mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 08:20:17 +00:00
Format code with prettier
This commit fixes the style issues introduced in 38b0de7
according to the output
from prettier.
Details: https://deepsource.io/gh/VueTubeApp/VueTube/transform/9d827cbf-455d-44d1-b340-8f6b1836b896/
This commit is contained in:
62 changed files with 1165 additions and 1087 deletions
@ -21,11 +21,13 @@ $ npm run lint
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out the [documentation](https://nuxtjs.org).
## Recommended VSCode Setup for Auto-Formatting
- [ESLint](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dbaeumer.vscode-eslint) `ext install dbaeumer.vscode-eslint`
- [Prettier](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode) `ext install esbenp.prettier-vscode`
- [Vetur](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=octref.vetur)
>`Ctrl(Cmd)` + `Shift` + `P` > Open Settings (JSON)
- [ESLint](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dbaeumer.vscode-eslint) `ext install dbaeumer.vscode-eslint`
- [Prettier](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode) `ext install esbenp.prettier-vscode`
- [Vetur](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=octref.vetur)
> `Ctrl(Cmd)` + `Shift` + `P` > Open Settings (JSON)
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
@ -56,7 +58,6 @@ Layouts are a great help when you want to change the look and feel of your Nuxt
More information about the usage of this directory in [the documentation](https://nuxtjs.org/docs/2.x/directory-structure/layouts).
### `pages`
This directory contains your application views and routes. Nuxt will read all the `*.vue` files inside this directory and setup Vue Router automatically.
@ -157,7 +157,17 @@
<v-btn fab text color="white" class="mx-12" @click="$router.push(`/watch?v=${recommends.contents[0].videoWithContextRenderer.videoId}`)">
<v-icon size="2rem" color="white">mdi-skip-next</v-icon>
@ -1,43 +1,48 @@
<v-select v-model="selectedLang" background-color="background" :items="langs" label="App Language" solo></v-select>
label="App Language"
export default {
export default {
data() {
return {
langs: [],
lang: { mods: { general: { language: "" } } },
selectedLang: null,
data() {
return {
langs: [],
lang: { mods: { general: { language: "" } } },
selectedLang: null
watch: {
//--- Update Stored Language Value ---//
selectedLang: function (newVal) {
const langs = this.$lang(null, true);
let lang = new String();
for (const i in langs) {
if (langs[i].name == newVal) {
lang = i;
localStorage.setItem("language", lang);
//--- End Update Stored Language Value ---//
mounted() {
const lang = this.$lang(); this.lang = lang.mods.general;
watch: {
//--- Update Stored Language Value ---//
selectedLang: function (newVal) {
const langs = this.$lang(null, true);
let lang = new String();
for (const i in langs) {
if (langs[i].name == newVal) {
lang = i;
localStorage.setItem("language", lang);
//--- End Update Stored Language Value ---//
this.selectedLang = this.$lang().name;
mounted() {
const lang = this.$lang();
this.lang = lang.mods.general;
const langs = this.$lang(null, true);
for (const i in langs) {
this.selectedLang = this.$lang().name;
@ -37,7 +37,10 @@
right: 0;
width: 50%;
height: 100%;
background: linear-gradient(var(--v-background-base) -1000%, #00000000 1000%);
background: linear-gradient(
var(--v-background-base) -1000%,
#00000000 1000%
@ -1,88 +1,91 @@
<center class="container" ref="stage0">
:class="$vuetify.theme.dark ? '' : 'invert'"
<h1>{{ lang.welcome }}</h1>
<p>{{ lang.tagline }}</p>
:class="$vuetify.theme.dark ? '' : 'invert'"
<h1>{{ lang.welcome }}</h1>
<p>{{ lang.tagline }}</p>
<center class="container hidden" ref="stage1">
<h1>{{ lang.langsetup }}</h1>
<language style="width: 80%;" />
<h1>{{ lang.langsetup }}</h1>
<language style="width: 80%" />
<center class="container hidden" ref="stage2">
<h1>{{ lang.featuresetup }}</h1>
<v-checkbox disabled v-model="ryd" :label="lang.enableryd" />
<v-checkbox disabled v-model="sponsorBlock" :label="lang.enablespb" />
<h1>{{ lang.featuresetup }}</h1>
<v-checkbox disabled v-model="ryd" :label="lang.enableryd" />
<v-checkbox disabled v-model="sponsorBlock" :label="lang.enablespb" />
<center class="container hidden" ref="stage3">
<h1>{{ lang.thanks }}</h1>
<h3>{{ lang.enjoy }}</h3>
<h1>{{ lang.thanks }}</h1>
<h3>{{ lang.enjoy }}</h3>
<v-btn @click="next()" class="rounded-xl primary nextButton">{{ lang.next }} <v-icon style="margin-left: 0.5em;">mdi-arrow-right</v-icon></v-btn>
<v-btn @click="next()" class="rounded-xl primary nextButton"
>{{ lang.next }}
<v-icon style="margin-left: 0.5em">mdi-arrow-right</v-icon></v-btn
<style scoped>
.nextButton {
position: absolute;
bottom: 1em;
right: 2em;
position: absolute;
bottom: 1em;
right: 2em;
.hidden {
display: none;
display: none;
.fullWidth {
width: 100%;
width: 100%;
.container {
width: 100%;
width: 100%;
import language from '~/components/Settings/language.vue';
export default {
layout: "empty",
components: {
data() {
return {
lang: {},
stage: 0,
import language from "~/components/Settings/language.vue";
export default {
layout: "empty",
components: {
data() {
return {
lang: {},
stage: 0,
ryd: true,
sponsorBlock: true,
mounted() {
this.lang = this.$lang("events");
methods: {
next() {
this.$refs["stage"+this.stage].style.display = "none";
ryd: true,
sponsorBlock: true,
mounted() {
this.lang = this.$lang("events");
methods: {
next() {
this.$refs["stage" + this.stage].style.display = "none";
if (!this.$refs["stage"+this.stage]) {
localStorage.setItem("lastRunVersion", process.env.appVersion);
localStorage.setItem("firstTimeSetupComplete", true);
if (!this.$refs["stage" + this.stage]) {
localStorage.setItem("lastRunVersion", process.env.appVersion);
localStorage.setItem("firstTimeSetupComplete", true);
this.$refs["stage"+this.stage].style.display = "block";
this.$refs["stage" + this.stage].style.display = "block";
@ -1,64 +1,71 @@
<center class="container">
:class="$vuetify.theme.dark ? '' : 'invert'"
<h1>{{ lang.updated }}</h1>
<p><span class="version">{{ oldVer }}</span> <v-icon>mdi-arrow-right</v-icon> <span class="version">{{ newVer }}</span></p>
:class="$vuetify.theme.dark ? '' : 'invert'"
<h1>{{ lang.updated }}</h1>
<span class="version">{{ oldVer }}</span>
<span class="version">{{ newVer }}</span>
<v-btn @click="okay()" class="rounded-xl primary nextButton">{{ lang.awesome }} <v-icon style="margin-left: 0.5em;">mdi-arrow-right</v-icon></v-btn>
<v-btn @click="okay()" class="rounded-xl primary nextButton"
>{{ lang.awesome }}
<v-icon style="margin-left: 0.5em">mdi-arrow-right</v-icon></v-btn
<style scoped>
.nextButton {
position: absolute;
bottom: 1em;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, 0);
position: absolute;
bottom: 1em;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, 0);
.container {
width: 100%;
width: 100%;
.version {
background: rgba(100,100,100,0.5);
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 3px;
background: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5);
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 3px;
import language from '~/components/Settings/language.vue';
export default {
layout: "empty",
components: {
data() {
return {
lang: {},
newVer: "...",
oldVer: "..."
mounted() {
this.lang = this.$lang("events");
import language from "~/components/Settings/language.vue";
export default {
layout: "empty",
components: {
data() {
return {
lang: {},
newVer: "...",
oldVer: "...",
mounted() {
this.lang = this.$lang("events");
this.oldVer = localStorage.getItem("lastRunVersion").substring(0, 7);
this.newVer = process.env.appVersion.substring(0, 7);
this.oldVer = localStorage.getItem("lastRunVersion").substring(0, 7);
this.newVer = process.env.appVersion.substring(0, 7);
methods: {
okay() {
localStorage.setItem("lastRunVersion", process.env.appVersion);
methods: {
okay() {
localStorage.setItem("lastRunVersion", process.env.appVersion);
@ -39,9 +39,7 @@
:style="{ borderRadius: `${roundTweak / 2}rem` }"
<v-card-title>{{ lang.deviceinformation }}</v-card-title>
<h3>{{ lang.platform }}</h3>
{{ deviceInfo.platform || "Unknown" }}<br />
@ -82,16 +80,25 @@
:style="{ borderRadius: `${roundTweak / 2}rem` }"
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<clipPath id="clip0">
<rect width="71" height="55" fill="white" />
{{ lang.discord }}
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
<!-- Top Notice -->
<center style="margin: 2em;">
<center style="margin: 2em">
<h1>Registry Editor</h1>
<v-alert text outlined type="warning">
@ -12,34 +10,60 @@
<!-- Add New Key Button -->
<v-btn @click="addDialog = !addDialog; selectedKey = null; selectedKeyData = null;">
<v-icon style="margin-right: 0.25em;">mdi-plus</v-icon>
addDialog = !addDialog;
selectedKey = null;
selectedKeyData = null;
<v-icon style="margin-right: 0.25em">mdi-plus</v-icon>
Create Entry
<!-- Registry List Loader -->
<v-list-item v-for="(item, index) in keys" :key="index">
<v-card class="card" :class="$vuetify.theme.dark ? 'background lighten-1' : 'background darken-1'" :style="{borderRadius: `${roundTweak / 2}rem`}">
$vuetify.theme.dark ? 'background lighten-1' : 'background darken-1'
:style="{ borderRadius: `${roundTweak / 2}rem` }"
<v-card-title v-text="item.key" />
<v-card-text v-text="item.value" />
<v-spacer />
<v-btn text class="actionButton" @click="confirmEdit(item)"><v-icon color="primary">mdi-pencil</v-icon></v-btn>
<v-btn text class="actionButton" @click="confirmDelete(item)"><v-icon color="error">mdi-delete</v-icon></v-btn>
<v-btn text class="actionButton" @click="confirmEdit(item)"
><v-icon color="primary">mdi-pencil</v-icon></v-btn
<v-btn text class="actionButton" @click="confirmDelete(item)"
><v-icon color="error">mdi-delete</v-icon></v-btn
<!-- Delete Entry Dialog -->
<v-dialog v-model="deleteDialog" width="500">
<v-card class="rounded-lg" :class="$vuetify.theme.dark ? 'background lighten-1' : 'background darken-1'">
$vuetify.theme.dark ? 'background lighten-1' : 'background darken-1'
<v-card-title class="text-h5">Confirm Delete</v-card-title>
<v-card-text>Are you sure that you want to delete <span class="highlight" v-text="selectedKey" />?</v-card-text>
>Are you sure that you want to delete
<span class="highlight" v-text="selectedKey" />?</v-card-text
<v-divider />
<v-btn color="primary" text @click="deleteDialog = false">Cancel</v-btn>
<v-btn color="primary" text @click="deleteDialog = false"
<v-btn color="primary" text @click="deleteKey()">Delete</v-btn>
@ -47,16 +71,15 @@
<!-- Edit Entry Dialog -->
<v-dialog v-model="editDialog" width="500">
<v-card class="rounded-lg" :class="$vuetify.theme.dark ? 'background lighten-1' : 'background darken-1'">
<v-card-title class="text-h5" v-text="selectedKey"/>
$vuetify.theme.dark ? 'background lighten-1' : 'background darken-1'
<v-card-title class="text-h5" v-text="selectedKey" />
<v-text-field v-model="selectedKeyData" label="Value" solo />
<v-divider />
@ -69,23 +92,21 @@
<!-- Add Entry Dialog -->
<v-dialog v-model="addDialog" width="500">
<v-card class="rounded-lg" :class="$vuetify.theme.dark ? 'background lighten-1' : 'background darken-1'">
$vuetify.theme.dark ? 'background lighten-1' : 'background darken-1'
<v-card-title class="text-h5">Create Registry Entry</v-card-title>
<v-text-field v-model="selectedKey" label="Key" solo />
style="margin-bottom: -2em;"
style="margin-bottom: -2em"
<v-divider />
@ -95,18 +116,15 @@
export default {
computed: {
roundTweak() {
return this.$store.state.tweaks.roundTweak;
data() {
@ -117,7 +135,7 @@ export default {
selectedKeyData: null,
deleteDialog: false,
editDialog: false,
addDialog: false
addDialog: false,
mounted() {
@ -125,14 +143,13 @@ export default {
methods: {
syncRegistry() {
this.keys = [];
const localStorageKeys = Object.keys(localStorage)
const localStorageKeys = Object.keys(localStorage);
for (const i in localStorageKeys) {
const key = localStorageKeys[i];
const keyValue = localStorage.getItem(key);
this.keys.push({key: key, value: keyValue});
this.keys.push({ key: key, value: keyValue });
@ -160,8 +177,8 @@ export default {
this.addDialog = false;
localStorage.setItem(this.selectedKey, this.selectedKeyData);
@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
<div class="mainContainer pt-1">
<v-card flat class="pb-5 background" :class="$vuetify.theme.dark ? 'lighten-1' : 'darken-1'" :style="{borderRadius: `${roundTweak / 2}rem`}">
class="pb-5 background"
:class="$vuetify.theme.dark ? 'lighten-1' : 'darken-1'"
:style="{ borderRadius: `${roundTweak / 2}rem` }"
<v-card-title>{{ lang.language }}</v-card-title>
<language />
@ -10,36 +15,36 @@
import language from '~/components/Settings/language.vue';
export default {
components: {
computed: {
roundTweak() {
return this.$store.state.tweaks.roundTweak;
import language from "~/components/Settings/language.vue";
export default {
components: {
computed: {
roundTweak() {
return this.$store.state.tweaks.roundTweak;
data() {
return {
lang: { mods: { general: { language: "" } } },
mounted() {
const lang = this.$lang(); this.lang = lang.mods.general;
data() {
return {
lang: { mods: { general: { language: "" } } },
mounted() {
const lang = this.$lang();
this.lang = lang.mods.general;
<style scoped>
.v-card {
margin: 1em;
.v-card {
margin: 1em;
section {
padding: 0 1em 1em 1em;
section {
padding: 0 1em 1em 1em;
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
:class="$vuetify.theme.dark ? 'lighten-1' : 'darken-1'"
:style="{borderRadius: `${roundTweak / 2}rem`}"
:style="{ borderRadius: `${roundTweak / 2}rem` }"
<v-expansion-panel-header>{{ lang.more }}</v-expansion-panel-header>
<v-expansion-panel-content class="logContent" v-text="item.data" />
@ -58,19 +58,19 @@ export default {
computed: {
roundTweak() {
return this.$store.state.tweaks.roundTweak;
data() {
return {
logs: new Array(),
lang: {}
lang: {},
mounted() {
const logs = this.$youtube.logs;
this.logs = logs;
this.lang = this.$lang("mods").logs
this.lang = this.$lang("mods").logs;
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
<div style="margin: 1em;">
<v-btn style="width: 100%;" class="primary text-none" @click="pickFile()"><v-icon style="margin-right: 0.5em;">mdi-sd</v-icon> Install from storage</v-btn>
<div style="margin: 1em">
<v-btn style="width: 100%" class="primary text-none" @click="pickFile()"
><v-icon style="margin-right: 0.5em">mdi-sd</v-icon> Install from
<input type="file" id="filePicker" accept="js" />
<center v-if="plugins.length == 0" style="margin-top: 2em;">
<center v-if="plugins.length == 0" style="margin-top: 2em">
<v-icon size="50px">mdi-connection</v-icon>
<h2>No plugins installed</h2>
@ -73,27 +75,25 @@ export default {
//this.plugins = await this.$tppl.list;
const vm = this;
document.getElementById('filePicker').onchange = async function() {
document.getElementById("filePicker").onchange = async function () {
const file = document.getElementById("filePicker").files[0];
const contents = await vm.readFileContent(file);
await vm.$tppl.addPlugin(contents);
methods: {
readFileContent(file) {
const reader = new FileReader()
const reader = new FileReader();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
reader.onload = event => resolve(event.target.result)
reader.onerror = error => reject(error)
reader.onload = (event) => resolve(event.target.result);
reader.onerror = (error) => reject(error);
pickFile() {
@ -1,64 +1,77 @@
<div class="mainContainer pt-1">
<v-card flat class="pb-5 background" :class="$vuetify.theme.dark ? 'lighten-1' : 'darken-1'" :style="{borderRadius: `${roundTweak / 2}rem`}">
class="pb-5 background"
:class="$vuetify.theme.dark ? 'lighten-1' : 'darken-1'"
:style="{ borderRadius: `${roundTweak / 2}rem` }"
<v-card-title>{{ lang.mods.startup.defaultpage }}</v-card-title>
<v-select v-model="page" background-color="background" :items="pages" label="Default Page" solo></v-select>
label="Default Page"
export default {
computed: {
roundTweak() {
return this.$store.state.tweaks.roundTweak;
export default {
computed: {
roundTweak() {
return this.$store.state.tweaks.roundTweak;
data() {
return {
page: "home",
pages: [],
lang: { mods: { startup: {} } }
data() {
return {
page: "home",
pages: [],
lang: { mods: { startup: {} } },
watch: {
page: function (newVal) {
localStorage.setItem("startPage", newVal);
watch: {
page: function (newVal) {
localStorage.setItem("startPage", newVal);
mounted() {
this.page = localStorage.getItem("startPage") || "home";
mounted() {
this.page = localStorage.getItem("startPage") || "home";
const lang = this.$lang();
this.lang = lang;
const lang = this.$lang(); this.lang = lang;
this.pages = [{
this.pages = [
value: "home",
text: lang.global.home
}, {
text: lang.global.home,
value: "subscriptions",
text: lang.global.subscriptions
}, {
text: lang.global.subscriptions,
value: "library",
text: lang.global.library
text: lang.global.library,
<style scoped>
.v-card {
margin: 1em;
section {
padding: 0 1em 1em 1em;
.v-card {
margin: 1em;
section {
padding: 0 1em 1em 1em;
@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
class="d-flex flex-column justify-end"
min-height: calc(100vh - 8rem - env(safe-area-inset-top) - env(safe-area-inset-bottom)) !important;
min-height: calc(
100vh - 8rem - env(safe-area-inset-top) - env(safe-area-inset-bottom)
) !important;
<!-- ----Background Colors---- -->
@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ export default {
adaptiveDark: "",
pickerState: false,
pickerMode: "bg",
lang: {}
lang: {},
mounted() {
@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
class="d-flex flex-column justify-end"
min-height: calc(100vh - 8rem - env(safe-area-inset-top) - env(safe-area-inset-bottom)) !important;
min-height: calc(
100vh - 8rem - env(safe-area-inset-top) - env(safe-area-inset-bottom)
) !important;
<!-- TODO: outer radius -->
@ -169,11 +171,11 @@
export default {
data() {
return {
lang: {}
lang: {},
mounted() {
this.lang = this.$lang("mods").tweaks
this.lang = this.$lang("mods").tweaks;
computed: {
roundTweak: {
@ -26,8 +26,20 @@
<v-chip v-if="index == 0" class="tags" color="orange" style="border-radius: 0.5rem; border: 2px var(--v-orange-base)">{{ lang.latest }}</v-chip>
<v-chip v-if="item.sha == installedVersion" class="tags" color="green" style="border-radius: 0.5rem; border: 2px var(--v-green-base)">{{ lang.installed }}</v-chip>
v-if="index == 0"
style="border-radius: 0.5rem; border: 2px var(--v-orange-base)"
>{{ lang.latest }}</v-chip
v-if="item.sha == installedVersion"
style="border-radius: 0.5rem; border: 2px var(--v-green-base)"
>{{ lang.installed }}</v-chip
<v-spacer />
<v-btn @click="openExternal(item)" class="background">
<v-icon class="btn-icon">mdi-github</v-icon>{{ lang.view }}
@ -78,7 +90,7 @@ export default {
return {
commits: new Array(),
installedVersion: process.env.appVersion,
lang: {}
lang: {},
async mounted() {
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ export default {
name: "General",
icon: "mdi-cog",
to: "/mods/general"
to: "/mods/general",
name: "Theme",
@ -28,7 +28,11 @@
<div class="d-flex flex-column">
style="font-size: 0.95rem; line-height: 1.15rem; overflow-wrap: break-word;"
font-size: 0.95rem;
line-height: 1.15rem;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ const ytApiVal = {
const filesystem = {
plugins: "plugins"
plugins: "plugins",
module.exports = {
@ -305,9 +305,11 @@ class Innertube {
response.data.output?.playabilityStatus?.status == ("ERROR" || undefined)
throw new Error(
`Could not get information for video: ${response.status_code ||
} - ${response.message || response.data.output?.playabilityStatus?.reason
`Could not get information for video: ${
response.status_code ||
} - ${
response.message || response.data.output?.playabilityStatus?.reason
const responseInfo = response.data.output;
@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
const packs = {
bulgarian: require('./languages/bulgarian'),
english: require('./languages/english'),
"french-fr": require('./languages/french-fr'),
german: require('./languages/german'),
italian: require('./languages/italian'),
macedonian: require('./languages/macedonian'),
malay: require('./languages/malay'),
dutch: require('./languages/dutch'),
polish: require('./languages/polish'),
spanish: require('./languages/spanish'),
"chinese-traditional": require('./languages/chinese-traditional'),
"chinese-simplified": require('./languages/chinese-simplified'),
"brazilian-portuguese": require('./languages/brazilian-portuguese'),
indonesian: require('./languages/indonesian'),
bulgarian: require("./languages/bulgarian"),
english: require("./languages/english"),
"french-fr": require("./languages/french-fr"),
german: require("./languages/german"),
italian: require("./languages/italian"),
macedonian: require("./languages/macedonian"),
malay: require("./languages/malay"),
dutch: require("./languages/dutch"),
polish: require("./languages/polish"),
spanish: require("./languages/spanish"),
"chinese-traditional": require("./languages/chinese-traditional"),
"chinese-simplified": require("./languages/chinese-simplified"),
"brazilian-portuguese": require("./languages/brazilian-portuguese"),
indonesian: require("./languages/indonesian"),
function module(subPack, listPacks) {
//--- List All Packs ---//
if (listPacks === true) return packs;
@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ function module(subPack, listPacks) {
if (!subPack) return languagePack;
return languagePack[subPack];
export default ({ app }, inject) => {
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ module.exports = {
global: {
home: "Início",
subscriptions: "Inscrições",
library: "Biblioteca"
library: "Biblioteca",
index: {
connecting: "Conectando",
launching: "Iniciando"
launching: "Iniciando",
settings: {
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ module.exports = {
updates: "Atualizações",
logs: "Logs",
about: "Sobre",
devmode: "Editor de registro"
devmode: "Editor de registro",
mods: {
general: {
language: "Idioma"
language: "Idioma",
theme: {
normal: "Normal",
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module.exports = {
dark: "Escuro",
black: "Preto",
darkmode: "Modo Escuro",
darkmodetagline: "Bravo Six, Escurecendo."
darkmodetagline: "Bravo Six, Escurecendo.",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Tela Cheia",
@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ module.exports = {
roundedcorners: "Bordas Arredondadas",
roundthumbnails: "Arredondar Thumbnails",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "Arredondar elementos da tela de reprodução",
radius: "Grau"
radius: "Grau",
startup: {
defaultpage: "Página Padrão"
defaultpage: "Página Padrão",
updates: {
install: "Instalar",
view: "Ver",
latest: "Última",
installed: "Instalado"
installed: "Instalado",
logs: {
more: "Mais"
more: "Mais",
about: {
appinformation: "Informação do App",
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ module.exports = {
manufacturer: "Fabricante",
emulator: "Emulador",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
discord: "Discord",
events: {
@ -77,6 +77,6 @@ module.exports = {
tagline: "O futuro de streaming de video",
next: "Próximo",
updated: "VueTube atualizado com sucesso!",
awesome: "Incrível!"
awesome: "Incrível!",
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ module.exports = {
global: {
home: "Начална Страница",
subscriptions: "Абонаменти",
library: "Библиотека"
library: "Библиотека",
index: {
connecting: "Свързване",
launching: "Стартиране"
launching: "Стартиране",
settings: {
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ module.exports = {
updates: "Актуализации",
logs: "Дневници",
about: "Относно VueTube",
devmode: "Редактор На Регистъра"
devmode: "Редактор На Регистъра",
mods: {
general: {
language: "Език"
language: "Език",
theme: {
normal: "Нормална",
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module.exports = {
dark: "Тъмна",
black: "Черна",
darkmode: "Тъмен Режим",
darkmodetagline: "Браво Шест, Навлизаме В Мрака."
darkmodetagline: "Браво Шест, Навлизаме В Мрака.",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Цял Екран",
@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ module.exports = {
roundedcorners: "Заоблени Ъгли",
roundthumbnails: "Заоблени Снимки",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "Заоблени Компоненти На Страницата За Гледане",
radius: "Радиус"
radius: "Радиус",
startup: {
defaultpage: "Страница По Подразбиране"
defaultpage: "Страница По Подразбиране",
updates: {
install: "Инсталиране",
view: "Преглед",
latest: "Най-Нови",
installed: "Инсталирана"
installed: "Инсталирана",
logs: {
more: "Още"
more: "Още",
about: {
appinformation: "Информация За Приложението",
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ module.exports = {
manufacturer: "Производител",
emulator: "Емулатор",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
discord: "Discord",
events: {
@ -77,8 +77,6 @@ module.exports = {
tagline: "Бъдещето На Видеострийминга",
next: "Следващ",
updated: "VueTube Беше Актуализиран!",
awesome: "Поздравления!"
awesome: "Поздравления!",
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ module.exports = {
global: {
home: "首页",
subscriptions: "订阅内容",
library: "媒体库"
library: "媒体库",
index: {
connecting: "连接中",
launching: "启动中"
launching: "启动中",
settings: {
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ module.exports = {
updates: "更新",
logs: "日志",
about: "关于",
devmode: "注册表编辑工具"
devmode: "注册表编辑工具",
mods: {
general: {
language: "语言"
language: "语言",
theme: {
normal: "正常",
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module.exports = {
dark: "深色",
black: "黑色",
darkmode: "黑暗模式",
darkmodetagline: "不要温和地走进那个良夜……"
darkmodetagline: "不要温和地走进那个良夜……",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "全屏",
@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ module.exports = {
roundedcorners: "圆角",
roundthumbnails: "圆的缩图",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "圆的观看页部件",
radius: "半径"
radius: "半径",
startup: {
defaultpage: "默认页"
defaultpage: "默认页",
updates: {
install: "安装",
view: "查看",
latest: "最新",
installed: "已安装"
installed: "已安装",
logs: {
more: "更多"
more: "更多",
about: {
appinformation: "应用程序信息",
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ module.exports = {
manufacturer: "制造商",
emulator: "模拟器",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
discord: "Discord",
events: {
@ -83,8 +83,6 @@ module.exports = {
enableryd: "启用 Return YouTube Dislike",
enablespb: "启用 SponsorBlock",
thanks: "谢谢使用 VueTube",
enjoy: "祝你有一个愉快的体验"
enjoy: "祝你有一个愉快的体验",
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ module.exports = {
global: {
home: "主頁",
subscriptions: "訂閲項目",
library: "媒體庫"
library: "媒體庫",
index: {
connecting: "連接中",
launching: "啟動中"
launching: "啟動中",
settings: {
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ module.exports = {
updates: "更新",
logs: "紀錄檔",
about: "關於",
devmode: "登錄檔編輯工具"
devmode: "登錄檔編輯工具",
mods: {
general: {
language: "語言"
language: "語言",
theme: {
normal: "正常",
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module.exports = {
dark: "深色",
black: "黑色",
darkmode: "黑暗模式",
darkmodetagline: "不要温和地走進那個良夜……"
darkmodetagline: "不要温和地走進那個良夜……",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "全螢幕",
@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ module.exports = {
roundedcorners: "圓角",
roundthumbnails: "圓的縮圖",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "圓的觀看頁部件",
radius: "半徑"
radius: "半徑",
startup: {
defaultpage: "預設頁"
defaultpage: "預設頁",
updates: {
install: "安裝",
view: "查看",
latest: "最新",
installed: "已安裝"
installed: "已安裝",
logs: {
more: "更多"
more: "更多",
about: {
appinformation: "應用程式資訊",
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ module.exports = {
manufacturer: "製造商",
emulator: "模擬器",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
discord: "Discord",
events: {
@ -83,8 +83,6 @@ module.exports = {
enableryd: "啟用 Return YouTube Dislike",
enablespb: "啟用 SponsorBlock",
thanks: "謝謝使用 VueTube",
enjoy: "祝你有一個愉快的體驗"
enjoy: "祝你有一個愉快的體驗",
@ -1,91 +1,89 @@
module.exports = {
name: "Nederlands",
global: {
home: "Home",
subscriptions: "Abonnementen",
library: "Bibliotheek"
index: {
connecting: "Verbinden",
plugins: "Plugins Laden",
launching: "Opstarten"
settings: {
general: "Algemeen",
theme: "Thema",
player: "Videospeler",
uitweaker: "Gebruikersinterface",
startupoptions: "Opstartopties",
plugins: "Plugins",
updates: "Updates",
logs: "Logboeken",
about: "Over",
devmode: "Register bewerken"
mods: {
general: {
language: "Taal"
theme: {
normal: "Normaal",
adaptive: "Adaptief",
custom: "Aangepast",
dark: "Donker",
black: "Zwart",
darkmode: "Donkere modus",
darkmodetagline: "Bravo Six, Going Dark."
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Volledig Scherm",
navbarblur: "Vervaging Navigatiebalk",
roundedcorners: "Afgeronde Hoeken",
roundthumbnails: "Ronde Hoeken In Video Miniaturen",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "Ronde Hoeken In Video Speler Componenten",
radius: "Straal"
startup: {
defaultpage: "Standaard Pagina"
updates: {
install: "Installeer",
view: "Bekijk",
latest: "Laatste",
installed: "Geïnstalleerd"
logs: {
more: "Meer"
about: {
appinformation: "Applicatieinformatie",
appversion: "Applicatieversie",
deviceinformation: "Apparaatinformatie",
platform: "Platform",
os: "Besturingssysteem",
model: "Model",
manufacturer: "Fabrikant",
emulator: "Emulator",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
events: {
welcome: "Welkom bij VueTube",
tagline: "De toekomst van videostreaming",
next: "Volgende",
updated: "VueTube is bijgewerkt!",
awesome: "Geweldig!",
langsetup: "Laten we een taal kiezen!",
featuresetup: "Laten we wat functies kiezen!",
enableryd: "Return YouTube Dislike aanzetten",
enablespb: "SponsorBlock aanzetten",
thanks: "Bedankt dat je VueTube gebruikt",
enjoy: "We hopen dat je een geweldige ervaring hebt"
module.exports = {
name: "Nederlands",
global: {
home: "Home",
subscriptions: "Abonnementen",
library: "Bibliotheek",
index: {
connecting: "Verbinden",
plugins: "Plugins Laden",
launching: "Opstarten",
settings: {
general: "Algemeen",
theme: "Thema",
player: "Videospeler",
uitweaker: "Gebruikersinterface",
startupoptions: "Opstartopties",
plugins: "Plugins",
updates: "Updates",
logs: "Logboeken",
about: "Over",
devmode: "Register bewerken",
mods: {
general: {
language: "Taal",
theme: {
normal: "Normaal",
adaptive: "Adaptief",
custom: "Aangepast",
dark: "Donker",
black: "Zwart",
darkmode: "Donkere modus",
darkmodetagline: "Bravo Six, Going Dark.",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Volledig Scherm",
navbarblur: "Vervaging Navigatiebalk",
roundedcorners: "Afgeronde Hoeken",
roundthumbnails: "Ronde Hoeken In Video Miniaturen",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "Ronde Hoeken In Video Speler Componenten",
radius: "Straal",
startup: {
defaultpage: "Standaard Pagina",
updates: {
install: "Installeer",
view: "Bekijk",
latest: "Laatste",
installed: "Geïnstalleerd",
logs: {
more: "Meer",
about: {
appinformation: "Applicatieinformatie",
appversion: "Applicatieversie",
deviceinformation: "Apparaatinformatie",
platform: "Platform",
os: "Besturingssysteem",
model: "Model",
manufacturer: "Fabrikant",
emulator: "Emulator",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord",
events: {
welcome: "Welkom bij VueTube",
tagline: "De toekomst van videostreaming",
next: "Volgende",
updated: "VueTube is bijgewerkt!",
awesome: "Geweldig!",
langsetup: "Laten we een taal kiezen!",
featuresetup: "Laten we wat functies kiezen!",
enableryd: "Return YouTube Dislike aanzetten",
enablespb: "SponsorBlock aanzetten",
thanks: "Bedankt dat je VueTube gebruikt",
enjoy: "We hopen dat je een geweldige ervaring hebt",
@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ module.exports = {
global: {
home: "Home",
subscriptions: "Subscriptions",
library: "Library"
library: "Library",
index: {
connecting: "Connecting",
plugins: "Loading Plugins",
launching: "Launching"
launching: "Launching",
settings: {
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ module.exports = {
updates: "Updates",
logs: "Logs",
about: "About",
devmode: "Registry Editor"
devmode: "Registry Editor",
mods: {
general: {
language: "Language"
language: "Language",
theme: {
normal: "Normal",
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module.exports = {
dark: "Dark",
black: "Black",
darkmode: "Dark Mode",
darkmodetagline: "Bravo Six, Going Dark."
darkmodetagline: "Bravo Six, Going Dark.",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Fullscreen",
@ -45,19 +45,19 @@ module.exports = {
roundedcorners: "Rounded Corners",
roundthumbnails: "Round Thumbnails",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "Round Watch Page Components",
radius: "Radius"
radius: "Radius",
startup: {
defaultpage: "Default Page"
defaultpage: "Default Page",
updates: {
install: "Install",
view: "View",
latest: "Latest",
installed: "Installed"
installed: "Installed",
logs: {
more: "More"
more: "More",
about: {
appinformation: "App Information",
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ module.exports = {
manufacturer: "Manufacturer",
emulator: "Emulator",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
discord: "Discord",
events: {
@ -84,8 +84,6 @@ module.exports = {
enableryd: "Enable Return YouTube Dislike",
enablespb: "Enable SponsorBlock",
thanks: "Thanks for Using VueTube",
enjoy: "We hope you have an amazing experience"
enjoy: "We hope you have an amazing experience",
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ module.exports = {
global: {
home: "Accueil",
subscriptions: "Abonnements",
library: "Bibliothèque"
library: "Bibliothèque",
index: {
connecting: "Connexion",
launching: "Démarrage"
launching: "Démarrage",
settings: {
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ module.exports = {
updates: "Mises à jour",
logs: "Journaux",
about: "À propos",
devmode: "Éditeur du Registre"
devmode: "Éditeur du Registre",
mods: {
general: {
language: "Langue"
language: "Langue",
theme: {
normal: "Normal",
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module.exports = {
dark: "Sombre",
black: "Noir",
darkmode: "Mode Sombre",
darkmodetagline: "Bravo pour utiliser le mode sombre !"
darkmodetagline: "Bravo pour utiliser le mode sombre !",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Plein écran",
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module.exports = {
radius: "Rayon",
startup: {
defaultpage: "Page par défaut"
defaultpage: "Page par défaut",
updates: {
install: "Installer",
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ module.exports = {
manufacturer: "Fabricant",
emulator: "Émulateur",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
discord: "Discord",
events: {
@ -80,11 +80,10 @@ module.exports = {
awesome: "Incroyable !",
langsetup: "Commençons par sélectionner une langue !",
featuresetup: "Sélectionnons des fonctionnalités !",
enableryd: "Activer Return YouTube Dislike (Retourner les Dislikes de YouTube)",
"Activer Return YouTube Dislike (Retourner les Dislikes de YouTube)",
enablespb: "Activer SponsorBlock",
thanks: "Merci d'utiliser VueTube",
enjoy: "Nous ésperons que vous apprécierez votre éxperience ! "
enjoy: "Nous ésperons que vous apprécierez votre éxperience ! ",
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ module.exports = {
global: {
home: "Start",
subscriptions: "Abos",
library: "Mediathek"
library: "Mediathek",
index: {
connecting: "Verbinden",
launching: "Starten"
launching: "Starten",
settings: {
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ module.exports = {
updates: "Updates",
logs: "Logs",
about: "Über",
devmode: "Registierungseditor"
devmode: "Registierungseditor",
mods: {
general: {
language: "Sprache"
language: "Sprache",
theme: {
normal: "Normal",
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module.exports = {
dark: "Dunkel",
black: "Schwarz",
darkmode: "Dunkler Modus",
darkmodetagline: "Bravo Sechs, Lichter aus."
darkmodetagline: "Bravo Sechs, Lichter aus.",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Vollbild",
@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ module.exports = {
roundedcorners: "Runde Ecken",
roundthumbnails: "Runde Thumbnails",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "Runde Startseiten Komponenten",
radius: "Radius"
radius: "Radius",
startup: {
defaultpage: "Standard Seite"
defaultpage: "Standard Seite",
updates: {
install: "Installieren",
view: "Anschauen",
latest: "Neuste",
installed: "Installiert"
installed: "Installiert",
logs: {
more: "Mehr"
more: "Mehr",
about: {
appinformation: "App Informationen",
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ module.exports = {
manufacturer: "Hersteller",
emulator: "Emulator",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
discord: "Discord",
events: {
@ -77,8 +77,6 @@ module.exports = {
tagline: "Die Zukunft des Videostreaming",
next: "Nächste",
updated: "VueTube wurde aktualisiert!",
awesome: "Cool!"
awesome: "Cool!",
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ module.exports = {
global: {
home: "Beranda",
subscriptions: "Subscription",
library: "Koleksi"
library: "Koleksi",
index: {
connecting: "Menghubungkan",
launching: "Meluncurkan"
launching: "Meluncurkan",
settings: {
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ module.exports = {
updates: "Pembaharuan",
logs: "Log",
about: "Tentang",
devmode: "Editor Registri"
devmode: "Editor Registri",
mods: {
general: {
language: "Bahasa"
language: "Bahasa",
theme: {
normal: "Normal",
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module.exports = {
dark: "Gelap",
black: "Hitam",
darkmode: "Mode Gelap",
darkmodetagline: "Kegelapan menunggu di sisi lain."
darkmodetagline: "Kegelapan menunggu di sisi lain.",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Layar Penuh",
@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ module.exports = {
roundedcorners: "Sudut Bulat",
roundthumbnails: "Thumbnail Bulat",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "Komponen Halaman Tontonan Bulat",
radius: "Radius"
radius: "Radius",
startup: {
defaultpage: "Halaman Bawaan"
defaultpage: "Halaman Bawaan",
updates: {
install: "Instal",
view: "Lihat",
latest: "Terbaru",
installed: "Terinstal"
installed: "Terinstal",
logs: {
more: "Lebih"
more: "Lebih",
about: {
appinformation: "Informasi Aplikasi",
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ module.exports = {
manufacturer: "Pembuat",
emulator: "Emulator",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
discord: "Discord",
events: {
@ -77,8 +77,6 @@ module.exports = {
tagline: "Masa depan video streaming",
next: "Lanjut",
updated: "VueTube Diperbaharui!",
awesome: "Luar Biasa!"
awesome: "Luar Biasa!",
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ module.exports = {
global: {
home: "Home",
subscriptions: "Iscrizioni",
library: "Raccolta"
library: "Raccolta",
index: {
connecting: "Connessione",
launching: "Avvio"
launching: "Avvio",
settings: {
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ module.exports = {
updates: "Aggiornamenti",
logs: "Registro",
about: "Informazioni",
devmode: "Modalità Sviluppatore"
devmode: "Modalità Sviluppatore",
mods: {
general: {
language: "Lingua"
language: "Lingua",
theme: {
normal: "Normale",
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module.exports = {
dark: "Scuro",
black: "Nero",
darkmode: "Modalità scura",
darkmodetagline: "Giovane Jedi, benvenuto al lato oscuro."
darkmodetagline: "Giovane Jedi, benvenuto al lato oscuro.",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Schermo Intero",
@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ module.exports = {
roundedcorners: "Arrotondamento Spigoli",
roundthumbnails: "Anteprima Arrotondata",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "Componenti Rotondi Della Pagina Di Controllo",
radius: "Raggio"
radius: "Raggio",
startup: {
defaultpage: "Pagina Predefinita"
defaultpage: "Pagina Predefinita",
updates: {
install: "Ultimo",
view: "Visualizza",
latest: "Più Recente",
installed: "Installato"
installed: "Installato",
logs: {
more: "Più"
more: "Più",
about: {
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ module.exports = {
manufacturer: "Produttore",
emulator: "Emulatore",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
discord: "Discord",
events: {
@ -78,9 +78,6 @@ module.exports = {
tagline: "Il Futuro Dello Streaming Video",
next: "Prossimo",
updated: "VueTube è Stato Aggiornato",
awesome: "Fantastico!"
awesome: "Fantastico!",
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ module.exports = {
global: {
home: "Почетна",
subscriptions: "Претплати",
library: "Библиотека"
library: "Библиотека",
index: {
connecting: "Поврзување",
launching: "Лансирање"
launching: "Лансирање",
settings: {
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ module.exports = {
updates: "Ажурирања",
logs: "Дневници",
about: "За VueTube",
devmode: "Уредувач на регистар"
devmode: "Уредувач на регистар",
mods: {
general: {
language: "Јазик"
language: "Јазик",
theme: {
normal: "Нормален",
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module.exports = {
dark: "Темен",
black: "Црн",
darkmode: "Темен Пежим",
darkmodetagline: "Браво Шес, Идеме Темно."
darkmodetagline: "Браво Шес, Идеме Темно.",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Цел Екран",
@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ module.exports = {
roundedcorners: "Заоблени агли",
roundthumbnails: "Заоблени слики",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "Заоблени компоненти на страницата за гледање",
radius: "Радиус"
radius: "Радиус",
startup: {
defaultpage: "Стандардна страница"
defaultpage: "Стандардна страница",
updates: {
install: "Инстал",
view: "Погледај",
latest: "Нај нова",
installed: "Инсталирана"
installed: "Инсталирана",
logs: {
more: "Повеќе"
more: "Повеќе",
about: {
appinformation: "Информации за апликацијата",
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ module.exports = {
manufacturer: "Производител",
emulator: "Емулатор",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
discord: "Discord",
events: {
@ -77,8 +77,6 @@ module.exports = {
tagline: "Иднината на видео стриминг",
next: "Следно",
updated: "VueTube беше ажуриран!",
awesome: "Прекрасно!"
awesome: "Прекрасно!",
@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ module.exports = {
global: {
home: "Laman Utama",
subscriptions: "Langganan",
library: "Pustaka"
library: "Pustaka",
index: {
connecting: "Menyambung",
plugins: "Memuatkan Pemalam",
launching: "Memulakan"
launching: "Memulakan",
settings: {
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ module.exports = {
updates: "Kemaskini",
logs: "Log",
about: "Tentang",
devmode: "Pilihan Pembangun"
devmode: "Pilihan Pembangun",
mods: {
general: {
language: "Bahasa"
language: "Bahasa",
theme: {
normal: "Normal",
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module.exports = {
dark: "Gelap",
black: "Hitam",
darkmode: "Mod Gelap",
darkmodetagline: "Selamat datang ke sisi gelap, Jedi muda."
darkmodetagline: "Selamat datang ke sisi gelap, Jedi muda.",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Skrin Penuh",
@ -45,19 +45,19 @@ module.exports = {
roundedcorners: "Sudut Bulat",
roundthumbnails: "Lakaran Kecil Bulat",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "Komponen Halaman Tonton Bulat",
radius: "Radius"
radius: "Radius",
startup: {
defaultpage: "Halaman Lalai"
defaultpage: "Halaman Lalai",
updates: {
install: "Pasang",
view: "Lihat",
latest: "Terkini",
installed: "Dipasang"
installed: "Dipasang",
logs: {
more: "Lagi"
more: "Lagi",
about: {
appinformation: "Maklumat Apl",
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ module.exports = {
manufacturer: "Pengilang",
emulator: "Emulator",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
discord: "Discord",
events: {
@ -84,8 +84,6 @@ module.exports = {
enableryd: "Hidupkan Return YouTube Dislike",
enablespb: "Hidupkan SponsorBlock",
thanks: "Terima Kasih kerana Menggunakan VueTube",
enjoy: "Kami harap anda mempunyai yang menakjubkan"
enjoy: "Kami harap anda mempunyai yang menakjubkan",
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module.exports = {
mods: {
general: {
language: "Język"
language: "Język",
theme: {
normal: "Normalny",
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module.exports = {
dark: "Ciemny",
black: "Czarny",
darkmode: "Tryb Ciemny",
darkmodetagline: "Brawo ty, przejdź na ciemną stronę mocy."
darkmodetagline: "Brawo ty, przejdź na ciemną stronę mocy.",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Pełny Ekran",
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module.exports = {
roundedcorners: "Zaokrąglone Krawędzie",
roundthumbnails: "Zaokrąglone Miniaturki",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "Zaokrąglone Elementy Interfejsu",
radius: "Promień"
radius: "Promień",
startup: {
defaultpage: "Strona Domyślna",
@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ module.exports = {
install: "Zainstaluj",
view: "Zobacz",
latest: "Najnowsza",
installed: "Zainstalowana"
installed: "Zainstalowana",
logs: {
more: "Więcej"
more: "Więcej",
about: {
appinformation: "Informacje o Aplikacji",
appversion: "Wersja Aplikacji",
@ -2,23 +2,23 @@
## ⛔️ Rules and advices
- **Please do not use Internet translators**
- **Please do not use Internet translators**
Translations made automatically are not allowed in VueTube. You need to know and understand both English and the language you're translating to guarantee a good result. Please do not contribute using Google Translator or similars.
*Example: "Enable Return Youtube Dislike integration" should be translated to Spanish as "Activar la integración de Return YouTube Dislike", but an automatic translation could be "Activar integración Devolver los No me gusta de Youtube", and that doesn't sounds natural.*
_Example: "Enable Return Youtube Dislike integration" should be translated to Spanish as "Activar la integración de Return YouTube Dislike", but an automatic translation could be "Activar integración Devolver los No me gusta de Youtube", and that doesn't sounds natural._
- **Consider leaving some words in English**
Some words might sound better in English. For example, depending of the grade of English casual words in your language, you can consider not translating "Plugins", "Dislike", etc.
*Example: Instead of translating "Hide Dislikes" to French as "Masquer Je n'aime", you can use "Masquer Dislikes".*
_Example: Instead of translating "Hide Dislikes" to French as "Masquer Je n'aime", you can use "Masquer Dislikes"._
- **The name of the language should be in the target language, not in English**
*Example: "日本語" instead of "Japanese", "Italiano" instead of "Italian" and "Русский" instead of "Russian".
\*Example: "日本語" instead of "Japanese", "Italiano" instead of "Italian" and "Русский" instead of "Russian".
That doesn't apply to the file name (polish.js, dutch.js, indonesian.js), but it does to *"name: example"* section.
That doesn't apply to the file name (polish.js, dutch.js, indonesian.js), but it does to _"name: example"_ section.
## 🟢 How to do the translation
@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ Only translate the text into quotation marks ("). For example, if the translatio
It's easy and intuitive. Also there are different sections:
**settings: { <br/>
general: "General", <br/>
theme: "Theme",**
general: "General", <br/>
theme: "Theme",**
Don't touch the section name, in this case, "settings".
## 💻 How to edit and pull request
@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ module.exports = {
global: {
home: "Inicio",
subscriptions: "Suscripciones",
library: "Librería"
library: "Librería",
index: {
connecting: "Conectando",
plugins: "Cargando complementos",
launching: "Iniciando"
launching: "Iniciando",
settings: {
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ module.exports = {
updates: "Actualizaciones",
logs: "Logs",
about: "Acerca de",
devmode: "Editor del registro"
devmode: "Editor del registro",
mods: {
general: {
language: "Idioma"
language: "Idioma",
theme: {
normal: "Normal",
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module.exports = {
dark: "Oscuro",
black: "Negro",
darkmode: "Modo oscuro",
darkmodetagline: "Bravo Six, haciéndote oscuro."
darkmodetagline: "Bravo Six, haciéndote oscuro.",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "Pantalla completa",
@ -45,21 +45,21 @@ module.exports = {
roundedcorners: "Esquinas redondeadas",
roundthumbnails: "Redondear miniaturas",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "Redondear componentes del vídeo",
radius: "Radio"
radius: "Radio",
startup: {
defaultpage: "Pagina predeterminada"
defaultpage: "Pagina predeterminada",
updates: {
install: "Instalar",
view: "Ver",
latest: "Última",
installed: "Instalada"
installed: "Instalada",
logs: {
more: "Más"
more: "Más",
about: {
appinformation: "Información de la app",
appversion: "Versión de la app",
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ module.exports = {
manufacturer: "Fabricante",
emulator: "Emulador",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
discord: "Discord",
events: {
@ -85,8 +85,6 @@ module.exports = {
enableryd: "Activar Return YouTube Dislike",
enablespb: "Activar SponsorBlock",
thanks: "Gracias por usar VueTube",
enjoy: "Esperamos que tengas una buena experiencia"
enjoy: "Esperamos que tengas una buena experiencia",
@ -1,90 +1,88 @@
module.exports = {
name: "தமிழ்",
global: {
home: "வீடு",
subscriptions: "ஸப்ஸ்க்ரிப்ஶந",
library: "லாஇப்ரேரீ"
index: {
connecting: "இணைக்கிறது",
launching: "திறக்கிறது"
settings: {
general: "பொது",
theme: "தீம்",
player: "காணொலி இயக்கி ",
uitweaker: "இடைமுகம்",
startupoptions: "தொடக்க விருப்பங்கள்",
plugins: "செருகுநிரல்கள்",
updates: "மேம்படுத்தல்கள்",
logs: "பதிவுகள்",
about: "பற்றி",
devmode: "டெவலப்பர்"
mods: {
general: {
language: "மொழி"
theme: {
normal: "சாதாரண",
adaptive: "தகவமைப்பு ",
custom: "புதிய",
dark: "இருள்",
black: "கருப்பு",
darkmode: "இருள் அமைப்பு",
darkmodetagline: "நீங்கள் இருளில் செல்கிறீர்கள்.."
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "முழு பார்வை",
navbarblur: "மங்கலான பார்",
roundedcorners: "சுற்று மூலைகள்",
roundthumbnails: "சுற்று சிறு உருவங்கள்",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "சுற்று கண்காணிப்பு பக்க கூறுகள்",
radius: "ஆரம்"
startup: {
defaultpage: "இயல்புநிலை பக்கம்"
updates: {
install: "நிறுவு",
view: "பார்",
latest: "புதியது",
installed: "நிறுவப்பட்டுள்ளது"
logs: {
more: "மேலும்"
about: {
appinformation: "விண்ணப்ப தகவல்",
appversion: "விண்ணப்ப பதிப்பு",
deviceinformation: "தொலைபேசி தகவல்",
platform: "ப்லைட்பார்ம",
os: "os",
model: "மாடல்",
manufacturer: "உற்பத்தியாளர்",
emulator: "எமுலேடர்",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord"
events: {
welcome: "VueTube க்கு வணக்கம்",
tagline: "வீடியோ ஸ்ட்ரீமிங்கின் எதிர்காலம்",
next: "அடுத்தது",
updated: "VueTube புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்டது!",
awesome: "செம்ம!",
langsetup: "மொழி அமைப்பு",
featuresetup: "அம்சங்கள் அமைப்பு",
enableryd: "Return YouTube Dislike ஐ இயக்கு",
enablespb: "SponsorBlock ஐ இயக்கு",
thanks: "VueTube ஐப் பயன்படுத்தியதற்கு நன்றி!",
enjoy: "மகிழுங்கள்!"
module.exports = {
name: "தமிழ்",
global: {
home: "வீடு",
subscriptions: "ஸப்ஸ்க்ரிப்ஶந",
library: "லாஇப்ரேரீ",
index: {
connecting: "இணைக்கிறது",
launching: "திறக்கிறது",
settings: {
general: "பொது",
theme: "தீம்",
player: "காணொலி இயக்கி ",
uitweaker: "இடைமுகம்",
startupoptions: "தொடக்க விருப்பங்கள்",
plugins: "செருகுநிரல்கள்",
updates: "மேம்படுத்தல்கள்",
logs: "பதிவுகள்",
about: "பற்றி",
devmode: "டெவலப்பர்",
mods: {
general: {
language: "மொழி",
theme: {
normal: "சாதாரண",
adaptive: "தகவமைப்பு ",
custom: "புதிய",
dark: "இருள்",
black: "கருப்பு",
darkmode: "இருள் அமைப்பு",
darkmodetagline: "நீங்கள் இருளில் செல்கிறீர்கள்..",
tweaks: {
fullscreen: "முழு பார்வை",
navbarblur: "மங்கலான பார்",
roundedcorners: "சுற்று மூலைகள்",
roundthumbnails: "சுற்று சிறு உருவங்கள்",
roundwatchpagecomponents: "சுற்று கண்காணிப்பு பக்க கூறுகள்",
radius: "ஆரம்",
startup: {
defaultpage: "இயல்புநிலை பக்கம்",
updates: {
install: "நிறுவு",
view: "பார்",
latest: "புதியது",
installed: "நிறுவப்பட்டுள்ளது",
logs: {
more: "மேலும்",
about: {
appinformation: "விண்ணப்ப தகவல்",
appversion: "விண்ணப்ப பதிப்பு",
deviceinformation: "தொலைபேசி தகவல்",
platform: "ப்லைட்பார்ம",
os: "os",
model: "மாடல்",
manufacturer: "உற்பத்தியாளர்",
emulator: "எமுலேடர்",
github: "GitHub",
discord: "Discord",
events: {
welcome: "VueTube க்கு வணக்கம்",
tagline: "வீடியோ ஸ்ட்ரீமிங்கின் எதிர்காலம்",
next: "அடுத்தது",
updated: "VueTube புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்டது!",
awesome: "செம்ம!",
langsetup: "மொழி அமைப்பு",
featuresetup: "அம்சங்கள் அமைப்பு",
enableryd: "Return YouTube Dislike ஐ இயக்கு",
enablespb: "SponsorBlock ஐ இயக்கு",
thanks: "VueTube ஐப் பயன்படுத்தியதற்கு நன்றி!",
enjoy: "மகிழுங்கள்!",
@ -4,27 +4,29 @@ module.exports = {
vuetube: "*",
version: "1.0", // Required
author: "Frontesque", // Required
description: "A plugin to test how vuetube handles plugins // Add 'Hello, World!' to the home page.", // Required
"A plugin to test how vuetube handles plugins // Add 'Hello, World!' to the home page.", // Required
homepage: "https://github.com/Frontesque/VueTube-Example-Plugin",
license: "GPL-3.0" // Required
license: "GPL-3.0", // Required
* Execute code on ALL VueTube pages
global: function() {
console.log("This code is now executed when ALL vuetube pages (including settings) are loaded.")
global: function () {
"This code is now executed when ALL vuetube pages (including settings) are loaded."
* Execute code on SPECIFIC VueTube pages
* You can view what page you intend to inject code into by looking at `~/NUXT/pages/` in the main VueTube repo
pages: {
home: function() { // Execute code on JUST the home page
home: function () {
// Execute code on JUST the home page
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
//--- Modules/Imports ---//
import { Filesystem, Directory, Encoding } from '@capacitor/filesystem';
import { fs } from './constants';
import { Filesystem, Directory, Encoding } from "@capacitor/filesystem";
import { fs } from "./constants";
//--- Set Up App Directory ---//
const APP_DIRECTORY = Directory.Data;
@ -9,48 +9,44 @@ const APP_DIRECTORY = Directory.Data;
const ensureStructure = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
await Filesystem.mkdir({
directory: APP_DIRECTORY, recursive: true,
directory: APP_DIRECTORY,
recursive: true,
path: fs.plugins,
} catch (e) { /* Exists */ }
} catch (e) {
/* Exists */
const module = {
//--- List Plugins ---//
list: new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
await ensureStructure;
const plugins = await Filesystem.readdir({
path: fs.plugins,
directory: APP_DIRECTORY
}).catch(err => { reject(err) })
directory: APP_DIRECTORY,
}).catch((err) => {
async addPlugin(content) {
await ensureStructure;
new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const fileName = require("./utils").getCpn(); // Im not sure what this is actually meant for but im using it as a random string generator
console.log("Saving Plugin As"+ fileName)
console.log("Saving Plugin As" + fileName);
await Filesystem.writeFile({
path: fs.plugins+"/"+fileName+".js",
path: fs.plugins + "/" + fileName + ".js",
directory: APP_DIRECTORY,
data: content,
encoding: Encoding.UTF8,
//--- Start ---//
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ const searchModule = {
showToast(text) {
Toast.show({ text: text });
//--- Recommendations ---//
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<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| С много бъгове, но получавате ранен достъп до най-новите функции | По-малко бъгове от нестабилната, малко повече функции от стабилната | Не е налична докато приложението не бъде достатъчно разработено |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| С много бъгове, но получавате ранен достъп до най-новите функции | По-малко бъгове от нестабилната, малко повече функции от стабилната | Не е налична докато приложението не бъде достатъчно разработено |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| С много бъгове, но получавате ранен достъп до най-новите функции | По-малко бъгове от нестабилната, малко повече функции от стабилната | Не е налична докато приложението не бъде достатъчно разработено |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| С много бъгове, но получавате ранен достъп до най-новите функции | По-малко бъгове от нестабилната, малко повече функции от стабилната | Не е налична докато приложението не бъде достатъчно разработено |
## Планове
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ Leer en otros idiomas: [English,](readme.md) [Español,](readme.es.md) [简体
- ⬆️ Actualizaciones automáticas: ¡Recibe una notificación cuando haya una actualización disponible y baja de versión si no te gusta!
- 👁️ Protección contra el rastreo: No se envían datos desde tu dispositivo por defecto
- 📺 Reproductor de vídeo personalizado
- 👎 Return YouTube Dislike - [*Más información*](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)
- 💰 SponsorBlock - [*Más información*](https://sponsor.ajay.app)
- 👎 Return YouTube Dislike - [_Más información_](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)
- 💰 SponsorBlock - [_Más información_](https://sponsor.ajay.app)
## Instalar
@ -102,8 +102,7 @@ Si quieres traducir la app, [haz clic aquí](/NUXT/plugins/languages) y lee cóm
- Emojis por el [equipo de Twemoji](https://twemoji.twitter.com/), Con licencia [CC-BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
- Logo de VueTube por [@afnzmn](https://github.com/afnzmn)
- Estadísticas públicas de dislikes proporcionadas por [Return YouTube Dislike](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)
- Ajay y su comunidad por proporcionarnos la [API de Sponsorblock](https://sponsor.ajay.app), Licenciada bajo [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
- Ajay y su comunidad por proporcionarnos la [API de Sponsorblock](https://sponsor.ajay.app), Licenciada bajo [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
## Aviso legal
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ Lire cette page dans d’autres langues : [English,](readme.md) [Español,](read
- ⬆️ Mises à jour automatiques : Recevez une notification quand une mise à jour est disponible, et revenez à des versions antérieures si vous le souhaitez !
- 👁️ Protection de suivi : Aucune donnée de télémétrie n'est envoyée depuis votre appareil par défaut
- 📺 Lecteur vidéo personnalisé
- 👎 Return YouTube Dislike (Retourner les Dislikes de YouTube) - [*Plus d'information*](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)
- 💰 SponsorBlock - [*Plus d'information*](https://sponsor.ajay.app)
- 👎 Return YouTube Dislike (Retourner les Dislikes de YouTube) - [_Plus d'information_](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)
- 💰 SponsorBlock - [_Plus d'information_](https://sponsor.ajay.app)
## Installation
@ -47,16 +47,17 @@ Pour installer l'application, veuillez visiter [vuetube.app/install](https://www
<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Beaucoup de bugs, mais vous avez accès anticipé aux nouvelles fonctionnalités | Moins de bugs que l'instable, tout en ayant plus de fonctionnalités que la stable | Indisponible pour l'instant |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Beaucoup de bugs, mais vous avez accès anticipé aux nouvelles fonctionnalités | Moins de bugs que l'instable, tout en ayant plus de fonctionnalités que la stable | Indisponible pour l'instant |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Beaucoup de bugs, mais vous avez accès anticipé aux nouvelles fonctionnalités | Moins de bugs que l'instable, tout en ayant plus de fonctionnalités que la stable | Indisponible pour l'instant |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Beaucoup de bugs, mais vous avez accès anticipé aux nouvelles fonctionnalités | Moins de bugs que l'instable, tout en ayant plus de fonctionnalités que la stable | Indisponible pour l'instant |
## Projets
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ Ce projet avait été discuté sur le serveur Discord de Return YouTube Dislike
S'il vous plaît, rendez-vous sur notre site web pour savoir comment le faire : [vuetube.app/contributing](https://www.vuetube.app/contributing)
Si vous voulez traduire l'application, [veuillez cliquer ici](/NUXT/plugins/languages) et lisez les instructions
Si vous voulez traduire l'application, [veuillez cliquer ici](/NUXT/plugins/languages) et lisez les instructions
## Contributeurs
@ -21,41 +21,41 @@
לקרוא בשפות אחרות: [English,](readme.md) [Español,](readme.es.md) [简体中文,](readme.zh-hans.md) [繁體中文,](readme.zh-hant.md) [日本語,](readme.ja.md) [עִברִית,](readme.he.md) [Nederlands,](readme.nl.md) [தமிழ்,](readme.ta.md) [Bahasa Melayu,](readme.ms.md) [Македонски,](readme.mk.md) [Français,](readme.fr.md) [Português Brasileiro,](readme.pt-br.md) [Bahasa Indonesia,](readme.id.md) [Polski,](readme.pl.md) [Български,](readme.bg.md) [Italiano](readme.it.md)
<div style="float: right; right: 5px;">
## פיצ'רים \ תכונות
<img src="./resources/readme-he/Features.he.svg" alt="VueTube icon" height="100"/>
- 🎨 סטיילים: בהיר, קהה, אולד, וכל צבהי הקשת
- 🖌️ ממשק משתמש ניתן להתאמה אישית: אפשר גם להוריד את מה שאתם לא צריכים!
- ⬆️ עדכונים אוטומטים, אפשר לשנות גרסה בחופשיות
- 👁️ הגנת מעקב: כברירת מחדל לא נשלח מידע ממכשירך
- 👎 מחזיר את הדיסלייק ביוטיוב
- 🎨 סטיילים: בהיר, קהה, אולד, וכל צבהי הקשת
- 🖌️ ממשק משתמש ניתן להתאמה אישית: אפשר גם להוריד את מה שאתם לא צריכים!
- ⬆️ עדכונים אוטומטים, אפשר לשנות גרסה בחופשיות
- 👁️ הגנת מעקב: כברירת מחדל לא נשלח מידע ממכשירך
- 👎 מחזיר את הדיסלייק ביוטיוב
## הורדה והתקנה
<img style="right: 10px;" src="./resources/readme-he/Install.he.svg" alt="VueTube icon" height="100"/>
כדי להתקין, תעברו לאתר הבא: www.vuetube.app/install
כדי להתקין, תעברו לאתר הבא: www.vuetube.app/install
<details style="float: right;">
<summary>או תלחצו פה כדי לראות את כל הגרסאות ה</summary>
<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| הרבה באגים, אבל אפשר לנסות פיצ'רים חדשים | פחות באגים, ויותר פיצ'רים מגרסה היציבה | לא ניתנה להורדה עד שהאפליקציה תהיה יותר מוכנה
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| הרבה באגים, אבל אפשר לנסות פיצ'רים חדשים | פחות באגים, ויותר פיצ'רים מגרסה היציבה | לא ניתנה להורדה עד שהאפליקציה תהיה יותר מוכנה |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| הרבה באגים, אבל אפשר לנסות פיצ'רים חדשים | פחות באגים, ויותר פיצ'רים מגרסה היציבה | לא ניתנה להורדה עד שהאפליקציה תהיה יותר מוכנה
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| הרבה באגים, אבל אפשר לנסות פיצ'רים חדשים | פחות באגים, ויותר פיצ'רים מגרסה היציבה | לא ניתנה להורדה עד שהאפליקציה תהיה יותר מוכנה |
## תוכניות לעתיד
@ -69,8 +69,6 @@
- 🖼️ מודה של תמונה-בתוך-תמונה
- ועוד!
## צילומי מסך
בקרו באתרינו: www.vuetube.app/info/screenshots
@ -93,15 +91,13 @@
### מדוע בנינו את זה?
היה דיבור על לבנות משהו כזה בשרת דיסקורד של "החזרו את הדיסלייק ביוטיוב" / "Return Youtube Dislike" כבר די הרבה זמן, אז חשבתי לנסות!
### רוצה לעזור?
תקרא\י את הדרך לתרום לנו פה: www.vuetube.app/contributing
## תורמים
<a href="https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/graphs/contributors">
<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=VueTubeApp/VueTube" />
@ -118,4 +114,5 @@
The VueTube project and its contents are not affiliated with, funded, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way accociated with YouTube, Google LLC or any of its affiliates and subsidaries. The official YouTube website can be found at [www.youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com).
Any trademark, service mark, trade name, or other intellectual property rights used in the VueTube project are owned by the respective owners.
@ -45,16 +45,17 @@ Untuk menginstal aplikasi silahkan kunjungi www.vuetube.app/install
<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Banyak bug, tetapi akses awal ke fitur baru | Lebih sedikit bug dari unstable, sedikit lebih banyak fitur dari stable | Belum tersedia sampai aplikasi dikembangkan lebih jauh |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Banyak bug, tetapi akses awal ke fitur baru | Lebih sedikit bug dari unstable, sedikit lebih banyak fitur dari stable | Belum tersedia sampai aplikasi dikembangkan lebih jauh |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Banyak bug, tetapi akses awal ke fitur baru | Lebih sedikit bug dari unstable, sedikit lebih banyak fitur dari stable | Belum tersedia sampai aplikasi dikembangkan lebih jauh |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Banyak bug, tetapi akses awal ke fitur baru | Lebih sedikit bug dari unstable, sedikit lebih banyak fitur dari stable | Belum tersedia sampai aplikasi dikembangkan lebih jauh |
## Rencana
@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ Untuk menginstal aplikasi silahkan kunjungi www.vuetube.app/install
- 🗞️ Simpan riwayat tontonan secara lokal (di perangkatmu)
- ✂️ Shorts
- 🧑 Masuk dengan akun Google
- 🖼️ Mode picture-in-picture
- 🖼️ Mode picture-in-picture
- Dan masih banyak lagi!
## Screenshot aplikasi
@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ Jika kamu ingin menerjemahkan aplikasi ini, [klik disini](/NUXT/plugins/language
- Emoji oleh [tim Twemoji](https://twemoji.twitter.com/), Dilisensikan dibawah [CC-BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
- Logo VueTube oleh [@afnzmn](https://github.com/afnzmn)
- Data dislike YouTube publik disediakan oleh [Return Youtube Dislike](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)
## Peringatan
Proyek VueTube dan isinya tidak beraffiliasi dengan, didanai, diberi izin, didukung oleh, atau dengan cara apapun terkait dengan YouTube, Google LLC atau segala afiliasi dan anak perusahaannya. Website YouTube resmi bisa ditemukan di [www.youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com).
@ -44,16 +44,17 @@ Per installare visita www.vuetube.app/install
<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Molti bug, ma accesso anticipato alle funzionalità | Meno bug della versione instabile, leggermente più funzionalità della stabile | Non disponibile fino a quando l'app non sarà più sviluppata |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Molti bug, ma accesso anticipato alle funzionalità | Meno bug della versione instabile, leggermente più funzionalità della stabile | Non disponibile fino a quando l'app non sarà più sviluppata |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Molti bug, ma accesso anticipato alle funzionalità | Meno bug della versione instabile, leggermente più funzionalità della stabile | Non disponibile fino a quando l'app non sarà più sviluppata |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Molti bug, ma accesso anticipato alle funzionalità | Meno bug della versione instabile, leggermente più funzionalità della stabile | Non disponibile fino a quando l'app non sarà più sviluppata |
## Piani futuri
@ -101,12 +102,12 @@ Leggi sul nostro sito come fare: www.vuetube.app/contributing
<sub>Creato con [contrib.rocks](https://contrib.rocks). </sub>
## Ringraziamenti
## Ringraziamenti
- Emojis dal [team Twemoji](https://twemoji.twitter.com/), Sotto licenza [CC-BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
- Logo VueTube di [@afnzmn](https://github.com/afnzmn)
- Dati pubblici sui non mi piace forniti da [Return Youtube Dislike](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)
- Ajay e la Community per aver fornito [Sponsorblock API](https://sponsor.ajay.app), Sotto licenza [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
- Ajay e la Community per aver fornito [Sponsorblock API](https://sponsor.ajay.app), Sotto licenza [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
## Disclaimer
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<img src="resources/readme-ja/Features.ja.svg" alt="VueTube icon" height="100"/>
- 🎨 テーマ色をカスタマイズする:ライト系、 ダーク系、OLED、などなど
- 🖌️ UIのカストマイズ:アクセントカラーをはじめ、UIをフルカスタマイズして、使用しない機能を削除できます!
- 🖌️ UI のカストマイズ:アクセントカラーをはじめ、UI をフルカスタマイズして、使用しない機能を削除できます!
- ⬆️ 自動更新:アップデートのお知らせ&気に入らなければダウングレードができます!
- 👁️ トラッキング防止: 自分のデバイスから送信されるデータはデフォルトでは送信されません。
- 📺 カスタムビデオプレーヤー
@ -44,16 +44,17 @@
<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| バグが発生する可能性があるけれど最新の機能をいち早く試されます。 | unstable よりもバグが少ないけれど、stable よりも若干機能が多い。 | VueTubeが開発中のため、このバージョンは暫くダウンロードできない |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| バグが発生する可能性があるけれど最新の機能をいち早く試されます。 | unstable よりもバグが少ないけれど、stable よりも若干機能が多い。 | VueTube が開発中のため、このバージョンは暫くダウンロードできない |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| バグが発生する可能性がけれど最新の機能をいち早く試されます。 | unstable よりもバグが少ないが、stable よりも若干機能が多い。 | VueTubeが開発中のため、このバージョンは暫くダウンロードできない |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| バグが発生する可能性がけれど最新の機能をいち早く試されます。 | unstable よりもバグが少ないが、stable よりも若干機能が多い。 | VueTube が開発中のため、このバージョンは暫くダウンロードできない |
## 計画
@ -85,6 +86,7 @@
<a href="https://capacitorjs.com/solution/vue"><img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/953538236716814356/955694368742834176/Capacitator-Dark.svg" height=40/></a> <a href="https://vuetifyjs.com/"><img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810799100940255260/973719873467342908/Vuetify-Dark.svg" height=40/></a> <a href="https://nuxtjs.org/"><img src="https://github.com/tandpfun/skill-icons/raw/main/icons/NuxtJS-Dark.svg" height=40/></a> <a href="https://vuejs.org/"><img src="https://github.com/tandpfun/skill-icons/raw/main/icons/VueJS-Dark.svg" height=40/></a> <a href="https://javascript.com/"><img src="https://github.com/tandpfun/skill-icons/raw/main/icons/JavaScript.svg" height=40/></a> <a href="https://java.com/"><img src="https://github.com/tandpfun/skill-icons/raw/main/icons/Java-Dark.svg" height=40/></a> <a href="https://gradle.com/"><img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810799100940255260/955691550560636958/Gradle.svg" height=40/></a> <a href="https://developer.apple.com/swift/"><img src="https://github.com/tandpfun/skill-icons/raw/main/icons/Swift.svg" height=40/></a>
### このアプリケーションを作った理由
こういう機能が「Return Youtube Dislike」というディスコードのサーバーで話題になり、
@ -104,6 +106,6 @@
## 謝辞
- 絵文字は[Twemoji](https://twemoji.twitter.com/)のものを使用しました。ライセンスは[CC-BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)です
- VueTubeのロゴは[@afnzmn](https://github.com/afnzmn)に作ってもらいました
- VueTube のロゴは[@afnzmn](https://github.com/afnzmn)に作ってもらいました
- 低評価数は[Return Youtube Dislike](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)に提供していただいています
- AjayとSponsorblockコミュニティはSponsorblock APIを提供していただいています。ライセンスは[CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)です
- Ajay と Sponsorblock コミュニティは Sponsorblock API を提供していただいています。ライセンスは[CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)です
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ Read this in other languages: [English,](readme.md) [Español,](readme.es.md) [
- ⬆️ Auto Update: Be notified when an update is available & downgrade if you dislike it!
- 👁️ Tracking Protection: No telemetry is sent from your device by default
- 📺 Custom video player
- 👎 Return YouTube Dislike - [*More info*](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)
- 💰 SponsorBlock - [*More info*](https://sponsor.ajay.app)
- 👎 Return YouTube Dislike - [_More info_](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)
- 💰 SponsorBlock - [_More info_](https://sponsor.ajay.app)
## Install
@ -45,16 +45,17 @@ To install please visit www.vuetube.app/install
<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| A lot of bugs, but early access to features | Less bugs than unstable, slightly more features than stable | Not available until the app becomes more developed |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| A lot of bugs, but early access to features | Less bugs than unstable, slightly more features than stable | Not available until the app becomes more developed |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| A lot of bugs, but early access to features | Less bugs than unstable, slightly more features than stable | Not available until the app becomes more developed |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| A lot of bugs, but early access to features | Less bugs than unstable, slightly more features than stable | Not available until the app becomes more developed |
## Plans
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ If you want to translate the app, [click here](/NUXT/plugins/languages) and read
- Emojis by the [Twemoji team](https://twemoji.twitter.com/), Licensed under [CC-BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
- VueTube Logo by [@afnzmn](https://github.com/afnzmn)
- Public YouTube dislike data provided by [Return Youtube Dislike](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)
- Ajay & Community for providing the [Sponsorblock API](https://sponsor.ajay.app), Licensed under [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
- Ajay & Community for providing the [Sponsorblock API](https://sponsor.ajay.app), Licensed under [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
## Disclaimer
@ -45,16 +45,17 @@
<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Многу грешки, но ран пристап до функциите. | Помалку грешки од нестабилна, малку повеќе функции од стабилна. | Не е достапна додека апликацијата не стане поразвиена. |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Многу грешки, но ран пристап до функциите. | Помалку грешки од нестабилна, малку повеќе функции од стабилна. | Не е достапна додека апликацијата не стане поразвиена. |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Многу грешки, но ран пристап до функциите. | Помалку грешки од нестабилна, малку повеќе функции од стабилна. | Не е достапна додека апликацијата не стане поразвиена. |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Многу грешки, но ран пристап до функциите. | Помалку грешки од нестабилна, малку повеќе функции од стабилна. | Не е достапна додека апликацијата не стане поразвиена. |
## Планови
@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ Baca ini dalam bahasa lain: [English,](readme.md) [Español,](readme.es.md) [简
- 🖌️ UI yang dibolehkan suaikan: Anda boleh menyesuaikan sepenuhnya warna aksen dan bahagian lain UI untuk mengalih keluar ciri yang anda tidak gunakan!
- ⬆️ Kemaskini Auto: Anda akan dimaklumkan apabila kemas kini tersedia & kembali ke versi lama jika anda tidak menyukainya!
- 👁️ Perlindungan Penjejak: Tiada telemetri (maklumat peribadi) dihantar daripada peranti anda secara lalai
- 📺 Pemain video yang boleh disesuaikan
- 👎 Return YouTube Dislike: [*Maklumat lanjut*](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)
- 💰SponsorBlock: [*Maklumat lanjut*](https://sponsor.ajay.app)
- 📺 Pemain video yang boleh disesuaikan
- 👎 Return YouTube Dislike: [_Maklumat lanjut_](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)
- 💰SponsorBlock: [_Maklumat lanjut_](https://sponsor.ajay.app)
## Pasang
@ -46,16 +46,17 @@ Untuk memasang aplikasi VueTube, sila lawati www.vuetube.app/install
<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Banyak pepijat, tetapi anda boleh mendapat akses awal kepada ciri-ciri baharu | Kurang pepijat daripada tidak stabil, lebih sedikit ciri daripada stabil | Tidak tersedia sehingga aplikasi menjadi lebih berkembang |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Banyak pepijat, tetapi anda boleh mendapat akses awal kepada ciri-ciri baharu | Kurang pepijat daripada tidak stabil, lebih sedikit ciri daripada stabil | Tidak tersedia sehingga aplikasi menjadi lebih berkembang |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Banyak pepijat, tetapi anda boleh mendapat akses awal kepada ciri-ciri baharu | Kurang pepijat daripada tidak stabil, lebih sedikit ciri daripada stabil | Tidak tersedia sehingga aplikasi menjadi lebih berkembang |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Banyak pepijat, tetapi anda boleh mendapat akses awal kepada ciri-ciri baharu | Kurang pepijat daripada tidak stabil, lebih sedikit ciri daripada stabil | Tidak tersedia sehingga aplikasi menjadi lebih berkembang |
## Pelan
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ Idea ini telah dilontarkan pada pelayan Discord Return YouTube Dislike untuk sek
Sila baca di laman sesawang kami tentang bagaimana untuk melakukannya: www.vuetube.app/contributing
Sekiranya anda mahu menterjemahkan aplikasi ini, klik di [sini](https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/blob/main/NUXT/plugins/languages) dan baca bagaimana untuk melakukannya
Sekiranya anda mahu menterjemahkan aplikasi ini, klik di [sini](https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/blob/main/NUXT/plugins/languages) dan baca bagaimana untuk melakukannya
## Penyumbang
@ -114,6 +115,6 @@ Sekiranya anda mahu menterjemahkan aplikasi ini, klik di [sini](https://github.c
## Penafian
Projek VueTube dan kandungannya tidak bergabung dengan, dibiayai, diberi izin, disokong oleh, atau dalam apa jua cara dikaitkan dengan YouTube, Google LLC atau mana-mana sekutu dan anak syarikatnya. Laman web rasmi YouTube boleh didapati di [www.youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com).
Projek VueTube dan kandungannya tidak bergabung dengan, dibiayai, diberi izin, disokong oleh, atau dalam apa jua cara dikaitkan dengan YouTube, Google LLC atau mana-mana sekutu dan anak syarikatnya. Laman web rasmi YouTube boleh didapati di [www.youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com).
Sebarang tanda dagangan, tanda perkhidmatan, nama dagangan atau hak harta intelek lain yang digunakan dalam projek VueTube dimiliki oleh pemilik masing-masing.
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Uitgesproken als: Vju - Tjube (<code>/ˈvjuːˌtjuːb/</code>)
Lees dit in andere talen: [English,](readme.md) [Español,](readme.es.md) [简体中文,](readme.zh-hans.md) [繁體中文,](readme.zh-hant.md) [日本語,](readme.ja.md) [עִברִית,](readme.he.md) [Nederlands,](readme.nl.md) [தமிழ்,](readme.ta.md) [Bahasa Melayu,](readme.ms.md) [Македонски,](readme.mk.md) [Français,](readme.fr.md) [Português Brasileiro,](readme.pt-br.md) [Bahasa Indonesia,](readme.id.md) [Polski,](readme.pl.md) [Български,](readme.bg.md) [Italiano](readme.it.md)
## Functies
<img src="./resources/readme-nl/Features.nl.svg" alt="VueTube icon" height="100"/>
@ -45,16 +46,17 @@ Om te installeren, ga naar www.vuetube.app/install
<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Heel veel bugs, maar vroegtijdige toegang tot de nieuwste functies | Minder bugs dan de onstabiele versie, net iets meer functies dan de stabiele versie | Niet beschikbaar totdat de app meer is ontwikkeld |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Heel veel bugs, maar vroegtijdige toegang tot de nieuwste functies | Minder bugs dan de onstabiele versie, net iets meer functies dan de stabiele versie | Niet beschikbaar totdat de app meer is ontwikkeld |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Heel veel bugs, maar vroegtijdige toegang tot de nieuwste functies | Minder bugs dan de onstabiele versie, net iets meer functies dan de stabiele versie | Niet beschikbaar totdat de app meer is ontwikkeld |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Heel veel bugs, maar vroegtijdige toegang tot de nieuwste functies | Minder bugs dan de onstabiele versie, net iets meer functies dan de stabiele versie | Niet beschikbaar totdat de app meer is ontwikkeld |
## Plannen
@ -45,16 +45,17 @@ Aby zainstalować aplikację, odwiedź www.vuetube.app/install
<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Dużo błędów oraz wczesny dostęp do najnowszych funkcji | Mniej błędów niż w wersji niestabilnej, nieco więcej funkcji niż w wersji stabilnej | Niedostępna, dopóki aplikacja nie będzie bardziej rozwinięta |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Dużo błędów oraz wczesny dostęp do najnowszych funkcji | Mniej błędów niż w wersji niestabilnej, nieco więcej funkcji niż w wersji stabilnej | Niedostępna, dopóki aplikacja nie będzie bardziej rozwinięta |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Dużo błędów oraz wczesny dostęp do najnowszych funkcji | Mniej błędów niż w wersji niestabilnej, nieco więcej funkcji niż w wersji stabilnej | Niedostępna, dopóki aplikacja nie będzie bardziej rozwinięta |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Dużo błędów oraz wczesny dostęp do najnowszych funkcji | Mniej błędów niż w wersji niestabilnej, nieco więcej funkcji niż w wersji stabilnej | Niedostępna, dopóki aplikacja nie będzie bardziej rozwinięta |
## Plany
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Leia isso em outras línguas: [English,](readme.md) [Español,](readme.es.md) [
- 🎨 Temas: Claro, Escuro, OLED, Todas as cores do arco-íris
- 🖌️ Interface Customizável: Te permite customizar cor de realce e outras partes da interface para remover funções que você não usa!
- ⬆️ Atualização Automática: Seja notificado quando alguma atualização estiver disponível ou faça um downgrade se não gostar!
- ⬆️ Atualização Automática: Seja notificado quando alguma atualização estiver disponível ou faça um downgrade se não gostar!
- 👁️ Sem Telemetria: Telemetria é desativada por padrão
- 📺 Reprodutor Customizado
- 👎 Suporta Return YouTube Dislike
@ -45,16 +45,17 @@ Para instalar visite www.vuetube.app/install
<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Muitos bugs, mas acesso antecipado a novas funções | Menos bugs, pode ter um pouco mais de funções do que a estável | Não disponível até que o app esteja mais maduro |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Muitos bugs, mas acesso antecipado a novas funções | Menos bugs, pode ter um pouco mais de funções do que a estável | Não disponível até que o app esteja mais maduro |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Muitos bugs, mas acesso antecipado a novas funções | Menos bugs, pode ter um pouco mais de funções do que a estável | Não disponível até que o app esteja mais maduro |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Muitos bugs, mas acesso antecipado a novas funções | Menos bugs, pode ter um pouco mais de funções do que a estável | Não disponível até que o app esteja mais maduro |
## Planos
@ -112,4 +113,4 @@ Por favor leia as instruções no nosso website: www.vuetube.app/contributing
O projeto VueTube e seus conteúdos não são afiliados, patrocinados, apoiados ou associados de forma alguma com YouTube, Google LLC ou qualquer de suas afiliadas ou subsidiárias. O site oficial do YouTube pode ser encontrado em [www.youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com).
Qualquer serviço, marca registrada, ou propriedade intelectual usada no projeto VueTube são propriedade de seus respectivos donos.
Qualquer serviço, marca registrada, ou propriedade intelectual usada no projeto VueTube são propriedade de seus respectivos donos.
@ -45,16 +45,17 @@
<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| நிறைய பிழைகள் உள்ளன, ஆனால் அம்சங்களுக்கான ஆரம்ப அணுகல் | நிலையற்றதை விட குறைவான பிழைகள், நிலையானதை விட சற்று கூடுதல் அம்சங்கள் | பயன்பாடு இன்னும் மேம்படுத்தப்படும் வரை கிடைக்காது |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| நிறைய பிழைகள் உள்ளன, ஆனால் அம்சங்களுக்கான ஆரம்ப அணுகல் | நிலையற்றதை விட குறைவான பிழைகள், நிலையானதை விட சற்று கூடுதல் அம்சங்கள் | பயன்பாடு இன்னும் மேம்படுத்தப்படும் வரை கிடைக்காது |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| நிறைய பிழைகள் உள்ளன, ஆனால் அம்சங்களுக்கான ஆரம்ப அணுகல் | நிலையற்றதை விட குறைவான பிழைகள், நிலையானதை விட சற்று கூடுதல் அம்சங்கள் | பயன்பாடு இன்னும் மேம்படுத்தப்படும் வரை கிடைக்காது |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| நிறைய பிழைகள் உள்ளன, ஆனால் அம்சங்களுக்கான ஆரம்ப அணுகல் | நிலையற்றதை விட குறைவான பிழைகள், நிலையானதை விட சற்று கூடுதல் அம்சங்கள் | பயன்பாடு இன்னும் மேம்படுத்தப்படும் வரை கிடைக்காது |
## திட்டங்கள்
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
- 🎨 可自定义的主题:明亮、黑暗、OLED、或者从彩虹中的任何颜色选择!
- 🖌️ 使用者界面:完全自定义强调色、以及界面的其他部分以便移除您不使用的功能!
- ⬆️ 自动更新:有新版本可用时接收通知,如果您不喜欢也可以撤销更新!
- 👁️ 追踪阻断:VueTube默认不会发送任何跟踪数据
- 📺 自家制的HTML5影片播放器
- 👎 利用Return Youtube Dislikes的API带回YouTube的「踩一下」数据 — [更多信息](https://www.returnyoutubedislike.com/)
- 👁️ 追踪阻断:VueTube 默认不会发送任何跟踪数据
- 📺 自家制的 HTML5 影片播放器
- 👎 利用 Return Youtube Dislikes 的 API 带回 YouTube 的「踩一下」数据 — [更多信息](https://www.returnyoutubedislike.com/)
- 💰 SponsorBlock — [更多信息](https://sponsor.ajay.app/)
## 下载
@ -45,16 +45,17 @@
<br />
### 安卓/Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| 有最新的功能,并且经常有更新,但bug也最常见。 | bug比unstable较少,功能也比stable稍新 | 由于VueTube尚未完成开发,暂时未有Stable版本下载 |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 有最新的功能,并且经常有更新,但 bug 也最常见。 | bug 比 unstable 较少,功能也比 stable 稍新 | 由于 VueTube 尚未完成开发,暂时未有 Stable 版本下载 |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| 有最新的功能,并且经常有更新,但bug也最常见。 | bug比unstable较少,功能也比stable稍新 | 由于VueTube尚未完成开发,暂时未有Stable版本下载 |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 有最新的功能,并且经常有更新,但 bug 也最常见。 | bug 比 unstable 较少,功能也比 stable 稍新 | 由于 VueTube 尚未完成开发,暂时未有 Stable 版本下载 |
## 未来计划
@ -89,11 +90,12 @@
### 为什么要开发这应用程序?
开发这应用程序的主意其实已在 Return YouTube Dislike 的 discord 上讨论一段时间了,因此我觉得我应该要尝试一下!
### 如何提交代码
## 贡献者
## 贡献者
<a href="https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/graphs/contributors">
<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=VueTubeApp/VueTube" />
@ -101,15 +103,16 @@
## 鸣谢
## 鸣谢
- 感谢[Twemoji](https://twemoji.twitter.com/)提供的表情符号。授权于[CC-BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
- 感谢[@afnzmn](https://github.com/afnzmn)提供VueTube标志
- 感谢[@afnzmn](https://github.com/afnzmn)提供 VueTube 标志
- 感谢[Return YouTube Dislike](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)提供的「踩一下」数据
- 感谢Ajay和Sponsorblock社区提供[Sponsorblock的API](http://sponsorblock.ajay.app/)。授权于[CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
- 感谢 Ajay 和 Sponsorblock 社区提供[Sponsorblock 的 API](http://sponsorblock.ajay.app/)。授权于[CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
## 免责声明
本项目及其内容不隶属于 YouTube、Google LLC 或其任何关联公司和子公司,也不受其资助、授权、认可或以任何方式与之关联。 YouTube的官方网站是:[www.youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com).
本项目及其内容不隶属于 YouTube、Google LLC 或其任何关联公司和子公司,也不受其资助、授权、认可或以任何方式与之关联。 YouTube 的官方网站是:[www.youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com).
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
其他語言版本:[English,](readme.md) [Español,](readme.es.md) [简体中文,](readme.zh-hans.md) [繁體中文,](readme.zh-hant.md) [日本語,](readme.ja.md) [עִברִית,](readme.he.md) [Nederlands,](readme.nl.md) [தமிழ்,](readme.ta.md) [Bahasa Melayu,](readme.ms.md) [Македонски,](readme.mk.md) [Français,](readme.fr.md) [Português Brasileiro,](readme.pt-br.md) [Bahasa Indonesia,](readme.id.md) [Polski,](readme.pl.md) [Български,](readme.bg.md) [Italiano](readme.it.md)
## 功能
<img src="./resources/readme-zh-hant/Features.zh-hant.svg" alt="VueTube icon" height="100"/>
@ -30,9 +29,9 @@
- 🎨 可自訂的主題:明亮、黑暗、OLED、或者從彩虹中的任何顏色選擇!
- 🖌️ 使用者介面:完全自訂強調色、以及介面的其他部分以便移除您不使用的功能!
- ⬆️ 自動更新:有新版本可用時接收通知,如果您不喜歡也可以撤銷更新!
- 👁️ 追蹤阻斷:VueTube預設不會傳送任何跟蹤數據
- 📺 自家製的HTML5影片播放器
- 👎 利用Return Youtube Dislikes的API帶回YouTube的「不喜歡」數據 — [更多信息](https://www.returnyoutubedislike.com/)
- 👁️ 追蹤阻斷:VueTube 預設不會傳送任何跟蹤數據
- 📺 自家製的 HTML5 影片播放器
- 👎 利用 Return Youtube Dislikes 的 API 帶回 YouTube 的「不喜歡」數據 — [更多信息](https://www.returnyoutubedislike.com/)
- 💰 SponsorBlock — [更多信息](https://sponsor.ajay.app/)
## 下載
@ -46,16 +45,17 @@
<br />
### Android
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| 有最新的功能,並且經常有更新,但bug也最常見。 | bug比unstable較少,功能也比stable稍新。 | 由於VueTube尚未完成開發,暫時未有Stable版本下載 |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/android.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/releases/download/0.2/VueTube-Canary-June-15-2022.apk><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 有最新的功能,並且經常有更新,但 bug 也最常見。 | bug 比 unstable 較少,功能也比 stable 稍新。 | 由於 VueTube 尚未完成開發,暫時未有 Stable 版本下載 |
### iOS
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| 有最新的功能,並且經常有更新,但bug也最常見。 | bug比unstable較少,功能也比stable稍新。 | 由於VueTube尚未完成開發,暫時未有Stable版本下載 |
| <a href=https://nightly.link/VueTubeApp/VueTube/workflows/ci/main/iOS.zip><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getunstable.png></a> | <a href=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/949908267855921163/972164558930198528/VueTube-Canary-May-6-2022.ipa><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getcanary.png></a> | <a href=https://vuetube.app/install><img id="im" width="200" src=./resources/getstable.png></a> |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 有最新的功能,並且經常有更新,但 bug 也最常見。 | bug 比 unstable 較少,功能也比 stable 稍新。 | 由於 VueTube 尚未完成開發,暫時未有 Stable 版本下載 |
## 未來計劃
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
- 🔍 進階搜尋功能
- 🗞️ 本地儲存觀看記錄
- ✂️ Shorts
- 🧑 Google帳戶登入
- 🧑 Google 帳戶登入
- 🖼️ 畫中畫模式
- 以及更多!
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
## 貢獻者
## 貢獻者
<a href="https://github.com/VueTubeApp/VueTube/graphs/contributors">
<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=VueTubeApp/VueTube" />
@ -99,15 +99,16 @@
## 鳴謝
## 鳴謝
- 感謝[Twemoji](https://twemoji.twitter.com/)提供的表情符號。授權於[CC-BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
- 感謝[@afnzmn](https://github.com/afnzmn)提供VueTube標誌
- 感謝[@afnzmn](https://github.com/afnzmn)提供 VueTube 標誌
- 感謝[Return YouTube Dislike](https://returnyoutubedislike.com)提供的「不喜歡」數據
- 感謝Ajay和Sponsorblock社群提供[Sponsorblock的API](http://sponsorblock.ajay.app/)。授權於[CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
- 感謝 Ajay 和 Sponsorblock 社群提供[Sponsorblock 的 API](http://sponsorblock.ajay.app/)。授權於[CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
## 免責聲明
本項目及其內容不隸屬於 YouTube、Google LLC 或其任何關聯公司和子公司,也不受其資助、授權、認可或以任何方式與之關聯。YouTube的官方網站是:[www.youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com).
本項目及其內容不隸屬於 YouTube、Google LLC 或其任何關聯公司和子公司,也不受其資助、授權、認可或以任何方式與之關聯。YouTube 的官方網站是:[www.youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com).
Reference in a new issue