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Creating A Logcat

In this guide you will learn how to create a logcat to help app developers fix bugs

About Logcat

Logcat is a command line tool that dumps Android system logs, including stuff like errors or warnings.

These logs are very important to figure out what's going wrong!


You will need

  • EITHER a PC with adb set up - A guide to do this can be found here
  • OR a rooted phone

Creating a logcat

There are two ways to create a logcat. Either via a pc and adb or via a terminal on your Phone, but this requires root.

You can technically create a logcat with only your phone and no root, but this will only include limited info so it is not very useful!

Creating a logcat using adb on your PC

  • Run the following adb command. Unless you added adb to PATH, add a .\ before the command. Having issues? Check our adb Guide
adb shell logcat -c
adb shell logcat *:W > logcat.txt
  • If this prints nothing and just freezes your terminal, perfect! That means it's working
  • Now just do whatever is needed to cause the issue on your phone
  • Once that is done, simply press CTRL+C or close the terminal to stop the logcat
  • Your logcat can be found in the adb folder as logcat.txt

Creating a logcat using a rooted Android

  • First you need a Terminal. I recommend Termux
  • Open it up and run the following command
su -c "logcat -c && logcat *:W > /sdcard/logcat.txt"
  • Grant root if prompted
  • Now just do whatever is needed to cause the issue on your phone
  • Once that is done, simply press CTRL+C or close the terminal to stop the logcat
  • Your logcat can be found at /sdcard/logcat.txt which is the root of your file system where there's also stuff like your Download folder