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* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-14 Matteo Frigo
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-14 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
type variable =
(* temporary variables generated automatically *)
| Temporary of int
(* memory locations, e.g., array elements *)
| Locative of (Unique.unique * Unique.unique *
(int -> string) * int * string)
(* constant values, e.g., twiddle factors *)
| Constant of (Unique.unique * string)
let hash v = Hashtbl.hash v
let same a b = (a == b)
let is_constant = function
| Constant _ -> true
| _ -> false
let is_temporary = function
| Temporary _ -> true
| _ -> false
let is_locative = function
| Locative _ -> true
| _ -> false
let same_location a b =
match (a, b) with
| (Locative (location_a, _, _, _, _), Locative (location_b, _, _, _, _)) ->
Unique.same location_a location_b
| _ -> false
let same_class a b =
match (a, b) with
| (Locative (_, class_a, _, _, _), Locative (_, class_b, _, _, _)) ->
Unique.same class_a class_b
| (Constant (class_a, _), Constant (class_b, _)) ->
Unique.same class_a class_b
| _ -> false
let make_temporary =
let tmp_count = ref 0
in fun () -> begin
tmp_count := !tmp_count + 1;
Temporary !tmp_count
let make_constant class_token name =
Constant (class_token, name)
let make_locative location_token class_token name i vs =
Locative (location_token, class_token, name, i, vs)
let vstride_of_locative = function
| Locative (_, _, _, _, vs) -> vs
| _ -> failwith "vstride_of_locative"
(* special naming conventions for variables *)
let rec base62_of_int k =
let x = k mod 62
and y = k / 62 in
let c =
if x < 10 then
Char.chr (x + Char.code '0')
else if x < 36 then
Char.chr (x + Char.code 'a' - 10)
Char.chr (x + Char.code 'A' - 36)
let s = String.make 1 c in
let r = if y == 0 then "" else base62_of_int y in
r ^ s
let varname_of_int k =
if !Magic.compact then
base62_of_int k
string_of_int k
let unparse = function
| Temporary k -> "T" ^ (varname_of_int k)
| Constant (_, name) -> name
| Locative (_, _, name, i, _) -> name i
let unparse_for_alignment m = function
| Locative (_, _, name, i, _) -> name (i mod m)
| _ -> failwith "unparse_for_alignment"