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# objective-lisp
Syntactic sugar for object-oriented Lisp.
`objective-lisp` provides a simple, concise, and (slightly) more conventional
syntax for accessing the slots and methods of objects. It defines a reader
macro for the `[` and `]` characters (although you can change these in the
## Usage
**TL;DR:** `[object (method args)]` is like `object.method(args)` in C++.
First, to enable `objective-lisp`'s syntax, just load the system:
``` common-lisp
(asdf:load-system 'objective-lisp)
`objective-lisp`'s syntax takes the form of a special S-expression, contained
in square brackets rather than parentheses. Each expression within acts upon the
result of the previous one, like a chain of `.` (dot) operators in C-like
[foo (bar) (baz) (quux)]
;; C++: foo.bar().baz().quux()
To call a method, just write it after the object:
``` common-lisp
[object (method args...)]
;; => (method object args...)
Slot accessors, and other methods that don't take additional arguments, can be
written without enclosing parentheses:
``` common-lisp
[object get-something]
;; => (get-something object)
Under the hood, this just passes `object` as the first argument to `method`, so
you can do stuff like this (I won't kinkshame you, but your coworkers might):
[object (slot-value 'slot-name) (setf value)]
;; => [(slot-value object 'slot-name) (setf value)]
;; => (setf (slot-value object 'slot-name) value)
To access slots directly, use the `:slot` keyword:
``` common-lisp
[object :slot slot-name]
;; => (slot-value object 'slot-name)
## License
`objective-lisp` is public domain (CC0). You can do whatever you want with it. I
don't really care about credit, it's just a silly little thing I wrote in a few
hours. (And then rewrote just now because the syntax sucked.)
But if you find it useful, *please* let me know. I'd love to hear about it.