effects: Add RGB -> YUV, YUV -> RGB color converter

This should help for filters requiring other color formats.
This commit is contained in:
Michael Fabian Dirks 2017-07-06 06:00:18 +02:00
parent 9c97d90cc2
commit dceb2e533d
1 changed files with 81 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
uniform float4x4 ViewProj;
uniform texture2d image;
sampler_state primarySampler {
Filter = Linear;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
struct VertDataIn {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
struct VertDataOut {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
VertDataOut VSDefault(VertDataIn v_in) {
VertDataOut vert_out;
vert_out.pos = mul(float4(v_in.pos.xyz, 1.0), ViewProj);
vert_out.uv = v_in.uv;
return vert_out;
// ************************************************************************** //
// RGB <-> YUV
// ************************************************************************** //
float4 RGBtoYUV(float4 rgba, float3x3 yuv) {
return float4(
rgba.r * yuv._m00 + rgba.g * yuv._m01 + rgba.b * yuv._m02,
rgba.r * yuv._m10 + rgba.g * yuv._m11 + rgba.b * yuv._m12,
rgba.r * yuv._m20 + rgba.g * yuv._m21 + rgba.b * yuv._m22,
) + float4(0,0.5,0.5,0);
float4 YUVtoRGB(float4 yuva, float3x3 yuvi) {
yuva.gb -= 0.5;
return float4(
yuva.r * yuvi._m00 + yuva.g * yuvi._m01 + yuva.b * yuvi._m02,
yuva.r * yuvi._m10 + yuva.g * yuvi._m11 + yuva.b * yuvi._m12,
yuva.r * yuvi._m20 + yuva.g * yuvi._m21 + yuva.b * yuvi._m22,
float4 RGBToYUV_Pass(VertDataOut v_in) : TARGET {
const float3x3 mYUV709 = {
0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722,
-0.2126, -0.7152, 0.9278,
0.7874, -0.7152, -0.0722
const float3x3 mYUV709n = { // Normalized
0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722,
-0.1145721060573399, -0.3854278939426601, 0.5,
0.5, -0.4541529083058166, -0.0458470916941834
return RGBtoYUV(image.Sample(primarySampler, v_in.uv), mYUV709n);
float4 YUVToRGB_Pass(VertDataOut v_in) : TARGET {
const float3x3 mYUV709i = { // Inverse Normalized
1, 0, 1.5748,
1, -0.187324, -0.468124,
1, 1.8556, 0
return YUVtoRGB(image.Sample(primarySampler, v_in.uv), mYUV709i);
technique RGBToYUV {
pass {
vertex_shader = VSDefault(v_in);
pixel_shader = RGBToYUV_Pass(v_in);
technique YUVToRGB {
pass {
vertex_shader = VSDefault(v_in);
pixel_shader = YUVToRGB_Pass(v_in);