- **Double-click time (seconds)**: maximum time between mouse clicks to recognize them as a double-click.
- **Toggle channel solo on:** select which interactions with a channel header will toggle solo for that channel.
- **Push value when overwriting instead of clearing it**: in the order list and pattern editors, typing into an already-filled value will shift digits instead of starting fresh.
- if off: moving the cursor onto the value `A5` and typing a "B" results in `0B`.
- if on: with the cursor on the value `A5` and typing a "B" results in `5B`.
- **Move cursor up on backspace-delete**
- **Move cursor by edit step on delete**
- **Change current instrument when changing instrument column (absorb)**
- **Delete effect value when deleting effect**
- **Change order when scrolling outside of pattern bounds**:
- if off, the pattern edit cursor will stay locked within the current order.
- if on, moving the cursor past the edge of the previous or next order will move to that order.
- **Move cursor by edit step on insert (push)**
- **Move cursor to end of clipboard content when pasting**
- **Don't scroll when moving cursor**
- **Double click selects entire column**
- **Allow docking editors**
- **Don't raise pattern editor on click**
- **Focus pattern editor when selecting instrument**
- **Restart song when changing chip properties**
- **Use system file picker**: use native OS file dialog instead of Furnace's.
- **Only allow window movement when clicking on title bar**
- **Enable event delay**
- may cause issues with high-polling-rate mice when previewing notes.
- **Power-saving mode**
- saves power by lowering the frame rate to 2fps when idle.
- may cause issues under Mesa drivers!
- **Disable threaded input (restart after changing!)**
- threaded input processes key presses for note preview on a separate thread (on supported platforms), which reduces latency.
- however, crashes have been reported when threaded input is on. enable this option if that is the case.
- **Remember window position**
- remembers the window's last position on start-up.
- **New instruments are blank**
- **Save unused patterns**
- **Compress when saving**
- use zlib to compress saved songs.
- **Cursor follows current order when moving it**
- applies when playback is stopped.
- **Audio export loop/fade out time:**
- **Set to these values on start-up:**
- **Loops**: number of additional times to play through `0Bxx` song loop.
- **Fade out (seconds)**: length of fade out after final loop.
- **Remember last values**
- **Note preview behavior:**
- **Never**
- **When cursor is in Note column**
- **When cursor is in Note column or not in edit mode**
- **Always**
- **Wrap pattern cursor horizontally:**
- **No**
- **Yes**
- **Yes, and move to next/prev row**
- **Wrap pattern cursor vertically:**
- **No**
- **Yes**
- **Yes, and move to next/prev pattern**
- **Cursor movement keys behavior:**
- **Move by one**
- **Move by Edit Step**
- **Effect input cursor behavior:**
- **Move down**
- **Move to effect value (otherwise move down)**
- **Move to effect value/next effect and wrap around**