This class is used to render any tile entities in a non-location specific major
Such as EntityItems, In minecarts, Held by entities, anyhting that isn't in world.
Switched the class names for BiomeGenForest $1 and $2 as Fernflower decompiled
them in oposite order.
Before calling "ItemStack.tryPlaceItemInWorld", a recording flag is turned on for
setBlock to capture a blocksnapshot for each block that attempts to be placed.
If 1 block is captured, a "BlockEvent.PlaceEvent" is fired to notify mods.
If 2 or more blocks are captured, a "BlockEvent.PlaceEvent" is fired first with the first block
captured followed by a "BlockEvent.MultiPlaceEvent" with all captured blocks. This extra event
is required for items that have the ability to place 2 or more blocks such as a BlockBed.
If either event is cancelled, the recorded block snapshot(s), item stacksize, and item meta will
revert back to the captured snapshot(s).
If the events are not cancelled, a notification will be sent to clients and block physics will be updated.
What this means for mods is Forge will be able to capture all player block placement automatically and fire
a PlaceEvent and/or MultiPlaceEvent.
If for whatever reason your mod does not use the standard placement methods then you will need to fire the
appropriate placement events in order to notify mods/servers.
This commit also includes a new utility class called BlockSnapshot which is serializable. This new class is used in conjunction with
both PlaceEvent and MultiPlaceEvent in order to record a snapshot of block space before it is altered. This
allows us to restore the block(s) if an event is cancelled. The class also provides the ability to restore a snapshot
to any location using the restoreToLocation method. This should be helpful to many mods that are looking to be able
to capture block data then restore it to back to any location required.
MinecraftForge/FML@5365f5ea3e Add IEventExceptionHandler for EventBus to allow special handeling exceptions that are fired while running an event. Events now track what 'phase' they are in during the execution process. Each EventPriority is a 'phase'. An exception is thrown if the event attempts to set its phase to a previous one.
Events now track what 'phase' they are in during the execution process. Each EventPriority is a 'phase'.
An exception is thrown if the event attempts to set its phase to a previous one.
Blender names objects with .001 ir .002 when separating vertices or duplicating objects and the importer would crash on them. This fixes the regex to allow dots in the name.