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Bug report You are experiencing a bug in Vanced [Bug] replaceme bug

Bug description Replace me with a clear and detailed description of the bug.

Variant Non-Root/Root

Vanced version Replace me with the exact version of vanced you are using. It is mandatory to report issues from the latest available versions only. For example, v16.16.38

Link used to download vanced Replace here with the source/link you used to download and install on your device.

Android version Replace me with the version of Android your device have. For example, Android 11

Device Replace with the name of the device on which you faced the bug. For example, Samsung Galaxy S8

Steps to Reproduce Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Open the app
  2. Click on '....'
  3. ....

Expected behavior Replace me with a description of what you expected should happen and what happened instead.

Attach images or videos or logcats in case of crashes if possible. These can be helpful in solving the issue.