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How to use gMarioStates

Section 1: What is gMarioStates

gMarioStates is a array from 0 to the maximum amount of players, or 16, subtracted by 1, 0 being your mario, that contains a MarioState struct. The reason the end of the range is the max players subtracted by 1 instead of just the max players is because arrays are 0 indexed, which means that instead of starting at 1, arrays start at 0, so the total numbers of entries in that array is 16, which is the maximum amount of players.

Section 2: What is the MarioState Structure

The MarioState structure contains 76 different variables, I will go through each one, and try to make it as easy as possible to understand

Field Type Notes
playerIndex integer This is the local index of the mario you are modifying out of 16 different mario's.
input integer Mario's current input. This can be the INPUT_A_BUTTON constant, etc.
flags integer Includes things such as the current cap mario has on, and other things such as that.
particleFlags integer This can be used to add particles to mario, such as the one you see with the star dance.
action integer Mario's current action, this includes ACT_IDLE, ACT_JUMP, etc.
prevAction integer Mario's previous action, similar to above.
terrainSoundAddend integer Used to see what sound for the terrain is being used.
actionState integer Typically used within actions, can be useful for deciding whether or not to return a specific action by reading this variable set within the action.
actionTimer integer How long it has been since the action was set.
actionArg integer This var is typically set when the action is set, i.e when setting the action to ACT_STAR_DANCE, decide whether or not the animation should be the water star dance animation or not, if yes, set actionArg to 1, else, set actionArg to 0
intendedMag integer The intended magnitude. Without smoothening, this is the magnitude
intendedYaw integer The intended yaw, similar to above, except the yaw, or y axis.
invincTimer integer How long mario has invincibility for, if less then or 0, then no invincibility for mario.
framesSinceA integer How long it has been since the controller last hit the A button.
framesSinceB integer How long it has been since the controller last hit the B button.
wallKickTimer integer When you bonk on a wall, this timer is set to 5, now if you press a before the timer is set to 0, then the walljump action can be set.
doubleJumpTimer integer Similar to the wallKickTimer, except for being able to do a double jump.
faceAngle Vec3s Which direction mario is looking in every axis.
angleVel Vec3s Mario's Angle Velocity, or how slow or fast mario's angle will change.
slideYaw integer Mario's yaw face angle when sliding.
twirlYaw integer Mario's yaw face angle when twirling.
pos Vec3f Mario's current location
vel Vec3f Mario's velocity, this is different from mario's forwardVel below, and more advanced. This is typically used to adjust mario's overall speed.
forwardVel integer Mario's forward velocity, used in most of mario's actions.
slideVelX integer Mario's x velocity for sliding. Typically use this with slideVelZ for best results.
slideVelZ integer Mario's z velocity for sliding. Typically use this with slideVelX for best results.
wall Surface The wall mario is touching.
ceil Surface The ceiling mario is touching.
floor Surface The floor mario is touching.
ceilHeight integer The height of mario's current ceiling.
floorHeight integer The height of mario's current floor.
floorAngle integer The angle of mario's current floor.
waterLevel integer The height of mario's current water.
interactObj Object The object mario has interacted with.
heldObj Object The object mario is holding.
usedObj Object The object mario is "using" i.e stomping a goomba, or grabbing the hoot in Whomp's Fortress.
riddenObj Object The object mario is riding, for instance, if he is riding a shell, then mario's riddenObj will be set to the shell object.
marioObj Object Mario's object, mario himself is an object, so the MarioState structure contains the mario object.
spawnInfo SpawnInfo Mario's Spawn Info, this is much more advanced, and should not need to be changed.
area Area Mario's current area. You can use this var to acess the camera, music params, warp nodex, etc.
statusForCamera PlayerCameraState This is a bit more complicated, but is generally used to handle cutscenes, and other things such as cannons.
marioBodyState MarioBodyState This var contains multiple visual variables, such as mario's head position, if mario should look like he has the vanish, metal, or wing cap on, etc.
controller Controller This contains the button mario is pressing, holding, the stick position, etc. Similar to input, except easier to change this variable and see results.
animation MarioAnimation Contains mario's animation data, you usually don't have to touch this, but rather use functions such as set_mario_animation.
collidedObjInteractTypes integer If mario is interacting with an object, then the type is in this variable, i.e when interacting with a door, this variable will be set to INTERACT_DOOR assuming its not INTERACT_WARP_DOOR.
numCoins integer How many coins mario has.
numStars integer How many stars mario has. NOTE: Changing this variable will NOT change the save file, if you need to do that, refer to the function save_file_set_star_flags.
numKeys integer UNUSED How many keys mario has.
numLives integer How many lives mario has.
health integer Mario's health. Full health is 0x880.
unkB0 integer Something you wont have to modify, seems to be used for animations and such.
hurtCounter integer How many hearts mario should lose.
healCounter integer How many hearts mario should gain.
squishTimer integer How long mario should stay squished for. It should be noted that if the squishTimer is less than or equal to 16 that mario's size will rubberband. It should also be noted that if mario's squishTimer is equal to 0, then mario's size will be normal.
fadeWarpOpacity integer Mario's opacity when using a fading warp.
capTimer integer How long mario has before cap effect runs out.
prevNumStarsForDialog integer This var is used to decide if the star dialog should be played or not.
peakHeight integer Mainly used for fall damage to see how far mario has fallen since his peak height.
quicksandDepth integer How deep mario is into the quicksand.
unkC4 integer You probably wont need to modify this variable, seems to be use for ACT_GETTING_BLOWN.
currentRoom integer The room mario is in, used for handling the rendering of rooms.
heldByObj Object The object mario is being held by, mainly used for King Bobomb and Chuckya.
isSnoring integer Is mario snoring or not, can be used as a bool.
bubbleObj Object The bubble object for mario, this is almost always the bubble you see when bubbling is on in the host settings.
freeze integer Is mario frozen or not, can be used as a bool.
splineKeyframe Vec4s Used in flight path for grand star.
splineKeyframeFraction integer Used in flight path for grand star.
splineState integer Used in flight path for grand star.
nonInstantWarpPos Vec3f Mario's non instant warp position, not used in many places, you should not have to change this var.
character Character Contains all of mario's sounds, like snoring, dying, being attacked, etc.
wasNetworkVisible bool A more advanced variable, this var should not be changed unless you know what your doing.
minimumBoneY integer Used for animations.
curAnimOffset integer Used to offset an animation.
knockbackTimer integer Used for invincibilty when flying through the air after a bonk or being hit by another player.
specialTripleJump integer Can be used as a bool, sets whether or not to use the special triple jump unlocked after talking to Yoshi.
wallNormal Vec3f The angle of the wall on the x, y, and z axis.

Chances are a lot of those have no relevance to you, but this is all the vars in the MarioState struct.

Section 3: When should I use gMarioStates

Most of the time you won't be doing gMarioStates[0] to acess your mario, but rather using a hook. A lot of hooks pass m through the function. What does this mean? Well, here is a example with comments to explain as good as possible

--m here is gMarioStates with the index being 0...16, one of those, so you are not always modifying your own mario.
function mario_update(m)
	--Refer to section 2 of this guide to know what playerIndex is
	--Remember how gMarioStates[0] is the local mario? Well the playerIndex is the same way! This means that if the playerIndex is not 0, then its not the local mario, thus we can not do anything! So, when we return here, that means that we dont do anything below the return within that function
	if m.playerIndex ~= 0 then return end

--create the hook here, to understand this better, refer to the guide on hooks. NOTE: There are more hooks you can use to do specific things, however HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE is the most common hook to be used
hook_event(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, mario_update)

The only time you would use gMarioStates[0] is if the hook you are using does not pass through m, otherwise, do as shown above with your own function names.

Section 4: Wrapping Up

I hope you were able to learn more about how gMarioStates works, if you have any questions, join the sm64ex-coop discord server, and ask in #coop-mod-discussion, i'm sure someone would gladly help.