6e01c59 Merge ChickenBones pull into FML - adds player trackers
a0cbd37 More precise error handling when an invalid class is present
12323e2 Fix textures not applying properly
789a4a3 Fix up entity spawning - hopefully they won't warp anymore.
a87d045 Add in a helper on the server start event for adding commands to the server.
82e9309 Move villager trading hook up a bit. thanks sengir.
8deaa37 Fix LAN to try hard to find a real network interface, not just localhost most of the time
b5363e3 Update build to not bother building client jar. Universal is everything now.
28a10ac Null protection for ticks() -- probably should uses EnumSet.noneOf() but you can also use null now to stop ticking. closes#77
c349d51 Automatic mod entity registration into the global entity list. This might break entity code out there, sorry, but this way for most entities you no longer need to manage the global mod entity stuff at all. just remove it. FML will take care of the rest (note, worlds won't load the old entities)
ef01745 Add in a utility function that *might* tell you the context you're running in on either client or server: FMLCommonHandler.getEffectiveSide
c97d6a6 Try and stop sendPacketToAllAround from being crashy
2062273 Mods can add mod specific crash information to the crash report now Forge needs to implement MinecraftForge.getCrashCallable
6e6436e Fix up dispenser handling, add in new params for the dispenser: breaks IDispenseHandler, sorry
38f4a22 Fix up MLProp handling for null info
3a8b047 GUIs working in FML for ML mods
52483ee Support gui opening for Shelf mod
dce1cbc Updated MCPMerger to annotate unique classes with there sides, and SideTransformer to null out any class that is loaded on the wrong side.
entity code out there, sorry, but this way for most entities you no longer
need to manage the global mod entity stuff at all. just remove it. FML will
take care of the rest (note, worlds won't load the old entities)
Client side only classes are properly annotated, and denied loading on server side
Added missing client side only ModLoader.getContainerGUI function
Guis work for FML mods now.
Fixed MLProp handeling of null info
Fix up dispenser handling, add in new params for the dispenser: breaks IDispenseHandler, sorry
Since the amount of speed lost is 1 - co-eff, rounding 0.997 to 0.99
makes a big difference to the distance a minecart will travel (less
than half of the distance in vanilla 1.25).
46c563a Expose more of the village construction parts for building village piece
1380c2e Allow access to the type "ComponentVillage"
71a3818 Documentation and registration for villager stuff
e3a343c Fix javadoc derp
195b1a0 Villager trading, manipulation and village enhancement. Still WIP but sh
69e66c3 Fix exception based logging to actually log the exception!