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FFTW FAQ - Section 2
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FFTW FAQ - Section 2 <br>
Installing FFTW
<li><a href="#systems" rel=subdocument>Q2.1. Which systems does FFTW run on?</a>
<li><a href="#runOnWindows" rel=subdocument>Q2.2. Does FFTW run on Windows?</a>
<li><a href="#compilerCrashes" rel=subdocument>Q2.3. My compiler has trouble with FFTW.</a>
<li><a href="#solarisSucks" rel=subdocument>Q2.4. FFTW does not compile on Solaris, complaining about
<li><a href="#3dnow" rel=subdocument>Q2.5. What's the difference between <code>--enable-3dnow</code> and <code>--enable-k7</code>?</a>
<li><a href="#fma" rel=subdocument>Q2.6. What's the difference between the fma and the non-fma
<li><a href="#languages" rel=subdocument>Q2.7. Which language is FFTW written in?</a>
<li><a href="#fortran" rel=subdocument>Q2.8. Can I call FFTW from Fortran?</a>
<li><a href="#cplusplus" rel=subdocument>Q2.9. Can I call FFTW from C++?</a>
<li><a href="#whynotfortran" rel=subdocument>Q2.10. Why isn't FFTW written in Fortran/C++?</a>
<li><a href="#singleprec" rel=subdocument>Q2.11. How do I compile FFTW to run in single precision?</a>
<li><a href="#64bitk7" rel=subdocument>Q2.12. --enable-k7 does not work on x86-64</a>
<h2><A name="systems">
Question 2.1. Which systems does FFTW run
FFTW is written in ANSI C, and should work on any system with a decent
C compiler. (See also <A href="#runOnWindows">Q2.2 `Does FFTW run on Windows?'</A>, <A href="#compilerCrashes">Q2.3 `My compiler has trouble with FFTW.'</A>.) FFTW can also take advantage of certain hardware-specific features,
such as cycle counters and SIMD instructions, but this is optional.
<h2><A name="runOnWindows">
Question 2.2. Does FFTW run on Windows?
Yes, many people have reported successfully using FFTW on Windows with
various compilers. FFTW was not developed on Windows, but the source
code is essentially straight ANSI C. See also the
<A href="http://www.fftw.org/install/windows.html">FFTW Windows installation notes</A>, <A href="#compilerCrashes">Q2.3 `My compiler has trouble with FFTW.'</A>, and <A href="section3.html#vbetalia">Q3.18 `How do I call FFTW from the Microsoft language du
<h2><A name="compilerCrashes">
Question 2.3. My compiler has trouble with
Complain fiercely to the vendor of the compiler.
We have successfully used <code>gcc</code> 3.2.x on x86 and PPC, a recent Compaq C compiler for Alpha, version 6 of IBM's
<code>xlc</code> compiler for AIX, Intel's <code>icc</code> versions 5-7, and Sun WorkShop <code>cc</code> version 6.
FFTW is likely to push compilers to their limits, however, and several
compiler bugs have been exposed by FFTW. A partial list follows.
<code>gcc</code> 2.95.x for Solaris/SPARC produces incorrect code for
the test program (workaround: recompile the
<code>libbench2</code> directory with <code>-O2</code>).
NetBSD/macppc 1.6 comes with a <code>gcc</code> version that also miscompiles the test program. (Please report a workaround if you know
<code>gcc</code> 3.2.3 for ARM reportedly crashes during compilation.
This bug is reportedly fixed in later versions of
Versions 8.0 and 8.1 of Intel's <code>icc</code> falsely claim to be <code>gcc</code>, so you should specify <code>CC=&quot;icc -no-gcc&quot;</code>; this is automatic in FFTW 3.1. <code>icc-8.0.066</code> reportely produces incorrect code for FFTW 2.1.5, but is fixed in version 8.1.
<code>icc-7.1</code> compiler build 20030402Z appears to produce
incorrect dependencies, causing the compilation to fail.
<code>icc-7.1</code> build 20030307Z appears to work fine. (Use
<code>icc -V</code> to check which build you have.) As of 2003/04/18,
build 20030402Z appears not to be available any longer on Intel's
website, whereas the older build 20030307Z is available.
<code>ranlib</code> of GNU <code>binutils</code> 2.9.1 on Irix has been observed to corrupt the FFTW libraries, causing a link failure when
FFTW is compiled. Since <code>ranlib</code> is completely superfluous on Irix, we suggest deleting it from your system and replacing it with
a symbolic link to <code>/bin/echo</code>.
If support for SIMD instructions is enabled in FFTW, further compiler
problems may appear:
<code>gcc</code> 3.4.[0123] for x86 produces incorrect SSE2 code for
FFTW when <code>-O2</code> (the best choice for FFTW) is used, causing
FFTW to crash (<code>make check</code> crashes). This bug is fixed in <code>gcc</code> 3.4.4. On x86_64 (amd64/em64t), <code>gcc</code> 3.4.4 reportedly still has a similar problem, but this is fixed as of
<code>gcc</code> 3.4.6.
<code>gcc-3.2</code> for x86 produces incorrect SIMD code if
<code>-O3</code> is used. The same compiler produces incorrect SIMD
code if no optimization is used, too. When using
<code>gcc-3.2</code>, it is a good idea not to change the default
<code>CFLAGS</code> selected by the <code>configure</code> script.
Some 3.0.x and 3.1.x versions of <code>gcc</code> on <code>x86</code> may crash. <code>gcc</code> so-called 2.96 shipping with RedHat 7.3 crashes
when compiling SIMD code. In both cases, please upgrade to
<code>gcc-3.2</code> or later.
Intel's <code>icc</code> 6.0 misaligns SSE constants, but FFTW has a
workaround. <code>icc</code> 8.x fails to compile FFTW 3.0.x because it
falsely claims to be <code>gcc</code>; we believe this to be a bug in <code>icc</code>, but FFTW 3.1 has a workaround.
Visual C++ 2003 reportedly produces incorrect code for SSE/SSE2 when
compiling FFTW. This bug was reportedly fixed in VC++ 2005;
alternatively, you could switch to the Intel compiler. VC++ 6.0 also
reportedly produces incorrect code for the file
<code>reodft11e-r2hc-odd.c</code> unless optimizations are disabled for that file.
<code>gcc</code> 2.95 on MacOS X miscompiles AltiVec code (fixed in
later versions). <code>gcc</code> 3.2.x miscompiles AltiVec permutations, but FFTW has a workaround.
<code>gcc</code> 4.0.1 on MacOS for Intel crashes when compiling FFTW; a workaround is to
compile one file without optimization: <code>cd kernel; make CFLAGS=&quot; &quot; trig.lo</code>.
<code>gcc</code> 4.1.1 reportedly crashes when compiling FFTW for MIPS;
the workaround is to compile the file it crashes on
(<code>t2_64.c</code>) with a lower optimization level.
<code>gcc</code> versions 4.1.2 to 4.2.0 for x86 reportedly miscompile
FFTW 3.1's test program, causing <code>make check</code> to crash (<code>gcc</code> bug #26528). The bug was reportedly fixed in
<code>gcc</code> version 4.2.1 and later. A workaround is to compile
<code>libbench2/verify-lib.c</code> without optimization.
<h2><A name="solarisSucks">
Question 2.4. FFTW does not compile on Solaris, complaining about
We know that at least on Solaris 2.5.x with Sun's compilers 4.2 you
might get error messages from <code>make</code> such as
<code>&quot;./fftw.h&quot;, line 88: warning: const is a keyword in ANSI
This is the case when the <code>configure</code> script reports that <code>const</code> does not work:
<code>checking for working const... (cached) no</code>
You should be aware that Solaris comes with two compilers, namely,
<code>/opt/SUNWspro/SC4.2/bin/cc</code> and <code>/usr/ucb/cc</code>. The latter compiler is non-ANSI. Indeed, it is a perverse shell script
that calls the real compiler in non-ANSI mode. In order
to compile FFTW, change your path so that the right
<code>cc</code> is used.
To know whether your compiler is the right one, type
<code>cc -V</code>. If the compiler prints ``<code>ucbcc</code>'', as in
<code>ucbcc: WorkShop Compilers 4.2 30 Oct 1996 C
then the compiler is wrong. The right message is something like
<code>cc: WorkShop Compilers 4.2 30 Oct 1996 C
<h2><A name="3dnow">
Question 2.5. What's the difference between
<code>--enable-3dnow</code> and <code>--enable-k7</code>?
<code>--enable-k7</code> enables 3DNow! instructions on K7 processors
(AMD Athlon and its variants). K7 support is provided by assembly
routines generated by a special purpose compiler.
As of fftw-3.2, --enable-k7 is no longer supported.
<code>--enable-3dnow</code> enables generic 3DNow! support using <code>gcc</code> builtin functions. This works on earlier AMD
processors, but it is not as fast as our special assembly routines.
As of fftw-3.1, --enable-3dnow is no longer supported.
<h2><A name="fma">
Question 2.6. What's the difference between the fma and the non-fma
The fma version tries to exploit the fused multiply-add instructions
implemented in many processors such as PowerPC, ia-64, and MIPS. The
two FFTW packages are otherwise identical. In FFTW 3.1, the fma and
non-fma versions were merged together into a single package, and the
<code>configure</code> script attempts to automatically guess which
version to use.
The FFTW 3.1 <code>configure</code> script enables fma by default on PowerPC, Itanium, and PA-RISC, and disables it otherwise. You can
force one or the other by using the <code>--enable-fma</code> or <code>--disable-fma</code> flag for <code>configure</code>.
Definitely use fma if you have a PowerPC-based system with
<code>gcc</code> (or IBM <code>xlc</code>). This includes all GNU/Linux systems for PowerPC and the older PowerPC-based MacOS systems. Also
use it on PA-RISC and Itanium with the HP/UX compiler.
Definitely do not use the fma version if you have an ia-32 processor
(Intel, AMD, MacOS on Intel, etcetera).
For other architectures/compilers, the situation is not so clear. For
example, ia-64 has the fma instruction, but
<code>gcc-3.2</code> appears not to exploit it correctly. Other compilers may do the right thing,
but we have not tried them. Please send us your feedback so that we
can update this FAQ entry.
<h2><A name="languages">
Question 2.7. Which language is FFTW written
FFTW is written in ANSI C. Most of the code, however, was
automatically generated by a program called
<code>genfft</code>, written in the Objective Caml dialect of ML. You do not need to know ML or to
have an Objective Caml compiler in order to use FFTW.
<code>genfft</code> is provided with the FFTW sources, which means that
you can play with the code generator if you want. In this case, you
need a working Objective Caml system. Objective Caml is available
from <A href="http://caml.inria.fr">the Caml web page</A>.
<h2><A name="fortran">
Question 2.8. Can I call FFTW from Fortran?
Yes, FFTW (versions 1.3 and higher) contains a Fortran-callable
interface, documented in the FFTW manual.
By default, FFTW configures its Fortran interface to work with the
first compiler it finds, e.g. <code>g77</code>. To configure for a different, incompatible Fortran compiler
<code>foobar</code>, use <code>./configure F77=foobar</code> when installing FFTW. (In the case of <code>g77</code>, however, FFTW 3.x also includes an extra set of
Fortran-callable routines with one less underscore at the end of
identifiers, which should cover most other Fortran compilers on Linux
at least.)
<h2><A name="cplusplus">
Question 2.9. Can I call FFTW from C++?
Most definitely. FFTW should compile and/or link under any C++
compiler. Moreover, it is likely that the C++
<code>&lt;complex&gt;</code> template class is bit-compatible with FFTW's complex-number format
(see the FFTW manual for more details).
<h2><A name="whynotfortran">
Question 2.10. Why isn't FFTW written in
Because we don't like those languages, and neither approaches the
portability of C.
<h2><A name="singleprec">
Question 2.11. How do I compile FFTW to run in single
On a Unix system: <code>configure --enable-float</code>. On a non-Unix system: edit <code>config.h</code> to <code>#define</code> the symbol <code>FFTW_SINGLE</code> (for FFTW 3.x). In both cases, you must then
recompile FFTW. In FFTW 3, all FFTW identifiers will then begin with
<code>fftwf_</code> instead of <code>fftw_</code>.
<h2><A name="64bitk7">
Question 2.12. --enable-k7 does not work on
Support for --enable-k7 was discontinued in fftw-3.2.
The fftw-3.1 release supports --enable-k7. This option only works on
32-bit x86 machines that implement 3DNow!, including the AMD Athlon
and the AMD Opteron in 32-bit mode. --enable-k7 does not work on AMD
Opteron in 64-bit mode. Use --enable-sse for x86-64 machines.
FFTW supports 3DNow! by means of assembly code generated by a
special-purpose compiler. It is hard to produce assembly code that
works in both 32-bit and 64-bit mode. <hr>
Next: <a href="section3.html" rel=precedes>Using FFTW</a>.<br>
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<A href="http://www.fftw.org">Matteo Frigo and Steven G. Johnson</A> / <A href="mailto:fftw@fftw.org">fftw@fftw.org</A>
- 14 September 2021
Extracted from FFTW Frequently Asked Questions with Answers,
Copyright &copy; 2021 Matteo Frigo and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.