mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 22:10:12 +00:00
not reliable yet
333 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable file
333 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable file
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
$program = "./bench";
$default_options = "";
$verbose = 0;
$paranoid = 0;
$exhaustive = 0;
$patient = 0;
$estimate = 0;
$wisdom = 0;
$validate_wisdom = 0;
$threads_callback = 0;
$nthreads = 1;
$rounds = 0;
$maxsize = 60000;
$maxcount = 100;
$do_0d = 0;
$do_1d = 0;
$do_2d = 0;
$do_random = 0;
$keepgoing = 0;
$flushcount = 42;
$mpi = 0;
$mpi_transposed_in = 0;
$mpi_transposed_out = 0;
sub make_options {
my $options = $default_options;
$options = "--verify-rounds=$rounds $options" if $rounds;
$options = "--verbose=$verbose $options" if $verbose;
$options = "-o paranoid $options" if $paranoid;
$options = "-o exhaustive $options" if $exhaustive;
$options = "-o patient $options" if $patient;
$options = "-o estimate $options" if $estimate;
$options = "-o wisdom $options" if $wisdom;
$options = "-o threads_callback $options" if $threads_callback;
$options = "-o nthreads=$nthreads $options" if ($nthreads > 1);
$options = "-obflag=30 $options" if $mpi_transposed_in;
$options = "-obflag=31 $options" if $mpi_transposed_out;
return $options;
@list_of_problems = ();
sub run_bench {
my $options = shift;
my $problist = shift;
print "Executing \"$program $options $problist\"\n"
if $verbose;
system("$program $options $problist");
$exit_value = $? >> 8;
$signal_num = $? & 127;
$dumped_core = $? & 128;
if ($signal_num == 1) {
print "hangup\n";
exit 0;
if ($signal_num == 2) {
print "interrupted\n";
exit 0;
if ($signal_num == 9) {
print "killed\n";
exit 0;
if ($exit_value != 0 || $dumped_core || $signal_num) {
print "FAILED $program: $problist\n";
if ($signal_num) { print "received signal $signal_num\n"; }
exit 1 unless $keepgoing;
sub flush_problems {
my $options = shift;
my $problist = "";
if ($#list_of_problems >= 0) {
for (@list_of_problems) {
$problist = "$problist --verify '$_'";
if ($validate_wisdom) {
# start with a fresh wisdom state
run_bench($options, $problist);
if ($validate_wisdom) {
# run again and validate that we can the problem in wisdom-only mode
print "Executing again in wisdom-only mode\n"
if $verbose;
run_bench("$options -owisdom-only", $problist);
@list_of_problems = ();
sub do_problem {
my $problem = shift;
my $doablep = shift;
my $options = &make_options;
if ($problem =~ /\// && $problem =~ /r/
&& ($problem =~ /i.*x/
|| $problem =~ /v/ || $problem =~ /\*/)) {
return; # cannot do real split inplace-multidimensional or vector
# in --mpi mode, restrict to problems supported by MPI code
if ($mpi) {
if ($problem =~ /\//) { return; } # no split
if ($problem =~ /\*/) { return; } # no non-contiguous vectors
if ($problem =~ /r/ && $problem !~ /x/) { return; } # no 1d r2c
if ($problem =~ /k/ && $problem !~ /x/) { return; } # no 1d r2r
if ($mpi_transposed_in || $problem =~ /\[/) {
if ($problem !~ /x/) { return; } # no 1d transposed_in
if ($problem =~ /r/ && $problem !~ /b/) { return; } # only c2r
if ($mpi_transposed_out || $problem =~ /\]/) {
if ($problem !~ /x/) { return; } # no 1d transposed_out
if ($problem =~ /r/ && $problem =~ /b/) { return; } # only r2c
# size-1 redft00 is not defined/doable
return if ($problem =~ /[^0-9]1e00/);
if ($doablep) {
@list_of_problems = ($problem, @list_of_problems);
&flush_problems($options) if ($#list_of_problems > $flushcount);
} else {
print "Executing \"$program $options --can-do $problem\"\n"
if $verbose;
$result=`$program $options --can-do $problem`;
if ($result ne "#f\n" && $result ne "#f\r\n") {
print "FAILED $program: $problem is not undoable\n";
exit 1 unless $keepgoing;
# given geometry, try both directions and in place/out of place
sub do_geometry {
my $geom = shift;
my $doablep = shift;
do_problem("if$geom", $doablep);
do_problem("of$geom", $doablep);
do_problem("ib$geom", $doablep);
do_problem("ob$geom", $doablep);
do_problem("//if$geom", $doablep);
do_problem("//of$geom", $doablep);
do_problem("//ib$geom", $doablep);
do_problem("//ob$geom", $doablep);
# given size, try all transform kinds (complex, real, etc.)
sub do_size {
my $size = shift;
my $doablep = shift;
do_geometry("c$size", $doablep);
do_geometry("r$size", $doablep);
sub small_0d {
for ($i = 0; $i <= 16; ++$i) {
for ($j = 0; $j <= 16; ++$j) {
for ($vl = 1; $vl <= 5; ++$vl) {
my $ivl = $i * $vl;
my $jvl = $j * $vl;
do_problem("o1v${i}:${vl}:${jvl}x${j}:${ivl}:${vl}x${vl}:1:1", 1);
do_problem("i1v${i}:${vl}:${jvl}x${j}:${ivl}:${vl}x${vl}:1:1", 1);
do_problem("ok1v${i}:${vl}:${jvl}x${j}:${ivl}:${vl}x${vl}:1:1", 1);
do_problem("ik1v${i}:${vl}:${jvl}x${j}:${ivl}:${vl}x${vl}:1:1", 1);
sub small_1d {
do_size (0, 0);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; ++$i) {
do_size ($i, 1);
do_size (128, 1);
do_size (256, 1);
do_size (512, 1);
do_size (1024, 1);
do_size (2048, 1);
do_size (4096, 1);
sub small_2d {
do_size ("0x0", 0);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; ++$i) {
my $ub = 900/$i;
$ub = 100 if $ub > 100;
for ($j = 1; $j <= $ub; ++$j) {
do_size ("${i}x${j}", 1);
sub rand_small_factors {
my $l = shift;
my $n = 1;
my $maxfactor = 13;
my $f = int(rand($maxfactor) + 1);
while ($n * $f < $l) {
$n *= $f;
$f = int(rand($maxfactor) + 1);
return $n;
# way too complicated...
sub one_random_test {
my $q = int(2 + rand($maxsize));
my $rnk = int(1 + rand(4));
my $vtype = int(rand(3));
my $g = int(2 + exp(log($q) / ($rnk + ($vtype > 0))));
my $first = 1;
my $sz = "";
my $is_r2r = shift;
my @r2r_kinds = ("f", "b", "h",
"e00", "e01", "e10", "e11", "o00", "o01", "o10", "o11");
while ($q > 1 && $rnk > 0) {
my $r = rand_small_factors(int(rand($g) + 10));
if ($r > 1) {
$sz = "${sz}x" if (!$first);
$first = 0;
$sz = "${sz}${r}";
if ($is_r2r) {
my $k = $r2r_kinds[int(1 + rand($#r2r_kinds))];
$sz = "${sz}${k}";
$q = int($q / $r);
if ($g > $q) { $g = $q; }
if ($vtype > 0 && $g > 1) {
my $v = int(1 + rand($g));
$sz = "${sz}*${v}" if ($vtype == 1);
$sz = "${sz}v${v}" if ($vtype == 2);
if ($mpi) {
my $stype = int(rand(3));
$sz = "]${sz}" if ($stype == 1);
$sz = "[${sz}" if ($stype == 2);
$sz = "d$sz" if (int(rand(3)) == 0);
if ($is_r2r) {
do_problem("ik$sz", 1);
do_problem("ok$sz", 1);
else {
do_size($sz, 1);
sub random_tests {
my $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $maxcount; ++$i) {
sub parse_arguments (@)
local (@arglist) = @_;
while (@arglist)
if ($arglist[0] eq '-v') { ++$verbose; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '--verbose') { ++$verbose; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '-p') { ++$paranoid; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '--paranoid') { ++$paranoid; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '--exhaustive') { ++$exhaustive; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '--patient') { ++$patient; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '--estimate') { ++$estimate; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '--wisdom') { ++$wisdom; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '--validate-wisdom') { ++$wisdom; ++$validate_wisdom; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '--threads_callback') { ++$threads_callback; }
elsif ($arglist[0] =~ /^--nthreads=(.+)$/) { $nthreads = $1; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '-k') { ++$keepgoing; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '--keep-going') { ++$keepgoing; }
elsif ($arglist[0] =~ /^--verify-rounds=(.+)$/) { $rounds = $1; }
elsif ($arglist[0] =~ /^--count=(.+)$/) { $maxcount = $1; }
elsif ($arglist[0] =~ /^-c=(.+)$/) { $maxcount = $1; }
elsif ($arglist[0] =~ /^--flushcount=(.+)$/) { $flushcount = $1; }
elsif ($arglist[0] =~ /^--maxsize=(.+)$/) { $maxsize = $1; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '--mpi') { ++$mpi; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '--mpi-transposed-in') {
++$mpi; ++$mpi_transposed_in; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '--mpi-transposed-out') {
++$mpi; ++$mpi_transposed_out; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '-0d') { ++$do_0d; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '-1d') { ++$do_1d; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '-2d') { ++$do_2d; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '-r') { ++$do_random; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '--random') { ++$do_random; }
elsif ($arglist[0] eq '-a') {
++$do_0d; ++$do_1d; ++$do_2d; ++$do_random;
else { $program=$arglist[0]; }
shift (@arglist);
&parse_arguments (@ARGV);
&random_tests if $do_random;
&small_0d if $do_0d;
&small_1d if $do_1d;
&small_2d if $do_2d;
my $options = &make_options;