
159 lines
4.1 KiB

module.exports = {
name: "English",
global: {
home: "Home",
subscriptions: "Subscriptions",
library: "Library",
restart: "Restart",
later: "Later",
"Modifying this setting requires the app to restart for the changes to be applied.",
okay: "Okay",
pages: {
index: "",
home: "Home",
library: "Library",
search: "Search",
settings: "Settings",
subscriptions: "Subscriptions",
watch: "Watch",
about: "About",
developer: "Developer",
general: "General",
player: "Player",
plugins: "Plugins",
startup: "Startup",
theme: "Theme",
tweaks: "Tweaks",
updates: "Updates",
index: {
connecting: "Connecting",
plugins: "Loading Plugins",
launching: "Launching",
settings: {
general: "General",
theme: "Theme",
player: "Player",
uitweaker: "UI Tweaker",
startupoptions: "Startup Options",
plugins: "Plugins",
updates: "Updates",
logs: "Logs",
about: "About",
devmode: "Developer mode",
mods: {
general: {
language: "Language",
backup: "Backup",
backupinfo: "Backup or restore your application settings",
restore: "Restore",
personalizedrecommendations: "Personalized recommendations",
personalizedrecommendationsinfo: "Receive personalized recommendations in exchange for sending watch time telemetry.",
theme: {
normal: "Normal",
adaptive: "Adaptive",
custom: "Custom",
dark: "Dark",
black: "Black",
darkmode: "Dark Mode",
darkmodetagline: "Bravo Six, Going Dark.",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Fullscreen",
navbarblur: "Navbar Blur",
roundedcorners: "Rounded Corners",
roundthumbnails: "Round Thumbnails",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "Round Watch Page Components",
radius: "Radius",
launchscreen: "Launch Screen",
centeredlayout: "Centered Layout",
fullscreenlayout: "Fullscreen Layout",
themedicon: "Themed Icon",
bottomnavigation: "Bottom Navigation",
shift: "Shift",
showlabels: "Show labels",
mdi: "MDI",
materialsymbols: "Material Symbols",
fluentuiicons: "FluentUI Icons",
ibmcarbonicons: "IBM Carbon Icons",
startup: {
defaultpage: "Default Page",
updates: {
updating: "Downloading update",
checking: "Checking for updates",
available: "Update available",
noupdate: "No updates available",
"You're using the most recent version of VueTube. Check back later for updates.",
installed: "Installed Version",
latest: "Latest Version",
published: "Published",
users: "Users",
size: "Update Size",
okay: "Okay",
refresh: "Refresh",
update: "Update",
later: "Later",
logs: {
more: "More",
about: {
appinformation: "App Information",
appversion: "App Version",
deviceinformation: "Device Information",
platform: "Platform",
os: "Operating System",
model: "Model",
manufacturer: "Manufacturer",
emulator: "Emulator",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord",
developer: {
registryeditor: "Registry editor",
createentry: "Create entry",
createentryfull: "Create registry entry",
cancel: "Cancel",
create: "Create",
key: "Key",
value: "Value",
confirmdelete: "Confirm delete",
areyousure: "Are you sure that you want to delete?",
delete: "Delete",
change: "Change",
events: {
welcome: "Welcome to VueTube",
tagline: "The future of video streaming",
next: "Next",
updated: "VueTube was updated",
awesome: "Awesome",
langsetup: "Let's Pick a Language!",
featuresetup: "Let's Pick Some Features!",
enableryd: "Enable Return YouTube Dislike",
enablespb: "Enable SponsorBlock",
thanks: "Thanks for Using VueTube",
enjoy: "We hope you have an amazing experience",
packageinstaller: "Select a Package to Download",