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(+ &rest numbers)

+ returns the sum of its arguments, skipping any inputs that are not ints or floats. If no arguments are given, it returns 0.


(- number)
(- number &rest more-numbers)

If called with one argument, - returns the negation of that argument. If called with more than one argument, - subtracts more-numbers from number, skipping any inputs that are not ints or floats. If number is not an int or float, - returns nil.


(* &rest numbers)

* returns the product of its arguments, skipping any inputs that are not ints or floats. If no arguments are given, it returns 1.


(/ number &rest more-numbers)

/ divides number by more-numbers, skipping any inputs that are not ints or floats. It always returns a float. If number is not an int or float, / returns nil.


(int/ number &rest more-numbers)

int/ performs integer division, dividing number by more-numbers, skipping any inputs that are not ints or floats, and returning an int. If number is not an int or float, int/returns nil.