Sunk c428612a9e
Add set_exclamation_box_contents() (#445)
* Properly set Mario's y vel to 0 on popping

* Change 0 to 0.0f, just in case

* Re-introduce a few vanilla bugs under gBehaviorValues

The Shell Mario glitch was patched as a side effect to patching a different bug, but several romhacks use it so I need it back.
The ability to collect multiple normal caps at once is needed for hat-in-hand using the hat factory glitch.

* Fix Shell Mario fix

Found the actual reason why the glitch doesn't work and figured that this change shouldn't affect anything else, so I removed its entry from gBehaviorValues.

* Add InfiniteRenderDistance to gBehaviorValues

I'm well aware that disabling the infinite render distance will be very desync prone, however a few glitches, most notably cloning and chuckya double jump, need objects load and unload from render distance.

* Allow mods to disable the camera centering from romhack camera

* Allow mods to disable romhack camera centering

Done again

* Update on network shutdown

* Remove a line which I have no idea why it returned

* Add set_exclamation_box_contents()

No way this is memory safe or even well made but I did what I could

* Added (most of) peachy's suggestions

Still need to figure out how to stop the game from reading further than the size of the array without using a hardcoded number

* Added more of peachy's suggestions

I figured a good way to cap how far the exclamation box reads is to pass in the length of the array as well
2023-07-18 18:18:02 -04:00

292 lines
9 KiB

-- globals --
--- @type MarioState[]
--- Array of MarioStates, from 0 to MAX_PLAYERS - 1
--- - Uses the local index, which is different between every player
--- - Index 0 always refers to the local player
gMarioStates = {}
--- @type NetworkPlayer[]
--- Array of NetworkPlayers, from 0 to MAX_PLAYERS - 1
--- - Uses the local index, which is different between every player
--- - Index 0 always refers to the local player
gNetworkPlayers = {}
--- @type Mod[]
--- Array of all mods loaded, starting from 0
--- - All mods are loaded in the same order for every player
--- - Index 0 is the first mod in the list (The top of the mod list)
gActiveMods = {}
--- @type Character[]
gCharacter = {}
--- @type GlobalTextures
gTextures = {}
--- @type GlobalObjectAnimations
gObjectAnimations = {}
--- @type GlobalObjectCollisionData
gGlobalObjectCollisionData = {}
--- @alias SyncTable table
--- @type SyncTable
--- Any keys added and modified to this table will be synced among everyone.
--- - This shouldn't be used to sync player-specific values; Use gPlayerSyncTable for that
--- - Note: Does not support tables as keys
gGlobalSyncTable = {}
--- @type SyncTable[]
--- An array of sync tables. Any change to any sync tables will be synced to everyone else.
--- - This array takes in a local index, however it automatically translates to the global index
--- - Note: Does not support tables as keys
gPlayerSyncTable = {}
--- @type LevelValues
gLevelValues = {}
--- @type BehaviorValues
gBehaviorValues = {}
--- @type PlayerPalette[]
gPalettePresets = {}
--- @type LakituState
--- The primary struct that controls the camera
--- - Local player only
gLakituState = {}
--- @type PaintingValues
gPaintingValues = {}
--- @type ServerSettings
gServerSettings = {}
-- hooks --
--- @param behaviorId BehaviorId | integer? The behavior id of the object to modify. Pass in as `nil` to create a custom object
--- @param objectList ObjectList | integer Object list
--- @param replaceBehavior boolean Whether or not to completely replace the behavior
--- @param initFunction? fun(obj:Object) Run on object creation
--- @param loopFunction? fun(obj:Object) Run every frame
--- @param behaviorName? string Optional
--- @return BehaviorId BehaviorId Use if creating a custom object, otherwise can be ignored
--- Modify an object's behavior or create a new custom object
function hook_behavior(behaviorId, objectList, replaceBehavior, initFunction, loopFunction, behaviorName)
-- ...
--- @param command string The command to run. Should be easy to type
--- @param description string Should describe what the command does and how to use it
--- @param func fun(msg:string): boolean Run upon activating the command. Return `true` to confirm the command has succeeded
--- @return nil
function hook_chat_command(command, description, func)
-- ...
--- @param command string The command to change the description of
--- @param description string The description to change to
function update_chat_command_description(command, description)
-- ...
--- @param hookEventType LuaHookedEventType When a function should run
--- @param func fun(...: any): any The function to run
--- Different hooks can pass in different parameters and have different return values. Be sure to read the hooks guide for more information.
function hook_event(hookEventType, func)
-- ...
--- @class ActionTable
--- @field every_frame fun(m:MarioState):integer?
--- @field gravity fun(m:MarioState):integer?
--- @param actionId integer The action to replace
--- @param funcOrFuncTable fun(m:MarioState):integer? | ActionTable The new behavior of the action
--- @param interactionType? InteractionFlag Optional; The flag that determines how the action interacts with other objects
--- If a function table is used, it must be in the form of `{ act_hook = [func], ... }`. Current action hooks include:
--- - every_frame
--- - gravity
function hook_mario_action(actionId, funcOrFuncTable, interactionType)
-- ...
--- @param syncTable SyncTable Must be the gGlobalSyncTable or gPlayerSyncTable[] or one of their child tables
--- @param field string Field name
--- @param tag any An additional parameter
--- @param func fun(tag:any, oldVal:any, newVal:any) Run when the specified field has been changed
function hook_on_sync_table_change(syncTable, field, tag, func)
-- ...
-- functions --
--- @param t number
--- @return number
function sins(t)
-- ...
--- @param t number
--- @return number
function coss(t)
-- ...
--- @param y number
--- @param x number
--- @return integer
function atan2s(y, x)
-- ...
--- @param objFieldTable table<any, "u32"|"s32"|"f32">
--- @return nil
--- Keys must start with `o` and values must be `"u32"`, `"s32"`, or `"f32"`
function define_custom_obj_fields(objFieldTable)
-- ...
--- @param object Object Object to sync
--- @param standardSync boolean Automatically syncs common fields and syncs with distance. If `false`, all syncing must be done with `network_send_object`.
--- @param fieldTable table<string> The fields to sync
--- @return nil
--- All synced fields must start with `o` and there should not be any keys, just values
function network_init_object(object, standardSync, fieldTable)
-- ...
--- @param object Object
--- @param reliable boolean
--- @return nil
--- Sends a sync packet to sync up the object with everyone else
function network_send_object(object, reliable)
-- ...
--- @param reliable boolean
--- @param dataTable table
--- @return nil
--- Note: `dataTable` can only contain strings, integers, numbers, booleans, and nil
function network_send(reliable, dataTable)
-- ...
--- @param toLocalIndex integer
--- @param reliable boolean
--- @param dataTable table
--- @return nil
--- Note: `dataTable` can only contain strings, integers, numbers, booleans, and nil
function network_send_to(toLocalIndex, reliable, dataTable)
-- ...
--- @param textureName string
--- @return TextureInfo
function get_texture_info(textureName)
-- ...
--- @param texInfo TextureInfo
--- @param x number
--- @param y number
--- @param scaleW number
--- @param scaleH number
--- @return nil
function djui_hud_render_texture(texInfo, x, y, scaleW, scaleH)
-- ...
--- @param texInfo TextureInfo
--- @param x number
--- @param y number
--- @param scaleW number
--- @param scaleH number
--- @param tileX number
--- @param tileY number
--- @param tileW number
--- @param tileH number
--- @return nil
function djui_hud_render_texture_tile(texInfo, x, y, scaleW, scaleH, tileX, tileY, tileW, tileH)
-- ...
--- @param texInfo TextureInfo
--- @param prevX number
--- @param prevY number
--- @param prevScaleW number
--- @param prevScaleH number
--- @param x number
--- @param y number
--- @param scaleW number
--- @param scaleH number
--- @return nil
function djui_hud_render_texture_interpolated(texInfo, prevX, prevY, prevScaleW, prevScaleH, x, y, scaleW, scaleH)
-- ...
--- @param texInfo TextureInfo
--- @param prevX number
--- @param prevY number
--- @param prevScaleW number
--- @param prevScaleH number
--- @param x number
--- @param y number
--- @param scaleW number
--- @param scaleH number
--- @param tileX number
--- @param tileY number
--- @param tileW number
--- @param tileH number
--- @return nil
function djui_hud_render_texture_tile_interpolated(texInfo, prevX, prevY, prevScaleW, prevScaleH, x, y, scaleW, scaleH, tileX, tileY, tileW, tileH)
-- ...
--- @param name string
--- @param flags integer
--- @param animYTransDivisor integer
--- @param startFrame integer
--- @param loopStart integer
--- @param loopEnd integer
--- @param values table
--- @param index table
--- @return nil
function smlua_anim_util_register_animation(name, flags, animYTransDivisor, startFrame, loopStart, loopEnd, values, index)
-- ...
--- @class bhvData
--- @field behavior BehaviorId
--- @field behaviorArg integer
--- @param levelNum LevelNum | integer
--- @param func fun(areaIndex:number, bhvData:bhvData, macroBhvIds:BehaviorId[], macroBhvArgs:integer[])
--- @return nil
--- When `func` is called, arguments are filled depending on the level command:
--- - `AREA` command: only `areaIndex` is filled. It's a number.
--- - `OBJECT` command: only `bhvData` is filled. `bhvData` is a table with two fields: `behavior` and `behaviorArg`.
--- - `MACRO` command: only `macroBhvIds` and `macroBhvArgs` are filled. `macrobhvIds` is a list of behavior ids. `macroBhvArgs` is a list of behavior params. Both lists have the same size and start at index 0.
function level_script_parse(levelNum, func)
-- ...
--- @param contents ExclamationBoxContents[]
--- @return nil
--- The parameter should be a table containing several subtables with the following keys
--- - index: The index of the content (used by oBehParam2ndByte)
--- - unused: Unused
--- - firstByte: The spawned object's oBehParam's 1st byte
--- - emodel: The spawned object's model
--- - behaviorId: The spawned object's behavior ID
function set_exclamation_box_new_contents(contents)
-- ...