MinecraftForge/FML@8960f6869f Add windows lzma executable http://tukaani.org/xz/ He states that most things are under public domai
n, But I couldn't find an exact reference to this executable. I'm going to assume it under public domain and distribuiting it here is fine. If not someone pleas
e direct me to the apropriate license and I will act accordingly.
MinecraftForge/FML@70cfe24e67 Fix wrong project name in distro eclipse launch.
MinecraftForge/FML@7a004087f7 Add deobf data to src dist. Dont create deobf jar as we ship the lzma Added *.lzma to .gitignore
He states that most things are under public domain, But I couldn't find an exact reference to this executable.
I'm going to assume it under public domain and distribuiting it here is fine. If not someone please direct me to the apropriate license and I will act accordingly.
This is done in preperation for MCP to roll out SpecialSource support and the new 1.6 structure.
Also done for my sanity while reading through the code.
Intruduced a new function. If there is a 'mcp_data' folder in the FML folder, it will be copied to the MCP work directory after MCP is extracted.
It DOES overwrite anything that already exists.
This is intended for places like BuildServer to place libraries/assets to prevent them from needing to be downloaded every version.
Introduced a dev-env json. Need to write the eclipse workspace references to the new libraries.
Out custom json includes asm and legacylauncher.
Added proper OptionParsing to decompile.py
New parameter:
--no-assets: Disables the downloading of minecraft's asset tree, recomended that build servers supply this flag to prevent downloading of useless data.
It is said that Resource Packs will return InputStreams. And I like putting my models into texture packs which, obviously, give InputStreams rather than URLs.