Mods must register there dimensions on load, by calling DimensionManager.registerDimension(uniqueID, WorldProvier, boolean)
Mods are resposible for writing there own transporter blocks.
Initial commit, needs some more testing and design thoughts.
NetworkMods will be assigned unique ModIDs by the server, and those IDs will be sent to the client upon connection.
Refactored Forge packets to the net.minecraft.src.forge.packets package. And introduced the base ForgePacket class.
Added initial ModList request/response.
Mod creators should call MinecraftForge.registerEntity to register a entity.
All entity ID numbers are Mod Unique. Meaning two mods can have Entity #1.
Added client and server side packet handlers for the 'Forge' channel. For use in internal packets such as the new Spawn packet.
Updated the build scripts to copy over unique server source files now that there actually are some.
For modders:
If you have a entity that used MLMP's 'owner' system, you should have your entity implement IThrowableEntity
If you have a entity that implments MLMLP's ISpawnable, you should implement ISpawnHandler.
They provide the same functionality, just in a cleaner, more orginized way and will be the method used when we eventually drop MLMP.
Fixed line endings in
Added mod_MinecraftForge for simpler logging of minecraft version in crash reports
Added new hooks for connection events, See IConnectionHandler for more details.
Added Packet250CustomPayload handeling and channel registraction management, see MessageManager and IPacketHandler for more details.
Forge now uses unsed fields in C->S Packet1Login to identify itself. None Forge clients will get a graceful disconnect message instead of the 'Unknown packet 230'
Server RailLogic.getNAdjacentTracks public
Server TileEntityFurnace.getItemBurnTime static
New GUIControls change, Made it into a scroll panel instead of a static position window.
This just makes things look better when multiple mods with KeyBindings are installed
This is to allow modders the ability to extend blocks other then BlockContainer, and still be able to have a TileEntity.
Also added a NBTTagCompound to the base EntityClass, this allows any entity to be given arbitrary data that will persist across world saves.
This data is NOT sent over the wire in a MP situation, to have data sent over the wire automatically use the built in data watcher.