- **Author**: List of contributors to a song. If the song is a cover of someone else's work, it's customary to list their name first, followed by `[cv. YourName]`.
- **System**: The game console or computer the track is designed for. This is automatically set when creating a new tune, but in advanced mode, it can be changed to anything one wants. The **Auto** button will provide a guess based on the chips in use.
- _**Tuning (A-4)**:_ Set tuning based on the note A-4, which should be 440 in most cases. Opening an Amiga MOD will set it to 436 for hardware compatibility. Available only in advanced mode.
This window allows one to create **subsongs** - multiple individual songs within a single file. Each song has its own order list and patterns, but all songs within a file share the same chips, samples, and so forth.
**Tick Rate**: The frequency of ticks per second, thus the rate at which notes and effects are processed.
- All values are allowed for all chips, though most chips have hardware limitations that mean they should stay at either 60 (approximately NTSC) or 50 (exactly PAL).
_**Virtual Tempo**:_ Simulates any arbitrary tempo without altering the tick rate. It does this by adding or skipping ticks to approximate the tempo. The two numbers represent a ratio applied to the actual tick rate. Example:
- The first value represents the number of rows per beat.
- The second value represents the number of rows per measure.
- These don't have to line up with the music's actual beats and measures. Set them as preferred for tracking. _Note:_ These values are used for the metronome and calculating BPM.
**Pattern Length**: The length of each pattern in rows. This affects all patterns in the song, and every pattern must be the same length. (Individual patterns can be cut short by `0Bxx`, `0Dxx`, and `FFxx` commands.)
_**Song Length**:_ How many orders are in the order list. Decreasing it will hide the orders at the bottom. Increasing it will restore those orders; increasing it further will add new orders of all `00` patterns.