renderDX11: fix crash when font tex fails to load

issue #1217
This commit is contained in:
tildearrow 2023-07-09 03:17:57 -05:00
parent 73ea490fdb
commit e2540bf789
5 changed files with 423 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -339,17 +339,22 @@ static void ImGui_ImplDX11_CreateFontsTexture()
subResource.SysMemPitch = desc.Width * 4;
subResource.SysMemSlicePitch = 0;
bd->pd3dDevice->CreateTexture2D(&desc, &subResource, &pTexture);
IM_ASSERT(pTexture != nullptr);
// Create texture view
ZeroMemory(&srvDesc, sizeof(srvDesc));
srvDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
srvDesc.ViewDimension = D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D;
srvDesc.Texture2D.MipLevels = desc.MipLevels;
srvDesc.Texture2D.MostDetailedMip = 0;
bd->pd3dDevice->CreateShaderResourceView(pTexture, &srvDesc, &bd->pFontTextureView);
if (pTexture != nullptr) {
// Create texture view
ZeroMemory(&srvDesc, sizeof(srvDesc));
srvDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
srvDesc.ViewDimension = D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D;
srvDesc.Texture2D.MipLevels = desc.MipLevels;
srvDesc.Texture2D.MostDetailedMip = 0;
bd->pd3dDevice->CreateShaderResourceView(pTexture, &srvDesc, &bd->pFontTextureView);
} else {
// Store our identifier
@ -609,13 +614,15 @@ void ImGui_ImplDX11_Shutdown()
void ImGui_ImplDX11_NewFrame()
bool ImGui_ImplDX11_NewFrame()
ImGui_ImplDX11_Data* bd = ImGui_ImplDX11_GetBackendData();
IM_ASSERT(bd != nullptr && "Did you call ImGui_ImplDX11_Init()?");
if (!bd->pFontSampler)
return bd->pFontSampler!=NULL;

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ struct ID3D11DeviceContext;
IMGUI_IMPL_API bool ImGui_ImplDX11_Init(ID3D11Device* device, ID3D11DeviceContext* device_context);
IMGUI_IMPL_API void ImGui_ImplDX11_Shutdown();
IMGUI_IMPL_API void ImGui_ImplDX11_NewFrame();
IMGUI_IMPL_API bool ImGui_ImplDX11_NewFrame();
IMGUI_IMPL_API void ImGui_ImplDX11_RenderDrawData(ImDrawData* draw_data);
// Use if you want to reset your rendering device without losing Dear ImGui state.

papers/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
# multiplayer protocol
the Furnace protocol is described here.
# information
all numbers are little-endian.
the following fields may be found in "size":
- `f` indicates a floating point number.
- `STR` is a UTF-8 zero-terminated string.
- `CFG` is the same as STR, but contains a config.
- `???` is an array of variable size.
- `S??` is an array of `STR`s.
- `1??` is an array of bytes.
- `2??` is an array of shorts.
- `4??` is an array of ints.
two player IDs are reserved:
- 0: system
- 1: host (console)
two usernames are reserved:
some characters are not allowed in usernames: 0x00-0x1f, `@`, 0x7f-0x9f, 0xd800-0xdfff, 0xfeff, 0xfffe and 0xffff.
# header
size | description
3 | "fur" header
1 | packet type
4 | sequence number
the sequence number always starts at 0.
# client to server packets (init)
## 0x00: keep-alive
this packet keeps a connection alive.
the server shall respond with a packet of type 0x00 (keep-alive).
if the client does not receive any packets during 30 seconds, it will disconnect from the server.
likewise, if the server does not receive any packets during 30 seconds, it will disconnect the client.
## 0x01: start connection
size | description
1 | reason
| - 0: information
| - 1: join
3 | padding
4 | client version
STR | host name (may be blank)
after sending, you will receive a packet of type 0x01 (information), 0x02 (disconnect) or 0x03 (authenticate).
## 0x02: disconnect
size | description
STR | reason
## 0x03: auth response
size | description
1 | type
| - 0: open
| - 1: password
| - 2: token
--- | **open response**
STR | username
--- | **password response**
1 | password type
| - 0: plain text
| - 1: SHA-512
STR | account name
??? | password
--- | **token response**
STR | token
# server to client packets (init)
## 0x00: keep-alive
this packet keeps a connection alive. it is a response to a client's keep-alive packet.
## 0x01: information
size | description
4 | server version
2 | online players
| - if it is 65535, this information is concealed.
2 | maximum players
| - 0 means unlimited.
STR | server version (string)
STR | server name
STR | server description
STR | project name
the client may send a 0x00 (keep-alive) packet after receiving this one within 5 seconds.
connection is then closed.
## 0x02: disconnect
size | description
STR | reason
after being sent, the connection is closed.
## 0x03: authenticate
size | description
1 | authentication type
| - 0: open
| - 1: password
| - 2: token
## 0x04: authentication success
size | description
4 | player ID
STR | username
CFG | properties
# client to server packets (session)
## 0x10: request project
the client may only send this once every minute.
## 0x11: participate
size | description
1 | status
| - 0: spectate
| - 1: join
## 0x12: send chat message
size | description
STR | message
## 0x13: send command
size | description
STR | command
2 | number of arguments
S?? | arguments
## 0x14: get player list
no other information required.
## 0x15: project submission request
no other information required
## 0x16: project submission information
size | description
4 | project size
32 | SHA-256 sum of project
STR | project name
this is followed by several 0x17 (project data) packets representing a Furnace song. see []( for more information.
## 0x17: project submission data
size | description
4 | offset
4 | length
??? | data...
the client will send a packet with project size as offset and 0 as length to indicate end of data.
the server subsequently loads the project.
# server to client packets (session)
## 0x10: project information
size | description
4 | project size
32 | SHA-256 sum of project
STR | project name
this is followed by several 0x13 (project data) packets representing a Furnace song. see []( for more information.
## 0x11: project data
size | description
4 | offset
4 | length
??? | data...
the server will send a packet with project size as offset and 0 as length to indicate end of data.
the client subsequently loads the project.
## 0x12: participate status
size | description
1 | status
| - 0: denied
| - 1: allowed
## 0x13: message
size | description
4 | player ID
8 | time (seconds)
4 | time (nanoseconds)
4 | message ID
1 | type
| - 0: chat, public
| - 1: chat, private
| - 2: notification, info
| - 3: notification, warning
| - 4: notification, urgent
STR | message
## 0x14: system message
size | description
STR | message
## 0x15: chat message edited
size | description
4 | message ID
STR | message
| - an empty message means deleted.
## 0x16: player list
size | description
2 | number of players
--- | **player entry** (×players)
4 | ID
2 | latency (ms)
1 | participating?
| - 0: no
| - 1: yes
1 | status
| - 0: normal
| - 1: away
| - 2: busy
STR | name
STR | IP address
| - if empty, then server is not disclosing IP addresses.
this is sent after receiving 0x14 (get player list).
## 0x17: project submission request status
size | description
1 | status
| - 0: denied
| - 1: allowed
this is sent after a project submission request is accepted.
if the status is 1, the client shall submit a project.
## 0x18: project submission complete
size | description
1 | status
| - 0: error
| - 1: success
STR | additional information
## 0x19: player joined
size | description
4 | ID
STR | name
## 0x1a: player left
size | description
4 | ID
# client to server packets (project)
## 0x20: request orders
## 0x21: request instrument
## 0x22: request wavetable
## 0x23: request sample
## 0x24: request patterns
## 0x25: request sub-song
## 0x26: request song info
## 0x27: request asset list
## 0x28: request patchbay
## 0x29: request grooves
## 0x30: alter orders
size | description
4 | transaction ID
## 0x31: alter instrument
## 0x32: alter wavetable
## 0x33: alter sample
## 0x34: alter pattern
## 0x35: alter sub-song
## 0x36: alter song info
## 0x37: alter asset list
## 0x38: alter patchbay
## 0x39: alter grooves
## 0x3a: alter chips
## 0x3b: alter chip settings
# server to client packets (project)
## 0x20: orders
## 0x21: instrument
## 0x22: wavetable
## 0x23: sample
## 0x24: pattern
## 0x25: sub-song
## 0x26: song info
## 0x27: asset list
## 0x28: patchbay
## 0x29: grooves
## 0x30: transaction response
size | description
1 | status
| - 0: error
| - 1: success
| - 2: success but request again
STR | additional information
# client to server packets (interact)
## 0x40: engine command
## 0x41: playback
# server to client packets (interact)
## 0x40: engine command
## 0x41: playback
# client to server packets (extension)
# server to client packets (extension)

View File

@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ template<bool IsOpnA>
bool opn_registers_base<IsOpnA>::write(uint16_t index, uint8_t data, uint32_t &channel, uint32_t &opmask)
assert(index < REGISTERS);
if (index >= REGISTERS) return false;
// writes in the 0xa0-af/0x1a0-af region are handled as latched pairs
// borrow unused registers 0xb8-bf/0x1b8-bf as temporary holding locations

View File

@ -290,8 +290,7 @@ void FurnaceGUIRenderDX11::clear(ImVec4 color) {
bool FurnaceGUIRenderDX11::newFrame() {
return true;
return ImGui_ImplDX11_NewFrame();
void FurnaceGUIRenderDX11::createFontsTexture() {