1 | searge | name | side | desc |
2 | field_70009_b | chatBuffer | 2 | |
3 | field_70010_a | consoleBuffer | 2 | only ever used by MinecraftServer.executeCommand |
4 | field_70116_cv | serverPosZ | 2 | |
5 | field_70117_cu | serverPosY | 2 | |
6 | field_70118_ct | serverPosX | 2 | |
7 | field_70119_cs | cloakUrl | 2 | downloadable location of player's cloak |
8 | field_70120_cr | skinUrl | 2 | downloadable location of player's skin |
9 | field_70121_D | boundingBox | 2 | Axis aligned bounding box. |
10 | field_70122_E | onGround | 2 | |
11 | field_70123_F | isCollidedHorizontally | 2 | True if after a move this entity has collided with something on X- or Z-axis |
12 | field_70124_G | isCollidedVertically | 2 | True if after a move this entity has collided with something on Y-axis |
13 | field_70125_A | rotationPitch | 2 | Entity rotation Pitch |
14 | field_70126_B | prevRotationYaw | 2 | |
15 | field_70127_C | prevRotationPitch | 2 | |
16 | field_70128_L | isDead | 2 | Gets set by setDead, so this must be the flag whether an Entity is dead (inactive may be better term) |
17 | field_70129_M | yOffset | 2 | |
18 | field_70130_N | width | 2 | How wide this entity is considered to be |
19 | field_70131_O | height | 2 | How high this entity is considered to be |
20 | field_70132_H | isCollided | 2 | True if after a move this entity has collided with something either vertically or horizontally |
21 | field_70133_I | velocityChanged | 2 | |
22 | field_70134_J | isInWeb | 2 | |
23 | field_70136_U | lastTickPosZ | 2 | The entity's Z coordinate at the previous tick, used to calculate position during rendering routines |
24 | field_70137_T | lastTickPosY | 2 | The entity's Y coordinate at the previous tick, used to calculate position during rendering routines |
25 | field_70138_W | stepHeight | 2 | How high this entity can step up when running into a block to try to get over it (currently make note the entity will always step up this amount and not just the amount needed) |
26 | field_70139_V | ySize | 2 | |
27 | field_70140_Q | distanceWalkedModified | 2 | The distance walked multiplied by 0.6 |
28 | field_70141_P | prevDistanceWalkedModified | 2 | The previous ticks distance walked multiplied by 0.6 |
29 | field_70142_S | lastTickPosX | 2 | The entity's X coordinate at the previous tick, used to calculate position during rendering routines |
30 | field_70143_R | fallDistance | 2 | |
31 | field_70144_Y | entityCollisionReduction | 2 | Reduces the velocity applied by entity collisions by the specified percent. |
32 | field_70145_X | noClip | 2 | Whether this entity won't clip with collision or not (make note it won't disable gravity) |
33 | field_70146_Z | rand | 2 | |
34 | field_70147_f | entityRiderYawDelta | 2 | |
35 | field_70148_d | firstUpdate | 2 | |
36 | field_70149_e | entityRiderPitchDelta | 2 | |
37 | field_70150_b | nextStepDistance | 2 | The distance that has to be exceeded in order to triger a new step sound and an onEntityWalking event on a block |
38 | field_70151_c | fire | 2 | |
39 | field_70152_a | nextEntityID | 2 | |
40 | field_70153_n | riddenByEntity | 2 | The entity that is riding this entity |
41 | field_70154_o | ridingEntity | 2 | The entity we are currently riding |
42 | field_70155_l | renderDistanceWeight | 2 | |
43 | field_70156_m | preventEntitySpawning | 2 | Blocks entities from spawning when they do their AABB check to make sure the spot is clear of entities that can prevent spawning. |
44 | field_70157_k | entityId | 2 | |
45 | field_70158_ak | ignoreFrustumCheck | 2 | Render entity even if it is outside the camera frustum. Only true in EntityFish for now. Used in RenderGlobal: render if ignoreFrustumCheck or in frustum. |
46 | field_70159_w | motionX | 2 | Entity motion X |
47 | field_70160_al | isAirBorne | 2 | |
48 | field_70161_v | posZ | 2 | Entity position Z |
49 | field_70162_ai | chunkCoordY | 2 | |
50 | field_70163_u | posY | 2 | Entity position Y |
51 | field_70164_aj | chunkCoordZ | 2 | |
52 | field_70165_t | posX | 2 | Entity position X |
53 | field_70166_s | prevPosZ | 2 | |
54 | field_70167_r | prevPosY | 2 | |
55 | field_70168_am | myEntitySize | 2 | |
56 | field_70169_q | prevPosX | 2 | |
57 | field_70170_p | worldObj | 2 | Reference to the World object. |
58 | field_70171_ac | inWater | 2 | Whether this entity is currently inside of water (if it handles water movement that is) |
59 | field_70172_ad | hurtResistantTime | 2 | Remaining time an entity will be "immune" to further damage after being hurt. |
60 | field_70173_aa | ticksExisted | 2 | How many ticks has this entity had ran since being alive |
61 | field_70174_ab | fireResistance | 2 | The amount of ticks you have to stand inside of fire before be set on fire |
62 | field_70175_ag | addedToChunk | 2 | Has this entity been added to the chunk its within |
63 | field_70176_ah | chunkCoordX | 2 | |
64 | field_70177_z | rotationYaw | 2 | Entity rotation Yaw |
65 | field_70178_ae | isImmuneToFire | 2 | |
66 | field_70179_y | motionZ | 2 | Entity motion Z |
67 | field_70180_af | dataWatcher | 2 | |
68 | field_70181_x | motionY | 2 | Entity motion Y |
69 | field_70187_f | zTile | 2 | |
70 | field_70188_g | inTile | 2 | |
71 | field_70189_d | xTile | 2 | |
72 | field_70190_e | yTile | 2 | |
73 | field_70191_b | throwableShake | 2 | |
74 | field_70192_c | thrower | 2 | Is the entity that throws this 'thing' (snowball, ender pearl, eye of ender or potion) |
75 | field_70193_a | inGround | 2 | |
76 | field_70194_h | ticksInGround | 2 | |
77 | field_70195_i | ticksInAir | 2 | |
78 | field_70197_d | potionDamage | 2 | The damage value of the thrown potion that this EntityPotion represents. |
79 | field_70200_f | zTile | 2 | The tile this entity is on, Z position |
80 | field_70201_g | inTile | 2 | |
81 | field_70202_d | xTile | 2 | The tile this entity is on, X position |
82 | field_70203_e | yTile | 2 | The tile this entity is on, Y position |
83 | field_70204_b | angler | 2 | |
84 | field_70205_c | bobber | 2 | The entity that the fishing rod is connected to, if any. When you right click on the fishing rod and the hook falls on to an entity, this it that entity. |
85 | field_70206_a | shake | 2 | |
86 | field_70207_at | fishPitch | 2 | |
87 | field_70208_as | fishYaw | 2 | |
88 | field_70209_ar | fishZ | 2 | |
89 | field_70210_aq | fishY | 2 | |
90 | field_70211_j | ticksInAir | 2 | |
91 | field_70212_aw | velocityZ | 2 | |
92 | field_70213_av | velocityY | 2 | |
93 | field_70214_h | inGround | 2 | |
94 | field_70215_au | velocityX | 2 | |
95 | field_70216_i | ticksInGround | 2 | |
96 | field_70217_ao | fishPosRotationIncrements | 2 | |
97 | field_70218_ap | fishX | 2 | |
98 | field_70219_an | ticksCatchable | 2 | the number of ticks remaining until this fish can no longer be caught |
99 | field_70221_f | shatterOrDrop | 2 | |
100 | field_70222_d | targetZ | 2 | 'z' location the eye should float towards. |
101 | field_70223_e | despawnTimer | 2 | |
102 | field_70224_b | targetX | 2 | 'x' location the eye should float towards. |
103 | field_70225_c | targetY | 2 | 'y' location the eye should float towards. |
104 | field_70228_f | yTile | 2 | |
105 | field_70229_g | zTile | 2 | |
106 | field_70230_d | accelerationZ | 2 | |
107 | field_70231_e | xTile | 2 | |
108 | field_70232_b | accelerationX | 2 | |
109 | field_70233_c | accelerationY | 2 | |
110 | field_70234_an | ticksInAir | 2 | |
111 | field_70235_a | shootingEntity | 2 | |
112 | field_70236_j | ticksAlive | 2 | |
113 | field_70237_h | inTile | 2 | |
114 | field_70238_i | inGround | 2 | |
115 | field_70245_f | zTile | 2 | |
116 | field_70246_g | inTile | 2 | |
117 | field_70247_d | xTile | 2 | |
118 | field_70248_e | yTile | 2 | |
119 | field_70249_b | arrowShake | 2 | Seems to be some sort of timer for animating an arrow. |
120 | field_70250_c | shootingEntity | 2 | The owner of this arrow. |
121 | field_70251_a | canBePickedUp | 2 | 1 if the player can pick up the arrow |
122 | field_70252_j | ticksInGround | 2 | |
123 | field_70253_h | inData | 2 | |
124 | field_70254_i | inGround | 2 | |
125 | field_70255_ao | damage | 2 | |
126 | field_70256_ap | knockbackStrength | 2 | The amount of knockback an arrow applies when it hits a mob. |
127 | field_70257_an | ticksInAir | 2 | |
128 | field_70258_b | name | 2 | The name of the Dragon Part |
129 | field_70259_a | entityDragonObj | 2 | The dragon entity this dragon part belongs to |
130 | field_70260_b | health | 2 | |
131 | field_70261_a | innerRotation | 2 | Used to create the rotation animation when rendering the crystal. |
132 | field_70262_b | lightningState | 2 | Declares which state the lightning bolt is in. Whether it's in the air, hit the ground, etc. |
133 | field_70263_c | boltLivingTime | 2 | Determines the time before the EntityLightningBolt is destroyed. It is a random integer decremented over time. |
134 | field_70264_a | boltVertex | 2 | A random long that is used to change the vertex of the lightning rendered in RenderLightningBolt |
135 | field_70272_f | boatZ | 2 | |
136 | field_70273_g | boatYaw | 2 | |
137 | field_70274_d | boatX | 2 | |
138 | field_70275_e | boatY | 2 | |
139 | field_70277_c | boatPosRotationIncrements | 2 | |
140 | field_70278_an | velocityZ | 2 | |
141 | field_70280_j | velocityY | 2 | |
142 | field_70281_h | boatPitch | 2 | |
143 | field_70282_i | velocityX | 2 | |
144 | field_70286_c | fallTime | 2 | How long the block has been falling for. |
145 | field_70287_a | blockID | 2 | |
146 | field_70290_d | hoverStart | 2 | The EntityItem's random initial float height. |
147 | field_70291_e | health | 2 | The health of this EntityItem. (For example, damage for tools) |
148 | field_70292_b | age | 2 | The age of this EntityItem (used to animate it up and down as well as expire it) |
149 | field_70293_c | delayBeforeCanPickup | 2 | |
150 | field_70294_a | item | 2 | The item stack of this EntityItem. |
151 | field_70323_b | classToNameMap | 2 | A HashMap storing the classes and mapping to the string names (reverse of nameToClassMap). |
152 | field_70324_q | blockType | 2 | the Block type that this TileEntity is contained within |
153 | field_70325_p | blockMetadata | 2 | |
154 | field_70326_a | nameToClassMap | 2 | A HashMap storing string names of classes mapping to the actual java.lang.Class type. |
155 | field_70327_n | zCoord | 2 | The z coordinate of the tile entity. |
156 | field_70328_o | tileEntityInvalid | 2 | |
157 | field_70329_l | xCoord | 2 | The x coordinate of the tile entity. |
158 | field_70330_m | yCoord | 2 | The y coordinate of the tile entity. |
159 | field_70331_k | worldObj | 2 | The reference to the world. |
160 | field_70342_f | progress | 2 | |
161 | field_70343_g | lastProgress | 2 | the progress in (de)extending |
162 | field_70344_d | extending | 2 | if this piston is extending or not |
163 | field_70345_e | shouldHeadBeRendered | 2 | |
164 | field_70346_b | storedMetadata | 2 | |
165 | field_70347_c | storedOrientation | 2 | the side the front of the piston is on |
166 | field_70348_a | storedBlockID | 2 | |
167 | field_70349_h | pushedObjects | 2 | |
168 | field_70356_d | ingredientID | 2 | |
169 | field_70357_b | brewTime | 2 | |
170 | field_70358_c | filledSlots | 2 | an integer with each bit specifying whether that slot of the stand contains a potion |
171 | field_70359_a | brewingItemStacks | 2 | The itemstacks currently placed in the slots of the brewing stand |
172 | field_70362_b | dispenserRandom | 2 | random number generator for instance. Used in random item stack selection. |
173 | field_70363_a | dispenserContents | 2 | |
174 | field_70367_d | ticksSinceSync | 2 | Server sync counter (once per 20 ticks) |
175 | field_70368_b | prevLidAngle | 2 | The angle of the chest lid last tick |
176 | field_70369_c | numUsingPlayers | 2 | The number of players currently using this ender chest. |
177 | field_70370_a | lidAngle | 2 | The current angle of the chest lid (between 0 and 1) |
178 | field_70371_f | bookSpread | 2 | The amount that the book is open. |
179 | field_70372_g | bookSpreadPrev | 2 | The amount that the book is open. |
180 | field_70375_b | pageFlip | 2 | Value used for determining how the page flip should look. |
181 | field_70376_r | rand | 2 | |
182 | field_70377_c | pageFlipPrev | 2 | The last tick's pageFlip value. |
183 | field_70378_a | tickCount | 2 | Used by the render to make the book 'bounce' |
184 | field_70379_j | bookRotation | 2 | |
185 | field_70380_h | bookRotation2 | 2 | |
186 | field_70381_i | bookRotationPrev | 2 | |
187 | field_70388_f | minSpawnDelay | 2 | |
188 | field_70389_g | maxSpawnDelay | 2 | |
189 | field_70390_d | mobID | 2 | The string ID of the mobs being spawned from this spawner. Defaults to pig, apparently. |
190 | field_70391_e | spawnerTags | 2 | The extra NBT data to add to spawned entities |
191 | field_70392_b | yaw | 2 | |
192 | field_70393_c | yaw2 | 2 | |
193 | field_70394_a | delay | 2 | The stored delay before a new spawn. |
194 | field_70395_h | spawnCount | 2 | |
195 | field_70396_i | spawnedMob | 2 | |
196 | field_70404_d | furnaceItemStacks | 2 | The ItemStacks that hold the items currently being used in the furnace |
197 | field_70405_b | currentItemBurnTime | 2 | The number of ticks that a fresh copy of the currently-burning item would keep the furnace burning for |
198 | field_70406_c | furnaceCookTime | 2 | The number of ticks that the current item has been cooking for |
199 | field_70407_a | furnaceBurnTime | 2 | The number of ticks that the furnace will keep burning |
200 | field_70410_b | lineBeingEdited | 2 | The index of the line currently being edited. Only used on client side, but defined on both. Note this is only really used when the > < are going to be visible. |
201 | field_70411_c | isEditable | 2 | |
202 | field_70412_a | signText | 2 | An array of four strings storing the lines of text on the sign. |
203 | field_70415_b | previousRedstoneState | 2 | stores the latest redstone state |
204 | field_70416_a | note | 2 | Note to play |
205 | field_70417_a | record | 2 | ID of record which is in Jukebox |
206 | field_70419_f | lidAngle | 2 | The current angle of the lid (between 0 and 1) |
207 | field_70420_g | prevLidAngle | 2 | The angle of the lid last tick |
208 | field_70421_d | adjacentChestXNeg | 2 | Contains the chest tile located adjacent to this one (if any) |
209 | field_70422_e | adjacentChestZPosition | 2 | Contains the chest tile located adjacent to this one (if any) |
210 | field_70423_b | adjacentChestZNeg | 2 | Contains the chest tile located adjacent to this one (if any) |
211 | field_70424_c | adjacentChestXPos | 2 | Contains the chest tile located adjacent to this one (if any) |
212 | field_70425_a | adjacentChestChecked | 2 | Determines if the check for adjacent chests has taken place. |
213 | field_70426_j | ticksSinceSync | 2 | Server sync counter (once per 20 ticks) |
214 | field_70427_h | numUsingPlayers | 2 | The number of players currently using this chest |
215 | field_70428_i | chestContents | 2 | |
216 | field_70456_f | currentItemStack | 2 | The current ItemStack. |
217 | field_70457_g | itemStack | 2 | |
218 | field_70458_d | player | 2 | The player whose inventory this is. |
219 | field_70459_e | inventoryChanged | 2 | Set true whenever the inventory changes. Nothing sets it false so you will have to write your own code to check it and reset the value. |
220 | field_70460_b | armorInventory | 2 | An array of 4 item stacks containing the currently worn armor pieces. |
221 | field_70461_c | currentItem | 2 | The index of the currently held item (0-8). |
222 | field_70462_a | mainInventory | 2 | An array of 36 item stacks indicating the main player inventory (including the visible bar). |
223 | field_70464_b | inventoryWidth | 2 | the width of the crafting inventory |
224 | field_70465_c | eventHandler | 2 | Class containing the callbacks for the events on_GUIClosed and on_CraftMaxtrixChanged. |
225 | field_70466_a | stackList | 2 | List of the stacks in the crafting matrix. |
226 | field_70467_a | stackResult | 2 | A list of one item containing the result of the crafting formula |
227 | field_70472_d | currentRecipe | 2 | |
228 | field_70473_e | currentRecipeIndex | 2 | |
229 | field_70474_b | theInventory | 2 | |
230 | field_70475_c | thePlayer | 2 | |
231 | field_70476_a | theMerchant | 2 | |
232 | field_70477_b | upperChest | 2 | Inventory object corresponding to double chest upper part |
233 | field_70478_c | lowerChest | 2 | Inventory object corresponding to double chest lower part |
234 | field_70479_a | name | 2 | Name of the chest. |
235 | field_70481_b | slotsCount | 2 | |
236 | field_70482_c | inventoryContents | 2 | |
237 | field_70483_a | inventoryTitle | 2 | |
238 | field_70484_a | container | 2 | The brewing stand this slot belongs to. |
239 | field_70488_a | associatedChest | 2 | |
240 | field_70501_d | cargoItems | 2 | Array of item stacks stored in minecart (for storage minecarts). |
241 | field_70502_e | fuel | 2 | |
242 | field_70503_b | pushX | 2 | |
243 | field_70504_c | pushZ | 2 | |
244 | field_70505_a | minecartType | 2 | The type of minecart, 2 for powered, 1 for storage. |
245 | field_70506_as | velocityZ | 2 | |
246 | field_70507_ar | velocityY | 2 | |
247 | field_70508_aq | velocityX | 2 | |
248 | field_70509_j | minecartY | 2 | |
249 | field_70510_h | turnProgress | 2 | appears to be the progress of the turn |
250 | field_70511_i | minecartX | 2 | |
251 | field_70512_ao | minecartYaw | 2 | |
252 | field_70513_ap | minecartPitch | 2 | |
253 | field_70514_an | minecartZ | 2 | |
254 | field_70516_a | fuse | 2 | How long the fuse is |
255 | field_70520_f | tickCounter1 | 2 | |
256 | field_70521_d | zPosition | 2 | |
257 | field_70522_e | art | 2 | |
258 | field_70523_b | xPosition | 2 | |
259 | field_70524_c | yPosition | 2 | |
260 | field_70525_a | direction | 2 | the direction the painting faces |
261 | field_70529_d | xpOrbHealth | 2 | The health of this XP orb. |
262 | field_70530_e | xpValue | 2 | This is how much XP this orb has. |
263 | field_70531_b | xpOrbAge | 2 | The age of the XP orb in ticks. |
264 | field_70533_a | xpColor | 2 | A constantly increasing value that RenderXPOrb uses to control the colour shifting (Green / yellow) |
265 | field_70544_f | particleScale | 2 | |
266 | field_70545_g | particleGravity | 2 | |
267 | field_70546_d | particleAge | 2 | |
268 | field_70547_e | particleMaxAge | 2 | |
269 | field_70548_b | particleTextureJitterX | 2 | |
270 | field_70549_c | particleTextureJitterY | 2 | |
271 | field_70550_a | particleTextureIndex | 2 | |
272 | field_70551_j | particleBlue | 2 | The blue amount of color. Used as a percentage, 1.0 = 255 and 0.0 = 0. |
273 | field_70552_h | particleRed | 2 | The red amount of color. Used as a percentage, 1.0 = 255 and 0.0 = 0. |
274 | field_70553_i | particleGreen | 2 | The green amount of color. Used as a percentage, 1.0 = 255 and 0.0 = 0. |
275 | field_70554_ao | interpPosY | 2 | |
276 | field_70555_ap | interpPosZ | 2 | |
277 | field_70556_an | interpPosX | 2 | |
278 | field_70557_a | theEntity | 2 | Entity that had been hit and done the Critical hit on. |
279 | field_70558_as | particleName | 2 | |
280 | field_70559_ar | maximumLife | 2 | |
281 | field_70560_aq | currentLife | 2 | |
282 | field_70562_a | flameScale | 2 | the scale of the flame FX |
283 | field_70563_a | materialType | 2 | the material type for dropped items/blocks |
284 | field_70564_aq | bobTimer | 2 | The height of the current bob |
285 | field_70570_a | reddustParticleScale | 2 | |
286 | field_70571_a | portalParticleScale | 2 | |
287 | field_70572_as | portalPosZ | 2 | |
288 | field_70573_ar | portalPosY | 2 | |
289 | field_70574_aq | portalPosX | 2 | |
290 | field_70575_a | particleScaleOverTime | 2 | |
291 | field_70577_ar | currentFootSteps | 2 | |
292 | field_70579_a | timeSinceStart | 2 | |
293 | field_70580_aq | maximumTime | 2 | the maximum time for the explosion |
294 | field_70583_ar | theRenderEngine | 2 | The Rendering Engine. |
295 | field_70585_a | noteParticleScale | 2 | |
296 | field_70586_a | lavaParticleScale | 2 | |
297 | field_70587_a | smokeParticleScale | 2 | |
298 | field_70588_a | snowDigParticleScale | 2 | |
299 | field_70591_a | entityToPickUp | 2 | |
300 | field_70592_at | yOffs | 2 | renamed from yOffset to fix shadowing Entity.yOffset |
301 | field_70593_as | maxAge | 2 | |
302 | field_70594_ar | age | 2 | |
303 | field_70595_aq | entityPickingUp | 2 | |
304 | field_70597_a | blockInstance | 2 | |
305 | field_70696_bz | attackTarget | 2 | The active target the Task system uses for tracking |
306 | field_70697_bw | moveSpeed | 2 | |
307 | field_70698_bv | defaultPitch | 2 | |
308 | field_70699_by | navigator | 2 | |
309 | field_70700_bx | numTicksToChaseTarget | 2 | How long to keep a specific target entity |
310 | field_70701_bs | moveForward | 2 | |
311 | field_70702_br | moveStrafing | 2 | |
312 | field_70703_bu | isJumping | 2 | used to check whether entity is jumping. |
313 | field_70704_bt | randomYawVelocity | 2 | |
314 | field_70705_bn | newRotationPitch | 2 | The new yaw rotation to be applied to the entity. |
315 | field_70707_bp | lastDamage | 2 | Amount of damage taken in last hit, in half-hearts |
316 | field_70708_bq | entityAge | 2 | Holds the living entity age, used to control the despawn. |
317 | field_70709_bj | newPosX | 2 | The new X position to be applied to the entity. |
318 | field_70710_bk | newPosY | 2 | The new Y position to be applied to the entity. |
319 | field_70711_bl | newPosZ | 2 | The new Z position to be applied to the entity. |
320 | field_70712_bm | newRotationYaw | 2 | The new yaw rotation to be applied to the entity. |
321 | field_70713_bf | activePotionsMap | 2 | |
322 | field_70714_bg | tasks | 2 | |
323 | field_70715_bh | targetTasks | 2 | |
324 | field_70716_bi | newPosRotationIncrements | 2 | The number of updates over which the new position and rotation are to be applied to the entity. |
325 | field_70717_bb | attackingPlayer | 2 | The most recent player that has attacked this entity |
326 | field_70718_bc | recentlyHit | 2 | Set to 60 when hit by the player or the player's wolf, then decrements. Used to determine whether the entity should drop items on death. |
327 | field_70719_bd | arrowHitTempCounter | 2 | Set to 60 when hit by the player or the player's wolf, then decrements. Used to determine whether the entity should drop items on death. |
328 | field_70720_be | arrowHitTimer | 2 | |
329 | field_70721_aZ | legYaw | 2 | |
330 | field_70722_aY | prevLegYaw | 2 | |
331 | field_70723_bA | senses | 2 | |
332 | field_70724_aR | attackTime | 2 | |
333 | field_70725_aQ | deathTime | 2 | The amount of time remaining this entity should act 'dead', i.e. have a corpse in the world. |
334 | field_70726_aT | cameraPitch | 2 | |
335 | field_70727_aS | prevCameraPitch | 2 | |
336 | field_70728_aV | experienceValue | 2 | The experience points the Entity gives. |
337 | field_70729_aU | dead | 2 | This gets set on entity death, but never used. Looks like a duplicate of isDead |
338 | field_70732_aI | prevSwingProgress | 2 | |
339 | field_70733_aJ | swingProgress | 2 | |
340 | field_70734_aK | health | 2 | |
341 | field_70735_aL | prevHealth | 2 | |
342 | field_70736_aM | carryoverDamage | 2 | in each step in the damage calculations, this is set to the 'carryover' that would result if someone was damaged .25 hearts (for example), and added to the damage in the next step |
343 | field_70737_aN | hurtTime | 2 | The amount of time remaining this entity should act 'hurt'. (Visual appearance of red tint) |
344 | field_70738_aO | maxHurtTime | 2 | What the hurt time was max set to last. |
345 | field_70739_aP | attackedAtYaw | 2 | The yaw at which this entity was last attacked from. |
346 | field_70742_aC | entityType | 2 | a string holding the type of entity it is currently only implemented in entityPlayer(as 'humanoid') |
347 | field_70744_aE | scoreValue | 2 | The score value of the Mob, the amount of points the mob is worth. |
348 | field_70746_aG | landMovementFactor | 2 | A factor used to determine how far this entity will move each tick if it is walking on land. Adjusted by speed, and slipperiness of the current block. |
349 | field_70747_aH | jumpMovementFactor | 2 | A factor used to determine how far this entity will move each tick if it is jumping or falling. |
350 | field_70749_g | lookHelper | 2 | |
351 | field_70750_az | texture | 2 | the path for the texture of this entityLiving |
352 | field_70751_d | lastAttackingEntity | 2 | |
353 | field_70752_e | potionsNeedUpdate | 2 | Whether the DataWatcher needs to be updated with the active potions |
354 | field_70754_ba | legSwing | 2 | Only relevant when legYaw is not 0(the entity is moving). Influences where in its swing legs and arms currently are. |
355 | field_70755_b | entityLivingToAttack | 2 | is only being set, has no uses as of MC 1.1 |
356 | field_70756_c | revengeTimer | 2 | |
357 | field_70757_a | livingSoundTime | 2 | Number of ticks since this EntityLiving last produced its sound |
358 | field_70758_at | prevRotationYawHead | 2 | Entity head rotation yaw at previous tick |
359 | field_70759_as | rotationYawHead | 2 | Entity head rotation yaw |
360 | field_70760_ar | prevRenderYawOffset | 2 | |
361 | field_70761_aq | renderYawOffset | 2 | |
362 | field_70762_j | bodyHelper | 2 | |
363 | field_70765_h | moveHelper | 2 | |
364 | field_70767_i | jumpHelper | 2 | Entity jumping helper |
365 | field_70771_an | maxHurtResistantTime | 2 | |
366 | field_70772_bD | maximumHomeDistance | 2 | If -1 there is no maximum distance |
367 | field_70773_bE | jumpTicks | 2 | Number of ticks since last jump |
368 | field_70774_bB | AIMoveSpeed | 2 | |
369 | field_70775_bC | homePosition | 2 | |
370 | field_70776_bF | currentTarget | 2 | This entity's current target. |
371 | field_70786_d | pathToEntity | 2 | |
372 | field_70787_b | hasAttacked | 2 | returns true if a creature has attacked recently only used for creepers and skeletons |
373 | field_70788_c | fleeingTick | 2 | Used to make a creature speed up and wander away when hit. |
374 | field_70789_a | entityToAttack | 2 | The Entity this EntityCreature is set to attack. |
375 | field_70791_f | attackCounter | 2 | |
376 | field_70792_g | targetedEntity | 2 | |
377 | field_70793_d | waypointZ | 2 | |
378 | field_70794_e | prevAttackCounter | 2 | |
379 | field_70795_b | waypointX | 2 | |
380 | field_70796_c | waypointY | 2 | |
381 | field_70797_a | courseChangeCooldown | 2 | |
382 | field_70798_h | aggroCooldown | 2 | Cooldown time between target loss and new target aquirement. |
383 | field_70810_d | slimeJumpDelay | 2 | the time between each jump of the slime |
384 | field_70815_f | attackStrength | 2 | How much damage this mob's attacks deal |
385 | field_70827_d | carriableBlocks | 2 | |
386 | field_70828_e | teleportDelay | 2 | Counter to delay the teleportation of an enderman towards the currently attacked target |
387 | field_70833_d | timeSinceIgnited | 2 | The amount of time since the creeper was close enough to the player to ignite |
388 | field_70834_e | lastActiveTime | 2 | Time when this creeper was last in an active state (Messed up code here, probably causes creeper animation to go weird) |
389 | field_70836_g | defaultHeldItem | 2 | The ItemStack that any PigZombie holds (a gold sword, in fact). |
390 | field_70837_d | angerLevel | 2 | Above zero if this PigZombie is Angry. |
391 | field_70838_e | randomSoundDelay | 2 | A random delay until this PigZombie next makes a sound. |
392 | field_70842_d | defaultHeldItem | 2 | The ItemStack that any Skeleton holds (a bow). |
393 | field_70843_d | allySummonCooldown | 2 | A cooldown before this entity will search for another Silverfish to join them in battle. |
394 | field_70847_d | heightOffset | 2 | Random offset used in floating behaviour |
395 | field_70848_e | heightOffsetUpdateTime | 2 | ticks until heightOffset is randomized |
396 | field_70855_f | attackTimer | 2 | |
397 | field_70856_g | holdRoseTick | 2 | |
398 | field_70857_d | villageObj | 2 | |
399 | field_70858_e | homeCheckTimer | 2 | deincrements, and a distance-to-home check is done at 0 |
400 | field_70863_bz | randomMotionSpeed | 2 | |
401 | field_70865_by | lastTentacleAngle | 2 | the last calculated angle of the tentacles in radians |
402 | field_70866_j | tentacleAngle | 2 | angle of the tentacles in radians |
403 | field_70869_bD | randomMotionVecY | 2 | |
404 | field_70870_bE | randomMotionVecZ | 2 | |
405 | field_70872_bC | randomMotionVecX | 2 | |
406 | field_70881_d | inLove | 2 | |
407 | field_70882_e | breeding | 2 | This is representation of a counter for reproduction progress. (Note that this is different from the inLove which represent being in Love-Mode) |
408 | field_70883_f | destPos | 2 | |
409 | field_70887_j | timeUntilNextEgg | 2 | The time until the next egg is spawned. |
410 | field_70897_f | aiEatGrass | 2 | The eat grass AI task for this mob. |
411 | field_70898_d | fleeceColorTable | 2 | Holds the RGB table of the sheep colors - in OpenGL glColor3f values - used to render the sheep colored fleece. |
412 | field_70899_e | sheepTimer | 2 | Used to control movement as well as wool regrowth. Set to 40 on handleHealthUpdate and counts down with each tick. |
413 | field_70911_d | aiSit | 2 | |
414 | field_70914_e | aiTempt | 2 | The tempt AI task for this mob, used to prevent taming while it is fleeing. |
415 | field_70925_g | isShaking | 2 | true is the wolf is wet else false |
416 | field_70927_j | prevTimeWolfIsShaking | 2 | |
417 | field_70929_i | timeWolfIsShaking | 2 | This time increases while wolf is shaking and emitting water particles. |
418 | field_70935_b | customer | 2 | This merchant's current player customer. |
419 | field_70936_c | recipeList | 2 | The MerchantRecipeList instance. |
420 | field_70937_a | theMerchantInventory | 2 | Instance of Merchants Inventory. |
421 | field_70952_f | isMating | 2 | |
422 | field_70953_g | isPlaying | 2 | |
423 | field_70954_d | villageObj | 2 | |
424 | field_70955_e | randomTickDivider | 2 | |
425 | field_70956_bz | wealth | 2 | |
426 | field_70957_bA | sellingRecipeList | 2 | Recipes for buying things from Villagers. |
427 | field_70958_bB | villagerStockList | 2 | a villagers recipe list is intialized off this list ; the 2 params are min/max amount they will trade for 1 emerald |
428 | field_70959_by | needsInitilization | 2 | addDefaultEquipmentAndRecipies is called if this is true |
429 | field_70960_bC | blacksmithSellingList | 2 | Selling list of Blacksmith items. negative numbers mean 1 emerald for n items, positive numbers are n emeralds for 1 item |
430 | field_70961_j | timeUntilReset | 2 | |
431 | field_70962_h | buyingPlayer | 2 | This villager's current customer. |
432 | field_70963_i | buyingList | 2 | Initialises the MerchantRecipeList.java |
433 | field_70966_a | maxHealth | 2 | The maximum health of the Entity. |
434 | field_70976_f | ringBufferIndex | 2 | Index into the ring buffer. Incremented once per tick and restarts at 0 once it reaches the end of the buffer. |
435 | field_70977_g | dragonPartArray | 2 | An array containing all body parts of this dragon |
436 | field_70978_d | targetZ | 2 | |
437 | field_70979_e | ringBuffer | 2 | Ring buffer array for the last 64 Y-positions and yaw rotations. Used to calculate offsets for the animations. |
438 | field_70980_b | targetX | 2 | |
439 | field_70981_c | targetY | 2 | |
440 | field_70982_bz | dragonPartTail3 | 2 | |
441 | field_70983_bA | dragonPartWing1 | 2 | |
442 | field_70984_by | dragonPartTail2 | 2 | |
443 | field_70985_j | dragonPartTail1 | 2 | |
444 | field_70986_h | dragonPartHead | 2 | The head bounding box of a dragon |
445 | field_70987_i | dragonPartBody | 2 | The body bounding box of a dragon |
446 | field_70988_bD | animTime | 2 | Animation time, used to control the speed of the animation cycles (wings flapping, jaw opening, etc.) |
447 | field_70989_bE | forceNewTarget | 2 | Force selecting a new flight target at next tick if set to true. |
448 | field_70990_bB | dragonPartWing2 | 2 | |
449 | field_70991_bC | prevAnimTime | 2 | Animation time at previous tick. |
450 | field_70992_bH | healingEnderCrystal | 2 | The current endercrystal that is healing this dragon |
451 | field_70993_bI | target | 2 | |
452 | field_70994_bF | slowed | 2 | Activated if the dragon is flying though obsidian, white stone or bedrock. Slows movement and animation speed. |
453 | field_70995_bG | deathTicks | 2 | |
454 | field_71067_cb | experienceTotal | 2 | The total amount of experience the player has. This also includes the amount of experience within their Experience Bar. |
455 | field_71068_ca | experienceLevel | 2 | The current experience level the player is on. |
456 | field_71069_bz | inventorySlots | 2 | the crafting inventory in you get when opening your inventory |
457 | field_71070_bA | craftingInventory | 2 | the crafting inventory you are currently using |
458 | field_71071_by | inventory | 2 | Inventory of the player |
459 | field_71072_f | itemInUseCount | 2 | This field starts off equal to getMaxItemUseDuration and is decremented on each tick |
460 | field_71073_d | startMinecartRidingCoordinate | 2 | Holds the coordinate of the player when enter a minecraft to ride. |
461 | field_71074_e | itemInUse | 2 | This is the item that is in use when the player is holding down the useItemButton (e.g., bow, food, sword) |
462 | field_71075_bZ | capabilities | 2 | The player's capabilities. (See class PlayerCapabilities) |
463 | field_71076_b | sleepTimer | 2 | |
464 | field_71077_c | spawnChunk | 2 | Holds the last coordinate to spawn based on last bed that the player sleep. |
465 | field_71078_a | theInventoryEnderChest | 2 | |
466 | field_71080_cy | prevTimeInPortal | 2 | The amount of time an entity has been in a Portal the previous tick |
467 | field_71081_bT | playerLocation | 2 | The chunk coordinates of the bed the player is in (null if player isn't in a bed). |
468 | field_71083_bS | sleeping | 2 | Boolean value indicating weather a player is sleeping or not |
469 | field_71084_cw | playerCloakUrl | 2 | |
470 | field_71086_bY | timeInPortal | 2 | The amount of time an entity has been in a Portal |
471 | field_71087_bX | inPortal | 2 | Whether the entity is inside a Portal |
472 | field_71088_bW | timeUntilPortal | 2 | |
473 | field_71090_bL | xpCooldown | 2 | Used by EntityPlayer to prevent too many xp orbs from getting absorbed at once. |
474 | field_71092_bJ | username | 2 | |
475 | field_71093_bK | dimension | 2 | Which dimension the player is in (-1 = the Nether, 0 = normal world) |
476 | field_71099_bE | score | 2 | |
477 | field_71100_bB | foodStats | 2 | The player's food stats. (See class FoodStats) |
478 | field_71101_bC | flyToggleTimer | 2 | Used to tell if the player pressed jump twice. If this is at 0 and it's pressed (And they are allowed to fly, as defined in the player's movementInput) it sets this to 7. If it's pressed and it's greater than 0 enable fly. |
479 | field_71102_ce | speedInAir | 2 | |
480 | field_71103_bH | isSwinging | 2 | Whether the player is swinging the current item in their hand. |
481 | field_71104_cf | fishEntity | 2 | An instance of a fishing rod's hook. If this isn't null, the icon image of the fishing rod is slightly different |
482 | field_71105_bI | swingProgressInt | 2 | |
483 | field_71106_cc | experience | 2 | The current amount of experience the player has within their Experience Bar. |
484 | field_71107_bF | prevCameraYaw | 2 | |
485 | field_71108_cd | speedOnGround | 2 | |
486 | field_71109_bG | cameraYaw | 2 | |
487 | field_71129_f | loadedChunks | 2 | LinkedList that holds the loaded chunks. |
488 | field_71130_g | destroyedItemsNetCache | 2 | entities added to this list will be packet29'd to the player |
489 | field_71131_d | managedPosX | 2 | player X position as seen by PlayerManager |
490 | field_71132_e | managedPosZ | 2 | player Z position as seen by PlayerManager |
491 | field_71133_b | mcServer | 2 | Reference to the MinecraftServer object. |
492 | field_71134_c | theItemInWorldManager | 2 | The ItemInWorldManager belonging to this player |
493 | field_71135_a | playerNetServerHandler | 2 | The NetServerHandler assigned to this player by the ServerConfigurationManager. |
494 | field_71136_j | playerConqueredTheEnd | 2 | Set when a player beats the ender dragon, used to respawn the player at the spawn point while retaining inventory and XP |
495 | field_71137_h | playerInventoryBeingManipulated | 2 | poor mans concurency flag, lets hope the jvm doesn't re-order the setting of this flag wrt the inventory change on the next line |
496 | field_71138_i | ping | 2 | |
497 | field_71139_cq | currentWindowId | 2 | The currently in use window ID. Incremented every time a window is opened. |
498 | field_71140_co | chatColours | 2 | |
499 | field_71141_cp | lastActiveItems | 2 | 0 is the held item, 1-4 is armor ; used to detect changes in getCurrentItemOrArmor |
500 | field_71142_cm | renderDistance | 2 | must be between 3>x>15 (strictly between) |
501 | field_71143_cn | chatVisibility | 2 | |
502 | field_71144_ck | lastExperience | 2 | Amount of experience the client was last set to |
503 | field_71145_cl | initialInvulnerability | 2 | de-increments onUpdate, attackEntityFrom is ignored if this >0 |
504 | field_71146_ci | lastFoodLevel | 2 | set to foodStats.GetFoodLevel |
505 | field_71147_cj | wasHungry | 2 | set to foodStats.getSaturationLevel() == 0.0F each tick |
506 | field_71148_cg | translator | 2 | |
507 | field_71149_ch | lastHealth | 2 | set to getHealth |
508 | field_71154_f | renderArmYaw | 2 | |
509 | field_71155_g | renderArmPitch | 2 | |
510 | field_71156_d | sprintToggleTimer | 2 | Used to tell if the player pressed forward twice. If this is at 0 and it's pressed (And they are allowed to sprint, aka enough food on the ground etc) it sets this to 7. If it's pressed and it's greater than 0 enable sprinting. |
511 | field_71157_e | sprintingTicksLeft | 2 | Ticks left before sprinting is disabled. |
512 | field_71158_b | movementInput | 2 | |
513 | field_71159_c | mc | 2 | |
514 | field_71163_h | prevRenderArmYaw | 2 | |
515 | field_71164_i | prevRenderArmPitch | 2 | |
516 | field_71169_cp | hasSetHealth | 2 | has the client player's health been set? |
517 | field_71170_cm | shouldStopSneaking | 2 | should the player stop sneaking? |
518 | field_71171_cn | wasSneaking | 2 | |
519 | field_71172_ck | oldRotationPitch | 2 | |
520 | field_71173_cl | wasOnGround | 2 | Check if was on ground last update |
521 | field_71174_a | sendQueue | 2 | |
522 | field_71175_ci | oldPosZ | 2 | |
523 | field_71176_cj | oldRotationYaw | 2 | |
524 | field_71177_cg | oldMinY | 2 | Old Minimum Y of the bounding box |
525 | field_71178_ch | oldPosY | 2 | |
526 | field_71179_j | oldPosX | 2 | |
527 | field_71180_f | otherPlayerMPYaw | 2 | |
528 | field_71181_g | otherPlayerMPPitch | 2 | |
529 | field_71182_d | otherPlayerMPY | 2 | |
530 | field_71183_e | otherPlayerMPZ | 2 | |
531 | field_71184_b | otherPlayerMPPosRotationIncrements | 2 | |
532 | field_71185_c | otherPlayerMPX | 2 | |
533 | field_71186_a | isItemInUse | 2 | |
534 | field_71280_D | buildLimit | 2 | Maximum build height. |
535 | field_71281_E | lastSentPacketID | 2 | |
536 | field_71282_F | lastSentPacketSize | 2 | |
537 | field_71283_G | lastReceivedID | 2 | |
538 | field_71284_A | pvpEnabled | 2 | Indicates whether PvP is active on the server or not. |
539 | field_71285_B | allowFlight | 2 | Determines if flight is allowed or not. |
540 | field_71286_C | motd | 2 | The server MOTD string. |
541 | field_71287_L | worldName | 2 | |
542 | field_71288_M | isDemo | 2 | |
543 | field_71289_N | enableBonusChest | 2 | |
544 | field_71290_O | worldIsBeingDeleted | 2 | If true, there is no need to save chunks or stop the server, because that is already being done. |
545 | field_71291_H | lastReceivedSize | 2 | |
546 | field_71292_I | serverKeyPair | 2 | |
547 | field_71293_J | serverOwner | 2 | Username of the server owner (for integrated servers) |
548 | field_71294_K | folderName | 2 | |
549 | field_71295_T | startProfiling | 2 | |
550 | field_71296_Q | serverIsRunning | 2 | |
551 | field_71297_P | texturePack | 2 | |
552 | field_71298_S | userMessage | 2 | |
553 | field_71299_R | timeOfLastWarning | 2 | Set when warned for "Can't keep up", which triggers again after 15 seconds. |
554 | field_71300_f | sentPacketCountArray | 2 | |
555 | field_71301_g | sentPacketSizeArray | 2 | |
556 | field_71302_d | currentTask | 2 | The task the server is currently working on(and will output on outputPercentRemaining). |
557 | field_71303_e | percentDone | 2 | The percentage of the current task finished so far. |
558 | field_71304_b | theProfiler | 2 | |
559 | field_71305_c | worldServers | 2 | The server world instances. |
560 | field_71306_a | logger | 2 | The logging system. |
561 | field_71307_n | usageSnooper | 2 | The PlayerUsageSnooper instance. |
562 | field_71308_o | anvilFile | 2 | |
563 | field_71309_l | mcServer | 2 | Instance of Minecraft Server. |
564 | field_71310_m | anvilConverterForAnvilFile | 2 | |
565 | field_71311_j | tickTimeArray | 2 | |
566 | field_71312_k | timeOfLastDimensionTick | 2 | Stats are [dimension][tick%100] system.nanoTime is stored. |
567 | field_71313_h | receivedPacketCountArray | 2 | |
568 | field_71314_i | receivedPacketSizeArray | 2 | |
569 | field_71315_w | tickCounter | 2 | Incremented every tick. |
570 | field_71316_v | serverStopped | 2 | Indicates to other classes that the server is safely stopped. |
571 | field_71317_u | serverRunning | 2 | Indicates whether the server is running or not. Set to false to initiate a shutdown. |
572 | field_71318_t | serverConfigManager | 2 | The ServerConfigurationManager instance. |
573 | field_71319_s | serverPort | 2 | The server's port. |
574 | field_71320_r | hostname | 2 | The server's hostname. |
575 | field_71321_q | commandManager | 2 | |
576 | field_71322_p | playersOnline | 2 | List of names of players who are online. |
577 | field_71323_z | canSpawnNPCs | 2 | |
578 | field_71324_y | canSpawnAnimals | 2 | True if the server has animals turned on. |
579 | field_71325_x | onlineMode | 2 | True if the server is in online mode. |
580 | field_71335_s | guiIsEnabled | 2 | |
581 | field_71336_r | networkThread | 2 | |
582 | field_71337_q | gameType | 2 | |
583 | field_71338_p | canSpawnStructures | 2 | |
584 | field_71339_n | theRConThreadMain | 2 | |
585 | field_71340_o | settings | 2 | |
586 | field_71341_l | pendingCommandList | 2 | |
587 | field_71342_m | theRConThreadQuery | 2 | |
588 | field_71345_q | lanServerPing | 2 | |
589 | field_71346_p | isPublic | 2 | |
590 | field_71347_n | theServerListeningThread | 2 | Instance of IntegratedServerListenThread. |
591 | field_71349_l | mc | 2 | The Minecraft instance. |
592 | field_71350_m | theWorldSettings | 2 | |
593 | field_71412_D | mcDataDir | 2 | |
594 | field_71413_E | statFileWriter | 2 | Stat file writer |
595 | field_71414_F | isTakingScreenshot | 2 | Makes sure it doesn't keep taking screenshots when both buttons are down. |
596 | field_71415_G | inGameHasFocus | 2 | Does the actual gameplay have focus. If so then mouse and keys will effect the player instead of menus. |
597 | field_71416_A | sndManager | 2 | |
598 | field_71417_B | mouseHelper | 2 | Mouse helper instance. |
599 | field_71418_C | texturePackList | 2 | The TexturePackLister used by this instance of Minecraft... |
600 | field_71419_L | debugUpdateTime | 2 | Approximate time (in ms) of last update to debug string |
601 | field_71420_M | fpsCounter | 2 | holds the current fps |
602 | field_71421_N | prevFrameTime | 2 | |
603 | field_71422_O | currentServerData | 2 | |
604 | field_71423_H | systemTime | 2 | |
605 | field_71424_I | mcProfiler | 2 | The profiler instance |
606 | field_71425_J | running | 2 | Set to true to keep the game loop running. Set to false by shutdown() to allow the game loop to exit cleanly. |
607 | field_71426_K | debug | 2 | String that shows the debug information |
608 | field_71427_U | usageSnooper | 2 | Instance of PlayerUsageSnooper. |
609 | field_71428_T | timer | 2 | |
610 | field_71429_W | leftClickCounter | 2 | Mouse left click counter |
611 | field_71430_V | downloadResourcesThread | 2 | Reference to the download resources thread. |
612 | field_71431_Q | fullscreen | 2 | |
613 | field_71432_P | theMinecraft | 2 | Set to 'this' in Minecraft constructor; used by some settings get methods |
614 | field_71433_S | crashReporter | 2 | Instance of CrashReport. |
615 | field_71434_R | hasCrashed | 2 | |
616 | field_71435_Y | tempDisplayHeight | 2 | Display height |
617 | field_71436_X | tempDisplayWidth | 2 | Display width |
618 | field_71437_Z | theIntegratedServer | 2 | Instance of IntegratedServer. |
619 | field_71438_f | renderGlobal | 2 | |
620 | field_71439_g | thePlayer | 2 | |
621 | field_71440_d | displayHeight | 2 | |
622 | field_71441_e | theWorld | 2 | |
623 | field_71442_b | playerController | 2 | |
624 | field_71443_c | displayWidth | 2 | |
625 | field_71444_a | memoryReserve | 2 | A 10MiB preallocation to ensure the heap is reasonably sized. |
626 | field_71445_n | isGamePaused | 2 | |
627 | field_71446_o | renderEngine | 2 | The RenderEngine instance used by Minecraft |
628 | field_71447_l | mcCanvas | 2 | |
629 | field_71448_m | hideQuitButton | 2 | a boolean to hide a Quit button from the main menu |
630 | field_71449_j | session | 2 | |
631 | field_71450_k | minecraftUri | 2 | |
632 | field_71451_h | renderViewEntity | 2 | The Entity from which the renderer determines the render viewpoint. Currently is always the parent Minecraft class's 'thePlayer' instance. Modification of its location, rotation, or other settings at render time will modify the camera likewise, with the caveat of triggering chunk rebuilds as it moves, making it unsuitable for changing the viewpoint mid-render. |
633 | field_71452_i | effectRenderer | 2 | |
634 | field_71453_ak | myNetworkManager | 2 | |
635 | field_71454_w | skipRenderWorld | 2 | Skip render world |
636 | field_71455_al | integratedServerIsRunning | 2 | |
637 | field_71456_v | ingameGUI | 2 | |
638 | field_71457_ai | joinPlayerCounter | 2 | Join player counter |
639 | field_71458_u | guiAchievement | 2 | Gui achievement |
640 | field_71459_aj | isDemo | 2 | |
641 | field_71460_t | entityRenderer | 2 | |
642 | field_71461_s | loadingScreen | 2 | |
643 | field_71462_r | currentScreen | 2 | The GuiScreen that's being displayed at the moment. |
644 | field_71463_am | minecraftDir | 2 | The working dir (OS specific) for minecraft |
645 | field_71464_q | standardGalacticFontRenderer | 2 | |
646 | field_71465_an | debugProfilerName | 2 | Profiler currently displayed in the debug screen pie chart |
647 | field_71466_p | fontRenderer | 2 | The font renderer used for displaying and measuring text. |
648 | field_71467_ac | rightClickDelayTimer | 2 | When you place a block, it's set to 6, decremented once per tick, when it's 0, you can place another block. |
649 | field_71468_ad | refreshTexturePacksScheduled | 2 | Checked in Minecraft's while(running) loop, if true it's set to false and the textures refreshed. |
650 | field_71469_aa | saveLoader | 2 | |
651 | field_71470_ab | debugFPS | 2 | This is set to fpsCounter every debug screen update, and is shown on the debug screen. It's also sent as part of the usage snooping. |
652 | field_71471_ag | textureWaterFX | 2 | |
653 | field_71472_ah | textureLavaFX | 2 | |
654 | field_71473_z | mcApplet | 2 | |
655 | field_71474_y | gameSettings | 2 | The game settings that currently hold effect. |
656 | field_71475_ae | serverName | 2 | |
657 | field_71476_x | objectMouseOver | 2 | The ray trace hit that the mouse is over. |
658 | field_71477_af | serverPort | 2 | |
659 | field_71478_O | mainFrame | 2 | Reference to the main frame, in this case, the applet window itself. |
660 | field_71481_b | mc | 2 | Reference to the Minecraft object. |
661 | field_71482_c | mcThread | 2 | Reference to the Minecraft main thread. |
662 | field_71483_a | mcCanvas | 2 | Reference to the applet canvas. |
663 | field_71486_a | crashReportMemoryInfo | 2 | Gets Memory Information for Crash Report. |
664 | field_71488_a | crashReportJVMFlags | 2 | Gets additional Java Enviroment info for Crash Report. |
665 | field_71490_a | crashReportJavaInfo | 2 | Gets Java Info to the Crash Report. |
666 | field_71492_a | crashReportJavaInfo2 | 2 | Gets Java Enviroment Info to the Crash Report. |
667 | field_71494_a | crashReportMinecraftVersion | 2 | Gets the Crash Rrport current Minecraft version. |
668 | field_71496_a | crashReportOSInfo | 2 | Gets OS Info for Crash Report. |
669 | field_71510_d | crashReportFile | 2 | File of crash report. |
670 | field_71511_b | cause | 2 | The Throwable that is the "cause" for this crash and Crash Report. |
671 | field_71512_c | crashReportSections | 2 | Holds the keys and values of all crash report sections. |
672 | field_71513_a | description | 2 | Description of the crash report. |
673 | field_71533_a | theAdmin | 2 | |
674 | field_71545_a | IPv4Pattern | 2 | |
675 | field_71550_b | startTicks | 2 | The number of ticks when debugging started. |
676 | field_71551_a | startTime | 2 | Time the debugging started in milliseconds. |
677 | field_71561_b | commandSet | 2 | The set of ICommand objects currently loaded. |
678 | field_71562_a | commandMap | 2 | Map of Strings to the ICommand objects they represent |
679 | field_71567_b | allowedCharactersArray | 2 | Array of the special characters that are allowed in any text drawing of Minecraft. |
680 | field_71568_a | allowedCharacters | 2 | This String have the characters allowed in any text drawing of minecraft. |
681 | field_71572_b | posY | 2 | the y coordinate |
682 | field_71573_c | posZ | 2 | the z coordinate |
683 | field_71574_a | posX | 2 | |
684 | field_71576_a | theReportedExceptionCrashReport | 2 | Instance of CrashReport. |
685 | field_71577_f | enderEyeMetaToDirection | 2 | |
686 | field_71579_d | vineGrowth | 2 | |
687 | field_71580_e | footInvisibleFaceRemap | 2 | |
688 | field_71581_b | offsetZ | 2 | |
689 | field_71582_c | headInvisibleFace | 2 | |
690 | field_71583_a | offsetX | 2 | |
691 | field_71584_h | bedDirection | 2 | |
692 | field_71585_d | offsetsZForSide | 2 | gives the offset required for this axis to get the block at that side. |
693 | field_71586_b | offsetsXForSide | 2 | gives the offset required for this axis to get the block at that side. |
694 | field_71587_c | offsetsYForSide | 2 | gives the offset required for this axis to get the block at that side. |
695 | field_71588_a | faceToSide | 2 | Converts a face to a side. |
696 | field_71743_a | minecraftServerType | 2 | Gets Decitated Server type. |
697 | field_71748_d | connections | 2 | |
698 | field_71749_b | isListening | 2 | Whether the network listener object is listening. |
699 | field_71750_c | mcServer | 2 | Reference to the MinecraftServer object. |
700 | field_71751_a | logger | 2 | Reference to the logger. |
701 | field_71757_g | myServerListenThread | 2 | |
702 | field_71758_d | theMemoryConnection | 2 | |
703 | field_71760_c | netMemoryConnection | 2 | |
704 | field_71763_c | theServerListenThread | 2 | Instance of ServerListenThread. |
705 | field_71771_f | myNetworkListenThread | 2 | |
706 | field_71772_g | myServerAddress | 2 | |
707 | field_71773_d | connectionCounter | 2 | |
708 | field_71774_e | myServerSocket | 2 | |
709 | field_71775_b | pendingConnections | 2 | |
710 | field_71777_a | logger | 2 | |
711 | field_71778_h | myPort | 2 | |
712 | field_71781_b | parameters | 2 | |
713 | field_71782_a | iv | 2 | |
714 | field_71784_a | key | 2 | |
715 | field_71787_b | strength | 2 | |
716 | field_71788_a | random | 2 | |
717 | field_71844_b | strength | 2 | |
718 | field_71845_a | random | 2 | |
719 | field_71938_D | lavaStill | 2 | Stationary lava source block |
720 | field_71939_E | sand | 2 | |
721 | field_71940_F | gravel | 2 | |
722 | field_71941_G | oreGold | 2 | |
723 | field_71942_A | waterMoving | 2 | |
724 | field_71943_B | waterStill | 2 | |
725 | field_71944_C | lavaMoving | 2 | |
726 | field_71945_L | sponge | 2 | |
727 | field_71946_M | glass | 2 | |
728 | field_71947_N | oreLapis | 2 | |
729 | field_71948_O | blockLapis | 2 | |
730 | field_71949_H | oreIron | 2 | |
731 | field_71950_I | oreCoal | 2 | |
732 | field_71951_J | wood | 2 | |
733 | field_71952_K | leaves | 2 | |
734 | field_71953_U | railDetector | 2 | |
735 | field_71954_T | railPowered | 2 | |
736 | field_71955_W | web | 2 | |
737 | field_71956_V | pistonStickyBase | 2 | |
738 | field_71957_Q | sandStone | 2 | |
739 | field_71958_P | dispenser | 2 | |
740 | field_71959_S | bed | 2 | |
741 | field_71960_R | music | 2 | |
742 | field_71961_Y | deadBush | 2 | |
743 | field_71962_X | tallGrass | 2 | |
744 | field_71963_Z | pistonBase | 2 | |
745 | field_71964_f | soundGravelFootstep | 2 | |
746 | field_71965_g | soundGrassFootstep | 2 | |
747 | field_71966_d | soundPowderFootstep | 2 | |
748 | field_71967_e | soundWoodFootstep | 2 | |
749 | field_71968_b | blockName | 2 | |
750 | field_71969_a | displayOnCreativeTab | 2 | used as foreach item, if item.tab = current tab, display it on the screen |
751 | field_71970_n | opaqueCubeLookup | 2 | An array of 4096 booleans corresponding to the result of the isOpaqueCube() method for each block ID |
752 | field_71971_o | lightOpacity | 2 | How much light is subtracted for going through this block |
753 | field_71972_l | soundSandFootstep | 2 | |
754 | field_71973_m | blocksList | 2 | List of ly/ff (BlockType) containing the already registered blocks. |
755 | field_71974_j | soundGlassFootstep | 2 | |
756 | field_71975_k | soundClothFootstep | 2 | |
757 | field_71976_h | soundStoneFootstep | 2 | |
758 | field_71977_i | soundMetalFootstep | 2 | |
759 | field_71978_w | cobblestone | 2 | |
760 | field_71979_v | dirt | 2 | |
761 | field_71980_u | grass | 2 | |
762 | field_71981_t | stone | 2 | |
763 | field_71982_s | useNeighborBrightness | 2 | Flag if block ID should use the brightest neighbor light value as its own |
764 | field_71983_r | requiresSelfNotify | 2 | |
765 | field_71984_q | lightValue | 2 | Amount of light emitted |
766 | field_71985_p | canBlockGrass | 2 | Array of booleans that tells if a block can grass |
767 | field_71986_z | bedrock | 2 | |
768 | field_71987_y | sapling | 2 | |
769 | field_71988_x | planks | 2 | |
770 | field_71989_cb | blockHardness | 2 | Indicates how many hits it takes to break a block. |
771 | field_71990_ca | blockID | 2 | ID of the block. |
772 | field_71991_bz | waterlily | 2 | |
773 | field_71992_bw | stairsBrick | 2 | |
774 | field_71993_bv | fenceGate | 2 | |
775 | field_71994_by | mycelium | 2 | |
776 | field_71995_bx | stairsStoneBrickSmooth | 2 | |
777 | field_71996_bs | pumpkinStem | 2 | |
778 | field_71997_br | melon | 2 | |
779 | field_71998_bu | vine | 2 | |
780 | field_71999_bt | melonStem | 2 | |
781 | field_72000_bn | mushroomCapBrown | 2 | |
782 | field_72001_bo | mushroomCapRed | 2 | |
783 | field_72002_bp | fenceIron | 2 | |
784 | field_72003_bq | thinGlass | 2 | |
785 | field_72004_bj | lockedChest | 2 | April fools secret locked chest, only spawns on new chunks on 1st April. |
786 | field_72005_bk | trapdoor | 2 | |
787 | field_72006_bl | silverfish | 2 | |
788 | field_72007_bm | stoneBrick | 2 | |
789 | field_72008_bf | pumpkinLantern | 2 | |
790 | field_72009_bg | cake | 2 | |
791 | field_72010_bh | redstoneRepeaterIdle | 2 | |
792 | field_72011_bi | redstoneRepeaterActive | 2 | |
793 | field_72012_bb | netherrack | 2 | |
794 | field_72013_bc | slowSand | 2 | |
795 | field_72014_bd | glowStone | 2 | |
796 | field_72015_be | portal | 2 | The purple teleport blocks inside the obsidian circle |
797 | field_72016_cq | slipperiness | 2 | Determines how much velocity is maintained while moving on top of this block |
798 | field_72017_co | blockParticleGravity | 2 | |
799 | field_72018_cp | blockMaterial | 2 | Block material definition. |
800 | field_72019_cm | maxZ | 2 | maximum Z for the block bounds (local coordinates) |
801 | field_72020_cn | stepSound | 2 | Sound of stepping on the block |
802 | field_72021_ck | maxX | 2 | maximum X for the block bounds (local coordinates) |
803 | field_72022_cl | maxY | 2 | maximum Y for the block bounds (local coordinates) |
804 | field_72023_ci | minY | 2 | minimum Y for the block bounds (local coordinates) |
805 | field_72024_cj | minZ | 2 | minimum Z for the block bounds (local coordinates) |
806 | field_72025_cg | isBlockContainer | 2 | true if the Block contains a Tile Entity |
807 | field_72026_ch | minX | 2 | minimum X for the block bounds (local coordinates) |
808 | field_72027_ce | enableStats | 2 | If this field is true, the block is counted for statistics (mined or placed) |
809 | field_72028_cf | needsRandomTick | 2 | Flags whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Ref-counted by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. |
810 | field_72029_cc | blockResistance | 2 | Indicates the blocks resistance to explosions. |
811 | field_72030_cd | blockConstructorCalled | 2 | set to true when Block's constructor is called through the chain of super()'s. Note: Never used |
812 | field_72031_aZ | fence | 2 | |
813 | field_72032_aY | jukebox | 2 | |
814 | field_72033_bA | netherBrick | 2 | |
815 | field_72034_aR | button | 2 | |
816 | field_72035_aQ | torchRedstoneActive | 2 | |
817 | field_72036_aT | ice | 2 | |
818 | field_72037_aS | snow | 2 | |
819 | field_72038_aV | cactus | 2 | |
820 | field_72039_aU | blockSnow | 2 | |
821 | field_72040_aX | reed | 2 | |
822 | field_72041_aW | blockClay | 2 | |
823 | field_72042_aI | signWall | 2 | |
824 | field_72043_aJ | lever | 2 | |
825 | field_72044_aK | pressurePlateStone | 2 | |
826 | field_72045_aL | doorSteel | 2 | |
827 | field_72046_aM | pressurePlatePlanks | 2 | |
828 | field_72047_aN | oreRedstone | 2 | |
829 | field_72048_aO | oreRedstoneGlowing | 2 | |
830 | field_72049_aP | torchRedstoneIdle | 2 | |
831 | field_72050_aA | tilledField | 2 | |
832 | field_72051_aB | stoneOvenIdle | 2 | |
833 | field_72052_aC | stoneOvenActive | 2 | |
834 | field_72053_aD | signPost | 2 | |
835 | field_72054_aE | doorWood | 2 | |
836 | field_72055_aF | ladder | 2 | |
837 | field_72056_aG | rail | 2 | |
838 | field_72057_aH | stairCompactCobblestone | 2 | |
839 | field_72058_az | crops | 2 | |
840 | field_72059_bZ | blockIndexInTexture | 2 | The index of the texture to be displayed for this block. May vary based on graphics settings. Mostly seems to come from terrain.png, and the index is 0-based (grass is 0). |
841 | field_72060_ay | workbench | 2 | |
842 | field_72061_ba | pumpkin | 2 | |
843 | field_72062_bU | tripWire | 2 | |
844 | field_72063_at | stairCompactPlanks | 2 | |
845 | field_72064_bT | tripWireSource | 2 | |
846 | field_72065_as | mobSpawner | 2 | |
847 | field_72066_bS | enderChest | 2 | |
848 | field_72067_ar | fire | 2 | |
849 | field_72068_bR | oreEmerald | 2 | |
850 | field_72069_aq | torchWood | 2 | |
851 | field_72070_bY | stairsWoodJungle | 2 | |
852 | field_72071_ax | blockDiamond | 2 | |
853 | field_72072_bX | stairsWoodBirch | 2 | |
854 | field_72073_aw | oreDiamond | 2 | |
855 | field_72074_bW | stairsWoodSpruce | 2 | |
856 | field_72075_av | redstoneWire | 2 | |
857 | field_72076_bV | blockEmerald | 2 | |
858 | field_72077_au | chest | 2 | |
859 | field_72078_bL | redstoneLampIdle | 2 | |
860 | field_72079_ak | stoneSingleSlab | 2 | stoneSingleSlab |
861 | field_72080_bM | redstoneLampActive | 2 | |
862 | field_72081_al | brick | 2 | |
863 | field_72082_bJ | whiteStone | 2 | |
864 | field_72083_ai | blockSteel | 2 | |
865 | field_72084_bK | dragonEgg | 2 | |
866 | field_72085_aj | stoneDoubleSlab | 2 | stoneDoubleSlab |
867 | field_72086_bP | cocoaPlant | 2 | |
868 | field_72087_ao | cobblestoneMossy | 2 | |
869 | field_72088_bQ | stairsSandStone | 2 | |
870 | field_72089_ap | obsidian | 2 | |
871 | field_72090_bN | woodDoubleSlab | 2 | |
872 | field_72091_am | tnt | 2 | |
873 | field_72092_bO | woodSingleSlab | 2 | |
874 | field_72093_an | bookShelf | 2 | |
875 | field_72094_bD | netherStalk | 2 | |
876 | field_72095_ac | pistonMoving | 2 | |
877 | field_72096_bE | enchantmentTable | 2 | |
878 | field_72097_ad | plantYellow | 2 | |
879 | field_72098_bB | netherFence | 2 | |
880 | field_72099_aa | pistonExtension | 2 | |
881 | field_72100_bC | stairsNetherBrick | 2 | |
882 | field_72101_ab | cloth | 2 | |
883 | field_72102_bH | endPortal | 2 | |
884 | field_72103_ag | mushroomRed | 2 | |
885 | field_72104_bI | endPortalFrame | 2 | |
886 | field_72105_ah | blockGold | 2 | |
887 | field_72106_bF | brewingStand | 2 | |
888 | field_72107_ae | plantRed | 2 | |
889 | field_72108_bG | cauldron | 2 | |
890 | field_72109_af | mushroomBrown | 2 | |
891 | field_72119_a | isSticky | 2 | This pistons is the sticky one? |
892 | field_72123_a | headTexture | 2 | The texture for the 'head' of the piston. Sticky or normal. |
893 | field_72129_b | redstoneUpdateInfoCache | 2 | Map of ArrayLists of RedstoneUpdateInfo. Key of map is World. |
894 | field_72130_a | torchActive | 2 | Whether the redstone torch is currently active or not. |
895 | field_72131_c | graphicsLevel | 2 | Used to determine how to display leaves based on the graphics level. May also be used in rendering for transparency, not sure. |
896 | field_72134_cr | baseIndexInPNG | 2 | The base index in terrain.png corresponding to the fancy version of the leaf texture. This is stored so we can switch the displayed version between fancy and fast graphics (fast is this index + 1). |
897 | field_72135_b | adjacentTreeBlocks | 2 | |
898 | field_72136_a | LEAF_TYPES | 2 | |
899 | field_72142_a | woodType | 2 | The type of tree this log came from. |
900 | field_72152_a | woodType | 2 | The type of tree this block came from. |
901 | field_72155_a | silverfishStoneTypes | 2 | Block names that can be a silverfish stone. |
902 | field_72157_b | modelBlock | 2 | The block that is used as model for the stair. |
903 | field_72163_b | canDropItself | 2 | If this field is true, the pane block drops itself when destroyed (like the iron fences), otherwise, it's just destroyed (like glass panes) |
904 | field_72164_a | sideTextureIndex | 2 | Holds the texture index of the side of the pane (the thin lateral side) |
905 | field_72166_a | powered | 2 | Whether this lamp block is the powered version. |
906 | field_72174_b | blocksNeedingUpdate | 2 | |
907 | field_72175_a | wiresProvidePower | 2 | When false, power transmission methods do not look at other redstone wires. Used internally during updateCurrentStrength. |
908 | field_72178_a | glowing | 2 | |
909 | field_72186_a | isPowered | 2 | Power related rails have this field at true. |
910 | field_72188_a | STONE_BRICK_TYPES | 2 | |
911 | field_72189_a | SAND_STONE_TYPES | 2 | |
912 | field_72192_a | fallInstantly | 2 | Do blocks fall instantly to where they stop or do they fall over time |
913 | field_72194_a | triggerMobType | 2 | The mob type that can trigger this pressure plate. |
914 | field_72197_a | mushroomType | 2 | The mushroom type. 0 for brown, 1 for red. |
915 | field_72212_b | isOptimalFlowDirection | 2 | Indicates whether the flow direction is optimal. Each array index corresponds to one of the four cardinal directions. |
916 | field_72213_c | flowCost | 2 | The estimated cost to flow in a given direction from the current point. Each array index corresponds to one of the four cardinal directions. |
917 | field_72214_a | numAdjacentSources | 2 | Number of horizontally adjacent liquid source blocks. Diagonal doesn't count. Only source blocks of the same liquid as the block using the field are counted. |
918 | field_72218_a | blockType | 2 | Boolean used to seperate different states of blocks |
919 | field_72221_b | repeaterState | 2 | The states in which the redstone repeater blocks can be. |
920 | field_72222_c | isRepeaterPowered | 2 | Tells whether the repeater is powered or not |
921 | field_72223_a | repeaterTorchOffset | 2 | The offsets for the two torches in redstone repeater blocks. |
922 | field_72230_a | footBlockToHeadBlockMap | 2 | Maps the foot-of-bed block to the head-of-bed block. |
923 | field_72242_a | isDoubleSlab | 2 | |
924 | field_72243_a | woodType | 2 | The type of tree this slab came from. |
925 | field_72244_a | blockStepTypes | 2 | The list of the types of step blocks. |
926 | field_72245_a | localFlag | 2 | |
927 | field_72257_b | abilityToCatchFire | 2 | This is an array indexed by block ID the larger the number in the array the more likely a block type will catch fires |
928 | field_72258_a | chanceToEncourageFire | 2 | The chance this block will encourage nearby blocks to catch on fire |
929 | field_72267_a | fruitType | 2 | Defines if it is a Melon or a Pumpkin that the stem is producing. |
930 | field_72270_a | WOOD_TYPES | 2 | |
931 | field_72275_a | bossDefeated | 2 | true if the enderdragon has been killed - allows end portal blocks to be created in the end |
932 | field_72278_b | isFreestanding | 2 | Whether this is a freestanding sign or a wall-mounted sign |
933 | field_72279_a | signEntityClass | 2 | |
934 | field_72284_a | random | 2 | |
935 | field_72287_b | isActive | 2 | True if this is an active furnace, false if idle |
936 | field_72288_c | keepFurnaceInventory | 2 | This flag is used to prevent the furnace inventory to be dropped upon block removal, is used internally when the furnace block changes from idle to active and vice-versa. |
937 | field_72289_a | furnaceRand | 2 | Is the random generator used by furnace to drop the inventory contents in random directions. |
938 | field_72293_a | random | 2 | |
939 | field_72294_a | rand | 2 | |
940 | field_72301_f | numCleans | 2 | Number of times this Pool has been cleaned |
941 | field_72302_d | nextPoolIndex | 2 | Next index to use when adding a Pool Entry. |
942 | field_72303_e | maxPoolIndex | 2 | Largest index reached by this Pool (can be reset to 0 upon calling cleanPool) |
943 | field_72304_b | numEntriesToRemove | 2 | Number of Pool entries to remove when cleanPool is called maxNumCleans times. |
944 | field_72305_c | listAABB | 2 | List of AABB stored in this Pool |
945 | field_72306_a | maxNumCleans | 2 | Maximum number of times the pool can be "cleaned" before the list is shrunk |
946 | field_72307_f | hitVec | 2 | The vector position of the hit |
947 | field_72308_g | entityHit | 2 | The hit entity |
948 | field_72309_d | blockZ | 2 | z coordinate of the block ray traced against |
949 | field_72310_e | sideHit | 2 | Which side was hit. If its -1 then it went the full length of the ray trace. Bottom = 0, Top = 1, East = 2, West = 3, North = 4, South = 5. |
950 | field_72311_b | blockX | 2 | x coordinate of the block ray traced against |
951 | field_72312_c | blockY | 2 | y coordinate of the block ray traced against |
952 | field_72313_a | typeOfHit | 2 | What type of ray trace hit was this? 0 = block, 1 = entity |
953 | field_72334_f | maxZ | 2 | |
954 | field_72335_g | theAABBLocalPool | 2 | ThreadLocal AABBPool |
955 | field_72336_d | maxX | 2 | |
956 | field_72337_e | maxY | 2 | |
957 | field_72338_b | minY | 2 | |
958 | field_72339_c | minZ | 2 | |
959 | field_72340_a | minX | 2 | |
960 | field_72346_f | resetCount | 2 | |
961 | field_72347_d | nextFreeSpace | 2 | |
962 | field_72348_e | maximumSizeSinceLastTruncation | 2 | |
963 | field_72349_b | minimumSize | 2 | |
964 | field_72350_c | vec3Cache | 2 | items at and above nextFreeSpace are assumed to be available |
965 | field_72351_a | truncateArrayResetThreshold | 2 | |
966 | field_72400_f | mcServer | 2 | Reference to the MinecraftServer object. |
967 | field_72401_g | bannedPlayers | 2 | |
968 | field_72402_d | viewDistance | 2 | |
969 | field_72403_e | dateFormat | 2 | |
970 | field_72404_b | playerEntityList | 2 | A list of player entities that exist on this server. |
971 | field_72405_c | maxPlayers | 2 | The maximum number of players that can be connected at a time. |
972 | field_72406_a | logger | 2 | Reference to the logger. |
973 | field_72407_n | commandsAllowedForAll | 2 | True if all players are allowed to use commands (cheats). |
974 | field_72408_o | playerPingIndex | 2 | index into playerEntities of player to ping, updated every tick; currently hardcoded to max at 200 players |
975 | field_72409_l | whiteListEnforced | 2 | Server setting to only allow OPs and whitelisted players to join the server. |
976 | field_72410_m | gameType | 2 | |
977 | field_72411_j | whiteListedPlayers | 2 | The Set of all whitelisted players. |
978 | field_72412_k | playerNBTManagerObj | 2 | Reference to the PlayerNBTManager object. |
979 | field_72413_h | bannedIPs | 2 | |
980 | field_72414_i | ops | 2 | A set containing the OPs. |
981 | field_72416_e | tagsForLastWrittenPlayer | 2 | |
982 | field_72422_f | whiteList | 2 | |
983 | field_72423_e | opsList | 2 | |
984 | field_72428_a | server | 2 | |
985 | field_72447_d | myVec3LocalPool | 2 | |
986 | field_72448_b | yCoord | 2 | Y coordinate of Vec3D |
987 | field_72449_c | zCoord | 2 | Z coordinate of Vec3D |
988 | field_72450_a | xCoord | 2 | X coordinate of Vec3D |
989 | field_72451_a | theDecitatedServer | 2 | Instance of the DecitatedServer. |
990 | field_72534_f | mcServer | 2 | Reference to the MinecraftServer object. |
991 | field_72535_g | connectionTimer | 2 | |
992 | field_72537_e | rand | 2 | The Random object used to generate serverId hex strings. |
993 | field_72538_b | myTCPConnection | 2 | |
994 | field_72539_c | connectionComplete | 2 | |
995 | field_72540_a | logger | 2 | The Minecraft logger. |
996 | field_72541_j | loginServerId | 2 | server ID that is randomly generated by this login handler. |
997 | field_72543_h | clientUsername | 2 | |
998 | field_72554_f | disconnected | 2 | True if kicked or disconnected from the server. |
999 | field_72555_g | netManager | 2 | Reference to the NetworkManager object. |
1000 | field_72556_d | currentServerMaxPlayers | 2 | |
1001 | field_72557_e | rand | 2 | RNG. |
1002 | field_72558_b | mapStorage | 2 | |
1003 | field_72559_c | playerInfoList | 2 | An ArrayList of GuiPlayerInfo (includes all the players' GuiPlayerInfo on the current server) |
1004 | field_72561_j | doneLoadingTerrain | 2 | True if the client has finished downloading terrain and may spawn. Set upon receipt of a player position packet, reset upon respawning. |
1005 | field_72562_k | playerInfoMap | 2 | A HashMap of all player names and their player information objects |
1006 | field_72563_h | mc | 2 | Reference to the Minecraft object. |
1007 | field_72564_i | worldClient | 2 | |
1008 | field_72571_f | currentTicks | 2 | incremented each tick |
1009 | field_72572_g | ticksForFloatKick | 2 | player is kicked if they float for over 80 ticks without flying enabled |
1010 | field_72573_d | mcServer | 2 | Reference to the MinecraftServer object. |
1011 | field_72574_e | playerEntity | 2 | Reference to the EntityPlayerMP object. |
1012 | field_72575_b | netManager | 2 | The underlying network manager for this server handler. |
1013 | field_72576_c | connectionClosed | 2 | This is set to true whenever a player disconnects from the server. |
1014 | field_72577_a | logger | 2 | The logging system. |
1015 | field_72578_n | creativeItemCreationSpamThresholdTally | 2 | |
1016 | field_72579_o | lastPosX | 2 | The last known x position for this connection. |
1017 | field_72580_l | ticksOfLastKeepAlive | 2 | |
1018 | field_72581_m | chatSpamThresholdCount | 2 | |
1019 | field_72582_j | keepAliveTimeSent | 2 | |
1020 | field_72583_k | randomGenerator | 2 | |
1021 | field_72585_i | keepAliveRandomID | 2 | |
1022 | field_72587_r | hasMoved | 2 | is true when the player has moved since his last movement packet |
1023 | field_72588_q | lastPosZ | 2 | The last known z position for this connection. |
1024 | field_72589_p | lastPosY | 2 | The last known y position for this connection. |
1025 | field_72590_a | loginHandler | 2 | The login handler that spawned this thread. |
1026 | field_72595_f | requestIdAsString | 2 | The request ID stored as a String |
1027 | field_72596_d | requestId | 2 | A client-provided request ID associated with this query |
1028 | field_72597_e | challengeValue | 2 | A unique string of bytes used to verify client auth |
1029 | field_72598_b | timestamp | 2 | The creation timestamp for this auth |
1030 | field_72599_c | randomChallenge | 2 | A random challenge |
1031 | field_72600_a | queryThread | 2 | The RConThreadQuery that this is probably an inner class of |
1032 | field_72614_f | serverSocketList | 2 | A list of registered ServerSockets |
1033 | field_72616_e | socketList | 2 | A list of registered DatagramSockets |
1034 | field_72617_b | server | 2 | Reference to the IServer object. |
1035 | field_72618_c | rconThread | 2 | Thread for this runnable class |
1036 | field_72619_a | running | 2 | True if the Thread is running, false otherwise |
1037 | field_72629_g | lastAuthCheckTime | 2 | The time of the last client auth check |
1038 | field_72630_n | buffer | 2 | A buffer for incoming DatagramPackets |
1039 | field_72631_o | incomingPacket | 2 | Storage for incoming DatagramPackets |
1040 | field_72632_l | worldName | 2 | The name of the currently loaded world |
1041 | field_72633_m | querySocket | 2 | The remote socket querying the server |
1042 | field_72634_j | maxPlayers | 2 | The maximum number of players allowed on the server |
1043 | field_72635_k | serverMotd | 2 | The current server message of the day |
1044 | field_72636_h | queryPort | 2 | The RCon query port |
1045 | field_72637_i | serverPort | 2 | Port the server is running on |
1046 | field_72638_v | lastQueryResponseTime | 2 | The time of the last query response sent |
1047 | field_72639_u | output | 2 | The RConQuery output stream |
1048 | field_72640_t | time | 2 | The time that this RConThreadQuery was constructed, from (new Date()).getTime() |
1049 | field_72641_s | queryClients | 2 | A map of SocketAddress objects to RConThreadQueryAuth objects |
1050 | field_72642_r | serverHostname | 2 | The hostname of the running server |
1051 | field_72643_q | queryHostname | 2 | The hostname of this query server |
1052 | field_72647_g | rconPort | 2 | Port RCon is running on |
1053 | field_72648_l | clientThreads | 2 | A map of client addresses to their running Threads |
1054 | field_72649_j | serverSocket | 2 | The RCon ServerSocket. |
1055 | field_72650_k | rconPassword | 2 | The RCon password |
1056 | field_72651_h | serverPort | 2 | Port the server is running on |
1057 | field_72652_i | hostname | 2 | Hostname RCon is running on |
1058 | field_72657_g | loggedIn | 2 | True if the client has succefssfully logged into the RCon, otherwise false |
1059 | field_72658_j | rconPassword | 2 | The RCon password |
1060 | field_72659_h | clientSocket | 2 | The client's Socket connection |
1061 | field_72660_i | buffer | 2 | A buffer for incoming Socket data |
1062 | field_72666_a | hexDigits | 2 | Translation array of decimal to hex digits |
1063 | field_72673_b | output | 2 | ByteArrayOutputStream wrapper |
1064 | field_72674_a | byteArrayOutput | 2 | Output stream |
1065 | field_72679_b | stepSoundVolume | 2 | |
1066 | field_72680_c | stepSoundPitch | 2 | |
1067 | field_72681_a | stepSoundName | 2 | |
1068 | field_72696_f | xzDirectionsConst | 2 | x, z direction vectors: east, south, west, north |
1069 | field_72697_d | chunkWatcherWithPlayers | 2 | contains a PlayerInstance for every chunk they can see. the "player instance" cotains a list of all players who can also that chunk |
1070 | field_72698_e | playerViewRadius | 2 | Number of chunks the server sends to the client. Valid 3<=x<=15. In server.properties. |
1071 | field_72699_b | players | 2 | players in the current instance |
1072 | field_72700_c | playerInstances | 2 | A map of chunk position (two ints concatenated into a long) to PlayerInstance |
1073 | field_72701_a | theWorldServer | 2 | |
1074 | field_72737_D | maxBlockZ | 2 | Maximum block Z |
1075 | field_72738_E | damagedBlocks | 2 | Stores blocks currently being broken. Key is entity ID of the thing doing the breaking. Value is a DestroyBlockProgress |
1076 | field_72739_F | renderDistance | 2 | |
1077 | field_72740_G | renderEntitiesStartupCounter | 2 | Render entities startup counter (init value=2) |
1078 | field_72741_A | minBlockZ | 2 | Minimum block Z |
1079 | field_72742_B | maxBlockX | 2 | Maximum block X |
1080 | field_72743_C | maxBlockY | 2 | Maximum block Y |
1081 | field_72744_L | renderersBeingClipped | 2 | How many renderers are being clipped by the frustrum this frame |
1082 | field_72745_M | renderersBeingOccluded | 2 | How many renderers are being occluded this frame |
1083 | field_72746_N | renderersBeingRendered | 2 | How many renderers are actually being rendered this frame |
1084 | field_72747_O | renderersSkippingRenderPass | 2 | How many renderers are skipping rendering due to not having a render pass this frame |
1085 | field_72748_H | countEntitiesTotal | 2 | Count entities total |
1086 | field_72749_I | countEntitiesRendered | 2 | Count entities rendered |
1087 | field_72750_J | countEntitiesHidden | 2 | Count entities hidden |
1088 | field_72751_K | renderersLoaded | 2 | How many renderers are loaded this frame that try to be rendered |
1089 | field_72752_Q | worldRenderersCheckIndex | 2 | World renderers check index |
1090 | field_72753_P | dummyRenderInt | 2 | Dummy render int |
1091 | field_72754_S | allRenderLists | 2 | All render lists (fixed length 4) |
1092 | field_72755_R | glRenderLists | 2 | List of OpenGL lists for the current render pass |
1093 | field_72756_f | prevSortZ | 2 | Previous Z position when the renderers were sorted. (Once the distance moves more than 4 units they will be resorted) |
1094 | field_72757_g | frustumCheckOffset | 2 | The offset used to determine if a renderer is one of the sixteenth that are being updated this frame |
1095 | field_72758_d | prevSortX | 2 | Previous x position when the renderers were sorted. (Once the distance moves more than 4 units they will be resorted) |
1096 | field_72759_e | prevSortY | 2 | Previous y position when the renderers were sorted. (Once the distance moves more than 4 units they will be resorted) |
1097 | field_72760_b | dummyBuf50k | 2 | Dummy buffer (50k) not used |
1098 | field_72761_c | occlusionResult | 2 | Occlusion query result |
1099 | field_72762_a | tileEntities | 2 | |
1100 | field_72763_n | renderChunksTall | 2 | |
1101 | field_72764_o | renderChunksDeep | 2 | |
1102 | field_72765_l | worldRenderers | 2 | |
1103 | field_72766_m | renderChunksWide | 2 | |
1104 | field_72767_j | worldRenderersToUpdate | 2 | |
1105 | field_72768_k | sortedWorldRenderers | 2 | |
1106 | field_72769_h | theWorld | 2 | |
1107 | field_72770_i | renderEngine | 2 | The RenderEngine instance used by RenderGlobal |
1108 | field_72771_w | glSkyList | 2 | OpenGL sky list |
1109 | field_72772_v | starGLCallList | 2 | The star GL Call list |
1110 | field_72773_u | cloudOffsetX | 2 | |
1111 | field_72774_t | occlusionEnabled | 2 | Is occlusion testing enabled |
1112 | field_72775_s | glOcclusionQueryBase | 2 | OpenGL occlusion query base |
1113 | field_72776_r | globalRenderBlocks | 2 | Global render blocks |
1114 | field_72777_q | mc | 2 | A reference to the Minecraft object. |
1115 | field_72778_p | glRenderListBase | 2 | OpenGL render lists base |
1116 | field_72779_z | minBlockY | 2 | Minimum block Y |
1117 | field_72780_y | minBlockX | 2 | Minimum block X |
1118 | field_72781_x | glSkyList2 | 2 | OpenGL sky list 2 |
1119 | field_72782_b | theWorldServer | 2 | The WorldServer object. |
1120 | field_72783_a | mcServer | 2 | Reference to the MinecraftServer object. |
1121 | field_72792_d | entityViewDistance | 2 | |
1122 | field_72793_b | trackedEntities | 2 | |
1123 | field_72794_c | trackedEntityIDs | 2 | |
1124 | field_72795_a | theWorld | 2 | |
1125 | field_72814_d | hasExtendedLevels | 2 | set by !chunk.getAreLevelsEmpty |
1126 | field_72815_e | worldObj | 2 | Reference to the World object. |
1127 | field_72816_b | chunkZ | 2 | |
1128 | field_72817_c | chunkArray | 2 | |
1129 | field_72818_a | chunkX | 2 | |
1130 | field_72982_D | villageCollectionObj | 2 | |
1131 | field_72983_E | villageSiegeObj | 2 | |
1132 | field_72984_F | theProfiler | 2 | |
1133 | field_72985_G | spawnHostileMobs | 2 | indicates if enemies are spawned or not |
1134 | field_72986_A | worldInfo | 2 | holds information about a world (size on disk, time, spawn point, seed, ...) |
1135 | field_72987_B | findingSpawnPoint | 2 | Boolean that is set to true when trying to find a spawn point |
1136 | field_72988_C | mapStorage | 2 | |
1137 | field_72989_L | scanningTileEntities | 2 | |
1138 | field_72990_M | ambientTickCountdown | 2 | number of ticks until the next random ambients play |
1139 | field_72991_N | entitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity | 2 | entities within AxisAlignedBB excluding one, set and returned in getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(Entity var1, AxisAlignedBB var2) |
1140 | field_72992_H | spawnPeacefulMobs | 2 | A flag indicating whether we should spawn peaceful mobs. |
1141 | field_72993_I | activeChunkSet | 2 | Positions to update |
1142 | field_72994_J | lightUpdateBlockList | 2 | is a temporary list of blocks and light values used when updating light levels. Holds up to 32x32x32 blocks (the maximum influence of a light source.) Every element is a packed bit value: 0000000000LLLLzzzzzzyyyyyyxxxxxx. The 4-bit L is a light level used when darkening blocks. 6-bit numbers x, y and z represent the block's offset from the original block, plus 32 (i.e. value of 31 would mean a -1 offset |
1143 | field_72995_K | isRemote | 2 | This is set to true when you are a client connected to a multiplayer world, false otherwise. As of Minecraft 1.3 and the integrated server, this will always return true. |
1144 | field_72996_f | loadedEntityList | 2 | A list of all Entities in all currently-loaded chunks |
1145 | field_72997_g | unloadedEntityList | 2 | |
1146 | field_72998_d | collidingBoundingBoxes | 2 | |
1147 | field_72999_e | scheduledUpdatesAreImmediate | 2 | boolean; if true updates scheduled by scheduleBlockUpdate happen immediately |
1148 | field_73000_b | entityRemoval | 2 | Entities marked for removal. |
1149 | field_73001_c | cloudColour | 2 | |
1150 | field_73002_a | addedTileEntityList | 2 | |
1151 | field_73003_n | prevRainingStrength | 2 | |
1152 | field_73004_o | rainingStrength | 2 | |
1153 | field_73005_l | updateLCG | 2 | Contains the current Linear Congruential Generator seed for block updates. Used with an A value of 3 and a C value of 0x3c6ef35f, producing a highly planar series of values ill-suited for choosing random blocks in a 16x128x16 field. |
1154 | field_73006_m | DIST_HASH_MAGIC | 2 | magic number used to generate fast random numbers for 3d distribution within a chunk |
1155 | field_73007_j | weatherEffects | 2 | a list of all the lightning entities |
1156 | field_73008_k | skylightSubtracted | 2 | How much light is subtracted from full daylight |
1157 | field_73009_h | loadedTileEntityList | 2 | A list of all TileEntities in all currently-loaded chunks |
1158 | field_73010_i | playerEntities | 2 | Array list of players in the world. |
1159 | field_73011_w | provider | 2 | The WorldProvider instance that World uses. |
1160 | field_73012_v | rand | 2 | RNG for World. |
1161 | field_73013_u | difficultySetting | 2 | Option > Difficulty setting (0 - 3) |
1162 | field_73014_t | editingBlocks | 2 | true while the world is editing blocks |
1163 | field_73015_s | lightningFlash | 2 | If > 0, the sky and skylight colors are illuminated by a lightning flash |
1164 | field_73016_r | lastLightningBolt | 2 | Set to 2 whenever a lightning bolt is generated in SSP. Decrements if > 0 in updateWeather(). Value appears to be unused. |
1165 | field_73017_q | thunderingStrength | 2 | |
1166 | field_73018_p | prevThunderingStrength | 2 | |
1167 | field_73019_z | saveHandler | 2 | |
1168 | field_73020_y | chunkProvider | 2 | Handles chunk operations and caching |
1169 | field_73021_x | worldAccesses | 2 | |
1170 | field_73032_d | entityList | 2 | Contains all entities for this client, both spawned and non-spawned. |
1171 | field_73033_b | clientChunkProvider | 2 | The ChunkProviderClient instance |
1172 | field_73034_c | entityHashSet | 2 | The hash set of entities handled by this client. Uses the entity's ID as the hash set's key. |
1173 | field_73035_a | sendQueue | 2 | The packets that need to be sent to the server. |
1174 | field_73036_L | entitySpawnQueue | 2 | Contains all entities for this client that were not spawned due to a non-present chunk. The game will attempt to spawn up to 10 pending entities with each subsequent tick until the spawn queue is empty. |
1175 | field_73037_M | mc | 2 | |
1176 | field_73038_N | previousActiveChunkSet | 2 | |
1177 | field_73058_d | canNotSave | 2 | set by CommandServerSave{all,Off,On} |
1178 | field_73059_b | theChunkProviderServer | 2 | |
1179 | field_73060_c | actionsAllowed | 2 | this is set related to Manager.areCommandsAllowed, but is never used is is also set back to false at the end of both functions which set it. |
1180 | field_73061_a | mcServer | 2 | |
1181 | field_73062_L | theEntityTracker | 2 | |
1182 | field_73063_M | thePlayerManager | 2 | |
1183 | field_73065_O | pendingTickListEntries | 2 | All work to do in future ticks. |
1184 | field_73066_T | entityIdMap | 2 | An IntHashMap of entity IDs (integers) to their Entity objects. |
1185 | field_73067_Q | blockEventCache | 2 | Double buffer of ServerBlockEventList[] for holding pending BlockEventData's |
1186 | field_73068_P | allPlayersSleeping | 2 | is false if there are no players |
1187 | field_73069_S | bonusChestContent | 2 | |
1188 | field_73070_R | blockEventCacheIndex | 2 | The index into the blockEventCache; either 0, or 1, toggled in sendBlockEventPackets where all BlockEvent are applied locally and send to clients. |
1189 | field_73071_a | demoWorldSettings | 2 | |
1190 | field_73072_L | demoWorldSeed | 2 | |
1191 | field_73086_f | partiallyDestroyedBlockX | 2 | |
1192 | field_73087_g | partiallyDestroyedBlockY | 2 | |
1193 | field_73088_d | isPartiallyDestroyedBlockWhole | 2 | set to true on first call of destroyBlockInWorldPartially, false before any further calls |
1194 | field_73089_e | initialDamage | 2 | |
1195 | field_73090_b | thisPlayerMP | 2 | The EntityPlayerMP object that this object is connected to. |
1196 | field_73091_c | gameType | 2 | |
1197 | field_73092_a | theWorld | 2 | The world object that this object is connected to. |
1198 | field_73094_o | durabilityRemainingOnBlock | 2 | |
1199 | field_73095_l | posY | 2 | |
1200 | field_73096_m | posZ | 2 | |
1201 | field_73098_k | posX | 2 | |
1202 | field_73099_h | partiallyDestroyedBlockZ | 2 | |
1203 | field_73100_i | curblockDamage | 2 | |
1204 | field_73103_d | demoTimeExpired | 2 | |
1205 | field_73111_d | partialBlockZ | 2 | |
1206 | field_73112_e | partialBlockProgress | 2 | damage ranges from 1 to 10. -1 causes the client to delete the partial block renderer. |
1207 | field_73113_b | partialBlockX | 2 | |
1208 | field_73114_c | partialBlockY | 2 | |
1209 | field_73115_a | miningPlayerEntId | 2 | entity ID of the player associated with this partially destroyed Block. Used to identify the Blocks in the client Renderer, max 1 per player on a server |
1210 | field_73126_f | lastScaledZPosition | 2 | |
1211 | field_73127_g | lastYaw | 2 | |
1212 | field_73128_d | lastScaledXPosition | 2 | |
1213 | field_73129_e | lastScaledYPosition | 2 | |
1214 | field_73130_b | BlocksDistanceThreshold | 2 | |
1215 | field_73131_c | updateFrequency | 2 | check for sync when ticks % updateFrequency==0 |
1216 | field_73132_a | myEntity | 2 | |
1217 | field_73133_n | playerEntitiesUpdated | 2 | |
1218 | field_73134_o | trackedPlayers | 2 | |
1219 | field_73135_l | motionZ | 2 | |
1220 | field_73136_m | ticks | 2 | |
1221 | field_73137_j | motionX | 2 | |
1222 | field_73138_k | motionY | 2 | |
1223 | field_73139_h | lastPitch | 2 | |
1224 | field_73140_i | lastHeadMotion | 2 | |
1225 | field_73141_v | ridingEntity | 2 | |
1226 | field_73142_u | ticksSinceLastForcedTeleport | 2 | every 400 ticks a full teleport packet is sent, rather than just a "move me +x" command, so that position remains fully synced. |
1227 | field_73143_t | sendVelocityUpdates | 2 | |
1228 | field_73144_s | isDataInitialized | 2 | set to true on first sendLocationToClients |
1229 | field_73145_r | posZ | 2 | |
1230 | field_73146_q | posY | 2 | |
1231 | field_73147_p | posX | 2 | |
1232 | field_73160_d | villageGen | 2 | |
1233 | field_73161_b | random | 2 | |
1234 | field_73162_c | useStructures | 2 | |
1235 | field_73163_a | worldObj | 2 | |
1236 | field_73167_f | noiseData3 | 2 | |
1237 | field_73168_g | noiseData4 | 2 | |
1238 | field_73169_d | noiseData1 | 2 | |
1239 | field_73170_e | noiseData2 | 2 | |
1240 | field_73171_b | netherNoiseGen7 | 2 | |
1241 | field_73172_c | genNetherBridge | 2 | |
1242 | field_73173_a | netherNoiseGen6 | 2 | |
1243 | field_73174_n | netherrackExculsivityNoiseGen | 2 | Determines whether something other than nettherack can be generated at a location |
1244 | field_73175_o | worldObj | 2 | Is the world that the nether is getting generated. |
1245 | field_73176_l | netherNoiseGen3 | 2 | |
1246 | field_73177_m | slowsandGravelNoiseGen | 2 | Determines whether slowsand or gravel can be generated at a location |
1247 | field_73178_j | netherNoiseGen1 | 2 | A NoiseGeneratorOctaves used in generating nether terrain |
1248 | field_73179_k | netherNoiseGen2 | 2 | |
1249 | field_73180_h | noiseData5 | 2 | |
1250 | field_73181_i | hellRNG | 2 | |
1251 | field_73182_t | netherCaveGenerator | 2 | |
1252 | field_73183_s | netherrackExclusivityNoise | 2 | Holds the noise used to determine whether something other than netherrack can be generated at a location |
1253 | field_73184_r | gravelNoise | 2 | |
1254 | field_73185_q | slowsandNoise | 2 | Holds the noise used to determine whether slowsand can be generated at a location |
1255 | field_73186_p | noiseField | 2 | |
1256 | field_73190_f | noiseData4 | 2 | |
1257 | field_73191_g | noiseData5 | 2 | |
1258 | field_73192_d | noiseData2 | 2 | |
1259 | field_73193_e | noiseData3 | 2 | |
1260 | field_73194_b | noiseGen5 | 2 | |
1261 | field_73195_c | noiseData1 | 2 | |
1262 | field_73196_a | noiseGen4 | 2 | |
1263 | field_73197_n | densities | 2 | |
1264 | field_73198_o | biomesForGeneration | 2 | The biomes that are used to generate the chunk |
1265 | field_73199_l | noiseGen3 | 2 | |
1266 | field_73200_m | endWorld | 2 | |
1267 | field_73201_j | noiseGen1 | 2 | |
1268 | field_73202_k | noiseGen2 | 2 | |
1269 | field_73204_i | endRNG | 2 | |
1270 | field_73208_f | noise2 | 2 | A double array that hold terrain noise from noiseGen2 |
1271 | field_73209_g | noise5 | 2 | A double array that hold terrain noise from noiseGen5 |
1272 | field_73210_d | noise3 | 2 | A double array that hold terrain noise from noiseGen3 |
1273 | field_73211_e | noise1 | 2 | A double array that hold terrain noise |
1274 | field_73212_b | noiseGen6 | 2 | A NoiseGeneratorOctaves used in generating terrain |
1275 | field_73213_c | mobSpawnerNoise | 2 | |
1276 | field_73214_a | noiseGen5 | 2 | A NoiseGeneratorOctaves used in generating terrain |
1277 | field_73215_n | noiseGen3 | 2 | A NoiseGeneratorOctaves used in generating terrain |
1278 | field_73216_o | noiseGen4 | 2 | A NoiseGeneratorOctaves used in generating terrain |
1279 | field_73217_l | noiseGen1 | 2 | A NoiseGeneratorOctaves used in generating terrain |
1280 | field_73218_m | noiseGen2 | 2 | A NoiseGeneratorOctaves used in generating terrain |
1281 | field_73220_k | rand | 2 | RNG. |
1282 | field_73221_h | noise6 | 2 | A double array that holds terrain noise from noiseGen6 |
1283 | field_73222_i | parabolicField | 2 | Used to store the 5x5 parabolic field that is used during terrain generation. |
1284 | field_73223_w | mineshaftGenerator | 2 | Holds Mineshaft Generator |
1285 | field_73224_v | villageGenerator | 2 | Holds Village Generator |
1286 | field_73225_u | strongholdGenerator | 2 | Holds Stronghold Generator |
1287 | field_73226_t | caveGenerator | 2 | |
1288 | field_73227_s | stoneNoise | 2 | |
1289 | field_73228_r | noiseArray | 2 | Holds the overall noise array used in chunk generation |
1290 | field_73229_q | mapFeaturesEnabled | 2 | are map structures going to be generated (e.g. strongholds) |
1291 | field_73230_p | worldObj | 2 | Reference to the World object. |
1292 | field_73231_z | biomesForGeneration | 2 | The biomes that are used to generate the chunk |
1293 | field_73232_y | ravineGenerator | 2 | Holds ravine generator |
1294 | field_73233_x | scatteredFeatureGenerator | 2 | |
1295 | field_73235_d | worldObj | 2 | Reference to the World object. |
1296 | field_73236_b | chunkMapping | 2 | The mapping between ChunkCoordinates and Chunks that ChunkProviderClient maintains. |
1297 | field_73237_c | chunkListing | 2 | This may have been intended to be an iterable version of all currently loaded chunks (MultiplayerChunkCache), with identical contents to chunkMapping's values. However it is never actually added to. |
1298 | field_73238_a | blankChunk | 2 | The completely empty chunk used by ChunkProviderClient when field_73236_b doesn't contain the requested coordinates. |
1299 | field_73244_f | loadedChunkHashMap | 2 | |
1300 | field_73245_g | loadedChunks | 2 | |
1301 | field_73246_d | currentChunkProvider | 2 | |
1302 | field_73247_e | currentChunkLoader | 2 | |
1303 | field_73248_b | chunksToUnload | 2 | used by unload100OldestChunks to iterate the loadedChunkHashMap for unload (underlying assumption, first in, first out) |
1304 | field_73249_c | defaultEmptyChunk | 2 | |
1305 | field_73250_a | loadChunkOnProvideRequest | 2 | if this is false, the defaultEmptyChunk will be returned by the provider |
1306 | field_73251_h | currentServer | 2 | |
1307 | field_73261_d | locationOfBlockChange | 2 | |
1308 | field_73262_e | numberOfTilesToUpdate | 2 | |
1309 | field_73263_b | playersInChunk | 2 | |
1310 | field_73264_c | chunkLocation | 2 | note: this is final |
1311 | field_73265_a | myManager | 2 | |
1312 | field_73286_b | clientPacketIdList | 2 | List of the client's packet IDs. |
1313 | field_73287_r | isChunkDataPacket | 2 | Only true for Packet51MapChunk, Packet52MultiBlockChange, Packet53BlockChange and Packet59ComplexEntity. Used to separate them into a different send queue. |
1314 | field_73288_c | serverPacketIdList | 2 | List of the server's packet IDs. |
1315 | field_73289_q | sentSize | 2 | |
1316 | field_73290_p | sentID | 2 | Assumed to be sequential by the profiler. |
1317 | field_73291_a | packetClassToIdMap | 2 | Maps packet class to packet id |
1318 | field_73292_n | receivedID | 2 | |
1319 | field_73293_o | receivedSize | 2 | |
1320 | field_73294_l | packetIdToClassMap | 2 | Maps packet id to packet class |
1321 | field_73295_m | creationTimeMillis | 2 | the system time in milliseconds when this packet was created. |
1322 | field_73296_b | vehicleEntityId | 2 | |
1323 | field_73297_a | entityId | 2 | |
1324 | field_73298_b | yPosition | 2 | Y coordinate of spawn. |
1325 | field_73299_c | zPosition | 2 | Z coordinate of spawn. |
1326 | field_73300_a | xPosition | 2 | X coordinate of spawn. |
1327 | field_73301_a | time | 2 | The world time in minutes. |
1328 | field_73305_b | verifyToken | 2 | |
1329 | field_73307_a | sharedSecret | 2 | |
1330 | field_73308_d | signLines | 2 | |
1331 | field_73309_b | yPosition | 2 | |
1332 | field_73310_c | zPosition | 2 | |
1333 | field_73311_a | xPosition | 2 | |
1334 | field_73312_b | collectorEntityId | 2 | The entity that picked up the one from the ground. |
1335 | field_73313_a | collectedEntityId | 2 | The entity on the ground that was picked up. |
1336 | field_73314_f | pitch | 2 | Pitch of the entity. |
1337 | field_73315_d | zPosition | 2 | Z position of the entity. |
1338 | field_73316_e | yaw | 2 | Yaw of the entity. |
1339 | field_73317_b | xPosition | 2 | X position of the entity. |
1340 | field_73318_c | yPosition | 2 | Y position of the entity. |
1341 | field_73319_a | entityId | 2 | ID of the entity. |
1342 | field_73325_d | posZ | 2 | Z position of the block |
1343 | field_73326_e | destroyedStage | 2 | How far destroyed this block is |
1344 | field_73327_b | posX | 2 | X posiiton of the block |
1345 | field_73328_c | posY | 2 | Y position of the block |
1346 | field_73329_a | entityId | 2 | Entity breaking the block |
1347 | field_73330_d | actionType | 2 | The type of update to perform on the tile entity. |
1348 | field_73331_e | customParam1 | 2 | Custom parameter 1 passed to the tile entity on update. |
1349 | field_73332_b | yPosition | 2 | The Y position of the tile entity to update. |
1350 | field_73333_c | zPosition | 2 | The Z position of the tile entity to update. |
1351 | field_73334_a | xPosition | 2 | The X position of the tile entity to update. |
1352 | field_73335_f | blockId | 2 | The block ID this action is set for. |
1353 | field_73336_d | instrumentType | 2 | 1=Double Bass, 2=Snare Drum, 3=Clicks / Sticks, 4=Bass Drum, 5=Harp |
1354 | field_73337_e | pitch | 2 | The pitch of the note (between 0-24 inclusive where 0 is the lowest and 24 is the highest). |
1355 | field_73338_b | yLocation | 2 | |
1356 | field_73339_c | zLocation | 2 | |
1357 | field_73340_a | xLocation | 2 | |
1358 | field_73341_d | face | 2 | Punched face of the block. |
1359 | field_73342_e | status | 2 | Status of the digging (started, ongoing, broken). |
1360 | field_73343_b | yPosition | 2 | Block Y position. |
1361 | field_73344_c | zPosition | 2 | Block Z position. |
1362 | field_73345_a | xPosition | 2 | Block X position. |
1363 | field_73357_f | walkSpeed | 2 | |
1364 | field_73358_d | isCreativeMode | 2 | Used to determine if creative mode is enabled, and therefore if items should be depleted on usage |
1365 | field_73359_e | flySpeed | 2 | |
1366 | field_73360_b | isFlying | 2 | Indicates whether the player is flying or not. |
1367 | field_73361_c | allowFlying | 2 | Whether or not to allow the player to fly when they double jump. |
1368 | field_73362_a | disableDamage | 2 | Disables player damage. |
1369 | field_73363_b | isConnected | 2 | Byte that tells whether the player is connected. |
1370 | field_73364_c | ping | 2 | |
1371 | field_73365_a | playerName | 2 | The player's name. |
1372 | field_73366_b | state | 2 | 1=sneak, 2=normal |
1373 | field_73367_a | entityId | 2 | Player ID. |
1374 | field_73368_a | entityId | 2 | ID of the entity to be destroyed on the client. |
1375 | field_73369_d | gameType | 2 | |
1376 | field_73370_e | terrainType | 2 | |
1377 | field_73371_b | difficulty | 2 | The difficulty setting. 0 through 3 for peaceful, easy, normal, hard. The client always sends 1. |
1378 | field_73372_c | worldHeight | 2 | Defaults to 128 |
1379 | field_73373_a | respawnDimension | 2 | |
1380 | field_73374_b | effectId | 2 | The ID of the effect which is being removed from an entity. |
1381 | field_73375_a | entityId | 2 | The ID of the entity which an effect is being removed from. |
1382 | field_73379_b | publicKey | 2 | |
1383 | field_73380_c | verifyToken | 2 | |
1384 | field_73381_a | serverId | 2 | |
1385 | field_73382_b | headRotationYaw | 2 | |
1386 | field_73383_a | entityId | 2 | |
1387 | field_73384_b | itemStack | 2 | |
1388 | field_73385_a | slot | 2 | |
1389 | field_73386_a | id | 2 | The block/item id to be equipped. |
1390 | field_73387_d | motionZ | 2 | |
1391 | field_73388_b | motionX | 2 | |
1392 | field_73389_c | motionY | 2 | |
1393 | field_73390_a | entityId | 2 | |
1394 | field_73392_b | metadata | 2 | |
1395 | field_73393_a | entityId | 2 | |
1396 | field_73394_b | experienceTotal | 2 | The total experience points. |
1397 | field_73395_c | experienceLevel | 2 | The experience level. |
1398 | field_73396_a | experience | 2 | The current experience bar points. |
1399 | field_73398_b | slot | 2 | Equipment slot: 0=held, 1-4=armor slot |
1400 | field_73399_c | itemSlot | 2 | The item in the slot format (an ItemStack) |
1401 | field_73400_a | entityID | 2 | Entity ID of the object. |
1402 | field_73409_f | xOffset | 2 | The offset from xPosition where the actual click took place |
1403 | field_73410_g | yOffset | 2 | The offset from yPosition where the actual click took place |
1404 | field_73411_d | direction | 2 | The offset to use for block/item placement. |
1405 | field_73412_e | itemStack | 2 | |
1406 | field_73413_b | yPosition | 2 | |
1407 | field_73414_c | zPosition | 2 | |
1408 | field_73415_a | xPosition | 2 | |
1409 | field_73416_h | zOffset | 2 | The offset from zPosition where the actual click took place |
1410 | field_73417_d | duration | 2 | |
1411 | field_73418_b | effectId | 2 | |
1412 | field_73419_c | effectAmplifier | 2 | The effect's amplifier. |
1413 | field_73420_a | entityId | 2 | |
1414 | field_73421_d | type | 2 | The new block type for the block. |
1415 | field_73422_e | metadata | 2 | Metadata of the block. |
1416 | field_73423_b | yPosition | 2 | Block Y position. |
1417 | field_73424_c | zPosition | 2 | Block Z position. |
1418 | field_73425_a | xPosition | 2 | Block X position. |
1419 | field_73426_b | itemStack | 2 | Stack of items |
1420 | field_73427_a | windowId | 2 | The id of window which items are being sent for. 0 for player inventory. |
1421 | field_73428_d | slotsCount | 2 | |
1422 | field_73429_b | inventoryType | 2 | |
1423 | field_73430_c | windowTitle | 2 | |
1424 | field_73431_a | windowId | 2 | |
1425 | field_73432_a | windowId | 2 | |
1426 | field_73433_b | shortWindowId | 2 | |
1427 | field_73434_c | accepted | 2 | |
1428 | field_73435_a | windowId | 2 | The id of the window that the action occurred in. |
1429 | field_73436_b | uniqueID | 2 | Contains a unique ID for the item that this packet will be populating. |
1430 | field_73437_c | itemData | 2 | Contains a buffer of arbitrary data with which to populate an individual item in the world. |
1431 | field_73438_a | itemID | 2 | |
1432 | field_73439_f | holdingShift | 2 | |
1433 | field_73440_d | action | 2 | A unique number for the action, used for transaction handling |
1434 | field_73441_e | itemStack | 2 | Item stack for inventory |
1435 | field_73442_b | inventorySlot | 2 | The clicked slot (-999 is outside of inventory) |
1436 | field_73443_c | mouseClick | 2 | 1 when right-clicking and otherwise 0 |
1437 | field_73444_a | window_Id | 2 | The id of the window which was clicked. 0 for player inventory. |
1438 | field_73445_b | enchantment | 2 | The position of the enchantment on the enchantment table window, starting with 0 as the topmost one. |
1439 | field_73446_a | windowId | 2 | |
1440 | field_73447_a | forceRespawn | 2 | 0 sent to a netLoginHandler starts the server, 1 sent to NetServerHandler forces a respawn |
1441 | field_73448_d | size | 2 | The size of the arrays. |
1442 | field_73450_b | zPosition | 2 | Chunk Z position. |
1443 | field_73451_c | metadataArray | 2 | The metadata for each block changed. |
1444 | field_73452_a | xPosition | 2 | Chunk X position. |
1445 | field_73455_d | serverPort | 2 | |
1446 | field_73456_b | username | 2 | |
1447 | field_73457_c | serverHost | 2 | |
1448 | field_73458_a | protocolVersion | 2 | |
1449 | field_73464_d | chatColours | 2 | |
1450 | field_73465_e | gameDifficulty | 2 | |
1451 | field_73466_b | renderDistance | 2 | |
1452 | field_73467_c | chatVisisble | 2 | |
1453 | field_73468_a | language | 2 | |
1454 | field_73469_b | animate | 2 | |
1455 | field_73470_a | entityId | 2 | The entity ID, in this case it's the player ID. |
1456 | field_73471_b | amount | 2 | |
1457 | field_73472_a | statisticId | 2 | |
1458 | field_73474_a | text | 2 | Sent by the client containing the text to be autocompleted. Sent by the server with possible completions separated by null (two bytes in UTF-16) |
1459 | field_73476_b | message | 2 | The message being sent. |
1460 | field_73478_a | maxChatLength | 2 | Maximum number of characters allowed in chat string in each packet. |
1461 | field_73479_f | pitch | 2 | The item pitch. |
1462 | field_73480_g | roll | 2 | The item roll. |
1463 | field_73481_d | zPosition | 2 | The item Z position. |
1464 | field_73482_e | rotation | 2 | The item rotation. |
1465 | field_73483_b | xPosition | 2 | The item X position. |
1466 | field_73484_c | yPosition | 2 | The item Y position. |
1467 | field_73485_a | entityId | 2 | Unique entity ID. |
1468 | field_73486_j | itemDamage | 2 | The health of the item. |
1469 | field_73487_h | itemID | 2 | |
1470 | field_73488_i | count | 2 | The number of items. |
1471 | field_73490_f | velocityX | 2 | |
1472 | field_73491_g | velocityY | 2 | |
1473 | field_73492_d | yPosition | 2 | The Y position of the entity. |
1474 | field_73493_e | zPosition | 2 | The Z position of the entity. |
1475 | field_73494_b | type | 2 | The type of mob. |
1476 | field_73495_c | xPosition | 2 | The X position of the entity. |
1477 | field_73496_a | entityId | 2 | The entity ID. |
1478 | field_73497_j | pitch | 2 | The pitch of the entity. |
1479 | field_73498_k | headYaw | 2 | The yaw of the entity's head. |
1480 | field_73499_h | velocityZ | 2 | |
1481 | field_73500_i | yaw | 2 | The yaw of the entity. |
1482 | field_73501_t | metadata | 2 | |
1483 | field_73502_s | metaData | 2 | Indexed metadata for Mob, terminated by 0x7F |
1484 | field_73503_f | title | 2 | |
1485 | field_73504_d | zPosition | 2 | |
1486 | field_73505_e | direction | 2 | |
1487 | field_73506_b | xPosition | 2 | |
1488 | field_73507_c | yPosition | 2 | |
1489 | field_73508_a | entityId | 2 | |
1490 | field_73510_f | rotation | 2 | The player's rotation. |
1491 | field_73511_g | pitch | 2 | The player's pitch. |
1492 | field_73512_d | yPosition | 2 | The player's Y position. |
1493 | field_73513_e | zPosition | 2 | The player's Z position. |
1494 | field_73514_b | name | 2 | The player's name. |
1495 | field_73515_c | xPosition | 2 | The player's X position. |
1496 | field_73516_a | entityId | 2 | The entity ID, in this case it's the player ID. |
1497 | field_73518_h | currentItem | 2 | The current item the player is holding. |
1498 | field_73519_i | metadata | 2 | |
1499 | field_73520_f | speedY | 2 | Not sent if the thrower entity ID is 0. The speed of this fireball along the Y axis. |
1500 | field_73521_g | speedZ | 2 | Not sent if the thrower entity ID is 0. The speed of this fireball along the Z axis. |
1501 | field_73522_d | zPosition | 2 | The Z position of the object. |
1502 | field_73523_e | speedX | 2 | Not sent if the thrower entity ID is 0. The speed of this fireball along the X axis. |
1503 | field_73524_b | xPosition | 2 | The X position of the object. |
1504 | field_73525_c | yPosition | 2 | The Y position of the object. |
1505 | field_73526_a | entityId | 2 | Entity ID of the object. |
1506 | field_73527_h | type | 2 | The type of object. |
1507 | field_73528_i | throwerEntityId | 2 | 0 if not a fireball. Otherwise, this is the Entity ID of the thrower. |
1508 | field_73529_d | posZ | 2 | |
1509 | field_73530_e | xpValue | 2 | The Orbs Experience points value. |
1510 | field_73531_b | posX | 2 | |
1511 | field_73532_c | posY | 2 | |
1512 | field_73533_a | entityId | 2 | Entity ID for the XP Orb |
1513 | field_73534_d | posZ | 2 | |
1514 | field_73535_e | isLightningBolt | 2 | |
1515 | field_73536_b | posX | 2 | |
1516 | field_73537_c | posY | 2 | |
1517 | field_73538_a | entityID | 2 | |
1518 | field_73539_f | pitch | 2 | The player's pitch rotation. |
1519 | field_73540_g | onGround | 2 | True if the client is on the ground. |
1520 | field_73541_d | stance | 2 | The player's stance. (boundingBox.minY) |
1521 | field_73542_e | yaw | 2 | The player's yaw rotation. |
1522 | field_73543_b | yPosition | 2 | The player's Y position. |
1523 | field_73544_c | zPosition | 2 | The player's Z position. |
1524 | field_73545_a | xPosition | 2 | The player's X position. |
1525 | field_73546_h | moving | 2 | Boolean set to true if the player is moving. |
1526 | field_73547_i | rotating | 2 | Boolean set to true if the player is rotating. |
1527 | field_73548_f | pitch | 2 | The Y axis rotation. |
1528 | field_73549_g | rotating | 2 | Boolean set to true if the entity is rotating. |
1529 | field_73550_d | zPosition | 2 | The Z axis relative movement. |
1530 | field_73551_e | yaw | 2 | The X axis rotation. |
1531 | field_73552_b | xPosition | 2 | The X axis relative movement. |
1532 | field_73553_c | yPosition | 2 | The Y axis relative movement. |
1533 | field_73554_a | entityId | 2 | The ID of this entity. |
1534 | field_73555_f | difficultySetting | 2 | The difficulty setting byte. |
1535 | field_73556_g | worldHeight | 2 | Defaults to 128 |
1536 | field_73557_d | gameType | 2 | |
1537 | field_73558_e | dimension | 2 | -1: The Nether, 0: The Overworld, 1: The End |
1538 | field_73559_b | terrainType | 2 | |
1539 | field_73561_a | clientEntityId | 2 | The player's entity ID |
1540 | field_73562_h | maxPlayers | 2 | The maximum players. |
1541 | field_73563_d | posY | 2 | |
1542 | field_73564_e | posZ | 2 | |
1543 | field_73565_b | auxData | 2 | |
1544 | field_73566_c | posX | 2 | |
1545 | field_73567_a | sfxID | 2 | |
1546 | field_73574_f | pitch | 2 | 63 is 100%. Can be more. |
1547 | field_73575_d | effectZ | 2 | Effect Z multiplied by 8 |
1548 | field_73576_e | volume | 2 | 1 is 100%. Can be more. |
1549 | field_73577_b | effectX | 2 | Effect X multiplied by 8 |
1550 | field_73578_c | effectY | 2 | Effect Y multiplied by 8 |
1551 | field_73579_a | soundName | 2 | e.g. step.grass |
1552 | field_73592_a | randomId | 2 | |
1553 | field_73595_f | chunkData | 2 | The transmitted chunk data, decompressed. |
1554 | field_73597_d | yChMax | 2 | The y-position of the highest chunk Section in the transmitted chunk, in chunk coordinates. |
1555 | field_73598_e | includeInitialize | 2 | Whether to initialize the Chunk before applying the effect of the Packet51MapChunk. |
1556 | field_73599_b | zCh | 2 | The z-position of the transmitted chunk, in chunk coordinates. |
1557 | field_73600_c | yChMin | 2 | The y-position of the lowest chunk Section in the transmitted chunk, in chunk coordinates. |
1558 | field_73601_a | xCh | 2 | The x-position of the transmitted chunk, in chunk coordinates. |
1559 | field_73602_h | tempLength | 2 | The length of the compressed chunk data byte array. |
1560 | field_73603_i | temp | 2 | A temporary storage for the compressed chunk data byte array. |
1561 | field_73604_b | targetEntity | 2 | The entity the player is interacting with |
1562 | field_73605_c | isLeftClick | 2 | Seems to be true when the player is pointing at an entity and left-clicking and false when right-clicking. |
1563 | field_73606_a | playerEntityId | 2 | The entity of the player (ignored by the server) |
1564 | field_73612_d | explosionSize | 2 | |
1565 | field_73613_e | chunkPositionRecords | 2 | |
1566 | field_73614_b | explosionY | 2 | |
1567 | field_73615_c | explosionZ | 2 | |
1568 | field_73616_a | explosionX | 2 | |
1569 | field_73618_b | bedState | 2 | Either 1 or 2. 1 indicates to begin raining, 2 indicates to stop raining. |
1570 | field_73619_c | gameMode | 2 | Used only when reason = 3. 0 is survival, 1 is creative. |
1571 | field_73620_a | bedChat | 2 | |
1572 | field_73621_d | bedZ | 2 | |
1573 | field_73623_b | bedX | 2 | |
1574 | field_73624_c | bedY | 2 | |
1575 | field_73625_a | entityID | 2 | |
1576 | field_73626_b | entityStatus | 2 | 2 for hurt, 3 for dead |
1577 | field_73627_a | entityId | 2 | |
1578 | field_73628_b | length | 2 | Length of the data to be read |
1579 | field_73629_c | data | 2 | Any data |
1580 | field_73630_a | channel | 2 | Name of the 'channel' used to send data |
1581 | field_73631_a | reason | 2 | Displayed to the client when the connection terminates. |
1582 | field_73632_b | progressBar | 2 | Which of the progress bars that should be updated. (For furnaces, 0 = progress arrow, 1 = fire icon) |
1583 | field_73633_c | progressBarValue | 2 | The value of the progress bar. The maximum values vary depending on the progress bar. Presumably the values are specified as in-game ticks. Some progress bar values increase, while others decrease. For furnaces, 0 is empty, full progress arrow = about 180, full fire icon = about 250) |
1584 | field_73634_a | windowId | 2 | The id of the window that the progress bar is in. |
1585 | field_73635_b | itemSlot | 2 | Slot that should be updated |
1586 | field_73636_c | myItemStack | 2 | Item stack |
1587 | field_73637_a | windowId | 2 | The window which is being updated. 0 for player inventory |
1588 | field_73638_b | food | 2 | |
1589 | field_73639_c | foodSaturation | 2 | Players logging on get a saturation of 5.0. Eating food increases the saturation as well as the food bar. |
1590 | field_73640_a | healthMP | 2 | Variable used for incoming health packets |
1591 | field_73653_f | isPoweredRail | 2 | A boolean value that is true if the rail is powered, and false if its not. |
1592 | field_73654_g | connectedTracks | 2 | |
1593 | field_73655_d | trackY | 2 | |
1594 | field_73656_e | trackZ | 2 | |
1595 | field_73657_b | worldObj | 2 | Reference to the World object. |
1596 | field_73658_c | trackX | 2 | |
1597 | field_73659_a | rail | 2 | |
1598 | field_73661_d | updateTime | 2 | |
1599 | field_73662_b | y | 2 | |
1600 | field_73663_c | z | 2 | |
1601 | field_73664_a | x | 2 | |
1602 | field_73672_b | properties | 2 | |
1603 | field_73673_c | associatedFile | 2 | |
1604 | field_73674_a | logger | 2 | Reference to the logger. |
1605 | field_73692_f | banEndDate | 2 | |
1606 | field_73693_g | reason | 2 | |
1607 | field_73694_d | banStartDate | 2 | |
1608 | field_73695_e | bannedBy | 2 | |
1609 | field_73696_b | loggerBanEntry | 2 | Creates Ban Entry in the logger. |
1610 | field_73697_c | username | 2 | |
1611 | field_73698_a | dateFormat | 2 | |
1612 | field_73700_a | loggerLogManager | 2 | Log manager of Minecraft. |
1613 | field_73701_b | sender | 2 | |
1614 | field_73702_a | command | 2 | The command string. |
1615 | field_73713_b | fileName | 2 | |
1616 | field_73714_c | listActive | 2 | set to true if not singlePlayer |
1617 | field_73715_a | theBanList | 2 | |
1618 | field_73716_a | theServer | 2 | Instance of MinecraftServer. |
1619 | field_73725_b | mc | 2 | A reference to the Minecraft object. |
1620 | field_73726_c | currentlyDisplayedText | 2 | The text currently displayed (i.e. the argument to the last call to printText or func_73722_d) |
1621 | field_73735_i | zLevel | 2 | |
1622 | field_73741_f | id | 2 | ID for this control. |
1623 | field_73742_g | enabled | 2 | True if this control is enabled, false to disable. |
1624 | field_73743_d | yPosition | 2 | The y position of this control. |
1625 | field_73744_e | displayString | 2 | The string displayed on this control. |
1626 | field_73745_b | height | 2 | Button height in pixels |
1627 | field_73746_c | xPosition | 2 | The x position of this control. |
1628 | field_73747_a | width | 2 | Button width in pixels |
1629 | field_73748_h | drawButton | 2 | Hides the button completely if false. |
1630 | field_73750_l | idFloat | 2 | Additional ID for this slider control. |
1631 | field_73751_j | sliderValue | 2 | The value of this slider control. |
1632 | field_73752_k | dragging | 2 | Is this slider control being dragged. |
1633 | field_73754_j | enumOptions | 2 | |
1634 | field_73755_j | nextPage | 2 | True for pointing right (next page), false for pointing left (previous page). |
1635 | field_73770_b | sentMessages | 2 | A list of messages previously sent through the chat GUI |
1636 | field_73771_c | chatLines | 2 | Chat lines to be displayed in the chat box |
1637 | field_73772_a | mc | 2 | The Minecraft instance. |
1638 | field_73775_b | mc | 2 | |
1639 | field_73776_a | particles | 2 | |
1640 | field_73809_f | text | 2 | Have the current text beign edited on the textbox. |
1641 | field_73810_g | maxStringLength | 2 | |
1642 | field_73811_d | width | 2 | The width of this text field. |
1643 | field_73812_e | height | 2 | |
1644 | field_73813_b | xPos | 2 | |
1645 | field_73814_c | yPos | 2 | |
1646 | field_73815_a | fontRenderer | 2 | Have the font renderer from GuiScreen to render the textbox text into the screen. |
1647 | field_73817_o | cursorPosition | 2 | |
1648 | field_73818_l | isFocused | 2 | If this value is true along isEnabled, keyTyped will process the keys. |
1649 | field_73819_m | isEnabled | 2 | If this value is true along isFocused, keyTyped will process the keys. |
1650 | field_73820_j | enableBackgroundDrawing | 2 | |
1651 | field_73821_k | canLoseFocus | 2 | if true the textbox can lose focus by clicking elsewhere on the screen |
1652 | field_73822_h | cursorCounter | 2 | |
1653 | field_73823_s | visible | 2 | True if this textbox is visible |
1654 | field_73824_r | disabledColor | 2 | |
1655 | field_73825_q | enabledColor | 2 | |
1656 | field_73826_p | selectionEnd | 2 | other selection position, maybe the same as the cursor |
1657 | field_73837_f | updateCounter | 2 | |
1658 | field_73838_g | recordPlaying | 2 | The string specifying which record music is playing |
1659 | field_73839_d | mc | 2 | |
1660 | field_73840_e | persistantChatGUI | 2 | ChatGUI instance that retains all previous chat data |
1661 | field_73841_b | itemRenderer | 2 | |
1662 | field_73842_c | rand | 2 | |
1663 | field_73843_a | prevVignetteBrightness | 2 | Previous frame vignette brightness (slowly changes by 1% each frame) |
1664 | field_73844_j | recordIsPlaying | 2 | |
1665 | field_73845_h | recordPlayingUpFor | 2 | How many ticks the record playing message will be displayed |
1666 | field_73850_f | theAchievement | 2 | Holds the achievement that will be displayed on the GUI. |
1667 | field_73851_g | achievementTime | 2 | |
1668 | field_73852_d | achievementGetLocalText | 2 | |
1669 | field_73853_e | achievementStatName | 2 | |
1670 | field_73854_b | achievementWindowWidth | 2 | Holds the latest width scaled to fit the game window. |
1671 | field_73855_c | achievementWindowHeight | 2 | Holds the latest height scaled to fit the game window. |
1672 | field_73856_a | theGame | 2 | Holds the instance of the game (Minecraft) |
1673 | field_73857_j | haveAchiement | 2 | |
1674 | field_73858_h | itemRender | 2 | Holds a instance of RenderItem, used to draw the achievement icons on screen (is based on ItemStack) |
1675 | field_73880_f | width | 2 | The width of the screen object. |
1676 | field_73881_g | height | 2 | The height of the screen object. |
1677 | field_73882_e | mc | 2 | Reference to the Minecraft object. |
1678 | field_73883_a | selectedButton | 2 | The button that was just pressed. |
1679 | field_73884_l | guiParticles | 2 | |
1680 | field_73885_j | allowUserInput | 2 | |
1681 | field_73886_k | fontRenderer | 2 | The FontRenderer used by GuiScreen |
1682 | field_73887_h | controlList | 2 | A list of all the controls added to this container. |
1683 | field_73888_d | theChatOptions | 2 | |
1684 | field_73889_b | theGuiScreen | 2 | Instance of GuiScreen. |
1685 | field_73890_c | theSettings | 2 | Instance of GameSettings file. |
1686 | field_73891_a | allScreenChatOptions | 2 | An array of all EnumOptions which are to do with chat. |
1687 | field_73899_c | sentHistoryCursor | 2 | keeps position of which chat message you will select when you press up, (does not increase for duplicated messages sent immediately after each other) |
1688 | field_73900_q | defaultInputFieldText | 2 | is the text that appears when you press the chat key and the input box appears pre-filled |
1689 | field_73901_a | inputField | 2 | Chat entry field |
1690 | field_73902_p | clickedURI | 2 | used to pass around the URI to various dialogues and to the host os |
1691 | field_73908_d | buttonId | 2 | The ID of the button that has been pressed. |
1692 | field_73909_b | parentScreen | 2 | A reference to the screen object that created this. Used for navigating between screens. |
1693 | field_73910_c | options | 2 | Reference to the GameSettings object. |
1694 | field_73911_a | screenTitle | 2 | The title string that is displayed in the top-center of the screen. |
1695 | field_73915_D | localizedNewWorldText | 2 | E.g. New World, Neue Welt, Nieuwe wereld, Neuvo Mundo |
1696 | field_73916_E | worldTypeId | 2 | |
1697 | field_73917_F | ILLEGAL_WORLD_NAMES | 2 | If the world name is one of these, it'll be surrounded with underscores. |
1698 | field_73918_d | folderName | 2 | |
1699 | field_73919_b | textboxWorldName | 2 | |
1700 | field_73920_A | gameModeDescriptionLine1 | 2 | The first line of text describing the currently selected game mode. |
1701 | field_73921_c | textboxSeed | 2 | |
1702 | field_73922_B | gameModeDescriptionLine2 | 2 | The second line of text describing the currently selected game mode. |
1703 | field_73923_C | seed | 2 | The current textboxSeed text |
1704 | field_73924_a | parentGuiScreen | 2 | |
1705 | field_73925_n | generateStructures | 2 | |
1706 | field_73926_o | commandsAllowed | 2 | |
1707 | field_73927_m | gameMode | 2 | hardcore', 'creative' or 'survival |
1708 | field_73928_w | buttonGenerateStructures | 2 | The GuiButton in the 'More World Options' screen. Toggles ON/OFF |
1709 | field_73929_v | moreWorldOptions | 2 | The GUIButton that you click to get to options like the seed when creating a world. |
1710 | field_73930_u | buttonGameMode | 2 | The GUIButton that you click to change game modes. |
1711 | field_73931_t | moreOptions | 2 | True if the extra options (Seed box, structure toggle button, world type button, etc.) are being shown |
1712 | field_73932_s | createClicked | 2 | |
1713 | field_73933_r | isHardcore | 2 | True if and only if gameMode.equals("hardcore") |
1714 | field_73934_q | bonusItems | 2 | toggles when GUIButton 7 is pressed |
1715 | field_73935_p | commandsToggled | 2 | True iif player has clicked buttonAllowCommands at least once |
1716 | field_73936_z | buttonAllowCommands | 2 | |
1717 | field_73937_y | buttonWorldType | 2 | The GuiButton in the more world options screen. |
1718 | field_73938_x | buttonBonusItems | 2 | |
1719 | field_73939_d | buttonText2 | 2 | The text shown for the second button in GuiYesNo |
1720 | field_73940_b | message1 | 2 | First line of text. |
1721 | field_73941_c | buttonText1 | 2 | The text shown for the first button in GuiYesNo |
1722 | field_73942_a | parentScreen | 2 | A reference to the screen object that created this. Used for navigating between screens. |
1723 | field_73943_n | worldNumber | 2 | World number to be deleted. |
1724 | field_73944_m | message2 | 2 | Second line of text. |
1725 | field_73946_b | copyLinkButtonText | 2 | Label for the Copy to Clipboard button. |
1726 | field_73947_a | openLinkWarning | 2 | Text to warn players from opening unsafe links. |
1727 | field_73948_b | chatGui | 2 | |
1728 | field_73949_a | theChatClickData | 2 | Instance of ChatClickData. |
1729 | field_73964_d | guiTexturePackSlot | 2 | the GuiTexturePackSlot that contains all the texture packs and their descriptions |
1730 | field_73965_b | refreshTimer | 2 | |
1731 | field_73966_c | fileLocation | 2 | the absolute location of this texture pack |
1732 | field_73967_a | guiScreen | 2 | |
1733 | field_73973_d | buttonResetDemo | 2 | |
1734 | field_73974_b | updateCounter | 2 | Counts the number of screen updates. |
1735 | field_73975_c | splashText | 2 | The splash message. |
1736 | field_73976_a | rand | 2 | The RNG used by the Main Menu Screen. |
1737 | field_73977_n | viewportTexture | 2 | Texture allocated for the current viewport of the main menu's panorama background. |
1738 | field_73978_o | titlePanoramaPaths | 2 | An array of all the paths to the panorama pictures. |
1739 | field_73979_m | panoramaTimer | 2 | Timer used to rotate the panorama, increases every tick. |
1740 | field_73980_d | updateCounter | 2 | Counts the number of screen updates. |
1741 | field_73981_b | allowedCharacters | 2 | This String is just a local copy of the characters allowed in text rendering of minecraft. |
1742 | field_73982_c | entitySign | 2 | Reference to the sign object. |
1743 | field_73983_a | screenTitle | 2 | The title string that is displayed in the top-center of the screen. |
1744 | field_73984_m | editLine | 2 | The number of the line that is being edited. |
1745 | field_73988_b | lines | 2 | List of lines on the ending poem and credits. |
1746 | field_73990_a | updateCounter | 2 | Counts the number of screen updates. |
1747 | field_73991_d | serverTextField | 2 | |
1748 | field_73992_b | guiScreen | 2 | Needed a change as a local variable was conflicting on construct |
1749 | field_73993_c | theServerData | 2 | Instance of ServerData. |
1750 | field_73994_a | lastServerName | 2 | Remembers the last hostname or IP address entered into text field between invocations of the GUI. |
1751 | field_73995_a | cooldownTimer | 2 | The cooldown timer for the buttons, increases every tick and enables all buttons when reaching 20. |
1752 | field_73996_d | newServerData | 2 | ServerData to be modified by this GUI |
1753 | field_73997_b | serverAddress | 2 | |
1754 | field_73998_c | serverName | 2 | |
1755 | field_73999_a | parentGui | 2 | This GUI's parent GUI. |
1756 | field_74000_b | message2 | 2 | Unused class. Would contain a message drawn to the center of the screen. |
1757 | field_74001_a | message1 | 2 | Unused class. Would contain a message drawn to the center of the screen. |
1758 | field_74022_d | serverSlotContainer | 2 | Slot container for the server list |
1759 | field_74023_b | lock | 2 | Lock object for use with synchronized() |
1760 | field_74025_c | parentScreen | 2 | A reference to the screen object that created this. Used for navigating between screens. |
1761 | field_74027_a | threadsPending | 2 | Number of outstanding ThreadPollServers threads |
1762 | field_74028_n | selectedServer | 2 | Index of the currently selected server |
1763 | field_74029_o | buttonEdit | 2 | The 'Edit' button |
1764 | field_74030_m | internetServerList | 2 | |
1765 | field_74031_w | theServerData | 2 | Instance of ServerData. |
1766 | field_74032_v | lagTooltip | 2 | This GUI's lag tooltip text or null if no lag icon is being hovered. |
1767 | field_74033_u | directClicked | 2 | The 'Direct Connect' button was clicked |
1768 | field_74034_t | editClicked | 2 | The 'Edit' button was clicked |
1769 | field_74035_s | addClicked | 2 | The 'Add server' button was clicked |
1770 | field_74036_r | deleteClicked | 2 | The 'Delete' button was clicked |
1771 | field_74037_q | buttonDelete | 2 | The 'Delete' button |
1772 | field_74038_p | buttonSelect | 2 | The 'Join Server' button |
1773 | field_74040_y | localServerFindThread | 2 | |
1774 | field_74041_x | localNetworkServerList | 2 | |
1775 | field_74044_d | theGameSettings | 2 | For saving the user's language selection to disk. |
1776 | field_74045_b | updateTimer | 2 | Timer used to update texture packs, decreases every tick and is reset to 20 and updates texture packs upon reaching 0. |
1777 | field_74046_c | languageList | 2 | This GUI's language list. |
1778 | field_74047_a | parentGui | 2 | This GUI's parent GUI. |
1779 | field_74048_m | doneButton | 2 | This GUI's 'Done' button. |
1780 | field_74049_b | updateCounter | 2 | Counts the number of screen updates. |
1781 | field_74050_a | updateCounter2 | 2 | Also counts the number of updates, not certain as to why yet. |
1782 | field_74051_d | options | 2 | Reference to the GameSettings object. |
1783 | field_74052_b | relevantOptions | 2 | An array of options that can be changed directly from the options GUI. |
1784 | field_74053_c | parentScreen | 2 | A reference to the screen object that created this. Used for navigating between screens. |
1785 | field_74054_a | screenTitle | 2 | The title string that is displayed in the top-center of the screen. |
1786 | field_74055_b | theGuiTextField | 2 | |
1787 | field_74056_c | worldName | 2 | |
1788 | field_74057_a | parentGuiScreen | 2 | |
1789 | field_74074_d | selected | 2 | True if a world has been selected. |
1790 | field_74075_b | screenTitle | 2 | The title string that is displayed in the top-center of the screen. |
1791 | field_74076_c | dateFormatter | 2 | simple date formater |
1792 | field_74077_a | parentScreen | 2 | A reference to the screen object that created this. Used for navigating between screens. |
1793 | field_74078_n | saveList | 2 | The save list for the world selection screen |
1794 | field_74079_o | worldSlotContainer | 2 | |
1795 | field_74080_m | selectedWorld | 2 | the currently selected world |
1796 | field_74081_v | buttonDelete | 2 | the delete button in the world selection gui |
1797 | field_74082_u | buttonSelect | 2 | the select button in the world selection gui |
1798 | field_74083_t | buttonRename | 2 | the rename button in the world selection gui |
1799 | field_74084_s | deleting | 2 | set to true if you arein the process of deleteing a world/save |
1800 | field_74085_r | localizedGameModeText | 2 | The game mode text that is displayed with each world on the world selection list. |
1801 | field_74086_q | localizedMustConvertText | 2 | |
1802 | field_74087_p | localizedWorldText | 2 | E.g. World, Welt, Monde, Mundo |
1803 | field_74089_d | gameMode | 2 | The currently selected game mode. One of 'survival', 'creative', or 'adventure' |
1804 | field_74090_b | buttonAllowCommandsToggle | 2 | |
1805 | field_74091_c | buttonGameMode | 2 | |
1806 | field_74092_a | parentScreen | 2 | A reference to the screen object that created this. Used for navigating between screens. |
1807 | field_74093_m | allowCommands | 2 | True if 'Allow Cheats' is currently enabled |
1808 | field_74097_b | snooperGameSettings | 2 | Instance of GameSettings. |
1809 | field_74099_p | buttonAllowSnooping | 2 | |
1810 | field_74100_a | snooperGuiScreen | 2 | Instance of GuiScreen. |
1811 | field_74102_o | snooperList | 2 | |
1812 | field_74103_m | snooperTitle | 2 | The Snooper title. |
1813 | field_74104_d | is64bit | 2 | True if the system is 64-bit (using a simple indexOf test on a system property) |
1814 | field_74105_b | parentGuiScreen | 2 | |
1815 | field_74106_c | guiGameSettings | 2 | GUI game settings |
1816 | field_74107_a | screenTitle | 2 | The title string that is displayed in the top-center of the screen. |
1817 | field_74108_m | videoOptions | 2 | An array of all of EnumOption's video options. |
1818 | field_74111_d | mouseY | 2 | The current mouse y coordinate |
1819 | field_74112_b | achievementsPaneHeight | 2 | |
1820 | field_74113_c | mouseX | 2 | The current mouse x coordinate |
1821 | field_74114_a | achievementsPaneWidth | 2 | |
1822 | field_74116_o | guiMapX | 2 | The x position of the achievement map |
1823 | field_74118_w | isMouseButtonDown | 2 | Whether the Mouse Button is down or not |
1824 | field_74119_v | guiMapRight | 2 | The right y coordinate of the achievement map |
1825 | field_74120_u | guiMapBottom | 2 | The bottom x coordinate of the achievement map |
1826 | field_74121_t | guiMapLeft | 2 | The left y coordinate of the achievement map |
1827 | field_74122_s | guiMapTop | 2 | The top x coordinate of the achievement map |
1828 | field_74125_p | guiMapY | 2 | The y position of the achievement map |
1829 | field_74126_x | statFileWriter | 2 | |
1830 | field_74150_d | slotGeneral | 2 | The slot for general stats. |
1831 | field_74151_b | statsTitle | 2 | The title of the stats screen. |
1832 | field_74152_c | renderItem | 2 | |
1833 | field_74153_p | selectedSlot | 2 | The currently-selected slot. |
1834 | field_74154_a | parentGui | 2 | |
1835 | field_74155_n | slotBlock | 2 | The slot for block stats. |
1836 | field_74156_o | statFileWriter | 2 | |
1837 | field_74157_m | slotItem | 2 | The slot for item stats. |
1838 | field_74166_d | bookModified | 2 | |
1839 | field_74167_b | itemstackBook | 2 | |
1840 | field_74168_c | bookIsUnsigned | 2 | Whether the book is signed or can still be edited |
1841 | field_74169_a | editingPlayer | 2 | The player editing the book |
1842 | field_74170_n | updateCount | 2 | Update ticks since the gui was opened |
1843 | field_74171_o | bookImageWidth | 2 | |
1844 | field_74172_m | editingTitle | 2 | |
1845 | field_74173_w | buttonDone | 2 | |
1846 | field_74174_v | buttonPreviousPage | 2 | |
1847 | field_74175_u | buttonNextPage | 2 | |
1848 | field_74176_t | bookTitle | 2 | |
1849 | field_74177_s | bookPages | 2 | |
1850 | field_74178_r | currPage | 2 | |
1851 | field_74179_q | bookTotalPages | 2 | |
1852 | field_74180_p | bookImageHeight | 2 | |
1853 | field_74181_z | buttonCancel | 2 | |
1854 | field_74182_y | buttonFinalize | 2 | |
1855 | field_74183_x | buttonSign | 2 | The GuiButton to sign this book. |
1856 | field_74193_d | inventorySlots | 2 | A list of the players inventory slots. |
1857 | field_74194_b | xSize | 2 | The X size of the inventory window in pixels. |
1858 | field_74195_c | ySize | 2 | The Y size of the inventory window in pixels. |
1859 | field_74196_a | itemRenderer | 2 | Stacks renderer. Icons, stack size, health, etc... |
1860 | field_74197_n | guiTop | 2 | Starting Y position for the Gui. Inconsistent use for Gui backgrounds. |
1861 | field_74198_m | guiLeft | 2 | Starting X position for the Gui. Inconsistent use for Gui backgrounds. |
1862 | field_74200_r | currentRecipeIndex | 2 | |
1863 | field_74201_q | previousRecipeButtonIndex | 2 | |
1864 | field_74202_p | nextRecipeButtonIndex | 2 | |
1865 | field_74203_o | theIMerchant | 2 | Instance of IMerchant interface. |
1866 | field_74204_o | furnaceInventory | 2 | |
1867 | field_74206_w | bookModel | 2 | The book model used on the GUI. |
1868 | field_74215_y | containerEnchantment | 2 | ContainerEnchantment object associated with this gui |
1869 | field_74216_x | rand | 2 | |
1870 | field_74218_q | inventoryRows | 2 | window height is calculated with this values, the more rows, the heigher |
1871 | field_74219_p | lowerChestInventory | 2 | |
1872 | field_74220_o | upperChestInventory | 2 | |
1873 | field_74224_p | ySize_lo | 2 | y size of the inventory window in pixels. Defined as float, passed as int. |
1874 | field_74225_o | xSize_lo | 2 | x size of the inventory window in pixels. Defined as float, passed as int |
1875 | field_74237_t | searchField | 2 | |
1876 | field_74238_s | wasClicking | 2 | True if the left mouse button was held down last time drawScreen was called. |
1877 | field_74239_r | isScrolling | 2 | True if the scrollbar is being dragged |
1878 | field_74240_q | currentScroll | 2 | Amount scrolled in Creative mode inventory (0 = top, 1 = bottom) |
1879 | field_74241_p | selectedTabIndex | 2 | Currently selected creative inventory tab index. |
1880 | field_74242_o | inventory | 2 | |
1881 | field_74243_b | netClientHandlerWebTextures | 2 | Initialises Web Textures? |
1882 | field_74244_a | texturePackName | 2 | The Texture Pack's name. |
1883 | field_74246_b | errorDetail | 2 | The details about the error. |
1884 | field_74248_a | errorMessage | 2 | The error message. |
1885 | field_74258_b | cancelled | 2 | True if the connection attempt has been cancelled. |
1886 | field_74259_a | clientHandler | 2 | A reference to the NetClientHandler. |
1887 | field_74260_b | updateCounter | 2 | Counts the number of screen updates. |
1888 | field_74261_a | netHandler | 2 | Network object that downloads the terrain data. |
1889 | field_74262_d | noMoreProgress | 2 | |
1890 | field_74263_b | workingMessage | 2 | |
1891 | field_74264_c | currentProgress | 2 | |
1892 | field_74265_a | progressMessage | 2 | |
1893 | field_74266_b | lastTimeMillis | 2 | lastTimeMillis |
1894 | field_74267_a | mcServer | 2 | Reference to the MinecraftServer object. |
1895 | field_74268_a | simpleDateFormatLogFormatter | 2 | Date Formatter of Log/Console. |
1896 | field_74270_a | minecraftServerPlayers | 2 | Gets Minecraft Server players. |
1897 | field_74272_a | minecraftServerProfiler | 2 | Gets Minecraft Server profile. |
1898 | field_74274_a | minecraftServerIsServerModded | 2 | For checking if Minecraft Server is modded. |
1899 | field_74276_f | lastHRTime | 2 | The time reported by the high-resolution clock at the last call of updateTimer(), in seconds |
1900 | field_74277_g | lastSyncSysClock | 2 | The time reported by the system clock at the last sync, in milliseconds |
1901 | field_74278_d | timerSpeed | 2 | A multiplier to make the timer (and therefore the game) go faster or slower. 0.5 makes the game run at half-speed. |
1902 | field_74279_e | elapsedPartialTicks | 2 | How much time has elapsed since the last tick, in ticks (range: 0.0 - 1.0). |
1903 | field_74280_b | elapsedTicks | 2 | How many full ticks have turned over since the last call to updateTimer(), capped at 10. |
1904 | field_74281_c | renderPartialTicks | 2 | How much time has elapsed since the last tick, in ticks, for use by display rendering routines (range: 0.0 - 1.0). This field is frozen if the display is paused to eliminate jitter. |
1905 | field_74282_a | ticksPerSecond | 2 | The number of timer ticks per second of real time |
1906 | field_74283_j | timeSyncAdjustment | 2 | A ratio used to sync the high-resolution clock to the system clock, updated once per second |
1907 | field_74284_h | lastSyncHRClock | 2 | The time reported by the high-resolution clock at the last sync, in milliseconds |
1908 | field_74286_b | username | 2 | |
1909 | field_74287_c | sessionId | 2 | |
1910 | field_74288_a | registeredBlocksList | 2 | |
1911 | field_74295_a | dateFormat | 2 | |
1912 | field_74310_D | keyBindChat | 2 | |
1913 | field_74311_E | keyBindSneak | 2 | |
1914 | field_74312_F | keyBindAttack | 2 | |
1915 | field_74313_G | keyBindUseItem | 2 | |
1916 | field_74314_A | keyBindJump | 2 | |
1917 | field_74315_B | keyBindInventory | 2 | |
1918 | field_74316_C | keyBindDrop | 2 | |
1919 | field_74317_L | mc | 2 | |
1920 | field_74318_M | difficulty | 2 | |
1921 | field_74319_N | hideGUI | 2 | |
1922 | field_74320_O | thirdPersonView | 2 | |
1923 | field_74321_H | keyBindPlayerList | 2 | |
1924 | field_74322_I | keyBindPickBlock | 2 | |
1925 | field_74323_J | keyBindCommand | 2 | |
1926 | field_74324_K | keyBindings | 2 | |
1927 | field_74325_U | debugCamEnable | 2 | |
1928 | field_74326_T | smoothCamera | 2 | Smooth Camera Toggle |
1929 | field_74327_W | debugCamRate | 2 | Change rate for debug camera |
1930 | field_74328_V | noclipRate | 2 | No clipping movement rate |
1931 | field_74329_Q | showDebugProfilerChart | 2 | |
1932 | field_74330_P | showDebugInfo | 2 | true if debug info should be displayed instead of version |
1933 | field_74331_S | noclip | 2 | No clipping for singleplayer |
1934 | field_74332_R | lastServer | 2 | The lastServer string. |
1935 | field_74333_Y | gammaSetting | 2 | |
1936 | field_74334_X | fovSetting | 2 | |
1937 | field_74335_Z | guiScale | 2 | GUI scale |
1938 | field_74336_f | viewBobbing | 2 | |
1939 | field_74337_g | anaglyph | 2 | |
1940 | field_74338_d | invertMouse | 2 | |
1941 | field_74339_e | renderDistance | 2 | |
1942 | field_74340_b | soundVolume | 2 | |
1943 | field_74341_c | mouseSensitivity | 2 | |
1944 | field_74342_a | musicVolume | 2 | |
1945 | field_74343_n | chatVisibility | 2 | |
1946 | field_74344_o | chatColours | 2 | |
1947 | field_74345_l | clouds | 2 | Clouds flag |
1948 | field_74346_m | skin | 2 | The name of the selected texture pack. |
1949 | field_74347_j | fancyGraphics | 2 | |
1950 | field_74348_k | ambientOcclusion | 2 | Smooth Lighting |
1951 | field_74349_h | advancedOpengl | 2 | Advanced OpenGL |
1952 | field_74350_i | limitFramerate | 2 | |
1953 | field_74351_w | keyBindForward | 2 | |
1954 | field_74352_v | enableVsync | 2 | |
1955 | field_74353_u | fullScreen | 2 | |
1956 | field_74354_ai | optionsFile | 2 | |
1957 | field_74355_t | snooperEnabled | 2 | |
1958 | field_74356_s | serverTextures | 2 | |
1959 | field_74357_r | chatOpacity | 2 | |
1960 | field_74358_q | chatLinksPrompt | 2 | |
1961 | field_74359_p | chatLinks | 2 | |
1962 | field_74360_ac | RENDER_DISTANCES | 2 | |
1963 | field_74361_ad | DIFFICULTIES | 2 | |
1964 | field_74362_aa | particleSetting | 2 | Determines amount of particles. 0 = All, 1 = Decreased, 2 = Minimal |
1965 | field_74363_ab | language | 2 | Game settings language |
1966 | field_74364_ag | PARTICLES | 2 | |
1967 | field_74365_ah | LIMIT_FRAMERATES | 2 | Limit framerate labels |
1968 | field_74366_z | keyBindRight | 2 | |
1969 | field_74367_ae | GUISCALES | 2 | GUI scale values |
1970 | field_74368_y | keyBindBack | 2 | |
1971 | field_74369_af | CHAT_VISIBILITIES | 2 | |
1972 | field_74370_x | keyBindLeft | 2 | |
1973 | field_74375_b | deltaY | 2 | Mouse delta Y this frame |
1974 | field_74376_c | windowComponent | 2 | |
1975 | field_74377_a | deltaX | 2 | Mouse delta X this frame |
1976 | field_74385_A | enumFloat | 2 | |
1977 | field_74386_B | enumBoolean | 2 | |
1978 | field_74387_C | enumString | 2 | |
1979 | field_74414_a | enumOptionsMappingHelperArray | 2 | |
1980 | field_74416_a | minecraftModded | 2 | Gets if Minecraft is Modded. |
1981 | field_74417_a | theTcpConnection | 2 | |
1982 | field_74419_a | minecraftGLInfo | 2 | Gets Minecraft Open GL Info. |
1983 | field_74421_a | minecraftLWJGLVersion | 2 | Gets Minecraft LWJGL version. |
1984 | field_74422_a | mcApplet | 2 | Reference to the MinecraftApplet object. |
1985 | field_74438_f | shutdownReason | 2 | |
1986 | field_74440_d | myNetHandler | 2 | |
1987 | field_74441_e | shuttingDown | 2 | set to true by {server,network}Shutdown |
1988 | field_74442_b | readPacketCache | 2 | |
1989 | field_74443_c | pairedConnection | 2 | |
1990 | field_74444_a | mySocketAddress | 2 | |
1991 | field_74445_h | gamePaused | 2 | |
1992 | field_74465_f | isInputBeingDecrypted | 2 | |
1993 | field_74466_g | isOutputEncrypted | 2 | |
1994 | field_74472_n | isTerminating | 2 | Whether this network manager is currently terminating (and should ignore further errors). |
1995 | field_74473_o | readPackets | 2 | Linked list of packets that have been read and are awaiting processing. |
1996 | field_74474_l | socketOutputStream | 2 | The output stream connected to the socket. |
1997 | field_74475_m | isRunning | 2 | Whether the network is currently operational. |
1998 | field_74476_j | remoteSocketAddress | 2 | The InetSocketAddress of the remote endpoint |
1999 | field_74477_k | socketInputStream | 2 | The input stream connected to the socket. |
2000 | field_74478_h | sendQueueLock | 2 | The object used for synchronization on the send queue. |
2001 | field_74479_i | networkSocket | 2 | The socket used by this network manager. |
2002 | field_74481_v | terminationReason | 2 | A String indicating why the network has shutdown. |
2003 | field_74482_u | readThread | 2 | The thread used for reading. |
2004 | field_74483_t | writeThread | 2 | The thread used for writing. |
2005 | field_74484_s | isServerTerminating | 2 | Whether this server is currently terminating. If this is a client, this is always false. |
2006 | field_74485_r | theNetHandler | 2 | A reference to the NetHandler object. |
2007 | field_74486_q | chunkDataPackets | 2 | Linked list of packets with chunk data that are awaiting sending. |
2008 | field_74487_p | dataPackets | 2 | Linked list of packets awaiting sending. |
2009 | field_74488_z | sharedKeyForEncryption | 2 | |
2010 | field_74489_y | sendQueueByteLength | 2 | The length in bytes of the packets in both send queues (data and chunkData). |
2011 | field_74498_a | theTcpConnection | 2 | |
2012 | field_74500_a | minecraftClientProfiler | 2 | Gets skin of Minecraft player. |
2013 | field_74501_a | theTcpConnection | 2 | |
2014 | field_74503_a | minecraftServerType2 | 2 | Gets Client Server type. |
2015 | field_74504_a | theTcpConnection | 2 | |
2016 | field_74511_f | pressTime | 2 | |
2017 | field_74512_d | keyCode | 2 | |
2018 | field_74513_e | pressed | 2 | because _303 wanted me to call it that(Caironater) |
2019 | field_74514_b | hash | 2 | |
2020 | field_74515_c | keyDescription | 2 | |
2021 | field_74516_a | keybindArray | 2 | |
2022 | field_74522_a | colorBuffer | 2 | Float buffer used to set OpenGL material colors |
2023 | field_74532_a | mc | 2 | A reference to the Minecraft object. |
2024 | field_74533_a | enumOSMappingHelperArray | 2 | |
2025 | field_74536_a | mc | 2 | Minecraft instance |
2026 | field_74537_a | logo | 2 | BufferedImage object containing the Majong logo. |
2027 | field_74541_b | lineString | 2 | |
2028 | field_74542_c | chatLineID | 2 | int value to refer to existing Chat Lines, can be 0 which means unreferrable |
2029 | field_74543_a | updateCounterCreated | 2 | GUI Update Counter value this Line was created at |
2030 | field_74568_d | lastCharacterWasCarriageReturn | 2 | |
2031 | field_74569_b | characterCount | 2 | |
2032 | field_74570_c | lineCount | 2 | |
2033 | field_74571_a | pushbackReader | 2 | |
2034 | field_74577_b | mc | 2 | A reference to the Minecraft object. |
2035 | field_74578_c | closing | 2 | Set to true when Minecraft is closing down. |
2036 | field_74579_a | resourcesFolder | 2 | The folder to store the resources in. |
2037 | field_74586_f | rotationZ | 2 | The Z component of the entity's yaw rotation |
2038 | field_74587_g | rotationYZ | 2 | The Y component (scaled along the Z axis) of the entity's pitch rotation |
2039 | field_74588_d | rotationX | 2 | The X component of the entity's yaw rotation |
2040 | field_74589_e | rotationXZ | 2 | The combined X and Z components of the entity's pitch rotation |
2041 | field_74590_b | objectY | 2 | The calculated view object Y coordinate |
2042 | field_74591_c | objectZ | 2 | The calculated view object Z coordinate |
2043 | field_74592_a | objectX | 2 | The calculated view object X coordinate |
2044 | field_74593_l | objectCoords | 2 | The computed view object coordinates |
2045 | field_74594_j | modelview | 2 | The current GL modelview matrix |
2046 | field_74595_k | projection | 2 | The current GL projection matrix |
2047 | field_74596_h | rotationXY | 2 | The Y component (scaled along the X axis) of the entity's pitch rotation |
2048 | field_74597_i | viewport | 2 | The current GL viewport |
2049 | field_74598_a | nodeBuilder | 2 | |
2050 | field_74601_a | builtStringNode | 2 | |
2051 | field_74602_a | builtNode | 2 | |
2052 | field_74605_a | elementBuilders | 2 | |
2053 | field_74609_a | fieldBuilders | 2 | |
2054 | field_74617_a | fields | 2 | |
2055 | field_74619_a | elements | 2 | |
2056 | field_74620_b | value | 2 | |
2057 | field_74621_a | PATTERN | 2 | |
2058 | field_74622_d | jsonNodeType | 2 | |
2059 | field_74623_b | TRUE | 2 | |
2060 | field_74624_c | FALSE | 2 | |
2061 | field_74625_a | NULL | 2 | |
2062 | field_74627_a | value | 2 | |
2063 | field_74631_b | childJsonNodeSelector | 2 | |
2064 | field_74632_a | parentJsonNodeSelector | 2 | |
2065 | field_74636_a | index | 2 | |
2066 | field_74643_a | theFieldName | 2 | fieldName in the actual Argo source. |
2067 | field_74662_b | root | 2 | |
2068 | field_74663_a | stack | 2 | |
2069 | field_74664_b | row | 2 | |
2070 | field_74665_a | column | 2 | |
2071 | field_74689_a | valueGetter | 2 | |
2072 | field_74702_b | failPath | 2 | |
2073 | field_74703_a | failedNode | 2 | |
2074 | field_74707_a | JSON_FORMATTER | 2 | |
2075 | field_74717_b | listenerToJdomAdapter | 2 | |
2076 | field_74718_a | fieldBuilder | 2 | |
2077 | field_74719_b | listenerToJdomAdapter | 2 | |
2078 | field_74720_a | nodeBuilder | 2 | |
2079 | field_74721_b | listenerToJdomAdapter | 2 | |
2080 | field_74722_a | nodeBuilder | 2 | |
2081 | field_74728_b | valueBuilder | 2 | |
2082 | field_74729_a | key | 2 | |
2083 | field_74730_a | elements | 2 | |
2084 | field_74741_a | name | 2 | The UTF string key used to lookup values. |
2085 | field_74746_b | tagType | 2 | The type byte for the tags in the list - they must all be of the same type. |
2086 | field_74747_a | tagList | 2 | The array list containing the tags encapsulated in this list. |
2087 | field_74748_a | data | 2 | The integer value for the tag. |
2088 | field_74749_a | intArray | 2 | The array of saved integers |
2089 | field_74750_a | data | 2 | The float value for the tag. |
2090 | field_74751_a | data | 2 | The string value for the tag (cannot be empty). |
2091 | field_74752_a | data | 2 | The short value for the tag. |
2092 | field_74753_a | data | 2 | The long value for the tag. |
2093 | field_74754_a | byteArray | 2 | The byte array stored in the tag. |
2094 | field_74755_a | data | 2 | The double value for the tag. |
2095 | field_74756_a | data | 2 | The byte value for the tag. |
2096 | field_74784_a | tagMap | 2 | The key-value pairs for the tag. Each key is a UTF string, each value is a tag. |
2097 | field_74790_a | enumJsonNodeTypeMappingArray | 2 | A mapping helper array for EnumJsonNodeType's values. |
2098 | field_74791_a | escapedString | 2 | |
2099 | field_74813_d | currentLanguage | 2 | |
2100 | field_74814_e | isUnicode | 2 | |
2101 | field_74815_b | translateTable | 2 | Contains all key/value pairs to be translated - is loaded from '/lang/en_US.lang' when the StringTranslate is created. |
2102 | field_74816_c | languageList | 2 | |
2103 | field_74817_a | instance | 2 | Is the private singleton instance of StringTranslate. |
2104 | field_74824_d | keyInfoConverters | 2 | |
2105 | field_74826_b | CONFIGURATION | 2 | |
2106 | field_74827_c | info | 2 | |
2107 | field_74828_a | PROVIDER_NAME | 2 | |
2108 | field_74831_f | dhThreadSpec | 2 | |
2109 | field_74832_d | BC_DH_PERMISSION | 2 | |
2110 | field_74833_e | ecThreadSpec | 2 | |
2111 | field_74834_b | BC_EC_PERMISSION | 2 | |
2112 | field_74835_c | BC_DH_LOCAL_PERMISSION | 2 | |
2113 | field_74836_a | BC_EC_LOCAL_PERMISSION | 2 | |
2114 | field_74839_a | localizedName | 2 | |
2115 | field_74842_b | permissionMask | 2 | |
2116 | field_74843_a | actions | 2 | |
2117 | field_74845_a | errorObjects | 2 | |
2118 | field_74885_f | coordBaseMode | 2 | switches the Coordinate System base off the Bounding Box |
2119 | field_74886_g | componentType | 2 | The type ID of this component. |
2120 | field_74887_e | boundingBox | 2 | |
2121 | field_74896_a | villagersSpawned | 2 | The number of villagers that have been spawned in this component. |
2122 | field_74897_k | startPiece | 2 | The starting piece of the village. |
2123 | field_74899_a | averageGroundLevel | 2 | |
2124 | field_74901_a | averageGroundLevel | 2 | |
2125 | field_74903_a | averageGroundLevel | 2 | |
2126 | field_74905_a | averageGroundLevel | 2 | |
2127 | field_74907_a | averageGroundLevel | 2 | |
2128 | field_74909_b | isTallHouse | 2 | |
2129 | field_74910_c | tablePosition | 2 | |
2130 | field_74911_a | averageGroundLevel | 2 | |
2131 | field_74913_b | isRoofAccessible | 2 | |
2132 | field_74914_a | averageGroundLevel | 2 | |
2133 | field_74916_b | averageGroundLevel | 2 | |
2134 | field_74917_c | hasMadeChest | 2 | |
2135 | field_74918_a | villageBlacksmithChestContents | 2 | List of items that Village's Blacksmith chest can contain. |
2136 | field_74920_a | averageGroundLevel | 2 | |
2137 | field_74922_a | averageGroundLevel | 2 | |
2138 | field_74923_b | averageGroundLevel | 2 | |
2139 | field_74926_d | structVillagePieceWeight | 2 | |
2140 | field_74927_b | inDesert | 2 | Boolean that determines if the village is in a desert or not. |
2141 | field_74928_c | terrainType | 2 | World terrain type, 0 for normal, 1 for flap map |
2142 | field_74929_a | worldChunkMngr | 2 | |
2143 | field_74931_h | structureVillageWeightedPieceList | 2 | Contains List of all spawnable Structure Piece Weights. If no more Pieces of a type can be spawned, they are removed from this list |
2144 | field_74934_a | averageGroundLevel | 2 | |
2145 | field_74937_b | scatteredFeatureSizeY | 2 | The size of the bounding box for this feature in the Y axis |
2146 | field_74938_c | scatteredFeatureSizeZ | 2 | The size of the bounding box for this feature in the Z axis |
2147 | field_74939_a | scatteredFeatureSizeX | 2 | The size of the bounding box for this feature in the X axis |
2148 | field_74941_i | itemsToGenerateInTemple | 2 | List of items to generate in chests of Temples. |
2149 | field_74942_n | junglePyramidsRandomScatteredStones | 2 | List of random stones to be generated in the Jungle Pyramid. |
2150 | field_74943_l | junglePyramidsChestContents | 2 | List of Chest contents to be generated in the Jungle Pyramid chests. |
2151 | field_74944_m | junglePyramidsDispenserContents | 2 | List of Dispenser contents to be generated in the Jungle Pyramid dispensers. |
2152 | field_74949_a | roomsLinkedToTheRoom | 2 | List of other Mineshaft components linked to this room. |
2153 | field_74952_b | isMultipleFloors | 2 | |
2154 | field_74953_a | corridorDirection | 2 | |
2155 | field_74955_d | sectionCount | 2 | A count of the different sections of this mine. The space between ceiling supports. |
2156 | field_74956_b | hasSpiders | 2 | |
2157 | field_74957_c | spawnerPlaced | 2 | |
2158 | field_74958_a | hasRails | 2 | |
2159 | field_74968_b | primaryWeights | 2 | Contains the list of valid piece weights for the set of nether bridge structure pieces. |
2160 | field_74969_c | secondaryWeights | 2 | Contains the list of valid piece weights for the secondary set of nether bridge structure pieces. |
2161 | field_74970_a | theNetherBridgePieceWeight | 2 | Instance of StructureNetherBridgePieceWeight. |
2162 | field_74972_a | fillSeed | 2 | |
2163 | field_74976_a | hasSpawner | 2 | |
2164 | field_74998_a | doorType | 2 | |
2165 | field_75001_b | doorType | 2 | |
2166 | field_75002_c | hasMadeChest | 2 | |
2167 | field_75003_a | strongholdChestContents | 2 | List of items that Stronghold chests can contain. |
2168 | field_75005_a | hasSpawner | 2 | |
2169 | field_75007_b | strongholdLibraryChestContents | 2 | List of items that Stronghold Library chests can contain. |
2170 | field_75008_c | isLargeRoom | 2 | |
2171 | field_75009_a | doorType | 2 | |
2172 | field_75011_a | doorType | 2 | |
2173 | field_75013_b | roomType | 2 | |
2174 | field_75015_a | doorType | 2 | |
2175 | field_75017_a | doorType | 2 | |
2176 | field_75019_b | expandsX | 2 | |
2177 | field_75020_c | expandsZ | 2 | |
2178 | field_75021_a | doorType | 2 | |
2179 | field_75023_b | doorType | 2 | |
2180 | field_75025_b | portalRoom | 2 | |
2181 | field_75029_a | doorType | 2 | |
2182 | field_75038_b | rand | 2 | The RNG used by the MapGen classes. |
2183 | field_75039_c | worldObj | 2 | This world object. |
2184 | field_75040_a | range | 2 | The number of Chunks to gen-check in any given direction. |
2185 | field_75053_d | structureMap | 2 | Used to store a list of all structures that have been recursively generated. Used so that during recursive generation, the structure generator can avoid generating structures that intersect ones that have already been placed. |
2186 | field_75054_f | terrainType | 2 | World terrain type, 0 for normal, 1 for flat map |
2187 | field_75055_e | villageSpawnBiomes | 2 | A list of all the biomes villages can spawn in. |
2188 | field_75056_f | ranBiomeCheck | 2 | is spawned false and set true once the defined BiomeGenBases were compared with the present ones |
2189 | field_75057_g | structureCoords | 2 | |
2190 | field_75058_e | allowedBiomeGenBases | 2 | |
2191 | field_75060_e | spawnList | 2 | |
2192 | field_75061_e | biomelist | 2 | |
2193 | field_75065_b | selectedBlockMetaData | 2 | |
2194 | field_75066_a | selectedBlockId | 2 | |
2195 | field_75074_b | boundingBox | 2 | |
2196 | field_75075_a | components | 2 | List of all StructureComponents that are part of this structure |
2197 | field_75076_c | hasMoreThanTwoComponents | 2 | well ... thats what it does |
2198 | field_75087_d | villagePiecesLimit | 2 | |
2199 | field_75088_b | villagePieceWeight | 2 | |
2200 | field_75089_c | villagePiecesSpawned | 2 | |
2201 | field_75090_a | villagePieceClass | 2 | The Class object for the represantation of this village piece. |
2202 | field_75096_f | flySpeed | 2 | |
2203 | field_75097_g | walkSpeed | 2 | |
2204 | field_75098_d | isCreativeMode | 2 | Used to determine if creative mode is enabled, and therefore if items should be depleted on usage |
2205 | field_75099_e | allowEdit | 2 | Indicates whether the player is allowed to modify the surroundings |
2206 | field_75100_b | isFlying | 2 | Sets/indicates whether the player is flying. |
2207 | field_75101_c | allowFlying | 2 | whether or not to allow the player to fly when they double jump. |
2208 | field_75102_a | disableDamage | 2 | Disables player damage. |
2209 | field_75123_d | foodTimer | 2 | The player's food timer value. |
2210 | field_75124_e | prevFoodLevel | 2 | |
2211 | field_75125_b | foodSaturationLevel | 2 | The player's food saturation. |
2212 | field_75126_c | foodExhaustionLevel | 2 | The player's food exhaustion. |
2213 | field_75127_a | foodLevel | 2 | The player's food level. |
2214 | field_75148_f | playerList | 2 | |
2215 | field_75149_d | crafters | 2 | list of all people that need to be notified when this craftinventory changes |
2216 | field_75150_e | transactionID | 2 | |
2217 | field_75151_b | inventorySlots | 2 | the list of all slots in the inventory |
2218 | field_75152_c | windowId | 2 | |
2219 | field_75153_a | inventoryItemStacks | 2 | the list of all items(stacks) for the corresponding slot |
2220 | field_75154_f | numRows | 2 | |
2221 | field_75155_e | lowerChestInventory | 2 | |
2222 | field_75156_f | lastCookTime | 2 | |
2223 | field_75157_g | lastBurnTime | 2 | |
2224 | field_75158_e | furnace | 2 | |
2225 | field_75159_h | lastItemBurnTime | 2 | |
2226 | field_75160_f | craftResult | 2 | |
2227 | field_75161_g | worldObj | 2 | |
2228 | field_75162_e | craftMatrix | 2 | The crafting matrix inventory (3x3). |
2229 | field_75163_j | posZ | 2 | |
2230 | field_75164_h | posX | 2 | |
2231 | field_75165_i | posY | 2 | |
2232 | field_75166_f | nameSeed | 2 | used as seed for EnchantmentNameParts (see GuiEnchantment) |
2233 | field_75167_g | enchantLevels | 2 | 3-member array storing the enchantment levels of each slot |
2234 | field_75168_e | tableInventory | 2 | SlotEnchantmentTable object with ItemStack to be enchanted |
2235 | field_75169_l | rand | 2 | |
2236 | field_75170_j | posY | 2 | |
2237 | field_75171_k | posZ | 2 | |
2238 | field_75172_h | worldPointer | 2 | current world (for bookshelf counting) |
2239 | field_75173_i | posX | 2 | |
2240 | field_75176_f | merchantInventory | 2 | |
2241 | field_75177_g | theWorld | 2 | Instance of World. |
2242 | field_75178_e | theMerchant | 2 | Instance of Merchant. |
2243 | field_75179_f | craftResult | 2 | |
2244 | field_75180_g | isLocalWorld | 2 | Determines if inventory manipulation should be handled. |
2245 | field_75181_e | craftMatrix | 2 | The crafting matrix inventory. |
2246 | field_75182_e | tileEntityDispenser | 2 | |
2247 | field_75185_e | itemList | 2 | the list of items in this container |
2248 | field_75186_f | theSlot | 2 | Instance of Slot. |
2249 | field_75187_g | brewTime | 2 | |
2250 | field_75188_e | tileBrewingStand | 2 | |
2251 | field_75191_d | instancesLimit | 2 | How many Structure Pieces of this type may spawn in a structure |
2252 | field_75192_b | pieceWeight | 2 | This basically keeps track of the 'epicness' of a structure. Epic structure components have a higher 'weight', and Structures may only grow up to a certain 'weight' before generation is stopped |
2253 | field_75193_c | instancesSpawned | 2 | |
2254 | field_75194_a | pieceClass | 2 | |
2255 | field_75203_d | strongComponentType | 2 | |
2256 | field_75204_e | strongholdStones | 2 | |
2257 | field_75205_b | pieceWeightArray | 2 | |
2258 | field_75206_c | structurePieceList | 2 | |
2259 | field_75207_a | totalWeight | 2 | |
2260 | field_75221_f | yDisplayPosition | 2 | display position of the inventory slot on the screen y axis |
2261 | field_75222_d | slotNumber | 2 | the id of the slot(also the index in the inventory arraylist) |
2262 | field_75223_e | xDisplayPosition | 2 | display position of the inventory slot on the screen x axis |
2263 | field_75224_c | inventory | 2 | The inventory we want to extract a slot from. |
2264 | field_75225_a | slotIndex | 2 | The index of the slot in the inventory. |
2265 | field_75226_a | brewingStand | 2 | The brewing stand this slot belongs to. |
2266 | field_75227_a | container | 2 | The brewing stand this slot belongs to. |
2267 | field_75229_a | thePlayer | 2 | The player that is using the GUI where this slot resides. |
2268 | field_75232_b | thePlayer | 2 | The Player whos trying to buy/sell stuff. |
2269 | field_75233_a | theMerchantInventory | 2 | Merchant's inventory. |
2270 | field_75234_h | theMerchant | 2 | "Instance" of the Merchant. |
2271 | field_75235_b | parent | 2 | The parent class of this clot, ContainerPlayer, SlotArmor is a Anon inner class. |
2272 | field_75236_a | armorType | 2 | The armor type that can be placed on that slot, it uses the same values of armorType field on ItemArmor. |
2273 | field_75237_g | amountCrafted | 2 | The number of items that have been crafted so far. Gets passed to ItemStack.onCrafting before being reset. |
2274 | field_75238_b | thePlayer | 2 | The player that is using the GUI where this slot resides. |
2275 | field_75239_a | craftMatrix | 2 | The craft matrix inventory linked to this result slot. |
2276 | field_75241_b | theSlot | 2 | |
2277 | field_75242_a | theCreativeInventory | 2 | |
2278 | field_75244_a | player | 2 | The player that has this container open. |
2279 | field_75245_a | doorEnum | 2 | |
2280 | field_75254_a | mutexBits | 2 | A bitmask telling which other tasks may not run concurrently. The test is a simple bitwise AND - if it yields zero, the two tasks may run concurrently, if not - they must run exclusively from each other. |
2281 | field_75255_d | idleTime | 2 | A decrementing tick that stops the entity from being idle once it reaches 0. |
2282 | field_75256_b | lookX | 2 | X offset to look at |
2283 | field_75257_c | lookZ | 2 | Z offset to look at |
2284 | field_75258_a | idleEntity | 2 | The entity that is looking idle. |
2285 | field_75259_d | playTime | 2 | |
2286 | field_75260_b | targetVillager | 2 | |
2287 | field_75262_a | villagerObj | 2 | |
2288 | field_75263_d | randPosY | 2 | |
2289 | field_75264_e | randPosZ | 2 | |
2290 | field_75265_b | speed | 2 | |
2291 | field_75266_c | randPosX | 2 | |
2292 | field_75267_a | theEntityCreature | 2 | |
2293 | field_75268_b | creeperAttackTarget | 2 | The creeper's attack target. This is used for the changing of the creeper's state. |
2294 | field_75269_a | swellingCreeper | 2 | The creeper that is swelling. |
2295 | field_75271_b | isSitting | 2 | If the EntityTameable is sitting. |
2296 | field_75272_a | theEntity | 2 | |
2297 | field_75273_a | theEntity | 2 | |
2298 | field_75274_b | frontDoor | 2 | |
2299 | field_75275_a | entityObj | 2 | |
2300 | field_75276_a | villager | 2 | |
2301 | field_75284_a | temptedEntity | 2 | The entity using this AI that is tempted by the player. |
2302 | field_75285_l | scaredByPlayerMovement | 2 | Whether the entity using this AI will be scared by the tempter's sudden movement. |
2303 | field_75288_k | breedingFood | 2 | This field saves the ID of the items that can be used to breed entities with this behaviour. |
2304 | field_75289_h | temptingPlayer | 2 | The player that is tempting the entity that is using this AI. |
2305 | field_75290_i | delayTemptCounter | 2 | A counter that is decremented each time the shouldExecute method is called. The shouldExecute method will always return false if delayTemptCounter is greater than 0. |
2306 | field_75291_d | tookGolemRose | 2 | |
2307 | field_75292_b | theGolem | 2 | |
2308 | field_75293_c | takeGolemRoseTick | 2 | |
2309 | field_75294_a | theVillager | 2 | |
2310 | field_75297_f | shouldCheckSight | 2 | If true, EntityAI targets must be able to be seen (cannot be blocked by walls) to be suitable targets. |
2311 | field_75299_d | taskOwner | 2 | The entity that this task belongs to |
2312 | field_75300_e | targetDistance | 2 | |
2313 | field_75304_b | villageAgressorTarget | 2 | The aggressor of the iron golem's village which is now the golem's attack target. |
2314 | field_75305_a | irongolem | 2 | |
2315 | field_75306_g | theNearestAttackableTargetSorter | 2 | Instance of EntityAINearestAttackableTargetSorter. |
2316 | field_75307_b | targetClass | 2 | |
2317 | field_75308_c | targetChance | 2 | |
2318 | field_75309_a | targetEntity | 2 | |
2319 | field_75310_g | theTameable | 2 | |
2320 | field_75311_b | entityPathNavigate | 2 | The PathNavigate of our entity. |
2321 | field_75313_b | theTarget | 2 | |
2322 | field_75314_a | theEntityTameable | 2 | |
2323 | field_75315_b | theOwnerAttacker | 2 | |
2324 | field_75316_a | theDefendingTameable | 2 | |
2325 | field_75319_g | rangedAttackID | 2 | The ID of this ranged attack AI. This chooses which entity is to be used as a ranged attack. |
2326 | field_75320_d | rangedAttackTime | 2 | A decrementing tick that spawns a ranged attack once this value reaches 0. It is then set back to the maxRangedAttackTime. |
2327 | field_75321_e | entityMoveSpeed | 2 | |
2328 | field_75322_b | entityHost | 2 | The entity the AI instance has been applied to |
2329 | field_75323_c | attackTarget | 2 | |
2330 | field_75324_a | worldObj | 2 | |
2331 | field_75325_h | maxRangedAttackTime | 2 | The maximum time the AI has to wait before peforming another ranged attack. |
2332 | field_75326_b | leapTarget | 2 | The entity that the leaper is leaping towards. |
2333 | field_75327_c | leapMotionY | 2 | The entity's motionY after leaping. |
2334 | field_75328_a | leaper | 2 | The entity that is leaping. |
2335 | field_75329_f | watchedClass | 2 | |
2336 | field_75330_d | lookTime | 2 | |
2337 | field_75332_b | theWatcher | 2 | |
2338 | field_75334_a | closestEntity | 2 | The closest entity which is being watched by this one. |
2339 | field_75335_b | theMerchant | 2 | |
2340 | field_75337_g | petPathfinder | 2 | |
2341 | field_75338_d | thePet | 2 | |
2342 | field_75339_e | theOwner | 2 | |
2343 | field_75340_b | maxDist | 2 | |
2344 | field_75341_c | minDist | 2 | |
2345 | field_75342_a | theWorld | 2 | |
2346 | field_75346_b | parentAnimal | 2 | |
2347 | field_75348_a | childAnimal | 2 | The child that is following its parent. |
2348 | field_75350_f | hasStoppedDoorInteraction | 2 | If is true then the Entity has stopped Door Interaction and compoleted the task. |
2349 | field_75351_g | entityPositionX | 2 | |
2350 | field_75352_d | entityPosZ | 2 | |
2351 | field_75353_e | targetDoor | 2 | |
2352 | field_75354_b | entityPosX | 2 | |
2353 | field_75355_c | entityPosY | 2 | |
2354 | field_75356_a | theEntity | 2 | |
2355 | field_75357_h | entityPositionZ | 2 | |
2356 | field_75359_i | breakingTime | 2 | |
2357 | field_75363_b | theEntity | 2 | |
2358 | field_75364_c | theWorld | 2 | |
2359 | field_75365_a | eatGrassTick | 2 | A decrementing tick used for the sheep's head offset and animation. |
2360 | field_75367_f | theWorld | 2 | |
2361 | field_75368_d | shelterZ | 2 | |
2362 | field_75369_e | movementSpeed | 2 | |
2363 | field_75370_b | shelterX | 2 | |
2364 | field_75371_c | shelterY | 2 | |
2365 | field_75372_a | theCreature | 2 | |
2366 | field_75373_a | theEntity | 2 | |
2367 | field_75374_f | entityPathEntity | 2 | The PathEntity of our entity |
2368 | field_75375_g | entityPathNavigate | 2 | The PathNavigate of our entity |
2369 | field_75376_d | closestLivingEntity | 2 | |
2370 | field_75377_e | distanceFromEntity | 2 | |
2371 | field_75378_b | farSpeed | 2 | |
2372 | field_75379_c | nearSpeed | 2 | |
2373 | field_75380_a | theEntity | 2 | The entity we are attached to |
2374 | field_75381_h | targetEntityClass | 2 | The class of the entity we should avoid |
2375 | field_75383_d | minPlayerDistance | 2 | |
2376 | field_75385_b | thePlayer | 2 | |
2377 | field_75386_c | worldObject | 2 | |
2378 | field_75387_a | theWolf | 2 | |
2379 | field_75390_d | theAnimal | 2 | |
2380 | field_75391_e | targetMate | 2 | |
2381 | field_75392_b | spawnBabyDelay | 2 | Delay preventing a baby from spawning immediately when two mate-able animals find each other. |
2382 | field_75393_c | moveSpeed | 2 | The speed the creature moves at during mating behavior. |
2383 | field_75394_a | theWorld | 2 | |
2384 | field_75395_b | theVillager | 2 | |
2385 | field_75396_c | lookTime | 2 | |
2386 | field_75397_a | theGolem | 2 | |
2387 | field_75400_f | sitableBlockX | 2 | X Coordinate of a nearby sitable block |
2388 | field_75401_g | sitableBlockY | 2 | Y Coordinate of a nearby sitable block |
2389 | field_75403_e | maxSittingTicks | 2 | For how long the Ocelot should be sitting |
2390 | field_75405_c | currentTick | 2 | Tracks for how long the task has been executing |
2391 | field_75406_a | theOcelot | 2 | |
2392 | field_75407_h | sitableBlockZ | 2 | Z Coordinate of a nearby sitable block |
2393 | field_75408_d | attackCountdown | 2 | |
2394 | field_75409_b | theEntity | 2 | |
2395 | field_75410_c | theVictim | 2 | |
2396 | field_75411_a | theWorld | 2 | |
2397 | field_75415_f | doorList | 2 | |
2398 | field_75416_d | doorInfo | 2 | |
2399 | field_75417_e | isNocturnal | 2 | |
2400 | field_75418_b | movementSpeed | 2 | |
2401 | field_75419_c | entityPathNavigate | 2 | The PathNavigate of our entity. |
2402 | field_75420_a | theEntity | 2 | |
2403 | field_75421_d | insidePosZ | 2 | |
2404 | field_75422_b | doorInfo | 2 | |
2405 | field_75423_c | insidePosX | 2 | |
2406 | field_75424_a | entityObj | 2 | |
2407 | field_75427_d | movePosY | 2 | |
2408 | field_75428_e | movePosZ | 2 | |
2409 | field_75429_b | targetEntity | 2 | |
2410 | field_75430_c | movePosX | 2 | |
2411 | field_75431_a | theEntity | 2 | |
2412 | field_75432_d | movePosZ | 2 | |
2413 | field_75433_e | movementSpeed | 2 | |
2414 | field_75434_b | movePosX | 2 | |
2415 | field_75435_c | movePosY | 2 | |
2416 | field_75436_a | theEntity | 2 | |
2417 | field_75438_g | entityPathEntity | 2 | The PathEntity of our entity. |
2418 | field_75439_d | attackTick | 2 | An amount of decrementing ticks that allows the entity to attack once the tick reaches 0. |
2419 | field_75441_b | attacker | 2 | |
2420 | field_75442_c | entityTarget | 2 | |
2421 | field_75443_a | worldObj | 2 | |
2422 | field_75444_h | classTarget | 2 | |
2423 | field_75448_d | worldObj | 2 | |
2424 | field_75449_e | matingTimeout | 2 | |
2425 | field_75450_b | villagerObj | 2 | |
2426 | field_75451_c | mate | 2 | |
2427 | field_75452_a | villageObj | 2 | |
2428 | field_75453_d | zPosition | 2 | |
2429 | field_75454_e | speed | 2 | |
2430 | field_75455_b | xPosition | 2 | |
2431 | field_75456_c | yPosition | 2 | |
2432 | field_75457_a | entity | 2 | |
2433 | field_75459_b | theEntity | 2 | |
2434 | field_75460_a | parent | 2 | |
2435 | field_75465_a | staticVector | 2 | used to store a driection when the user passes a point to move towards or away from. WARNING: NEVER THREAD SAFE. MULTIPLE findTowards and findAway calls, will share this var |
2436 | field_75475_f | lastActivityTimestamp | 2 | |
2437 | field_75476_g | isDetachedFromVillageFlag | 2 | |
2438 | field_75477_d | insideDirectionX | 2 | |
2439 | field_75478_e | insideDirectionZ | 2 | |
2440 | field_75479_b | posY | 2 | |
2441 | field_75480_c | posZ | 2 | |
2442 | field_75481_a | posX | 2 | |
2443 | field_75482_h | doorOpeningRestrictionCounter | 2 | |
2444 | field_75509_f | noSunPathfind | 2 | |
2445 | field_75510_g | totalTicks | 2 | Time, in number of ticks, following the current path |
2446 | field_75511_d | speed | 2 | |
2447 | field_75512_e | pathSearchRange | 2 | The number of blocks (extra) +/- in each axis that get pulled out as cache for the pathfinder's search space |
2448 | field_75513_b | worldObj | 2 | |
2449 | field_75514_c | currentPath | 2 | The PathEntity being followed. |
2450 | field_75515_a | theEntity | 2 | |
2451 | field_75516_l | avoidsWater | 2 | If water blocks are avoided (at least by the pathfinder) |
2452 | field_75517_m | canSwim | 2 | If the entity can swim. Swimming AI enables this and the pathfinder will also cause the entity to swim straight upwards when underwater |
2453 | field_75518_j | canPassOpenWoodenDoors | 2 | Specifically, if a wooden door block is even considered to be passable by the pathfinder |
2454 | field_75519_k | canPassClosedWoodenDoors | 2 | If door blocks are considered passable even when closed |
2455 | field_75520_h | ticksAtLastPos | 2 | The time when the last position check was done (to detect successful movement) |
2456 | field_75521_i | lastPosCheck | 2 | Coordinates of the entity's position last time a check was done (part of monitoring getting 'stuck') |
2457 | field_75526_a | entityObj | 2 | |
2458 | field_75531_f | theVillage | 2 | Instance of Village. |
2459 | field_75537_a | worldObj | 2 | |
2460 | field_75552_d | villageList | 2 | |
2461 | field_75553_e | tickCounter | 2 | |
2462 | field_75554_b | villagerPositionsList | 2 | This is a black hole. You can add data to this list through a public interface, but you can't query that information in any way and it's not used internally either. |
2463 | field_75555_c | newDoors | 2 | |
2464 | field_75556_a | worldObj | 2 | |
2465 | field_75580_f | lastAddDoorTimestamp | 2 | |
2466 | field_75581_g | tickCounter | 2 | |
2467 | field_75582_d | center | 2 | This is the actual village center. |
2468 | field_75583_e | villageRadius | 2 | |
2469 | field_75584_b | villageDoorInfoList | 2 | list of VillageDoorInfo objects |
2470 | field_75585_c | centerHelper | 2 | This is the sum of all door coordinates and used to calculate the actual village center by dividing by the number of doors. |
2471 | field_75586_a | worldObj | 2 | |
2472 | field_75587_j | numIronGolems | 2 | |
2473 | field_75588_h | numVillagers | 2 | |
2474 | field_75589_i | villageAgressors | 2 | |
2475 | field_75590_b | agressionTime | 2 | |
2476 | field_75591_c | villageObj | 2 | |
2477 | field_75592_a | agressor | 2 | |
2478 | field_75603_f | creatureMaterial | 2 | |
2479 | field_75604_g | isPeacefulCreature | 2 | A flag indicating whether this creature type is peaceful. |
2480 | field_75605_d | creatureClass | 2 | The root class of creatures associated with this EnumCreatureType (IMobs for aggressive creatures, EntityAnimals for friendly ones) |
2481 | field_75606_e | maxNumberOfCreature | 2 | |
2482 | field_75611_b | primaryColor | 2 | Base color of the egg |
2483 | field_75612_c | secondaryColor | 2 | Color of the egg spots |
2484 | field_75613_a | spawnedID | 2 | The entityID of the spawned mob |
2485 | field_75622_f | stringToIDMapping | 2 | Maps entity names to their numeric identifiers |
2486 | field_75623_d | IDtoClassMapping | 2 | provides a mapping between an entityID and an Entity Class |
2487 | field_75624_e | classToIDMapping | 2 | provides a mapping between an Entity Class and an entity ID |
2488 | field_75625_b | stringToClassMapping | 2 | Provides a mapping between entity classes and a string |
2489 | field_75626_c | classToStringMapping | 2 | Provides a mapping between a string and an entity classes |
2490 | field_75627_a | entityEggs | 2 | This is a HashMap of the Creative Entity Eggs/Spawners. |
2491 | field_75628_a | enumEntitySizeMappingHelperArray | 2 | |
2492 | field_75644_d | posZ | 2 | |
2493 | field_75645_e | speed | 2 | The speed at which the entity should move |
2494 | field_75646_b | posX | 2 | |
2495 | field_75647_c | posY | 2 | |
2496 | field_75648_a | entity | 2 | The EntityLiving that is being moved |
2497 | field_75653_f | posY | 2 | |
2498 | field_75654_g | posZ | 2 | |
2499 | field_75655_d | isLooking | 2 | Whether or not the entity is trying to look at something. |
2500 | field_75656_e | posX | 2 | |