4EAEC4 B overrideNerveHook // makes any button on pause menu run a specific nerve
4EA104 MOV W2, #5 // update state count to account for new custom state
4EA1F0 BL initNerveStateHook // inits options nerve state and server config state
4EA174 MOV X0, X20 // moves StageSceneStatePauseMenu to first arg
4EA17C NOP // prevents first new of StageSceneStateOption
4EA1A8 BL initStateHook // inits StageSceneStateOption and StageSceneStateServerConfig
4EA1C0 NOP // prevents mStateOption ptr from being overriden
// Gravity hooks
455230 NOP // PlayerJointControlKeeper::update+C0 prevents PlayerJointControlGroundPose from updating
4B5E30 B ProjectActorFactory // patches actor factory ctor with custom matching factory
4BE628 B ProjectCameraPoserFactory // patches camera poser factory with custom matching factory
4463D8 BL initHackCapHook
4C9080 BL createTicketHook // hook to the init of a stage to create custom gravity camera ticket
5C00B0 BL borderPullBackHook // hooks over isFirstStep in WorldEndBorderKeeper::exePullBack so we can kill the player if they reach the border of the map
// 4E46BC NOP // removes call to setEnableData for one of the commonverticallists in the options menu, which makes all entries in the menu look the same