1 | searge | name | side | desc |
2 | field_100013_f | isPotionDurationMax | 0 | True if potion effect duration is at maximum, false otherwise. |
3 | field_104057_T | isGamemodeForced | 2 | |
4 | field_110150_bn | lastAttackedEntity | 2 | |
5 | field_110151_bq | absorptionAmount | 2 | |
6 | field_110153_bc | lastDamage | 2 | Damage taken in the last hit. Mobs are resistant to damage less than this for a short time after taking damage. |
7 | field_110154_aX | onGroundSpeedFactor | 2 | |
8 | field_110155_d | attributes | 2 | |
9 | field_110156_b | SPRINTING_SPEED_BOOST_ID | 2 | |
10 | field_110157_c | SPRINTING_SPEED_BOOST | 2 | |
11 | field_110158_av | swingProgressInt | 2 | |
12 | field_110168_bw | leashHolder | 2 | |
13 | field_110170_bx | leashNBTTag | 2 | |
14 | field_110184_bp | MODIFIER_UUID | 2 | |
15 | field_110185_bq | MODIFIER | 2 | |
16 | field_110186_bp | SPAWN_REINFORCEMENTS_CHANCE | 2 | The attribute which determines the chance that this mob will spawn reinforcements |
17 | field_110187_bq | BABY_SPEED_BOOST_ID | 2 | |
18 | field_110188_br | BABY_SPEED_BOOST | 2 | |
19 | field_110189_bq | ATTACK_SPEED_BOOST_MODIFIER_UUID | 2 | |
20 | field_110190_br | ATTACK_SPEED_BOOST_MODIFIER | 2 | |
21 | field_110192_bp | ATTACKING_SPEED_BOOST_ID | 2 | |
22 | field_110193_bq | ATTACKING_SPEED_BOOST | 2 | |
23 | field_110268_bz | HORSE_TEXTURES | 2 | |
24 | field_110269_bA | HORSE_TEXTURES_ABBR | 2 | |
25 | field_110271_bv | JUMP_STRENGTH | 2 | |
26 | field_110274_bs | temper | 2 | The higher this value, the more likely the horse is to be tamed next time a player rides it. |
27 | field_110275_br | horseJumping | 2 | |
28 | field_110276_bu | IS_HORSE_BREEDING | 2 | |
29 | field_110277_bt | jumpPower | 2 | |
30 | field_110278_bp | tailCounter | 2 | |
31 | field_110279_bq | sprintCounter | 2 | |
32 | field_110280_bR | horseTexturesArray | 2 | |
33 | field_110281_bL | rearingAmount | 2 | |
34 | field_110282_bM | prevRearingAmount | 2 | |
35 | field_110283_bJ | headLean | 2 | |
36 | field_110284_bK | prevHeadLean | 2 | |
37 | field_110285_bP | gallopTime | 2 | Used to determine the sound that the horse should make when it steps |
38 | field_110286_bQ | texturePrefix | 2 | |
39 | field_110287_bN | mouthOpenness | 2 | |
40 | field_110288_bO | prevMouthOpenness | 2 | |
41 | field_110290_bE | openMouthCounter | 2 | |
42 | field_110291_bB | HORSE_MARKING_TEXTURES | 2 | |
43 | field_110292_bC | HORSE_MARKING_TEXTURES_ABBR | 2 | |
44 | field_110294_bI | allowStandSliding | 2 | |
45 | field_110295_bF | jumpRearingCounter | 2 | |
46 | field_110296_bG | horseChest | 2 | |
47 | field_110320_a | horseJumpPowerCounter | 0 | |
48 | field_110321_bQ | horseJumpPower | 0 | |
49 | field_110328_d | PUMPKIN_BLUR_TEX_PATH | 0 | |
50 | field_110329_b | VIGNETTE_TEX_PATH | 0 | |
51 | field_110330_c | WIDGETS_TEX_PATH | 0 | |
52 | field_110352_y | MINECRAFT_TITLE_TEXTURES | 0 | |
53 | field_110447_Z | launchedVersion | 0 | |
54 | field_110448_aq | resourcePackRepository | 0 | |
55 | field_110451_am | resourceManager | 0 | |
56 | field_110453_aa | proxy | 0 | |
57 | field_110456_c | serverProxy | 2 | |
58 | field_110475_d | frameTime | 0 | |
59 | field_110476_b | frameWidth | 0 | |
60 | field_110477_c | frameHeight | 0 | |
61 | field_110478_a | animationFrames | 0 | |
62 | field_110481_b | textureClamp | 0 | |
63 | field_110482_a | textureBlur | 0 | |
64 | field_110498_b | frameTime | 0 | |
65 | field_110499_a | frameIndex | 0 | |
66 | field_110553_a | glTextureId | 0 | |
67 | field_110559_g | textureUploaded | 0 | |
68 | field_110562_b | imageUrl | 0 | |
69 | field_110566_b | dynamicTextureData | 0 | |
70 | field_110567_b | layeredTextureNames | 0 | |
71 | field_110568_b | textureLocation | 0 | |
72 | field_110575_b | LOCATION_BLOCKS_TEXTURE | 0 | |
73 | field_110582_d | resourceManager | 0 | |
74 | field_110583_b | listTickables | 0 | |
75 | field_110584_c | mapTextureCounters | 0 | |
76 | field_110585_a | mapTextureObjects | 0 | |
77 | field_110625_b | path | 2 | |
78 | field_110626_a | namespace | 2 | |
79 | field_110723_a | knotRenderer | 0 | |
80 | field_110782_f | BOAT_TEXTURES | 0 | |
81 | field_110785_a | EXPERIENCE_ORB_TEXTURES | 0 | |
82 | field_110787_a | ENDER_CRYSTAL_TEXTURES | 0 | |
83 | field_110798_h | RES_ITEM_GLINT | 0 | |
84 | field_110801_f | leashKnotModel | 0 | |
85 | field_110802_a | LEASH_KNOT_TEXTURES | 0 | |
86 | field_110804_g | MINECART_TEXTURES | 0 | |
87 | field_110810_f | WITHER_TEXTURES | 0 | |
88 | field_110811_a | INVULNERABLE_WITHER_TEXTURES | 0 | |
89 | field_110830_f | CREEPER_TEXTURES | 0 | |
90 | field_110833_a | COW_TEXTURES | 0 | |
91 | field_110835_a | BAT_TEXTURES | 0 | |
92 | field_110837_a | BLAZE_TEXTURES | 0 | |
93 | field_110839_f | ENDERMAN_TEXTURES | 0 | |
94 | field_110842_f | DRAGON_EXPLODING_TEXTURES | 0 | |
95 | field_110843_g | ENDERCRYSTAL_BEAM_TEXTURES | 0 | |
96 | field_110844_k | DRAGON_TEXTURES | 0 | |
97 | field_110852_a | LAYERED_LOCATION_CACHE | 0 | |
98 | field_110861_l | WITHER_SKELETON_TEXTURES | 0 | |
99 | field_110862_k | SKELETON_TEXTURES | 0 | |
100 | field_110864_q | ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_TEXTURES | 0 | |
101 | field_110868_f | GHAST_SHOOTING_TEXTURES | 0 | |
102 | field_110869_a | GHAST_TEXTURES | 0 | |
103 | field_110871_a | ZOMBIE_TEXTURES | 0 | |
104 | field_110873_a | MAGMA_CUBE_TEXTURES | 0 | |
105 | field_110875_f | OCELOT_TEXTURES | 0 | |
106 | field_110882_a | SILVERFISH_TEXTURES | 0 | |
107 | field_110884_f | SHEARED_SHEEP_TEXTURES | 0 | |
108 | field_110887_f | PIG_TEXTURES | 0 | |
109 | field_110890_f | SPIDER_TEXTURES | 0 | |
110 | field_110893_a | CAVE_SPIDER_TEXTURES | 0 | |
111 | field_110895_a | SNOW_MAN_TEXTURES | 0 | |
112 | field_110897_a | SLIME_TEXTURES | 0 | |
113 | field_110899_a | IRON_GOLEM_TEXTURES | 0 | |
114 | field_110901_a | SQUID_TEXTURES | 0 | |
115 | field_110910_a | WITCH_TEXTURES | 0 | |
116 | field_110912_f | WITHER_TEXTURES | 0 | |
117 | field_110913_a | INVULNERABLE_WITHER_TEXTURES | 0 | |
118 | field_110915_f | TAMED_WOLF_TEXTURES | 0 | |
119 | field_110916_g | ANGRY_WOLF_TEXTURES | 0 | |
120 | field_110917_a | WOLF_TEXTURES | 0 | |
121 | field_110920_a | CHICKEN_TEXTURES | 0 | |
122 | field_110925_j | CLOUDS_TEXTURES | 0 | |
123 | field_110926_k | END_SKY_TEXTURES | 0 | |
124 | field_110927_h | MOON_PHASES_TEXTURES | 0 | |
125 | field_110928_i | SUN_TEXTURES | 0 | |
126 | field_110973_g | frameCounter | 0 | |
127 | field_110974_d | y | 0 | |
128 | field_110975_c | x | 0 | |
129 | field_110977_n | minV | 0 | |
130 | field_110978_o | maxV | 0 | |
131 | field_110979_l | minU | 0 | |
132 | field_110980_m | maxU | 0 | |
133 | field_110982_k | animationMetadata | 0 | |
134 | field_110983_h | tickCounter | 0 | |
135 | field_111020_b | chest | 2 | |
136 | field_111021_b | chest | 2 | |
137 | field_111053_a | NUMERIC_VARIABLE_PATTERN | 2 | Pattern that matches numeric variable placeholders in a resource string, such as "%d", "%3$d", "%.2f" |
138 | field_111113_b | defaultValue | 2 | |
139 | field_111114_c | shouldWatch | 2 | |
140 | field_111115_a | translationKey | 2 | |
141 | field_111118_b | maximumValue | 2 | |
142 | field_111119_c | description | 2 | |
143 | field_111120_a | minimumValue | 2 | |
144 | field_111132_f | baseValue | 2 | |
145 | field_111133_g | needsUpdate | 2 | |
146 | field_111134_d | mapByName | 2 | |
147 | field_111135_e | mapByUUID | 2 | |
148 | field_111136_b | genericAttribute | 2 | The Attribute this is an instance of |
149 | field_111137_c | mapByOperation | 2 | |
150 | field_111138_a | attributeMap | 2 | The BaseAttributeMap this attributeInstance can be found in |
151 | field_111139_h | cachedValue | 2 | |
152 | field_111153_b | attributesByName | 2 | |
153 | field_111154_a | attributes | 2 | |
154 | field_111162_d | dirtyInstances | 2 | |
155 | field_111163_c | instancesByName | 2 | |
156 | field_111170_d | id | 2 | |
157 | field_111171_e | isSaved | 2 | If false, this modifier is not saved in NBT. Used for "natural" modifiers like speed boost from sprinting |
158 | field_111172_b | operation | 2 | |
159 | field_111173_c | name | 2 | |
160 | field_111174_a | amount | 2 | |
161 | field_111176_d | targetY | 2 | |
162 | field_111177_e | targetZ | 2 | |
163 | field_111178_b | speed | 2 | |
164 | field_111179_c | targetX | 2 | |
165 | field_111180_a | horseHost | 2 | |
166 | field_111188_I | attributeModifierMap | 2 | Contains a Map of the AttributeModifiers registered by potions |
167 | field_111203_a | MOON_PHASE_FACTORS | 2 | |
168 | field_111204_q | inhabitedTime | 2 | the cumulative number of ticks players have been in this chunk |
169 | field_111210_e | ATTACK_DAMAGE_MODIFIER | 2 | |
170 | field_111230_s | enchantmentTypes | 2 | |
171 | field_111242_f | horse | 2 | |
172 | field_111243_a | horseInventory | 2 | |
173 | field_111263_d | MOVEMENT_SPEED | 2 | |
174 | field_111264_e | ATTACK_DAMAGE | 2 | |
175 | field_111265_b | FOLLOW_RANGE | 2 | |
176 | field_111266_c | KNOCKBACK_RESISTANCE | 2 | |
177 | field_111267_a | MAX_HEALTH | 2 | |
178 | field_111284_a | DECIMALFORMAT | 2 | |
179 | field_120014_b | ticks | 2 | |
180 | field_120015_a | server | 2 | |
181 | field_120021_b | server | 2 | |
182 | field_120036_d | msgs | 2 | |
183 | field_120037_e | server | 2 | |
184 | field_120038_b | values | 2 | |
185 | field_120039_c | vp | 2 | |
186 | field_120040_a | FORMATTER | 2 | |
187 | field_130068_bO | lastHealthScore | 2 | the total health of the player, includes actual health and absorption health. Updated every tick. |
188 | field_130070_K | fileResourcepacks | 0 | |
189 | field_130078_a | GRASS_LOCATION | 0 | |
190 | field_130079_a | FOLIAGE_LOCATION | 0 | |
191 | field_135017_as | languageManager | 0 | |
192 | field_135019_a | languages | 0 | |
193 | field_135031_c | PATTERN | 0 | |
194 | field_135032_a | properties | 0 | |
195 | field_135036_d | bidirectional | 0 | |
196 | field_135037_b | region | 0 | |
197 | field_135038_c | name | 0 | |
198 | field_135039_a | languageCode | 0 | |
199 | field_135046_d | languageMap | 0 | |
200 | field_135048_c | currentLanguage | 0 | |
201 | field_135049_a | CURRENT_LOCALE | 0 | |
202 | field_135054_a | i18nLocale | 0 | |
203 | field_142016_bo | lastAttackedEntityTime | 2 | Holds the value of ticksExisted when setLastAttacker was last called. |
204 | field_142022_ce | serverBrand | 0 | |
205 | field_142025_a | IS_RUNNING_ON_MAC | 0 | |
206 | field_142048_a | isChild | 2 | |
207 | field_142050_e | timestamp | 2 | |
208 | field_142051_e | timestamp | 2 | |
209 | field_142052_b | revengeTimerOld | 2 | Store the previous revengeTimer value |
210 | field_143005_bX | playerLastActiveTime | 2 | |
211 | field_143008_E | maxPlayerIdleMinutes | 2 | |
212 | field_143013_d | entryDoor | 2 | |
213 | field_143023_d | chunkPosZ | 2 | |
214 | field_143024_c | chunkPosX | 2 | |
215 | field_145761_f | customName | 2 | The custom name of the command block. (defaults to "@") |
216 | field_145762_d | lastOutput | 2 | The previously run command. |
217 | field_145763_e | commandStored | 2 | The command stored in the command block. |
218 | field_145764_b | successCount | 2 | The number of successful commands run. (used for redstone output) |
219 | field_145765_c | trackOutput | 2 | |
220 | field_145766_a | TIMESTAMP_FORMAT | 2 | The formatting for the timestamp on commands run. |
221 | field_145783_c | entityId | 2 | |
222 | field_145786_d | yTile | 2 | |
223 | field_145787_e | zTile | 2 | |
224 | field_145788_c | xTile | 2 | |
225 | field_145801_f | thrower | 2 | |
226 | field_145802_g | owner | 2 | |
227 | field_145804_b | pickupDelay | 2 | |
228 | field_145808_f | dontSetBlock | 2 | |
229 | field_145809_g | hurtEntities | 2 | |
230 | field_145810_d | tileEntityData | 2 | |
231 | field_145812_b | fallTime | 2 | |
232 | field_145813_c | shouldDropItem | 2 | |
233 | field_145815_h | fallHurtMax | 2 | |
234 | field_145816_i | fallHurtAmount | 2 | |
235 | field_145823_b | activatorRailCooldown | 2 | Cooldown before command block logic runs again in ticks |
236 | field_145824_a | commandBlockLogic | 2 | |
237 | field_145846_f | removed | 2 | |
238 | field_145850_b | world | 2 | the instance of the world the tile entity is in. |
239 | field_145852_a | LOGGER | 2 | |
240 | field_145870_n | lastProgress | 2 | the progress in (de)extending |
241 | field_145872_l | shouldHeadBeRendered | 2 | |
242 | field_145873_m | progress | 2 | |
243 | field_145875_k | extending | 2 | if this piston is extending or not |
244 | field_145882_a | spawnerLogic | 2 | |
245 | field_145900_a | inventory | 2 | |
246 | field_145901_j | transferCooldown | 2 | |
247 | field_145915_a | signText | 2 | |
248 | field_145916_j | isEditable | 2 | |
249 | field_145917_k | player | 2 | |
250 | field_145941_a | SLOTS_FOR_UP | 2 | an array of the input slot indices |
251 | field_145943_l | filledSlots | 2 | an integer with each bit specifying whether that slot of the stand contains a potion |
252 | field_145944_m | ingredientID | 2 | used to check if the current ingredient has been removed from the brewing stand during brewing |
253 | field_145945_j | brewingItemStacks | 2 | The ItemStacks currently placed in the slots of the brewing stand |
254 | field_145946_k | brewTime | 2 | |
255 | field_145947_i | OUTPUT_SLOTS | 2 | an array of the output slot indices |
256 | field_145972_a | lidAngle | 2 | |
257 | field_145973_j | numPlayersUsing | 2 | |
258 | field_145974_k | ticksSinceSync | 2 | A counter that is incremented once each tick. Used to determine when to determine when to sync with the client; this happens every 80 ticks. However, the number of players is not re-counted. |
259 | field_145975_i | prevLidAngle | 2 | The angle of the ender chest lid last tick |
260 | field_145983_q | ticksSinceSync | 2 | A counter that is incremented once each tick. Used to determine when to recompute ; this is done every 200 ticks (but staggered between different chests). However, the new value isn't actually sent to clients when it is changed. |
261 | field_145985_p | chestContents | 2 | |
262 | field_145986_n | prevLidAngle | 2 | The angle of the lid last tick |
263 | field_145987_o | numPlayersUsing | 2 | The number of players currently using this chest |
264 | field_145989_m | lidAngle | 2 | The current angle of the lid (between 0 and 1) |
265 | field_145994_a | commandBlockLogic | 2 | |
266 | field_145997_a | outputSignal | 2 | |
267 | field_146008_p | customName | 2 | The custom name for this beacon. This was unused until 1.14; see https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-124395 |
268 | field_146009_a | EFFECTS_LIST | 2 | List of effects that Beacons can apply |
269 | field_146010_n | secondaryEffect | 2 | Secondary potion effect given by this beacon. |
270 | field_146012_l | levels | 2 | Level of this beacon's pyramid. |
271 | field_146013_m | primaryEffect | 2 | Primary potion effect given by this beacon |
272 | field_146022_i | stacks | 2 | |
273 | field_146038_az | ticksCatchableDelay | 2 | |
274 | field_146040_ay | ticksCaughtDelay | 2 | |
275 | field_146042_b | angler | 2 | |
276 | field_146043_c | caughtEntity | 2 | |
277 | field_146045_ax | ticksCatchable | 2 | |
278 | field_146047_aw | ticksInAir | 2 | |
279 | field_146049_av | ticksInGround | 2 | |
280 | field_146051_au | inGround | 2 | |
281 | field_146054_aA | fishApproachAngle | 2 | |
282 | field_146075_bs | breakDoor | 2 | |
283 | field_146076_bu | isBreakDoorsTaskSet | 2 | |
284 | field_146084_br | playerInLove | 2 | |
285 | field_146087_bs | eatGrassGoal | 2 | |
286 | field_146106_i | gameProfile | 2 | The player's unique game profile |
287 | field_146108_bO | stats | 0 | |
288 | field_146109_a | mc | 0 | |
289 | field_146133_q | option | 0 | |
290 | field_146137_o | enumOptions | 0 | |
291 | field_146142_r | selected | 0 | |
292 | field_146211_a | fontRenderer | 0 | |
293 | field_146212_n | canLoseFocus | 0 | if true the textbox can lose focus by clicking elsewhere on the screen |
294 | field_146214_l | cursorCounter | 0 | |
295 | field_146215_m | enableBackgroundDrawing | 0 | |
296 | field_146216_j | text | 0 | Has the current text being edited on the textbox. |
297 | field_146217_k | maxStringLength | 0 | |
298 | field_146221_u | disabledColor | 0 | |
299 | field_146222_t | enabledColor | 0 | |
300 | field_146223_s | selectionEnd | 0 | other selection position, maybe the same as the cursor |
301 | field_146224_r | cursorPosition | 0 | |
302 | field_146225_q | lineScrollOffset | 0 | The current character index that should be used as start of the rendered text. |
303 | field_146226_p | isEnabled | 0 | If this value is true along with isFocused, keyTyped will process the keys. |
304 | field_146247_f | mc | 0 | |
305 | field_146248_g | sentMessages | 0 | A list of messages previously sent through the chat GUI |
306 | field_146249_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
307 | field_146250_j | scrollPos | 0 | |
308 | field_146251_k | isScrolled | 0 | |
309 | field_146252_h | chatLines | 0 | Chat lines to be displayed in the chat box |
310 | field_146253_i | drawnChatLines | 0 | List of the ChatLines currently drawn |
311 | field_146301_f | serverData | 0 | |
312 | field_146302_g | ipEdit | 0 | |
313 | field_146304_f | message | 0 | |
314 | field_146305_g | multilineMessage | 0 | |
315 | field_146307_h | nextScreen | 0 | |
316 | field_146308_f | textFieldServerAddress | 0 | |
317 | field_146309_g | textFieldServerName | 0 | |
318 | field_146311_h | serverData | 0 | |
319 | field_146312_f | message | 0 | |
320 | field_146320_D | btnMapType | 0 | |
321 | field_146321_E | btnAllowCommands | 0 | |
322 | field_146322_F | btnCustomizeType | 0 | |
323 | field_146323_G | gameModeDesc1 | 0 | |
324 | field_146324_A | btnMoreOptions | 0 | |
325 | field_146325_B | btnMapFeatures | 0 | |
326 | field_146326_C | btnBonusItems | 0 | |
327 | field_146328_H | gameModeDesc2 | 0 | |
328 | field_146329_I | worldSeed | 0 | |
329 | field_146330_J | worldName | 0 | |
330 | field_146331_K | selectedIndex | 0 | |
331 | field_146332_f | parentScreen | 0 | |
332 | field_146333_g | worldNameField | 0 | |
333 | field_146334_a | chunkProviderSettingsJson | 0 | |
334 | field_146335_h | worldSeedField | 0 | |
335 | field_146336_i | saveDirName | 0 | |
336 | field_146337_w | hardCoreMode | 0 | Set to true when "hardcore" is the currently-selected gamemode |
337 | field_146338_v | bonusChestEnabled | 0 | |
338 | field_146339_u | allowCheatsWasSetByUser | 0 | User explicitly clicked "Allow Cheats" at some point\nPrevents value changes due to changing game mode |
339 | field_146340_t | allowCheats | 0 | If cheats are allowed |
340 | field_146341_s | generateStructuresEnabled | 0 | |
341 | field_146343_z | btnGameMode | 0 | |
342 | field_146344_y | inMoreWorldOptionsDisplay | 0 | |
343 | field_146345_x | alreadyGenerated | 0 | |
344 | field_146347_a | enableButtonsTimer | 0 | The integer value containing the number of ticks that have passed since the player's death |
345 | field_146348_f | DEMO_BACKGROUND_LOCATION | 0 | |
346 | field_146352_g | confirmButtonText | 0 | The text shown for the first button in GuiYesNo |
347 | field_146353_s | ticksUntilEnable | 0 | |
348 | field_146354_r | messageLine2 | 0 | |
349 | field_146356_h | cancelButtonText | 0 | The text shown for the second button in GuiYesNo |
350 | field_146360_u | showSecurityWarning | 0 | |
351 | field_146361_t | linkText | 0 | |
352 | field_146362_s | copyLinkButtonText | 0 | Label for the Copy to Clipboard button. |
353 | field_146363_r | openLinkWarning | 0 | Text to warn players from opening unsafe links. |
354 | field_146370_f | LOGGER | 0 | |
355 | field_146371_g | networkManager | 0 | |
356 | field_146372_a | CONNECTION_ID | 0 | |
357 | field_146373_h | cancel | 0 | |
358 | field_146374_i | previousGuiScreen | 0 | |
359 | field_146385_f | createWorldGui | 0 | |
360 | field_146386_v | removeLayerButton | 0 | The remove layer button |
361 | field_146387_g | generatorInfo | 0 | |
362 | field_146390_s | createFlatWorldListSlotGui | 0 | |
363 | field_146391_r | heightText | 0 | The text used to identify the height of a layer |
364 | field_146394_i | materialText | 0 | The text used to identify the material for a layer |
365 | field_146399_a | CHAT_OPTIONS | 0 | |
366 | field_146409_v | defaultInputFieldText | 0 | is the text that appears when you press the chat key and the input box appears pre-filled |
367 | field_146410_g | historyBuffer | 0 | |
368 | field_146415_a | inputField | 0 | Chat entry field |
369 | field_146416_h | sentHistoryCursor | 0 | keeps position of which chat message you will select when you press up, (does not increase for duplicated messages sent immediately after each other) |
370 | field_146431_f | FLAT_WORLD_PRESETS | 0 | |
371 | field_146432_g | parentScreen | 0 | The parent GUI |
372 | field_146433_u | export | 0 | |
373 | field_146434_t | btnSelect | 0 | |
374 | field_146435_s | list | 0 | |
375 | field_146436_r | listText | 0 | |
376 | field_146439_i | presetsShare | 0 | |
377 | field_146440_f | SCREEN_OPTIONS | 0 | |
378 | field_146441_g | lastScreen | 0 | |
379 | field_146443_h | settings | 0 | Reference to the GameSettings object. |
380 | field_146450_f | list | 0 | The List GuiSlot object reference. |
381 | field_146452_r | confirmSettingsBtn | 0 | The button to confirm the current settings. |
382 | field_146454_h | languageManager | 0 | Reference to the LanguageManager object. |
383 | field_146491_f | buttonId | 0 | The ID of the button that has been pressed. |
384 | field_146493_s | buttonReset | 0 | |
385 | field_146494_r | keyBindingList | 0 | |
386 | field_146501_h | optionsRowList | 0 | |
387 | field_146510_b_ | LOADING_STRINGS | 0 | |
388 | field_146543_v | doesGuiPauseGame | 0 | When true, the game will be paused when the gui is shown |
389 | field_146545_u | displaySlot | 0 | |
390 | field_146546_t | stats | 0 | |
391 | field_146547_s | mobStats | 0 | |
392 | field_146549_a | parentScreen | 0 | |
393 | field_146550_h | generalStats | 0 | |
394 | field_146551_i | itemStats | 0 | |
395 | field_146576_f | MINECRAFT_LOGO | 0 | |
396 | field_146577_g | VIGNETTE_TEXTURE | 0 | |
397 | field_146578_s | scrollSpeed | 0 | |
398 | field_146579_r | totalScrollLength | 0 | |
399 | field_146580_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
400 | field_146581_h | time | 0 | |
401 | field_146582_i | lines | 0 | |
402 | field_146589_f | stage | 0 | |
403 | field_146590_g | progress | 0 | |
404 | field_146591_a | title | 0 | |
405 | field_146592_h | doneWorking | 0 | |
406 | field_146596_f | allowCheatsButton | 0 | |
407 | field_146597_g | gameModeButton | 0 | |
408 | field_146598_a | lastScreen | 0 | |
409 | field_146599_h | gameMode | 0 | |
410 | field_146600_i | allowCheats | 0 | |
411 | field_146630_A | renameButton | 0 | |
412 | field_146641_z | selectButton | 0 | |
413 | field_146642_y | deleteButton | 0 | |
414 | field_146797_f | oldServerPinger | 0 | |
415 | field_146798_g | parentScreen | 0 | |
416 | field_146799_A | lanServerList | 0 | |
417 | field_146800_B | lanServerDetector | 0 | |
418 | field_146801_C | initialized | 0 | |
419 | field_146802_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
420 | field_146803_h | serverListSelector | 0 | |
421 | field_146804_i | savedServerList | 0 | |
422 | field_146808_t | btnDeleteServer | 0 | |
423 | field_146809_s | btnSelectServer | 0 | |
424 | field_146810_r | btnEditServer | 0 | |
425 | field_146811_z | selectedServer | 0 | |
426 | field_146812_y | hoveringText | 0 | The text to be displayed when the player's cursor hovers over a server listing. |
427 | field_146848_f | tileSign | 0 | Reference to the sign object. |
428 | field_146849_g | updateCounter | 0 | Counts the number of screen updates. |
429 | field_146851_h | editLine | 0 | The index of the line that is being edited. |
430 | field_146967_r | selectedResourcePacksList | 0 | List component that contains the selected resource packs |
431 | field_146970_i | availableResourcePacksList | 0 | List component that contains the available resource packs |
432 | field_146985_D | currentDragTargetSlot | 0 | |
433 | field_146986_E | dragItemDropDelay | 0 | |
434 | field_146987_F | dragSplittingLimit | 0 | |
435 | field_146988_G | dragSplittingButton | 0 | |
436 | field_146989_A | returningStackDestSlot | 0 | |
437 | field_146990_B | returningStackTime | 0 | |
438 | field_146991_C | returningStack | 0 | Used when touchscreen is enabled |
439 | field_146992_L | lastClickButton | 0 | |
440 | field_146993_M | doubleClick | 0 | |
441 | field_146994_N | shiftClickedSlot | 0 | |
442 | field_146995_H | ignoreMouseUp | 0 | |
443 | field_146996_I | dragSplittingRemnant | 0 | |
444 | field_146997_J | lastClickTime | 0 | |
445 | field_146998_K | lastClickSlot | 0 | |
446 | field_146999_f | xSize | 0 | The X size of the inventory window in pixels. |
447 | field_147000_g | ySize | 0 | The Y size of the inventory window in pixels. |
448 | field_147001_a | INVENTORY_BACKGROUND | 0 | The location of the inventory background texture |
449 | field_147002_h | container | 0 | A list of the players inventory slots |
450 | field_147003_i | guiLeft | 0 | Starting X position for the Gui. Inconsistent use for Gui backgrounds. |
451 | field_147004_w | isRightMouseClick | 0 | Used when touchscreen is enabled. |
452 | field_147005_v | clickedSlot | 0 | Used when touchscreen is enabled |
453 | field_147006_u | hoveredSlot | 0 | Holds the slot currently hovered |
454 | field_147007_t | dragSplitting | 0 | |
455 | field_147008_s | dragSplittingSlots | 0 | |
456 | field_147009_r | guiTop | 0 | Starting Y position for the Gui. Inconsistent use for Gui backgrounds. |
457 | field_147010_z | touchUpY | 0 | |
458 | field_147011_y | touchUpX | 0 | |
459 | field_147012_x | draggedStack | 0 | Used when touchscreen is enabled |
460 | field_147014_u | BREWING_STAND_GUI_TEXTURES | 0 | |
461 | field_147017_u | CHEST_GUI_TEXTURE | 0 | The ResourceLocation containing the chest GUI texture. |
462 | field_147018_x | inventoryRows | 0 | Window height is calculated with these values; the more rows, the higher |
463 | field_147019_u | CRAFTING_TABLE_GUI_TEXTURES | 0 | |
464 | field_147025_v | BEACON_GUI_TEXTURES | 0 | |
465 | field_147027_y | buttonsNotDrawn | 0 | |
466 | field_147028_x | beaconConfirmButton | 0 | |
467 | field_147031_u | HORSE_GUI_TEXTURES | 0 | |
468 | field_147032_z | mousePosY | 0 | The mouse y-position recorded during the last renderered frame. |
469 | field_147033_y | mousePosx | 0 | The mouse x-position recorded during the last rendered frame. |
470 | field_147034_x | horseEntity | 0 | The EntityHorse whose inventory is currently being accessed. |
471 | field_147038_v | MERCHANT_GUI_TEXTURE | 0 | The GUI texture for the villager merchant GUI. |
472 | field_147041_z | selectedMerchantRecipe | 0 | The integer value corresponding to the currently selected merchant recipe. |
473 | field_147045_u | hasActivePotionEffects | 0 | True if there is some potion effect to display |
474 | field_147047_v | oldMouseY | 0 | The old y position of the mouse pointer |
475 | field_147048_u | oldMouseX | 0 | The old x position of the mouse pointer |
476 | field_147058_w | selectedTabIndex | 0 | Currently selected creative inventory tab index. |
477 | field_147059_E | listener | 0 | |
478 | field_147061_u | CREATIVE_INVENTORY_TABS | 0 | The location of the creative inventory tabs texture |
479 | field_147062_A | searchField | 0 | |
480 | field_147063_B | originalSlots | 0 | |
481 | field_147064_C | destroyItemSlot | 0 | |
482 | field_147066_y | isScrolling | 0 | True if the scrollbar is being dragged |
483 | field_147067_x | currentScroll | 0 | Amount scrolled in Creative mode inventory (0 = top, 1 = bottom) |
484 | field_147069_w | oFlip | 0 | |
485 | field_147070_D | ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_BOOK_TEXTURE | 0 | The ResourceLocation containing the texture for the Book rendered above the enchantment table |
486 | field_147071_v | flip | 0 | |
487 | field_147072_E | MODEL_BOOK | 0 | The ModelBook instance used for rendering the book on the Enchantment table |
488 | field_147073_u | ticks | 0 | |
489 | field_147074_F | random | 0 | A Random instance for use with the enchantment gui |
490 | field_147076_A | oOpen | 0 | |
491 | field_147077_B | last | 0 | |
492 | field_147078_C | ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_GUI_TEXTURE | 0 | The ResourceLocation containing the Enchantment GUI texture location |
493 | field_147080_z | open | 0 | |
494 | field_147081_y | flipA | 0 | |
495 | field_147082_x | flipT | 0 | |
496 | field_147085_u | HOPPER_GUI_TEXTURE | 0 | The ResourceLocation containing the gui texture for the hopper |
497 | field_147087_u | FURNACE_GUI_TEXTURES | 0 | |
498 | field_147088_v | DISPENSER_GUI_TEXTURES | 0 | |
499 | field_147091_w | nameField | 0 | |
500 | field_147093_u | ANVIL_RESOURCE | 0 | |
501 | field_147101_bU | respawnInvulnerabilityTicks | 2 | |
502 | field_147102_bM | LOGGER | 2 | |
503 | field_147103_bO | stats | 2 | |
504 | field_147123_G | LOGGER | 0 | |
505 | field_147124_at | framebuffer | 0 | |
506 | field_147125_j | pointedEntity | 0 | |
507 | field_147126_aw | musicTicker | 0 | |
508 | field_147127_av | soundHandler | 0 | |
509 | field_147129_ai | jvm64bit | 0 | |
510 | field_147141_M | resourcePackUrl | 2 | The texture pack for the server |
511 | field_147142_T | nanoTimeSinceStatusRefresh | 2 | |
512 | field_147143_S | sessionService | 2 | |
513 | field_147144_o | networkSystem | 2 | |
514 | field_147145_h | LOGGER | 2 | |
515 | field_147146_q | random | 2 | |
516 | field_147147_p | statusResponse | 2 | |
517 | field_147148_h | LOGGER | 0 | |
518 | field_147150_a | LOGGER | 2 | |
519 | field_147228_b | LOGGER | 0 | |
520 | field_147229_c | pingDestinations | 0 | A list of NetworkManagers that have pending pings |
521 | field_147230_a | PING_RESPONSE_SPLITTER | 0 | |
522 | field_147299_f | client | 0 | Reference to the Minecraft instance, which many handler methods operate on |
523 | field_147300_g | world | 0 | Reference to the current ClientWorld instance, which many handler methods operate on |
524 | field_147301_d | LOGGER | 0 | |
525 | field_147302_e | netManager | 0 | The NetworkManager instance used to communicate with the server, used to respond to various packets (primarilly movement and plugin channel related ones) and check the status of the network connection externally |
526 | field_147306_l | avRandomizer | 0 | Just an ordinary random number generator, used to randomize audio pitch of item/orb pickup and randomize both particlespawn offset and velocity |
527 | field_147307_j | guiScreenServer | 0 | Seems to be either null (integrated server) or an instance of either GuiMultiplayer (when connecting to a server) or GuiScreenReamlsTOS (when connecting to MCO server) |
528 | field_147309_h | doneLoadingTerrain | 0 | True if the client has finished downloading terrain and may spawn. Set upon receipt of S08PacketPlayerPosLook, reset upon respawning |
529 | field_147310_i | playerInfoMap | 0 | A mapping from player names to their respective GuiPlayerInfo (specifies the clients response time to the server) |
530 | field_147313_b | networkManager | 2 | |
531 | field_147314_a | server | 2 | |
532 | field_147327_f | server | 2 | |
533 | field_147328_g | currentLoginState | 2 | |
534 | field_147329_d | RANDOM | 2 | |
535 | field_147330_e | verifyToken | 2 | |
536 | field_147331_b | AUTHENTICATOR_THREAD_ID | 2 | |
537 | field_147332_c | LOGGER | 2 | |
538 | field_147333_a | networkManager | 2 | |
539 | field_147334_j | serverId | 2 | |
540 | field_147335_k | secretKey | 2 | |
541 | field_147336_h | connectionTimer | 2 | How long has player been trying to login into the server. |
542 | field_147337_i | loginGameProfile | 2 | |
543 | field_147365_f | floatingTickCount | 2 | Used to keep track of how the player is floating while gamerules should prevent that. Surpassing 80 ticks means kick |
544 | field_147367_d | server | 2 | |
545 | field_147368_e | networkTickCount | 2 | |
546 | field_147369_b | player | 2 | |
547 | field_147370_c | LOGGER | 2 | |
548 | field_147371_a | netManager | 2 | |
549 | field_147372_n | pendingTransactions | 2 | |
550 | field_147374_l | chatSpamThresholdCount | 2 | Incremented by 20 each time a user sends a chat message, decreased by one every tick. Non-ops kicked when over 200 |
551 | field_147375_m | itemDropThreshold | 2 | |
552 | field_147384_b | networkManager | 0 | |
553 | field_147385_a | server | 0 | |
554 | field_147386_b | networkManager | 2 | |
555 | field_147387_a | server | 2 | |
556 | field_147393_d | networkManager | 0 | |
557 | field_147394_b | mc | 0 | |
558 | field_147395_c | previousGuiScreen | 0 | |
559 | field_147396_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
560 | field_147403_d | successful | 0 | |
561 | field_147411_m | serverIcon | 0 | |
562 | field_147412_i | playerList | 0 | |
563 | field_147415_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
564 | field_147436_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
565 | field_147481_N | processingLoadedTiles | 2 | True while the World is ticking , to prevent CME's if any of those ticks create more tile entities. |
566 | field_147482_g | loadedTileEntityList | 2 | A list of the loaded tile entities in the world |
567 | field_147483_b | tileEntitiesToBeRemoved | 2 | Tile Entity removals that were deferred because the World was still iterating existing Tile Entities; will be removed from the world at the end of the tick. |
568 | field_147484_a | addedTileEntityList | 2 | Tile Entity additions that were deferred because the World was still iterating existing Tile Entities; will be added to the world at the end of the tick. |
569 | field_147490_S | blockEventQueue | 2 | |
570 | field_147491_a | LOGGER | 2 | |
571 | field_147509_j | isChristmas | 0 | |
572 | field_147514_c | model | 0 | The ModelSign instance for use in this renderer |
573 | field_147523_b | TEXTURE_BEACON_BEAM | 0 | |
574 | field_147526_d | END_PORTAL_TEXTURE | 0 | |
575 | field_147527_e | RANDOM | 0 | |
576 | field_147529_c | END_SKY_TEXTURE | 0 | |
577 | field_147540_b | TEXTURE_BOOK | 0 | The texture for the book above the enchantment table. |
578 | field_147541_c | modelBook | 0 | |
579 | field_147550_f | world | 0 | |
580 | field_147553_e | textureManager | 0 | |
581 | field_147556_a | instance | 0 | |
582 | field_147557_n | fontRenderer | 0 | |
583 | field_147559_m | renderers | 0 | |
584 | field_147593_P | mapSoundPositions | 0 | Currently playing sounds. Type: HashMap<ChunkCoordinates, ISound> |
585 | field_147595_R | displayListEntitiesDirty | 0 | |
586 | field_147596_f | prevRenderSortX | 0 | |
587 | field_147597_g | prevRenderSortY | 0 | |
588 | field_147599_m | LOGGER | 0 | |
589 | field_147602_h | prevRenderSortZ | 0 | |
590 | field_147616_f | framebufferObject | 0 | |
591 | field_147617_g | framebufferTexture | 0 | |
592 | field_147618_d | framebufferHeight | 0 | |
593 | field_147619_e | useDepth | 0 | |
594 | field_147620_b | framebufferTextureHeight | 0 | |
595 | field_147621_c | framebufferWidth | 0 | |
596 | field_147622_a | framebufferTextureWidth | 0 | |
597 | field_147623_j | framebufferFilter | 0 | |
598 | field_147624_h | depthBuffer | 0 | |
599 | field_147625_i | framebufferColor | 0 | |
600 | field_147635_d | LOGGER | 0 | |
601 | field_147638_c | LOGGER | 0 | |
602 | field_147639_c | LOGGER | 0 | |
603 | field_147644_c | LOGGER | 0 | |
604 | field_147646_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
605 | field_147648_b | LOGGER | 0 | |
606 | field_147658_f | z | 0 | |
607 | field_147659_g | repeat | 0 | |
608 | field_147660_d | x | 0 | |
609 | field_147661_e | y | 0 | |
610 | field_147662_b | volume | 0 | |
611 | field_147663_c | pitch | 0 | |
612 | field_147664_a | positionedSoundLocation | 0 | |
613 | field_147665_h | repeatDelay | 0 | The number of ticks between repeating the sound |
614 | field_147666_i | attenuationType | 0 | |
615 | field_147668_j | donePlaying | 0 | |
616 | field_147669_l | distance | 0 | |
617 | field_147670_k | minecart | 0 | |
618 | field_147671_l | minecart | 0 | |
619 | field_147672_k | player | 0 | |
620 | field_147676_d | timeUntilNextMusic | 0 | |
621 | field_147677_b | client | 0 | |
622 | field_147678_c | currentMusic | 0 | |
623 | field_147679_a | random | 0 | |
624 | field_147694_f | sndManager | 0 | |
625 | field_147696_d | TYPE | 0 | |
626 | field_147697_e | soundRegistry | 0 | |
627 | field_147698_b | LOGGER | 0 | |
628 | field_147699_c | GSON | 0 | |
629 | field_147700_a | MISSING_SOUND | 0 | |
630 | field_147707_d | shaderGroup | 0 | |
631 | field_147708_e | SHADER_COUNT | 0 | |
632 | field_147709_v | mapItemRenderer | 0 | |
633 | field_147710_q | LOGGER | 0 | |
634 | field_147711_ac | resourceManager | 0 | |
635 | field_147712_ad | SHADERS_TEXTURES | 0 | |
636 | field_147713_ae | shaderIndex | 0 | |
637 | field_147716_d | enderChest | 0 | |
638 | field_147717_b | chestBasic | 0 | |
639 | field_147718_c | chestTrap | 0 | |
640 | field_147719_a | instance | 0 | |
641 | field_147917_g | mc | 0 | |
642 | field_147923_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
643 | field_147941_i | pointedEntity | 0 | |
644 | field_147971_a | mipmapLevelStitcher | 0 | |
645 | field_148029_f | listFramebuffers | 0 | |
646 | field_148030_g | projectionMatrix | 0 | |
647 | field_148031_d | listShaders | 0 | |
648 | field_148032_e | mapFramebuffers | 0 | |
649 | field_148033_b | resourceManager | 0 | |
650 | field_148034_c | shaderGroupName | 0 | |
651 | field_148035_a | mainFramebuffer | 0 | |
652 | field_148036_j | time | 0 | |
653 | field_148037_k | lastStamp | 0 | |
654 | field_148038_h | mainFramebufferWidth | 0 | |
655 | field_148039_i | mainFramebufferHeight | 0 | |
656 | field_148046_f | listAuxWidths | 0 | |
657 | field_148047_g | listAuxHeights | 0 | |
658 | field_148048_d | listAuxFramebuffers | 0 | |
659 | field_148049_e | listAuxNames | 0 | |
660 | field_148050_b | framebufferOut | 0 | |
661 | field_148051_c | manager | 0 | |
662 | field_148052_a | framebufferIn | 0 | |
663 | field_148053_h | projectionMatrix | 0 | |
664 | field_148058_d | shaderAttachCount | 0 | |
665 | field_148059_b | shaderFilename | 0 | |
666 | field_148060_c | shader | 0 | |
667 | field_148061_a | shaderType | 0 | |
668 | field_148067_f | loadedShaders | 0 | |
669 | field_148069_d | shaderExtension | 0 | |
670 | field_148070_e | shaderMode | 0 | |
671 | field_148072_c | shaderName | 0 | |
672 | field_148080_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
673 | field_148098_f | uniformFloatBuffer | 0 | |
674 | field_148099_g | shaderName | 0 | |
675 | field_148100_d | uniformType | 0 | |
676 | field_148101_e | uniformIntBuffer | 0 | |
677 | field_148102_b | uniformLocation | 0 | |
678 | field_148103_c | uniformCount | 0 | |
679 | field_148104_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
680 | field_148105_h | dirty | 0 | |
681 | field_148106_i | shaderManager | 0 | |
682 | field_148112_f | blendFunction | 0 | |
683 | field_148113_g | separateBlend | 0 | |
684 | field_148114_d | destColorFactor | 0 | |
685 | field_148115_e | destAlphaFactor | 0 | |
686 | field_148116_b | srcColorFactor | 0 | |
687 | field_148117_c | srcAlphaFactor | 0 | |
688 | field_148118_a | lastApplied | 0 | |
689 | field_148119_h | opaque | 0 | |
690 | field_148188_n | maxListLabelWidth | 0 | |
691 | field_148191_k | controlsScreen | 0 | |
692 | field_148196_n | lanScanEntry | 0 | |
693 | field_148198_l | serverListInternet | 0 | |
694 | field_148199_m | serverListLan | 0 | |
695 | field_148200_k | owner | 0 | |
696 | field_148205_k | mc | 0 | |
697 | field_148232_b | name | 0 | |
698 | field_148233_c | generatorInfo | 0 | |
699 | field_148234_a | icon | 0 | |
700 | field_148242_b | mapData | 0 | |
701 | field_148243_c | mapTexture | 0 | |
702 | field_148251_b | textureManager | 0 | |
703 | field_148252_c | loadedMaps | 0 | |
704 | field_148253_a | TEXTURE_MAP_ICONS | 0 | |
705 | field_148257_b | playerID | 0 | |
706 | field_148258_c | token | 0 | |
707 | field_148261_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
708 | field_148280_d | btnChangeKeyBinding | 0 | |
709 | field_148281_e | btnReset | 0 | |
710 | field_148282_b | keybinding | 0 | The keybinding specified for this KeyEntry |
711 | field_148283_c | keyDesc | 0 | The localized key description for this KeyEntry |
712 | field_148285_b | labelText | 0 | |
713 | field_148286_c | labelWidth | 0 | |
714 | field_148288_a | mc | 0 | |
715 | field_148290_d | lastClickTime | 0 | |
716 | field_148291_b | serverData | 0 | |
717 | field_148292_c | screen | 0 | |
718 | field_148293_a | mc | 0 | |
719 | field_148298_f | lastClickTime | 0 | |
720 | field_148299_g | lastIconB64 | 0 | |
721 | field_148300_d | mc | 0 | |
722 | field_148301_e | server | 0 | |
723 | field_148303_c | owner | 0 | |
724 | field_148305_h | icon | 0 | |
725 | field_148306_i | serverIcon | 0 | |
726 | field_148326_f | LOGGER | 2 | |
727 | field_148330_a | itemList | 0 | the list of items in this container |
728 | field_148332_b | slot | 0 | |
729 | field_148336_b | rand | 0 | |
730 | field_148337_c | namePartsArray | 0 | |
731 | field_148338_a | INSTANCE | 0 | |
732 | field_148546_d | LOGGER | 2 | |
733 | field_148547_k | playerStatFiles | 2 | |
734 | field_148550_b | LOGGER | 0 | |
735 | field_148551_a | ATOMIC_COUNTER | 0 | |
736 | field_148575_b | replaceExisting | 0 | if true it will override all the sounds from the resourcepacks loaded before |
737 | field_148617_f | loaded | 0 | Set to true when the SoundManager has been initialised. |
738 | field_148618_g | ticks | 0 | A counter for how long the sound manager has been running |
739 | field_148619_d | options | 0 | Reference to the GameSettings object. |
740 | field_148621_b | LOGGER | 0 | |
741 | field_148622_c | sndHandler | 0 | A reference to the sound handler. |
742 | field_148623_a | LOG_MARKER | 0 | The marker used for logging |
743 | field_148624_n | playingSoundsStopTime | 0 | The future time in which to stop this sound. Type: HashMap<String, Integer> |
744 | field_148625_l | tickableSounds | 0 | A subset of playingSounds, this contains only ITickableSounds |
745 | field_148626_m | delayedSounds | 0 | Contains sounds to play in n ticks. Type: HashMap<ISound, Integer> |
746 | field_148643_j | maxDelay | 0 | |
747 | field_148645_h | sound | 0 | |
748 | field_148646_i | minDelay | 0 | |
749 | field_148657_b | LOGGER | 0 | |
750 | field_148658_a | UNIQUE_THREAD_ID | 0 | |
751 | field_148734_b | rnd | 0 | |
752 | field_148743_a | LOGGER0 | 2 | |
753 | field_148748_b | objectList | 2 | |
754 | field_148749_a | identityMap | 2 | |
755 | field_148759_a | underlyingIntegerMap | 2 | The backing store that maps Integers to objects. |
756 | field_148760_d | defaultValueKey | 2 | The key of the default value. |
757 | field_148761_e | defaultValue | 2 | The default value for this registry, retrurned in the place of a null value. |
758 | field_148849_e | progress | 2 | |
759 | field_148852_a | breakerId | 2 | |
760 | field_148859_d | tileEntityType | 2 | Used only for vanilla tile entities |
761 | field_148860_e | nbt | 2 | |
762 | field_148871_f | block | 2 | |
763 | field_148872_d | instrument | 2 | |
764 | field_148873_e | pitch | 2 | |
765 | field_148892_b | actionNumber | 2 | |
766 | field_148893_c | accepted | 2 | |
767 | field_148894_a | windowId | 2 | |
768 | field_148896_a | windowId | 2 | |
769 | field_148913_b | itemStacks | 2 | |
770 | field_148914_a | windowId | 2 | |
771 | field_148919_a | chatComponent | 2 | |
772 | field_148925_b | chunkPos | 2 | |
773 | field_148936_d | yaw | 2 | |
774 | field_148937_e | pitch | 2 | |
775 | field_148938_b | y | 2 | |
776 | field_148939_c | z | 2 | |
777 | field_148940_a | x | 2 | |
778 | field_148951_f | yaw | 2 | |
779 | field_148952_g | pitch | 2 | |
780 | field_148953_d | y | 2 | |
781 | field_148954_e | z | 2 | |
782 | field_148956_c | x | 2 | |
783 | field_148957_a | entityId | 2 | |
784 | field_148968_f | title | 2 | |
785 | field_148973_a | entityID | 2 | |
786 | field_148976_a | statisticMap | 2 | |
787 | field_148980_b | type | 2 | |
788 | field_148981_a | entityId | 2 | |
789 | field_148988_d | posZ | 2 | |
790 | field_148989_e | xpValue | 2 | |
791 | field_148990_b | posX | 2 | |
792 | field_148991_c | posY | 2 | |
793 | field_148992_a | entityID | 2 | |
794 | field_149012_f | speedY | 2 | |
795 | field_149013_g | speedZ | 2 | |
796 | field_149014_d | z | 2 | |
797 | field_149015_e | speedX | 2 | |
798 | field_149016_b | x | 2 | |
799 | field_149017_c | y | 2 | |
800 | field_149018_a | entityId | 2 | |
801 | field_149019_j | type | 2 | |
802 | field_149020_k | data | 2 | |
803 | field_149021_h | pitch | 2 | |
804 | field_149022_i | yaw | 2 | |
805 | field_149036_f | velocityX | 2 | |
806 | field_149037_g | velocityY | 2 | |
807 | field_149038_d | y | 2 | |
808 | field_149039_e | z | 2 | |
809 | field_149040_b | type | 2 | |
810 | field_149041_c | x | 2 | |
811 | field_149042_a | entityId | 2 | |
812 | field_149045_j | pitch | 2 | |
813 | field_149046_k | headPitch | 2 | |
814 | field_149047_h | velocityZ | 2 | |
815 | field_149048_i | yaw | 2 | |
816 | field_149055_d | z | 2 | |
817 | field_149056_e | type | 2 | |
818 | field_149057_b | x | 2 | |
819 | field_149058_c | y | 2 | |
820 | field_149059_a | entityId | 2 | |
821 | field_149068_f | pitch | 2 | |
822 | field_149069_g | rotating | 2 | |
823 | field_149070_d | posZ | 2 | |
824 | field_149071_e | yaw | 2 | |
825 | field_149072_b | posX | 2 | |
826 | field_149073_c | posY | 2 | |
827 | field_149074_a | entityId | 2 | |
828 | field_149078_b | effectId | 2 | |
829 | field_149079_a | entityId | 2 | |
830 | field_149085_d | worldType | 2 | |
831 | field_149087_c | gameType | 2 | |
832 | field_149088_a | dimensionID | 2 | |
833 | field_149100_a | entityIDs | 2 | |
834 | field_149114_f | walkSpeed | 2 | |
835 | field_149115_d | creativeMode | 2 | |
836 | field_149116_e | flySpeed | 2 | |
837 | field_149117_b | flying | 2 | |
838 | field_149118_c | allowFlying | 2 | |
839 | field_149119_a | invulnerable | 2 | |
840 | field_149136_a | id | 2 | |
841 | field_149140_b | state | 2 | |
842 | field_149141_c | value | 2 | |
843 | field_149142_a | MESSAGE_NAMES | 2 | |
844 | field_149152_f | motionX | 2 | |
845 | field_149153_g | motionY | 2 | |
846 | field_149154_d | strength | 2 | |
847 | field_149155_e | affectedBlockPositions | 2 | |
848 | field_149156_b | posY | 2 | |
849 | field_149157_c | posZ | 2 | |
850 | field_149158_a | posX | 2 | |
851 | field_149159_h | motionZ | 2 | |
852 | field_149163_b | logicOpcode | 2 | |
853 | field_149164_a | entityId | 2 | |
854 | field_149167_a | reason | 2 | |
855 | field_149171_b | data | 2 | |
856 | field_149172_a | channel | 2 | |
857 | field_149177_b | slot | 2 | |
858 | field_149178_c | item | 2 | |
859 | field_149179_a | windowId | 2 | |
860 | field_149184_b | property | 2 | |
861 | field_149185_c | value | 2 | |
862 | field_149186_a | windowId | 2 | |
863 | field_149191_a | mapId | 2 | |
864 | field_149200_f | maxPlayers | 2 | |
865 | field_149201_g | worldType | 2 | |
866 | field_149202_d | dimension | 2 | |
867 | field_149204_b | hardcoreMode | 2 | |
868 | field_149205_c | gameType | 2 | |
869 | field_149206_a | playerId | 2 | |
870 | field_149214_f | soundPitch | 2 | |
871 | field_149215_d | posZ | 2 | |
872 | field_149216_e | soundVolume | 2 | |
873 | field_149217_b | posX | 2 | |
874 | field_149218_c | posY | 2 | |
875 | field_149219_a | soundName | 2 | |
876 | field_149230_f | yOffset | 2 | |
877 | field_149231_g | zOffset | 2 | |
878 | field_149232_d | zCoord | 2 | |
879 | field_149233_e | xOffset | 2 | |
880 | field_149234_b | xCoord | 2 | |
881 | field_149235_c | yCoord | 2 | |
882 | field_149237_h | particleSpeed | 2 | |
883 | field_149238_i | particleCount | 2 | |
884 | field_149246_f | serverWide | 2 | If true the sound is played across the server |
885 | field_149249_b | soundData | 2 | can be a block/item id or other depending on the soundtype |
886 | field_149251_a | soundType | 2 | |
887 | field_149279_g | fullChunk | 2 | |
888 | field_149282_b | chunkZ | 2 | |
889 | field_149284_a | chunkX | 2 | |
890 | field_149290_a | clientTime | 2 | |
891 | field_149293_a | clientTime | 2 | |
892 | field_149296_b | response | 2 | |
893 | field_149297_a | GSON | 2 | |
894 | field_149301_b | verifyTokenEncrypted | 2 | |
895 | field_149302_a | secretKeyEncrypted | 2 | |
896 | field_149305_a | profile | 2 | |
897 | field_149314_f | action | 2 | |
898 | field_149315_g | friendlyFlags | 2 | |
899 | field_149317_e | players | 2 | |
900 | field_149318_b | displayName | 2 | |
901 | field_149320_a | name | 2 | |
902 | field_149326_d | action | 2 | |
903 | field_149327_b | objective | 2 | |
904 | field_149328_c | value | 2 | |
905 | field_149329_a | name | 2 | |
906 | field_149334_b | foodLevel | 2 | |
907 | field_149335_c | saturationLevel | 2 | |
908 | field_149336_a | health | 2 | |
909 | field_149341_b | displayName | 2 | |
910 | field_149342_c | action | 2 | |
911 | field_149343_a | objectiveName | 2 | |
912 | field_149356_b | entityId | 2 | |
913 | field_149357_a | collectedItemEntityId | 2 | |
914 | field_149368_b | worldTime | 2 | |
915 | field_149369_a | totalWorldTime | 2 | |
916 | field_149373_b | scoreName | 2 | |
917 | field_149374_a | position | 2 | |
918 | field_149378_b | dataManagerEntries | 2 | |
919 | field_149379_a | entityId | 2 | |
920 | field_149383_b | yaw | 2 | |
921 | field_149384_a | entityId | 2 | |
922 | field_149387_a | heldItemHotbarIndex | 2 | |
923 | field_149392_b | equipmentSlot | 2 | |
924 | field_149393_c | itemStack | 2 | |
925 | field_149394_a | entityID | 2 | |
926 | field_149399_b | totalExperience | 2 | |
927 | field_149400_c | level | 2 | |
928 | field_149401_a | experienceBar | 2 | |
929 | field_149406_b | entityId | 2 | |
930 | field_149407_c | vehicleEntityId | 2 | The entity that is holding the leash, or -1 to clear the holder. |
931 | field_149414_d | motionZ | 2 | |
932 | field_149415_b | motionX | 2 | |
933 | field_149416_c | motionY | 2 | |
934 | field_149417_a | entityID | 2 | |
935 | field_149431_d | duration | 2 | |
936 | field_149432_b | effectId | 2 | |
937 | field_149433_c | amplifier | 2 | |
938 | field_149434_a | entityId | 2 | |
939 | field_149437_a | status | 2 | |
940 | field_149440_a | message | 2 | |
941 | field_149444_b | snapshots | 2 | |
942 | field_149445_a | entityId | 2 | |
943 | field_149453_f | pitch | 2 | |
944 | field_149454_d | posZ | 2 | |
945 | field_149455_e | yaw | 2 | |
946 | field_149456_b | posX | 2 | |
947 | field_149457_c | posY | 2 | |
948 | field_149458_a | entityId | 2 | |
949 | field_149461_a | key | 2 | |
950 | field_149473_f | pitch | 2 | |
951 | field_149474_g | onGround | 2 | |
952 | field_149476_e | yaw | 2 | |
953 | field_149477_b | y | 2 | |
954 | field_149478_c | z | 2 | |
955 | field_149479_a | x | 2 | |
956 | field_149480_h | moving | 2 | |
957 | field_149481_i | rotating | 2 | |
958 | field_149495_f | walkSpeed | 2 | |
959 | field_149496_d | creativeMode | 2 | |
960 | field_149497_e | flySpeed | 2 | |
961 | field_149498_b | flying | 2 | |
962 | field_149499_c | allowFlying | 2 | |
963 | field_149500_a | invulnerable | 2 | |
964 | field_149508_e | action | 2 | Status of the digging (started, ongoing, broken). |
965 | field_149515_b | action | 2 | |
966 | field_149516_c | auxData | 2 | |
967 | field_149517_a | entityID | 2 | |
968 | field_149526_d | enableColors | 2 | |
969 | field_149528_b | view | 2 | |
970 | field_149529_c | chatVisibility | 2 | |
971 | field_149530_a | lang | 2 | |
972 | field_149534_b | uid | 2 | |
973 | field_149535_c | accepted | 2 | |
974 | field_149536_a | windowId | 2 | |
975 | field_149540_b | button | 2 | |
976 | field_149541_a | windowId | 2 | |
977 | field_149549_f | mode | 2 | Inventory operation mode |
978 | field_149550_d | actionNumber | 2 | A unique number for the action, used for transaction handling |
979 | field_149551_e | clickedItem | 2 | The item stack present in the slot |
980 | field_149552_b | slotId | 2 | Id of the clicked slot |
981 | field_149553_c | packedClickData | 2 | Button used |
982 | field_149554_a | windowId | 2 | The id of the window which was clicked. 0 for player inventory. |
983 | field_149556_a | windowId | 2 | |
984 | field_149561_c | data | 2 | |
985 | field_149562_a | channel | 2 | |
986 | field_149566_b | action | 2 | |
987 | field_149567_a | entityId | 2 | |
988 | field_149590_d | lines | 2 | |
989 | field_149597_d | requestedState | 2 | |
990 | field_149598_b | ip | 2 | |
991 | field_149599_c | port | 2 | |
992 | field_149600_a | protocolVersion | 2 | |
993 | field_149602_a | profile | 2 | |
994 | field_149605_a | reason | 2 | |
995 | field_149610_b | publicKey | 2 | |
996 | field_149611_c | verifyToken | 2 | |
997 | field_149612_a | hashedServerId | 2 | |
998 | field_149615_a | slotId | 2 | |
999 | field_149623_c | jumping | 2 | |
1000 | field_149624_a | strafeSpeed | 2 | Positive for left strafe, negative for right |
1001 | field_149628_b | stack | 2 | |
1002 | field_149629_a | slotId | 2 | |
1003 | field_149762_H | soundType | 2 | |
1004 | field_149764_J | material | 2 | |
1005 | field_149765_K | slipperiness | 2 | Determines how much velocity is maintained while moving on top of this block |
1006 | field_149770_b | translationKey | 2 | |
1007 | field_149781_w | blockResistance | 2 | Indicates how much this block can resist explosions |
1008 | field_149782_v | blockHardness | 2 | Indicates how many hits it takes to break a block. |
1009 | field_149784_t | lightValue | 2 | Amount of light emitted |
1010 | field_149789_z | ticksRandomly | 2 | Flags whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Ref-counted by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. |
1011 | field_149848_b | flammabilities | 2 | |
1012 | field_149849_a | encouragements | 2 | |
1013 | field_149877_a | crop | 2 | |
1014 | field_149943_a | DISPENSE_BEHAVIOR_REGISTRY | 2 | Registry for all dispense behaviors. |
1015 | field_149947_P | DISPENSE_BEHAVIOR | 2 | |
1016 | field_150047_a | wooden | 2 | |
1017 | field_150068_a | maxWeight | 2 | |
1018 | field_150069_a | sensitivity | 2 | |
1019 | field_150082_a | isSticky | 2 | This piston is the sticky one? |
1020 | field_150149_b | modelBlock | 2 | |
1021 | field_150151_M | modelState | 2 | |
1022 | field_150179_b | blocksNeedingUpdate | 2 | List of blocks to update with redstone. |
1023 | field_150181_a | canProvidePower | 2 | |
1024 | field_150243_f | strikethrough | 2 | |
1025 | field_150244_g | obfuscated | 2 | |
1026 | field_150245_d | italic | 2 | |
1027 | field_150246_e | underlined | 2 | |
1028 | field_150247_b | color | 2 | |
1029 | field_150248_c | bold | 2 | |
1030 | field_150249_a | parentStyle | 2 | The parent of this ChatStyle. Used for looking up values that this instance does not override. |
1031 | field_150250_j | ROOT | 2 | The base of the ChatStyle hierarchy. All ChatStyle instances are implicitly children of this. |
1032 | field_150251_h | clickEvent | 2 | |
1033 | field_150252_i | hoverEvent | 2 | |
1034 | field_150263_b | style | 2 | |
1035 | field_150264_a | siblings | 2 | The later siblings of this component. If this component turns the text bold, that will apply to all the siblings until a later sibling turns the text something else. |
1036 | field_150267_b | text | 2 | |
1037 | field_150274_f | syncLock | 2 | |
1038 | field_150275_g | lastTranslationUpdateTimeInMilliseconds | 2 | |
1039 | field_150276_d | key | 2 | |
1040 | field_150277_e | formatArgs | 2 | |
1041 | field_150278_b | children | 2 | The discrete elements that make up this component. For example, this would be ["Prefix, ", "FirstArg", "SecondArg", " again ", "SecondArg", " and ", "FirstArg", " lastly ", "ThirdArg", " and also ", "FirstArg", " again!"] for "translation.test.complex" (see en_us.json) |
1042 | field_150279_c | STRING_VARIABLE_PATTERN | 2 | |
1043 | field_150319_E | DETECTOR_RAIL | 2 | |
1044 | field_150320_F | STICKY_PISTON | 2 | |
1045 | field_150322_A | SANDSTONE | 2 | |
1046 | field_150331_J | PISTON | 2 | |
1047 | field_150332_K | PISTON_HEAD | 2 | |
1048 | field_150333_U | STONE_SLAB | 2 | |
1049 | field_150335_W | TNT | 2 | |
1050 | field_150337_Q | RED_MUSHROOM | 2 | |
1051 | field_150338_P | BROWN_MUSHROOM | 2 | |
1052 | field_150339_S | IRON_BLOCK | 2 | |
1053 | field_150340_R | GOLD_BLOCK | 2 | |
1054 | field_150341_Y | MOSSY_COBBLESTONE | 2 | |
1055 | field_150342_X | BOOKSHELF | 2 | |
1056 | field_150343_Z | OBSIDIAN | 2 | |
1057 | field_150346_d | DIRT | 2 | |
1058 | field_150347_e | COBBLESTONE | 2 | |
1059 | field_150348_b | STONE | 2 | |
1060 | field_150349_c | GRASS | 2 | |
1061 | field_150350_a | AIR | 2 | |
1062 | field_150351_n | GRAVEL | 2 | |
1063 | field_150352_o | GOLD_ORE | 2 | |
1064 | field_150353_l | LAVA | 2 | |
1065 | field_150354_m | SAND | 2 | |
1066 | field_150355_j | WATER | 2 | |
1067 | field_150357_h | BEDROCK | 2 | |
1068 | field_150359_w | GLASS | 2 | |
1069 | field_150360_v | SPONGE | 2 | |
1070 | field_150365_q | COAL_ORE | 2 | |
1071 | field_150366_p | IRON_ORE | 2 | |
1072 | field_150367_z | DISPENSER | 2 | |
1073 | field_150368_y | LAPIS_BLOCK | 2 | |
1074 | field_150369_x | LAPIS_ORE | 2 | |
1075 | field_150370_cb | QUARTZ_STAIRS | 2 | |
1076 | field_150371_ca | QUARTZ_BLOCK | 2 | |
1077 | field_150372_bz | SANDSTONE_STAIRS | 2 | |
1078 | field_150375_by | COCOA | 2 | |
1079 | field_150377_bs | END_STONE | 2 | |
1080 | field_150378_br | END_PORTAL_FRAME | 2 | |
1081 | field_150379_bu | REDSTONE_LAMP | 2 | |
1082 | field_150380_bt | DRAGON_EGG | 2 | |
1083 | field_150381_bn | ENCHANTING_TABLE | 2 | |
1084 | field_150382_bo | BREWING_STAND | 2 | |
1085 | field_150383_bp | CAULDRON | 2 | |
1086 | field_150384_bq | END_PORTAL | 2 | |
1087 | field_150386_bk | NETHER_BRICK_FENCE | 2 | |
1088 | field_150387_bl | NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS | 2 | |
1089 | field_150388_bm | NETHER_WART | 2 | |
1090 | field_150389_bf | BRICK_STAIRS | 2 | |
1091 | field_150390_bg | STONE_BRICK_STAIRS | 2 | |
1092 | field_150391_bh | MYCELIUM | 2 | |
1093 | field_150393_bb | PUMPKIN_STEM | 2 | |
1094 | field_150394_bc | MELON_STEM | 2 | |
1095 | field_150395_bd | VINE | 2 | |
1096 | field_150400_ck | ACACIA_STAIRS | 2 | |
1097 | field_150401_cl | DARK_OAK_STAIRS | 2 | |
1098 | field_150402_ci | COAL_BLOCK | 2 | |
1099 | field_150403_cj | PACKED_ICE | 2 | |
1100 | field_150405_ch | TERRACOTTA | 2 | |
1101 | field_150407_cf | HAY_BLOCK | 2 | |
1102 | field_150408_cc | ACTIVATOR_RAIL | 2 | |
1103 | field_150409_cd | DROPPER | 2 | |
1104 | field_150410_aZ | GLASS_PANE | 2 | |
1105 | field_150411_aY | IRON_BARS | 2 | |
1106 | field_150412_bA | EMERALD_ORE | 2 | |
1107 | field_150414_aQ | CAKE | 2 | |
1108 | field_150419_aX | RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK | 2 | |
1109 | field_150420_aW | BROWN_MUSHROOM_BLOCK | 2 | |
1110 | field_150421_aI | JUKEBOX | 2 | |
1111 | field_150423_aK | PUMPKIN | 2 | |
1112 | field_150424_aL | NETHERRACK | 2 | |
1113 | field_150425_aM | SOUL_SAND | 2 | |
1114 | field_150426_aN | GLOWSTONE | 2 | |
1115 | field_150427_aO | NETHER_PORTAL | 2 | |
1116 | field_150429_aA | REDSTONE_TORCH | 2 | |
1117 | field_150430_aB | STONE_BUTTON | 2 | |
1118 | field_150432_aD | ICE | 2 | |
1119 | field_150433_aE | SNOW | 2 | |
1120 | field_150434_aF | CACTUS | 2 | |
1121 | field_150435_aG | CLAY | 2 | |
1122 | field_150438_bZ | HOPPER | 2 | |
1123 | field_150440_ba | MELON | 2 | |
1124 | field_150442_at | LEVER | 2 | |
1125 | field_150443_bT | HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE | 2 | |
1126 | field_150445_bS | LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE | 2 | |
1127 | field_150447_bR | TRAPPED_CHEST | 2 | |
1128 | field_150448_aq | RAIL | 2 | |
1129 | field_150450_ax | REDSTONE_ORE | 2 | |
1130 | field_150451_bX | REDSTONE_BLOCK | 2 | |
1131 | field_150453_bW | DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR | 2 | |
1132 | field_150454_av | IRON_DOOR | 2 | |
1133 | field_150456_au | STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE | 2 | |
1134 | field_150457_bL | FLOWER_POT | 2 | |
1135 | field_150458_ak | FARMLAND | 2 | |
1136 | field_150459_bM | CARROTS | 2 | |
1137 | field_150460_al | FURNACE | 2 | |
1138 | field_150461_bJ | BEACON | 2 | |
1139 | field_150462_ai | CRAFTING_TABLE | 2 | |
1140 | field_150463_bK | COBBLESTONE_WALL | 2 | |
1141 | field_150464_aj | WHEAT | 2 | |
1142 | field_150467_bQ | ANVIL | 2 | |
1143 | field_150468_ap | LADDER | 2 | |
1144 | field_150469_bN | POTATOES | 2 | |
1145 | field_150473_bD | TRIPWIRE | 2 | |
1146 | field_150474_ac | SPAWNER | 2 | |
1147 | field_150475_bE | EMERALD_BLOCK | 2 | |
1148 | field_150476_ad | OAK_STAIRS | 2 | |
1149 | field_150477_bB | ENDER_CHEST | 2 | |
1150 | field_150478_aa | TORCH | 2 | |
1151 | field_150479_bC | TRIPWIRE_HOOK | 2 | |
1152 | field_150480_ab | FIRE | 2 | |
1153 | field_150481_bH | JUNGLE_STAIRS | 2 | |
1154 | field_150482_ag | DIAMOND_ORE | 2 | |
1155 | field_150483_bI | COMMAND_BLOCK | 2 | |
1156 | field_150484_ah | DIAMOND_BLOCK | 2 | |
1157 | field_150485_bF | SPRUCE_STAIRS | 2 | |
1158 | field_150486_ae | CHEST | 2 | |
1159 | field_150487_bG | BIRCH_STAIRS | 2 | |
1160 | field_150488_af | REDSTONE_WIRE | 2 | |
1161 | field_150505_b | inputBuffer | 2 | |
1162 | field_150506_c | outputBuffer | 2 | |
1163 | field_150507_a | cipher | 2 | |
1164 | field_150509_a | decryptionCodec | 2 | |
1165 | field_150511_e | lastUpdateTimeInMilliseconds | 2 | The time, in milliseconds since epoch, that this instance was last updated |
1166 | field_150555_a | block | 2 | |
1167 | field_150574_L | JUNGLE_EDGE | 2 | |
1168 | field_150575_M | DEEP_OCEAN | 2 | |
1169 | field_150576_N | STONE_SHORE | 2 | |
1170 | field_150577_O | SNOWY_BEACH | 2 | |
1171 | field_150578_U | GIANT_TREE_TAIGA | 2 | |
1172 | field_150579_T | SNOWY_TAIGA_HILLS | 2 | |
1173 | field_150580_W | WOODED_MOUNTAINS | 2 | |
1174 | field_150581_V | GIANT_TREE_TAIGA_HILLS | 2 | |
1175 | field_150582_Q | BIRCH_FOREST_HILLS | 2 | |
1176 | field_150583_P | BIRCH_FOREST | 2 | |
1177 | field_150584_S | SNOWY_TAIGA | 2 | |
1178 | field_150585_R | DARK_FOREST | 2 | |
1179 | field_150586_aC | LOGGER | 2 | |
1180 | field_150587_Y | SAVANNA_PLATEAU | 2 | |
1181 | field_150588_X | SAVANNA | 2 | |
1182 | field_150589_Z | BADLANDS | 2 | |
1183 | field_150590_f | TAIGA_MOUNTAINS | 2 | |
1184 | field_150599_m | SWAMP_HILLS | 2 | |
1185 | field_150605_ac | TEMPERATURE_NOISE | 2 | |
1186 | field_150607_aa | WOODED_BADLANDS_PLATEAU | 2 | |
1187 | field_150608_ab | BADLANDS_PLATEAU | 2 | |
1188 | field_150670_b | value | 2 | |
1189 | field_150671_a | action | 2 | |
1190 | field_150676_f | allowedInChat | 2 | |
1191 | field_150677_g | canonicalName | 2 | The canonical name used to refer to this action. |
1192 | field_150679_e | NAME_MAPPING | 2 | |
1193 | field_150688_f | canonicalName | 2 | |
1194 | field_150690_d | NAME_MAPPING | 2 | |
1195 | field_150691_e | allowedInChat | 2 | |
1196 | field_150700_a | GSON | 2 | |
1197 | field_150703_b | value | 2 | |
1198 | field_150704_a | action | 2 | |
1199 | field_150735_g | LOGGER | 2 | |
1200 | field_150738_b | NETWORK_PACKETS_MARKER | 2 | |
1201 | field_150739_c | PROTOCOL_ATTRIBUTE_KEY | 2 | |
1202 | field_150740_a | NETWORK_MARKER | 2 | |
1203 | field_150742_o | terminationReason | 2 | A String indicating why the network has shutdown. |
1204 | field_150743_l | socketAddress | 2 | The address of the remote party |
1205 | field_150744_m | packetListener | 2 | The INetHandler instance responsible for processing received packets |
1206 | field_150745_j | outboundPacketsQueue | 2 | The queue for packets that require transmission |
1207 | field_150746_k | channel | 2 | The active channel |
1208 | field_150750_a | encryptionCodec | 2 | |
1209 | field_150761_f | STATES_BY_CLASS | 2 | |
1210 | field_150762_g | id | 2 | |
1211 | field_150764_e | STATES_BY_ID | 2 | |
1212 | field_150774_a | packet | 2 | |
1213 | field_150794_a | buf | 2 | |
1214 | field_150797_b | RECEIVED_PACKET_MARKER | 2 | |
1215 | field_150798_a | LOGGER | 2 | |
1216 | field_150799_b | RECEIVED_PACKET_MARKER | 2 | |
1217 | field_150800_a | LOGGER | 2 | |
1218 | field_150816_i | tileEntities | 2 | A Map of ChunkPositions to TileEntities in this chunk |
1219 | field_150817_t | LOGGER | 2 | |
1220 | field_150844_d | time | 2 | |
1221 | field_150861_f | bottomLeft | 2 | |
1222 | field_150862_g | height | 2 | |
1223 | field_150863_d | leftDir | 2 | |
1224 | field_150864_e | portalBlockCount | 2 | |
1225 | field_150865_b | axis | 2 | |
1226 | field_150866_c | rightDir | 2 | |
1227 | field_150867_a | world | 2 | |
1228 | field_150868_h | width | 2 | |
1229 | field_150875_a | statsData | 2 | |
1230 | field_150885_f | lastStatRequest | 2 | |
1231 | field_150887_d | statsFile | 2 | |
1232 | field_150888_e | dirty | 2 | |
1233 | field_150889_b | LOGGER | 2 | |
1234 | field_150890_c | server | 2 | |
1235 | field_150914_c | effectiveBlocks | 2 | Hardcoded set of blocks this tool can properly dig at full speed. Modders see instead. |
1236 | field_150915_c | EFFECTIVE_ON | 2 | |
1237 | field_150916_c | EFFECTIVE_ON | 2 | |
1238 | field_150917_c | EFFECTIVE_ON | 2 | |
1239 | field_150928_b | RECORDS | 2 | |
1240 | field_150934_a | attackDamage | 2 | |
1241 | field_150939_a | block | 2 | |
1242 | field_151002_e | item | 2 | |
1243 | field_151005_D | GOLDEN_PICKAXE | 2 | |
1244 | field_151006_E | GOLDEN_AXE | 2 | |
1245 | field_151007_F | STRING | 2 | |
1246 | field_151008_G | FEATHER | 2 | |
1247 | field_151009_A | MUSHROOM_STEW | 2 | |
1248 | field_151010_B | GOLDEN_SWORD | 2 | |
1249 | field_151011_C | GOLDEN_SHOVEL | 2 | |
1250 | field_151012_L | DIAMOND_HOE | 2 | |
1251 | field_151013_M | GOLDEN_HOE | 2 | |
1252 | field_151014_N | WHEAT_SEEDS | 2 | |
1253 | field_151015_O | WHEAT | 2 | |
1254 | field_151016_H | GUNPOWDER | 2 | |
1255 | field_151017_I | WOODEN_HOE | 2 | |
1256 | field_151018_J | STONE_HOE | 2 | |
1257 | field_151019_K | IRON_HOE | 2 | |
1258 | field_151020_U | CHAINMAIL_HELMET | 2 | |
1259 | field_151021_T | LEATHER_BOOTS | 2 | |
1260 | field_151022_W | CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS | 2 | |
1261 | field_151023_V | CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE | 2 | |
1262 | field_151024_Q | LEATHER_HELMET | 2 | |
1263 | field_151025_P | BREAD | 2 | |
1264 | field_151026_S | LEATHER_LEGGINGS | 2 | |
1265 | field_151027_R | LEATHER_CHESTPLATE | 2 | |
1266 | field_151028_Y | IRON_HELMET | 2 | |
1267 | field_151029_X | CHAINMAIL_BOOTS | 2 | |
1268 | field_151030_Z | IRON_CHESTPLATE | 2 | |
1269 | field_151031_f | BOW | 2 | |
1270 | field_151032_g | ARROW | 2 | |
1271 | field_151033_d | FLINT_AND_STEEL | 2 | |
1272 | field_151034_e | APPLE | 2 | |
1273 | field_151035_b | IRON_PICKAXE | 2 | |
1274 | field_151036_c | IRON_AXE | 2 | |
1275 | field_151037_a | IRON_SHOVEL | 2 | |
1276 | field_151038_n | WOODEN_SHOVEL | 2 | |
1277 | field_151039_o | WOODEN_PICKAXE | 2 | |
1278 | field_151040_l | IRON_SWORD | 2 | |
1279 | field_151041_m | WOODEN_SWORD | 2 | |
1280 | field_151042_j | IRON_INGOT | 2 | |
1281 | field_151043_k | GOLD_INGOT | 2 | |
1282 | field_151044_h | COAL | 2 | |
1283 | field_151045_i | DIAMOND | 2 | |
1284 | field_151046_w | DIAMOND_PICKAXE | 2 | |
1285 | field_151047_v | DIAMOND_SHOVEL | 2 | |
1286 | field_151048_u | DIAMOND_SWORD | 2 | |
1287 | field_151049_t | STONE_AXE | 2 | |
1288 | field_151050_s | STONE_PICKAXE | 2 | |
1289 | field_151051_r | STONE_SHOVEL | 2 | |
1290 | field_151052_q | STONE_SWORD | 2 | |
1291 | field_151053_p | WOODEN_AXE | 2 | |
1292 | field_151054_z | BOWL | 2 | |
1293 | field_151055_y | STICK | 2 | |
1294 | field_151056_x | DIAMOND_AXE | 2 | |
1295 | field_151057_cb | NAME_TAG | 2 | |
1296 | field_151058_ca | LEAD | 2 | |
1297 | field_151059_bz | FIRE_CHARGE | 2 | |
1298 | field_151060_bw | GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE | 2 | |
1299 | field_151061_bv | ENDER_EYE | 2 | |
1300 | field_151062_by | EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE | 2 | |
1301 | field_151064_bs | MAGMA_CREAM | 2 | |
1302 | field_151065_br | BLAZE_POWDER | 2 | |
1303 | field_151068_bn | POTION | 2 | |
1304 | field_151069_bo | GLASS_BOTTLE | 2 | |
1305 | field_151070_bp | SPIDER_EYE | 2 | |
1306 | field_151071_bq | FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE | 2 | |
1307 | field_151072_bj | BLAZE_ROD | 2 | |
1308 | field_151073_bk | GHAST_TEAR | 2 | |
1309 | field_151074_bl | GOLD_NUGGET | 2 | |
1310 | field_151075_bm | NETHER_WART | 2 | |
1311 | field_151076_bf | CHICKEN | 2 | |
1312 | field_151077_bg | COOKED_CHICKEN | 2 | |
1313 | field_151078_bh | ROTTEN_FLESH | 2 | |
1314 | field_151079_bi | ENDER_PEARL | 2 | |
1315 | field_151080_bb | PUMPKIN_SEEDS | 2 | |
1316 | field_151081_bc | MELON_SEEDS | 2 | |
1317 | field_151082_bd | BEEF | 2 | |
1318 | field_151083_be | COOKED_BEEF | 2 | |
1319 | field_151095_cc | COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART | 2 | |
1320 | field_151097_aZ | SHEARS | 2 | |
1321 | field_151098_aY | FILLED_MAP | 2 | |
1322 | field_151099_bA | WRITABLE_BOOK | 2 | |
1323 | field_151102_aT | SUGAR | 2 | |
1324 | field_151103_aS | BONE | 2 | |
1325 | field_151106_aX | COOKIE | 2 | |
1326 | field_151108_aI | CHEST_MINECART | 2 | |
1327 | field_151109_aJ | FURNACE_MINECART | 2 | |
1328 | field_151110_aK | EGG | 2 | |
1329 | field_151111_aL | COMPASS | 2 | |
1330 | field_151112_aM | FISHING_ROD | 2 | |
1331 | field_151113_aN | CLOCK | 2 | |
1332 | field_151114_aO | GLOWSTONE_DUST | 2 | |
1333 | field_151116_aA | LEATHER | 2 | |
1334 | field_151117_aB | MILK_BUCKET | 2 | |
1335 | field_151118_aC | BRICK | 2 | |
1336 | field_151119_aD | CLAY_BALL | 2 | |
1337 | field_151121_aF | PAPER | 2 | |
1338 | field_151122_aG | BOOK | 2 | |
1339 | field_151123_aH | SLIME_BALL | 2 | |
1340 | field_151124_az | OAK_BOAT | 2 | |
1341 | field_151125_bZ | DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR | 2 | |
1342 | field_151126_ay | SNOWBALL | 2 | |
1343 | field_151127_ba | MELON_SLICE | 2 | |
1344 | field_151128_bU | QUARTZ | 2 | |
1345 | field_151129_at | LAVA_BUCKET | 2 | |
1346 | field_151131_as | WATER_BUCKET | 2 | |
1347 | field_151133_ar | BUCKET | 2 | |
1348 | field_151134_bR | ENCHANTED_BOOK | 2 | |
1349 | field_151136_bY | GOLDEN_HORSE_ARMOR | 2 | |
1350 | field_151137_ax | REDSTONE | 2 | |
1351 | field_151138_bX | IRON_HORSE_ARMOR | 2 | |
1352 | field_151140_bW | HOPPER_MINECART | 2 | |
1353 | field_151141_av | SADDLE | 2 | |
1354 | field_151142_bV | TNT_MINECART | 2 | |
1355 | field_151143_au | MINECART | 2 | |
1356 | field_151145_ak | FLINT | 2 | |
1357 | field_151146_bM | CARROT_ON_A_STICK | 2 | |
1358 | field_151147_al | PORKCHOP | 2 | |
1359 | field_151148_bJ | MAP | 2 | |
1360 | field_151149_ai | GOLDEN_LEGGINGS | 2 | |
1361 | field_151150_bK | GOLDEN_CARROT | 2 | |
1362 | field_151151_aj | GOLDEN_BOOTS | 2 | |
1363 | field_151153_ao | GOLDEN_APPLE | 2 | |
1364 | field_151156_bN | NETHER_STAR | 2 | |
1365 | field_151157_am | COOKED_PORKCHOP | 2 | |
1366 | field_151158_bO | PUMPKIN_PIE | 2 | |
1367 | field_151159_an | PAINTING | 2 | |
1368 | field_151160_bD | ITEM_FRAME | 2 | |
1369 | field_151161_ac | DIAMOND_HELMET | 2 | |
1370 | field_151163_ad | DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE | 2 | |
1371 | field_151164_bB | WRITTEN_BOOK | 2 | |
1372 | field_151165_aa | IRON_LEGGINGS | 2 | |
1373 | field_151166_bC | EMERALD | 2 | |
1374 | field_151167_ab | IRON_BOOTS | 2 | |
1375 | field_151168_bH | BAKED_POTATO | 2 | |
1376 | field_151169_ag | GOLDEN_HELMET | 2 | |
1377 | field_151170_bI | POISONOUS_POTATO | 2 | |
1378 | field_151171_ah | GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE | 2 | |
1379 | field_151172_bF | CARROT | 2 | |
1380 | field_151173_ae | DIAMOND_LEGGINGS | 2 | |
1381 | field_151174_bG | POTATO | 2 | |
1382 | field_151175_af | DIAMOND_BOOTS | 2 | |
1383 | field_151186_x | ANIMALS_BRED | 2 | |
1384 | field_151227_b | LOGGER | 2 | |
1385 | field_151234_b | LOGGER | 2 | |
1386 | field_151242_b | MULTIPLY_DE_BRUIJN_BIT_POSITION | 2 | Though it looks like an array, this is really more like a mapping. Key (index of this array) is the upper 5 bits of the result of multiplying a 32-bit unsigned integer by the B(2, 5) De Bruijn sequence 0x077CB531. Value (value stored in the array) is the unique index (from the right) of the leftmo |
1387 | field_151245_t | icon | 2 | |
1388 | field_151257_b | networkSystem | 2 | |
1389 | field_151258_a | LOGGER | 2 | |
1390 | field_151272_f | networkManagers | 2 | A list containing all NetworkManager instances of all endpoints |
1391 | field_151273_d | server | 2 | Reference to the MinecraftServer object. |
1392 | field_151274_e | endpoints | 2 | Contains all endpoints added to this NetworkSystem |
1393 | field_151275_b | LOGGER | 2 | |
1394 | field_151276_c | SERVER_NIO_EVENTLOOP | 2 | |
1395 | field_151277_a | isAlive | 2 | True if this NetworkSystem has never had his endpoints terminated |
1396 | field_151305_b | protocol | 2 | |
1397 | field_151306_a | name | 2 | |
1398 | field_151323_d | favicon | 2 | |
1399 | field_151324_b | players | 2 | |
1400 | field_151325_c | version | 2 | |
1401 | field_151326_a | description | 2 | |
1402 | field_151334_b | onlinePlayerCount | 2 | |
1403 | field_151335_c | players | 2 | |
1404 | field_151336_a | maxPlayers | 2 | |
1405 | field_151343_f | eventParameter | 2 | |
1406 | field_151344_d | blockType | 2 | |
1407 | field_151345_e | eventID | 2 | Different for each blockID |
1408 | field_151352_g | target | 2 | |
1409 | field_151355_a | alreadyRegistered | 2 | Whether the blocks, items, etc have already been registered |
1410 | field_151360_e | AMPLIFIED | 2 | amplified world type |
1411 | field_151361_l | hasInfoNotice | 2 | |
1412 | field_151369_A | LURE | 2 | |
1413 | field_151370_z | LUCK_OF_THE_SEA | 2 | |
1414 | field_151375_b | jsonKeys | 0 | |
1415 | field_151376_a | filename | 0 | |
1416 | field_151382_b | message | 0 | |
1417 | field_151383_a | entries | 0 | |
1418 | field_151411_d | modifiers | 2 | |
1419 | field_151412_b | name | 2 | |
1420 | field_151413_c | baseValue | 2 | |
1421 | field_151442_I | mipmapLevels | 0 | |
1422 | field_151444_V | keyBindSprint | 0 | |
1423 | field_151445_Q | keyBindInventory | 0 | |
1424 | field_151447_Z | keyBindScreenshot | 0 | |
1425 | field_151449_az | TYPE_LIST_STRING | 0 | |
1426 | field_151450_ay | GSON | 0 | |
1427 | field_151451_c | renderDistanceChunks | 0 | |
1428 | field_151453_l | resourcePacks | 0 | |
1429 | field_151454_ax | LOGGER | 0 | |
1430 | field_151456_ac | keyBindsHotbar | 0 | |
1431 | field_151457_aa | keyBindTogglePerspective | 0 | |
1432 | field_151458_ab | keyBindSmoothCamera | 0 | |
1433 | field_151471_f | keyCategory | 0 | |
1434 | field_151472_e | keyCodeDefault | 0 | |
1435 | field_151473_c | KEYBIND_SET | 0 | |
1436 | field_151474_i | pressTime | 0 | |
1437 | field_151476_f | LOGGER | 2 | |
1438 | field_151480_b | LOGGER | 2 | |
1439 | field_151481_a | LOGGER | 2 | |
1440 | field_151484_k | temptItem | 2 | |
1441 | field_151495_j | targetY | 2 | |
1442 | field_151496_k | targetZ | 2 | |
1443 | field_151497_i | targetX | 2 | |
1444 | field_151500_b | grassEaterEntity | 2 | The entity owner of this AITask |
1445 | field_151501_c | entityWorld | 2 | The world the grass eater entity is eating from |
1446 | field_151502_a | eatingGrassTimer | 2 | Number of ticks since the entity started to eat grass |
1447 | field_151506_a | LOGGER | 2 | |
1448 | field_151520_r | damageIsAbsolute | 2 | Whether or not the damage ignores modification by potion effects or enchantments. |
1449 | field_151527_f | id | 2 | |
1450 | field_151528_g | translationKey | 2 | |
1451 | field_151530_e | ID_MAPPING | 2 | |
1452 | field_151562_a | blockstate | 2 | |
1453 | field_151563_j | tileTicks | 2 | |
1454 | field_151564_i | tileEntities | 2 | |
1455 | field_151566_D | DRAGON_EGG | 2 | |
1456 | field_151567_E | PORTAL | 2 | |
1457 | field_151568_F | CAKE | 2 | |
1458 | field_151569_G | WEB | 2 | |
1459 | field_151570_A | CACTUS | 2 | |
1460 | field_151571_B | CLAY | 2 | |
1461 | field_151572_C | GOURD | 2 | |
1462 | field_151573_f | IRON | 2 | |
1463 | field_151574_g | ANVIL | 2 | |
1464 | field_151575_d | WOOD | 2 | |
1465 | field_151576_e | ROCK | 2 | |
1466 | field_151577_b | ORGANIC | 2 | |
1467 | field_151578_c | EARTH | 2 | |
1468 | field_151579_a | AIR | 2 | |
1469 | field_151580_n | WOOL | 2 | |
1470 | field_151581_o | FIRE | 2 | |
1471 | field_151582_l | TALL_PLANTS | 2 | |
1472 | field_151583_m | SPONGE | 2 | |
1473 | field_151584_j | LEAVES | 2 | |
1474 | field_151585_k | PLANTS | 2 | |
1475 | field_151586_h | WATER | 2 | |
1476 | field_151587_i | LAVA | 2 | |
1477 | field_151588_w | ICE | 2 | |
1478 | field_151589_v | CORAL | 2 | |
1479 | field_151590_u | TNT | 2 | |
1480 | field_151591_t | REDSTONE_LIGHT | 2 | |
1481 | field_151592_s | GLASS | 2 | |
1482 | field_151593_r | CARPET | 2 | |
1483 | field_151594_q | MISCELLANEOUS | 2 | |
1484 | field_151595_p | SAND | 2 | |
1485 | field_151596_z | SNOW_BLOCK | 2 | The material for crafted snow. |
1486 | field_151597_y | SNOW | 2 | |
1487 | field_151598_x | PACKED_ICE | 2 | |
1488 | field_151603_a | noiseLevels | 2 | |
1489 | field_151608_f | p | 2 | |
1490 | field_151609_g | F2 | 2 | |
1491 | field_151610_d | zo | 2 | |
1492 | field_151612_b | xo | 2 | |
1493 | field_151613_c | yo | 2 | |
1494 | field_151614_a | SQRT_3 | 2 | |
1495 | field_151615_h | G2 | 2 | |
1496 | field_151623_c | warmBiomes | 2 | |
1497 | field_151629_c | LOGGER | 2 | |
1498 | field_151645_D | RED | 2 | |
1499 | field_151646_E | BLACK | 2 | |
1500 | field_151647_F | GOLD | 2 | |
1501 | field_151648_G | DIAMOND | 2 | |
1502 | field_151649_A | BLUE | 2 | |
1503 | field_151650_B | BROWN | 2 | |
1504 | field_151651_C | GREEN | 2 | |
1505 | field_151652_H | LAPIS | 2 | |
1506 | field_151653_I | EMERALD | 2 | |
1507 | field_151654_J | OBSIDIAN | 2 | |
1508 | field_151655_K | NETHERRACK | 2 | |
1509 | field_151656_f | TNT | 2 | |
1510 | field_151657_g | ICE | 2 | |
1511 | field_151658_d | SAND | 2 | |
1512 | field_151659_e | WOOL | 2 | |
1513 | field_151660_b | AIR | 2 | |
1514 | field_151661_c | GRASS | 2 | |
1515 | field_151662_n | WATER | 2 | |
1516 | field_151663_o | WOOD | 2 | |
1517 | field_151664_l | DIRT | 2 | |
1518 | field_151665_m | STONE | 2 | |
1519 | field_151666_j | SNOW | 2 | |
1520 | field_151667_k | CLAY | 2 | |
1521 | field_151668_h | IRON | 2 | |
1522 | field_151669_i | FOLIAGE | 2 | |
1523 | field_151670_w | GRAY | 2 | |
1524 | field_151671_v | PINK | 2 | |
1525 | field_151672_u | LIME | 2 | |
1526 | field_151673_t | YELLOW | 2 | |
1527 | field_151674_s | LIGHT_BLUE | 2 | |
1528 | field_151675_r | MAGENTA | 2 | |
1529 | field_151676_q | ADOBE | 2 | |
1530 | field_151677_p | QUARTZ | 2 | |
1531 | field_151678_z | PURPLE | 2 | |
1532 | field_151679_y | CYAN | 2 | |
1533 | field_151687_a | LOGGER | 2 | |
1534 | field_152110_j | playerProfile | 2 | |
1535 | field_152118_bv | chickenJockey | 2 | |
1536 | field_152176_i | buttonResourcePack | 0 | |
1537 | field_152177_g | time | 0 | |
1538 | field_152350_aA | skinManager | 0 | |
1539 | field_152352_aC | thread | 0 | |
1540 | field_152355_az | sessionService | 0 | |
1541 | field_152364_T | authService | 2 | |
1542 | field_152365_W | profileRepo | 2 | |
1543 | field_152366_X | profileCache | 2 | |
1544 | field_152367_a | USER_CACHE_FILE | 2 | |
1545 | field_152395_am | keyBindFullscreen | 0 | |
1546 | field_152425_c | SESSION_TYPES | 0 | |
1547 | field_152426_d | sessionType | 0 | |
1548 | field_152429_d | sessionType | 0 | |
1549 | field_152434_e | cacheFile | 0 | |
1550 | field_152451_a | INFINITE | 2 | |
1551 | field_152452_b | max | 2 | |
1552 | field_152453_c | read | 2 | |
1553 | field_152463_r | isEncrypted | 2 | |
1554 | field_152499_c | direction | 2 | |
1555 | field_152500_c | direction | 2 | |
1556 | field_152587_j | resourceMode | 0 | |
1557 | field_152594_d | motd | 0 | |
1558 | field_152613_a | FILE_PLAYERBANS | 2 | |
1559 | field_152614_b | FILE_IPBANS | 2 | |
1560 | field_152615_c | FILE_OPS | 2 | |
1561 | field_152616_d | FILE_WHITELIST | 2 | |
1562 | field_152642_a | value | 2 | |
1563 | field_152645_a | permissionLevel | 2 | |
1564 | field_152659_a | DATE_FORMAT | 2 | |
1565 | field_152660_b | gson | 2 | |
1566 | field_152661_c | usernameToProfileEntryMap | 2 | A map between player usernames and |
1567 | field_152662_d | uuidToProfileEntryMap | 2 | A map between and |
1568 | field_152663_e | gameProfiles | 2 | A list of all the cached |
1569 | field_152665_g | usercacheFile | 2 | |
1570 | field_152666_h | TYPE | 2 | |
1571 | field_152672_b | gameProfile | 2 | The player's GameProfile |
1572 | field_152673_c | expirationDate | 2 | The date that this entry will expire |
1573 | field_152693_a | LOGGER | 2 | |
1574 | field_152694_b | gson | 2 | |
1575 | field_152695_c | saveFile | 2 | |
1576 | field_152696_d | values | 2 | |
1577 | field_152697_e | lanServer | 2 | |
1578 | field_152698_f | USER_LIST_ENTRY_TYPE | 2 | |
1579 | field_152728_a | OLD_IPBAN_FILE | 2 | |
1580 | field_152729_b | OLD_PLAYERBAN_FILE | 2 | |
1581 | field_152730_c | OLD_OPS_FILE | 2 | |
1582 | field_152731_d | OLD_WHITELIST_FILE | 2 | |
1583 | field_152732_e | LOGGER | 2 | |
1584 | field_152773_a | snooperStats | 2 | The snooper Map of stats |
1585 | field_152774_b | clientStats | 2 | The client Map of stats |
1586 | field_152775_d | combatStartTime | 2 | |
1587 | field_152776_e | combatEndTime | 2 | |
1588 | field_152783_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
1589 | field_152785_b | IS_STANDALONE | 2 | Selects only entities which are neither ridden by anything nor ride on anything |
1590 | field_152795_c | textureManager | 0 | |
1591 | field_152796_d | skinCacheDir | 0 | |
1592 | field_152797_e | sessionService | 0 | |
1593 | field_152798_f | skinCacheLoader | 0 | |
1594 | field_154349_a | LOG | 2 | |
1595 | field_154350_b | eulaFile | 2 | |
1596 | field_154351_c | acceptedEULA | 2 | |
1597 | field_155771_h | LOGGER | 2 | |
1598 | field_164003_c | threadName | 2 | |
1599 | field_164004_h | THREAD_ID | 2 | |
1600 | field_164005_h | LOGGER | 2 | |
1601 | field_164248_b | LOGGER | 2 | |
1602 | field_164249_a | SERVER_GUI_FONT | 2 | |
1603 | field_164439_d | LOGGER | 2 | |
1604 | field_164440_a | LOGGER | 2 | |
1605 | field_174836_a | ZERO_AABB | 2 | |
1606 | field_174840_a | item | 0 | |
1607 | field_174842_aB | renderManager | 0 | |
1608 | field_174843_ax | target | 0 | |
1609 | field_174847_a | sourceState | 0 | |
1610 | field_174848_a | RANDOM | 0 | |
1611 | field_174849_az | particleTypes | 0 | |
1612 | field_174850_ay | lifetime | 0 | |
1613 | field_174851_a | attachedEntity | 0 | |
1614 | field_174852_ax | age | 0 | |
1615 | field_174854_a | inGround | 2 | |
1616 | field_174860_b | facingDirection | 2 | The direction the entity is facing |
1617 | field_174861_a | hangingPosition | 2 | |
1618 | field_174879_c | pos | 2 | |
1619 | field_174900_c | lastPosition | 2 | |
1620 | field_174901_a | code | 2 | |
1621 | field_174909_f | beamSegments | 2 | A list of beam segments for this beacon |
1622 | field_174913_f | RNG | 2 | |
1623 | field_174924_c | height | 2 | |
1624 | field_174931_f | pistonFacing | 2 | |
1625 | field_174934_k | guardian | 0 | |
1626 | field_174940_b | blur | 0 | |
1627 | field_174941_c | mipmap | 0 | |
1628 | field_174955_d | defaultModel | 0 | |
1629 | field_174957_c | modelProvider | 0 | |
1630 | field_174958_a | modelRegistry | 0 | |
1631 | field_174987_D | frustumUpdatePosZ | 0 | |
1632 | field_174988_E | frustumUpdatePosChunkX | 0 | |
1633 | field_174989_F | frustumUpdatePosChunkY | 0 | |
1634 | field_174990_G | frustumUpdatePosChunkZ | 0 | |
1635 | field_174991_A | entityOutlineShader | 0 | Stores the shader group for the entity_outline shader |
1636 | field_174992_B | frustumUpdatePosX | 0 | |
1637 | field_174993_C | frustumUpdatePosY | 0 | |
1638 | field_174994_L | lastViewEntityYaw | 0 | |
1639 | field_174995_M | renderDispatcher | 0 | |
1640 | field_174997_H | lastViewEntityX | 0 | |
1641 | field_174998_I | lastViewEntityY | 0 | |
1642 | field_174999_J | lastViewEntityZ | 0 | |
1643 | field_175000_K | lastViewEntityPitch | 0 | |
1644 | field_175001_U | debugFixedClippingHelper | 0 | |
1645 | field_175002_T | debugFixTerrainFrustum | 0 | |
1646 | field_175003_W | debugTerrainFrustumPosition | 0 | |
1647 | field_175004_V | debugTerrainMatrix | 0 | |
1648 | field_175006_g | FORCEFIELD_TEXTURES | 0 | |
1649 | field_175008_n | viewFrustum | 0 | |
1650 | field_175009_l | chunksToUpdate | 0 | |
1651 | field_175010_j | renderManager | 0 | |
1652 | field_175011_u | sky2VBO | 0 | |
1653 | field_175012_t | skyVBO | 0 | |
1654 | field_175013_s | starVBO | 0 | |
1655 | field_175014_r | skyVertexFormat | 0 | |
1656 | field_175015_z | entityOutlineFramebuffer | 0 | |
1657 | field_175025_e | fluidRenderer | 0 | |
1658 | field_175027_c | blockModelRenderer | 0 | |
1659 | field_175028_a | blockModelShapes | 0 | |
1660 | field_175057_n | textureManager | 0 | |
1661 | field_175059_m | itemModelMesher | 0 | |
1662 | field_175073_D | drawBlockOutline | 0 | |
1663 | field_175074_C | renderHand | 0 | |
1664 | field_175078_W | debugView | 0 | |
1665 | field_175083_ad | useShader | 0 | |
1666 | field_175091_e | gameProfile | 0 | |
1667 | field_175092_e | pingSentAt | 0 | |
1668 | field_175107_d | profile | 0 | |
1669 | field_175118_f | patterns | 2 | A list of all the banner patterns. |
1670 | field_175119_g | patternDataSet | 2 | |
1671 | field_175120_a | baseColor | 2 | |
1672 | field_175121_j | patternResourceLocation | 2 | |
1673 | field_175122_h | patternList | 2 | A list of all patterns stored on this banner. |
1674 | field_175123_i | colorList | 2 | |
1675 | field_175132_d | fallTile | 2 | |
1676 | field_175152_f | xpSeed | 2 | |
1677 | field_175153_bG | hasReducedDebug | 0 | |
1678 | field_175157_a | playerInfo | 0 | |
1679 | field_175164_bL | lastReportedYaw | 0 | The last yaw value which was transmitted to the server, used to determine when the yaw changes and needs to be re-transmitted |
1680 | field_175165_bM | lastReportedPitch | 0 | The last pitch value which was transmitted to the server, used to determine when the pitch changes and needs to be re-transmitted |
1681 | field_175166_bJ | lastReportedPosY | 0 | The last Y position which was transmitted to the server, used to determine when the Y position changes and needs to be re-transmitted |
1682 | field_175167_bK | lastReportedPosZ | 0 | The last Z position which was transmitted to the server, used to determine when the Z position changes and needs to be re-transmitted |
1683 | field_175168_bP | positionUpdateTicks | 0 | Reset to 0 every time position is sent to the server, used to send periodic updates every 20 ticks even when the player is not moving. |
1684 | field_175169_bQ | hasValidHealth | 0 | |
1685 | field_175171_bO | serverSprintState | 0 | the last sprinting state sent to the server |
1686 | field_175172_bI | lastReportedPosX | 0 | The last X position which was transmitted to the server, used to determine when the X position changes and needs to be re-trasmitted |
1687 | field_175189_D | lastPlayerHealth | 0 | |
1688 | field_175190_E | lastSystemTime | 0 | The last recorded system time |
1689 | field_175191_F | healthUpdateCounter | 0 | Used with updateCounter to make the heart bar flash |
1690 | field_175192_A | titleDisplayTime | 0 | The time that the title is display |
1691 | field_175193_B | titleFadeOut | 0 | The time that the title take to fade out |
1692 | field_175194_C | playerHealth | 0 | |
1693 | field_175195_w | titlesTimer | 0 | A timer for the current title and subtitle displayed |
1694 | field_175196_v | overlayPlayerList | 0 | |
1695 | field_175197_u | spectatorGui | 0 | The spectator GUI for this in-game GUI instance |
1696 | field_175198_t | overlayDebug | 0 | |
1697 | field_175199_z | titleFadeIn | 0 | The time that the title take to fade in |
1698 | field_175200_y | displayedSubTitle | 0 | The current sub-title displayed |
1699 | field_175201_x | displayedTitle | 0 | The current title displayed |
1700 | field_175209_y | validator | 0 | Called to check if the text is valid |
1701 | field_175210_x | guiResponder | 0 | |
1702 | field_175231_o | locked | 0 | |
1703 | field_175241_f | fontRenderer | 0 | |
1704 | field_175242_a | mc | 0 | |
1705 | field_175250_f | mc | 0 | |
1706 | field_175251_g | guiIngame | 0 | |
1707 | field_175252_a | ENTRY_ORDERING | 0 | |
1708 | field_175253_j | lastTimeOpened | 0 | The last time the playerlist was opened (went from not being renderd, to being rendered) |
1709 | field_175254_k | visible | 0 | Weither or not the playerlist is currently being rendered |
1710 | field_175255_h | footer | 0 | |
1711 | field_175256_i | header | 0 | |
1712 | field_175267_f | WIDGETS | 0 | |
1713 | field_175268_g | mc | 0 | |
1714 | field_175269_a | SPECTATOR_WIDGETS | 0 | |
1715 | field_175270_h | lastSelectionTime | 0 | |
1716 | field_175271_i | menu | 0 | |
1717 | field_175289_s | changed | 0 | |
1718 | field_175298_s | listLines | 0 | |
1719 | field_175353_i | textHeight | 0 | |
1720 | field_175356_r | lockButton | 0 | |
1721 | field_175357_i | difficultyButton | 0 | |
1722 | field_175401_bS | spectatingEntity | 2 | The entity the player is currently spectating through. |
1723 | field_175429_f | DEFAULT_RIGHTLEG_ROTATION | 2 | |
1724 | field_175431_d | DEFAULT_RIGHTARM_ROTATION | 2 | |
1725 | field_175432_e | DEFAULT_LEFTLEG_ROTATION | 2 | |
1726 | field_175433_b | DEFAULT_BODY_ROTATION | 2 | |
1727 | field_175434_c | DEFAULT_LEFTARM_ROTATION | 2 | |
1728 | field_175435_a | DEFAULT_HEAD_ROTATION | 2 | |
1729 | field_175436_h | canInteract | 2 | |
1730 | field_175437_i | punchCooldown | 2 | After punching the stand, the cooldown before you can punch it again without breaking it. |
1731 | field_175438_bj | leftArmRotation | 2 | |
1732 | field_175439_bk | rightArmRotation | 2 | |
1733 | field_175440_bl | leftLegRotation | 2 | |
1734 | field_175441_bm | rightLegRotation | 2 | |
1735 | field_175442_bg | disabledSlots | 2 | |
1736 | field_175443_bh | headRotation | 2 | |
1737 | field_175444_bi | bodyRotation | 2 | |
1738 | field_175452_bi | wasOnGround | 2 | |
1739 | field_175459_bn | angerTargetUUID | 2 | |
1740 | field_175460_b | summonSilverfish | 2 | |
1741 | field_175478_bn | targetedEntity | 2 | |
1742 | field_175479_bo | clientSideAttackTime | 2 | |
1743 | field_175480_bp | clientSideTouchedGround | 2 | |
1744 | field_175481_bq | wander | 2 | |
1745 | field_175482_b | clientSideTailAnimation | 2 | |
1746 | field_175483_bk | clientSideTailAnimationSpeed | 2 | |
1747 | field_175484_c | clientSideTailAnimationO | 2 | |
1748 | field_175485_bl | clientSideSpikesAnimation | 2 | |
1749 | field_175486_bm | clientSideSpikesAnimationO | 2 | |
1750 | field_175494_bm | droppedSkulls | 2 | |
1751 | field_175497_b | lifetime | 2 | |
1752 | field_175498_c | playerSpawned | 2 | |
1753 | field_175502_b | forcedAge | 2 | |
1754 | field_175503_c | forcedAgeTimer | 2 | |
1755 | field_175504_a | growingAge | 2 | |
1756 | field_175514_bm | DYE_TO_RGB | 2 | Map from EnumDyeColor to RGB values for passage to GlStateManager.color() |
1757 | field_175535_bn | jumpDuration | 2 | |
1758 | field_175537_bp | wasOnGround | 2 | |
1759 | field_175538_bq | currentMoveTypeDuration | 2 | |
1760 | field_175540_bm | jumpTicks | 2 | |
1761 | field_175541_bs | carrotTicks | 2 | |
1762 | field_175588_P | resourcePackHash | 2 | |
1763 | field_175590_aa | serverThread | 2 | |
1764 | field_175612_E | renderChunksMany | 0 | |
1765 | field_175616_W | renderManager | 0 | |
1766 | field_175617_aL | modelManager | 0 | |
1767 | field_175618_aM | blockRenderDispatcher | 0 | The BlockRenderDispatcher instance that will be used based off gamesettings |
1768 | field_175620_Y | firstPersonRenderer | 0 | |
1769 | field_175621_X | itemRenderer | 0 | |
1770 | field_175622_Z | renderViewEntity | 0 | |
1771 | field_175728_M | worldBorder | 2 | |
1772 | field_175730_i | tickableTileEntities | 2 | |
1773 | field_175741_N | entitiesByUuid | 2 | |
1774 | field_175747_C | colorIndex | 2 | The numerical index that represents this color |
1775 | field_175748_y | name | 2 | The name of this color/formatting |
1776 | field_175790_d | wasCreated | 2 | |
1777 | field_175803_h | MONUMENT_ENEMIES | 2 | |
1778 | field_175822_f | WATER | 2 | |
1779 | field_175823_g | GRIDROOM_SOURCE_INDEX | 2 | |
1780 | field_175824_d | DOT_DECO_DATA | 2 | |
1781 | field_175825_e | SEA_LANTERN | 2 | |
1782 | field_175826_b | BRICKS_PRISMARINE | 2 | |
1783 | field_175827_c | DARK_PRISMARINE | 2 | |
1784 | field_175828_a | ROUGH_PRISMARINE | 2 | |
1785 | field_175829_j | GRIDROOM_RIGHTWING_CONNECT_INDEX | 2 | |
1786 | field_175830_k | roomDefinition | 2 | |
1787 | field_175831_h | GRIDROOM_TOP_CONNECT_INDEX | 2 | |
1788 | field_175832_i | GRIDROOM_LEFTWING_CONNECT_INDEX | 2 | |
1789 | field_175833_o | mainDesign | 2 | |
1790 | field_175834_o | mainDesign | 2 | |
1791 | field_175843_q | childPieces | 2 | |
1792 | field_175844_p | coreRoom | 2 | |
1793 | field_175845_o | sourceRoom | 2 | |
1794 | field_175901_b | layerMaterial | 2 | |
1795 | field_175910_d | water | 2 | |
1796 | field_175911_b | sandSlab | 2 | |
1797 | field_175912_c | sandstone | 2 | |
1798 | field_175913_a | IS_SAND | 2 | |
1799 | field_175916_b | SPAWNERTYPES | 2 | |
1800 | field_175918_a | LOGGER | 2 | |
1801 | field_175962_f | scanIndex | 2 | |
1802 | field_175963_d | claimed | 2 | |
1803 | field_175964_e | isSource | 2 | |
1804 | field_175965_b | connections | 2 | |
1805 | field_175966_c | hasOpening | 2 | |
1806 | field_175967_a | index | 2 | |
1807 | field_175972_I | BARRIER | 2 | |
1808 | field_176103_f | minY | 2 | The lowest dirty z value |
1809 | field_176104_g | maxX | 2 | The highest dirty x value |
1810 | field_176105_d | isDirty | 2 | |
1811 | field_176106_e | minX | 2 | The lowest dirty x value |
1812 | field_176108_h | maxY | 2 | The highest dirty z value |
1813 | field_176109_i | tick | 2 | |
1814 | field_176114_d | rotation | 2 | |
1815 | field_176115_b | x | 2 | |
1816 | field_176116_c | y | 2 | |
1817 | field_176146_D | borderSize | 2 | |
1818 | field_176147_E | borderSizeLerpTime | 2 | |
1819 | field_176148_F | borderSizeLerpTarget | 2 | |
1820 | field_176149_G | borderSafeZone | 2 | |
1821 | field_176150_A | difficultyLocked | 2 | |
1822 | field_176151_B | borderCenterX | 2 | |
1823 | field_176152_C | borderCenterZ | 2 | |
1824 | field_176153_H | borderDamagePerBlock | 2 | |
1825 | field_176154_I | borderWarningBlocks | 2 | |
1826 | field_176155_J | borderWarningTime | 2 | |
1827 | field_176156_a | DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY | 2 | |
1828 | field_176157_p | clearWeatherTime | 2 | |
1829 | field_176158_z | difficulty | 2 | |
1830 | field_176165_d | entitySizeY | 2 | |
1831 | field_176166_e | entitySizeZ | 2 | |
1832 | field_176167_b | pointMap | 2 | |
1833 | field_176168_c | entitySizeX | 2 | |
1834 | field_176169_a | blockaccess | 2 | |
1835 | field_176180_f | canEnterDoors | 2 | |
1836 | field_176181_g | canOpenDoors | 2 | |
1837 | field_176183_h | avoidsWater | 2 | |
1838 | field_176184_i | canSwim | 2 | |
1839 | field_176190_c | nodeProcessor | 2 | |
1840 | field_176227_L | stateContainer | 2 | |
1841 | field_176229_d | BLOCK_STATE_IDS | 2 | |
1842 | field_176256_a | UP | 2 | |
1843 | field_176263_b | POWERED | 2 | |
1844 | field_176264_a | FACING | 2 | |
1845 | field_176265_M | ATTACHED | 2 | |
1846 | field_176273_b | NORTH | 2 | |
1847 | field_176277_a | UP | 2 | |
1848 | field_176278_M | EAST | 2 | |
1849 | field_176279_N | SOUTH | 2 | |
1850 | field_176280_O | WEST | 2 | |
1851 | field_176283_b | OPEN | 2 | |
1852 | field_176285_M | HALF | 2 | |
1853 | field_176289_Q | SOUTH | 2 | |
1854 | field_176291_P | EAST | 2 | |
1855 | field_176292_R | WEST | 2 | |
1856 | field_176293_a | POWERED | 2 | |
1857 | field_176294_M | ATTACHED | 2 | |
1858 | field_176295_N | DISARMED | 2 | |
1859 | field_176296_O | NORTH | 2 | |
1860 | field_176298_M | AXIS | 2 | |
1861 | field_176308_b | HALF | 2 | |
1862 | field_176309_a | FACING | 2 | |
1863 | field_176310_M | SHAPE | 2 | |
1864 | field_176315_a | LAYERS | 2 | |
1865 | field_176320_b | EXTENDED | 2 | |
1866 | field_176325_b | TYPE | 2 | |
1867 | field_176327_M | SHORT | 2 | |
1868 | field_176347_b | EAST | 2 | |
1869 | field_176348_a | NORTH | 2 | |
1870 | field_176349_M | SOUTH | 2 | |
1871 | field_176350_N | WEST | 2 | |
1872 | field_176351_O | POWER | 2 | |
1873 | field_176355_a | AGE | 2 | |
1874 | field_176359_b | POWERED | 2 | |
1875 | field_176367_b | LEVEL | 2 | |
1876 | field_176382_a | FACING | 2 | |
1877 | field_176387_N | FACING | 2 | |
1878 | field_176410_b | DELAY | 2 | |
1879 | field_176411_a | LOCKED | 2 | |
1880 | field_176412_a | FACING | 2 | |
1881 | field_176413_a | ROTATION | 2 | |
1882 | field_176429_b | ENABLED | 2 | |
1883 | field_176430_a | FACING | 2 | |
1884 | field_176432_a | HAS_RECORD | 2 | |
1885 | field_176436_a | POWER | 2 | |
1886 | field_176437_a | FACING | 2 | |
1887 | field_176440_b | TRIGGERED | 2 | |
1888 | field_176441_a | FACING | 2 | |
1889 | field_176448_b | ROTATION | 2 | |
1890 | field_176451_a | HAS_BOTTLE | 2 | |
1891 | field_176459_a | FACING | 2 | |
1892 | field_176463_b | MODE | 2 | |
1893 | field_176465_b | POWERED | 2 | |
1894 | field_176466_a | OPEN | 2 | |
1895 | field_176467_M | IN_WALL | 2 | |
1896 | field_176471_b | OCCUPIED | 2 | |
1897 | field_176472_a | PART | 2 | |
1898 | field_176479_b | STAGE | 2 | |
1899 | field_176484_a | AGE | 2 | |
1900 | field_176486_a | AGE | 2 | |
1901 | field_176488_a | AGE | 2 | |
1902 | field_176492_b | HALF | 2 | |
1903 | field_176501_a | AGE | 2 | |
1904 | field_176506_a | FACING | 2 | |
1905 | field_176507_b | EYE | 2 | |
1906 | field_176508_a | FACING | 2 | |
1907 | field_176519_b | OPEN | 2 | |
1908 | field_176520_a | FACING | 2 | |
1909 | field_176521_M | HINGE | 2 | |
1910 | field_176522_N | POWERED | 2 | |
1911 | field_176523_O | HALF | 2 | |
1912 | field_176531_a | MOISTURE | 2 | |
1913 | field_176539_Q | WEST | 2 | |
1914 | field_176541_P | SOUTH | 2 | |
1915 | field_176542_R | UP | 2 | |
1916 | field_176543_a | AGE | 2 | |
1917 | field_176545_N | NORTH | 2 | |
1918 | field_176546_O | EAST | 2 | |
1919 | field_176550_a | AXIS | 2 | |
1920 | field_176565_b | SHAPE | 2 | |
1921 | field_176568_b | SHAPE | 2 | |
1922 | field_176569_M | POWERED | 2 | |
1923 | field_176573_b | SHAPE | 2 | |
1924 | field_176574_M | POWERED | 2 | |
1925 | field_176579_a | POWER | 2 | |
1926 | field_176580_a | POWERED | 2 | |
1927 | field_176584_b | POWERED | 2 | |
1928 | field_176587_a | AGE | 2 | |
1929 | field_176589_a | BITES | 2 | |
1930 | field_176591_a | LEVEL | 2 | |
1931 | field_176600_a | BLOCK | 0 | |
1932 | field_176714_c | name | 2 | |
1933 | field_176725_d | NAME_LOOKUP | 2 | |
1934 | field_176726_e | name | 2 | |
1935 | field_176748_g | index | 2 | Ordering index for D-U-N-S-W-E |
1936 | field_176754_o | BY_HORIZONTAL_INDEX | 2 | All Facings with horizontal axis in order S-W-N-E |
1937 | field_176755_l | axisDirection | 2 | |
1938 | field_176756_m | directionVec | 2 | Normalized Vector that points in the direction of this Facing |
1939 | field_176757_j | name | 2 | |
1940 | field_176758_k | axis | 2 | |
1941 | field_176759_h | opposite | 2 | Index of the opposite Facing in the VALUES array |
1942 | field_176760_i | horizontalIndex | 2 | Ordering index for the HORIZONTALS field (S-W-N-E) |
1943 | field_176761_p | NAME_LOOKUP | 2 | |
1944 | field_176785_v | translationKey | 2 | |
1945 | field_176820_d | name | 2 | |
1946 | field_177028_m | name | 2 | |
1947 | field_177036_c | name | 2 | |
1948 | field_177041_c | name | 2 | |
1949 | field_177074_h | itemRenderer | 0 | |
1950 | field_177079_e | random | 0 | |
1951 | field_177080_a | itemRenderer | 0 | |
1952 | field_177083_e | itemRenderer | 0 | |
1953 | field_177097_h | layerRenderers | 0 | |
1954 | field_177103_a | TEXTURE_ARMOR_STAND | 0 | A constant instance of the armor stand texture, wrapped inside a ResourceLocation wrapper. |
1955 | field_177108_a | ENDERMITE_TEXTURES | 0 | |
1956 | field_177114_e | GUARDIAN_TEXTURE | 0 | |
1957 | field_177116_j | GUARDIAN_ELDER_TEXTURE | 0 | |
1958 | field_177117_k | GUARDIAN_BEAM_TEXTURE | 0 | |
1959 | field_177118_j | DEFAULT_RES_LOC | 0 | |
1960 | field_177120_j | ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_TEXTURE | 0 | |
1961 | field_177126_e | WHITE | 0 | |
1962 | field_177127_a | BROWN | 0 | |
1963 | field_177128_n | TOAST | 0 | |
1964 | field_177129_o | CAERBANNOG | 0 | |
1965 | field_177130_l | SALT | 0 | |
1966 | field_177131_m | WHITE_SPLOTCHED | 0 | |
1967 | field_177132_j | BLACK | 0 | |
1968 | field_177133_k | GOLD | 0 | |
1969 | field_177147_a | WOLF_COLLAR | 0 | |
1970 | field_177157_c | pigModel | 0 | |
1971 | field_177158_a | TEXTURE | 0 | |
1972 | field_177160_b | slimeModel | 0 | |
1973 | field_177164_c | sheepModel | 0 | |
1974 | field_177165_a | TEXTURE | 0 | |
1975 | field_177171_c | creeperModel | 0 | |
1976 | field_177172_a | LIGHTNING_TEXTURE | 0 | |
1977 | field_177186_d | modelArmor | 0 | |
1978 | field_177189_c | modelLeggings | 0 | |
1979 | field_177191_j | ARMOR_TEXTURE_RES_MAP | 0 | |
1980 | field_177216_c | witherModel | 0 | |
1981 | field_177217_a | WITHER_ARMOR | 0 | |
1982 | field_177220_e | interpolate | 0 | |
1983 | field_177233_b | MAP_ENTRY_TO_STRING | 2 | |
1984 | field_177256_f | toDestroy | 2 | This is a List<BlockPos> of blocks that will be destroyed when a piston attempts to move them. |
1985 | field_177257_d | moveDirection | 2 | |
1986 | field_177258_e | toMove | 2 | This is a List<BlockPos> of all blocks that will be moved by the piston. |
1987 | field_177259_b | pistonPos | 2 | |
1988 | field_177260_c | blockToMove | 2 | |
1989 | field_177261_a | world | 2 | |
1990 | field_177265_b | height | 2 | |
1991 | field_177266_a | colors | 2 | RGB (0 to 1.0) colors of this beam segment |
1992 | field_177336_b | TEXTURE_ALEX | 0 | The default skin for the Alex model. |
1993 | field_177337_a | TEXTURE_STEVE | 0 | The default skin for the Steve model. |
1994 | field_177353_d | vertexSize | 0 | The total size of this vertex format. |
1995 | field_177355_b | elements | 0 | |
1996 | field_177356_c | offsets | 0 | |
1997 | field_177363_b | vertexFormat | 0 | |
1998 | field_177364_c | count | 0 | |
1999 | field_177365_a | glBufferId | 0 | |
2000 | field_177377_d | index | 0 | |
2001 | field_177378_e | elementCount | 0 | |
2002 | field_177379_b | type | 0 | |
2003 | field_177380_c | usage | 0 | |
2004 | field_177381_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
2005 | field_177392_h | displayName | 0 | |
2006 | field_177405_j | glConstant | 0 | |
2007 | field_177407_h | size | 0 | |
2008 | field_177408_i | displayName | 0 | |
2009 | field_177454_f | uuidToPlayerMap | 2 | A map containing the key-value pairs for UUIDs and their EntityPlayerMP objects. |
2010 | field_177462_b | GRID_WIDTH | 2 | |
2011 | field_177464_a | ALL_VALID_STATES | 2 | A list of all valid block states. |
2012 | field_177488_d | data | 2 | |
2013 | field_177511_d | tileEntity | 2 | |
2014 | field_177512_e | tileEntityInitialized | 2 | |
2015 | field_177513_b | pos | 2 | |
2016 | field_177514_c | state | 2 | |
2017 | field_177515_a | world | 2 | |
2018 | field_177519_c | variant | 0 | |
2019 | field_177542_u | quartersY | 0 | |
2020 | field_177543_t | quartersX | 0 | |
2021 | field_177544_s | matrix | 0 | |
2022 | field_177545_r | combinedXY | 0 | |
2023 | field_177546_q | MAP_ROTATIONS | 0 | |
2024 | field_177557_a | cameraTransforms | 0 | |
2025 | field_177558_f | cameraTransforms | 0 | |
2026 | field_177559_d | gui3d | 0 | |
2027 | field_177560_e | texture | 0 | |
2028 | field_177561_b | faceQuads | 0 | |
2029 | field_177562_c | ambientOcclusion | 0 | |
2030 | field_177563_a | generalQuads | 0 | |
2031 | field_177565_b | models | 0 | |
2032 | field_177566_c | baseModel | 0 | |
2033 | field_177567_a | totalWeight | 0 | |
2034 | field_177598_f | resourceManager | 0 | |
2035 | field_177600_d | BUILT_IN_MODELS | 0 | |
2036 | field_177602_b | LOCATIONS_BUILTIN_TEXTURES | 0 | |
2037 | field_177603_c | LOGGER | 0 | |
2038 | field_177604_a | MODEL_MISSING | 0 | |
2039 | field_177606_o | MODEL_GENERATED | 0 | |
2040 | field_177616_r | MODEL_ENTITY | 0 | |
2041 | field_177624_d | properties | 2 | |
2042 | field_177625_e | validStates | 2 | |
2043 | field_177627_c | owner | 2 | |
2044 | field_177640_b | propertyPredicates | 2 | |
2045 | field_177641_a | blockstate | 2 | |
2046 | field_177644_a | block | 2 | |
2047 | field_177651_f | builderCameraTransforms | 0 | |
2048 | field_177652_d | builderTexture | 0 | |
2049 | field_177653_e | builderGui3d | 0 | |
2050 | field_177654_b | builderFaceQuads | 0 | |
2051 | field_177655_c | builderAmbientOcclusion | 0 | |
2052 | field_177656_a | builderGeneralQuads | 0 | |
2053 | field_177663_d | aisleHeight | 2 | |
2054 | field_177664_e | rowWidth | 2 | |
2055 | field_177665_b | depth | 2 | |
2056 | field_177666_c | symbolMap | 2 | |
2057 | field_177667_a | COMMA_JOIN | 2 | |
2058 | field_177671_d | lcache | 2 | |
2059 | field_177672_b | forwards | 2 | |
2060 | field_177673_c | up | 2 | |
2061 | field_177674_a | frontTopLeft | 2 | |
2062 | field_177678_a | listItems | 0 | |
2063 | field_177680_a | world | 2 | |
2064 | field_177686_d | palmLength | 2 | |
2065 | field_177687_b | fingerLength | 2 | |
2066 | field_177688_c | thumbLength | 2 | |
2067 | field_177689_a | blockMatches | 2 | |
2068 | field_177703_b | name | 2 | |
2069 | field_177704_a | valueClass | 2 | |
2070 | field_177710_b | nameToValue | 2 | Map of names to Enum values |
2071 | field_177711_a | allowedValues | 2 | |
2072 | field_177717_a | allowedValues | 2 | |
2073 | field_177720_a | allowedValues | 2 | |
2074 | field_177756_b | centerX | 2 | |
2075 | field_177757_c | centerZ | 2 | |
2076 | field_177758_a | listeners | 2 | |
2077 | field_177759_l | warningDistance | 2 | |
2078 | field_177760_j | damageBuffer | 2 | |
2079 | field_177761_k | warningTime | 2 | |
2080 | field_177762_h | worldSize | 2 | |
2081 | field_177763_i | damagePerBlock | 2 | |
2082 | field_177767_d | color | 0 | |
2083 | field_177959_e | NULL_VECTOR | 2 | An immutable vector with zero as all coordinates. |
2084 | field_177960_b | y | 2 | |
2085 | field_177961_c | z | 2 | |
2086 | field_177962_a | x | 2 | |
2087 | field_177989_d | NUM_Y_BITS | 2 | |
2088 | field_177990_b | NUM_X_BITS | 2 | |
2089 | field_177991_c | NUM_Z_BITS | 2 | |
2090 | field_177992_a | ZERO | 2 | An immutable block pos with zero as all coordinates. |
2091 | field_177993_j | Z_MASK | 2 | |
2092 | field_177994_h | X_MASK | 2 | |
2093 | field_177995_i | Y_MASK | 2 | |
2094 | field_177996_d | z | 2 | Mutable Z Coordinate |
2095 | field_177997_b | x | 2 | Mutable X Coordinate |
2096 | field_177998_c | y | 2 | Mutable Y Coordinate |
2097 | field_178032_d | counter | 0 | |
2098 | field_178034_b | facing | 0 | |
2099 | field_178035_c | setFacing | 0 | |
2100 | field_178036_a | renderChunk | 0 | |
2101 | field_178090_d | modelManager | 0 | |
2102 | field_178111_g | renderManager | 0 | |
2103 | field_178112_h | itemRenderer | 0 | |
2104 | field_178128_c | modelManager | 0 | |
2105 | field_178129_a | bakedModelStore | 0 | |
2106 | field_178146_a | dispenserInventory | 2 | |
2107 | field_178149_f | xpSeed | 2 | |
2108 | field_178164_f | renderChunks | 0 | |
2109 | field_178165_d | countChunksX | 0 | |
2110 | field_178166_e | countChunksZ | 0 | |
2111 | field_178167_b | world | 0 | |
2112 | field_178168_c | countChunksY | 0 | |
2113 | field_178169_a | renderGlobal | 0 | |
2114 | field_178183_a | buffer | 0 | |
2115 | field_178191_g | vert0 | 0 | |
2116 | field_178198_j | vert3 | 0 | |
2117 | field_178199_k | VALUES | 0 | |
2118 | field_178200_h | vert1 | 0 | |
2119 | field_178201_i | vert2 | 0 | |
2120 | field_178206_b | vertexColorMultiplier | 0 | |
2121 | field_178207_c | vertexBrightness | 0 | |
2122 | field_178213_b | tintIndex | 0 | |
2123 | field_178214_c | face | 0 | |
2124 | field_178215_a | vertexData | 0 | Joined 4 vertex records, each stores packed data according to the VertexFormat of the quad. Vanilla minecraft uses DefaultVertexFormats.BLOCK, Forge uses (usually) ITEM, use BakedQuad.getFormat() to get the correct format. |
2125 | field_178229_m | shape | 0 | |
2126 | field_178237_d | partRotation | 0 | |
2127 | field_178238_e | shade | 0 | |
2128 | field_178239_b | positionTo | 0 | |
2129 | field_178240_c | mapFaces | 0 | |
2130 | field_178241_a | positionFrom | 0 | |
2131 | field_178242_d | texture | 0 | |
2132 | field_178243_e | blockFaceUV | 0 | |
2133 | field_178244_b | cullFace | 0 | |
2134 | field_178245_c | tintIndex | 0 | |
2135 | field_178271_b | atlasSpritesWater | 0 | |
2136 | field_178272_a | atlasSpritesLava | 0 | |
2137 | field_178276_g | corners | 0 | |
2138 | field_178282_n | VALUES | 0 | |
2139 | field_178284_l | vert2Weights | 0 | |
2140 | field_178285_m | vert3Weights | 0 | |
2141 | field_178286_j | vert0Weights | 0 | |
2142 | field_178287_k | vert1Weights | 0 | |
2143 | field_178289_i | doNonCubicWeight | 0 | |
2144 | field_178313_f | LOGGER | 0 | |
2145 | field_178314_g | elements | 0 | |
2146 | field_178315_d | parent | 0 | |
2147 | field_178316_e | parentLocation | 0 | |
2148 | field_178317_b | name | 0 | |
2149 | field_178318_c | textures | 0 | |
2150 | field_178319_a | SERIALIZER | 0 | |
2151 | field_178320_j | cameraTransforms | 0 | |
2152 | field_178321_h | gui3d | 0 | |
2153 | field_178322_i | ambientOcclusion | 0 | |
2154 | field_178332_b | mapVariants | 0 | |
2155 | field_178341_d | rescale | 0 | |
2156 | field_178342_b | axis | 0 | |
2157 | field_178343_c | angle | 0 | |
2158 | field_178344_a | origin | 0 | |
2159 | field_178350_b | rotation | 0 | |
2160 | field_178351_a | uvs | 0 | |
2161 | field_178353_d | head | 0 | |
2162 | field_178354_e | gui | 0 | |
2163 | field_178357_a | DEFAULT | 0 | |
2164 | field_178360_b | TRANSLATION_DEFAULT | 0 | |
2165 | field_178361_c | SCALE_DEFAULT | 0 | |
2166 | field_178362_a | ROTATION_DEFAULT | 0 | |
2167 | field_178363_d | scale | 0 | |
2168 | field_178364_b | rotation | 0 | |
2169 | field_178365_c | translation | 0 | |
2170 | field_178366_a | DEFAULT | 0 | |
2171 | field_178373_f | xOffset | 0 | |
2172 | field_178374_g | yOffset | 0 | |
2173 | field_178376_e | facing | 0 | |
2174 | field_178386_d | anchor | 0 | |
2175 | field_178387_b | min | 0 | |
2176 | field_178388_c | max | 0 | |
2177 | field_178389_a | spanFacing | 0 | |
2178 | field_178398_a | LAYERS | 0 | |
2179 | field_178417_b | SCALE_ROTATION_GENERAL | 0 | |
2180 | field_178418_a | SCALE_ROTATION_22_5 | 0 | |
2181 | field_178462_c | blockRenderer | 0 | |
2182 | field_178496_f | setVisibility | 0 | |
2183 | field_178497_g | state | 0 | |
2184 | field_178498_d | empty | 0 | |
2185 | field_178499_e | tileEntities | 0 | |
2186 | field_178500_b | layersUsed | 0 | |
2187 | field_178501_c | layersStarted | 0 | |
2188 | field_178502_a | DUMMY | 0 | |
2189 | field_178523_a | LOGGER | 0 | |
2190 | field_178554_h | finished | 0 | |
2191 | field_178586_f | position | 0 | |
2192 | field_178590_b | compiledChunk | 0 | |
2193 | field_178591_c | boundingBox | 0 | |
2194 | field_178593_n | needsUpdate | 0 | |
2195 | field_178594_l | vertexBuffers | 0 | |
2196 | field_178595_m | frameIndex | 0 | |
2197 | field_178611_f | empty | 0 | |
2198 | field_178612_d | bitSet | 0 | |
2199 | field_178613_e | INDEX_OF_EDGES | 0 | |
2200 | field_178614_b | DZ | 0 | |
2201 | field_178615_c | DY | 0 | |
2202 | field_178616_a | DX | 0 | |
2203 | field_178622_b | bitSet | 0 | |
2204 | field_178623_a | COUNT_FACES | 0 | |
2205 | field_178636_l | skinMap | 0 | lists the various player skin types with their associated Renderer class instances. |
2206 | field_178637_m | playerRenderer | 0 | |
2207 | field_178638_s | renderShadow | 0 | |
2208 | field_178651_f | listener | 0 | |
2209 | field_178652_g | previousCategories | 0 | |
2210 | field_178653_d | SCROLL_RIGHT_ENABLED | 0 | |
2211 | field_178654_e | SCROLL_RIGHT_DISABLED | 0 | |
2212 | field_178655_b | CLOSE_ITEM | 0 | |
2213 | field_178656_c | SCROLL_LEFT | 0 | |
2214 | field_178657_a | EMPTY_SLOT | 0 | |
2215 | field_178658_j | page | 0 | |
2216 | field_178659_h | category | 0 | |
2217 | field_178660_i | selectedSlot | 0 | |
2218 | field_178665_b | enabled | 0 | |
2219 | field_178666_a | direction | 0 | |
2220 | field_178667_b | resourceLocation | 0 | |
2221 | field_178668_a | profile | 0 | |
2222 | field_178671_a | items | 0 | |
2223 | field_178672_a | items | 0 | |
2224 | field_178673_b | items | 0 | |
2225 | field_178674_a | PROFILE_ORDER | 0 | |
2226 | field_178675_d | players | 0 | |
2227 | field_178676_b | team | 0 | |
2228 | field_178677_c | location | 0 | |
2229 | field_178682_b | items | 0 | |
2230 | field_178683_c | selectedSlot | 0 | |
2231 | field_178684_a | category | 0 | |
2232 | field_178692_f | rabbitLeftArm | 0 | The Rabbit's Left Arm |
2233 | field_178693_g | rabbitRightArm | 0 | The Rabbit's Right Arm |
2234 | field_178694_d | rabbitRightThigh | 0 | The Rabbit's Right Thigh |
2235 | field_178695_e | rabbitBody | 0 | The Rabbit's Body |
2236 | field_178696_b | rabbitRightFoot | 0 | The Rabbit's Right Foot |
2237 | field_178697_c | rabbitLeftThigh | 0 | The Rabbit's Left Thigh |
2238 | field_178698_a | rabbitLeftFoot | 0 | The Rabbit's Left Foot |
2239 | field_178700_l | rabbitNose | 0 | The Rabbit's Nose |
2240 | field_178701_m | jumpRotation | 0 | |
2241 | field_178702_j | rabbitLeftEar | 0 | The Rabbit's Left Ear |
2242 | field_178703_k | rabbitTail | 0 | The Rabbit's Tail |
2243 | field_178704_h | rabbitHead | 0 | The Rabbit's Head |
2244 | field_178705_i | rabbitRightEar | 0 | The Rabbit's Right Ear |
2245 | field_178707_d | guardianTail | 0 | |
2246 | field_178708_b | guardianEye | 0 | |
2247 | field_178709_c | guardianSpines | 0 | |
2248 | field_178710_a | guardianBody | 0 | |
2249 | field_178713_d | bodyParts | 0 | |
2250 | field_178714_b | BODY_TEXS | 0 | |
2251 | field_178715_c | BODY_COUNT | 0 | |
2252 | field_178716_a | BODY_SIZES | 0 | |
2253 | field_178717_b | head | 0 | |
2254 | field_178720_f | bipedHeadwear | 0 | The Biped's Headwear. Used for the outer layer of player skins. |
2255 | field_178721_j | bipedRightLeg | 0 | The Biped's Right Leg |
2256 | field_178722_k | bipedLeftLeg | 0 | The Biped's Left Leg |
2257 | field_178723_h | bipedRightArm | 0 | The Biped's Right Arm |
2258 | field_178724_i | bipedLeftArm | 0 | The Biped's Left Arm |
2259 | field_178729_w | bipedCape | 0 | |
2260 | field_178730_v | bipedBodyWear | 0 | |
2261 | field_178731_d | bipedRightLegwear | 0 | |
2262 | field_178732_b | bipedRightArmwear | 0 | |
2263 | field_178733_c | bipedLeftLegwear | 0 | |
2264 | field_178734_a | bipedLeftArmwear | 0 | |
2265 | field_178735_y | smallArms | 0 | |
2266 | field_178736_x | bipedDeadmau5Head | 0 | |
2267 | field_178737_d | standBase | 0 | |
2268 | field_178738_b | standLeftSide | 0 | |
2269 | field_178739_c | standWaist | 0 | |
2270 | field_178740_a | standRightSide | 0 | |
2271 | field_178741_d | gameInfo | 0 | |
2272 | field_178742_e | serverInfo | 0 | |
2273 | field_178743_b | displayInfo | 0 | |
2274 | field_178744_c | folderInfo | 0 | |
2275 | field_178745_a | userInfo | 0 | |
2276 | field_178750_b | userProperties | 0 | |
2277 | field_178751_c | proxy | 0 | |
2278 | field_178752_a | session | 0 | |
2279 | field_178753_b | serverPort | 0 | |
2280 | field_178754_a | serverName | 0 | |
2281 | field_178755_b | version | 0 | |
2282 | field_178756_a | isDemo | 0 | |
2283 | field_178757_d | assetIndex | 0 | |
2284 | field_178758_b | resourcePacksDir | 0 | |
2285 | field_178759_c | assetsDir | 0 | |
2286 | field_178760_a | gameDir | 0 | |
2287 | field_178776_j | deathMessageVisibility | 2 | |
2288 | field_178777_k | color | 2 | |
2289 | field_178778_i | nameTagVisibility | 2 | |
2290 | field_178791_c | TRIGGER | 2 | |
2291 | field_178817_f | locked | 2 | |
2292 | field_178818_g | forceUpdate | 2 | |
2293 | field_178823_g | displaySlots | 2 | |
2294 | field_178827_f | id | 2 | |
2295 | field_178830_e | internalName | 2 | |
2296 | field_178863_g | skinType | 0 | |
2297 | field_178864_d | playerTexturesLoaded | 0 | |
2298 | field_178866_b | gameType | 0 | |
2299 | field_178867_a | gameProfile | 0 | The GameProfile for the player represented by this NetworkPlayerInfo instance |
2300 | field_178868_l | healthBlinkTime | 0 | |
2301 | field_178869_m | renderVisibilityId | 0 | |
2302 | field_178870_j | displayHealth | 0 | |
2303 | field_178871_k | lastHealthTime | 0 | |
2304 | field_178872_h | displayName | 0 | When this is non-null, it is displayed instead of the player's real name |
2305 | field_178873_i | lastHealth | 0 | |
2306 | field_178879_v | reducedDebugInfo | 0 | |
2307 | field_178882_aU | setModelParts | 0 | |
2308 | field_178883_an | keyBindSpectatorOutlines | 0 | |
2309 | field_178895_c | currentBlock | 0 | |
2310 | field_178914_g | x | 0 | |
2311 | field_178920_h | y | 0 | |
2312 | field_178932_g | factories | 0 | |
2313 | field_178933_d | particleEmitters | 0 | |
2314 | field_178997_d | vertexCount | 0 | |
2315 | field_179001_a | byteBuffer | 0 | |
2316 | field_179006_k | drawMode | 0 | |
2317 | field_179010_r | isDrawing | 0 | |
2318 | field_179011_q | vertexFormat | 0 | |
2319 | field_179018_e | stateVertexFormat | 0 | |
2320 | field_179024_e | banner | 0 | |
2321 | field_179029_g | FACINGS | 0 | |
2322 | field_179035_h | vertexInfos | 0 | |
2323 | field_179040_a | builders | 0 | |
2324 | field_179041_d | units | 0 | |
2325 | field_179042_b | lineOffset | 0 | |
2326 | field_179043_c | factor | 0 | |
2327 | field_179044_a | polyOffset | 0 | |
2328 | field_179045_d | start | 0 | |
2329 | field_179046_e | end | 0 | |
2330 | field_179047_b | mode | 0 | |
2331 | field_179048_c | density | 0 | |
2332 | field_179049_a | fog | 0 | |
2333 | field_179050_b | mask | 0 | |
2334 | field_179051_c | func | 0 | |
2335 | field_179052_a | test | 0 | |
2336 | field_179053_b | mode | 0 | |
2337 | field_179054_a | cullFace | 0 | |
2338 | field_179059_b | textureName | 0 | |
2339 | field_179060_a | texture2DState | 0 | |
2340 | field_179061_d | q | 0 | |
2341 | field_179062_b | t | 0 | |
2342 | field_179063_c | r | 0 | |
2343 | field_179064_a | s | 0 | |
2344 | field_179065_b | coord | 0 | |
2345 | field_179066_c | mode | 0 | |
2346 | field_179067_a | textureGen | 0 | |
2347 | field_179074_d | dpfail | 0 | |
2348 | field_179075_e | dppass | 0 | |
2349 | field_179076_b | mask | 0 | |
2350 | field_179077_c | sfail | 0 | |
2351 | field_179078_a | func | 0 | |
2352 | field_179080_c | mask | 0 | |
2353 | field_179081_a | func | 0 | |
2354 | field_179176_f | WEST_INDEX | 0 | |
2355 | field_179177_d | NORTH_INDEX | 0 | |
2356 | field_179178_e | DOWN_INDEX | 0 | |
2357 | field_179179_b | UP_INDEX | 0 | |
2358 | field_179180_c | EAST_INDEX | 0 | |
2359 | field_179181_a | SOUTH_INDEX | 0 | |
2360 | field_179182_b | yIndex | 0 | |
2361 | field_179183_c | zIndex | 0 | |
2362 | field_179184_a | xIndex | 0 | |
2363 | field_179185_d | alpha | 0 | |
2364 | field_179186_b | green | 0 | |
2365 | field_179187_c | blue | 0 | |
2366 | field_179188_a | red | 0 | |
2367 | field_179189_b | face | 0 | |
2368 | field_179190_c | mode | 0 | |
2369 | field_179191_a | colorMaterial | 0 | |
2370 | field_179192_d | alpha | 0 | |
2371 | field_179193_b | green | 0 | |
2372 | field_179194_c | blue | 0 | |
2373 | field_179195_a | red | 0 | |
2374 | field_179196_b | logicOpcode | 0 | |
2375 | field_179197_a | colorLogicOp | 0 | |
2376 | field_179201_b | currentState | 0 | |
2377 | field_179202_a | capability | 0 | |
2378 | field_179203_b | color | 0 | |
2379 | field_179205_a | depth | 0 | |
2380 | field_179206_b | func | 0 | |
2381 | field_179207_c | ref | 0 | |
2382 | field_179208_a | test | 0 | |
2383 | field_179209_d | srcFactorAlpha | 0 | |
2384 | field_179210_e | dstFactorAlpha | 0 | |
2385 | field_179211_b | srcFactorRgb | 0 | |
2386 | field_179212_c | dstFactorRgb | 0 | |
2387 | field_179213_a | blend | 0 | |
2388 | field_179220_a | BLOCK_TO_ITEM | 2 | |
2389 | field_179243_f | name | 2 | |
2390 | field_179283_a | value | 2 | |
2391 | field_179294_g | direction | 2 | |
2392 | field_179295_d | CLIENT_NIO_EVENTLOOP | 2 | |
2393 | field_179296_e | CLIENT_LOCAL_EVENTLOOP | 2 | |
2394 | field_179297_n | disconnected | 2 | |
2395 | field_179300_b | deflater | 2 | |
2396 | field_179301_c | threshold | 2 | |
2397 | field_179302_a | buffer | 2 | |
2398 | field_179304_b | threshold | 2 | |
2399 | field_179305_a | inflater | 2 | |
2400 | field_179317_b | pos | 2 | |
2401 | field_179338_j | partName | 0 | |
2402 | field_179339_k | name | 0 | |
2403 | field_179340_h | partId | 0 | |
2404 | field_179341_i | partMask | 0 | |
2405 | field_179417_b | y | 2 | Rotation on the Y axis |
2406 | field_179418_c | z | 2 | Rotation on the Z axis |
2407 | field_179419_a | x | 2 | Rotation on the X axis |
2408 | field_179427_a | typeData | 2 | |
2409 | field_179447_c | excludedReinforcementTypes | 2 | |
2410 | field_179448_g | player | 2 | The player |
2411 | field_179449_j | enderman | 2 | |
2412 | field_179450_h | aggroTime | 2 | |
2413 | field_179451_i | teleportTime | 2 | |
2414 | field_179454_a | parentEntity | 2 | |
2415 | field_179455_b | tickCounter | 2 | |
2416 | field_179456_a | guardian | 2 | |
2417 | field_179457_a | slime | 2 | |
2418 | field_179458_a | slime | 2 | |
2419 | field_179459_b | chosenDegrees | 2 | |
2420 | field_179460_c | nextRandomizeTime | 2 | |
2421 | field_179461_a | slime | 2 | |
2422 | field_179463_b | lookForFriends | 2 | |
2423 | field_179464_a | silverfish | 2 | |
2424 | field_179465_b | growTieredTimer | 2 | |
2425 | field_179466_a | slime | 2 | |
2426 | field_179467_b | attackStep | 2 | |
2427 | field_179468_c | attackTime | 2 | |
2428 | field_179469_a | blaze | 2 | |
2429 | field_179470_b | parentEntity | 2 | |
2430 | field_179471_a | attackTimer | 2 | |
2431 | field_179472_a | parentEntity | 2 | |
2432 | field_179473_a | enderman | 2 | |
2433 | field_179475_a | enderman | 2 | |
2434 | field_179476_a | squid | 2 | |
2435 | field_179481_f | executionChance | 2 | |
2436 | field_179482_g | mustUpdate | 2 | |
2437 | field_179483_b | facing | 2 | |
2438 | field_179484_c | doMerge | 2 | |
2439 | field_179486_b | rabbit | 2 | |
2440 | field_179490_f | maxStayTicks | 2 | |
2441 | field_179491_g | isAboveDestination | 2 | |
2442 | field_179492_d | movementSpeed | 2 | |
2443 | field_179493_e | timeoutCounter | 2 | |
2444 | field_179494_b | destinationBlock | 2 | Block to move to |
2445 | field_179495_c | creature | 2 | |
2446 | field_179496_a | runDelay | 2 | Controls task execution delay |
2447 | field_179497_h | searchLength | 2 | |
2448 | field_179498_d | wantsToRaid | 2 | |
2449 | field_179499_e | canRaid | 2 | |
2450 | field_179500_c | rabbit | 2 | |
2451 | field_179505_b | IS_GRASS | 2 | |
2452 | field_179507_b | doorPosition | 2 | |
2453 | field_179508_f | avoidDistance | 2 | |
2454 | field_179510_i | avoidTargetSelector | 2 | |
2455 | field_179511_d | rabbit | 2 | |
2456 | field_179525_d | description | 2 | |
2457 | field_179528_c | offset | 2 | |
2458 | field_179550_j | canPlaceOnCacheBlock | 2 | |
2459 | field_179551_k | canPlaceOnCacheResult | 2 | |
2460 | field_179552_h | canDestroyCacheBlock | 2 | |
2461 | field_179553_i | canDestroyCacheResult | 2 | |
2462 | field_179555_bs | RABBIT_HIDE | 2 | |
2463 | field_179556_br | RABBIT_FOOT | 2 | |
2464 | field_179557_bn | COOKED_MUTTON | 2 | |
2465 | field_179558_bo | RABBIT | 2 | |
2466 | field_179559_bp | COOKED_RABBIT | 2 | |
2467 | field_179560_bq | RABBIT_STEW | 2 | |
2468 | field_179561_bm | MUTTON | 2 | |
2469 | field_179562_cC | PRISMARINE_SHARD | 2 | |
2470 | field_179563_cD | PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS | 2 | |
2471 | field_179565_cj | ARMOR_STAND | 2 | |
2472 | field_179681_j | pathFinder | 2 | |
2473 | field_179694_f | shouldAvoidSun | 2 | |
2474 | field_179695_a | nodeProcessor | 2 | |
2475 | field_179696_f | targetPosition | 2 | Current path navigation target |
2476 | field_179698_g | onGround | 2 | |
2477 | field_179702_b | footer | 2 | |
2478 | field_179703_a | header | 2 | |
2479 | field_179711_e | modelPartFlags | 2 | |
2480 | field_179713_c | hitVec | 2 | |
2481 | field_179716_b | facing | 2 | |
2482 | field_179717_a | position | 2 | |
2483 | field_179719_b | action | 2 | |
2484 | field_179723_a | pos | 2 | |
2485 | field_179729_a | id | 2 | |
2486 | field_179733_a | compressionThreshold | 2 | |
2487 | field_179735_f | columns | 2 | |
2488 | field_179736_g | rows | 2 | |
2489 | field_179737_d | minX | 2 | |
2490 | field_179738_e | minZ | 2 | |
2491 | field_179739_b | mapScale | 2 | |
2492 | field_179740_c | icons | 2 | |
2493 | field_179741_h | mapDataBytes | 2 | |
2494 | field_179743_g | onGround | 2 | |
2495 | field_179745_h | reducedDebugInfo | 2 | |
2496 | field_179747_b | soundPos | 2 | |
2497 | field_179752_j | longDistance | 2 | |
2498 | field_179769_b | players | 2 | |
2499 | field_179770_a | action | 2 | |
2500 | field_179772_d | duration | 2 | |