Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into MiscAdditions_4

This commit is contained in:
AstrlJelly 2023-06-10 15:21:22 -04:00
commit 242b076f09
85 changed files with 9460 additions and 1387 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
name: Build Linux name: Build Linux
on: [push] on:
branches: [ "master", "release_1" ]
jobs: jobs:
build: build:

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
name: Build MacOS name: Build MacOS
on: [push] on:
branches: [ "master", "release_1" ]
jobs: jobs:
build: build:

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
name: Build Windows name: Build Windows
on: [push] on:
branches: [ "master", "release_1" ]
jobs: jobs:
build: build:

View File

@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ Transform:
m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 992341452064354670} m_GameObject: {fileID: 992341452064354670}
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: -4.513, y: -5.2518, z: 0} m_LocalPosition: {x: -4.513, y: -5.3668003, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: -0.61060655, y: 0.61060655, z: 1.0176775} m_LocalScale: {x: -0.61060655, y: 0.61060655, z: 1.0176775}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: m_Children:
@ -5138,7 +5138,7 @@ Transform:
m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 6638421408853776258} m_GameObject: {fileID: 6638421408853776258}
m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 4.91, y: -5.2, z: 0} m_LocalPosition: {x: 4.91, y: -5.315, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 0.61060655, y: 0.61060655, z: 1.0176775} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.61060655, y: 0.61060655, z: 1.0176775}
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: m_Children:

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -231,6 +231,107 @@ Animator:
m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1 m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1
m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0 m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0
m_WriteDefaultValuesOnDisable: 0 m_WriteDefaultValuesOnDisable: 0
--- !u!1 &1325709087084306000
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m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
serializedVersion: 6
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- component: {fileID: 1173867408579882551}
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--- !u!224 &7804589845471829046
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
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--- !u!223 &1173867408579882551
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--- !u!114 &6512188580157870035
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--- !u!114 &8499041112994766339
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serializedVersion: 2
m_Bits: 4294967295
--- !u!1 &1346366305652568855 --- !u!1 &1346366305652568855
GameObject: GameObject:
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -453,7 +554,7 @@ Transform:
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
m_Children: [] m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 3584310800769874311} m_Father: {fileID: 3584310800769874311}
m_RootOrder: 3 m_RootOrder: 2
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!212 &7463739741518075090 --- !u!212 &7463739741518075090
SpriteRenderer: SpriteRenderer:
@ -517,7 +618,7 @@ SortingGroup:
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--- !u!1 &1964944159918648973 --- !u!1 &1964944159918648973
GameObject: GameObject:
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -856,6 +957,79 @@ SpriteRenderer:
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--- !u!1 &2437439351008527605
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--- !u!224 &4561602347019439217
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--- !u!222 &3562797203739928665
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--- !u!114 &7504381021942525622
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--- !u!1 &2566942008886923350 --- !u!1 &2566942008886923350
GameObject: GameObject:
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@ -1258,121 +1432,6 @@ MonoBehaviour:
speed: 1 speed: 1
width: 0.7 width: 0.7
height: 0.35 height: 0.35
--- !u!1 &3298763762373661415
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- component: {fileID: 9034498386954973071}
m_Layer: 0
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m_TagString: Untagged
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
m_IsActive: 1
--- !u!4 &3997811236443330485
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
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m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
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m_Father: {fileID: 3584310800769874311}
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--- !u!33 &8255833927689275432
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--- !u!23 &2863259219062097131
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--- !u!114 &8657058913285632170
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--- !u!210 &9034498386954973071
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--- !u!1 &3584310800769874308 --- !u!1 &3584310800769874308
GameObject: GameObject:
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -1383,6 +1442,7 @@ GameObject:
m_Component: m_Component:
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- component: {fileID: 166370115034859292} - component: {fileID: 166370115034859292}
- component: {fileID: 2258816687143469160}
m_Layer: 0 m_Layer: 0
m_Name: spaceSoccer m_Name: spaceSoccer
m_TagString: Untagged m_TagString: Untagged
@ -1404,9 +1464,9 @@ Transform:
m_Children: m_Children:
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m_Father: {fileID: 0} m_Father: {fileID: 0}
m_RootOrder: 0 m_RootOrder: 0
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
@ -1430,7 +1490,8 @@ MonoBehaviour:
ballRef: {fileID: 7976131226454805035} ballRef: {fileID: 7976131226454805035}
kickers: kickers:
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bgImage: {fileID: 7504381021942525622}
bg: {fileID: 7463739741518075090} bg: {fileID: 7463739741518075090}
ballPaths: ballPaths:
- name: Kick - name: Kick
@ -1506,6 +1567,24 @@ MonoBehaviour:
useLastRealPos: 0 useLastRealPos: 0
values: [] values: []
ballDispensed: 0 ballDispensed: 0
--- !u!114 &2258816687143469160
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
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m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
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NormalizedX: 0
NormalizedY: 0
TileX: 1
TileY: 1
--- !u!1 &3602948768485065441 --- !u!1 &3602948768485065441
GameObject: GameObject:
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -2664,7 +2743,7 @@ Transform:
m_Children: m_Children:
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m_Father: {fileID: 3584310800769874311} m_Father: {fileID: 3584310800769874311}
m_RootOrder: 4 m_RootOrder: 3
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!1 &8605359988194706959 --- !u!1 &8605359988194706959
GameObject: GameObject:

View File

@ -13,7 +13,23 @@ AnimationClip:
m_UseHighQualityCurve: 1 m_UseHighQualityCurve: 1
m_RotationCurves: [] m_RotationCurves: []
m_CompressedRotationCurves: [] m_CompressedRotationCurves: []
m_EulerCurves: [] m_EulerCurves:
- curve:
serializedVersion: 2
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0
value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 11.967}
inSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
path: CollectedVeggieHolder
m_PositionCurves: m_PositionCurves:
- curve: - curve:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
@ -45,7 +61,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: -0.527, y: -0.167, z: 0} value: {x: -0.53, y: -0.161, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -54,7 +70,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.016666668 time: 0.016666668
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inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -90,6 +106,22 @@ AnimationClip:
m_PostInfinity: 2 m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4 m_RotationOrder: 4
path: Head path: Head
- curve:
serializedVersion: 2
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0
value: {x: 0.026, y: 0.299, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
path: CollectedVeggieHolder
m_ScaleCurves: m_ScaleCurves:
- curve: - curve:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
@ -201,6 +233,20 @@ AnimationClip:
typeID: 212 typeID: 212
customType: 23 customType: 23
isPPtrCurve: 1 isPPtrCurve: 1
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path: 3218210584
attribute: 1
script: {fileID: 0}
typeID: 4
customType: 0
isPPtrCurve: 0
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attribute: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
typeID: 4
customType: 4
isPPtrCurve: 0
pptrCurveMapping: pptrCurveMapping:
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@ -318,7 +364,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.527 value: -0.53
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -327,7 +373,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.016666668 time: 0.016666668
value: -0.527 value: -0.53
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -346,7 +392,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.167 value: -0.161
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -355,7 +401,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.016666668 time: 0.016666668
value: -0.167 value: -0.161
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -565,7 +611,151 @@ AnimationClip:
path: path:
classID: 4 classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0} script: {fileID: 0}
m_EulerEditorCurves: [] - curve:
serializedVersion: 2
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0
value: 0.026
inSlope: 0
outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 136
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0
outWeight: 0
m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
attribute: m_LocalPosition.x
path: CollectedVeggieHolder
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
- curve:
serializedVersion: 2
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0
value: 0.299
inSlope: 0
outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 136
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0
outWeight: 0
m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
attribute: m_LocalPosition.y
path: CollectedVeggieHolder
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
- curve:
serializedVersion: 2
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0
value: 0
inSlope: 0
outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 136
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0
outWeight: 0
m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
attribute: m_LocalPosition.z
path: CollectedVeggieHolder
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
- curve:
serializedVersion: 2
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0
value: 0
inSlope: 0
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weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0
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m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
attribute: localEulerAnglesRaw.x
path: CollectedVeggieHolder
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
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serializedVersion: 2
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time: 0
value: 0
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weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0
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m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
attribute: localEulerAnglesRaw.y
path: CollectedVeggieHolder
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
- curve:
serializedVersion: 2
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time: 0
value: 11.967
inSlope: 0
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tangentMode: 136
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0
outWeight: 0
m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
attribute: localEulerAnglesRaw.z
path: CollectedVeggieHolder
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
- curve:
serializedVersion: 2
m_Curve: []
m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
attribute: m_LocalEulerAngles.x
path: CollectedVeggieHolder
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
- curve:
serializedVersion: 2
m_Curve: []
m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
attribute: m_LocalEulerAngles.y
path: CollectedVeggieHolder
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
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serializedVersion: 2
m_Curve: []
m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
attribute: m_LocalEulerAngles.z
path: CollectedVeggieHolder
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
m_HasGenericRootTransform: 1 m_HasGenericRootTransform: 1
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m_Events: [] m_Events: []

View File

@ -13,7 +13,23 @@ AnimationClip:
m_UseHighQualityCurve: 1 m_UseHighQualityCurve: 1
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m_CompressedRotationCurves: [] m_CompressedRotationCurves: []
m_EulerCurves: [] m_EulerCurves:
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serializedVersion: 2
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time: 0
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inSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
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m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
path: CollectedVeggieHolder
m_PositionCurves: m_PositionCurves:
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serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
@ -45,7 +61,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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@ -90,6 +106,22 @@ AnimationClip:
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m_RotationOrder: 4 m_RotationOrder: 4
path: Head path: Head
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value: {x: 0.096, y: 0.331, z: 0}
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m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
path: CollectedVeggieHolder
m_ScaleCurves: m_ScaleCurves:
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serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
@ -194,6 +226,20 @@ AnimationClip:
typeID: 4 typeID: 4
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typeID: 4
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time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.46 value: -0.463
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@ -327,7 +373,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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value: -0.46 value: -0.463
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@ -346,7 +392,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.012 value: 0.017
inSlope: 0 inSlope: 0
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tangentMode: 136 tangentMode: 136
@ -355,7 +401,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.016666668 time: 0.016666668
value: 0.012 value: 0.017
inSlope: 0 inSlope: 0
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@ -565,7 +611,151 @@ AnimationClip:
path: path:
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m_EulerEditorCurves: [] - curve:
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value: 0.096
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attribute: m_LocalPosition.x
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classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
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time: 0
value: 0.331
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script: {fileID: 0}
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weightedMode: 0
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path: CollectedVeggieHolder
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
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path: CollectedVeggieHolder
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
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value: 0
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path: CollectedVeggieHolder
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
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value: 0
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path: CollectedVeggieHolder
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m_HasGenericRootTransform: 1 m_HasGenericRootTransform: 1
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m_Events: [] m_Events: []

View File

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m_EulerCurves: [] m_EulerCurves:
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serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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m_PostInfinity: 2
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@ -72,7 +115,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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time: 0.05 time: 0.05
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path: Head path: Head
m_ScaleCurves: [] - curve:
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time: 0.033333335
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m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
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path: CollectedVeggieHolder
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inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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m_PostInfinity: 2
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m_PPtrCurves: m_PPtrCurves:
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@ -212,6 +341,27 @@ AnimationClip:
typeID: 4 typeID: 4
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path: 3218210584
attribute: 1
script: {fileID: 0}
typeID: 4
customType: 0
isPPtrCurve: 0
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typeID: 4
customType: 4
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time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.227 value: 0.225
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -289,7 +439,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0.26 value: 0.258
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -298,7 +448,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.06666667 time: 0.06666667
value: 0.28 value: 0.27
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -317,7 +467,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.42 value: 0.415
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -326,7 +476,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
value: 0.433 value: 0.428
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -335,7 +485,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.05 time: 0.05
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View File

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m_EulerCurves: [] m_EulerCurves:
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serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
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outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -624,12 +733,21 @@ AnimationClip:
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m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0.033333335
value: 1
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weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
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outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -640,7 +758,259 @@ AnimationClip:
path: path:
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classID: 4
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attribute: m_LocalPosition.y
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classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
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classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
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classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
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View File

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m_FloatCurves: m_FloatCurves:
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@ -405,7 +451,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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m_EulerEditorCurves: [] - curve:
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View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: {x: 0.122, y: 0.145, z: 0} value: {x: 0.126, y: 0.141, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.1 time: 0.1
value: 0.115 value: 0.112
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.13 value: 0.137
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0.128 value: 0.133
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.1 time: 0.1
value: 0.136 value: 0.139
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: 0.122 value: 0.126
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.125 value: 0.118
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: 0.145 value: 0.141
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.1 time: 0.1
value: {x: 0.12, y: 0.085, z: 0} value: {x: 0.12, y: 0.089, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.098, y: 0.12, z: 0} value: {x: 0.103, y: 0.12, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: {x: 0.119, y: 0.115, z: 0} value: {x: 0.122, y: 0.115, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: {x: 0.102, y: 0.15, z: 0} value: {x: 0.101, y: 0.15, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.1 time: 0.1
value: 0.085 value: 0.089
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.098 value: 0.103
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0.119 value: 0.122
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: 0.102 value: 0.101
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.039, y: 0.02, z: 0} value: {x: 0.043, y: 0.02, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.016666668 time: 0.016666668
value: {x: 0.004, y: -0.01, z: 0} value: {x: 0.009, y: -0.01, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: {x: 0.015, y: 0, z: 0} value: {x: 0.016, y: -0.003, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: {x: -0.005, y: 0.025, z: 0} value: {x: -0.005, y: 0.021, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.039 value: 0.043
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.016666668 time: 0.016666668
value: 0.004 value: 0.009
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0.015 value: 0.016
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0 value: -0.003
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: 0.025 value: 0.021
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: {x: 0.005, y: -0.01, z: 0} value: {x: 0, y: -0.011, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} value: {x: 0.001, y: 0.004, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.045, y: 0.03, z: 0} value: {x: 0.05, y: 0.03, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.016666668 time: 0.016666668
value: {x: 0.04, y: 0.025, z: 0} value: {x: 0.045, y: 0.025, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: {x: 0.008, y: 0.01, z: 0} value: {x: 0.011, y: 0.009, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} value: {x: 0, y: -0.004, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0.005 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: 0 value: 0.001
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: -0.01 value: -0.011
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: 0 value: 0.004
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.045 value: 0.05
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.016666668 time: 0.016666668
value: 0.04 value: 0.045
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0.008 value: 0.011
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0.01 value: 0.009
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: 0 value: -0.004
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4 time: 0.4
value: {x: 0.01, y: -0.03, z: 0} value: {x: 0.01, y: -0.034, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334 time: 0.43333334
value: {x: 0.005, y: -0.04, z: 0} value: {x: 0.005, y: -0.035, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.46666667 time: 0.46666667
value: {x: 0.01, y: -0.04, z: 0} value: {x: 0.01, y: -0.039, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.21, y: -0.2, z: 0} value: {x: 0.217, y: -0.2, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: 0} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: 0}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4 time: 0.4
value: {x: 0.103, y: -0.17, z: 0} value: {x: 0.11, y: -0.17, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: 0}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334 time: 0.43333334
value: {x: 0.05, y: -0.02, z: 0} value: {x: 0.053, y: -0.02, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: 0}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.46666667 time: 0.46666667
value: {x: 0.006, y: 0.04, z: 0} value: {x: 0.01, y: 0.04, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4 time: 0.4
value: -0.03 value: -0.034
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334 time: 0.43333334
value: -0.04 value: -0.035
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.46666667 time: 0.46666667
value: -0.04 value: -0.039
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.21 value: 0.217
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4 time: 0.4
value: 0.103 value: 0.11
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334 time: 0.43333334
value: 0.05 value: 0.053
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.46666667 time: 0.46666667
value: 0.006 value: 0.01
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -413,6 +413,24 @@ AnimationClip:
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4
value: 0
inSlope: 0
outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 1
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334
value: 0
inSlope: 0
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 97
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.46666667 time: 0.46666667
value: 0 value: 0

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4 time: 0.4
value: {x: 0.01, y: -0.06, z: 0} value: {x: 0.006, y: -0.053, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334 time: 0.43333334
value: {x: -0.005, y: -0.05, z: 0} value: {x: -0.009, y: -0.049, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -63,17 +63,17 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.204, y: -0.15, z: 0} value: {x: 0.209, y: -0.15, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: 0} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: 0}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4 time: 0.4
value: {x: 0.105, y: -0.07, z: 0} value: {x: 0.112, y: -0.07, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: 0}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334 time: 0.43333334
value: {x: 0.063, y: 0.03, z: 0} value: {x: 0.067, y: 0.03, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: 0}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.46666667 time: 0.46666667
value: {x: 0.02, y: 0.03, z: 0} value: {x: 0.023, y: 0.03, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4 time: 0.4
value: 0.01 value: 0.006
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334 time: 0.43333334
value: -0.005 value: -0.009
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4 time: 0.4
value: -0.06 value: -0.053
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334 time: 0.43333334
value: -0.05 value: -0.049
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.204 value: 0.209
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4 time: 0.4
value: 0.105 value: 0.112
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334 time: 0.43333334
value: 0.063 value: 0.067
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.46666667 time: 0.46666667
value: 0.02 value: 0.023
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -408,8 +408,26 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: 0 inSlope: 0
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 136 tangentMode: 97
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4
value: 0
inSlope: 0
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 97
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334
value: 0
inSlope: 0
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 97
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334

View File

@ -14,7 +14,50 @@ AnimationClip:
m_RotationCurves: [] m_RotationCurves: []
m_CompressedRotationCurves: [] m_CompressedRotationCurves: []
m_EulerCurves: [] m_EulerCurves: []
m_PositionCurves: [] m_PositionCurves:
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serializedVersion: 2
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0
value: {x: -0.03, y: 0, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.1
value: {x: -0.0292, y: -0.0018, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.23333333
value: {x: -0.03, y: 0, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.33333334
value: {x: -0.0292, y: -0.0018, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
m_ScaleCurves: [] m_ScaleCurves: []
m_FloatCurves: [] m_FloatCurves: []
m_PPtrCurves: m_PPtrCurves:
@ -40,6 +83,13 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Extent: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_Extent: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_ClipBindingConstant: m_ClipBindingConstant:
genericBindings: genericBindings:
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path: 0
attribute: 1
script: {fileID: 0}
typeID: 4
customType: 0
isPPtrCurve: 0
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path: 0 path: 0
attribute: 0 attribute: 0
@ -73,8 +123,146 @@ AnimationClip:
m_KeepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 m_KeepOriginalPositionXZ: 0
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m_Mirror: 0 m_Mirror: 0
m_EditorCurves: [] m_EditorCurves:
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serializedVersion: 2
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time: 0
value: -0.03
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.1
value: -0.0292
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.23333333
value: -0.03
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.33333334
value: -0.0292
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
attribute: m_LocalPosition.x
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
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serializedVersion: 2
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time: 0
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.1
value: -0.0018
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.23333333
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.33333334
value: -0.0018
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
attribute: m_LocalPosition.y
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
- curve:
serializedVersion: 2
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time: 0
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.1
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.23333333
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.33333334
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4
attribute: m_LocalPosition.z
classID: 4
script: {fileID: 0}
m_EulerEditorCurves: [] m_EulerEditorCurves: []
m_HasGenericRootTransform: 0 m_HasGenericRootTransform: 1
m_HasMotionFloatCurves: 0 m_HasMotionFloatCurves: 0
m_Events: [] m_Events: []

View File

@ -1376,6 +1376,27 @@ TextureImporter:
indices: indices:
edges: [] edges: []
weights: [] weights: []
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serializedVersion: 2
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tessellationDetail: 0
bones: []
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vertices: []
edges: []
weights: []
outline: [] outline: []
physicsShape: [] physicsShape: []
bones: [] bones: []
@ -1399,6 +1420,7 @@ TextureImporter:
body_4: -8251789786874819756 body_4: -8251789786874819756
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cropstompspritesheet_0: -1019496334
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head_0: 5896674359327895292 head_0: 5896674359327895292
head_1: -9182866661974791003 head_1: -9182866661974791003

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ TextureImporter:
platformSettings: platformSettings:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
buildTarget: DefaultTexturePlatform buildTarget: DefaultTexturePlatform
maxTextureSize: 2048 maxTextureSize: 4096
resizeAlgorithm: 0 resizeAlgorithm: 0
textureFormat: -1 textureFormat: -1
textureCompression: 1 textureCompression: 1

View File

@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ TextureImporter:
platformSettings: platformSettings:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
buildTarget: DefaultTexturePlatform buildTarget: DefaultTexturePlatform
maxTextureSize: 2048 maxTextureSize: 4096
resizeAlgorithm: 0 resizeAlgorithm: 0
textureFormat: -1 textureFormat: -1
textureCompression: 1 textureCompression: 1

View File

@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ TextureImporter:
platformSettings: platformSettings:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
buildTarget: DefaultTexturePlatform buildTarget: DefaultTexturePlatform
maxTextureSize: 2048 maxTextureSize: 4096
resizeAlgorithm: 0 resizeAlgorithm: 0
textureFormat: -1 textureFormat: -1
textureCompression: 1 textureCompression: 1

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: -0.006, y: -0.1, z: 0} value: {x: 0.004, y: -0.1, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: {x: -0.013, y: -0.05, z: 0} value: {x: -0.019, y: -0.05, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0.7, z: 0} outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0.7, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.006 value: 0.004
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: -0.013 value: -0.019
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.1203, z: 0} value: {x: 0.01, y: -0.11, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.0432, z: 0} value: {x: 0.01, y: -0.0432, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.0047 value: 0.01
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0.0047 value: 0.01
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.1203 value: -0.11
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103

View File

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
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weightedMode: 0
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View File

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View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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View File

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m_Curve: m_Curve:
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value: 0.397 value: 0.325
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
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inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
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value: 0.022 value: 0.036
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
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tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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time: 0.38333333 time: 0.38333333
value: 0.052 value: 0.07
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
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tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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time: 0.41666666 time: 0.41666666
value: 0.052 value: 0.074
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
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tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.43333334 time: 0.43333334
value: 0.051 value: 0.077
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.231 value: -0.237
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.21666667 time: 0.21666667
value: -0.187 value: -0.197
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.26666668 time: 0.26666668
value: -0.16 value: -0.177
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.33333334 time: 0.33333334
value: -0.144 value: -0.145
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.41666666 time: 0.41666666
value: -0.144 value: -0.136
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.43333334 time: 0.43333334
value: -0.151 value: -0.134
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
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inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.06666667 time: 0.06666667
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inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.11666667 time: 0.11666667
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inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.13333334 time: 0.13333334
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inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: {x: 0.051, y: -0.151, z: 0} value: {x: 0.063, y: -0.136, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
value: 0.0752 value: 0.076
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.06666667 time: 0.06666667
value: 0.0519 value: 0.047
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.11666667 time: 0.11666667
value: 0.0684 value: 0.059
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.13333334 time: 0.13333334
value: 0.068 value: 0.059
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: 0.051 value: 0.063
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
value: -0.2917 value: -0.304
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.06666667 time: 0.06666667
value: -0.265 value: -0.269
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.11666667 time: 0.11666667
value: -0.171 value: -0.167
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.13333334 time: 0.13333334
value: -0.171 value: -0.166
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: -0.151 value: -0.136
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.0821, y: -0.2949, z: 0} value: {x: 0.072, y: -0.302, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
value: {x: 0.086, y: -0.2952, z: 0} value: {x: 0.078, y: -0.301, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.06666667 time: 0.06666667
value: {x: 0.059, y: -0.275, z: 0} value: {x: 0.053, y: -0.281, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667 time: 0.11666667
value: {x: 0.049, y: -0.215, z: 0} value: {x: 0.052, y: -0.227, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.13333334 time: 0.13333334
value: {x: 0.0522, y: -0.1915, z: 0} value: {x: 0.046, y: -0.183, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: {x: 0.0523, y: -0.151, z: 0} value: {x: 0.068, y: -0.138, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.16666667
value: {x: 0.0525, y: -0.144, z: 0} value: {x: 0.062, y: -0.138, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.0821 value: 0.072
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
value: 0.086 value: 0.078
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.06666667 time: 0.06666667
value: 0.059 value: 0.053
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667 time: 0.11666667
value: 0.049 value: 0.052
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.13333334 time: 0.13333334
value: 0.0522 value: 0.046
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: 0.0523 value: 0.068
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.16666667
value: 0.0525 value: 0.062
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.2949 value: -0.302
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
value: -0.2952 value: -0.301
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.06666667 time: 0.06666667
value: -0.275 value: -0.281
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667 time: 0.11666667
value: -0.215 value: -0.227
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.13333334 time: 0.13333334
value: -0.1915 value: -0.183
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: -0.151 value: -0.138
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.16666667
value: -0.144 value: -0.138
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.393, z: 0} value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.427, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.16666667
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.272, z: 0} value: {x: 0.028, y: -0.292, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.21666667 time: 0.21666667
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.258, z: 0} value: {x: 0.02, y: -0.269, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.26666668 time: 0.26666668
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.245, z: 0} value: {x: 0.022, y: -0.265, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.31666666 time: 0.31666666
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.238, z: 0} value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.262, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -65,6 +65,24 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.36666667 time: 0.36666667
value: {x: 0.011, y: -0.106, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.4
value: {x: 0.01, y: -0.041, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.43333334
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.0165, z: 0} value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.0165, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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value: {fileID: 525108090011995669, guid: ea3d60de30f8a314f9583a2d68ab0ffa, type: 3}
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value: {fileID: 2452353995179746314, guid: ea3d60de30f8a314f9583a2d68ab0ffa, type: 3} value: {fileID: 2452353995179746314, guid: ea3d60de30f8a314f9583a2d68ab0ffa, type: 3}
attribute: m_Sprite attribute: m_Sprite
path: path:
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- {fileID: 2452353995179746314, guid: ea3d60de30f8a314f9583a2d68ab0ffa, type: 3} - {fileID: 2452353995179746314, guid: ea3d60de30f8a314f9583a2d68ab0ffa, type: 3}
m_AnimationClipSettings: m_AnimationClipSettings:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
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m_AdditiveReferencePoseTime: 0 m_AdditiveReferencePoseTime: 0
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m_StopTime: 0.38333336 m_StopTime: 0.45000002
m_OrientationOffsetY: 0 m_OrientationOffsetY: 0
m_Level: 0 m_Level: 0
m_CycleOffset: 0 m_CycleOffset: 0
@ -159,7 +183,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.16666667 time: 0.16666667
value: 0.0047 value: 0.028
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -168,7 +192,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667 time: 0.21666667
value: 0.0047 value: 0.02
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -177,7 +201,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.26666668 time: 0.26666668
value: 0.0047 value: 0.022
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -195,6 +219,24 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.36666667 time: 0.36666667
value: 0.011
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4
value: 0.01
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334
value: 0.0047 value: 0.0047
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
@ -214,7 +256,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.393 value: -0.427
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -223,7 +265,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.16666667
value: -0.272 value: -0.292
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -232,7 +274,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667 time: 0.21666667
value: -0.258 value: -0.269
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -241,7 +283,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.26666668 time: 0.26666668
value: -0.245 value: -0.265
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -250,7 +292,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.31666666 time: 0.31666666
value: -0.238 value: -0.262
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -259,6 +301,24 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.36666667 time: 0.36666667
value: -0.106
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4
value: -0.041
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334
value: -0.0165 value: -0.0165
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
@ -330,6 +390,24 @@ AnimationClip:
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.43333334
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
m_PreInfinity: 2 m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2 m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4 m_RotationOrder: 4

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.0432, z: 0} value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.056, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.0165, z: 0} value: {x: -0.002, y: -0.03, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: {x: 0.0047, y: 0.12, z: 0} value: {x: 0.0047, y: 0.1, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.21666667 time: 0.21666667
value: {x: 0.0047, y: 0.155, z: 0} value: {x: 0.0047, y: 0.122, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: 0.0047 value: -0.002
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: -0.0432 value: -0.056
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: -0.0165 value: -0.03
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: 0.12 value: 0.1
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667 time: 0.21666667
value: 0.155 value: 0.122
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103

View File

@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.0165, z: 0} value: {x: 0.01, y: -0.027, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ AnimationClip:
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time: 0.06666667 time: 0.06666667
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.0165, z: 0} value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.0165, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
@ -59,13 +59,6 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Extent: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_Extent: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_ClipBindingConstant: m_ClipBindingConstant:
genericBindings: genericBindings:
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path: 0
attribute: 0
script: {fileID: 0}
typeID: 212
customType: 23
isPPtrCurve: 1
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path: 0 path: 0
attribute: 1 attribute: 1
@ -73,6 +66,13 @@ AnimationClip:
typeID: 4 typeID: 4
customType: 0 customType: 0
isPPtrCurve: 0 isPPtrCurve: 0
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path: 0
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script: {fileID: 0}
typeID: 212
customType: 23
isPPtrCurve: 1
pptrCurveMapping: pptrCurveMapping:
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@ -102,19 +102,19 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.0047 value: 0.01
inSlope: 0 inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 136 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.06666667 time: 0.06666667
value: 0.0047 value: 0.0047
inSlope: 0 inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 136 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -130,19 +130,19 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.0165 value: -0.027
inSlope: 0 inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 136 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.06666667 time: 0.06666667
value: -0.0165 value: -0.0165
inSlope: 0 inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 136 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -159,18 +159,18 @@ AnimationClip:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: 0 inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 136 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.06666667 time: 0.06666667
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: 0 inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 136 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.0165, z: 0} value: {x: 0.017, y: -0.021, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.0047 value: 0.017
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.0165 value: -0.021
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.451, y: -0.244, z: 0} value: {x: 0.319, y: -0.232, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: {x: 0.389, y: -0.206, z: 0} value: {x: 0.25, y: -0.219, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.21666667 time: 0.21666667
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inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.26666668 time: 0.26666668
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inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.31666666 time: 0.31666666
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inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.36666667 time: 0.36666667
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inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
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@ -83,6 +83,15 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.51666665
value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.0165, z: 0} value: {x: 0.0047, y: -0.0165, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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- {fileID: 2452353995179746314, guid: ea3d60de30f8a314f9583a2d68ab0ffa, type: 3} - {fileID: 2452353995179746314, guid: ea3d60de30f8a314f9583a2d68ab0ffa, type: 3}
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m_StopTime: 0.48333335 m_StopTime: 0.5333333
m_OrientationOffsetY: 0 m_OrientationOffsetY: 0
m_Level: 0 m_Level: 0
m_CycleOffset: 0 m_CycleOffset: 0
@ -174,7 +186,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.451 value: 0.319
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -183,7 +195,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: 0.389 value: 0.25
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -192,7 +204,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.21666667 time: 0.21666667
value: 0.35 value: 0.155
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -219,7 +231,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.36666667 time: 0.36666667
value: -0.036 value: -0.022
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -228,7 +240,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.41666666 time: 0.41666666
value: -0.033 value: -0.028
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -237,6 +249,15 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.46666667 time: 0.46666667
value: 0.012
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.51666665
value: 0.0047 value: 0.0047
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
@ -256,7 +277,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.244 value: -0.232
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -265,7 +286,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: -0.206 value: -0.219
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -274,7 +295,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667 time: 0.21666667
value: -0.184 value: -0.178
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -283,7 +304,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.26666668 time: 0.26666668
value: -0.174 value: -0.183
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -292,7 +313,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.31666666 time: 0.31666666
value: -0.245 value: -0.26
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -301,7 +322,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.36666667 time: 0.36666667
value: -0.244 value: -0.235
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -310,7 +331,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.41666666 time: 0.41666666
value: -0.21 value: -0.219
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -319,6 +340,15 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.46666667 time: 0.46666667
value: -0.112
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.51666665
value: -0.0165 value: -0.0165
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
@ -408,6 +438,15 @@ AnimationClip:
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.51666665
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
m_PreInfinity: 2 m_PreInfinity: 2
m_PostInfinity: 2 m_PostInfinity: 2
m_RotationOrder: 4 m_RotationOrder: 4

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: {x: 0.0778, y: -0.0464, z: 0} value: {x: 0.098, y: -0.0464, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.1 time: 0.1
value: {x: 0.105, y: 0.0225, z: 0} value: {x: 0.131, y: 0.0225, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.13333334 time: 0.13333334
value: {x: 0.054, y: 0.105, z: 0} value: {x: 0.087, y: 0.118, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0.0778 value: 0.098
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.1 time: 0.1
value: 0.105 value: 0.131
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.13333334 time: 0.13333334
value: 0.054 value: 0.087
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.13333334 time: 0.13333334
value: 0.105 value: 0.118
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103

View File

@ -20,63 +20,63 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.996, y: -0.193, z: 0} value: {x: 0.996, y: -0.215, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.16666667
value: {x: 0.956, y: -0.19, z: 0} value: {x: 0.958, y: -0.206, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.23333333 time: 0.23333333
value: {x: 0.748, y: -0.166, z: 0} value: {x: 0.761, y: -0.172, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: -1.86, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.28333333 time: 0.28333333
value: {x: 0.6, y: -0.119, z: 0} value: {x: 0.62, y: -0.132, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: -1.8600001, y: 0.36000043, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.31666666 time: 0.31666666
value: {x: 0.426, y: -0.089, z: 0} value: {x: 0.433, y: -0.102, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: -2.76, y: 0.47999996, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.36666667 time: 0.36666667
value: {x: 0.154, y: -0.045, z: 0} value: {x: 0.166, y: -0.051, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: -0.72, y: 0.3, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.41666666 time: 0.41666666
value: {x: 0.147, y: -0.022, z: 0} value: {x: 0.166, y: -0.022, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: -0.72, y: 0.24000001, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
@ -164,62 +164,62 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.996 value: 0.996
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.16666667
value: 0.956 value: 0.958
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.23333333 time: 0.23333333
value: 0.748 value: 0.761
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: -1.86 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.28333333 time: 0.28333333
value: 0.6 value: 0.62
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: -1.8600001 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.31666666 time: 0.31666666
value: 0.426 value: 0.433
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: -2.76 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.36666667 time: 0.36666667
value: 0.154 value: 0.166
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: -0.72 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.41666666 time: 0.41666666
value: 0.147 value: 0.166
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: -0.72 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -235,55 +235,55 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.193 value: -0.215
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.16666667
value: -0.19 value: -0.206
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.23333333 time: 0.23333333
value: -0.166 value: -0.172
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.28333333 time: 0.28333333
value: -0.119 value: -0.132
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0.36000043 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.31666666 time: 0.31666666
value: -0.089 value: -0.102
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0.47999996 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.36666667 time: 0.36666667
value: -0.045 value: -0.051
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0.3 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.41666666 time: 0.41666666
value: -0.022 value: -0.022
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0.24000001 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -319,8 +319,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.16666667
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -328,8 +328,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.23333333 time: 0.23333333
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -337,8 +337,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.28333333 time: 0.28333333
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -346,8 +346,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.31666666 time: 0.31666666
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -355,8 +355,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.36666667 time: 0.36666667
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.41666666 time: 0.41666666
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334

View File

@ -20,27 +20,27 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.074, y: -0.064, z: 0} value: {x: 0.074, y: -0.09, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: {x: 0.201, y: -0.047, z: 0} value: {x: 0.201, y: -0.081, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: {x: 0.268, y: -0.02, z: 0} value: {x: 0.263, y: -0.042, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.074 value: 0.074
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -125,17 +125,17 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0.201 value: 0.201
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: 0.268 value: 0.263
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -151,28 +151,28 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.064 value: -0.09
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: -0.047 value: -0.081
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: -0.02 value: -0.042
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334

View File

@ -20,27 +20,27 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.533, y: -0.063, z: 0} value: {x: 0.513, y: -0.091, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: {x: 0.372, y: -0.056, z: 0} value: {x: 0.356, y: -0.09, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: {x: 0.268, y: -0.0193, z: 0} value: {x: 0.262, y: -0.039, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
@ -114,28 +114,28 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.533 value: 0.513
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0.372 value: 0.356
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: 0.268 value: 0.262
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -151,28 +151,28 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.063 value: -0.091
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: -0.056 value: -0.09
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: -0.0193 value: -0.039
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.05 time: 0.05
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.843, y: -0.778, z: 0} value: {x: 0.814, y: -0.771, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.16666667
value: {x: 0.535, y: -0.645, z: 0} value: {x: 0.514, y: -0.616, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: -21.299997, y: 14.280002, z: 0} outSlope: {x: -21.299997, y: 14.280002, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667 time: 0.21666667
value: {x: 0.131, y: -0.243, z: 0} value: {x: 0.117, y: -0.222, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 18.57, z: 0} outSlope: {x: 0, y: 18.57, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.26666668 time: 0.26666668
value: {x: 0.266, y: -0.069, z: 0} value: {x: 0.245, y: -0.069, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 4.920001, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: 4.920001, y: 0, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.31666666 time: 0.31666666
value: {x: 0.307, y: -0.05, z: 0} value: {x: 0.301, y: -0.039, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.36666667 time: 0.36666667
value: {x: -0.01, y: 0, z: 0} value: {x: 0.014, y: 0.032, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4 time: 0.4
value: {x: -0.01, y: 0.002, z: 0} value: {x: 0.005, y: 0.013, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.843 value: 0.814
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.16666667
value: 0.535 value: 0.514
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: -21.299997 outSlope: -21.299997
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667 time: 0.21666667
value: 0.131 value: 0.117
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.26666668 time: 0.26666668
value: 0.266 value: 0.245
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 4.920001 outSlope: 4.920001
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.31666666 time: 0.31666666
value: 0.307 value: 0.301
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.36666667 time: 0.36666667
value: -0.01 value: 0.014
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4 time: 0.4
value: -0.01 value: 0.005
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.778 value: -0.771
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.16666667
value: -0.645 value: -0.616
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 14.280002 outSlope: 14.280002
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667 time: 0.21666667
value: -0.243 value: -0.222
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 18.57 outSlope: 18.57
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.31666666 time: 0.31666666
value: -0.05 value: -0.039
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.36666667 time: 0.36666667
value: 0 value: 0.032
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.4 time: 0.4
value: 0.002 value: 0.013
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7

View File

@ -20,45 +20,45 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: -0.014, y: 0.05, z: 0} value: {x: -0.014, y: 0.056, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
value: {x: -0.01, y: 0.15, z: 0} value: {x: -0.016, y: 0.156, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 1.2, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: {x: -0.014, y: 0.24, z: 0} value: {x: -0.02, y: 0.258, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 1.1100001, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.13333334 time: 0.13333334
value: {x: -0.01, y: 0.34, z: 0} value: {x: -0.004, y: 0.358, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 1.0199999, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.2 time: 0.2
value: {x: -0.005, y: 0.43, z: 0} value: {x: 0, y: 0.426, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
@ -140,44 +140,44 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.014 value: -0.014
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
value: -0.01 value: -0.016
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: -0.014 value: -0.02
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.13333334 time: 0.13333334
value: -0.01 value: -0.004
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.2 time: 0.2
value: -0.005 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -193,46 +193,46 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.05 value: 0.056
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
value: 0.15 value: 0.156
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 1.2 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: 0.24 value: 0.258
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 1.1100001 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.13333334 time: 0.13333334
value: 0.34 value: 0.358
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 1.0199999 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.2 time: 0.2
value: 0.43 value: 0.426
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0 time: 0
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -277,8 +277,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.13333334 time: 0.13333334
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ AnimationClip:
time: 0.2 time: 0.2
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 103
weightedMode: 0 weightedMode: 0
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: 0.815, y: -0.35, z: 0} value: {x: 0.829, y: -0.343, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.15
value: {x: 0.8, y: -0.28, z: 0} value: {x: 0.807, y: -0.273, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0.8639996, z: 0} outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0.8639996, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667 time: 0.2
value: {x: 0.735, y: -0.235, z: 0} value: {x: 0.735, y: -0.242, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: -1.7519989, y: 0.56399995, z: 0} outSlope: {x: -1.7519989, y: 0.56399995, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.26666668 time: 0.25
value: {x: 0.213, y: -0.145, z: 0} value: {x: 0.214, y: -0.16, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: -1.1520009, y: 0.504, z: 0} outSlope: {x: -1.1520009, y: 0.504, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
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inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.31666666 time: 0.3
value: {x: 0.11, y: -0.135, z: 0} value: {x: 0.143, y: -0.141, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: -0.78600013, y: 0.57600003, z: 0} outSlope: {x: -0.78600013, y: 0.57600003, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
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inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.36666667 time: 0.35
value: {x: 0.056, y: -0.078, z: 0} value: {x: 0.084, y: -0.082, z: 0}
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tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
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outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.41666666 time: 0.4
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inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: -0.28800002, y: 0.071999945, z: 0} outSlope: {x: -0.28800002, y: 0.071999945, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
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inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.46666667 time: 0.45
value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
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value: {fileID: 7336755120104452472, guid: 6f0edffbbde1ba54bbf3fe9df0691f14, type: 3} value: {fileID: 7336755120104452472, guid: 6f0edffbbde1ba54bbf3fe9df0691f14, type: 3}
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value: {fileID: 737823461603251672, guid: 6f0edffbbde1ba54bbf3fe9df0691f14, type: 3} value: {fileID: 737823461603251672, guid: 6f0edffbbde1ba54bbf3fe9df0691f14, type: 3}
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value: {fileID: -4705660350017119854, guid: 6f0edffbbde1ba54bbf3fe9df0691f14, type: 3} value: {fileID: -4705660350017119854, guid: 6f0edffbbde1ba54bbf3fe9df0691f14, type: 3}
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value: {fileID: 5720739258315605671, guid: 6f0edffbbde1ba54bbf3fe9df0691f14, type: 3} value: {fileID: 5720739258315605671, guid: 6f0edffbbde1ba54bbf3fe9df0691f14, type: 3}
attribute: m_Sprite attribute: m_Sprite
path: path:
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_AdditiveReferencePoseClip: {fileID: 0} m_AdditiveReferencePoseClip: {fileID: 0}
m_AdditiveReferencePoseTime: 0 m_AdditiveReferencePoseTime: 0
m_StartTime: 0 m_StartTime: 0
m_StopTime: 0.48333335 m_StopTime: 0.46666667
m_OrientationOffsetY: 0 m_OrientationOffsetY: 0
m_Level: 0 m_Level: 0
m_CycleOffset: 0 m_CycleOffset: 0
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m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: 0.815 value: 0.829
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.16666667 time: 0.15
value: 0.8 value: 0.807
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.21666667 time: 0.2
value: 0.735 value: 0.735
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: -1.7519989 outSlope: -1.7519989
@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.26666668 time: 0.25
value: 0.213 value: 0.214
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: -1.1520009 outSlope: -1.1520009
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.31666666 time: 0.3
value: 0.11 value: 0.143
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: -0.78600013 outSlope: -0.78600013
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.36666667 time: 0.35
value: 0.056 value: 0.084
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: -0.672 outSlope: -0.672
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -227,8 +227,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.41666666 time: 0.4
value: 0.045 value: 0.055
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: -0.28800002 outSlope: -0.28800002
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.46666667 time: 0.45
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.35 value: -0.343
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.16666667 time: 0.15
value: -0.28 value: -0.273
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0.8639996 outSlope: 0.8639996
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667 time: 0.2
value: -0.235 value: -0.242
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0.56399995 outSlope: 0.56399995
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.26666668 time: 0.25
value: -0.145 value: -0.16
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0.504 outSlope: 0.504
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.31666666 time: 0.3
value: -0.135 value: -0.141
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0.57600003 outSlope: 0.57600003
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -300,8 +300,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.36666667 time: 0.35
value: -0.078 value: -0.082
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0.768 outSlope: 0.768
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.41666666 time: 0.4
value: -0.045 value: -0.036
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0.071999945 outSlope: 0.071999945
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.46666667 time: 0.45
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.16666667 time: 0.15
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667 time: 0.2
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.26666668 time: 0.25
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.31666666 time: 0.3
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.36666667 time: 0.35
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.41666666 time: 0.4
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334 inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.46666667 time: 0.45
value: 0 value: 0
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: {x: -0.013, y: -0.114, z: 0} value: {x: 0.013, y: -0.083, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
value: {x: 0.016, y: -0.073, z: 0} value: {x: 0.067, y: -0.061, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: {x: -0.011, y: 0.457, z: 0} value: {x: 0.024, y: 0.469, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334} outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: {x: -0.004, y: 0.457, z: 0} value: {x: 0.022, y: 0.508, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity} inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} outSlope: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
tangentMode: 0 tangentMode: 0
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
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time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.013 value: 0.013
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
value: 0.016 value: 0.067
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: -0.011 value: 0.024
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: -0.004 value: 0.022
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_Curve: m_Curve:
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0 time: 0
value: -0.114 value: -0.083
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.033333335 time: 0.033333335
value: -0.073 value: -0.061
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3 - serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.083333336 time: 0.083333336
value: 0.457 value: 0.469
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103 tangentMode: 103
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334 outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.15 time: 0.15
value: 0.457 value: 0.508
inSlope: Infinity inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: 0 outSlope: 0
tangentMode: 7 tangentMode: 7

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ AnimatorStateMachine:
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@ -311,6 +315,55 @@ AnimatorState:
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m_TransitionOffset: 0
m_ExitTime: 7
m_HasExitTime: 1
m_HasFixedDuration: 1
m_InterruptionSource: 0
m_OrderedInterruption: 1
m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1
--- !u!1102 &4301878365973663698 --- !u!1102 &4301878365973663698
AnimatorState: AnimatorState:
serializedVersion: 6 serializedVersion: 6
@ -363,6 +416,28 @@ AnimatorState:
m_MirrorParameter: m_MirrorParameter:
m_CycleOffsetParameter: m_CycleOffsetParameter:
m_TimeParameter: m_TimeParameter:
--- !u!1101 &6166486447832258921
m_ObjectHideFlags: 1
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
m_Conditions: []
m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0}
m_DstState: {fileID: -5021782591168300443}
m_Solo: 0
m_Mute: 0
m_IsExit: 0
serializedVersion: 3
m_TransitionDuration: 0
m_TransitionOffset: 0
m_ExitTime: 7
m_HasExitTime: 1
m_HasFixedDuration: 1
m_InterruptionSource: 0
m_OrderedInterruption: 1
m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1
--- !u!1102 &7335938828034871377 --- !u!1102 &7335938828034871377
AnimatorState: AnimatorState:
serializedVersion: 6 serializedVersion: 6

View File

@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ TextureImporter:
filterMode: 1 filterMode: 1
aniso: 1 aniso: 1
mipBias: 0 mipBias: 0
wrapU: 1 wrapU: 0
wrapV: 1 wrapV: 0
wrapW: 1 wrapW: 0
nPOTScale: 0 nPOTScale: 0
lightmap: 0 lightmap: 0
compressionQuality: 50 compressionQuality: 50

View File

@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ TextureImporter:
filterMode: 1 filterMode: 1
aniso: 1 aniso: 1
mipBias: 0 mipBias: 0
wrapU: 1 wrapU: 0
wrapV: 1 wrapV: 0
wrapW: 1 wrapW: 0
nPOTScale: 0 nPOTScale: 0
lightmap: 0 lightmap: 0
compressionQuality: 50 compressionQuality: 50

View File

@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ TextureImporter:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 1286 x: 1286
y: 5219 y: 5219
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border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
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serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 1718 x: 1718
y: 5219 y: 5219
width: 353 width: 354
height: 815 height: 817
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
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serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 2150 x: 2150
y: 5219 y: 5219
width: 365 width: 372
height: 797 height: 799
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pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
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x: 3686 x: 3686
y: 5220 y: 5220
width: 572 width: 572
height: 754 height: 758
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
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serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 4358 x: 4358
y: 5222 y: 5222
width: 575 width: 577
height: 731 height: 733
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -515,8 +515,8 @@ TextureImporter:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 704 x: 704
y: 3350 y: 3350
width: 635 width: 638
height: 647 height: 652
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ TextureImporter:
x: 1430 x: 1430
y: 3350 y: 3350
width: 557 width: 557
height: 767 height: 773
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -578,8 +578,8 @@ TextureImporter:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 2630 x: 2630
y: 3347 y: 3347
width: 422 width: 424
height: 827 height: 830
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -620,8 +620,8 @@ TextureImporter:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 3539 x: 3539
y: 3350 y: 3350
width: 344 width: 347
height: 836 height: 844
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -746,8 +746,8 @@ TextureImporter:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 38 x: 38
y: 1286 y: 1286
width: 332 width: 335
height: 806 height: 809
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -767,8 +767,8 @@ TextureImporter:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 470 x: 470
y: 1286 y: 1286
width: 341 width: 348
height: 818 height: 817
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -788,8 +788,8 @@ TextureImporter:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 902 x: 902
y: 1286 y: 1286
width: 329 width: 334
height: 971 height: 976
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -809,8 +809,8 @@ TextureImporter:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 1334 x: 1334
y: 1286 y: 1286
width: 329 width: 334
height: 971 height: 988
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -872,8 +872,8 @@ TextureImporter:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 2816 x: 2816
y: 1289 y: 1289
width: 272 width: 274
height: 908 height: 911
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -893,8 +893,8 @@ TextureImporter:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 3156 x: 3156
y: 1289 y: 1289
width: 271 width: 274
height: 938 height: 943
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ TextureImporter:
x: 3491 x: 3491
y: 1289 y: 1289
width: 272 width: 272
height: 962 height: 964
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}

View File

@ -378,10 +378,10 @@ TextureImporter:
name: spacegramps_6 name: spacegramps_6
rect: rect:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 3584 x: 3581
y: 3056 y: 3051
width: 421 width: 423
height: 491 height: 496
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -400,9 +400,9 @@ TextureImporter:
rect: rect:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 4062 x: 4062
y: 3059 y: 3052
width: 421 width: 424
height: 527 height: 534
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -421,9 +421,9 @@ TextureImporter:
rect: rect:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 4546 x: 4546
y: 3061 y: 3053
width: 413 width: 417
height: 531 height: 539
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
@ -442,9 +442,9 @@ TextureImporter:
rect: rect:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 5026 x: 5026
y: 3057 y: 3054
width: 413 width: 414
height: 535 height: 538
alignment: 0 alignment: 0
pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} border: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ TextureImporter:
externalNormalMap: 0 externalNormalMap: 0
heightScale: 0.25 heightScale: 0.25
normalMapFilter: 0 normalMapFilter: 0
isReadable: 1 isReadable: 0
streamingMipmaps: 0 streamingMipmaps: 0
streamingMipmapsPriority: 0 streamingMipmapsPriority: 0
vTOnly: 0 vTOnly: 0
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ TextureImporter:
filterMode: 1 filterMode: 1
aniso: 1 aniso: 1
mipBias: 0 mipBias: 0
wrapU: 1 wrapU: 0
wrapV: 1 wrapV: 0
wrapW: 1 wrapW: 0
nPOTScale: 0 nPOTScale: 0
lightmap: 0 lightmap: 0
compressionQuality: 50 compressionQuality: 50

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace HeavenStudio.Common
public class CanvasScroll : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] RawImage[] _imgs;
public float NormalizedX = 0.0f;
public float NormalizedY = 0.0f;
public Vector2 Normalized { get { return new Vector2(NormalizedX, NormalizedY); } set { NormalizedX = value.x; NormalizedY = value.y; } }
public float TileX = 1.0f;
public float TileY = 1.0f;
public Vector2 Tile { get { return new Vector2(TileX, TileY); } set { TileX = value.x; TileY = value.y; } }
private void Update()
foreach (var img in _imgs)
img.uvRect = new Rect(new Vector2(NormalizedX, NormalizedY) * Tile, img.uvRect.size);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: a6dfb70e45ff5004cab0352936d3f10a
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

View File

@ -32,6 +32,16 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("mute", false, "Mute", "Should the mole laugh sound be muted?") new Param("mute", false, "Mute", "Should the mole laugh sound be muted?")
} }
}, },
new GameAction("plantCollect", "Veggie Collection Values")
function = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; CropStomp.instance.SetCollectThresholds(e["threshold"], e["limit"]); },
defaultLength = 0.5f,
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("threshold", new EntityTypes.Integer(1, 80, 8), "Threshold", "For each time the threshold is met a new plant will appear in the veggie bag."),
new Param("limit", new EntityTypes.Integer(1, 1000, 80), "Limit", "What is the limit for plants collected?")
}, },
new List<string>() {"ntr", "keep"}, new List<string>() {"ntr", "keep"},
"ntrstomp", "en", "ntrstomp", "en",
@ -83,6 +93,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
private Tween shakeTween; private Tween shakeTween;
public ParticleSystem hitParticle;
public static CropStomp instance; public static CropStomp instance;
private void Awake() private void Awake()
@ -274,6 +286,18 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
isFlicking = false; isFlicking = false;
} }
public void SetCollectThresholds(int thresholdEvolve, int limit)
farmer.plantThreshold = thresholdEvolve;
farmer.plantLimit = limit;
public void CollectPlant()
private void PlayAnims() private void PlayAnims()
{ {
// Step. // Step.

View File

@ -14,9 +14,37 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_CropStomp
PlayerActionEvent stomp; PlayerActionEvent stomp;
[SerializeField] private Transform collectedHolder;
[SerializeField] private GameObject plantLeftRef;
[SerializeField] private GameObject plantRightRef;
private List<GameObject> spawnedPlants = new List<GameObject>();
[SerializeField] private float plantDistance = 0.5f;
public int plantThreshold = 8;
public int plantLimit = 80;
private static int collectedPlants = 0;
private void OnDestroy()
if (!Conductor.instance.isPlaying)
collectedPlants = 0;
public void Init() public void Init()
{ {
game = CropStomp.instance; game = CropStomp.instance;
if (!Conductor.instance.isPlaying)
collectedPlants = 0;
} }
private void Update() private void Update()
@ -40,6 +68,33 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_CropStomp
} }
} }
public void CollectPlant()
if (collectedPlants >= plantLimit) return;
public void UpdatePlants()
if (spawnedPlants.Count > 0)
foreach (var plant in spawnedPlants)
for (int i = 0; i < collectedPlants && i < plantLimit; i += plantThreshold)
GameObject spawnedPlant = Instantiate(((i / plantThreshold) % 2 == 0) ? plantRightRef : plantLeftRef, collectedHolder);
spawnedPlant.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, (i / plantThreshold) * plantDistance + plantDistance, 0);
spawnedPlant.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = (i / plantThreshold) - 2;
private void Just(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state) private void Just(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state)
{ {
// REMARK: does not count for performance // REMARK: does not count for performance
@ -73,6 +128,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_CropStomp
{ {
game.Stomp(); game.Stomp();
game.bodyAnim.Play("Stomp", 0, 0); game.bodyAnim.Play("Stomp", 0, 0);
} }
nextStompBeat += 2f; nextStompBeat += 2f;
stomp?.Disable(); stomp?.Disable();

View File

@ -204,6 +204,10 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_CropStomp
{ {
var veggieScale = Mathf.Min(1.5f - pickPosition, 1f); var veggieScale = Mathf.Min(1.5f - pickPosition, 1f);
veggieTrans.localScale = * veggieScale; veggieTrans.localScale = * veggieScale;
if (pickPosition >= 1f)
} }
} }
@ -219,6 +223,10 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_CropStomp
var cond = Conductor.instance; var cond = Conductor.instance;
ParticleSystem spawnedHit = Instantiate(game.hitParticle, game.hitParticle.transform.parent);
veggieState = 1; veggieState = 1;
game.ScheduleInput(targetBeat, isMole ? 0.5f : 1f, InputType.STANDARD_UP, PickJust, PickMiss, Out); game.ScheduleInput(targetBeat, isMole ? 0.5f : 1f, InputType.STANDARD_UP, PickJust, PickMiss, Out);
targetBeat = targetBeat + (isMole ? 0.5f : 1f); targetBeat = targetBeat + (isMole ? 0.5f : 1f);

View File

@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_RhythmTweezers
endEvent.Disable(); endEvent.Disable();
} }
// Auto-release if holding at release time. // Auto-release if holding at release time.
if (normalizedBeat >= 1f && !game.IsExpectingInputNow(InputType.STANDARD_UP | InputType.DIRECTION_DOWN_UP)) if (normalizedBeat >= 1f)
EndAce(); endEvent.Hit(0, 1);
} }
loop.transform.localScale = / holder.transform.localScale; loop.transform.localScale = / holder.transform.localScale;

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine;
using DG.Tweening; using DG.Tweening;
using static HeavenStudio.Games.SpaceDance; using static HeavenStudio.Games.SpaceDance;
using HeavenStudio.Common;
namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
{ {
@ -65,23 +66,18 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("toggle", false, "Instant", "Should the background instantly change color?") new Param("toggle", false, "Instant", "Should the background instantly change color?")
} }
}, },
new GameAction("bop", "Single Bop") new GameAction("bop", "Bop")
{ {
function = delegate { SpaceDance.instance.Bop(); SpaceDance.instance.GrampsBop(eventCaller.currentEntity["gramps"]); }, function = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; SpaceDance.instance.EpicBop(e.beat, e.length, e["auto"], e["bop"], e["grampsAuto"], e["gramps"]); },
parameters = new List<Param>() parameters = new List<Param>()
{ {
new Param("gramps", false, "Gramps Bop", "Should Space Gramps bop with the dancers?") new Param("bop", true, "Dancers Bop", "Should the dancers bop?"),
} new Param("auto", false, "Dancers Bop (Auto)", "Should the dancers auto bop?"),
new Param("gramps", false, "Gramps Bop", "Should Space Gramps bop with the dancers?"),
new Param("grampsAuto", false, "Gramps Bop (Auto)", "Should Space Gramps auto bop with the dancers?")
}, },
new GameAction("bopToggle", "Bop Toggle") resizable = true,
{ defaultLength = 4f
function = delegate { SpaceDance.instance.shouldBop = eventCaller.currentEntity["toggle"]; SpaceDance.instance.spaceGrampsShouldBop = eventCaller.currentEntity["gramps"]; },
defaultLength = 0.5f,
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("toggle", true, "Should bop?", "Should the dancers bop?"),
new Param("gramps", false, "Gramps Bop", "Should Space Gramps bop with the dancers?")
}, },
new GameAction("grampsAnims", "Space Gramps Animations") new GameAction("grampsAnims", "Space Gramps Animations")
{ {
@ -92,8 +88,17 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("toggle", true, "Looping", "Should the animation loop?"), new Param("toggle", true, "Looping", "Should the animation loop?"),
new Param("type", SpaceDance.GrampsAnimationType.Talk, "Which animation?", "Which animation should space gramps do?") new Param("type", SpaceDance.GrampsAnimationType.Talk, "Which animation?", "Which animation should space gramps do?")
} }
new GameAction("scroll", "Scrolling Background")
function = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; SpaceDance.instance.UpdateScrollSpeed(e["x"], e["y"]); },
defaultLength = 1f,
parameters = new List<Param>() {
new Param("x", new EntityTypes.Float(-5f, 5f, 0), "Horizontal", "How fast does the background move horizontally?"),
new Param("y", new EntityTypes.Float(-5f, 5f, 0), "Vertical", "How fast does the background move vertically?"),
} }
}, },
new List<string>() {"agb", "normal"}, new List<string>() {"agb", "normal"},
"agbspacedance", "jp", "agbspacedance", "jp",
new List<string>() {"jp"} new List<string>() {"jp"}
@ -112,7 +117,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
{ {
get get
{ {
ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#0014D6", out _defaultBGColor); ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#0029D6", out _defaultBGColor);
return _defaultBGColor; return _defaultBGColor;
} }
} }
@ -138,7 +143,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
public Animator Gramps; public Animator Gramps;
public Animator Hit; public Animator Hit;
public GameObject Player; public GameObject Player;
public bool shouldBop = false; [NonSerialized] public bool shouldBop = true;
bool canBop = true; bool canBop = true;
bool grampsCanBop = true; bool grampsCanBop = true;
public bool spaceGrampsShouldBop = false; public bool spaceGrampsShouldBop = false;
@ -149,6 +154,13 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
bool grampsLoopingAnim; bool grampsLoopingAnim;
bool grampsSniffing; bool grampsSniffing;
[SerializeField] CanvasScroll scroll;
float scrollBeat;
float scrollOffsetX;
float scrollOffsetY;
float currentScrollLengthX;
float currentScrollLengthY;
public GameEvent bop = new GameEvent(); public GameEvent bop = new GameEvent();
public static SpaceDance instance; public static SpaceDance instance;
@ -165,13 +177,17 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
var cond = Conductor.instance; var cond = Conductor.instance;
if (cond.isPlaying && !cond.isPaused) if (cond.isPlaying && !cond.isPaused)
{ {
float normalizedX = (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - scrollBeat) * currentScrollLengthX;
float normalizedY = (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - scrollBeat) * currentScrollLengthY;
scroll.NormalizedX = -scrollOffsetX - normalizedX;
scroll.NormalizedY = -scrollOffsetY - normalizedY;
if (cond.ReportBeat(ref bop.lastReportedBeat, bop.startBeat % 1)) if (cond.ReportBeat(ref bop.lastReportedBeat, bop.startBeat % 1))
{ {
if (shouldBop && canBop) if (shouldBop)
{ {
Bop(); Bop();
} }
if (spaceGrampsShouldBop && grampsCanBop) if (spaceGrampsShouldBop)
{ {
GrampsBop(); GrampsBop();
} }
@ -199,22 +215,34 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
{ {
Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("spaceDance/inputBad"); Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("spaceDance/inputBad");
DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("PunchDo", 0.5f); DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("PunchDo", 0.5f);
Gramps.Play("GrampsOhFuck", 0, 0);
// Look at this later, sound effect has some weird clipping on it sometimes?? popping. like. fucking popopop idk why its doing that its fine theres no sample weirdness ughh // Look at this later, sound effect has some weird clipping on it sometimes?? popping. like. fucking popopop idk why its doing that its fine theres no sample weirdness ughh
} }
if (PlayerInput.GetSpecificDirectionDown(1) && !IsExpectingInputNow(InputType.DIRECTION_RIGHT_DOWN)) if (PlayerInput.GetSpecificDirectionDown(1) && !IsExpectingInputNow(InputType.DIRECTION_RIGHT_DOWN))
{ {
DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("TurnRightDo", 0.5f); DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("TurnRightDo", 0.5f);
Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("spaceDance/inputBad"); Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("spaceDance/inputBad");
Gramps.Play("GrampsOhFuck", 0, 0);
} }
if (PlayerInput.GetSpecificDirectionDown(2) && !IsExpectingInputNow(InputType.DIRECTION_DOWN_DOWN)) if (PlayerInput.GetSpecificDirectionDown(2) && !IsExpectingInputNow(InputType.DIRECTION_DOWN_DOWN))
{ {
DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("SitDownDo", 0.5f); DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("SitDownDo", 0.5f);
Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("spaceDance/inputBad"); Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("spaceDance/inputBad");
Gramps.Play("GrampsOhFuck", 0, 0);
} }
} }
} }
} }
public void UpdateScrollSpeed(float scrollSpeedX, float scrollSpeedY)
scrollOffsetX = (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - scrollBeat) * currentScrollLengthX;
scrollOffsetY = (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - scrollBeat) * currentScrollLengthY;
currentScrollLengthX = scrollSpeedX;
currentScrollLengthY = scrollSpeedY;
scrollBeat = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
public void GrampsAnimations(float beat, int type, bool looping) public void GrampsAnimations(float beat, int type, bool looping)
{ {
switch (type) switch (type)
@ -402,7 +430,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
Dancer3.DoScaledAnimationAsync("TurnRightDo", 0.5f); Dancer3.DoScaledAnimationAsync("TurnRightDo", 0.5f);
if (grampsTurns) Gramps.DoScaledAnimationAsync("GrampsTurnRightDo", 0.5f); if (grampsTurns) Gramps.DoScaledAnimationAsync("GrampsTurnRightDo", 0.5f);
}), }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 1.99f, delegate { canBop = true; grampsCanBop = true; }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 1.5f, delegate { canBop = true; grampsCanBop = true; }),
}); });
} }
@ -467,7 +495,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
Dancer3.DoScaledAnimationAsync("SitDownDo", 0.5f); Dancer3.DoScaledAnimationAsync("SitDownDo", 0.5f);
if (grampsSits) Gramps.DoScaledAnimationAsync("GrampsSitDownDo", 0.5f); if (grampsSits) Gramps.DoScaledAnimationAsync("GrampsSitDownDo", 0.5f);
}), }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 1.99f, delegate { canBop = true; grampsCanBop = true; }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 1.5f, delegate { canBop = true; grampsCanBop = true; }),
}); });
} }
@ -558,23 +586,42 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
} }
public void EpicBop(float beat, float length, bool autoDancers, bool dancers, bool autoGramps, bool gramps)
shouldBop = autoDancers;
spaceGrampsShouldBop = autoGramps;
if (dancers || gramps)
List<BeatAction.Action> bops = new List<BeatAction.Action>();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (dancers)
bops.Add(new BeatAction.Action(beat + i, delegate { Bop(); }));
if (gramps)
bops.Add(new BeatAction.Action(beat + i, delegate { GrampsBop(); }));
BeatAction.New(instance.gameObject, bops);
public void Bop() public void Bop()
{ {
canBop = true; if (!canBop) return;
DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Bop", 0.5f); DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Bop", 0.5f);
Dancer1.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Bop", 0.5f); Dancer1.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Bop", 0.5f);
Dancer2.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Bop", 0.5f); Dancer2.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Bop", 0.5f);
Dancer3.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Bop", 0.5f); Dancer3.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Bop", 0.5f);
} }
public void GrampsBop(bool forceBop = false) public void GrampsBop()
{ {
if (spaceGrampsShouldBop || forceBop) if (!grampsCanBop) return;
grampsCanBop = true;
Gramps.DoScaledAnimationAsync("GrampsBop", 0.5f); Gramps.DoScaledAnimationAsync("GrampsBop", 0.5f);
} }
public void ChangeBackgroundColor(Color color, float beats) public void ChangeBackgroundColor(Color color, float beats)
{ {
@ -622,7 +669,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("spaceDance/inputBad2"); Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("spaceDance/inputBad2");
DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Ouch", 0.5f); DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Ouch", 0.5f);
Hit.Play("HitTurn", -1, 0); Hit.Play("HitTurn", -1, 0);
Gramps.DoScaledAnimationAsync("GrampsOhFuck", 0.5f); Gramps.DoScaledAnimationAsync("GrampsMiss", 0.5f);
} }
public void JustSit(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state) public void JustSit(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state)
@ -648,7 +695,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("spaceDance/inputBad2"); Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("spaceDance/inputBad2");
DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Ouch", 0.5f); DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Ouch", 0.5f);
Hit.Play("HitSit", -1, 0); Hit.Play("HitSit", -1, 0);
Gramps.DoScaledAnimationAsync("GrampsOhFuck", 0.5f); Gramps.DoScaledAnimationAsync("GrampsMiss", 0.5f);
} }
public void JustPunch(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state) public void JustPunch(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state)
@ -674,7 +721,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("spaceDance/inputBad2"); Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("spaceDance/inputBad2");
DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Ouch", 0.5f); DancerP.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Ouch", 0.5f);
Hit.Play("HitPunch", -1, 0); Hit.Play("HitPunch", -1, 0);
Gramps.DoScaledAnimationAsync("GrampsOhFuck", 0.5f); Gramps.DoScaledAnimationAsync("GrampsMiss", 0.5f);
} }
public void Empty(PlayerActionEvent caller) { } public void Empty(PlayerActionEvent caller) { }

View File

@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
using Scripts_SpaceSoccer; using Scripts_SpaceSoccer;
using HeavenStudio.Common; using HeavenStudio.Common;
using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class SpaceSoccer : Minigame public class SpaceSoccer : Minigame
{ {
@ -193,7 +194,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
[SerializeField] private GameObject kickerPrefab; [SerializeField] private GameObject kickerPrefab;
[SerializeField] private GameObject ballRef; [SerializeField] private GameObject ballRef;
[SerializeField] private List<Kicker> kickers; [SerializeField] private List<Kicker> kickers;
[SerializeField] private SuperScroll backgroundSprite; [SerializeField] private CanvasScroll backgroundSprite;
[SerializeField] private RawImage bgImage;
[SerializeField] private SpriteRenderer bg; [SerializeField] private SpriteRenderer bg;
[Header("Properties")] [Header("Properties")]
@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
float normalizedX = (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - scrollBeat) * currentScrollLengthX; float normalizedX = (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - scrollBeat) * currentScrollLengthX;
float normalizedY = (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - scrollBeat) * currentScrollLengthY; float normalizedY = (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - scrollBeat) * currentScrollLengthY;
backgroundSprite.NormalizedX = -scrollOffsetX - normalizedX; backgroundSprite.NormalizedX = -scrollOffsetX - normalizedX;
backgroundSprite.NormalizedY = -scrollOffsetY - normalizedY; backgroundSprite.NormalizedY = scrollOffsetY + normalizedY;
float normalizedEaseBeat = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(easeBeat, easeLength); float normalizedEaseBeat = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(easeBeat, easeLength);
if (normalizedEaseBeat <= 1 && normalizedEaseBeat > 0) if (normalizedEaseBeat <= 1 && normalizedEaseBeat > 0)
@ -500,12 +502,12 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
if (seconds == 0) if (seconds == 0)
{ {
bg.color = color; bg.color = color;
backgroundSprite.Material.SetColor("_Color", dotColor); bgImage.color = dotColor;
} }
else else
{ {
bgColorTween = bg.DOColor(color, seconds); bgColorTween = bg.DOColor(color, seconds);
dotColorTween = backgroundSprite.Material.DOColor(dotColor, seconds); dotColorTween = bgImage.DOColor(dotColor, seconds);
} }
} }

View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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- Class: 115 - Class: 115
Script: {instanceID: 0} Script: {instanceID: 0}
- Class: 210 - Class: 210
@ -51,11 +51,21 @@ ClassTypes:
Script: {instanceID: 0} Script: {instanceID: 0}
- Class: 213 - Class: 213
Script: {instanceID: 0} Script: {instanceID: 0}
- Class: 222
Script: {instanceID: 0}
- Class: 223
Script: {instanceID: 0}
- Class: 224
Script: {instanceID: 0}
SerializeReferenceClassIdentifiers: SerializeReferenceClassIdentifiers:
- AssemblyName: Assembly-CSharp - AssemblyName: Assembly-CSharp
ClassName: HeavenStudio.SuperCurveObject/Path ClassName: HeavenStudio.SuperCurveObject/Path
- AssemblyName: Assembly-CSharp - AssemblyName: Assembly-CSharp
ClassName: HeavenStudio.SuperCurveObject/PathPos ClassName: HeavenStudio.SuperCurveObject/PathPos
- AssemblyName: UnityEngine.CoreModule
ClassName: UnityEngine.Events.PersistentCallGroup
- AssemblyName: UnityEngine.UI
ClassName: UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic/CullStateChangedEvent
Assets: Assets:
- Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/SpaceSoccer/Animations/NPCKickersPresent.anim - Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/SpaceSoccer/Animations/NPCKickersPresent.anim
- Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/SpaceSoccer/Animations/ToeLeft.anim - Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/SpaceSoccer/Animations/ToeLeft.anim

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
ManifestFileVersion: 0 ManifestFileVersion: 0
CRC: 3331650054 CRC: 1528729484
Hashes: Hashes:
AssetFileHash: AssetFileHash:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
Hash: dd8499b116e760f1d3aa7941094bebde Hash: 8193a21303ae68996325371d11bbe0d8
TypeTreeHash: TypeTreeHash:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
Hash: 74b5869325cedae7df7222412e11a18e Hash: 75a60526d704418563d4794a3d61a786
HashAppended: 0 HashAppended: 0
ClassTypes: ClassTypes:
- Class: 1 - Class: 1
@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ ClassTypes:
Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: b0cca3244f403c24f819a870f31cdc29, type: 3} Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: b0cca3244f403c24f819a870f31cdc29, type: 3}
- Class: 115 - Class: 115
Script: {instanceID: 0} Script: {instanceID: 0}
- Class: 198
Script: {instanceID: 0}
- Class: 199
Script: {instanceID: 0}
- Class: 212 - Class: 212
Script: {instanceID: 0} Script: {instanceID: 0}
- Class: 213 - Class: 213

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
ManifestFileVersion: 0 ManifestFileVersion: 0
CRC: 299707247 CRC: 1707663673
Hashes: Hashes:
AssetFileHash: AssetFileHash:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
ManifestFileVersion: 0 ManifestFileVersion: 0
CRC: 1253678146 CRC: 1773925559
Hashes: Hashes:
AssetFileHash: AssetFileHash:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
Hash: b073e950dab638d8156ec0e1c67de7b0 Hash: 2f6d49bc3309bf1fe087ed1d0c677321
TypeTreeHash: TypeTreeHash:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
Hash: 5542e4d11fa90b3df909513c3dc51ab6 Hash: 5542e4d11fa90b3df909513c3dc51ab6