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* Furnace Tracker - multi-system chiptune tracker
* Copyright (C) 2021-2022 tildearrow and contributors
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#ifndef _AY_H
#define _AY_H
#include "../dispatch.h"
#include "../macroInt.h"
#include <queue>
#include "sound/ay8910.h"
class DivPlatformAY8910: public DivDispatch {
const unsigned char AY8914RegRemap[16]={
inline unsigned char regRemap(unsigned char reg) { return intellivision?AY8914RegRemap[reg&0x0f]:reg&0x0f; }
struct Channel {
unsigned char freqH, freqL;
int freq, baseFreq, note, pitch, pitch2;
int ins;
unsigned char psgMode, autoEnvNum, autoEnvDen;
signed char konCycles;
bool active, insChanged, freqChanged, keyOn, keyOff, portaPause, inPorta;
int vol, outVol;
unsigned char pan;
DivMacroInt std;
void macroInit(DivInstrument* which) {
Channel(): freqH(0), freqL(0), freq(0), baseFreq(0), note(0), pitch(0), pitch2(0), ins(-1), psgMode(1), autoEnvNum(0), autoEnvDen(0), active(false), insChanged(true), freqChanged(false), keyOn(false), keyOff(false), portaPause(false), inPorta(false), vol(0), outVol(15), pan(3) {}
Channel chan[3];
bool isMuted[3];
struct QueuedWrite {
unsigned short addr;
unsigned char val;
bool addrOrVal;
QueuedWrite(unsigned short a, unsigned char v): addr(a), val(v), addrOrVal(false) {}
std::queue<QueuedWrite> writes;
ay8910_device* ay;
DivDispatchOscBuffer* oscBuf[3];
unsigned char regPool[16];
unsigned char lastBusy;
bool dacMode;
int dacPeriod;
int dacRate;
int dacPos;
int dacSample;
unsigned char sampleBank;
int delay;
bool extMode;
unsigned int extClock;
unsigned char extDiv;
bool stereo, sunsoft, intellivision, clockSel;
bool ioPortA, ioPortB;
unsigned char portAVal, portBVal;
short oldWrites[16];
short pendingWrites[16];
unsigned char ayEnvMode;
unsigned short ayEnvPeriod;
short ayEnvSlideLow;
short ayEnvSlide;
short* ayBuf[3];
size_t ayBufLen;
void updateOutSel(bool immediate=false);
friend void putDispatchChan(void*,int,int);
void setExtClockDiv(unsigned int eclk=COLOR_NTSC, unsigned char ediv=8);
void acquire(short* bufL, short* bufR, size_t start, size_t len);
int dispatch(DivCommand c);
void* getChanState(int chan);
DivDispatchOscBuffer* getOscBuffer(int chan);
unsigned char* getRegisterPool();
int getRegisterPoolSize();
void flushWrites();
void reset();
void forceIns();
void tick(bool sysTick=true);
void muteChannel(int ch, bool mute);
void setFlags(unsigned int flags);
bool isStereo();
bool keyOffAffectsArp(int ch);
DivMacroInt* getChanMacroInt(int ch);
bool getDCOffRequired();
void notifyInsDeletion(void* ins);
void poke(unsigned int addr, unsigned short val);
void poke(std::vector<DivRegWrite>& wlist);
const char** getRegisterSheet();
int init(DivEngine* parent, int channels, int sugRate, unsigned int flags);
void quit();
DivPlatformAY8910(bool useExtMode=false, unsigned int eclk=COLOR_NTSC, unsigned char ediv=8):
extDiv(ediv) {}