Updated MCP mapings files

This commit is contained in:
LexManos 2012-03-05 15:07:33 -08:00
parent b77075367e
commit d1acfd94a6
2 changed files with 14 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ field_12237_e,destroyedBlockPositions,0,
field_1223_k,options,0,Reference to the GameSettings object.
field_12242_bI,timeSinceMoved,0,The time since the client player moved
@ -741,6 +742,7 @@ field_21078_n,randomMotionVecX,0,
field_21082_j,lastTentacleAngle,0,the last calculated angle of the tentacles in radians
field_21083_i,tentacleAngle,0,angle of the tentacles in radians
field_21093_bH,hasSetHealth,0,has the client player's health been set?
field_21096_b,previousRedstoneState,0,stores the latest redstone state
field_21097_a,note,0,Note to play
@ -1535,6 +1537,10 @@ field_35123_e,xpOrbHealth,0,The health of this XP orb.
field_35124_b,xpOrbAge,0,The age of the XP orb in ticks.
field_35125_ap,xpValue,0,This is how much XP this orb has.
field_35127_a,xpColor,0,A constantly increasing value that RenderXPOrb uses to control the colour shifting (Green / yellow)
field_35138_ay,maximumTime,0,the maximum time for the explosion
field_35140_d,arrowCritical,0,Is this arrow a critical hit? (Controls particles and damage)
field_35146_o,blockType,0,the Block type that this TileEntity is contained within
@ -1574,6 +1580,7 @@ field_35223_ap,renderArmPitch,0,
field_35224_c,sprintToggleTimer,0,"Used to tell if the player pressed forward twice. If this is at 0 and it's pressed (And they are allowed to sprint, aka enough food on the ground etc) it sets this to 7. If it's pressed and it's greater than 0 enable sprinting."
field_35227_cs,shouldStopSneaking,0,should the player stop sneaking?
field_35228_b,experienceTotal,0,The total experience points.
field_35229_c,experienceLevel,0,The experience level.
field_35230_a,experience,0,The current experience bar points.
@ -2033,6 +2040,9 @@ field_40089_d,potionDamage,0,The damage value of the thrown potion that this Ent
field_40103_a,materialType,0,the material type for dropped items/blocks
field_40104_aw,bobTimer,0,The height of the current bob
field_40129_bA,carryoverDamage,0,"in each step in the damage calculations, this is set to the 'carryover' that would result if someone was damaged .25 hearts (for example), and added to the damage in the next step"
field_40141_a,profession,0,"[This is the profession value of a Villager mob, used to determine their texture.]"
@ -2837,6 +2847,7 @@ field_668_d,particleTextureJitterY,0,
field_672_a,flameScale,0,the scale of the flame FX
@ -3073,10 +3084,12 @@ field_936_h,drawButton,0,Hides the button completely if false.
field_9378_bz,oldMinY,0,Old Minimum Y of the bounding box
field_937_g,enabled,0,"True if this control is enabled, false to disable."
field_9380_bx,inventoryUpdateTickCounter,0,"Tick counter that resets every 20 ticks, used for sending inventory updates"
field_9382_bF,wasOnGround,0,Check if was on ground last update

1 searge name side desc
147 field_12238_d explosionSize 0
148 field_12239_c explosionZ 0
149 field_1223_k options 0 Reference to the GameSettings object.
150 field_12242_bI timeSinceMoved 0 The time since the client player moved
151 field_12249_i worldObj 0
152 field_1224_j playerViewX 0
153 field_12250_h explosionRNG 0
742 field_21081_k randomMotionSpeed 0
743 field_21082_j lastTentacleAngle 0 the last calculated angle of the tentacles in radians
744 field_21083_i tentacleAngle 0 angle of the tentacles in radians
745 field_21093_bH hasSetHealth 0 has the client player's health been set?
746 field_21096_b previousRedstoneState 0 stores the latest redstone state
747 field_21097_a note 0 Note to play
748 field_210_z pickaxeDiamond 0
1537 field_35124_b xpOrbAge 0 The age of the XP orb in ticks.
1538 field_35125_ap xpValue 0 This is how much XP this orb has.
1539 field_35127_a xpColor 0 A constantly increasing value that RenderXPOrb uses to control the colour shifting (Green / yellow)
1540 field_35132_az maximumLife 0
1541 field_35133_ay currentLife 0
1542 field_35138_ay maximumTime 0 the maximum time for the explosion
1543 field_35139_a timeSinceStart 0
1544 field_35140_d arrowCritical 0 Is this arrow a critical hit? (Controls particles and damage)
1545 field_35145_n blockMetadata 0
1546 field_35146_o blockType 0 the Block type that this TileEntity is contained within
1580 field_35224_c sprintToggleTimer 0 Used to tell if the player pressed forward twice. If this is at 0 and it's pressed (And they are allowed to sprint, aka enough food on the ground etc) it sets this to 7. If it's pressed and it's greater than 0 enable sprinting.
1581 field_35225_ar prevRenderArmPitch 0
1582 field_35226_aq prevRenderArmYaw 0
1583 field_35227_cs shouldStopSneaking 0 should the player stop sneaking?
1584 field_35228_b experienceTotal 0 The total experience points.
1585 field_35229_c experienceLevel 0 The experience level.
1586 field_35230_a experience 0 The current experience bar points.
2040 field_40092_e despawnTimer 0
2041 field_40093_ao shatterOrDrop 0
2042 field_400_at mobSpawner 0
2043 field_40103_a materialType 0 the material type for dropped items/blocks
2044 field_40104_aw bobTimer 0 The height of the current bob
2045 field_40105_ay particleName 0
2046 field_40129_bA carryoverDamage 0 in each step in the damage calculations, this is set to the 'carryover' that would result if someone was damaged .25 hearts (for example), and added to the damage in the next step
2047 field_4013_a modelBipedMain 0
2048 field_40141_a profession 0 [This is the profession value of a Villager mob, used to determine their texture.]
2847 field_669_c particleTextureJitterX 0
2848 field_670_b particleTextureIndex 0
2849 field_671_a smokeParticleScale 0
2850 field_672_a flameScale 0 the scale of the flame FX
2851 field_673_a reddustParticleScale 0
2852 field_674_a lavaParticleScale 0
2853 field_677_q maxAge 0
3084 field_9370_g score 0
3085 field_9376_bB oldPosZ 0
3086 field_9377_bA oldPosY 0
3087 field_9378_bz oldMinY 0 Old Minimum Y of the bounding box
3088 field_9379_by oldPosX 0
3089 field_937_g enabled 0 True if this control is enabled, false to disable.
3090 field_9380_bx inventoryUpdateTickCounter 0 Tick counter that resets every 20 ticks, used for sending inventory updates
3091 field_9381_bG wasSneaking 0
3092 field_9382_bF wasOnGround 0 Check if was on ground last update
3093 field_9384_bD oldRotationPitch 0
3094 field_9385_bC oldRotationYaw 0
3095 field_9386_l velocityZ 0

View File

@ -2581,7 +2581,7 @@ func_935_a,doNothingWithTileEntity,0,"In all implementations, this method does n
func_9372_a_,setHealth,0,Updates health locally.
func_9375_Q,sendInventoryChanged,0,Send a inventory changed message to the server if the current inventory has been modified.
func_937_b,markBlockRangeNeedsUpdate,0,"Marks the blocks as needing an update with the renderer. Args: minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ"
func_937_b,markBlockRangeNeedsUpdate,0,"Called across all registered IWorldAccess instances when a block range is invalidated. Args: minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ"
func_938_b,releaseEntitySkin,0,Decrement the reference counter for this entity's skin image data
func_939_a,spawnParticle,0,"Spawns a particle. Arg: particleType, x, y, z, velX, velY, velZ"
func_940_a,playSound,0,"Plays the specified sound. Arg: x, y, z, soundName, unknown1, unknown2"

1 searge name side desc
2581 func_9367_r respawnPlayer 0
2582 func_9372_a_ setHealth 0 Updates health locally.
2583 func_9375_Q sendInventoryChanged 0 Send a inventory changed message to the server if the current inventory has been modified.
2584 func_937_b markBlockRangeNeedsUpdate 0 Marks the blocks as needing an update with the renderer. Args: minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ Called across all registered IWorldAccess instances when a block range is invalidated. Args: minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ
2585 func_938_b releaseEntitySkin 0 Decrement the reference counter for this entity's skin image data
2586 func_939_a spawnParticle 0 Spawns a particle. Arg: particleType, x, y, z, velX, velY, velZ
2587 func_940_a playSound 0 Plays the specified sound. Arg: x, y, z, soundName, unknown1, unknown2