Octopus Machine Finalized (#437)

* copied some code

broken rn but i'll fix it on my pc
(commiting to work not on my laptop)

* general work idk

basically got all the blocks/parameters in that i want for now
mostly need to fix the copied glee club at this point

* blehh it's almost done

but no animators means no real progress.

* squeeze anim done

* pop anim has popped up

* inputs are inputting and animations are animating

* fix bopping/preparing so it's not janky and weird
* bubble entrance
* color tweening (about halfway done)

* more stuff yippee

* so much stuff

* bubbles block (still kinda wip?)
* squeeze color works
* preparing so much better
* added the thing where the release sfx doesn't play sometimes

* finalizing the game!

hopefully no bugs :3

* i'm pretty sure it's done!


* final


Co-authored-by: wookywok <wookywok11@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
AstrlJelly 2023-05-28 00:33:02 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 858277769d
commit b235869945
44 changed files with 45055 additions and 4906 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using HeavenStudio.Util;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
@ -7,12 +7,20 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_OctopusMachine
public class Octopus : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] Animator anim;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer sr;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer[] sr;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer[] srAll;
[SerializeField] bool player;
public Animator anim;
public bool cantBop;
public bool isSqueezed;
public bool isPreparing;
public bool queuePrepare;
public float lastReportedBeat = 0f;
float lastSqueezeBeat;
bool isActive = true;
private OctopusMachine game;
public static Octopus instance;
void Awake()
@ -21,138 +29,82 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_OctopusMachine
void Update()
if (queuePrepare && Conductor.instance.NotStopped()) {
if (!(isPreparing || isSqueezed || anim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Release") || anim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Pop")))
anim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Prepare", 0.5f);
isPreparing = true;
queuePrepare = false;
if (isActive && player)
if (PlayerInput.Pressed() && !game.IsExpectingInputNow(InputType.STANDARD_DOWN))
if (PlayerInput.PressedUp() && !game.IsExpectingInputNow(InputType.STANDARD_UP)) {
OctoAction(PlayerInput.Pressing(true) ? "Pop" : "Release");
void LateUpdate()
if (Conductor.instance.ReportBeat(ref game.lastReportedBeat)/* && !game.isPreparing && game.bopOn*/)
if (Conductor.instance.ReportBeat(ref lastReportedBeat)
&& !anim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Bop")
&& !anim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Happy")
&& !anim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Angry")
&& !anim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Oops")
&& !anim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Release")
&& !anim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Pop")
&& !isPreparing
&& !isSqueezed
&& !cantBop )
//if (anim.IsAnimationNotPlaying() || anim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Idle"))
if (game.isHappy) {
anim.DoScaledAnimation("Happy", 0.5f);
} else if (game.isAngry) {
anim.DoScaledAnimation("Angry", 0.5f);
} else if (game.isShocked) {
anim.DoScaledAnimation("Oops", 0.5f);
} else {
anim.DoScaledAnimation("Bop", 0.5f);
void OnDestroy()
public void PlayAnimation(int whichBop)
if (whichBop == 2 && player) whichBop = 3;
anim.DoScaledAnimationAsync(whichBop switch {
0 => "Bop",
1 => "Happy",
2 => "Angry",
3 => "Oops",
}, 0.5f);
public void TogglePresence(bool disappear)
public void ForceSqueeze()
anim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("ForceSqueeze", 0.5f);
isSqueezed = true;
public void MissPose()
public void OctopusModifiers(float x, float y, bool enable)
gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
foreach (var sprite in srAll) sprite.color = new Color(sprite.color.r, sprite.color.g, sprite.color.b, enable ? 1 : 0);
isActive = enable;
public void StartCrouch()
public void OctoAction(string action)
if (action != "Release" || (Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats - lastSqueezeBeat) > 0.15f) Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame($"octopusMachine/{action.ToLower()}");
if (action == "Squeeze") lastSqueezeBeat = Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats;
anim.DoScaledAnimationAsync(action, 0.5f);
isSqueezed = (action == "Squeeze");
isPreparing =
queuePrepare = false;
public void StartYell()
public void AnimationColor(int poppingColor)
if (singing || disappeared) return;
singing = true;
anim.SetBool("Mega", true);
anim.Play("OpenMouth", 0, 0);
shouldMegaClose = true;
if (currentSound != null) Jukebox.KillLoop(currentSound, 0f);
currentSound = Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("gleeClub/LoudWailLoop", -1, currentPitch, 1f, true);
BeatAction.New(game.gameObject, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats + 1f, delegate { UnYell(); })
void UnYell()
//if (singing && !anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("YellIdle")) anim.Play("YellIdle", 0, 0);
public void StartSinging(bool forced = false)
if ((singing && !forced) || disappeared) return;
singing = true;
anim.SetBool("Mega", false);
shouldMegaClose = false;
anim.Play("OpenMouth", 0, 0);
if (currentSound != null) Jukebox.KillLoop(currentSound, 0f);
currentSound = Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("gleeClub/WailLoop", -1, currentPitch, 1f, true);
public void StopSinging(bool mega = false, bool playSound = true)
if (!singing || disappeared) return;
singing = false;
anim.Play(mega ? "MegaCloseMouth" : "CloseMouth", 0, 0);
if (currentSound != null) Jukebox.KillLoop(currentSound, 0f);
if (playSound) Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("gleeClub/StopWail");
public void Bop(float beat)
if (!game.isPreparing && game.bopOn)
if (anim.IsAnimationNotPlaying() || anim.IsPlayingAnimationName("Idle"))
if (game.isHappy) {
anim.DoScaledAnimation("Happy", 0.5f);
} else if (game.isAngry) {
anim.DoScaledAnimation("Angry", 0.5f);
} else if (game.isShocked) {
anim.DoScaledAnimation("Oops", 0.5f);
} else {
anim.DoScaledAnimation("Bop", 0.5f);
public void PlayAnimation(float beat, bool keepBopping, int whichBop)
switch (whichBop)
case 0:
anim.DoScaledAnimation("Bop", 0.5f);
case 1:
anim.DoScaledAnimation("Happy", 0.5f);
case 2:
anim.DoScaledAnimation("Angry", 0.5f);
case 3:
anim.DoScaledAnimation("Oops", 0.5f);
if (keepBopping) {
game.isHappy = whichBop == 1 ? keepBopping : !keepBopping;
game.isAngry = whichBop == 2 ? keepBopping : !keepBopping;
game.isShocked = whichBop == 3 ? keepBopping : !keepBopping;
public void GameplayModifiers(bool isActive, Color octoColor)
sr.color = octoColor;
foreach (var sprite in sr) sprite.material.SetColor("_ColorAlpha", (poppingColor == 0 ? OctopusMachine.octopodesColor : OctopusMachine.octopodesSqueezedColor));
if (poppingColor == 1) isSqueezed = true;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
using HeavenStudio.Util;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DG.Tweening;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
// using GhostlyGuy's Balls;
namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
@ -10,67 +12,142 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
public static class NtrOctopusMachineLoader
public static Minigame AddGame(EventCaller eventCaller) {
return new Minigame("OctopusMachine", "Octopus Machine \n<color=#eb5454>[INITIALIZATION ONLY]</color>", "FFf362B", false, false, new List<GameAction>()
return new Minigame("octopusMachine", "Octopus Machine", "FFf362B", false, false, new List<GameAction>()
new GameAction("Bop", "Bop")
new GameAction("bop", "Bop")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
OctopusMachine.instance.Bop(e.beat, e["disableBop"], e[""], e["whichBop"]);
OctopusMachine.instance.Bop(e.length, e["whichBop"], e["singleBop"], e["keepBop"]);
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("bop", false, "Which Bop?", "Plays a sepcific bop type"),
new Param("whichBop", OctopusMachine.Bops.Bop, "Which Bop?", "Plays a sepcific bop type"),
parameters = new List<Param>() {
new Param("whichBop", OctopusMachine.Bops.Bop, "Which Bop", "Plays a specific bop type"),
new Param("singleBop", true, "Single Bop", "Plays one bop"),
new Param("keepBop", false, "Keep Bopping", "Keeps playing the specified bop type"),
defaultLength = 0.5f,
new GameAction("Expand", "Expand")
new GameAction("startInterval", "Start Interval")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
OctopusMachine.instance.StartInterval(e.beat, e.length);
defaultLength = 1f,
resizable = true,
priority = 5,
new GameAction("squeeze", "Squeeze")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
OctopusMachine.instance.OctoAction(e.beat, e.length, "Squeeze");
resizable = true,
parameters = new List<Param>() {
new Param("shouldPrep", true, "Prepare?", "Plays a prepare animation before the cue."),
new Param("prepBeats", new EntityTypes.Float(0, 4, 1), "Prepare Beats", "How many beats before the cue does the octopus prepare?"),
preFunctionLength = 4f,
preFunction = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
if (e["shouldPrep"]) OctopusMachine.Prepare(e.beat, e["prepBeats"]);
priority = 1,
new GameAction("Prepare", "Prepare")
new GameAction("release", "Release")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
OctopusMachine.instance.OctoAction(e.beat, e.length, "Release");
resizable = true,
priority = 1,
new GameAction("pop", "Pop")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
OctopusMachine.instance.OctoAction(e.beat, e.length, "Pop");
resizable = true,
priority = 1,
new GameAction("automaticActions", "Automatic Actions")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
OctopusMachine.instance.AutoAction(e["autoBop"], e["autoText"], e["hitText"], e["missText"]);
parameters = new List<Param>() {
new Param("autoBop", true, "Hit/Miss Bop", "Plays a bop depending on if you hit or missed the cues."),
new Param("autoText", true, "Display Text", "Displays text depending on if you hit or missed the cues."),
new Param("hitText", "Good!", "Hit Text", "The text to display if you hit the cues."),
new Param("missText", "Wrong! n/ Try again!", "Miss Text", "The text to display if you missed the cues."),
new GameAction("forceSqueeze", "Force Squeeze")
function = delegate { OctopusMachine.instance.ForceSqueeze(); }
new GameAction("prepare", "Prepare")
function = delegate { OctopusMachine.queuePrepare = true; },
defaultLength = 0.5f,
new GameAction("OctopusAnimation", "Octopus Animation")
new GameAction("bubbles", "Bubbles")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
OctopusMachine.instance.PlayAnimation(e.beat, e["keepWhich"], e["whichBop"]);
OctopusMachine.instance.BubbleToggle(e["isInstant"], e["setActive"], e["particleStrength"], e["particleSpeed"]);
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("keepWhich", true, "Bop Like This?", "Keep bopping using the selected bop"),
new Param("whichBop", OctopusMachine.Bops.Bop, "Which Bop?", "Plays a sepcific bop type"),
parameters = new List<Param>() {
new Param("isInstant", true, "Instant", "Will the bubbles disappear appear?"),
new Param("setActive", OctopusMachine.Actives.Activate, "Activate or Deactivate", "Will the bubbles disappear or appear?"),
new Param("particleStrength", new EntityTypes.Float(0, 25, 3), "Bubble Intensity", "The amount of bubbles"),
new Param("particleSpeed", new EntityTypes.Float(0, 25, 5), "Bubble Speed", "The speed of the bubbles"),
defaultLength = 0.5f,
new GameAction("GameplayModifiers", "Gameplay Modifiers")
new GameAction("changeText", "Change Text")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
OctopusMachine.instance.GameplayModifiers(e.beat, e["color"], e["octoColor"], e["oct1"], e["oct2"], e["oct3"]);
OctopusMachine.instance.ChangeText(e["text"], e["youText"]);
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("color", new Color(1f, 0.84f, 0), "Background Color", "Set the background color"),
new Param("octoColor", new Color(1f, 0.145f, 0.5f), "Octopodes Color", "Set the octopode's color"),
new Param("oct1", true, "Show Octopus 1?", "Keep bopping using the selected bop"),
new Param("oct2", true, "Show Octopus 2?", "Keep bopping using the selected bop"),
new Param("oct3", true, "Show Octopus 3?", "Keep bopping using the selected bop"),
parameters = new List<Param>() {
new Param("text", "Do what the others do.", "Text", "Set the text on the screen"),
new Param("youText", "You", "You Text", "Set the text that orginally says \"You\""),
new GameAction("changeColor", "Change Color")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
OctopusMachine.instance.ChangeColor(e["color1"], e["color2"], e["octoColor"], e["squeezedColor"], e.length, e["bgInstant"]);
parameters = new List<Param>() {
new Param("color1", new Color(1f, 0.87f, 0.24f), "Background Start Color", "Set the beginning background color"),
new Param("color2", new Color(1f, 0.87f, 0.24f), "Background End Color", "Set the end background color"),
new Param("bgInstant", false, "Instant Background?", "Set the end background color instantly"),
new Param("octoColor", new Color(0.97f, 0.235f, 0.54f), "Octopodes Color", "Set the octopodes' colors"),
new Param("squeezedColor", new Color(1f, 0f, 0f), "Squeezed Color", "Set the octopodes' colors when they're squeezed"),
resizable = true,
new GameAction("octopusModifiers", "Octopus Positions")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
OctopusMachine.instance.OctopusModifiers(e.beat, e["oct1x"], e["oct2x"], e["oct3x"], e["oct1y"], e["oct2y"], e["oct3y"], e["oct1"], e["oct2"], e["oct3"]);
parameters = new List<Param>() {
new Param("oct1", true, "Show Octopus 1", "Should the first octopus be enabled?"),
new Param("oct1x", new EntityTypes.Float(-10, 10, -4.64f), "X Octopus 1", "Change Octopus 1's X"),
new Param("oct1y", new EntityTypes.Float(-10, 10, 2.5f), "Y Octopus 1", "Change Octopus 1's Y"),
new Param("oct2", true, "Show Octopus 2", "Should the second octopus be enabled?"),
new Param("oct2x", new EntityTypes.Float(-10, 10, -0.637f), "X Octopus 2", "Change Octopus 2's X"),
new Param("oct2y", new EntityTypes.Float(-10, 10, 0f), "Y Octopus 2", "Change Octopus 2's Y"),
new Param("oct3", true, "Show Octopus 3", "Should the third octopus be enabled?"),
new Param("oct3x", new EntityTypes.Float(-10, 10, 3.363f), "X Octopus 3", "Change Octopus 3's X"),
new Param("oct3y", new EntityTypes.Float(-10, 10, -2.5f), "Y Octopus 3", "Change Octopus 3's Y"),
defaultLength = 0.5f,
@ -84,29 +161,49 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
using Scripts_OctopusMachine;
public partial class OctopusMachine : Minigame
[Header("Sprite Renderers")]
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer Background;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer bg;
[SerializeField] Material mat;
[SerializeField] ParticleSystem[] Bubbles;
[SerializeField] GameObject YouArrow;
[SerializeField] TMP_Text YouText;
[SerializeField] TMP_Text Text;
[SerializeField] Octopus[] octopodes;
public Octopus Octopus1;
public Octopus Octopus2;
public Octopus Octopus3;
[Header("Static Variables")]
static Color backgroundColor = new Color(1, 0.87f, 0.24f);
public static Color octopodesColor = new Color(0.97f, 0.235f, 0.54f);
public static Color octopodesSqueezedColor = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f);
public static bool queuePrepare;
public bool isHappy;
public bool isAngry;
public bool isShocked;
public bool isPreparing;
public bool bopOn = true;
public float lastReportedBeat = 0f;
public bool hasMissed;
public int bopStatus = 0;
Tween bgColorTween;
int bopIterate = 0;
bool intervalStarted;
bool autoAction;
float intervalStartBeat;
float beatInterval = 1f;
float lastReportedBeat;
static List<float> queuedSqueezes = new List<float>();
static List<float> queuedReleases = new List<float>();
static List<float> queuedPops = new List<float>();
public static OctopusMachine instance;
public enum Bops
public enum Actives
void Awake()
@ -114,57 +211,199 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
instance = this;
private void LateUpdate()
private void Start()
bg.color = backgroundColor;
foreach (var octo in octopodes) octo.AnimationColor(0);
bopStatus = 0;
private void AllFunction()
void OnDestroy()
if (queuedSqueezes.Count > 0) queuedSqueezes.Clear();
if (queuedReleases.Count > 0) queuedReleases.Clear();
if (queuedPops.Count > 0) queuedPops.Clear();
mat.SetColor("_ColorAlpha", new Color(0.97f, 0.235f, 0.54f));
public void Prepare(float beat)
private void Update()
isPreparing = true;
if (queuePrepare) {
foreach (var octo in octopodes) octo.queuePrepare = true;
if (Text.text is "Wrong! \nTry Again!" or "Good!") Text.text = "";
queuePrepare = false;
public void Expand(float beat)
Debug.Log("expand event rn");
public void Bop(float beat, float length, bool doesBop, bool autoBop)
bopOn = autoBop;
if (doesBop)
if (Conductor.instance.ReportBeat(ref lastReportedBeat))
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
BeatAction.New(instance.gameObject, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat + i, delegate
if (bopIterate >= 3) {
bopStatus =
bopIterate = 0;
autoAction = false;
if (autoAction) bopIterate++;
public void PlayAnimation(float beat, bool keepBopping, int whichBop)
public static void Prepare(float beat, float prepBeats)
if (GameManager.instance.currentGame != "octopusMachine") {
OctopusMachine.queuePrepare = true;
} else {
BeatAction.New(instance.gameObject, new List<BeatAction.Action>() {
new BeatAction.Action(beat - prepBeats, delegate {
OctopusMachine.queuePrepare = true;
public void GameplayModifiers(float beat, Color bgColor, Color octoColor, bool oct1, bool oct2, bool oct3)
public void ChangeText(string text, string youText)
Background.color = bgColor;
Text.text = text;
YouText.text = youText;
YouArrow.SetActive(youText != "");
Octopus1.GameplayModifiers(oct1, octoColor);
Octopus2.GameplayModifiers(oct2, octoColor);
Octopus3.GameplayModifiers(oct3, octoColor);
public void AutoAction(bool autoBop, bool autoText, string hitText, string missText)
autoAction = true;
if (autoBop) bopStatus = hasMissed ? 2 : 1;
if (autoText) Text.text = hasMissed ? missText : hitText;
foreach (var octo in octopodes) octo.cantBop = false;
hasMissed = false;
public void BubbleToggle(bool isInstant, int setActive, float particleStrength, float particleSpeed)
foreach (var bubble in Bubbles) {
var main = bubble.main;
main.prewarm = isInstant;
main.simulationSpeed = particleSpeed/10;
var emm = bubble.emission;
emm.rateOverTime = particleStrength;
if (setActive == 1) bubble.Stop(true, isInstant ? ParticleSystemStopBehavior.StopEmittingAndClear : ParticleSystemStopBehavior.StopEmitting);
else bubble.Play();
public void OctoAction(float beat, float length, string action)
if (action != "Squeeze" && !octopodes[0].isSqueezed) return;
if (!intervalStarted) StartInterval(beat, length);
var queuedList = queuedSqueezes;
if (action == "Release") queuedList = queuedReleases;
else if (action == "Pop") queuedList = queuedPops;
queuedList.Add(beat - intervalStartBeat);
public void Bop(float length, int whichBop, bool singleBop, bool keepBop)
foreach (var octo in octopodes) {
if (singleBop) octo.PlayAnimation(whichBop);
if (keepBop) bopStatus = whichBop;
octo.cantBop = !keepBop;
public void FadeBackgroundColor(Color color, float beats)
var seconds = Conductor.instance.secPerBeat * beats;
if (bgColorTween != null)
if (seconds == 0) bg.color = color;
else bgColorTween = bg.DOColor(color, seconds);
public void ChangeColor(Color bgStart, Color bgEnd, Color octoColor, Color octoSqueezedColor, float beats, bool bgInstant)
FadeBackgroundColor(bgStart, 0f);
if (!bgInstant) FadeBackgroundColor(bgEnd, beats);
backgroundColor = bgEnd;
octopodesColor = octoColor;
octopodesSqueezedColor = octoSqueezedColor;
foreach (var octo in octopodes) octo.AnimationColor(octo.isSqueezed ? 1 : 0);
public void OctopusModifiers(float beat, float oct1x, float oct2x, float oct3x, float oct1y, float oct2y, float oct3y, bool oct1, bool oct2, bool oct3)
octopodes[0].OctopusModifiers(oct1x, oct1y, oct1);
octopodes[1].OctopusModifiers(oct2x, oct2y, oct2);
octopodes[2].OctopusModifiers(oct3x, oct3y, oct3);
public void ForceSqueeze()
foreach (var octo in octopodes) octo.ForceSqueeze();
public void StartInterval(float beat, float length)
intervalStartBeat = beat;
beatInterval = length;
intervalStarted = true;
BeatAction.New(gameObject, new List<BeatAction.Action>() {
new BeatAction.Action(beat + length, delegate {
PassTurn(beat + length);
public void PassTurn(float beat)
intervalStarted = false;
var queuedInputs = new List<BeatAction.Action>();
foreach (var squeeze in queuedSqueezes) {
queuedInputs.Add(new BeatAction.Action(beat + squeeze, delegate { octopodes[1].OctoAction("Squeeze"); }));
ScheduleInput(beat, beatInterval + squeeze, InputType.STANDARD_DOWN, SqueezeHit, Miss, Miss);
foreach (var release in queuedReleases) {
queuedInputs.Add(new BeatAction.Action(beat + release, delegate { octopodes[1].OctoAction("Release"); }));
ScheduleInput(beat, beatInterval + release, InputType.STANDARD_UP, ReleaseHit, Miss, Miss);
foreach (var pop in queuedPops) {
queuedInputs.Add(new BeatAction.Action(beat + pop, delegate { octopodes[1].OctoAction("Pop"); }));
ScheduleInput(beat, beatInterval + pop, InputType.STANDARD_UP, PopHit, Miss, Miss);
// thanks to ras for giving me this line of code
// i do NOT understand how it works
queuedInputs.Sort((s1, s2) => s1.beat.CompareTo(s2.beat));
BeatAction.New(gameObject, queuedInputs);
private void SqueezeHit(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state)
private void ReleaseHit(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state)
private void PopHit(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state)
private void Miss(PlayerActionEvent caller)
hasMissed = true;