by this layer. These may be interpreted as temperatures, rainfall amounts, or biomeList[] indices based on the particular GenLayer subclass."
func_75905_a,initWorldGenSeed,2,Initialize layer's local worldGenSeed based on its own baseSeed and the world's global seed (passed in as an argument).
func_75912_b,choose,2,randomly choose between the four args
func_75913_a,choose,2,randomly choose between the two args
func_75917_a,choose,2,Chooses one of the two inputs randomly.
func_75918_d,initCraftableStats,2,Initializes statistics related to craftable items. Is only called after both block and item stats have been initialized.
func_75920_a,initUsableStats,2,Initializes statistic fields related to usable items and blocks.
func_75921_a,initMinableStats,2,Initializes statistic fields related to minable items and blocks.
func_75922_b,initBreakableStats,2,Initializes statistic fields related to breakable items and blocks.
func_75924_a,replaceAllSimilarBlocks,2,Forces all dual blocks to count for each other on the stats list
func_75927_a,replaceSimilarBlocks,2,"Forces stats for one block to add to another block, such as idle and active furnaces"
func_75962_a,getGuid,2,Returns the unique GUID of a achievement id.
func_75966_h,initIndependentStat,2,"Initializes the current stat as independent (i.e., lacking prerequisites for being updated) and returns the current instance."
func_75967_d,isAchievement,2,Returns whether or not the StatBase-derived class is a statistic (running counter) or an achievement (one-shot).
func_75971_g,registerStat,2,Register the stat into StatList.
func_75984_f,getSpecial,2,"Special achievements have a 'spiked' (on normal texture pack) frame, special achievements are the hardest ones to achieve."
func_75985_c,registerAchievement,2,"Adds the achievement on the internal list of registered achievements, also, it's check for duplicated id's."
func_75986_a,setIndependent,2,"Indicates whether or not the given achievement or statistic is independent (i.e., lacks prerequisites for being update)."
func_75987_b,setSpecial,2,"Special achievements have a 'spiked' (on normal texture pack) frame, special achievements are the hardest ones to achieve."
func_75988_a,setStatStringFormatter,2,Defines a string formatter for the achievement.
func_75989_e,getDescription,2,Returns the fully description of the achievement - ready to be displayed on screen.
func_75997_a,init,2,A stub functions called to make the static initializer for this class run.
func_76030_b,getValue,2,Returns the object stored in this entry
func_76031_a,getHash,2,Returns the hash code for this entry
func_76036_e,removeEntry,2,Removes the specified entry from the map and returns it
func_76037_b,containsItem,2,Return true if an object is associated with the given key
func_76038_a,addKey,2,Adds a key and associated value to this map
func_76039_d,getKeySet,2,Return the Set of all keys stored in this MCHash object
func_76040_a,insert,2,Adds an object to a slot
func_76041_a,lookup,2,Returns the object associated to a key
func_76042_f,getHash,2,Returns the hash code for a key
func_76043_a,getSlotIndex,2,Computes the index of the slot for the hash and slot count passed in.
func_76044_g,computeHash,2,Makes the passed in integer suitable for hashing by a number of shifts
func_76045_c,lookupEntry,2,Returns the key/object mapping for a given key as a MCHashEntry
func_76046_c,clearMap,2,Removes all entries from the map
func_76047_h,grow,2,Increases the number of hash slots
func_76048_a,copyTo,2,Copies the hash slots to a new array
func_76049_d,removeObject,2,Removes the specified object from the map and returns it
func_76056_b,setSpawnY,2,Sets the y spawn position
func_76057_l,getLastTimePlayed,2,Return the last time the player was in this world.
func_76058_a,setSpawnX,2,Set the x spawn position to the passed in value
func_76059_o,isRaining,2,"Returns true if it is raining, false otherwise."
func_76060_a,setGameType,2,Sets the GameType.
func_76061_m,isThundering,2,"Returns true if it is thundering, false otherwise."
func_76063_b,getSeed,2,Returns the seed of current world.
func_76065_j,getWorldName,2,Get current world name
func_76066_a,getNBTTagCompound,2,Gets the NBTTagCompound for the worldInfo
func_76068_b,setWorldTime,2,Set current world time
func_76069_a,setThundering,2,Sets whether it is thundering or not.
func_76070_v,isInitialized,2,Returns true if the World is initialized.
func_76071_n,getThunderTime,2,Returns the number of ticks until next thunderbolt.
func_76072_h,getPlayerNBTTagCompound,2,Returns the player's NBTTagCompound to be loaded
func_76073_f,getWorldTime,2,Get current world time
func_76074_e,getSpawnZ,2,Returns the z spawn position
func_76075_d,getSpawnY,2,Return the Y axis spawning point of the player.
func_76077_q,getGameType,2,Gets the GameType.
func_76078_e,setSaveVersion,2,Sets the save version of the world
func_76079_c,getSpawnX,2,Returns the x spawn position
func_76080_g,setRainTime,2,Sets the number of ticks until rain.
func_76081_a,setSpawnPosition,2,"Sets the spawn zone position. Args: x, y, z"
func_76082_a,cloneNBTCompound,2,"Creates a new NBTTagCompound for the world, with the given NBTTag as the ""Player"""
func_76083_p,getRainTime,2,Return the number of ticks until rain.
func_76084_b,setRaining,2,Sets whether it is raining or not.
func_76086_u,areCommandsAllowed,2,Returns true if commands are allowed on this World.
func_76087_c,setSpawnZ,2,Set the z spawn position to the passed in value
func_76088_k,getSaveVersion,2,Returns the save version of this world
func_76089_r,isMapFeaturesEnabled,2,Get whether the map features (e.g. strongholds) generation is enabled or disabled.
func_76090_f,setThunderTime,2,Defines the number of ticks until next thunderbolt.
func_76091_d,setServerInitialized,2,Sets the initialization status of the World.
func_76093_s,isHardcoreModeEnabled,2,"Returns true if hardcore mode is enabled, otherwise false"
func_76116_a,putLower,2,a map already defines a general put
func_76124_d,floor_double_long,2,Long version of floor_double
func_76125_a,clamp_int,2,"Returns the value of the first parameter, clamped to be within the lower and upper limits given by the second and third parameters."
func_76126_a,sin,2,sin looked up in a table
func_76128_c,floor_double,2,Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the double argument
func_76131_a,clamp_float,2,"Returns the value of the first parameter, clamped to be within the lower and upper limits given by the second and third parameters"
func_76132_a,abs_max,2,Maximum of the absolute value of two numbers.
func_76134_b,cos,2,cos looked up in the sin table with the appropriate offset
func_76137_a,bucketInt,2,"Buckets an integer with specifed bucket sizes. Args: i, bucketSize"
func_76138_g,wrapAngleTo180_double,2,"the angle is reduced to an angle between -180 and +180 by mod, and a 360 check"
func_76139_a,stringNullOrLengthZero,2,Tests if a string is null or of length zero
func_76140_b,truncateDoubleToInt,2,"returns par0 cast as an int, and no greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE-1024"
func_76141_d,floor_float,2,Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the float argument
func_76142_g,wrapAngleTo180_float,2,"the angle is reduced to an angle between -180 and +180 by mod, and a 360 check"
func_76151_f,getHashCode,2,public method to get the hashed key(hashCode)
func_76152_e,removeKey,2,removes the key from the hash linked list
func_76153_b,resizeTable,2,resizes the table
func_76154_a,copyHashTableTo,2,copies the hash table to the specified array
func_76155_g,getHashedKey,2,returns the hashed key given the original key
func_76156_a,createKey,2,creates the key in the hash table
func_76157_a,hash,2,the hash function
func_76158_a,getHashIndex,2,gets the index in the hash given the array length and the hashed key
func_76159_d,remove,2,calls the removeKey method and returns removed object
func_76163_a,add,2,Add a key-value pair.
func_76164_a,getValueByKey,2,get the value from the map given the key
func_76179_a,buildPostString,2,Builds an encoded HTTP POST content string from a string map
func_76180_a,sendPost,2,Sends a HTTP POST request to the given URL with data from a string
func_76182_a,downloadTexturePack,2,The downloader for texturepacks stored in the server.
func_76183_a,sendPost,2,Sends a HTTP POST request to the given URL with data from a map
func_76184_a,readFromNBT,2,reads in data from the NBTTagCompound into this MapDataBase
func_76185_a,markDirty,2,"Marks this MapDataBase dirty, to be saved to disk when the level next saves."
func_76186_a,setDirty,2,"Sets the dirty state of this MapDataBase, whether it needs saving to disk."
func_76187_b,writeToNBT,2,"write data to NBTTagCompound from this MapDataBase, similar to Entities and TileEntities"
func_76188_b,isDirty,2,Whether this MapDataBase needs saving to disk.
func_76191_a,updateVisiblePlayers,2,Adds the player passed to the list of visible players and checks to see which players are visible
func_76192_a,updateMPMapData,2,Updates the client's map with information from other players in MP
func_76204_a,getPlayersOnMap,2,"returns a 1+players*3 array, of x,y, and color . the name of this function may be partially wrong, as there is a second branch to the code here"
func_76217_h,getCanBurn,2,Returns if the block can burn or not.
func_76218_k,isOpaque,2,Indicate if the material is opaque
func_76219_n,setNoPushMobility,2,"This type of material can't be pushed, but pistons can move over it."
func_76221_f,setNoHarvest,2,Disables the ability to harvest this material.
func_76222_j,isGroundCover,2,"Return whether the material is a form of ground cover, e.g. Snow"
func_76223_p,setTranslucent,2,Marks the material as translucent
func_76224_d,isLiquid,2,Returns if blocks of these materials are liquids.
func_76225_o,setImmovableMobility,2,"This type of material can't be pushed, and pistons are blocked to move."
func_76226_g,setBurning,2,Set the canBurn bool to True and return the current object.
func_76227_m,getMaterialMobility,2,"Returns the mobility information of the material, 0 = free, 1 = can't push but can move over, 2 = total immobility and stop pistons"
func_76228_b,getCanBlockGrass,2,Will prevent grass from growing on dirt underneath and kill any grass below it if it returns true
func_76229_l,isHarvestable,2,Returns true if material can be harvested by player.
func_76230_c,blocksMovement,2,Returns if this material is considered solid or not
func_76231_i,setGroundCover,2,"Sets the material as a form of ground cover, e.g. Snow"
func_76269_a,getRandomItem,2,"Returns a random choice from the input array of items, with a total weight value."
func_76270_a,getTotalWeight,2,Returns the total weight of all items in a array.
func_76271_a,getRandomItem,2,Returns a random choice from the input items.
func_76272_a,getTotalWeight,2,Returns the total weight of all items in a collection.
func_76273_a,getRandomItem,2,"Returns a random choice from the input items, with a total weight value."
func_76274_a,getRandomItem,2,Returns a random choice from the input items.
func_76304_a,generateNoiseOctaves,2,"pars:(par2,3,4=noiseOffset ; so that adjacent noise segments connect) (pars5,6,7=x,y,zArraySize),(pars8,10,12 = x,y,z noiseScale)"
func_76305_a,generateNoiseOctaves,2,Bouncer function to the main one with some default arguments.
func_76308_a,populateNoiseArray,2,"pars: noiseArray , xOffset , yOffset , zOffset , xSize , ySize , zSize , xScale, yScale , zScale , noiseScale. noiseArray should be xSize*ySize*zSize in size"
func_76316_a,onInventoryChanged,2,Called by InventoryBasic.onInventoryChanged() on a array that is never filled.
func_76317_a,clearProfiling,2,Clear profiling
func_76318_c,endStartSection,2,End current section and start a new section
func_76319_b,endSection,2,End section
func_76320_a,startSection,2,Start section
func_76321_b,getProfilingData,2,Get profiling data
func_76337_a,ticksToElapsedTime,2,"Returns the time elapsed for the given number of ticks, in ""mm:ss"" format."
func_76340_b,getSecond,2,Get the second Object in the Tuple
func_76341_a,getFirst,2,Get the first Object in the Tuple
func_76345_d,getHungerDamage,2,How much satiate(food) is consumed by this DamageSource
func_76347_k,fireDamage,2,Returns true if the damage is fire based.
func_76349_b,setProjectile,2,Define the damage type as projectile based.
func_76352_a,isProjectile,2,Returns true if the damage is projectile based.
func_76353_a,causeArrowDamage,2,returns EntityDamageSourceIndirect of an arrow
func_76355_l,getDamageType,2,Return the name of damage type.
func_76360_b,getDeathMessage,2,Returns the message to be displayed on player death.
func_76361_j,setFireDamage,2,Define the damage type as fire based.
func_76362_a,causeFireballDamage,2,returns EntityDamageSourceIndirect of a fireball
func_76365_a,causePlayerDamage,2,returns an EntityDamageSource of type player
func_76390_b,setPotionName,2,Set the potion name.
func_76392_e,getStatusIconIndex,2,Returns the index for the icon to display when the potion is active.
func_76393_a,getName,2,returns the name of the potion
func_76396_c,getId,2,returns the ID of the potion
func_76397_a,isReady,2,checks if Potion effect is ready to be applied this tick.
func_76398_f,isBadEffect,2,This method returns true if the potion effect is bad - negative - for the entity.
func_76399_b,setIconIndex,2,Sets the index for the icon displayed in the player's inventory when the status is active.
func_76400_d,hasStatusIcon,2,Returns true if the potion has a associated status icon to display in then inventory when active.
func_76401_j,getLiquidColor,2,Returns the color of the potion liquid.
func_76402_a,affectEntity,2,Hits the provided entity with this potion's instant effect.
func_76403_b,isInstant,2,Returns true if the potion has an instant effect instead of a continuous one (eg Harming)
func_76446_a,resetIntCache,2,Mark all pre-allocated arrays as available for re-use by moving them to the appropriate free lists.
func_76452_a,combine,2,merges the input PotionEffect into this one if this.amplifier <= tomerge.amplifier. The duration in the supplied potion effect is assumed to be greater.
func_76456_a,getPotionID,2,Retrieve the ID of the potion this effect matches.
func_76463_a,startSnooper,2,issuing start multiple times is not an error.
func_76466_d,getSelfCounterFor,2,returns a value indicating how many times this function has been run on the snooper
func_76472_a,addData,2,Adds information to the report
func_76485_a,setBlockAndMetadata,2,"Sets the block in the world, notifying neighbors if enabled."
func_76486_a,setBlock,2,"Sets the block without metadata in the world, notifying neighbors if enabled."
func_76487_a,setScale,2,"Rescales the generator settings, only used in WorldGenBigTree"
func_76489_a,generateLeafNodeList,2,"Generates a list of leaf nodes for the tree, to be populated by generateLeaves."
func_76490_a,layerSize,2,Gets the rough size of a layer of the tree.
func_76491_a,generateLeafNode,2,Generates the leaves surrounding an individual entry in the leafNodes list.
func_76493_c,leafNodeNeedsBase,2,Indicates whether or not a leaf node requires additional wood to be added to preserve integrity.
func_76494_d,generateLeafNodeBases,2,Generates additional wood blocks to fill out the bases of different leaf nodes that would otherwise degrade.
func_76496_a,checkBlockLine,2,"Checks a line of blocks in the world from the first coordinate to triplet to the second, returning the distance (in blocks) before a non-air, non-leaf block is encountered and/or the end is encountered."
func_76497_e,validTreeLocation,2,"Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the current location for the tree, spanning basePos to to the height limit, is valid."
func_76498_b,generateLeaves,2,Generates the leaf portion of the tree as specified by the leafNodes list.
func_76499_c,generateTrunk,2,Places the trunk for the big tree that is being generated. Able to generate double-sized trunks by changing a field that is always 1 to 2.
func_76500_a,placeBlockLine,2,Places a line of the specified block ID into the world from the first coordinate triplet to the second.
func_76529_b,growVines,2,"Grows vines downward from the given block for a given length. Args: World, x, starty, z, vine-length"
func_76536_b,generateVines,2,Generates vines at the given position until it hits a block.
func_76543_b,pickMobSpawner,2,Randomly decides which spawner to use in a dungeon
func_76544_a,pickCheckLootItem,2,Picks potentially a random item to add to a dungeon chest.
func_76549_c,getChunkInputStream,2,"Returns an input stream for the specified chunk. Args: worldDir, chunkX, chunkZ"
func_76551_a,clearRegionFileReferences,2,Saves the current Chunk Map Cache
func_76552_d,getChunkOutputStream,2,"Returns an output stream for the specified chunk. Args: worldDir, chunkX, chunkZ"
func_76554_h,getEntrancePortalLocation,2,Gets the hard-coded portal location to use when entering this dimension
func_76555_c,getChunkProvider,2,Returns the chunk provider back for the world provider
func_76556_a,generateLightBrightnessTable,2,Creates the light to brightness table
func_76558_a,registerWorld,2,"associate an existing world with a World provider, and setup its lightbrightness table"
func_76560_a,calcSunriseSunsetColors,2,Returns array with sunrise/sunset colors
func_76562_b,getFogColor,2,Return Vec3D with biome specific fog color
func_76563_a,calculateCelestialAngle,2,Calculates the angle of sun and moon in the sky relative to a specified time (usually worldTime)
func_76564_j,getWorldHasVoidParticles,2,returns true if this dimension is supposed to display void particles and pull in the far plane based on the user's Y offset.
func_76565_k,getVoidFogYFactor,2,"Returns a double value representing the Y value relative to the top of the map at which void fog is at its maximum. The default factor of 0.03125 relative to 256, for example, means the void fog will be at its maximum at (256*0.03125), or 8."
func_76566_a,canCoordinateBeSpawn,2,"Will check if the x, z position specified is alright to be set as the map spawn point"
func_76567_e,canRespawnHere,2,"True if the player can respawn in this dimension (true = overworld, false = nether)."
func_76568_b,doesXZShowFog,2,"Returns true if the given X,Z coordinate should show environmental fog."
func_76569_d,isSurfaceWorld,2,"Returns 'true' if in the ""main surface world"", but 'false' if in the Nether or End dimensions."
func_76571_f,getCloudHeight,2,the y level at which clouds are rendered.
func_76572_b,registerWorldChunkManager,2,creates a new world chunk manager for WorldProvider
func_76581_a,set,2,"Arguments are x, y, z, val. Sets the nibble of data at x << 11 | z << 7 | y to val."
func_76582_a,get,2,"Returns the nibble of data corresponding to the passed in x, y, z. y is at most 6 bits, z is at most 4."
func_76586_k,updateSkylight,2,"Checks whether skylight needs updated; if it does, calls updateSkylight_do"
func_76587_i,getBlockStorageArray,2,Returns the ExtendedBlockStorage array for this Chunk.
func_76588_a,getEntitiesWithinAABBForEntity,2,"Fills the given list of all entities that intersect within the given bounding box that aren't the passed entity Args: entity, aabb, listToFill"
func_76589_b,setBlockMetadata,2,Set the metadata of a block in the chunk
func_76590_a,generateHeightMap,2,Generates the height map for a chunk from scratch
func_76591_a,getBiomeGenForWorldCoords,2,This method retrieves the biome at a set of coordinates
func_76592_a,setBlockIDWithMetadata,2,"Sets a blockID of a position within a chunk with metadata. Args: x, y, z, blockID, metadata"
func_76593_q,updateSkylight_do,2,Runs delayed skylight updates.
func_76594_o,enqueueRelightChecks,2,"Called once-per-chunk-per-tick, and advances the round-robin relight check index per-storage-block by up to 8 blocks at a time. In a worst-case scenario, can potentially take up to 1.6 seconds, calculated via (4096/(8*16))/20, to re-check all blocks in a chunk, which could explain both lagging light updates in certain cases as well as Nether relight"
func_76595_e,propagateSkylightOcclusion,2,Propagates a given sky-visible block's light value downward and upward to neighboring blocks as necessary.
func_76597_e,getChunkBlockTileEntity,2,Gets the TileEntity for a given block in this chunk
func_76598_a,setBlockID,2,"Sets a blockID for a position in the chunk. Args: x, y, z, blockID"
func_76599_g,checkSkylightNeighborHeight,2,Checks the height of a block next to a sky-visible block and schedules a lighting update as necessary.
func_76600_a,isAtLocation,2,Checks whether the chunk is at the X/Z location specified
func_76601_a,needsSaving,2,Returns true if this Chunk needs to be saved
func_76603_b,generateSkylightMap,2,Generates the initial skylight map for the chunk upon generation or load.
func_76604_a,setChunkBlockTileEntity,2,Sets the TileEntity for a given block in this chunk
func_76605_m,getBiomeArray,2,Returns an array containing a 16x16 mapping on the X/Z of block positions in this Chunk to biome IDs.
func_76606_c,getAreLevelsEmpty,2,Returns whether the ExtendedBlockStorages containing levels (in blocks) from arg 1 to arg 2 are fully empty (true) or not (false).
func_76607_a,fillChunk,2,Initialise this chunk with new binary data
func_76608_a,removeEntityAtIndex,2,Removes entity at the specified index from the entity array.
func_76610_a,getBlockID,2,Return the ID of a block in the chunk.
func_76611_b,getHeightValue,2,"Returns the value in the height map at this x, z coordinate in the chunk"
func_76612_a,addEntity,2,Adds an entity to the chunk. Args: entity
func_76613_n,resetRelightChecks,2,Resets the relight check index to 0 for this Chunk.
func_76614_a,getSavedLightValue,2,Gets the amount of light saved in this block (doesn't adjust for daylight)
func_76615_h,relightBlock,2,Initiates the recalculation of both the block-light and sky-light for a given block inside a chunk.
func_76616_a,setBiomeArray,2,Accepts a 256-entry array that contains a 16x16 mapping on the X/Z plane of block positions in this Chunk to biome IDs.
func_76618_a,getEntitiesOfTypeWithinAAAB,2,"Gets all entities that can be assigned to the specified class. Args: entityClass, aabb, listToFill"
func_76619_d,canBlockSeeTheSky,2,Returns whether is not a block above this one blocking sight to the sky (done via checking against the heightmap)
func_76620_a,addTileEntity,2,Adds a TileEntity to a chunk
func_76622_b,removeEntity,2,removes entity using its y chunk coordinate as its index
func_76623_d,onChunkUnload,2,Called when this Chunk is unloaded by the ChunkProvider
func_76625_h,getTopFilledSegment,2,Returns the topmost ExtendedBlockStorage instance for this Chunk that actually contains a block.
func_76626_d,getPrecipitationHeight,2,Gets the height to which rain/snow will fall. Calculates it if not already stored.
func_76627_f,removeChunkBlockTileEntity,2,Removes the TileEntity for a given block in this chunk
func_76628_c,getBlockMetadata,2,Return the metadata corresponding to the given coordinates inside a chunk.
func_76629_c,getBlockLightValue,2,Gets the amount of light on a block taking into account sunlight
func_76630_e,setChunkModified,2,Sets the isModified flag for this Chunk
func_76631_c,onChunkLoad,2,Called when this Chunk is loaded by the ChunkProvider
func_76632_l,getChunkCoordIntPair,2,Gets a ChunkCoordIntPair representing the Chunk's position.
func_76633_a,setLightValue,2,"Sets the light value at the coordinate. If enumskyblock is set to sky it sets it in the skylightmap and if its a block then into the blocklightmap. Args enumSkyBlock, x, y, z, lightValue"
func_76654_b,setExtBlockMetadata,2,Sets the metadata of the Block at the given coordinates in this ExtendedBlockStorage to the given metadata.
func_76655_a,setExtBlockID,2,"Sets the extended block ID for a location in a chunk, splitting bits 11..8 into a NibbleArray and bits 7..0 into a byte array. Also performs reference counting to determine whether or not to broadly cull this Chunk from the random-update tick list."
func_76656_a,getExtBlockID,2,"Returns the extended block ID for a location in a chunk, merged from a byte array and a NibbleArray to form a full 12-bit block ID."
func_76657_c,setExtSkylightValue,2,Sets the saved Sky-light value in the extended block storage structure.
func_76659_c,setBlocklightArray,2,Sets the NibbleArray instance used for Block-light values in this particular storage block.
func_76660_i,getBlockMSBArray,2,Returns the block ID MSB (bits 11..8) array for this storage array's Chunk.
func_76661_k,getBlocklightArray,2,Returns the NibbleArray instance containing Block-light data.
func_76662_d,getYLocation,2,Returns the Y location of this ExtendedBlockStorage.
func_76663_a,isEmpty,2,"Returns whether or not this block storage's Chunk is fully empty, based on its internal reference count."
func_76664_a,setBlockLSBArray,2,Sets the array of block ID least significant bits for this ExtendedBlockStorage.
func_76665_b,getExtBlockMetadata,2,Returns the metadata associated with the block at the given coordinates in this ExtendedBlockStorage.
func_76666_d,setSkylightArray,2,Sets the NibbleArray instance used for Sky-light values in this particular storage block.
func_76667_m,createBlockMSBArray,2,Called by a Chunk to initialize the MSB array if getBlockMSBArray returns null. Returns the newly-created NibbleArray instance.
func_76668_b,setBlockMetadataArray,2,Sets the NibbleArray of block metadata (blockMetadataArray) for this ExtendedBlockStorage.
func_76670_c,getExtSkylightValue,2,Gets the saved Sky-light value in the extended block storage structure.
func_76671_l,getSkylightArray,2,Returns the NibbleArray instance containing Sky-light data.
func_76673_a,setBlockMSBArray,2,Sets the array of blockID most significant bits (blockMSBArray) for this ExtendedBlockStorage.
func_76674_d,getExtBlocklightValue,2,Gets the saved Block-light value in the extended block storage structure.
func_76675_b,getNeedsRandomTick,2,"Returns whether or not this block storage's Chunk will require random ticking, used to avoid looping through random block ticks when there are no blocks that would randomly tick."
func_76677_d,setExtBlocklightValue,2,Sets the saved Block-light value in the extended block storage structure.
func_76704_a,getChunkDataInputStream,2,"args: x, y - get uncompressed chunk stream from the region file"
func_76705_d,outOfBounds,2,"args: x, z - check region bounds"
func_76706_a,write,2,"args: x, z, data, length - write chunk data at (x, z) to disk"
func_76707_e,getOffset,2,"args: x, y - get chunk's offset in region file"
func_76708_c,close,2,close this RegionFile and prevent further writes
func_76709_c,isChunkSaved,2,"args: x, z, - true if chunk has been saved / converted"
func_76710_b,getChunkDataOutputStream,2,"args: x, z - get an output stream used to write chunk data, data is on disk when the returned stream is closed"
func_76711_a,setOffset,2,"args: x, z, offset - sets the chunk's offset in the region file"
func_76712_a,write,2,"args: sectorNumber, data, length - write the chunk data to this RegionFile"
func_76713_b,setChunkTimestamp,2,"args: x, z, timestamp - sets the chunk's write timestamp"
func_76725_b,setMinMaxHeight,2,Sets the minimum and maximum height of this biome. Seems to go from -2.0 to 2.0.
func_76726_l,getBiomeFoliageColor,2,Provides the basic foliage color based on the biome temperature and rainfall
func_76727_i,getFloatRainfall,2,Gets a floating point representation of this biome's rainfall
func_76729_a,createBiomeDecorator,2,Allocate a new BiomeDecorator for this BiomeGenBase
func_76730_b,getRandomWorldGenForGrass,2,Gets a WorldGen appropriate for this biome.
func_76731_a,getSkyColorByTemp,2,"takes temperature, returns color"
func_76732_a,setTemperatureRainfall,2,Sets the temperature and rainfall of this biome.
func_76734_h,getIntTemperature,2,Gets an integer representation of this biome's temperature
func_76736_e,isHighHumidity,2,Checks to see if the rainfall level of the biome is extremely high
func_76737_k,getBiomeGrassColor,2,Provides the basic grass color based on the biome temperature and rainfall
func_76738_d,canSpawnLightningBolt,2,"Return true if the biome supports lightning bolt spawn, either by have the bolts enabled and have rain enabled."
func_76740_a,getRandomWorldGenForTrees,2,Gets a WorldGen appropriate for this biome.
func_76741_f,getSpawningChance,2,returns the chance a creature has to spawn.
func_76742_b,setEnableSnow,2,sets enableSnow to true during biome initialization. returns BiomeGenBase.
func_76743_j,getFloatTemperature,2,Gets a floating point representation of this biome's temperature
func_76744_g,getIntRainfall,2,Gets an integer representation of this biome's rainfall
func_76745_m,setDisableRain,2,Disable the rain for the biome.
func_76746_c,getEnableSnow,2,Returns true if the biome have snowfall instead a normal rain.
func_76747_a,getSpawnableList,2,Returns the correspondent list of the EnumCreatureType informed.
func_76793_b,genStandardOre2,2,Standard ore generation helper. Generates Lapis Lazuli.
func_76794_a,decorate,2,The method that does the work of actually decorating chunks
func_76795_a,genStandardOre1,2,Standard ore generation helper. Generates most ores.
func_76796_a,decorate,2,Decorates the world. Calls code that was formerly (pre-1.8) in ChunkProviderGenerate.populate
func_76797_b,generateOres,2,Generates ores in the current chunk
func_76836_a,getChunkManager,2,Get the world chunk manager object for a biome list.
func_76837_b,getBiomeGenAt,2,"Returns the BiomeGenBase related to the x, z position from the cache."
func_76838_a,cleanupCache,2,Removes BiomeCacheBlocks from this cache that haven't been accessed in at least 30 seconds.
func_76839_e,getCachedBiomes,2,Returns the array of cached biome types in the BiomeCacheBlock at the given location.
func_76840_a,getBiomeCacheBlock,2,Returns a biome cache block at location specified.
func_76885_a,getBiomeGenAt,2,"Returns the BiomeGenBase related to the x, z position from the cache block."
func_76893_a,setTileEntityRenderer,2,Associate a TileEntityRenderer with this TileEntitySpecialRenderer
func_76896_a,onWorldChange,2,"Called when the ingame world being rendered changes (e.g. on world -> nether travel) due to using one renderer per tile entity type, rather than instance"
func_76897_a,bindTextureByName,2,Binds a texture to the renderEngine given a filename from the JAR.
func_76911_a,renderTileEntityChestAt,2,Renders the TileEntity for the chest at a position.
func_76916_f,getBlockID,2,Gets the BlockID for this BlockEventData
func_76917_e,getEventParameter,2,"Get the Event Parameter (different for each BlockID,EventID)"
func_76918_d,getEventID,2,Get the Event ID (different for each BlockID)
func_76919_a,getX,2,Get the X coordinate.
func_76920_c,getZ,2,Get the Z coordinate.
func_76921_b,getY,2,Get the Y coordinate.
func_76931_a,getBiomeGenAt,2,"Return a list of biomes for the specified blocks. Args: listToReuse, x, y, width, length, cacheFlag (if false, don't check biomeCache to avoid infinite loop in BiomeCacheBlock)"
func_76932_a,getBiomesToSpawnIn,2,Gets the list of valid biomes for the player to spawn in.
func_76933_b,loadBlockGeneratorData,2,"Returns biomes to use for the blocks and loads the other data like temperature and humidity onto the WorldChunkManager Args: oldBiomeList, x, z, width, depth"
func_76934_b,getTemperatures,2,"Returns a list of temperatures to use for the specified blocks. Args: listToReuse, x, y, width, length"
func_76935_a,getBiomeGenAt,2,"Returns the BiomeGenBase related to the x, z position on the world."
func_76936_a,getRainfall,2,"Returns a list of rainfall values for the specified blocks. Args: listToReuse, x, z, width, length."
func_76937_a,getBiomesForGeneration,2,Returns an array of biomes for the location input.
func_76938_b,cleanupCache,2,Calls the WorldChunkManager's biomeCache.cleanupCache()
func_76939_a,getTemperatureAtHeight,2,Return an adjusted version of a given temperature based on the y height
func_76940_a,areBiomesViable,2,checks given Chunk's Biomes against List of allowed ones
func_76941_a,findBiomePosition,2,"Finds a valid position within a range, that is in one of the listed biomes. Searches {par1,par2} +-par3 blocks. Strongly favors positive y positions."
func_76949_a,renderTileEntityAt,2,Render this TileEntity at a given set of coordinates
func_76950_a,renderTileEntity,2,Render this TileEntity at its current position from the player
func_76951_a,getSpecialRendererForClass,2,"Returns the TileEntitySpecialRenderer used to render this TileEntity class, or null if it has no special renderer"
func_76952_a,hasSpecialRenderer,2,"Returns true if this TileEntity instance has a TileEntitySpecialRenderer associated with it, false otherwise."
func_76953_a,cacheActiveRenderInfo,2,"Caches several render-related references, including the active World, RenderEngine, FontRenderer, and the camera-bound EntityLiving's interpolated pitch, yaw and position. Args: world, renderengine, fontrenderer, entityliving, partialTickTime"
func_76955_a,setWorld,2,Sets the world used by all TileEntitySpecialRender instances and notifies them of this change.
func_76956_b,getSpecialRendererForEntity,2,"Returns the TileEntitySpecialRenderer used to render this TileEntity instance, or null if it has no special renderer"
func_76975_c,renderShadow,2,"Renders the entity shadows at the position, shadow alpha and partialTickTime. Args: entity, x, y, z, shadowAlpha, partialTickTime"
func_76976_a,setRenderManager,2,Sets the RenderManager.
func_76977_a,renderEntityOnFire,2,"Renders fire on top of the entity. Args: entity, x, y, z, partialTickTime"
func_76978_a,renderOffsetAABB,2,"Renders a white box with the bounds of the AABB translated by the offset. Args: aabb, x, y, z"
func_76979_b,doRenderShadowAndFire,2,"Renders the entity's shadow and fire (if its on fire). Args: entity, x, y, z, yaw, partialTickTime"
func_76980_a,renderAABB,2,Adds to the tesselator a box using the aabb for the bounds. Args: aabb
func_76981_a,renderShadowOnBlock,2,"Renders a shadow projected down onto the specified block. Brightness of the block plus how far away on the Y axis determines the alpha of the shadow. Args: block, centerX, centerY, centerZ, blockX, blockY, blockZ, baseAlpha, shadowSize, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset"
func_76982_b,getWorldFromRenderManager,2,Returns the render manager's world object
func_76983_a,getFontRendererFromRenderManager,2,Returns the font renderer from the set render manager
func_76984_a,loadDownloadableImageTexture,2,loads the specified downloadable texture or alternative built in texture
func_76985_a,loadTexture,2,loads the specified texture
func_76986_a,doRender,2,"Actually renders the given argument. This is a synthetic bridge method, always casting down its argument and then handing it off to a worker function which does the actual work. In all probabilty, the class Render is generic (Render<T extends Entity) and this method has signature public void func_76986_a(T entity, double d, double d1, double d2, float f, float f1). But JAD is pre 1.5 so doesn't do that."
func_76997_a,renderBoat,2,The render method used in RenderBoat that renders the boat model.
func_77000_a,doRenderFishHook,2,Actually renders the fishing line and hook
func_77003_a,doRenderFallingSand,2,The actual render method that is used in doRender
func_77014_a,doRenderItem,2,Renders the item
func_77015_a,renderItemIntoGUI,2,Renders the item's icon or block into the UI at the specified position.
func_77016_a,renderTexturedQuad,2,"Adds a textured quad to the tesselator at the specified position with the specified texture coords, width and height. Args: x, y, u, v, width, height"
func_77017_a,renderQuad,2,"Adds a quad to the tesselator at the specified position with the set width and height and color. Args: tessellator, x, y, width, height, color"
func_77021_b,renderItemOverlayIntoGUI,2,Renders the item's overlay information. Examples being stack count or damage on top of the item's image at the specified position.
func_77028_a,doRenderLightningBolt,2,Actually renders the lightning bolt. This method is called through the doRender method.
func_77030_a,getColorMultiplier,2,"Returns an ARGB int color back. Args: entityLiving, lightBrightness, partialTickTime"
func_77032_a,shouldRenderPass,2,Queries whether should render the specified pass or not.
func_77033_b,passSpecialRender,2,Passes the specialRender and renders it
func_77036_a,renderModel,2,Renders the model in RenderLiving
func_77038_a,renderLivingLabel,2,Draws the debug or playername text above a living
func_77039_a,renderLivingAt,2,Sets a simple glTranslate on a LivingEntity.
func_77041_b,preRenderCallback,2,"Allows the render to do any OpenGL state modifications necessary before the model is rendered. Args: entityLiving, partialTickTime"
func_77042_a,setRenderPassModel,2,Sets the model to be used in the current render pass (the first render pass is done after the primary model is rendered) Args: model
func_77044_a,handleRotationFloat,2,Defines what float the third param in setRotationAngles of ModelBase is
func_77060_a,updateCreeperScale,2,Updates creeper scale in prerender callback
func_77062_a,renderCreeperPassModel,2,A method used to render a creeper's powered form as a pass model.
func_77063_a,updateCreeperColorMultiplier,2,Updates color multiplier based on creeper state called by getColorMultiplier
func_77072_a,preRenderScale,2,Applies the scale to the transform matrix
func_77074_a,renderEyes,2,Render the endermans eyes
func_77075_a,renderEnderman,2,Renders the enderman
func_77076_a,renderCarrying,2,Render the block an enderman is carrying
func_77079_a,renderDragon,2,"Renders the dragon, along with its dying animation"
func_77080_a,renderDragonDying,2,Renders the animation for when an enderdragon dies
func_77081_a,renderDragonModel,2,Renders the dragon model. Called by renderModel.
func_77082_a,renderGlow,2,Renders the overlay for glowing eyes and the mouth. Called by shouldRenderPass.
func_77083_a,rotateDragonBody,2,Used to rotate the dragon as a whole in RenderDragon. It's called in the rotateCorpse method.
func_77087_a,shouldSilverfishRenderPass,2,Disallows the silverfish to render the renderPassModel.
func_77088_a,renderSilverfish,2,Renders the silverfish.
func_77089_a,getSilverfishDeathRotation,2,Return the silverfish's maximum death rotation.
func_77091_a,scaleSlime,2,sets the scale for the slime based on getSlimeSize in EntitySlime
func_77097_a,setSpiderEyeBrightness,2,Sets the spider's glowing eyes
func_77100_a,renderSpecials,2,Method for adding special render rules
func_77102_a,rotatePlayer,2,Rotates the player if the player is sleeping. This method is called in rotateCorpse.
func_77103_a,renderName,2,Used to render a player's name above their head
func_77105_b,renderPlayerSleep,2,Renders player with sleeping offset if sleeping
func_77107_a,setArmorModel,2,"Set the specified armor model as the player model. Args: player, armorSlot, partialTick"
func_77124_a,setCanBeCreated,2,"Sets canBeCreated to the provided value, and returns this."
func_77125_e,isVersioned,2,Returns true if this world Type has a version associated with it.
func_77126_d,getCanBeCreated,2,Gets whether this WorldType can be used to generate a new world.
func_77128_b,getTranslateName,2,Gets the translation key for the name of this world type.
func_77129_f,setVersioned,2,Flags this world type as having an associated version.
func_77131_c,getGeneratorVersion,2,Returns generatorVersion.
func_77142_a,getByName,2,"Returns the game type with the specified name, or SURVIVAL if none found. This is case sensitive. Args: name"
func_77145_d,isCreative,2,Returns true if this is the CREATIVE game type
func_77146_a,getByID,2,"Returns the game type with the specified ID, or SURVIVAL if none found. Args: id"
func_77147_a,configurePlayerCapabilities,2,Configures the player capabilities based on the game type
func_77148_a,getID,2,Returns the ID of this game type
func_77149_b,getName,2,Returns the name of this game type
func_77150_c,isAdventure,2,Returns true if this is the ADVENTURE game type
func_77158_f,getHardcoreEnabled,2,"Returns true if hardcore mode is enabled, otherwise false"
func_77159_a,enableBonusChest,2,Enables the bonus chest.
func_77160_d,getSeed,2,Returns the seed for the world.
func_77161_a,getGameTypeById,2,Gets the GameType by ID
func_77162_e,getGameType,2,Gets the game type.
func_77163_i,areCommandsAllowed,2,Returns true if Commands (cheats) are allowed.
func_77164_g,isMapFeaturesEnabled,2,Get whether the map features (e.g. strongholds) generation is enabled or disabled.
func_77166_b,enableCommands,2,Enables Commands (cheats).
func_77167_c,isBonusChestEnabled,2,Returns true if the Bonus Chest is enabled.
func_77175_a,comparer,2,Compares this tick entry to another tick entry for sorting purposes. Compared first based on the scheduled time and second based on tickEntryID.
func_77176_a,setScheduledTime,2,Sets the scheduled time for this tick entry
func_77184_b,placeInExistingPortal,2,Place an entity in a nearby portal which already exists.
func_77185_a,placeInPortal,2,"Place an entity in a nearby portal, creating one if necessary."
func_77186_c,createPortal,2,Create a new portal near an entity.
func_77188_a,creatureSpecificInit,2,"determines if a skeleton spawns on a spider, and if a sheep is a different color"
func_77189_a,getRandomSpawningPointInChunk,2,"Given a chunk, find a random position in it."
func_77190_a,canCreatureTypeSpawnAtLocation,2,Returns whether or not the specified creature type can spawn at the specified location.
func_77191_a,performWorldGenSpawning,2,Called during chunk generation to spawn initial creatures.
func_77192_a,findChunksForSpawning,2,"adds all chunks within the spawn radius of the players to eligibleChunksForSpawning. pars: the world, hostileCreatures, passiveCreatures. returns number of eligible chunks."
func_77203_a,canRecipeBeUsed,2,"can par1,par2 be used to in crafting recipe par3"
func_77205_a,addToListWithCheck,2,"checks if there is a recipie for the same ingredients already on the list, and replaces it. otherwise, adds it"
func_77206_b,overlayBackground,2,Overlays the background to hide scrolled items
func_77211_a,drawScreen,2,"draws the slot to the screen, pass in mouse's current x and y and partial ticks"
func_77212_b,getContentHeight,2,return the height of the content being scrolled
func_77213_a,elementClicked,2,"the element in the slot that was clicked, boolean for wether it was double clicked or not"
func_77217_a,getSize,2,Gets the size of the current slot list.
func_77218_a,isSelected,2,returns true if the element passed in is currently selected
func_77220_a,registerScrollButtons,2,Registers the IDs that can be used for the scrollbar's buttons.
func_77226_h,bindAmountScrolled,2,stop the thing from scrolling out of bounds
func_77272_a,chunkXZ2Int,2,converts a chunk coordinate pair to an integer (suitable for hashing)
func_77278_a,doExplosionA,2,Does the first part of the explosion (destroy blocks)
func_77279_a,doExplosionB,2,"Does the second part of the explosion (sound, particles, drop spawn)"
func_77293_d,availableTexturePacks,2,Returns a list of the available texture packs.
func_77294_a,setTexturePack,2,"Sets the new TexturePack to be used, returning true if it has actually changed, false if nothing changed."
func_77296_a,requestDownloadOfTexture,2,filename must end in .zip
func_77305_c,updateAvaliableTexturePacks,2,check the texture packs the client has installed
func_77316_c,getTranslatedName,2,Returns the correct traslated name of the enchantment and the level in roman numbers.
func_77317_b,getMaxEnchantability,2,Returns the maximum value of enchantability nedded on the enchantment level passed.
func_77318_a,calcModifierDamage,2,Calculates de damage protection of the enchantment based on level and damage source passed.
func_77319_d,getMinLevel,2,Returns the minimum level that the enchantment can have.
func_77320_a,getName,2,Return the name of key in translation table of this enchantment.
func_77321_a,getMinEnchantability,2,Returns the minimal value of enchantability needed on the enchantment level passed.
func_77322_b,setName,2,Sets the enchantment name
func_77323_a,calcModifierLiving,2,Calculates de (magic) damage done by the enchantment on a living entity based on level and entity passed.
func_77325_b,getMaxLevel,2,Returns the maximum level that the enchantment can have.
func_77326_a,canApplyTogether,2,Determines if the enchantment passed can be applyied together with this enchantment.
func_77363_d,tryToSetLibraryAndCodecs,2,"Tries to add the paulscode library and the relevant codecs. If it fails, the volumes (sound and music) will be set to zero in the options file."
func_77364_b,playSound,2,"Plays a sound. Args: soundName, x, y, z, volume, pitch"
func_77365_c,addMusic,2,Adds an audio file to the music SoundPool.
func_77366_a,playSoundFX,2,Plays a sound effect with the volume and pitch of the parameters passed. The sound isn't affected by position of the player (full volume and center balanced)
func_77367_a,onSoundOptionsChanged,2,Called when one of the sound level options has changed.
func_77369_a,setListener,2,Sets the listener of sounds
func_77370_b,closeMinecraft,2,Called when Minecraft is closing down.
func_77371_c,playRandomMusicIfReady,2,If its time to play new music it starts it up.
func_77372_a,addSound,2,"Adds a sounds with the name from the file. Args: name, file"
func_77373_a,loadSoundSettings,2,Used for loading sound settings from GameSettings
func_77374_b,addStreaming,2,Adds an audio file to the streaming SoundPool.
func_77391_b,hasSameItemsAs,2,checks first and second ItemToBuy ID's and count. Calls hasSameIDs
func_77393_a,hasSameIDsAs,2,checks if both the first and second ItemToBuy IDs are the same
func_77394_a,getItemToBuy,2,Gets the itemToBuy.
func_77396_b,getSecondItemToBuy,2,Gets secondItemToBuy.
func_77397_d,getItemToSell,2,Gets itemToSell.
func_77398_c,hasSecondItemToBuy,2,Gets if Villager has secondItemToBuy.
func_77418_a,beginSendStats,2,Attempts to begin sending stats to the server. Will throw an IllegalStateException if the syncher is already busy.
func_77423_b,beginReceiveStats,2,Attempts to begin receiving stats from the server. Will throw an IllegalStateException if the syncher is already busy.
func_77442_b,canUnlockAchievement,2,"Returns true if the parent has been unlocked, or there is no parent"
func_77443_a,hasAchievementUnlocked,2,Returns true if the achievement has been unlocked.
func_77447_a,writeStats,2,write a whole Map of stats to the statmap
func_77458_a,getRandomSoundFromSoundPool,2,"gets a random sound from the specified (by name, can be sound/newsound/streaming/music/newmusic) sound pool."
func_77459_a,addSound,2,Adds a sound to this sound pool.
func_77460_a,getRandomSound,2,Gets a random SoundPoolEntry.
func_77466_a,getFoliageColorPine,2,Gets the foliage color for pine type (metadata 1) trees
func_77469_b,getFoliageColorBirch,2,Gets the foliage color for birch type (metadata 2) trees
func_77470_a,getFoliageColor,2,"Gets foliage color from temperature and humidity. Args: temperature, humidity"
func_77472_b,setClientActiveTexture,2,Sets the current lightmap texture to the specified OpenGL constant
func_77473_a,setActiveTexture,2,Sets the current lightmap texture to the specified OpenGL constant
func_77474_a,initializeTextures,2,Initializes the texture constants to be used when rendering lightmap values
func_77475_a,setLightmapTextureCoords,2,Sets the current coordinates of the given lightmap texture
func_77480_a,getGrassColor,2,"Gets grass color from temperature and humidity. Args: temperature, humidity"
func_77489_c,updateLastSeen,2,Updates the time this LanServer was last seen.
func_77493_a,calculateModifier,2,Generic method use to calculate modifiers of offensive or defensive enchantment values.
func_77501_a,getRespiration,2,Returns the 'Water Breathing' modifier of enchantments on player equipped armors.
func_77502_d,getSilkTouchModifier,2,Returns the silk touch status of enchantments on current equipped item of player.
func_77503_c,getUnbreakingModifier,2,Returns the unbreaking enchantment modifier on current equipped item of player.
func_77504_a,addRandomEnchantment,2,"Adds a random enchantment to the specified item. Args: random, itemStack, enchantabilityLevel"
func_77505_b,mapEnchantmentData,2,Creates a 'Map' of EnchantmentData (enchantments) possible to add on the ItemStack and the enchantability level passed.
func_77506_a,getEnchantmentLevel,2,Returns the level of enchantment on the ItemStack passed.
func_77507_b,getKnockbackModifier,2,Returns the knockback value of enchantments on equipped player item.
func_77508_a,getEnchantmentModifierDamage,2,Returns the modifier of protection enchantments on armors equipped on player.
func_77509_b,getEfficiencyModifier,2,Return the extra efficiency of tools based on enchantments on equipped player item.
func_77510_g,getAquaAffinityModifier,2,Returns the aqua affinity status of enchantments on current equipped item of player.
func_77511_a,getMaxEnchantmentLevel,2,Returns the biggest level of the enchantment on the array of ItemStack passed.
func_77512_a,getEnchantmentModifierLiving,2,Return the (magic) extra damage of the enchantments on player equipped item.
func_77513_b,buildEnchantmentList,2,"Create a list of random EnchantmentData (enchantments) that can be added together to the ItemStack, the 3rd parameter is the total enchantability level."
func_77514_a,calcItemStackEnchantability,2,"Returns the enchantability of itemstack, it's uses a singular formula for each index (2nd parameter: 0, 1 and 2), cutting to the max enchantability power of the table (3rd parameter)"
func_77515_c,getFireAspectModifier,2,Return the fire aspect value of enchantments on equipped player item.
func_77516_a,applyEnchantmentModifierArray,2,Executes the enchantment modifier on the array of ItemStack passed.
func_77517_e,getFortuneModifier,2,Returns the fortune enchantment modifier of the current equipped item of player.
func_77518_a,applyEnchantmentModifier,2,Executes the enchantment modifier on the ItemStack passed.
func_77519_f,getLootingModifier,2,Returns the looting enchantment modifier of the current equipped item of player.
func_77532_a,getResourceAsStream,2,Gives a texture resource as InputStream.
func_77557_a,canEnchantItem,2,Return true if the item passed can be enchanted by a enchantment of this type.
func_77569_a,matches,2,Used to check if a recipe matches current crafting inventory
func_77570_a,getRecipeSize,2,Returns the size of the recipe area
func_77572_b,getCraftingResult,2,Returns an Item that is the result of this recipe
func_77573_a,checkMatch,2,Checks if the region of a crafting inventory is match for the recipe.
func_77583_a,addRecipes,2,Adds the weapon recipes to the CraftingManager.
func_77586_a,addRecipes,2,Adds the tool recipes to the CraftingManager.
func_77589_a,addRecipes,2,Adds the crafting recipes to the CraftingManager.
func_77590_a,addRecipes,2,Adds the ingot recipes to the CraftingManager.
func_77592_b,getRecipeList,2,returns the List<> of all recipes
func_77594_a,getInstance,2,Returns the static instance of this class
func_77595_a,addRecipe,2,Adds a recipe. See spreadsheet on first page for details.
func_77600_a,addSmelting,2,Adds a smelting recipe.
func_77602_a,smelting,2,Used to call methods addSmelting and getSmeltingResult.
func_77603_b,getSmeltingResult,2,Returns the smelting result of an item.
func_77607_a,addRecipes,2,Adds the dye recipes to the CraftingManager.
func_77608_a,addRecipes,2,Adds the food recipes to the CraftingManager.
func_77609_a,addRecipes,2,Adds the armor recipes to the CraftingManager.
func_77612_l,getMaxDamage,2,Returns the maximum damage an item can take.
func_77613_e,getRarity,2,Return an item rarity from EnumRarity
func_77615_a,onPlayerStoppedUsing,2,"called when the player releases the use item button. Args: itemstack, world, entityplayer, itemInUseCount"
func_77616_k,isItemTool,2,Checks isDamagable and if it cannot be stacked
func_77617_a,getIconFromDamage,2,Gets an icon index based on an item's damage value
func_77618_c,getIconFromDamageForRenderPass,2,Gets an icon index based on an item's damage value and the given render pass
func_77619_b,getItemEnchantability,2,"Return the enchantability factor of the item, most of the time is based on material."
func_77622_d,onCreated,2,Called when item is crafted/smelted. Used only by maps so far.
func_77624_a,addInformation,2,allows items to add custom lines of information to the mouseover description
func_77626_a,getMaxItemUseDuration,2,How long it takes to use or consume an item
func_77629_n_,shouldRotateAroundWhenRendering,2,Returns true if this item should be rotated by 180 degrees around the Y axis when being held in an entities hands.
func_77630_h,doesContainerItemLeaveCraftingGrid,2,"If this returns true, after a recipe involving this item is crafted the container item will be added to the player's inventory instead of remaining in the crafting grid."
func_77631_c,setPotionEffect,2,Sets the string representing this item's effect on a potion when used as an ingredient.
func_77632_u,isPotionIngredient,2,Returns true if this item serves as a potion ingredient (its ingredient information is not null).
func_77633_a,getSubItems,2,"returns a list of items with the same ID, but different meta (eg: dye returns 16 items)"
func_77634_r,hasContainerItem,2,True if this Item has a container item (a.k.a. crafting result)
func_77637_a,setTabToDisplayOn,2,returns this;
func_77638_a,getStrVsBlock,2,"Returns the strength of the stack against a given block. 1.0F base, (Quality+1)*2 if correct blocktype, 1.5F if sword"
func_77639_j,getItemStackLimit,2,Returns the maximum size of the stack for a specific item. *Isn't this more a Set than a Get?*
func_77640_w,getCreativeTab,2,gets the CreativeTab this item is displayed on
func_77641_a,canHarvestBlock,2,Returns if the item (tool) can harvest results from the block type.
func_77643_m_,isMap,2,false for all Items except sub-classes of ItemMapBase
func_77644_a,hitEntity,2,Current implementations of this method in child classes do not use the entry argument beside ev. They just raise the damage on the stack.
func_77646_a,itemInteractionForEntity,2,"die sheep, place saddles, etc ..."
func_77647_b,getMetadata,2,Returns the metadata of the block which this Item (ItemBlock) can place
func_77649_a,getDamageVsEntity,2,Returns the damage against a given entity.
func_77650_f,getIconIndex,2,Returns the icon index of the stack given as argument.
func_77651_p,getShareTag,2,"If this function returns true (or the item is damageable), the ItemStack's NBT tag will be sent to the client."
func_77655_b,setItemName,2,set name of item from language file
func_77656_e,setMaxDamage,2,set max damage of an Item
func_77659_a,onItemRightClick,2,"Called whenever this item is equipped and the right mouse button is pressed. Args: itemStack, world, entityPlayer"
func_77661_b,getItemUseAction,2,returns the action that specifies what animation to play when the items is being used
func_77662_d,isFull3D,2,Returns True is the item is renderer in full 3D when hold.
func_77663_a,onUpdate,2,Called each tick as long the item is on a player inventory. Uses by maps to check if is on a player hand and update it's contents.
func_77664_n,setFull3D,2,Sets bFull3D to True and return the object.
func_77665_c,setIconIndex,2,Sets the icon index for this item. Returns the item.
func_77666_t,getPotionEffect,2,Returns a string representing what this item does to a potion.
func_77831_g,isSplash,2,returns wether or not a potion is a throwable splash potion based on damage value
func_77832_l,getEffects,2,Returns a list of potion effects for the specified itemstack.
func_77834_f,getEffects,2,Returns a list of effects for the specified potion damage value.
func_77840_a,spawnCreature,2,"Spawns the creature specified by the egg's type in the location specified by the last three parameters. Parameters: world, entityID, x, y, z."
func_77844_a,setPotionEffect,2,"sets a potion effect on the item. Args: int potionId, int duration (will be multiplied by 20), int amplifier, float probability of effect happening"
func_77845_h,isWolfsFavoriteMeat,2,Whether wolves like this food (true for raw and cooked porkchop).
func_77846_g,getSaturationModifier,2,gets the saturationModifier of the ItemFood
func_77848_i,setAlwaysEdible,2,"Set the field 'alwaysEdible' to true, and make the food edible even if the player don't need to eat."
func_77871_c,createMapDataPacket,2,returns null if no update is to be sent
func_77877_c,getMaxDamageArray,2,"Returns the 'max damage' factor array for the armor, each piece of armor have a durability factor (that gets multiplied by armor material factor)"
func_77883_f,getBlockID,2,Returns the blockID for this Item
func_77884_a,canPlaceItemBlockOnSide,2,Returns true if the given ItemBlock can be placed on the given side of the given block position.
func_77894_a,setBlockNames,2,Sets the array of strings to be used for name lookups from item damage to metadata
func_77906_a,brewBitOperations,2,"Does bit operations for brewPotionData, given data, the index of the bit being operated upon, whether the bit will be removed, whether the bit will be toggled (NOT), or whether the data field will be set to 0 if the bit is not present."
func_77907_h,countSetFlags,2,Count the number of bits in an integer set to ON.
func_77910_c,isFlagSet,2,"Returns 1 if the flag is set, 0 if it is not set."
func_77911_a,calcPotionLiquidColor,2,Given a {@link Collection}<{@link PotionEffect}> will return an Integer color.
func_77913_a,applyIngredient,2,"Generate a data value for a potion, given its previous data value and the encoded string of new effects it will receive"
func_77914_a,checkFlag,2,Is the bit given set to 1?
func_77916_d,isFlagUnset,2,"Returns 0 if the flag is set, 1 if it is not set."
func_77917_b,getPotionEffects,2,Returns a list of effects for the specified potion damage value.
func_77942_o,hasTagCompound,2,Returns true if the ItemStack has an NBTTagCompound. Currently used to store enchantments.
func_77944_b,copyItemStack,2,"Creates a copy of a ItemStack, a null parameters will return a null."
func_77945_a,updateAnimation,2,Called each tick as long the ItemStack in on player inventory. Used to progress the pickup animation and update maps.
func_77946_l,copy,2,Returns a new stack with the same properties.
func_77948_v,isItemEnchanted,2,True if the item has enchantment data
func_77951_h,isItemDamaged,2,returns true when a damageable item is damaged
func_77952_i,getItemDamageForDisplay,2,"gets the damage of an itemstack, for displaying purposes"
func_77954_c,getIconIndex,2,Returns the icon index of the current stack.
func_77955_b,writeToNBT,2,Write the stack fields to a NBT object. Return the new NBT object.
func_77956_u,isItemEnchantable,2,True if it is a tool and has no enchantments to begin with
func_77957_a,useItemRightClick,2,"Called whenever this item stack is equipped and right clicked. Returns the new item stack to put in the position where this item is. Args: world, player"
func_77958_k,getMaxDamage,2,Returns the max damage an item in the stack can take.
func_77959_d,isItemStackEqual,2,compares ItemStack argument to the instance ItemStack; returns true if both ItemStacks are equal
func_77960_j,getItemDamage,2,gets the damage of an itemstack
func_77961_a,hitEntity,2,Calls the corresponding fct in di
func_77963_c,readFromNBT,2,Read the stack fields from a NBT object.
func_77964_b,setItemDamage,2,Sets the item damage of the ItemStack.
func_77966_a,addEnchantment,2,Adds an enchantment with a desired level on the ItemStack.
func_77967_a,getStrVsBlock,2,Returns the strength of the stack against a given block.
func_77968_r,getItemNameandInformation,2,"gets a list of strings representing the item name and successive extra data, eg Enchantments and potion effects"
func_77969_a,isItemEqual,2,compares ItemStack argument to the instance ItemStack; returns true if the Items contained in both ItemStacks are equal
func_77971_a,getDamageVsEntity,2,Returns the damage against a given entity.
func_77972_a,damageItem,2,Damages the item in the ItemStack
func_77973_b,getItem,2,Returns the object corresponding to the stack.
func_77974_b,onPlayerStoppedUsing,2,"Called when the player releases the use item button. Args: world, entityplayer, itemInUseCount"
func_77976_d,getMaxStackSize,2,Returns maximum size of the stack.
func_77978_p,getTagCompound,2,Returns the NBTTagCompound of the ItemStack.
func_77979_a,splitStack,2,Remove the argument from the stack size. Return a new stack object with argument size.
func_77982_d,setTagCompound,2,"Assigns a NBTTagCompound to the ItemStack, minecraft validates that only non-stackable items can have it."
func_77984_f,isItemStackDamageable,2,true if this itemStack is damageable
func_77985_e,isStackable,2,Returns true if the ItemStack can hold 2 or more units of the item.
func_77987_b,canHarvestBlock,2,Checks if the itemStack object can harvest a specified block
func_77989_b,areItemStacksEqual,2,compares ItemStack argument1 with ItemStack argument2; returns true if both ItemStacks are equal
func_77995_e,getEnchantability,2,Return the natural enchantability factor of the material.
func_77996_d,getHarvestLevel,2,"The level of material this tool can harvest (3 = DIAMOND, 2 = IRON, 1 = STONE, 0 = IRON/GOLD)"
func_77997_a,getMaxUses,2,"The number of uses this material allows. (wood = 59, stone = 131, iron = 250, diamond = 1561, gold = 32)"
func_77998_b,getEfficiencyOnProperMaterial,2,The strength of this tool material against blocks which it is effective against.
func_78000_c,getDamageVsEntity,2,Damage versus entities.
func_78012_e,getTabIconItemIndex,2,the itemID for the item to be displayed on the tab
func_78018_a,displayAllReleventItems,2,only shows items which have tabToDisplayOn == this
func_78020_k,getTabColumn,2,returns index % 6
func_78023_l,isTabInFirstRow,2,returns tabIndex < 6
func_78024_c,getTranslatedTabLabel,2,Gets the translated Label.
func_78044_b,getDamageReductionAmount,2,"Return the damage reduction (each 1 point is a half a shield on gui) of the piece index passed (0 = helmet, 1 = plate, 2 = legs and 3 = boots)"
func_78045_a,getEnchantability,2,Return the enchantability factor of the material.
func_78046_a,getDurability,2,Returns the durability for a armor slot of for this type.
func_78057_a,generateRandomEnchantName,2,Generates a random enchant name.
func_78058_a,setRandSeed,2,Sets the seed for the enchant name RNG.
func_78086_a,setLivingAnimations,2,Used for easily adding entity-dependent animations. The second and third float params here are the same second and third as in the setRotationAngles method.
func_78087_a,setRotationAngles,2,Sets the models various rotation angles.
func_78088_a,render,2,Sets the models various rotation angles then renders the model.
func_78110_b,renderEars,2,"renders the ears (specifically, deadmau5's)"
func_78111_c,renderCloak,2,"Renders the cloak of the current biped (in most cases, it's a player)"
func_78164_a,renderSign,2,Renders the sign model through TileEntitySignRenderer
func_78214_a,updateRotations,2,"Updates the rotations in the parameters for rotations greater than 180 degrees or less than -180 degrees. It adds or subtracts 360 degrees, so that the appearance is the same, although the numbers are then simplified to range -180 to 180"
func_78231_a,renderAll,2,This method renders out all parts of the chest model.
func_78245_a,render,2,Draw the six sided box defined by this ModelBox
func_78255_a,renderStringAtPos,2,"Render a single line string at the current (posX,posY) and update posX"
func_78256_a,getStringWidth,2,Returns the width of this string. Equivalent of FontMetrics.stringWidth(String s).
func_78257_a,loadGlyphTexture,2,Load one of the /font/glyph_XX.png into a new GL texture and store the texture ID in glyphTextureName array.
func_78258_a,renderString,2,"Render single line string by setting GL color, current (posX,posY), and calling renderStringAtPos()"
func_78259_e,sizeStringToWidth,2,Determines how many characters from the string will fit into the specified width.
func_78260_a,getBidiFlag,2,Get bidiFlag that controls if the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm should be run before rendering any string
func_78261_a,drawStringWithShadow,2,Draws the specified string with a shadow.
func_78262_a,trimStringToWidth,2,"Trims a string to a specified width, and will reverse it if par3 is set."
func_78263_a,getCharWidth,2,Returns the width of this character as rendered.
func_78264_a,setUnicodeFlag,2,Set unicodeFlag controlling whether strings should be rendered with Unicode fonts instead of the default.png font.
func_78265_b,resetStyles,2,Reset all style flag fields in the class to false; called at the start of string rendering
func_78266_a,renderDefaultChar,2,"Render a single character with the default.png font at current (posX,posY) location..."
func_78267_b,splitStringWidth,2,Returns the width of the wordwrapped String (maximum length is parameter k)
func_78268_b,renderSplitString,2,Perform actual work of rendering a multi-line string with wordwrap and with darker drop shadow color if flag is set
func_78269_a,trimStringToWidth,2,Trims a string to fit a specified Width.
func_78270_c,isFormatSpecial,2,Checks if the char code is O-K...lLrRk-o... used to set special formatting.
func_78271_c,listFormattedStringToWidth,2,Breaks a string into a list of pieces that will fit a specified width.
func_78272_b,isFormatColor,2,"Checks if the char code is a hexadecimal character, used to set colour."
func_78273_d,trimStringNewline,2,Remove all newline characters from the end of the string
func_78274_b,renderStringAligned,2,Render string either left or right aligned depending on bidiFlag
func_78275_b,setBidiFlag,2,Set bidiFlag to control if the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm should be run before rendering any string.
func_78276_b,drawString,2,Draws the specified string.
func_78277_a,renderUnicodeChar,2,"Render a single Unicode character at current (posX,posY) location using one of the /font/glyph_XX.png files..."
func_78278_a,renderCharAtPos,2,Pick how to render a single character and return the width used.
func_78279_b,drawSplitString,2,Splits and draws a String with wordwrap (maximum length is parameter k)
func_78280_d,wrapFormattedStringToWidth,2,Inserts newline and formatting into a string to wrap it within the specified width.
func_78281_c,renderSplitStringNoShadow,2,renders a multi-line string with wordwrap (maximum length is parameter k) by means of renderSplitString
func_78282_e,getFormatFromString,2,Digests a string for nonprinting formatting characters then returns a string containing only that formatting.
func_78283_c,bidiReorder,2,Apply Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm to string and return a new possibly reordered string for visual rendering.
func_78308_g,getURI,2,computes the URI from the clicked chat data object
func_78344_a,deleteTexture,2,Deletes a single GL texture
func_78345_a,readTextureImage,2,Returns a BufferedImage read off the provided input stream. Args: inputStream
func_78347_c,releaseImageData,2,"Decrements the reference count for a given URL, deleting the image data if the reference count hits 0"
func_78350_a,getTextureForDownloadableImage,2,"Takes a URL of a downloadable image and the name of the local image to be used as a fallback. If the image has been downloaded, returns the GL texture of the downloaded image, otherwise returns the GL texture of the fallback image."
func_78351_a,setupTexture,2,Copy the supplied image onto the specified OpenGL texture
func_78352_b,refreshTextures,2,Call setupTexture on all currently-loaded textures again to account for changes in rendering options
func_78353_a,allocateAndSetupTexture,2,"Copy the supplied image onto a newly-allocated OpenGL texture, returning the allocated texture name"
func_78354_c,unwrapImageByColumns,2,Takes an image with multiple 16-pixel-wide columns and creates a new 16-pixel-wide image where the columns are stacked vertically
func_78356_a,obtainImageData,2,"Return a ThreadDownloadImageData instance for the given URL. If it does not already exist, it is created and uses the passed ImageBuffer. If it does, its reference count is incremented."
func_78369_a,setColorRGBA_F,2,"Sets the RGBA values for the color, converting from floats between 0 and 1 to integers from 0-255."
func_78370_a,setColorRGBA,2,Sets the RGBA values for the color. Also clamps them to 0-255.
func_78371_b,startDrawing,2,Resets tessellator state and prepares for drawing (with the specified draw mode).
func_78372_c,addTranslation,2,Offsets the translation for all vertices in the current draw call.
func_78373_b,setTranslation,2,Sets the translation for all vertices in the current draw call.
func_78374_a,addVertexWithUV,2,"Adds a vertex specifying both x,y,z and the texture u,v for it."
func_78375_b,setNormal,2,Sets the normal for the current draw call.
func_78376_a,setColorOpaque,2,"Sets the RGB values as specified, and sets alpha to opaque."
func_78377_a,addVertex,2,"Adds a vertex with the specified x,y,z to the current draw call. It will trigger a draw() if the buffer gets full."
func_78378_d,setColorOpaque_I,2,Sets the color to the given opaque value (stored as byte values packed in an integer).
func_78379_d,reset,2,Clears the tessellator state in preparation for new drawing.
func_78381_a,draw,2,Draws the data set up in this tessellator and resets the state to prepare for new drawing.
func_78382_b,startDrawingQuads,2,Sets draw mode in the tessellator to draw quads.
func_78383_c,disableColor,2,Disables colors for the current draw call.
func_78384_a,setColorRGBA_I,2,Sets the color to the given color (packed as bytes in integer) and alpha values.
func_78385_a,setTextureUV,2,Sets the texture coordinates.
func_78386_a,setColorOpaque_F,2,"Sets the RGB values as specified, converting from floats between 0 and 1 to integers from 0-255."
func_78439_a,renderItemIn2D,2,Renders an item held in hand as a 2D texture with thickness
func_78440_a,renderItemInFirstPerson,2,Renders the active item in the player's hand when in first person mode. Args: partialTickTime
func_78442_d,renderFireInFirstPerson,2,Renders the fire on the screen for first person mode. Arg: partialTickTime
func_78443_a,renderItem,2,Renders the item stack for being in an entity's hand Args: itemStack
func_78446_a,renderInsideOfBlock,2,"Renders the texture of the block the player is inside as an overlay. Args: partialTickTime, blockTextureIndex"
func_78447_b,renderOverlays,2,Renders all the overlays that are in first person mode. Args: partialTickTime
func_78448_c,renderWarpedTextureOverlay,2,Renders a texture that warps around based on the direction the player is looking. Texture needs to be bound before being called. Used for the water overlay. Args: parialTickTime
func_78463_b,enableLightmap,2,Enable lightmap in secondary texture unit
func_78464_a,updateRenderer,2,Updates the entity renderer
func_78466_h,updateFogColor,2,calculates fog and calls glClearColor
func_78467_g,orientCamera,2,sets up player's eye (or camera in third person mode)
func_78468_a,setupFog,2,Sets up the fog to be rendered. If the arg passed in is -1 the fog starts at 0 and goes to 80% of far plane distance and is used for sky rendering.
func_78469_a,setFogColorBuffer,2,Update and return fogColorBuffer with the RGBA values passed as arguments
func_78470_f,updateTorchFlicker,2,Recompute a random value that is applied to block color in updateLightmap()
func_78473_a,getMouseOver,2,Finds what block or object the mouse is over at the specified partial tick time. Args: partialTickTime
func_78474_d,renderRainSnow,2,Render rain and snow
func_78475_f,setupViewBobbing,2,Setups all the GL settings for view bobbing. Args: partialTickTime
func_78476_b,renderHand,2,Render player hand
func_78477_e,updateFovModifierHand,2,Update FOV modifier hand
func_78478_c,setupOverlayRendering,2,Setup orthogonal projection for rendering GUI screen overlays
func_78479_a,setupCameraTransform,2,"sets up projection, view effects, camera position/rotation"
func_78480_b,updateCameraAndRender,2,Will update any inputs that effect the camera angle (mouse) and then render the world and GUI
func_78481_a,getFOVModifier,2,Changes the field of view of the player depending on if they are underwater or not
func_78483_a,disableLightmap,2,Disable secondary texture unit used by lightmap
func_78542_a,renderChest,2,"Renders a chest at 0,0,0 - used for item rendering"
func_78546_a,isBoundingBoxInFrustum,2,"Returns true if the bounding box is inside all 6 clipping planes, otherwise returns false."
func_78548_b,isBoxInFrustum,2,"Calls the clipping helper. Returns true if the box is inside all 6 clipping planes, otherwise returns false."
func_78553_b,isBoxInFrustum,2,"Returns true if the box is inside all 6 clipping planes, otherwise returns false."
func_78558_a,getInstance,2,Initialises the ClippingHelper object then returns an instance of it.
func_78559_a,normalize,2,Normalize the frustum.
func_78565_t,renderBlockStairs,2,Renders a stair block at the given coordinates
func_78566_o,renderBlockLilyPad,2,Render BlockLilyPad
func_78567_v,renderBlockEndPortalFrame,2,Render BlockEndPortalFrame
func_78568_d,renderPistonBaseAllFaces,2,Render all faces of the piston base
func_78569_d,renderBlockCactusImpl,2,Render block cactus implementation
func_78570_q,renderStandardBlock,2,Renders a standard cube block at the given coordinates
func_78571_c,renderPistonRodEW,2,Render piston rod east/west
func_78572_c,renderBlockTorch,2,Renders a torch block at the given coordinates
func_78573_e,renderNorthFace,2,"Renders the given texture to the north (x-negative) face of the block. Args: block, x, y, z, texture"
func_78574_w,renderBlockBed,2,render a bed at the given coordinates
func_78575_a,renderBlockStemSmall,2,Render block stem small
func_78576_j,renderBlockLadder,2,Renders a ladder block at the given coordinates
func_78579_b,renderBlockCropsImpl,2,Render block crops implementation
func_78580_a,renderBlockFenceGate,2,Render block fence gate
func_78583_a,renderBlockAllFaces,2,Render all faces of a block
func_78584_s,renderBlockCactus,2,Renders a cactus block at the given coordinates
func_78585_a,renderBlockBrewingStand,2,Render BlockBrewingStand
func_78586_a,renderBlockMinecartTrack,2,Renders a minecart track block at the given coordinates
func_78587_a,renderPistonExtensionAllFaces,2,Render all faces of the piston extension
func_78589_i,renderBlockRedstoneWire,2,Renders a redstone wire block at the given coordinates
func_78590_h,renderBlockFire,2,Renders a fire block at the given coordinates
func_78591_a,renderPistonRodUD,2,Render piston rod up/down
func_78593_b,renderPistonBase,2,renders a block as a piston base
func_78594_e,renderBlockLever,2,Renders a lever block at the given coordinates
func_78595_a,clearOverrideBlockTexture,2,Clear override block texture
func_78596_a,getFluidHeight,2,Get fluid height
func_78597_b,renderItemIn3d,2,Checks to see if the item's render type indicates that it should be rendered as a regular block or not.
func_78598_k,renderBlockVine,2,Render block vine
func_78599_a,drawCrossedSquares,2,Utility function to draw crossed swuares
func_78600_a,renderBlockAsItem,2,"Is called to render the image of a block on an inventory, as a held item, or as a an item on the ground"
func_78601_u,renderBlockDoor,2,Renders a door block at the given coordinates
func_78602_a,getAoBrightness,2,Get ambient occlusion brightness
func_78603_m,renderBlockStem,2,Render block stem
func_78604_a,renderBlockUsingTexture,2,Renders a block using the given texture instead of the block's own default texture
func_78605_f,renderSouthFace,2,"Renders the given texture to the south (x-positive) face of the block. Args: block, x, y, z, texture"
func_78606_a,renderBlockStemBig,2,Render block stem big
func_78607_b,renderPistonRodSN,2,Render piston rod south/north
func_78608_c,renderPistonExtension,2,renders the pushing part of a piston
func_78609_c,renderStandardBlockWithColorMultiplier,2,"Renders a standard cube block at the given coordinates, with a given color ratio. Args: block, x, y, z, r, g, b"
func_78610_x,renderBlockRepeater,2,render a redstone repeater at the given coordinates
func_78611_c,renderEastFace,2,"Renders the given texture to the east (z-negative) face of the block. Args: block, x, y, z, texture"
func_78612_b,renderBlockByRenderType,2,Renders the block at the given coordinates using the block's rendering type
func_78613_a,renderBottomFace,2,"Renders the given texture to the bottom face of the block. Args: block, x, y, z, texture"
func_78614_n,renderBlockCrops,2,Render block crops
func_78615_a,renderBlockCauldron,2,Render block cauldron
func_78617_b,renderTopFace,2,"Renders the given texture to the top face of the block. Args: block, x, y, z, texture"
func_78620_l,renderCrossedSquares,2,"Renders any block requiring croseed squares such as reeds, flowers, and mushrooms"
func_78621_p,renderBlockFluids,2,Renders a block based on the BlockFluids class at the given coordinates
func_78622_d,renderWestFace,2,"Renders the given texture to the west (z-positive) face of the block. Args: block, x, y, z, texture"
func_78623_a,renderTorchAtAngle,2,"Renders a torch at the given coordinates, with the base slanting at the given delta"
func_78716_a,getFontRenderer,2,Returns the font renderer
func_78717_a,set,2,World sets this RenderManager's worldObj to the world provided
func_78718_a,cacheActiveRenderInfo,2,"Caches the current frame's active render info, including the current World, RenderEngine, GameSettings and FontRenderer settings, as well as interpolated player position, pitch and yaw."
func_78719_a,renderEntityWithPosYaw,2,"Renders the specified entity with the passed in position, yaw, and partialTickTime. Args: entity, x, y, z, yaw, partialTickTime"
func_78720_a,renderEntity,2,"Will render the specified entity at the specified partial tick time. Args: entity, partialTickTime"
func_78743_b,clickBlock,2,"Called by Minecraft class when the player is hitting a block with an item. Args: x, y, z, side"
func_78745_b,flipPlayer,2,Flips the player around. Args: player
func_78746_a,setGameType,2,Sets the game type for the player.
func_78749_i,extendedReach,2,true for hitting entities far away.
func_78750_j,syncCurrentPlayItem,2,Syncs the current player item with the server
func_78751_a,onPlayerDestroyBlock,2,Called when a player completes the destruction of a block
func_78756_a,sendEnchantPacket,2,GuiEnchantment uses this during multiplayer to tell PlayerControllerMP to send a packet indicating the enchantment action the player has taken.
func_78757_d,getBlockReachDistance,2,player reach distance = 4F
func_78758_h,isInCreativeMode,2,returns true if player is in creative mode
func_78759_c,onPlayerDamageBlock,2,Called when a player damages a block and updates damage counters
func_78760_a,onPlayerRightClick,2,"Handles a players right click. Args: player, world, x, y, z, side, hitVec"
func_78761_a,sendSlotPacket,2,Used in PlayerControllerMP to update the server with an ItemStack in a slot.
func_78762_g,isNotCreative,2,"Checks if the player is not creative, used for checking if it should break a block instantly"
func_78764_a,attackEntity,2,Attacks an entity
func_78767_c,resetBlockRemoving,2,Resets current block damage and field_78778_j
func_78769_a,sendUseItem,2,"Notifies the server of things like consuming food, etc..."
func_78787_b,setTextureSize,2,Returns the model renderer with the new texture parameters.
func_78788_d,compileDisplayList,2,Compiles a GL display list for this model
func_78790_a,addBox,2,"Creates a textured box. Args: originX, originY, originZ, width, height, depth, scaleFactor."
func_78792_a,addChild,2,Sets the current box's rotation points and rotation angles to another box.
func_78794_c,postRender,2,Allows the changing of Angles after a box has been rendered
func_78836_a,getNBTCompound,2,"Returns an NBTTagCompound with the server's name, IP and maybe acceptTextures."
func_78837_a,getServerDataFromNBTCompound,2,"Takes an NBTTagCompound with 'name' and 'ip' keys, returns a ServerData instance."
func_78849_a,addServerData,2,Adds the given ServerData instance to the list.
func_78850_a,getServerData,2,Gets the ServerData instance stored for the given index in the list.
func_78851_b,removeServerData,2,Removes the ServerData instance stored for the given index in the list.
func_78853_a,loadServerList,2,"Loads a list of servers from servers.dat, by running ServerData.getServerDataFromNBTCompound on each NBT compound found in the ""servers"" tag list."
func_78854_a,setServer,2,Sets the given index in the list to the given ServerData instance.
func_78855_b,saveServerList,2,"Runs getNBTCompound on each ServerData instance, puts everything into a ""servers"" NBT list and writes it to servers.dat."
func_78856_c,countServers,2,Counts the number of ServerData instances in the list.
func_78857_a,swapServers,2,"Takes two list indexes, and swaps their order around."
func_78867_a,addBlockHitEffects,2,"Adds block hit particles for the specified block. Args: x, y, z, sideHit"
func_78874_a,renderParticles,2,"Renders all current particles. Args player, partialTickTime"
func_78880_d,getZSize,2,Returns length of a bounding box
func_78882_c,getYSize,2,Returns height of a bounding box
func_78883_b,getXSize,2,Returns width of a bounding box
func_78884_a,intersectsWith,2,Returns whether the given bounding box intersects with this one. Args: structureboundingbox
func_78885_a,intersectsWith,2,Discover if a coordinate is inside the bounding box area.
func_78886_a,offset,2,"Offsets the current bounding box by the specified coordinates. Args: x, y, z"
func_78887_a,getNewBoundingBox,2,returns a new StructureBoundingBox with MAX values
func_78888_b,expandTo,2,Expands a bounding box's dimensions to include the supplied bounding box.
func_78889_a,getComponentToAddBoundingBox,2,used to project a possible new component Bounding Box - to check if it would cut anything already spawned
func_78890_b,isVecInside,2,Returns true if block is inside bounding box
func_78904_d,callOcclusionQueryList,2,Renders the occlusion query GL List
func_78906_e,skipAllRenderPasses,2,Checks if all render passes are to be skipped. Returns false if the renderer is not initialized
func_78907_a,updateRenderer,2,Will update this chunk renderer
func_78909_a,getGLCallListForPass,2,Takes in the pass the call list is being requested for. Args: renderPass
func_78910_b,setDontDraw,2,When called this renderer won't draw anymore until its gets initialized again
func_78912_a,distanceToEntitySquared,2,"Returns the distance of this chunk renderer to the entity without performing the final normalizing square root, for performance reasons."
func_78913_a,setPosition,2,Sets a new position for the renderer and setting it up so it can be reloaded with the new data for that position
func_78914_f,markDirty,2,Marks the current renderer data as dirty and needing to be updated.
func_78946_a,sortByDistanceToEntity,2,Sorts the two world renderers according to their distance to a given entity.
func_79000_a,addToOnlinePlayerList,2,Adds a player's name to the list of online players.
func_79005_d,getLogComponent,2,Returns a new JPanel with a new GuiStatsComponent inside.
func_79006_b,getStatsComponent,2,Returns a new JPanel with a new GuiStatsComponent inside.
func_79007_c,getPlayerListComponent,2,Returns a new JScrollPane with a new PlayerListBox inside.
func_79013_a,update,2,Public static accessor to call updateStats.
func_79014_a,updateStats,2,Updates the stat values and calls paint to redraw the component.