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# Uxn
An assembler and emulator for the [Uxn stack-machine](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/uxn.html), written in ANSI C.
## Build
### Linux
To build the Uxn emulator, you must have [SDL2](https://wiki.libsdl.org/).
--debug # Add debug flags to compiler
### Plan 9
To build the Uxn emulator on [9front](http://9front.org/), via [npe](https://git.sr.ht/~ft/npe):
If the build fails on 9front because of missing headers or functions, try again after `rm -r /sys/include/npe`.
## Getting Started
Begin by building the assembler and emulator by running the build script. The assembler(`uxnasm`) and emulator(`uxnemu`) are created in the `/bin` folder.
The following command will create an Uxn-compatible rom from an [uxntal file](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/uxntal.html), point to a different .tal file in `/projects` to assemble a different rom.
bin/uxnasm projects/examples/demos/life.tal bin/life.rom
To start the rom, point the emulator to the newly created rom:
bin/uxnemu bin/life.rom
You can also use the emulator without graphics by using `uxncli`. You can find additional roms [here](https://sr.ht/~rabbits/uxn/sources).
## Emulator Controls
- `F1` toggle zoom
- `F2` toggle debug
- `F3` capture screen
## Need a hand?
Find us in `#uxn`, on irc.esper.net