1 | searge | name | side | desc | class |
2 | func_100011_g | isNoCounter | 2 | Get the value of the isPotionDurationMax field. | net/minecraft/potion/EffectInstance |
3 | func_100012_b | setNoCounter | 2 | Toggle the isPotionDurationMax field. | net/minecraft/potion/EffectInstance |
4 | func_104002_bU | isPersistenceRequired | 2 | Return the persistenceRequired field (whether this entity is allowed to naturally despawn) | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
5 | func_104055_i | setForceGameType | 2 | Set the forceGamemode field (whether joining players will be put in their old gamemode or the default one) | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
6 | func_104056_am | getForceGameType | 2 | Get the forceGamemode field (whether joining players will be put in their old gamemode or the default one) | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
7 | func_110121_a | stringHasValue | 0 | Returns true if the given string is neither null nor empty. | net/minecraft/client/main/Main |
8 | func_110124_au | getUUID | 2 | Returns the UUID of this entity. | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
9 | func_110128_b | dropItem | 2 | Called when this entity is broken. Entity parameter may be null. | net/minecraft/entity/item/HangingEntity |
10 | func_110128_b | dropItem | 2 | Called when this entity is broken. Entity parameter may be null. | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemFrameEntity |
11 | func_110128_b | dropItem | 2 | Called when this entity is broken. Entity parameter may be null. | net/minecraft/entity/item/LeashKnotEntity |
12 | func_110128_b | dropItem | 2 | Called when this entity is broken. Entity parameter may be null. | net/minecraft/entity/item/PaintingEntity |
13 | func_110131_b | removeFramedMap | 2 | Removes the dot representing this frame's position from the map when the item frame is broken. | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemFrameEntity |
14 | func_110132_b | removeListener | 2 | removes the specified IInvBasic from receiving further change notices | net/minecraft/inventory/Inventory |
15 | func_110134_a | addListener | 2 | Add a listener that will be notified when any item in this inventory is modified. | net/minecraft/inventory/Inventory |
16 | func_110138_aP | getMaxHealth | 2 | Returns the maximum health of the entity (what it is able to regenerate up to, what it spawned with, etc) | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
17 | func_110139_bj | getAbsorptionAmount | 2 | Returns the amount of health added by the Absorption effect. | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
18 | func_110139_bj | getAbsorptionAmount | 2 | Returns the amount of health added by the Absorption effect. | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
19 | func_110142_aN | getCombatTracker | 2 | 1.8.9 | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
20 | func_110143_aJ | getHealth | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
21 | func_110144_aD | getLastHurtMob | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
22 | func_110146_f | tickHeadTurn | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
23 | func_110146_f | tickHeadTurn | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
24 | func_110146_f | tickHeadTurn | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
25 | func_110148_a | getAttribute | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
26 | func_110149_m | setAbsorptionAmount | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
27 | func_110149_m | setAbsorptionAmount | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
28 | func_110159_bB | tickLeash | 2 | Applies logic related to leashes, for example dragging the entity or breaking the leash. | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
29 | func_110159_bB | tickLeash | 2 | Applies logic related to leashes, for example dragging the entity or breaking the leash. | net/minecraft/entity/CreatureEntity |
30 | func_110160_i | dropLeash | 2 | Removes the leash from this entity | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
31 | func_110162_b | setLeashedTo | 2 | Sets the entity to be leashed to. | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
32 | func_110163_bv | setPersistenceRequired | 2 | Enable the Entity persistence | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
33 | func_110165_bF | restoreLeashFromSave | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
34 | func_110166_bE | getLeashHolder | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
35 | func_110167_bD | isLeashed | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
36 | func_110182_bF | isCharging | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/GhastEntity |
37 | func_110195_a | ageUp | 2 | Increases this entity's age. If the entity is an adult (if the entity's age is greater than or equal to 0) then the entity's age will be set to {@link #forcedAge}. This method does not update {@link #forcedAge}. | net/minecraft/entity/AgeableEntity |
38 | func_110198_t | modifyTemper | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
39 | func_110199_f | openInventory | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
40 | func_110200_cJ | canParent | 2 | Return true if the horse entity ready to mate. (no rider, not riding, tame, adult, not steril...) | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
41 | func_110201_q | getMouthAnim | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
42 | func_110203_cN | generateRandomSpeed | 2 | Returns randomized movement speed | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
43 | func_110204_cc | isEating | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
44 | func_110205_ce | isBred | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
45 | func_110206_u | onPlayerJump | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/IJumpingMount |
46 | func_110206_u | onPlayerJump | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
47 | func_110207_m | setChest | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractChestedHorseEntity |
48 | func_110208_b | setFlag | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
49 | func_110209_cd | isStanding | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
50 | func_110210_cH | moveTail | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
51 | func_110215_cj | getCustomJump | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
52 | func_110216_r | spawnTamingParticles | 2 | "Spawns particles for the horse entity. par1 tells whether to spawn hearts. If it is false, it spawns smoke." | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
53 | func_110219_q | setStanding | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
54 | func_110220_cK | stand | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
55 | func_110223_p | getStandAnim | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
56 | func_110226_cD | createInventory | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
57 | func_110227_p | setEating | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
58 | func_110233_w | getFlag | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
59 | func_110234_j | setTamed | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
60 | func_110237_h | doPlayerRide | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
61 | func_110237_h | doPlayerRide | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/TraderLlamaEntity |
62 | func_110238_s | setTemper | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
63 | func_110242_l | setBred | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
64 | func_110245_cM | generateRandomJumpStrength | 2 | Returns randomized jump strength | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
65 | func_110246_bZ | isJumping | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
66 | func_110248_bS | isTamed | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
67 | func_110249_cI | openMouth | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
68 | func_110252_cg | getTemper | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
69 | func_110255_k | setIsJumping | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
70 | func_110257_ck | isSaddled | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/IEquipable |
71 | func_110257_ck | isSaddled | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/PigEntity |
72 | func_110257_ck | isSaddled | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
73 | func_110257_ck | isSaddled | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/StriderEntity |
74 | func_110258_o | getEatAnim | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
75 | func_110263_g | tameWithName | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
76 | func_110266_cB | eating | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
77 | func_110267_cL | generateRandomMaxHealth | 2 | Returns randomized max health | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
78 | func_110297_a_ | notifyTradeUpdated | 2 | Notifies the merchant of a possible merchantrecipe being fulfilled or not. Usually, this is just a sound byte being played depending if the suggested itemstack is not null. | net/minecraft/entity/merchant/villager/AbstractVillagerEntity |
79 | func_110297_a_ | notifyTradeUpdated | 2 | Notifies the merchant of a possible merchantrecipe being fulfilled or not. Usually, this is just a sound byte being played depending if the suggested itemstack is not null. | net/minecraft/entity/NPCMerchant |
80 | func_110297_a_ | notifyTradeUpdated | 2 | Notifies the merchant of a possible merchantrecipe being fulfilled or not. Usually, this is just a sound byte being played depending if the suggested itemstack is not null. | net/minecraft/entity/merchant/IMerchant |
81 | func_110303_q | getCloakTextureLocation | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/AbstractClientPlayerEntity |
82 | func_110304_a | registerSkinTexture | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/AbstractClientPlayerEntity |
83 | func_110306_p | getSkinTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the ResourceLocation associated with the player's skin | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/AbstractClientPlayerEntity |
84 | func_110311_f | getSkinLocation | 0 | Returns true if the username has an associated skin. | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/AbstractClientPlayerEntity |
85 | func_110317_t | isRidingJumpable | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
86 | func_110318_g | sendRidingJump | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
87 | func_110319_bJ | getJumpRidingScale | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
88 | func_110430_a | setPlayerInput | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
89 | func_110432_I | getUser | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
90 | func_110434_K | getTextureManager | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
91 | func_110437_J | getProxy | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
92 | func_110455_j | getOperatorUserPermissionLevel | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedServer |
93 | func_110455_j | getOperatorUserPermissionLevel | 0 | | net/minecraft/server/integrated/IntegratedServer |
94 | func_110455_j | getOperatorUserPermissionLevel | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
95 | func_110468_c | getFrameIndex | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/AnimationMetadataSection |
96 | func_110469_d | getDefaultFrameTime | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/AnimationMetadataSection |
97 | func_110472_a | getFrameTime | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/AnimationMetadataSection |
98 | func_110473_c | getFrameCount | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/AnimationMetadataSection |
99 | func_110479_a | isBlur | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/TextureMetadataSection |
100 | func_110480_b | isClamp | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/TextureMetadataSection |
101 | func_110483_a | getMetadataSectionName | 2 | The name of this section type as it appears in JSON. | net/minecraft/resources/data/IMetadataSectionSerializer |
102 | func_110483_a | getMetadataSectionName | 2 | The name of this section type as it appears in JSON. | net/minecraft/resources/data/PackMetadataSectionSerializer |
103 | func_110483_a | getMetadataSectionName | 0 | The name of this section type as it appears in JSON. | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/AnimationMetadataSectionSerializer |
104 | func_110483_a | getMetadataSectionName | 0 | The name of this section type as it appears in JSON. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/TextureAtlasSpriteStitcher |
105 | func_110483_a | getMetadataSectionName | 0 | The name of this section type as it appears in JSON. | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/LanguageMetadataSectionSerializer |
106 | func_110483_a | getMetadataSectionName | 0 | The name of this section type as it appears in JSON. | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/TextureMetadataSectionSerializer |
107 | func_110492_a | getFrame | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/AnimationMetadataSectionSerializer |
108 | func_110495_a | isTimeUnknown | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/AnimationFrame |
109 | func_110496_c | getIndex | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/AnimationFrame |
110 | func_110497_b | getTime | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/AnimationFrame |
111 | func_110550_d | tick | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/AtlasTexture |
112 | func_110550_d | tick | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/TextureManager |
113 | func_110550_d | tick | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/ITickable |
114 | func_110552_b | getId | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/Texture |
115 | func_110564_a | upload | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/DynamicTexture |
116 | func_110572_b | getTexture | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/AtlasTexture |
117 | func_110577_a | bind | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/TextureManager |
118 | func_110578_a | register | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/TextureManager |
119 | func_110623_a | getPath | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/ResourceLocation |
120 | func_110624_b | getNamespace | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/ResourceLocation |
121 | func_110646_a | stripFormatting | 2 | Returns a copy of the given string, with formatting codes stripped away. | net/minecraft/util/text/TextFormatting |
122 | func_110647_a | getPlatform | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/Util |
123 | func_110738_j | isServerControlledInventory | 0 | Checks if the player is riding a horse, used to chose the GUI to open | net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/PlayerController |
124 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/AbstractZombieRenderer |
125 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/AreaEffectCloudRenderer |
126 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/ArmorStandRenderer |
127 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/BatRenderer |
128 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/BeeRenderer |
129 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/BlazeRenderer |
130 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/BoatRenderer |
131 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/CatRenderer |
132 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/CaveSpiderRenderer |
133 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/ChestedHorseRenderer |
134 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/ChickenRenderer |
135 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/CodRenderer |
136 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/CowRenderer |
137 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/CreeperRenderer |
138 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/DolphinRenderer |
139 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/DragonFireballRenderer |
140 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/DrownedRenderer |
141 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/ElderGuardianRenderer |
142 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/EnderCrystalRenderer |
143 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/EnderDragonRenderer |
144 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/EndermanRenderer |
145 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/EndermiteRenderer |
146 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/EntityRenderer |
147 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/EvokerFangsRenderer |
148 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/EvokerRenderer |
149 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/ExperienceOrbRenderer |
150 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/FallingBlockRenderer |
151 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/FireworkRocketRenderer |
152 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/FishRenderer |
153 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/FoxRenderer |
154 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/GhastRenderer |
155 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/GiantZombieRenderer |
156 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/GuardianRenderer |
157 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/HoglinRenderer |
158 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/HorseRenderer |
159 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/BipedRenderer |
160 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/HuskRenderer |
161 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/IllusionerRenderer |
162 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/IronGolemRenderer |
163 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/ItemRenderer |
164 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/ItemFrameRenderer |
165 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/LeashKnotRenderer |
166 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/LightningBoltRenderer |
167 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/LlamaRenderer |
168 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/LlamaSpitRenderer |
169 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/MagmaCubeRenderer |
170 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/MinecartRenderer |
171 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/MooshroomRenderer |
172 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/OcelotRenderer |
173 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/PaintingRenderer |
174 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/PandaRenderer |
175 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/ParrotRenderer |
176 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/PhantomRenderer |
177 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/PigRenderer |
178 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/PiglinRenderer |
179 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/PillagerRenderer |
180 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/PolarBearRenderer |
181 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/PufferfishRenderer |
182 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RabbitRenderer |
183 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/RavagerRenderer |
184 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/IEntityRenderer |
185 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/SalmonRenderer |
186 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/SheepRenderer |
187 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/ShulkerBulletRenderer |
188 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/ShulkerRenderer |
189 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/SilverfishRenderer |
190 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/SkeletonRenderer |
191 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/SlimeRenderer |
192 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/SnowManRenderer |
193 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/SpectralArrowRenderer |
194 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/SpiderRenderer |
195 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/SquidRenderer |
196 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/StrayRenderer |
197 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/StriderRenderer |
198 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/SpriteRenderer |
199 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/TridentRenderer |
200 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/TippedArrowRenderer |
201 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/TNTRenderer |
202 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/TropicalFishRenderer |
203 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/TurtleRenderer |
204 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/UndeadHorseRenderer |
205 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/VexRenderer |
206 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/VillagerRenderer |
207 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/VindicatorRenderer |
208 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/WanderingTraderRenderer |
209 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/WitchRenderer |
210 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/WitherRenderer |
211 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/WitherSkeletonRenderer |
212 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/WitherSkullRenderer |
213 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/WolfRenderer |
214 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/ZoglinRenderer |
215 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/ZombieVillagerRenderer |
216 | func_110775_a | getTextureLocation | 0 | Returns the location of an entity's texture. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/PlayerRenderer |
217 | func_110935_a | getWidth | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/Stitcher |
218 | func_110936_b | getHeight | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/Stitcher |
219 | func_110970_k | getFrameCount | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/TextureAtlasSprite |
220 | func_111104_a | setRandomEffect | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/SpiderEntity$GroupData |
221 | func_111109_a | sanitizeValue | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/Attribute |
222 | func_111109_a | sanitizeValue | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/RangedAttribute |
223 | func_111110_b | getDefaultValue | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/Attribute |
224 | func_111111_c | isClientSyncable | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/Attribute |
225 | func_111121_a | addModifier | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/ModifiableAttributeInstance |
226 | func_111123_a | getAttribute | 2 | Get the Attribute this is an instance of | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/ModifiableAttributeInstance |
227 | func_111124_b | removeModifier | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/ModifiableAttributeInstance |
228 | func_111125_b | getBaseValue | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/ModifiableAttributeInstance |
229 | func_111126_e | getValue | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/ModifiableAttributeInstance |
230 | func_111127_a | getModifier | 2 | Returns attribute modifier, if any, by the given UUID | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/ModifiableAttributeInstance |
231 | func_111128_a | setBaseValue | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/ModifiableAttributeInstance |
232 | func_111129_g | calculateValue | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/ModifiableAttributeInstance |
233 | func_111164_d | getAmount | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/AttributeModifier |
234 | func_111166_b | getName | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/AttributeModifier |
235 | func_111167_a | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/AttributeModifier |
236 | func_111175_f | getFollowDistance | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/goal/TargetGoal |
237 | func_111175_f | getFollowDistance | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/PolarBearEntity$AttackPlayerGoal |
238 | func_111175_f | getFollowDistance | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/LlamaEntity$DefendTargetGoal |
239 | func_111183_a | getAttributeModifierValue | 2 | | net/minecraft/potion/AttackDamageEffect |
240 | func_111183_a | getAttributeModifierValue | 2 | | net/minecraft/potion/Effect |
241 | func_111185_a | addAttributeModifiers | 2 | | net/minecraft/potion/AbsorptionEffect |
242 | func_111185_a | addAttributeModifiers | 2 | | net/minecraft/potion/Effect |
243 | func_111186_k | getAttributeModifiers | 2 | | net/minecraft/potion/Effect |
244 | func_111187_a | removeAttributeModifiers | 2 | | net/minecraft/potion/AbsorptionEffect |
245 | func_111187_a | removeAttributeModifiers | 2 | | net/minecraft/potion/HealthBoostEffect |
246 | func_111187_a | removeAttributeModifiers | 2 | | net/minecraft/potion/Effect |
247 | func_111205_h | getDefaultAttributeModifiers | 2 | Gets a map of item attribute modifiers, used by ItemSword to increase hit damage. | net/minecraft/item/ArmorItem |
248 | func_111205_h | getDefaultAttributeModifiers | 2 | Gets a map of item attribute modifiers, used by ItemSword to increase hit damage. | net/minecraft/item/ToolItem |
249 | func_111205_h | getDefaultAttributeModifiers | 2 | Gets a map of item attribute modifiers, used by ItemSword to increase hit damage. | net/minecraft/item/Item |
250 | func_111205_h | getDefaultAttributeModifiers | 2 | Gets a map of item attribute modifiers, used by ItemSword to increase hit damage. | net/minecraft/item/SwordItem |
251 | func_111205_h | getDefaultAttributeModifiers | 2 | Gets a map of item attribute modifiers, used by ItemSword to increase hit damage. | net/minecraft/item/TridentItem |
252 | func_111207_a | interactLivingEntity | 2 | Returns true if the item can be used on the given entity, e.g. shears on sheep. | net/minecraft/item/DyeItem |
253 | func_111207_a | interactLivingEntity | 2 | Returns true if the item can be used on the given entity, e.g. shears on sheep. | net/minecraft/item/Item |
254 | func_111207_a | interactLivingEntity | 2 | Returns true if the item can be used on the given entity, e.g. shears on sheep. | net/minecraft/item/NameTagItem |
255 | func_111207_a | interactLivingEntity | 2 | Returns true if the item can be used on the given entity, e.g. shears on sheep. | net/minecraft/item/SaddleItem |
256 | func_111225_m | getEnchantmentCategories | 2 | Returns the enchantment types relevant to this tab | net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup |
257 | func_111226_a | hasEnchantmentCategory | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup |
258 | func_111229_a | setEnchantmentCategories | 2 | Sets the enchantment types for populating this tab with enchanting books | net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup |
259 | func_111238_b | isActive | 2 | Actualy only call when we want to render the white square effect over the slots. Return always True, except for the armor slot of the Donkey/Mule (we can't interact with the Undead and Skeleton horses) | net/minecraft/inventory/container/HorseInventoryContainer$1 |
260 | func_111238_b | isActive | 2 | Actualy only call when we want to render the white square effect over the slots. Return always True, except for the armor slot of the Donkey/Mule (we can't interact with the Undead and Skeleton horses) | net/minecraft/inventory/container/HorseInventoryContainer$2 |
261 | func_111238_b | isActive | 2 | Actualy only call when we want to render the white square effect over the slots. Return always True, except for the armor slot of the Donkey/Mule (we can't interact with the Undead and Skeleton horses) | net/minecraft/inventory/container/Slot |
262 | func_111238_b | isActive | 0 | Actualy only call when we want to render the white square effect over the slots. Return always True, except for the armor slot of the Donkey/Mule (we can't interact with the Undead and Skeleton horses) | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/inventory/CreativeScreen$CreativeSlot |
263 | func_111270_a | minmax | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/math/AxisAlignedBB |
264 | func_111282_a_ | interactLivingEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/ItemStack |
265 | func_111283_C | getAttributeModifiers | 2 | Gets the attribute modifiers for this ItemStack.\nWill check for an NBT tag list containing modifiers for the stack. | net/minecraft/item/ItemStack |
266 | func_111285_a | getName | 0 | | net/minecraft/util/Session |
267 | func_111286_b | getSessionId | 0 | | net/minecraft/util/Session |
268 | func_120011_ar | showGui | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedServer |
269 | func_120018_d | buildChatPanel | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/gui/MinecraftServerGui |
270 | func_120019_b | buildInfoPanel | 2 | Generates new StatsComponent and returns it. | net/minecraft/server/gui/MinecraftServerGui |
271 | func_120020_c | buildPlayerPanel | 2 | Generates new PlayerListComponent and returns it. | net/minecraft/server/gui/MinecraftServerGui |
272 | func_120034_a | tick | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/gui/StatsComponent |
273 | func_120035_a | getAverage | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/gui/StatsComponent |
274 | func_130011_c | setLastHurtMob | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
275 | func_130014_f_ | getCommandSenderWorld | 2 | Get the world, if available. <b>{@code null} is not allowed!</b> If you are not an entity in the world, return the overworld | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
276 | func_130072_d | getFrame | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/AnimationMetadataSection |
277 | func_130073_e | getUniqueFrameIndices | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/AnimationMetadataSection |
278 | func_130098_m | isAnimation | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/TextureAtlasSprite |
279 | func_130105_g | getStartupTime | 2 | Returns the saved value of System#currentTimeMillis when the game started | net/minecraft/profiler/Snooper |
280 | func_135016_M | getLanguageManager | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
281 | func_135018_a | getLanguages | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/data/LanguageMetadataSection |
282 | func_135035_b | isBidirectional | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/Language |
283 | func_135040_d | getLanguages | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/LanguageManager |
284 | func_135041_c | getSelected | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/LanguageManager |
285 | func_135044_b | isBidirectional | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/LanguageManager |
286 | func_135045_a | setSelected | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/LanguageManager |
287 | func_135052_a | get | 0 | Translates the given string and then formats it. Equivilant to String.format(translate(key), parameters). | net/minecraft/client/resources/I18n |
288 | func_135074_t | resetHoverName | 2 | Clear any custom name set for this ItemStack | net/minecraft/item/ItemStack |
289 | func_140005_i | realmsButtonClicked | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/MainMenuScreen |
290 | func_142008_O | repositionEntityAfterLoad | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
291 | func_142008_O | repositionEntityAfterLoad | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/HangingEntity |
292 | func_142013_aG | getLastHurtMobTimestamp | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
293 | func_142015_aE | getLastHurtByMobTimestamp | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
294 | func_142017_o | onLeashDistance | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/CreatureEntity |
295 | func_142017_o | onLeashDistance | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
296 | func_142018_a | wantsToAttack | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/TameableEntity |
297 | func_142018_a | wantsToAttack | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/WolfEntity |
298 | func_142021_k | getServerBrand | 0 | Gets the brand of the currently connected server. May be null if the server hasn't yet sent brand information. Server brand information is sent over the {@code MC|Brand} plugin channel, and is used to identify modded servers in crash reports. | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
299 | func_142049_d | removeModifiers | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/ai/attributes/ModifiableAttributeInstance |
300 | func_142054_a | isAlliedTo | 2 | Same as == | net/minecraft/scoreboard/Team |
301 | func_143004_u | resetLastActionTime | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
302 | func_143006_e | setPlayerIdleTimeout | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedServer |
303 | func_143006_e | setPlayerIdleTimeout | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
304 | func_143007_ar | getPlayerIdleTimeout | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
305 | func_143010_b | createTag | 2 | Writes structure base data (id, boundingbox, {@link net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.StructureComponent#coordBaseMode coordBase} and {@link net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.StructureComponent#componentType componentType}) to new NBTTagCompound and returns it. | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StructurePiece |
306 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/BuriedTreasure$Piece |
307 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/DesertPyramidPiece |
308 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/EndCityPieces$CityTemplate |
309 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/IglooPieces$Piece |
310 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/JunglePyramidPiece |
311 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/MineshaftPieces$Corridor |
312 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/MineshaftPieces$Cross |
313 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/MineshaftPieces$Piece |
314 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/MineshaftPieces$Room |
315 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$End |
316 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Corridor |
317 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Corridor2 |
318 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Throne |
319 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Piece |
320 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/NetherFossilStructures$Piece |
321 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$Piece |
322 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanRuinPieces$Piece |
323 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/AbstractVillagePiece |
324 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/RuinedPortalPiece |
325 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/ScatteredStructurePiece |
326 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/ShipwreckPieces$Piece |
327 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$ChestCorridor |
328 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$Corridor |
329 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$Crossing |
330 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$Library |
331 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$PortalRoom |
332 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$RoomCrossing |
333 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$Stairs |
334 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$Straight |
335 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$Stronghold |
336 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StructurePiece |
337 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/SwampHutPiece |
338 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/TemplateStructurePiece |
339 | func_143011_b | addAdditionalSaveData | 2 | (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/WoodlandMansionPieces$MansionTemplate |
340 | func_143018_f | getChunkZ | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StructureStart |
341 | func_143019_e | getChunkX | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StructureStart |
342 | func_143021_a | createTag | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StructureStart |
343 | func_143025_a | getFeatureName | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/Structure |
344 | func_145747_a | sendMessage | 2 | Send a chat message to the CommandSender | net/minecraft/command/ICommandSource |
345 | func_145747_a | sendMessage | 2 | Send a chat message to the CommandSender | net/minecraft/command/ICommandSource$1 |
346 | func_145747_a | sendMessage | 2 | Send a chat message to the CommandSender | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
347 | func_145747_a | sendMessage | 2 | Send a chat message to the CommandSender | net/minecraft/network/rcon/RConConsoleSource |
348 | func_145747_a | sendMessage | 2 | Send a chat message to the CommandSender | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
349 | func_145747_a | sendMessage | 2 | Send a chat message to the CommandSender | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockLogic |
350 | func_145747_a | sendMessage | 0 | Send a chat message to the CommandSender | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
351 | func_145747_a | sendMessage | 0 | Send a chat message to the CommandSender | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/RemoteClientPlayerEntity |
352 | func_145747_a | sendMessage | 2 | Send a chat message to the CommandSender | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
353 | func_145748_c_ | getDisplayName | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/container/INamedContainerProvider |
354 | func_145748_c_ | getDisplayName | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/INameable |
355 | func_145748_c_ | getDisplayName | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/container/SimpleNamedContainerProvider |
356 | func_145748_c_ | getDisplayName | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
357 | func_145748_c_ | getDisplayName | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
358 | func_145748_c_ | getDisplayName | 2 | | net/minecraft/block/ChestBlock$2$1 |
359 | func_145748_c_ | getDisplayName | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/LockableTileEntity |
360 | func_145748_c_ | getDisplayName | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/BeaconTileEntity |
361 | func_145748_c_ | getDisplayName | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/LecternTileEntity |
362 | func_145749_h | getLastOutput | 2 | Returns the lastOutput. | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockLogic |
363 | func_145750_b | setLastOutput | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockLogic |
364 | func_145752_a | setCommand | 2 | Sets the command. | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockLogic |
365 | func_145752_a | setCommand | 2 | Sets the command. | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockTileEntity$1 |
366 | func_145753_i | getCommand | 2 | Returns the command of the command block. | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockLogic |
367 | func_145755_a | performCommand | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockLogic |
368 | func_145756_e | onUpdated | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/minecart/CommandBlockMinecartEntity$MinecartCommandLogic |
369 | func_145756_e | onUpdated | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockLogic |
370 | func_145756_e | onUpdated | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockTileEntity$1 |
371 | func_145759_b | load | 2 | Reads NBT formatting and stored data into variables. | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockLogic |
372 | func_145760_g | getSuccessCount | 2 | returns the successCount int. | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockLogic |
373 | func_145769_d | setId | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
374 | func_145770_h | shouldRender | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
375 | func_145770_h | shouldRender | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/projectile/FireworkRocketEntity |
376 | func_145770_h | shouldRender | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/projectile/TridentEntity |
377 | func_145773_az | isIgnoringBlockTriggers | 2 | Return whether this entity should NOT trigger a pressure plate or a tripwire. | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
378 | func_145773_az | isIgnoringBlockTriggers | 2 | Return whether this entity should NOT trigger a pressure plate or a tripwire. | net/minecraft/entity/passive/BatEntity |
379 | func_145775_I | checkInsideBlocks | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
380 | func_145782_y | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
381 | func_145806_a | setHurtsEntities | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/FallingBlockEntity |
382 | func_145807_e | getLevel | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/FallingBlockEntity |
383 | func_145818_k_ | hasCustomName | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/INameable |
384 | func_145818_k_ | hasCustomName | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
385 | func_145822_e | getCommandBlock | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/minecart/CommandBlockMinecartEntity |
386 | func_145828_a | fillCrashReportCategory | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntity |
387 | func_145829_t | clearRemoved | 2 | validates a tile entity | net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntity |
388 | func_145829_t | clearRemoved | 2 | validates a tile entity | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockTileEntity |
389 | func_145830_o | hasLevel | 2 | Returns true if the worldObj isn't null. | net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntity |
390 | func_145831_w | getLevel | 2 | Returns the worldObj for this tileEntity. | net/minecraft/entity/item/minecart/HopperMinecartEntity |
391 | func_145831_w | getLevel | 2 | Returns the worldObj for this tileEntity. | net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntity |
392 | func_145831_w | getLevel | 2 | Returns the worldObj for this tileEntity. | net/minecraft/tileentity/IHopper |
393 | func_145833_n | getViewDistance | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/BeaconTileEntity |
394 | func_145833_n | getViewDistance | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntity |
395 | func_145833_n | getViewDistance | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/StructureBlockTileEntity |
396 | func_145833_n | getViewDistance | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/EndGatewayTileEntity |
397 | func_145833_n | getViewDistance | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/PistonTileEntity |
398 | func_145836_u | clearCache | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntity |
399 | func_145837_r | isRemoved | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntity |
400 | func_145842_c | triggerEvent | 2 | See {@link Block#eventReceived} for more information. This must return true serverside before it is called clientside. | net/minecraft/tileentity/BellTileEntity |
401 | func_145842_c | triggerEvent | 2 | See {@link Block#eventReceived} for more information. This must return true serverside before it is called clientside. | net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntity |
402 | func_145842_c | triggerEvent | 2 | See {@link Block#eventReceived} for more information. This must return true serverside before it is called clientside. | net/minecraft/tileentity/ChestTileEntity |
403 | func_145842_c | triggerEvent | 2 | See {@link Block#eventReceived} for more information. This must return true serverside before it is called clientside. | net/minecraft/tileentity/EnderChestTileEntity |
404 | func_145842_c | triggerEvent | 2 | See {@link Block#eventReceived} for more information. This must return true serverside before it is called clientside. | net/minecraft/tileentity/ShulkerBoxTileEntity |
405 | func_145842_c | triggerEvent | 2 | See {@link Block#eventReceived} for more information. This must return true serverside before it is called clientside. | net/minecraft/tileentity/MobSpawnerTileEntity |
406 | func_145842_c | triggerEvent | 2 | See {@link Block#eventReceived} for more information. This must return true serverside before it is called clientside. | net/minecraft/tileentity/EndGatewayTileEntity |
407 | func_145843_s | setRemoved | 2 | invalidates a tile entity | net/minecraft/tileentity/BeaconTileEntity |
408 | func_145843_s | setRemoved | 2 | invalidates a tile entity | net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntity |
409 | func_145843_s | setRemoved | 2 | invalidates a tile entity | net/minecraft/tileentity/EnderChestTileEntity |
410 | func_145860_a | getProgress | 2 | Get interpolated progress value (between lastProgress and progress) given the fractional time between ticks as an argument | net/minecraft/tileentity/PistonTileEntity |
411 | func_145866_f | finalTick | 2 | removes a piston's tile entity (and if the piston is moving, stops it) | net/minecraft/tileentity/PistonTileEntity |
412 | func_145867_d | isSourcePiston | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/PistonTileEntity |
413 | func_145868_b | isExtending | 2 | Returns true if a piston is extending | net/minecraft/tileentity/PistonTileEntity |
414 | func_145881_a | getSpawner | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/MobSpawnerTileEntity |
415 | func_145883_k | ejectItems | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
416 | func_145884_b | getSourceContainer | 2 | Gets the inventory that the provided hopper will transfer items from. | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
417 | func_145888_j | isOnCooldown | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
418 | func_145891_a | suckInItems | 2 | Pull dropped {@link net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem EntityItem}s from the world above the hopper and items from any inventory attached to this hopper into the hopper's inventory.\n\n@param hopper the hopper in question\n@return whether any items were successfully added to the hopper | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
419 | func_145893_b | getContainerAt | 2 | Returns the IInventory (if applicable) of the TileEntity at the specified position | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
420 | func_145894_a | canMergeItems | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
421 | func_145895_l | getAttachedContainer | 2 | Returns the IInventory that this hopper is pointing into | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
422 | func_145896_c | setCooldown | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
423 | func_145911_b | getPlayerWhoMayEdit | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/SignTileEntity |
424 | func_145912_a | setAllowedPlayerEditor | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/SignTileEntity |
425 | func_145913_a | setEditable | 2 | Sets the sign's isEditable flag to the specified parameter. | net/minecraft/tileentity/SignTileEntity |
426 | func_145914_a | isEditable | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/SignTileEntity |
427 | func_145934_k | isBrewable | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/BrewingStandTileEntity |
428 | func_145940_l | doBrew | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/BrewingStandTileEntity |
429 | func_145969_a | startOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/EnderChestTileEntity |
430 | func_145970_b | stopOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/EnderChestTileEntity |
431 | func_145971_a | stillValid | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/EnderChestTileEntity |
432 | func_145993_a | getCommandBlock | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockTileEntity |
433 | func_145995_a | setOutputSignal | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/ComparatorTileEntity |
434 | func_145996_a | getOutputSignal | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/ComparatorTileEntity |
435 | func_146000_x | applyEffects | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/BeaconTileEntity |
436 | func_146017_i | getRandomSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/DispenserTileEntity |
437 | func_146019_a | addItem | 2 | Add the given ItemStack to this Dispenser. Return the Slot the Item was placed in or -1 if no free slot is available. | net/minecraft/tileentity/DispenserTileEntity |
438 | func_146031_a | setActiveChest | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/EnderChestInventory |
439 | func_146034_e | retrieve | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/projectile/FishingBobberEntity |
440 | func_146065_b | dropItem | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemFrameEntity |
441 | func_146066_aG | shouldDropExperience | 2 | Entity won't drop items or experience points if this returns false | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
442 | func_146066_aG | shouldDropExperience | 2 | Entity won't drop items or experience points if this returns false | net/minecraft/entity/monster/MonsterEntity |
443 | func_146066_aG | shouldDropExperience | 2 | Entity won't drop items or experience points if this returns false | net/minecraft/entity/monster/HoglinEntity |
444 | func_146070_a | setCanBreakDoors | 2 | Sets or removes EntityAIBreakDoor task | net/minecraft/entity/monster/ZombieEntity |
445 | func_146072_bX | canBreakDoors | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/ZombieEntity |
446 | func_146077_cc | explodeCreeper | 2 | Creates an explosion as determined by this creeper's power and explosion radius. | net/minecraft/entity/monster/CreeperEntity |
447 | func_146078_ca | isIgnited | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/CreeperEntity |
448 | func_146079_cb | ignite | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/CreeperEntity |
449 | func_146082_f | setInLove | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/AnimalEntity |
450 | func_146094_a | createPlayerUUID | 2 | Gets a players UUID given their GameProfie | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
451 | func_146097_a | drop | 2 | Creates and drops the provided item. Depending on the dropAround, it will drop teh item around the player, instead of dropping the item from where the player is pointing at. Likewise, if traceItem is true, the dropped item entity will have the thrower set as the player. | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
452 | func_146097_a | drop | 2 | Creates and drops the provided item. Depending on the dropAround, it will drop teh item around the player, instead of dropping the item from where the player is pointing at. Likewise, if traceItem is true, the dropped item entity will have the thrower set as the player. | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
453 | func_146103_bH | getGameProfile | 2 | Returns the GameProfile for this player | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
454 | func_146105_b | displayClientMessage | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
455 | func_146105_b | displayClientMessage | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
456 | func_146105_b | displayClientMessage | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
457 | func_146107_m | getStats | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
458 | func_146140_b | setSelected | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/inventory/BeaconScreen$Button |
459 | func_146141_c | isSelected | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/inventory/BeaconScreen$Button |
460 | func_146158_b | getChat | 0 | returns a pointer to the persistant Chat GUI, containing all previous chat messages and such | net/minecraft/client/gui/IngameGui |
461 | func_146175_b | deleteChars | 0 | Deletes the given number of characters from the current cursor's position, unless there is currently a selection, in which case the selection is deleted instead. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
462 | func_146176_q | isVisible | 0 | returns true if this textbox is visible | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
463 | func_146177_a | deleteWords | 0 | Deletes the given number of words from the current cursor's position, unless there is currently a selection, in which case the selection is deleted instead. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
464 | func_146178_a | tick | 0 | Increments the cursor counter | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
465 | func_146179_b | getValue | 0 | Returns the contents of the textbox | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
466 | func_146180_a | setValue | 0 | Sets the text of the textbox, and moves the cursor to the end. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
467 | func_146181_i | isBordered | 0 | Gets whether the background and outline of this text box should be drawn (true if so). | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
468 | func_146182_d | moveCursor | 0 | Moves the text cursor by a specified number of characters and clears the selection | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
469 | func_146183_a | getWordPosition | 0 | Gets the starting index of the word at a distance of the specified number of words away from the given position. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
470 | func_146184_c | setEditable | 0 | Sets whether this text box is enabled. Disabled text boxes cannot be typed in. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
471 | func_146185_a | setBordered | 0 | Sets whether or not the background and outline of this text box should be drawn. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
472 | func_146187_c | getWordPosition | 0 | Gets the starting index of the word at the specified number of words away from the cursor position. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
473 | func_146188_c | renderHighlight | 0 | Draws the blue selection box. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
474 | func_146189_e | setVisible | 0 | Sets whether or not this textbox is visible | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
475 | func_146190_e | moveCursorTo | 0 | Sets the current position of the cursor. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
476 | func_146191_b | insertText | 0 | Adds the given text after the cursor, or replaces the currently selected text if there is a selection. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
477 | func_146193_g | setTextColor | 0 | Sets the color to use when drawing this text box's text. A different color is used if this text box is disabled. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
478 | func_146195_b | setFocus | 0 | Sets focus to this gui element | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
479 | func_146196_d | moveCursorToStart | 0 | Moves the cursor to the very start of this text box. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
480 | func_146197_a | getWordPosition | 0 | Like getNthWordFromPos (which wraps this), but adds option for skipping consecutive spaces | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
481 | func_146198_h | getCursorPosition | 0 | returns the current position of the cursor | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
482 | func_146199_i | setHighlightPos | 0 | Sets the position of the selection anchor (the selection anchor and the cursor position mark the edges of the selection). If the anchor is set beyond the bounds of the current text, it will be put back inside. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
483 | func_146200_o | getInnerWidth | 0 | returns the width of the textbox depending on if background drawing is enabled | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
484 | func_146202_e | moveCursorToEnd | 0 | Moves the cursor to the very end of this text box. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
485 | func_146203_f | setMaxLength | 0 | Sets the maximum length for the text in this text box. If the current text is longer than this length, the current text will be trimmed. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
486 | func_146204_h | setTextColorUneditable | 0 | Sets the color to use for text in this text box when this text box is disabled. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
487 | func_146205_d | setCanLoseFocus | 0 | Sets whether this text box loses focus when something other than it is clicked. | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
488 | func_146207_c | getHighlighted | 0 | returns the text between the cursor and selectionEnd | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
489 | func_146208_g | getMaxLength | 0 | returns the maximum number of character that can be contained in this textbox | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget |
490 | func_146227_a | addMessage | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/NewChatGui |
491 | func_146228_f | getWidth | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/NewChatGui |
492 | func_146231_a | clearMessages | 0 | Clears the chat.\n \n@param clearSentMsgHistory Whether or not to clear the user's sent message history | net/minecraft/client/gui/NewChatGui |
493 | func_146232_i | getLinesPerPage | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/NewChatGui |
494 | func_146234_a | addMessage | 0 | prints the ChatComponent to Chat. If the ID is not 0, deletes an existing Chat Line of that ID from the GUI | net/minecraft/client/gui/NewChatGui |
495 | func_146238_c | getRecentChat | 0 | Gets the list of messages previously sent through the chat GUI | net/minecraft/client/gui/NewChatGui |
496 | func_146239_a | addRecentChat | 0 | Adds this string to the list of sent messages, for recall using the up/down arrow keys | net/minecraft/client/gui/NewChatGui |
497 | func_146240_d | resetChatScroll | 0 | Resets the chat scroll (executed when the GUI is closed, among others) | net/minecraft/client/gui/NewChatGui |
498 | func_146241_e | isChatFocused | 0 | Returns true if the chat GUI is open | net/minecraft/client/gui/NewChatGui |
499 | func_146242_c | removeById | 0 | finds and deletes a Chat line by ID | net/minecraft/client/gui/NewChatGui |
500 | func_146245_b | rescaleChat | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/NewChatGui |
501 | func_146246_g | getHeight | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/NewChatGui |
502 | func_146314_g | updateResultFolder | 0 | Determine a save-directory name from the world name | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/CreateWorldScreen |
503 | func_146315_i | toggleDisplayOptions | 0 | Toggles between initial world-creation display, and "more options" display.\nCalled when user clicks "More World Options..." or "Done" (same button, different labels depending on current display). | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/CreateWorldScreen |
504 | func_146316_a | setDisplayOptions | 0 | Shows additional world-creation options if toggle is true, otherwise shows main world-creation elements | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/CreateWorldScreen |
505 | func_146350_a | setDelay | 0 | Sets the number of ticks to wait before enabling the buttons. | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ConfirmScreen |
506 | func_146359_e | copyToClipboard | 0 | Copies the link to the system clipboard. | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ConfirmOpenLinkScreen |
507 | func_146367_a | connect | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ConnectingScreen |
508 | func_146375_g | updateButtonValidity | 0 | Would update whether or not the edit and remove buttons are enabled, but is currently disabled and always disables the buttons (which are invisible anyways) | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/CreateFlatWorldScreen |
509 | func_146382_i | hasValidSelection | 0 | Returns whether there is a valid layer selection | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/CreateFlatWorldScreen |
510 | func_146402_a | moveInHistory | 0 | input is relative and is applied directly to the sentHistoryCursor so -1 is the previous message, 1 is the next message from the current cursor position | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ChatScreen |
511 | func_146418_g | sendWakeUp | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/SleepInMultiplayerScreen |
512 | func_146574_g | respawn | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/WinGameScreen |
513 | func_146575_b | renderBg | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/WinGameScreen |
514 | func_146586_a | stop | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/IProgressUpdate |
515 | func_146586_a | stop | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/WorkingScreen |
516 | func_146586_a | stop | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer$1 |
517 | func_146595_g | updateSelectionStrings | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ShareToLanScreen |
518 | func_146789_i | getPinger | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/MultiplayerScreen |
519 | func_146791_a | join | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/MultiplayerScreen |
520 | func_146792_q | refreshServerList | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/MultiplayerScreen |
521 | func_146795_p | getServers | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/MultiplayerScreen |
522 | func_146796_h | joinSelectedServer | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/MultiplayerScreen |
523 | func_146980_g | recalculateQuickCraftRemaining | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/inventory/ContainerScreen |
524 | func_146982_a | renderFloatingItem | 0 | Draws an ItemStack.\n \nThe z index is increased by 32 (and not decreased afterwards), and the item is then rendered at z=200. | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/inventory/ContainerScreen |
525 | func_147050_b | selectTab | 0 | Sets the current creative tab, restructuring the GUI as needed. | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/inventory/CreativeScreen |
526 | func_147053_i | refreshSearchResults | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/inventory/CreativeScreen |
527 | func_147055_p | canScroll | 0 | returns (if you are not on the inventoryTab) and (the flag isn't set) and (you have more than 1 page of items) | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/inventory/CreativeScreen |
528 | func_147056_g | getSelectedTab | 0 | Returns the index of the currently selected tab. | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/inventory/CreativeScreen |
529 | func_147068_g | tickBook | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/EnchantmentScreen |
530 | func_147096_v | getChatVisibility | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
531 | func_147097_b | broadcast | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
532 | func_147099_x | getStats | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
533 | func_147100_a | updateOptions | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
534 | func_147104_D | getCurrentServer | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
535 | func_147108_a | setScreen | 0 | Sets the argument GuiScreen as the main (topmost visible) screen.\n \n<p><strong>WARNING</strong>: This method is not thread-safe. Opening GUIs from a thread other than the main thread may cause many different issues, including the GUI being rendered before it has initialized (leading to unusual crashes). If on a thread other than the main thread, use {@link #execute}:\n \n<pre>\nminecraft.execute(() -> minecraft.displayGuiScreen(gui));\n</pre> | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
536 | func_147110_a | getMainRenderTarget | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
537 | func_147111_S | is64Bit | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
538 | func_147112_ai | pickBlock | 0 | Called when user clicked he's mouse middle button (pick block) | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
539 | func_147113_T | isPaused | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
540 | func_147114_u | getConnection | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
541 | func_147115_a | continueAttack | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
542 | func_147116_af | startAttack | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
543 | func_147118_V | getSoundManager | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
544 | func_147121_ag | startUseItem | 0 | Called when user clicked he's mouse right button (place) | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
545 | func_147122_X | checkIs64Bit | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
546 | func_147130_as | getSessionService | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
547 | func_147132_au | invalidateStatus | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
548 | func_147133_T | getResourcePack | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
549 | func_147134_at | getStatus | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
550 | func_147137_ag | getConnection | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
551 | func_147139_a | setDifficulty | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
552 | func_147149_a | saveToFile | 2 | Saves this CrashReport to the given file and returns a value indicating whether we were successful at doing so. | net/minecraft/crash/CrashReport |
553 | func_147152_a | getStacktrace | 2 | | net/minecraft/crash/CrashReportCategory |
554 | func_147223_a | tick | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/ServerPinger |
555 | func_147224_a | pingServer | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/ServerPinger |
556 | func_147225_b | pingLegacyServer | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/ServerPinger |
557 | func_147226_b | removeAll | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/ServerPinger |
558 | func_147231_a | onDisconnect | 2 | Invoked when disconnecting, the parameter is a ChatComponent describing the reason for termination | net/minecraft/network/INetHandler |
559 | func_147231_a | onDisconnect | 2 | Invoked when disconnecting, the parameter is a ChatComponent describing the reason for termination | net/minecraft/client/network/handshake/ClientHandshakeNetHandler |
560 | func_147231_a | onDisconnect | 2 | Invoked when disconnecting, the parameter is a ChatComponent describing the reason for termination | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
561 | func_147231_a | onDisconnect | 2 | Invoked when disconnecting, the parameter is a ChatComponent describing the reason for termination | net/minecraft/network/handshake/ServerHandshakeNetHandler |
562 | func_147231_a | onDisconnect | 2 | Invoked when disconnecting, the parameter is a ChatComponent describing the reason for termination | net/minecraft/network/login/ServerLoginNetHandler |
563 | func_147231_a | onDisconnect | 2 | Invoked when disconnecting, the parameter is a ChatComponent describing the reason for termination | net/minecraft/network/status/ServerStatusNetHandler |
564 | func_147231_a | onDisconnect | 0 | Invoked when disconnecting, the parameter is a ChatComponent describing the reason for termination | net/minecraft/client/network/login/ClientLoginNetHandler |
565 | func_147231_a | onDisconnect | 0 | Invoked when disconnecting, the parameter is a ChatComponent describing the reason for termination | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
566 | func_147231_a | onDisconnect | 0 | Invoked when disconnecting, the parameter is a ChatComponent describing the reason for termination | net/minecraft/client/network/ServerPinger$1 |
567 | func_147234_a | handleBlockUpdate | 2 | Updates the block and metadata and generates a blockupdate (and notify the clients) | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
568 | func_147234_a | handleBlockUpdate | 0 | Updates the block and metadata and generates a blockupdate (and notify the clients) | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
569 | func_147235_a | handleAddEntity | 2 | Spawns an instance of the objecttype indicated by the packet and sets its position and momentum | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
570 | func_147235_a | handleAddEntity | 0 | Spawns an instance of the objecttype indicated by the packet and sets its position and momentum | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
571 | func_147236_a | handleEntityEvent | 2 | Invokes the entities' handleUpdateHealth method which is implemented in LivingBase (hurt/death), MinecartMobSpawner (spawn delay), FireworkRocket & MinecartTNT (explosion), IronGolem (throwing,...), Witch (spawn particles), Zombie (villager transformation), Animal (breeding mode particles), Horse (breeding/smoke particles), Sheep (...), Tameable (...), Villager (particles for breeding mode, angry and happy), Wolf (...) | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
572 | func_147236_a | handleEntityEvent | 0 | Invokes the entities' handleUpdateHealth method which is implemented in LivingBase (hurt/death), MinecartMobSpawner (spawn delay), FireworkRocket & MinecartTNT (explosion), IronGolem (throwing,...), Witch (spawn particles), Zombie (villager transformation), Animal (breeding mode particles), Horse (breeding/smoke particles), Sheep (...), Tameable (...), Villager (particles for breeding mode, angry and happy), Wolf (...) | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
573 | func_147237_a | handleAddPlayer | 2 | Handles the creation of a nearby player entity, sets the position and held item | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
574 | func_147237_a | handleAddPlayer | 0 | Handles the creation of a nearby player entity, sets the position and held item | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
575 | func_147238_a | handleRemoveEntity | 2 | Locally eliminates the entities. Invoked by the server when the items are in fact destroyed, or the player is no longer registered as required to monitor them. The latter happens when distance between the player and item increases beyond a certain treshold (typically the viewing distance) | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
576 | func_147238_a | handleRemoveEntity | 0 | Locally eliminates the entities. Invoked by the server when the items are in fact destroyed, or the player is no longer registered as required to monitor them. The latter happens when distance between the player and item increases beyond a certain treshold (typically the viewing distance) | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
577 | func_147239_a | handleContainerAck | 2 | Verifies that the server and client are synchronized with respect to the inventory/container opened by the player and confirms if it is the case. | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
578 | func_147239_a | handleContainerAck | 0 | Verifies that the server and client are synchronized with respect to the inventory/container opened by the player and confirms if it is the case. | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
579 | func_147240_a | handleCustomPayload | 2 | Handles packets that have room for a channel specification. Vanilla implemented channels are "MC|TrList" to acquire a MerchantRecipeList trades for a villager merchant, "MC|Brand" which sets the server brand? on the player instance and finally "MC|RPack" which the server uses to communicate the identifier of the default server resourcepack for the client to load. | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
580 | func_147240_a | handleCustomPayload | 0 | Handles packets that have room for a channel specification. Vanilla implemented channels are "MC|TrList" to acquire a MerchantRecipeList trades for a villager merchant, "MC|Brand" which sets the server brand? on the player instance and finally "MC|RPack" which the server uses to communicate the identifier of the default server resourcepack for the client to load. | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
581 | func_147241_a | handleContainerContent | 2 | Handles the placement of a specified ItemStack in a specified container/inventory slot | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
582 | func_147241_a | handleContainerContent | 0 | Handles the placement of a specified ItemStack in a specified container/inventory slot | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
583 | func_147242_a | handleSetEquipment | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
584 | func_147242_a | handleSetEquipment | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
585 | func_147243_a | handleEntityLinkPacket | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
586 | func_147243_a | handleEntityLinkPacket | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
587 | func_147244_a | handleSetEntityMotion | 2 | Sets the velocity of the specified entity to the specified value | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
588 | func_147244_a | handleSetEntityMotion | 0 | Sets the velocity of the specified entity to the specified value | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
589 | func_147245_a | handleContainerSetData | 2 | Sets the progressbar of the opened window to the specified value | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
590 | func_147245_a | handleContainerSetData | 0 | Sets the progressbar of the opened window to the specified value | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
591 | func_147246_a | handleTakeItemEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
592 | func_147246_a | handleTakeItemEntity | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
593 | func_147247_a | handleSetPlayerTeamPacket | 2 | Updates a team managed by the scoreboard: Create/Remove the team registration, Register/Remove the player-team-memberships, Set team displayname/prefix/suffix and/or whether friendly fire is enabled | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
594 | func_147247_a | handleSetPlayerTeamPacket | 0 | Updates a team managed by the scoreboard: Create/Remove the team registration, Register/Remove the player-team-memberships, Set team displayname/prefix/suffix and/or whether friendly fire is enabled | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
595 | func_147249_a | handleSetHealth | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
596 | func_147249_a | handleSetHealth | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
597 | func_147250_a | handleSetScore | 2 | Either updates the score with a specified value or removes the score for an objective | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
598 | func_147250_a | handleSetScore | 0 | Either updates the score with a specified value or removes the score for an objective | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
599 | func_147251_a | handleChat | 2 | Prints a chatmessage in the chat GUI | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
600 | func_147251_a | handleChat | 0 | Prints a chatmessage in the chat GUI | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
601 | func_147252_a | handleGameEvent | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
602 | func_147252_a | handleGameEvent | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
603 | func_147253_a | handleDisconnect | 2 | Closes the network channel | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
604 | func_147253_a | handleDisconnect | 0 | Closes the network channel | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
605 | func_147254_a | handleSetDisplayObjective | 2 | Removes or sets the ScoreObjective to be displayed at a particular scoreboard position (list, sidebar, below name) | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
606 | func_147254_a | handleSetDisplayObjective | 0 | Removes or sets the ScoreObjective to be displayed at a particular scoreboard position (list, sidebar, below name) | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
607 | func_147256_a | handlePlayerInfo | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
608 | func_147256_a | handlePlayerInfo | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
609 | func_147257_a | handleSetCarriedItem | 2 | Updates which hotbar slot of the player is currently selected | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
610 | func_147257_a | handleSetCarriedItem | 0 | Updates which hotbar slot of the player is currently selected | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
611 | func_147259_a | handleMoveEntity | 2 | Updates the specified entity's position by the specified relative moment and absolute rotation. Note that subclassing of the packet allows for the specification of a subset of this data (e.g. only rel. position, abs. rotation or both). | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
612 | func_147259_a | handleMoveEntity | 0 | Updates the specified entity's position by the specified relative moment and absolute rotation. Note that subclassing of the packet allows for the specification of a subset of this data (e.g. only rel. position, abs. rotation or both). | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
613 | func_147260_a | handleUpdateMobEffect | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
614 | func_147260_a | handleUpdateMobEffect | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
615 | func_147261_a | handleBlockEvent | 2 | Triggers Block.onBlockEventReceived, which is implemented in BlockPistonBase for extension/retraction, BlockNote for setting the instrument (including audiovisual feedback) and in BlockContainer to set the number of players accessing a (Ender)Chest | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
616 | func_147261_a | handleBlockEvent | 0 | Triggers Block.onBlockEventReceived, which is implemented in BlockPistonBase for extension/retraction, BlockNote for setting the instrument (including audiovisual feedback) and in BlockContainer to set the number of players accessing a (Ender)Chest | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
617 | func_147262_a | handleRemoveMobEffect | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
618 | func_147262_a | handleRemoveMobEffect | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
619 | func_147263_a | handleLevelChunk | 2 | Updates the specified chunk with the supplied data, marks it for re-rendering and lighting recalculation | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
620 | func_147263_a | handleLevelChunk | 0 | Updates the specified chunk with the supplied data, marks it for re-rendering and lighting recalculation | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
621 | func_147264_a | handleMapItemData | 2 | Updates the worlds MapStorage with the specified MapData for the specified map-identifier and invokes a MapItemRenderer for it | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
622 | func_147264_a | handleMapItemData | 0 | Updates the worlds MapStorage with the specified MapData for the specified map-identifier and invokes a MapItemRenderer for it | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
623 | func_147266_a | handleContainerSetSlot | 2 | Handles pickin up an ItemStack or dropping one in your inventory or an open (non-creative) container | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
624 | func_147266_a | handleContainerSetSlot | 0 | Handles pickin up an ItemStack or dropping one in your inventory or an open (non-creative) container | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
625 | func_147267_a | handleRotateMob | 2 | Updates the direction in which the specified entity is looking, normally this head rotation is independent of the rotation of the entity itself | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
626 | func_147267_a | handleRotateMob | 0 | Updates the direction in which the specified entity is looking, normally this head rotation is independent of the rotation of the entity itself | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
627 | func_147268_a | handleOpenSignEditor | 2 | Creates a sign in the specified location if it didn't exist and opens the GUI to edit its text | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
628 | func_147268_a | handleOpenSignEditor | 0 | Creates a sign in the specified location if it didn't exist and opens the GUI to edit its text | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
629 | func_147270_a | handlePlayerAbilities | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
630 | func_147270_a | handlePlayerAbilities | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
631 | func_147272_a | handleKeepAlive | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
632 | func_147272_a | handleKeepAlive | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
633 | func_147273_a | handleBlockEntityData | 2 | Updates the NBTTagCompound metadata of instances of the following entitytypes: Mob spawners, command blocks, beacons, skulls, flowerpot | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
634 | func_147273_a | handleBlockEntityData | 0 | Updates the NBTTagCompound metadata of instances of the following entitytypes: Mob spawners, command blocks, beacons, skulls, flowerpot | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
635 | func_147275_a | handleTeleportEntity | 2 | Updates an entity's position and rotation as specified by the packet | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
636 | func_147275_a | handleTeleportEntity | 0 | Updates an entity's position and rotation as specified by the packet | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
637 | func_147276_a | handleContainerClose | 2 | Resets the ItemStack held in hand and closes the window that is opened | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
638 | func_147276_a | handleContainerClose | 0 | Resets the ItemStack held in hand and closes the window that is opened | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
639 | func_147277_a | handleLevelEvent | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
640 | func_147277_a | handleLevelEvent | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
641 | func_147279_a | handleAnimate | 2 | Renders a specified animation: Waking up a player, a living entity swinging its currently held item, being hurt or receiving a critical hit by normal or magical means | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
642 | func_147279_a | handleAnimate | 0 | Renders a specified animation: Waking up a player, a living entity swinging its currently held item, being hurt or receiving a critical hit by normal or magical means | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
643 | func_147280_a | handleRespawn | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
644 | func_147280_a | handleRespawn | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
645 | func_147281_a | handleAddMob | 2 | Spawns the mob entity at the specified location, with the specified rotation, momentum and type. Updates the entities Datawatchers with the entity metadata specified in the packet | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
646 | func_147281_a | handleAddMob | 0 | Spawns the mob entity at the specified location, with the specified rotation, momentum and type. Updates the entities Datawatchers with the entity metadata specified in the packet | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
647 | func_147282_a | handleLogin | 2 | Registers some server properties (gametype,hardcore-mode,terraintype,difficulty,player limit), creates a new WorldClient and sets the player initial dimension | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
648 | func_147282_a | handleLogin | 0 | Registers some server properties (gametype,hardcore-mode,terraintype,difficulty,player limit), creates a new WorldClient and sets the player initial dimension | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
649 | func_147283_a | handleExplosion | 2 | Initiates a new explosion (sound, particles, drop spawn) for the affected blocks indicated by the packet. | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
650 | func_147283_a | handleExplosion | 0 | Initiates a new explosion (sound, particles, drop spawn) for the affected blocks indicated by the packet. | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
651 | func_147284_a | handleSetEntityData | 2 | Invoked when the server registers new proximate objects in your watchlist or when objects in your watchlist have changed -> Registers any changes locally | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
652 | func_147284_a | handleSetEntityData | 0 | Invoked when the server registers new proximate objects in your watchlist or when objects in your watchlist have changed -> Registers any changes locally | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
653 | func_147285_a | handleSetTime | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
654 | func_147285_a | handleSetTime | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
655 | func_147286_a | handleAddExperienceOrb | 2 | Spawns an experience orb and sets its value (amount of XP) | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
656 | func_147286_a | handleAddExperienceOrb | 0 | Spawns an experience orb and sets its value (amount of XP) | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
657 | func_147287_a | handleChunkBlocksUpdate | 2 | Received from the servers PlayerManager if between 1 and 64 blocks in a chunk are changed. If only one block requires an update, the server sends S23PacketBlockChange and if 64 or more blocks are changed, the server sends S21PacketChunkData | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
658 | func_147287_a | handleChunkBlocksUpdate | 0 | Received from the servers PlayerManager if between 1 and 64 blocks in a chunk are changed. If only one block requires an update, the server sends S23PacketBlockChange and if 64 or more blocks are changed, the server sends S21PacketChunkData | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
659 | func_147288_a | handleAddPainting | 2 | Handles the spawning of a painting object | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
660 | func_147288_a | handleAddPainting | 0 | Handles the spawning of a painting object | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
661 | func_147289_a | handleParticleEvent | 2 | Spawns a specified number of particles at the specified location with a randomized displacement according to specified bounds | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
662 | func_147289_a | handleParticleEvent | 0 | Spawns a specified number of particles at the specified location with a randomized displacement according to specified bounds | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
663 | func_147290_a | handleUpdateAttributes | 2 | Updates en entity's attributes and their respective modifiers, which are used for speed bonusses (player sprinting, animals fleeing, baby speed), weapon/tool attackDamage, hostiles followRange randomization, zombie maxHealth and knockback resistance as well as reinforcement spawning chance. | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
664 | func_147290_a | handleUpdateAttributes | 0 | Updates en entity's attributes and their respective modifiers, which are used for speed bonusses (player sprinting, animals fleeing, baby speed), weapon/tool attackDamage, hostiles followRange randomization, zombie maxHealth and knockback resistance as well as reinforcement spawning chance. | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
665 | func_147291_a | handleAddObjective | 2 | May create a scoreboard objective, remove an objective from the scoreboard or update an objectives' displayname | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
666 | func_147291_a | handleAddObjective | 0 | May create a scoreboard objective, remove an objective from the scoreboard or update an objectives' displayname | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
667 | func_147293_a | handleAwardStats | 2 | Updates the players statistics or achievements | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
668 | func_147293_a | handleAwardStats | 0 | Updates the players statistics or achievements | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
669 | func_147294_a | handleBlockDestruction | 2 | Updates all registered IWorldAccess instances with destroyBlockInWorldPartially | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
670 | func_147294_a | handleBlockDestruction | 0 | Updates all registered IWorldAccess instances with destroyBlockInWorldPartially | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
671 | func_147295_a | handleSetExperience | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
672 | func_147295_a | handleSetExperience | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
673 | func_147296_c | cleanup | 0 | Clears the WorldClient instance associated with this NetHandlerPlayClient | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
674 | func_147297_a | send | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
675 | func_147298_b | getConnection | 2 | Returns this the NetworkManager instance registered with this NetworkHandlerPlayClient | net/minecraft/network/INetHandler |
676 | func_147298_b | getConnection | 2 | Returns this the NetworkManager instance registered with this NetworkHandlerPlayClient | net/minecraft/client/network/handshake/ClientHandshakeNetHandler |
677 | func_147298_b | getConnection | 2 | Returns this the NetworkManager instance registered with this NetworkHandlerPlayClient | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
678 | func_147298_b | getConnection | 2 | Returns this the NetworkManager instance registered with this NetworkHandlerPlayClient | net/minecraft/network/handshake/ServerHandshakeNetHandler |
679 | func_147298_b | getConnection | 2 | Returns this the NetworkManager instance registered with this NetworkHandlerPlayClient | net/minecraft/network/login/ServerLoginNetHandler |
680 | func_147298_b | getConnection | 2 | Returns this the NetworkManager instance registered with this NetworkHandlerPlayClient | net/minecraft/network/status/ServerStatusNetHandler |
681 | func_147298_b | getConnection | 0 | Returns this the NetworkManager instance registered with this NetworkHandlerPlayClient | net/minecraft/client/network/login/ClientLoginNetHandler |
682 | func_147298_b | getConnection | 0 | Returns this the NetworkManager instance registered with this NetworkHandlerPlayClient | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
683 | func_147298_b | getConnection | 0 | Returns this the NetworkManager instance registered with this NetworkHandlerPlayClient | net/minecraft/client/network/ServerPinger$1 |
684 | func_147311_a | handlePingRequest | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/status/IServerStatusNetHandler |
685 | func_147311_a | handlePingRequest | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/status/ServerStatusNetHandler |
686 | func_147312_a | handleStatusRequest | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/status/IServerStatusNetHandler |
687 | func_147312_a | handleStatusRequest | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/status/ServerStatusNetHandler |
688 | func_147315_a | handleKey | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/IServerLoginNetHandler |
689 | func_147315_a | handleKey | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/ServerLoginNetHandler |
690 | func_147316_a | handleHello | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/IServerLoginNetHandler |
691 | func_147316_a | handleHello | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/ServerLoginNetHandler |
692 | func_147317_d | getUserName | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/ServerLoginNetHandler |
693 | func_147326_c | handleAcceptedLogin | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/ServerLoginNetHandler |
694 | func_147338_a | handleContainerButtonClick | 2 | Enchants the item identified by the packet given some convoluted conditions (matching window, which should/shouldn't be in use?) | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
695 | func_147338_a | handleContainerButtonClick | 2 | Enchants the item identified by the packet given some convoluted conditions (matching window, which should/shouldn't be in use?) | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
696 | func_147339_a | handleContainerAck | 2 | Received in response to the server requesting to confirm that the client-side open container matches the servers' after a mismatched container-slot manipulation. It will unlock the player's ability to manipulate the container contents | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
697 | func_147339_a | handleContainerAck | 2 | Received in response to the server requesting to confirm that the client-side open container matches the servers' after a mismatched container-slot manipulation. It will unlock the player's ability to manipulate the container contents | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
698 | func_147340_a | handleInteract | 2 | Processes left and right clicks on entities | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
699 | func_147340_a | handleInteract | 2 | Processes left and right clicks on entities | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
700 | func_147342_a | handleClientCommand | 2 | Processes the client status updates: respawn attempt from player, opening statistics or achievements, or acquiring 'open inventory' achievement | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
701 | func_147342_a | handleClientCommand | 2 | Processes the client status updates: respawn attempt from player, opening statistics or achievements, or acquiring 'open inventory' achievement | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
702 | func_147343_a | handleSignUpdate | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
703 | func_147343_a | handleSignUpdate | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
704 | func_147344_a | handleSetCreativeModeSlot | 2 | Update the server with an ItemStack in a slot. | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
705 | func_147344_a | handleSetCreativeModeSlot | 2 | Update the server with an ItemStack in a slot. | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
706 | func_147345_a | handlePlayerAction | 2 | Processes the player initiating/stopping digging on a particular spot, as well as a player dropping items | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
707 | func_147345_a | handlePlayerAction | 2 | Processes the player initiating/stopping digging on a particular spot, as well as a player dropping items | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
708 | func_147346_a | handleUseItem | 2 | Called when a client is using an item while not pointing at a block, but simply using an item | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
709 | func_147346_a | handleUseItem | 2 | Called when a client is using an item while not pointing at a block, but simply using an item | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
710 | func_147347_a | handleMovePlayer | 2 | Processes clients perspective on player positioning and/or orientation | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
711 | func_147347_a | handleMovePlayer | 2 | Processes clients perspective on player positioning and/or orientation | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
712 | func_147348_a | handlePlayerAbilities | 2 | Processes a player starting/stopping flying | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
713 | func_147348_a | handlePlayerAbilities | 2 | Processes a player starting/stopping flying | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
714 | func_147349_a | handleCustomPayload | 2 | Synchronizes serverside and clientside book contents and signing | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
715 | func_147349_a | handleCustomPayload | 2 | Synchronizes serverside and clientside book contents and signing | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
716 | func_147351_a | handleContainerClick | 2 | Executes a container/inventory slot manipulation as indicated by the packet. Sends the serverside result if they didn't match the indicated result and prevents further manipulation by the player until he confirms that it has the same open container/inventory | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
717 | func_147351_a | handleContainerClick | 2 | Executes a container/inventory slot manipulation as indicated by the packet. Sends the serverside result if they didn't match the indicated result and prevents further manipulation by the player until he confirms that it has the same open container/inventory | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
718 | func_147352_a | handleClientInformation | 2 | Updates serverside copy of client settings: language, render distance, chat visibility, chat colours, difficulty, and whether to show the cape | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
719 | func_147352_a | handleClientInformation | 2 | Updates serverside copy of client settings: language, render distance, chat visibility, chat colours, difficulty, and whether to show the cape | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
720 | func_147353_a | handleKeepAlive | 2 | Updates a players' ping statistics | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
721 | func_147353_a | handleKeepAlive | 2 | Updates a players' ping statistics | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
722 | func_147354_a | handleChat | 2 | Process chat messages (broadcast back to clients) and commands (executes) | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
723 | func_147354_a | handleChat | 2 | Process chat messages (broadcast back to clients) and commands (executes) | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
724 | func_147355_a | handleSetCarriedItem | 2 | Updates which quickbar slot is selected | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
725 | func_147355_a | handleSetCarriedItem | 2 | Updates which quickbar slot is selected | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
726 | func_147356_a | handleContainerClose | 2 | Processes the client closing windows (container) | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
727 | func_147356_a | handleContainerClose | 2 | Processes the client closing windows (container) | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
728 | func_147357_a | handlePlayerCommand | 2 | Processes a range of action-types: sneaking, sprinting, waking from sleep, opening the inventory or setting jump height of the horse the player is riding | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
729 | func_147357_a | handlePlayerCommand | 2 | Processes a range of action-types: sneaking, sprinting, waking from sleep, opening the inventory or setting jump height of the horse the player is riding | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
730 | func_147358_a | handlePlayerInput | 2 | Processes player movement input. Includes walking, strafing, jumping, sneaking; excludes riding and toggling flying/sprinting | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
731 | func_147358_a | handlePlayerInput | 2 | Processes player movement input. Includes walking, strafing, jumping, sneaking; excludes riding and toggling flying/sprinting | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
732 | func_147359_a | send | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
733 | func_147361_d | handleCommand | 2 | Handle commands that start with a / | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
734 | func_147364_a | teleport | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
735 | func_147383_a | handleIntention | 2 | There are two recognized intentions for initiating a handshake: logging in and acquiring server status. The NetworkManager's protocol will be reconfigured according to the specified intention, although a login-intention must pass a versioncheck or receive a disconnect otherwise | net/minecraft/network/handshake/IHandshakeNetHandler |
736 | func_147383_a | handleIntention | 2 | There are two recognized intentions for initiating a handshake: logging in and acquiring server status. The NetworkManager's protocol will be reconfigured according to the specified intention, although a login-intention must pass a versioncheck or receive a disconnect otherwise | net/minecraft/client/network/handshake/ClientHandshakeNetHandler |
737 | func_147383_a | handleIntention | 2 | There are two recognized intentions for initiating a handshake: logging in and acquiring server status. The NetworkManager's protocol will be reconfigured according to the specified intention, although a login-intention must pass a versioncheck or receive a disconnect otherwise | net/minecraft/network/handshake/ServerHandshakeNetHandler |
738 | func_147388_a | handleDisconnect | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/login/IClientLoginNetHandler |
739 | func_147388_a | handleDisconnect | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/login/ClientLoginNetHandler |
740 | func_147389_a | handleHello | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/login/IClientLoginNetHandler |
741 | func_147389_a | handleHello | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/login/ClientLoginNetHandler |
742 | func_147390_a | handleGameProfile | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/login/IClientLoginNetHandler |
743 | func_147390_a | handleGameProfile | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/login/ClientLoginNetHandler |
744 | func_147391_c | getMinecraftSessionService | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/login/ClientLoginNetHandler |
745 | func_147397_a | handleStatusResponse | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/status/IClientStatusNetHandler |
746 | func_147397_a | handleStatusResponse | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/ServerPinger$1 |
747 | func_147398_a | handlePongResponse | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/status/IClientStatusNetHandler |
748 | func_147398_a | handlePongResponse | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/ServerPinger$1 |
749 | func_147407_a | setIconB64 | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ServerData |
750 | func_147409_e | getIconB64 | 0 | Returns the base-64 encoded representation of the server's icon, or null if not available | net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ServerData |
751 | func_147413_a | replace | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ServerList |
752 | func_147414_b | saveSingleServer | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ServerList |
753 | func_147442_i | setThunderLevel | 2 | Sets the strength of the thunder. | net/minecraft/world/World |
754 | func_147448_a | addAllPendingBlockEntities | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
755 | func_147485_a | doBlockEvent | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/server/ServerWorld |
756 | func_147488_Z | runBlockEvents | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/server/ServerWorld |
757 | func_147543_a | setLevel | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityRendererDispatcher |
758 | func_147547_b | getRenderer | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityRendererDispatcher |
759 | func_147548_a | getFont | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntityRendererDispatcher |
760 | func_147585_a | setBlocksDirty | 0 | On the client, re-renders all blocks in this range, inclusive. On the server, does nothing. | net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer |
761 | func_147604_a | setClearColor | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/Framebuffer |
762 | func_147606_d | unbindRead | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/Framebuffer |
763 | func_147607_a | setFilterMode | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/Framebuffer |
764 | func_147608_a | destroyBuffers | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/Framebuffer |
765 | func_147609_e | unbindWrite | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/Framebuffer |
766 | func_147610_a | bindWrite | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/Framebuffer |
767 | func_147611_b | checkStatus | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/Framebuffer |
768 | func_147612_c | bindRead | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/Framebuffer |
769 | func_147615_c | blitToScreen | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/Framebuffer |
770 | func_147631_c | releaseId | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/Texture |
771 | func_147645_c | release | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/TextureManager |
772 | func_147647_b | bidirectionalShaping | 0 | Apply Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm to string and return a new possibly reordered string for visual rendering. | net/minecraft/client/gui/FontRenderer |
773 | func_147649_g | getX | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/LocatableSound |
774 | func_147649_g | getX | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/ISound |
775 | func_147650_b | getLocation | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/LocatableSound |
776 | func_147650_b | getLocation | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/ISound |
777 | func_147651_i | getZ | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/LocatableSound |
778 | func_147651_i | getZ | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/ISound |
779 | func_147652_d | getDelay | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/LocatableSound |
780 | func_147652_d | getDelay | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/ISound |
781 | func_147653_e | getVolume | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/LocatableSound |
782 | func_147653_e | getVolume | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/ISound |
783 | func_147654_h | getY | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/LocatableSound |
784 | func_147654_h | getY | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/ISound |
785 | func_147655_f | getPitch | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/LocatableSound |
786 | func_147655_f | getPitch | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/ISound |
787 | func_147656_j | getAttenuation | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/LocatableSound |
788 | func_147656_j | getAttenuation | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/ISound |
789 | func_147657_c | isLooping | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/LocatableSound |
790 | func_147657_c | isLooping | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/ISound |
791 | func_147667_k | isStopped | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/TickableSound |
792 | func_147667_k | isStopped | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/ITickableSound |
793 | func_147681_a | playDelayed | 0 | Plays the sound in n ticks | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundHandler |
794 | func_147682_a | play | 0 | Play a sound | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundHandler |
795 | func_147683_b | stop | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundHandler |
796 | func_147685_d | destroy | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundHandler |
797 | func_147687_e | resume | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundHandler |
798 | func_147689_b | pause | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundHandler |
799 | func_147690_c | stop | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundHandler |
800 | func_147701_i | getMapRenderer | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/GameRenderer |
801 | func_147704_a | resize | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/GameRenderer |
802 | func_147706_e | currentEffect | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/GameRenderer |
803 | func_147778_a | blend | 0 | Get ambient occlusion brightness | net/minecraft/client/renderer/BlockModelRenderer$AmbientOcclusionFace |
804 | func_147969_b | smallestFittingMinTexel | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/Stitcher |
805 | func_147985_d | markDirty | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/IShaderManager |
806 | func_147985_d | markDirty | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderInstance |
807 | func_147986_h | getId | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/IShaderManager |
808 | func_147986_h | getId | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderInstance |
809 | func_147989_e | getVertexProgram | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/IShaderManager |
810 | func_147989_e | getVertexProgram | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderInstance |
811 | func_147994_f | getFragmentProgram | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/IShaderManager |
812 | func_147994_f | getFragmentProgram | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderInstance |
813 | func_148017_a | getRenderTarget | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderGroup |
814 | func_148018_a | process | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderGroup |
815 | func_148020_a | addTempTarget | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderGroup |
816 | func_148022_b | getName | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderGroup |
817 | func_148023_a | addPass | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderGroup |
818 | func_148024_c | updateOrthoMatrix | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderGroup |
819 | func_148026_a | resize | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderGroup |
820 | func_148027_a | parseTargetNode | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderGroup |
821 | func_148028_c | parseUniformNode | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderGroup |
822 | func_148041_a | addAuxAsset | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/Shader |
823 | func_148042_a | process | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/Shader |
824 | func_148055_a | getName | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderLoader |
825 | func_148056_a | attachToEffect | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderLoader |
826 | func_148062_a | getName | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderLoader$ShaderType |
827 | func_148063_b | getExtension | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderLoader$ShaderType |
828 | func_148064_d | getPrograms | 0 | gets a map of loaded shaders for the ShaderType. | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderLoader$ShaderType |
829 | func_148065_c | getGlType | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderLoader$ShaderType |
830 | func_148075_b | linkProgram | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderLinkHelper |
831 | func_148077_a | releaseProgram | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderLinkHelper |
832 | func_148078_c | createProgram | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderLinkHelper |
833 | func_148081_a | set | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderDefault |
834 | func_148081_a | set | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
835 | func_148082_k | uploadAsMatrix | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
836 | func_148083_a | setSafe | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderDefault |
837 | func_148083_a | setSafe | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
838 | func_148084_b | setLocation | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
839 | func_148085_a | getTypeFromString | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
840 | func_148086_a | getName | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
841 | func_148087_a | set | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderDefault |
842 | func_148087_a | set | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
843 | func_148089_j | uploadAsFloat | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
844 | func_148090_a | set | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderDefault |
845 | func_148090_a | set | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
846 | func_148091_i | uploadAsInteger | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
847 | func_148092_b | setSafe | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderDefault |
848 | func_148092_b | setSafe | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
849 | func_148093_b | upload | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
850 | func_148095_a | set | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderDefault |
851 | func_148095_a | set | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
852 | func_148096_h | markDirty | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
853 | func_148097_a | set | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderDefault |
854 | func_148097_a | set | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderUniform |
855 | func_148107_b | stringToBlendFactor | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/util/JSONBlendingMode |
856 | func_148108_a | stringToBlendFunc | 0 | Converts a blend function name to an id, returning add (32774) if not recognized. | net/minecraft/client/util/JSONBlendingMode |
857 | func_148109_a | apply | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/util/JSONBlendingMode |
858 | func_148111_b | isOpaque | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/util/JSONBlendingMode |
859 | func_148194_a | updateNetworkServers | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ServerSelectionList |
860 | func_148195_a | updateOnlineServers | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ServerSelectionList |
861 | func_148236_a | updateTexture | 0 | Updates a map {@link net.minecraft.client.gui.MapItemRenderer.Instance#mapTexture texture} | net/minecraft/client/gui/MapItemRenderer$Instance |
862 | func_148246_a | update | 0 | Updates a map texture | net/minecraft/client/gui/MapItemRenderer |
863 | func_148248_b | getMapInstance | 0 | Returns {@link net.minecraft.client.gui.MapItemRenderer.Instance MapItemRenderer.Instance} with given map data | net/minecraft/client/gui/MapItemRenderer |
864 | func_148249_a | resetData | 0 | Clears the currently loaded maps and removes their corresponding textures | net/minecraft/client/gui/MapItemRenderer |
865 | func_148254_d | getAccessToken | 0 | | net/minecraft/util/Session |
866 | func_148255_b | getUuid | 0 | | net/minecraft/util/Session |
867 | func_148256_e | getGameProfile | 0 | | net/minecraft/util/Session |
868 | func_148259_a | grab | 0 | Saves a screenshot in the game directory with the given file name (or null to generate a time-stamped name).\nReturns an ITextComponent indicating the success/failure of the saving. | net/minecraft/util/ScreenShotHelper |
869 | func_148260_a | grab | 0 | Saves a screenshot in the game directory with a time-stamped filename.\nReturns an ITextComponent indicating the success/failure of the saving. | net/minecraft/util/ScreenShotHelper |
870 | func_148296_a | getServerData | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ServerSelectionList$NormalEntry |
871 | func_148328_e | canScroll | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/inventory/CreativeScreen$CreativeContainer |
872 | func_148329_a | scrollTo | 0 | Updates the gui slots ItemStack's based on scroll position. | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/inventory/CreativeScreen$CreativeContainer |
873 | func_148335_a | initSeed | 0 | Resets the underlying random number generator using a given seed. | net/minecraft/util/EnchantmentNameParts |
874 | func_148540_a | broadcastAll | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
875 | func_148543_a | broadcast | 2 | params: srcPlayer,x,y,z,r,dimension. The packet is not sent to the srcPlayer, but all other players within the search radius | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
876 | func_148545_a | getPlayerForLogin | 2 | also checks for multiple logins across servers | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
877 | func_148574_b | isReplace | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundList |
878 | func_148596_a | reload | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundEngine |
879 | func_148599_a | playDelayed | 0 | Adds a sound to play in n tick | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundEngine |
880 | func_148602_b | stop | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundEngine |
881 | func_148604_f | resume | 0 | Resumes playing all currently playing sounds (after pauseAllSounds) | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundEngine |
882 | func_148608_i | loadLibrary | 0 | Tries to add the paulscode library and the relevant codecs. If it fails, the master volume will be set to zero. | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundEngine |
883 | func_148610_e | pause | 0 | Pauses all currently playing sounds | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundEngine |
884 | func_148611_c | play | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundEngine |
885 | func_148613_b | destroy | 0 | Cleans up the Sound System | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundEngine |
886 | func_148614_c | stopAll | 0 | Stops all currently playing sounds | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundEngine |
887 | func_148720_g | getSound | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/Sound |
888 | func_148720_g | getSound | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundHandler$Loader$1 |
889 | func_148720_g | getSound | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundEventAccessor |
890 | func_148720_g | getSound | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/ISoundEventAccessor |
891 | func_148721_a | getWeight | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/Sound |
892 | func_148721_a | getWeight | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundHandler$Loader$1 |
893 | func_148721_a | getWeight | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/SoundEventAccessor |
894 | func_148721_a | getWeight | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/audio/ISoundEventAccessor |
895 | func_148742_b | keySet | 2 | Gets all the keys recognized by this registry. | net/minecraft/util/registry/SimpleRegistry |
896 | func_148742_b | keySet | 2 | Gets all the keys recognized by this registry. | net/minecraft/util/registry/Registry |
897 | func_148745_a | byId | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/registry/DefaultedRegistry |
898 | func_148745_a | byId | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/IObjectIntIterable |
899 | func_148745_a | byId | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/ObjectIntIdentityMap |
900 | func_148745_a | byId | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/registry/SimpleRegistry |
901 | func_148745_a | byId | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/IntIdentityHashBiMap |
902 | func_148746_a | addMapping | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/ObjectIntIdentityMap |
903 | func_148757_b | getId | 2 | Gets the integer ID we use to identify the given object. | net/minecraft/util/registry/DefaultedRegistry |
904 | func_148757_b | getId | 2 | Gets the integer ID we use to identify the given object. | net/minecraft/util/IObjectIntIterable |
905 | func_148757_b | getId | 2 | Gets the integer ID we use to identify the given object. | net/minecraft/util/ObjectIntIdentityMap |
906 | func_148757_b | getId | 2 | Gets the integer ID we use to identify the given object. | net/minecraft/util/registry/SimpleRegistry |
907 | func_148757_b | getId | 2 | Gets the integer ID we use to identify the given object. | net/minecraft/util/registry/Registry |
908 | func_148757_b | getId | 2 | Gets the integer ID we use to identify the given object. | net/minecraft/util/IntIdentityHashBiMap |
909 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/IPacket |
910 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnObjectPacket |
911 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnExperienceOrbPacket |
912 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMobPacket |
913 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnPaintingPacket |
914 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnPlayerPacket |
915 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SAnimateHandPacket |
916 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SStatisticsPacket |
917 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerDiggingPacket |
918 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SAnimateBlockBreakPacket |
919 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateTileEntityPacket |
920 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SBlockActionPacket |
921 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChangeBlockPacket |
922 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateBossInfoPacket |
923 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SServerDifficultyPacket |
924 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChatPacket |
925 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STabCompletePacket |
926 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCommandListPacket |
927 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SConfirmTransactionPacket |
928 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCloseWindowPacket |
929 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWindowItemsPacket |
930 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWindowPropertyPacket |
931 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetSlotPacket |
932 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCooldownPacket |
933 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCustomPayloadPlayPacket |
934 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundPacket |
935 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SDisconnectPacket |
936 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityStatusPacket |
937 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SExplosionPacket |
938 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUnloadChunkPacket |
939 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChangeGameStatePacket |
940 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SOpenHorseWindowPacket |
941 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SKeepAlivePacket |
942 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChunkDataPacket |
943 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEventPacket |
944 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnParticlePacket |
945 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateLightPacket |
946 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SJoinGamePacket |
947 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMapDataPacket |
948 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMerchantOffersPacket |
949 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket |
950 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket$RelativeMovePacket |
951 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket$MovePacket |
952 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket$LookPacket |
953 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMoveVehiclePacket |
954 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SOpenBookWindowPacket |
955 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SOpenWindowPacket |
956 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SOpenSignMenuPacket |
957 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaceGhostRecipePacket |
958 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerAbilitiesPacket |
959 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCombatPacket |
960 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerListItemPacket |
961 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerLookPacket |
962 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerPositionLookPacket |
963 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SRecipeBookPacket |
964 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SDestroyEntitiesPacket |
965 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SRemoveEntityEffectPacket |
966 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSendResourcePackPacket |
967 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SRespawnPacket |
968 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityHeadLookPacket |
969 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMultiBlockChangePacket |
970 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSelectAdvancementsTabPacket |
971 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWorldBorderPacket |
972 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCameraPacket |
973 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SHeldItemChangePacket |
974 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateChunkPositionPacket |
975 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateViewDistancePacket |
976 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWorldSpawnChangedPacket |
977 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SDisplayObjectivePacket |
978 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityMetadataPacket |
979 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMountEntityPacket |
980 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityVelocityPacket |
981 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityEquipmentPacket |
982 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetExperiencePacket |
983 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateHealthPacket |
984 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SScoreboardObjectivePacket |
985 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetPassengersPacket |
986 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STeamsPacket |
987 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateScorePacket |
988 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateTimePacket |
989 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STitlePacket |
990 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMovingSoundEffectPacket |
991 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEffectPacket |
992 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SStopSoundPacket |
993 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerListHeaderFooterPacket |
994 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SQueryNBTResponsePacket |
995 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCollectItemPacket |
996 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityTeleportPacket |
997 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SAdvancementInfoPacket |
998 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPropertiesPacket |
999 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayEntityEffectPacket |
1000 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateRecipesPacket |
1001 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STagsListPacket |
1002 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CConfirmTeleportPacket |
1003 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CQueryTileEntityNBTPacket |
1004 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSetDifficultyPacket |
1005 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CChatMessagePacket |
1006 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClientStatusPacket |
1007 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClientSettingsPacket |
1008 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CTabCompletePacket |
1009 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CConfirmTransactionPacket |
1010 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CEnchantItemPacket |
1011 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClickWindowPacket |
1012 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CCloseWindowPacket |
1013 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CCustomPayloadPacket |
1014 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CEditBookPacket |
1015 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CQueryEntityNBTPacket |
1016 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUseEntityPacket |
1017 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CJigsawBlockGeneratePacket |
1018 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CKeepAlivePacket |
1019 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CLockDifficultyPacket |
1020 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerPacket |
1021 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerPacket$PositionPacket |
1022 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerPacket$PositionRotationPacket |
1023 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerPacket$RotationPacket |
1024 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CMoveVehiclePacket |
1025 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSteerBoatPacket |
1026 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPickItemPacket |
1027 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlaceRecipePacket |
1028 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerAbilitiesPacket |
1029 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerDiggingPacket |
1030 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CEntityActionPacket |
1031 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CInputPacket |
1032 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateRecipeBookStatusPacket |
1033 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CMarkRecipeSeenPacket |
1034 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CRenameItemPacket |
1035 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CResourcePackStatusPacket |
1036 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSeenAdvancementsPacket |
1037 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSelectTradePacket |
1038 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateBeaconPacket |
1039 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CHeldItemChangePacket |
1040 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateCommandBlockPacket |
1041 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateMinecartCommandBlockPacket |
1042 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CCreativeInventoryActionPacket |
1043 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateJigsawBlockPacket |
1044 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateStructureBlockPacket |
1045 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateSignPacket |
1046 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CAnimateHandPacket |
1047 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSpectatePacket |
1048 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerTryUseItemOnBlockPacket |
1049 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerTryUseItemPacket |
1050 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/handshake/client/CHandshakePacket |
1051 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SCustomPayloadLoginPacket |
1052 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SLoginSuccessPacket |
1053 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SEncryptionRequestPacket |
1054 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SEnableCompressionPacket |
1055 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SDisconnectLoginPacket |
1056 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/login/client/CCustomPayloadLoginPacket |
1057 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/login/client/CLoginStartPacket |
1058 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/login/client/CEncryptionResponsePacket |
1059 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/status/server/SPongPacket |
1060 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/status/server/SServerInfoPacket |
1061 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/status/client/CPingPacket |
1062 | func_148833_a | handle | 2 | Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing. | net/minecraft/network/status/client/CServerQueryPacket |
1063 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/IPacket |
1064 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnObjectPacket |
1065 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnExperienceOrbPacket |
1066 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMobPacket |
1067 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnPaintingPacket |
1068 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnPlayerPacket |
1069 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SAnimateHandPacket |
1070 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SStatisticsPacket |
1071 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerDiggingPacket |
1072 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SAnimateBlockBreakPacket |
1073 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateTileEntityPacket |
1074 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SBlockActionPacket |
1075 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChangeBlockPacket |
1076 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateBossInfoPacket |
1077 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SServerDifficultyPacket |
1078 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChatPacket |
1079 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STabCompletePacket |
1080 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCommandListPacket |
1081 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SConfirmTransactionPacket |
1082 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCloseWindowPacket |
1083 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWindowItemsPacket |
1084 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWindowPropertyPacket |
1085 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetSlotPacket |
1086 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCooldownPacket |
1087 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCustomPayloadPlayPacket |
1088 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundPacket |
1089 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SDisconnectPacket |
1090 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityStatusPacket |
1091 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SExplosionPacket |
1092 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUnloadChunkPacket |
1093 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChangeGameStatePacket |
1094 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SOpenHorseWindowPacket |
1095 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SKeepAlivePacket |
1096 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChunkDataPacket |
1097 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEventPacket |
1098 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnParticlePacket |
1099 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateLightPacket |
1100 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SJoinGamePacket |
1101 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMapDataPacket |
1102 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMerchantOffersPacket |
1103 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket |
1104 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket$RelativeMovePacket |
1105 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket$MovePacket |
1106 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket$LookPacket |
1107 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMoveVehiclePacket |
1108 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SOpenBookWindowPacket |
1109 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SOpenWindowPacket |
1110 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SOpenSignMenuPacket |
1111 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaceGhostRecipePacket |
1112 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerAbilitiesPacket |
1113 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCombatPacket |
1114 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerListItemPacket |
1115 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerLookPacket |
1116 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerPositionLookPacket |
1117 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SRecipeBookPacket |
1118 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SDestroyEntitiesPacket |
1119 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SRemoveEntityEffectPacket |
1120 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSendResourcePackPacket |
1121 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SRespawnPacket |
1122 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityHeadLookPacket |
1123 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMultiBlockChangePacket |
1124 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSelectAdvancementsTabPacket |
1125 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWorldBorderPacket |
1126 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCameraPacket |
1127 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SHeldItemChangePacket |
1128 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateChunkPositionPacket |
1129 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateViewDistancePacket |
1130 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWorldSpawnChangedPacket |
1131 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SDisplayObjectivePacket |
1132 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityMetadataPacket |
1133 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMountEntityPacket |
1134 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityVelocityPacket |
1135 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityEquipmentPacket |
1136 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetExperiencePacket |
1137 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateHealthPacket |
1138 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SScoreboardObjectivePacket |
1139 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetPassengersPacket |
1140 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STeamsPacket |
1141 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateScorePacket |
1142 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateTimePacket |
1143 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STitlePacket |
1144 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMovingSoundEffectPacket |
1145 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEffectPacket |
1146 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SStopSoundPacket |
1147 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerListHeaderFooterPacket |
1148 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SQueryNBTResponsePacket |
1149 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCollectItemPacket |
1150 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityTeleportPacket |
1151 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SAdvancementInfoPacket |
1152 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPropertiesPacket |
1153 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayEntityEffectPacket |
1154 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateRecipesPacket |
1155 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STagsListPacket |
1156 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CConfirmTeleportPacket |
1157 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CQueryTileEntityNBTPacket |
1158 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSetDifficultyPacket |
1159 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CChatMessagePacket |
1160 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClientStatusPacket |
1161 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClientSettingsPacket |
1162 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CTabCompletePacket |
1163 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CConfirmTransactionPacket |
1164 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CEnchantItemPacket |
1165 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClickWindowPacket |
1166 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CCloseWindowPacket |
1167 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CCustomPayloadPacket |
1168 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CEditBookPacket |
1169 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CQueryEntityNBTPacket |
1170 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUseEntityPacket |
1171 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CJigsawBlockGeneratePacket |
1172 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CKeepAlivePacket |
1173 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CLockDifficultyPacket |
1174 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerPacket |
1175 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerPacket$PositionPacket |
1176 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerPacket$PositionRotationPacket |
1177 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerPacket$RotationPacket |
1178 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CMoveVehiclePacket |
1179 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSteerBoatPacket |
1180 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPickItemPacket |
1181 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlaceRecipePacket |
1182 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerAbilitiesPacket |
1183 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerDiggingPacket |
1184 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CEntityActionPacket |
1185 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CInputPacket |
1186 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateRecipeBookStatusPacket |
1187 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CMarkRecipeSeenPacket |
1188 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CRenameItemPacket |
1189 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CResourcePackStatusPacket |
1190 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSeenAdvancementsPacket |
1191 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSelectTradePacket |
1192 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateBeaconPacket |
1193 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CHeldItemChangePacket |
1194 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateCommandBlockPacket |
1195 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateMinecartCommandBlockPacket |
1196 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CCreativeInventoryActionPacket |
1197 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateJigsawBlockPacket |
1198 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateStructureBlockPacket |
1199 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateSignPacket |
1200 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CAnimateHandPacket |
1201 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSpectatePacket |
1202 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerTryUseItemOnBlockPacket |
1203 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerTryUseItemPacket |
1204 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/handshake/client/CHandshakePacket |
1205 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SCustomPayloadLoginPacket |
1206 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SLoginSuccessPacket |
1207 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SEncryptionRequestPacket |
1208 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SEnableCompressionPacket |
1209 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SDisconnectLoginPacket |
1210 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/client/CCustomPayloadLoginPacket |
1211 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/client/CLoginStartPacket |
1212 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/client/CEncryptionResponsePacket |
1213 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/status/server/SPongPacket |
1214 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/status/server/SServerInfoPacket |
1215 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/status/client/CPingPacket |
1216 | func_148837_a | read | 2 | Reads the raw packet data from the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/status/client/CServerQueryPacket |
1217 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/IPacket |
1218 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnObjectPacket |
1219 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnExperienceOrbPacket |
1220 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMobPacket |
1221 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnPaintingPacket |
1222 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnPlayerPacket |
1223 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SAnimateHandPacket |
1224 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SStatisticsPacket |
1225 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerDiggingPacket |
1226 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SAnimateBlockBreakPacket |
1227 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateTileEntityPacket |
1228 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SBlockActionPacket |
1229 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChangeBlockPacket |
1230 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateBossInfoPacket |
1231 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SServerDifficultyPacket |
1232 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChatPacket |
1233 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STabCompletePacket |
1234 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCommandListPacket |
1235 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SConfirmTransactionPacket |
1236 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCloseWindowPacket |
1237 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWindowItemsPacket |
1238 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWindowPropertyPacket |
1239 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetSlotPacket |
1240 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCooldownPacket |
1241 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCustomPayloadPlayPacket |
1242 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundPacket |
1243 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SDisconnectPacket |
1244 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityStatusPacket |
1245 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SExplosionPacket |
1246 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUnloadChunkPacket |
1247 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChangeGameStatePacket |
1248 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SOpenHorseWindowPacket |
1249 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SKeepAlivePacket |
1250 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChunkDataPacket |
1251 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEventPacket |
1252 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnParticlePacket |
1253 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateLightPacket |
1254 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SJoinGamePacket |
1255 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMapDataPacket |
1256 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMerchantOffersPacket |
1257 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket |
1258 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket$RelativeMovePacket |
1259 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket$MovePacket |
1260 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket$LookPacket |
1261 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMoveVehiclePacket |
1262 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SOpenBookWindowPacket |
1263 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SOpenWindowPacket |
1264 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SOpenSignMenuPacket |
1265 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaceGhostRecipePacket |
1266 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerAbilitiesPacket |
1267 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCombatPacket |
1268 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerListItemPacket |
1269 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerLookPacket |
1270 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerPositionLookPacket |
1271 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SRecipeBookPacket |
1272 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SDestroyEntitiesPacket |
1273 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SRemoveEntityEffectPacket |
1274 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSendResourcePackPacket |
1275 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SRespawnPacket |
1276 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityHeadLookPacket |
1277 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMultiBlockChangePacket |
1278 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSelectAdvancementsTabPacket |
1279 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWorldBorderPacket |
1280 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCameraPacket |
1281 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SHeldItemChangePacket |
1282 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateChunkPositionPacket |
1283 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateViewDistancePacket |
1284 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWorldSpawnChangedPacket |
1285 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SDisplayObjectivePacket |
1286 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityMetadataPacket |
1287 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMountEntityPacket |
1288 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityVelocityPacket |
1289 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityEquipmentPacket |
1290 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetExperiencePacket |
1291 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateHealthPacket |
1292 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SScoreboardObjectivePacket |
1293 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetPassengersPacket |
1294 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STeamsPacket |
1295 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateScorePacket |
1296 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateTimePacket |
1297 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STitlePacket |
1298 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMovingSoundEffectPacket |
1299 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEffectPacket |
1300 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SStopSoundPacket |
1301 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerListHeaderFooterPacket |
1302 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SQueryNBTResponsePacket |
1303 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCollectItemPacket |
1304 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityTeleportPacket |
1305 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SAdvancementInfoPacket |
1306 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPropertiesPacket |
1307 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayEntityEffectPacket |
1308 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateRecipesPacket |
1309 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STagsListPacket |
1310 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CConfirmTeleportPacket |
1311 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CQueryTileEntityNBTPacket |
1312 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSetDifficultyPacket |
1313 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CChatMessagePacket |
1314 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClientStatusPacket |
1315 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClientSettingsPacket |
1316 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CTabCompletePacket |
1317 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CConfirmTransactionPacket |
1318 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CEnchantItemPacket |
1319 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClickWindowPacket |
1320 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CCloseWindowPacket |
1321 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CCustomPayloadPacket |
1322 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CEditBookPacket |
1323 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CQueryEntityNBTPacket |
1324 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUseEntityPacket |
1325 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CJigsawBlockGeneratePacket |
1326 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CKeepAlivePacket |
1327 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CLockDifficultyPacket |
1328 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerPacket |
1329 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerPacket$PositionPacket |
1330 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerPacket$PositionRotationPacket |
1331 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerPacket$RotationPacket |
1332 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CMoveVehiclePacket |
1333 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSteerBoatPacket |
1334 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPickItemPacket |
1335 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlaceRecipePacket |
1336 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerAbilitiesPacket |
1337 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerDiggingPacket |
1338 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CEntityActionPacket |
1339 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CInputPacket |
1340 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateRecipeBookStatusPacket |
1341 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CMarkRecipeSeenPacket |
1342 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CRenameItemPacket |
1343 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CResourcePackStatusPacket |
1344 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSeenAdvancementsPacket |
1345 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSelectTradePacket |
1346 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateBeaconPacket |
1347 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CHeldItemChangePacket |
1348 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateCommandBlockPacket |
1349 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateMinecartCommandBlockPacket |
1350 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CCreativeInventoryActionPacket |
1351 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateJigsawBlockPacket |
1352 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateStructureBlockPacket |
1353 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUpdateSignPacket |
1354 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CAnimateHandPacket |
1355 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CSpectatePacket |
1356 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerTryUseItemOnBlockPacket |
1357 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerTryUseItemPacket |
1358 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/handshake/client/CHandshakePacket |
1359 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SCustomPayloadLoginPacket |
1360 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SLoginSuccessPacket |
1361 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SEncryptionRequestPacket |
1362 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SEnableCompressionPacket |
1363 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SDisconnectLoginPacket |
1364 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/client/CCustomPayloadLoginPacket |
1365 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/client/CLoginStartPacket |
1366 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/login/client/CEncryptionResponsePacket |
1367 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/status/server/SPongPacket |
1368 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/status/server/SServerInfoPacket |
1369 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/status/client/CPingPacket |
1370 | func_148840_b | write | 2 | Writes the raw packet data to the data stream. | net/minecraft/network/status/client/CServerQueryPacket |
1371 | func_148845_c | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SAnimateBlockBreakPacket |
1372 | func_148846_g | getProgress | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SAnimateBlockBreakPacket |
1373 | func_148853_f | getType | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateTileEntityPacket |
1374 | func_148857_g | getTag | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateTileEntityPacket |
1375 | func_148864_h | getB1 | 2 | pitch data for noteblocks | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SBlockActionPacket |
1376 | func_148868_c | getBlock | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SBlockActionPacket |
1377 | func_148869_g | getB0 | 2 | instrument data for noteblocks | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SBlockActionPacket |
1378 | func_148888_e | isAccepted | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SConfirmTransactionPacket |
1379 | func_148889_c | getContainerId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SConfirmTransactionPacket |
1380 | func_148890_d | getUid | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SConfirmTransactionPacket |
1381 | func_148910_d | getItems | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWindowItemsPacket |
1382 | func_148911_c | getContainerId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWindowItemsPacket |
1383 | func_148915_c | getMessage | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChatPacket |
1384 | func_148916_d | isSystem | 2 | This method returns true if the type is SYSTEM or ABOVE_HOTBAR, and false if CHAT | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChatPacket |
1385 | func_148928_d | getY | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerPositionLookPacket |
1386 | func_148930_g | getXRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerPositionLookPacket |
1387 | func_148931_f | getYRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerPositionLookPacket |
1388 | func_148932_c | getX | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerPositionLookPacket |
1389 | func_148933_e | getZ | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerPositionLookPacket |
1390 | func_148941_i | getyRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnPlayerPacket |
1391 | func_148943_d | getEntityId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnPlayerPacket |
1392 | func_148945_j | getxRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnPlayerPacket |
1393 | func_148965_c | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnPaintingPacket |
1394 | func_148974_c | getStats | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SStatisticsPacket |
1395 | func_148977_d | getAction | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SAnimateHandPacket |
1396 | func_148978_c | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SAnimateHandPacket |
1397 | func_148985_c | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnExperienceOrbPacket |
1398 | func_148986_g | getValue | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnExperienceOrbPacket |
1399 | func_149001_c | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnObjectPacket |
1400 | func_149006_k | getyRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnObjectPacket |
1401 | func_149008_j | getxRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnObjectPacket |
1402 | func_149009_m | getData | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnObjectPacket |
1403 | func_149024_d | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMobPacket |
1404 | func_149025_e | getType | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMobPacket |
1405 | func_149026_i | getXd | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMobPacket |
1406 | func_149028_l | getyRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMobPacket |
1407 | func_149030_m | getxRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMobPacket |
1408 | func_149031_k | getZd | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMobPacket |
1409 | func_149032_n | getyHeadRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMobPacket |
1410 | func_149033_j | getYd | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnMobPacket |
1411 | func_149060_h | hasRotation | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket |
1412 | func_149063_g | getxRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket |
1413 | func_149065_a | getEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket |
1414 | func_149066_f | getyRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPacket |
1415 | func_149083_e | getPlayerGameType | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SRespawnPacket |
1416 | func_149098_c | getEntityIds | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SDestroyEntitiesPacket |
1417 | func_149101_g | getFlyingSpeed | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerAbilitiesPacket |
1418 | func_149103_f | canInstabuild | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerAbilitiesPacket |
1419 | func_149105_e | canFly | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerAbilitiesPacket |
1420 | func_149106_d | isFlying | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerAbilitiesPacket |
1421 | func_149107_h | getWalkingSpeed | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerAbilitiesPacket |
1422 | func_149112_c | isInvulnerable | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayerAbilitiesPacket |
1423 | func_149134_c | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SKeepAlivePacket |
1424 | func_149137_d | getParam | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChangeGameStatePacket |
1425 | func_149143_g | getY | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SExplosionPacket |
1426 | func_149144_d | getKnockbackY | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SExplosionPacket |
1427 | func_149145_h | getZ | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SExplosionPacket |
1428 | func_149146_i | getPower | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SExplosionPacket |
1429 | func_149147_e | getKnockbackZ | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SExplosionPacket |
1430 | func_149148_f | getX | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SExplosionPacket |
1431 | func_149149_c | getKnockbackX | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SExplosionPacket |
1432 | func_149150_j | getToBlow | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SExplosionPacket |
1433 | func_149160_c | getEventId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityStatusPacket |
1434 | func_149161_a | getEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityStatusPacket |
1435 | func_149165_c | getReason | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SDisconnectPacket |
1436 | func_149169_c | getIdentifier | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCustomPayloadPlayPacket |
1437 | func_149173_d | getSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetSlotPacket |
1438 | func_149174_e | getItem | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetSlotPacket |
1439 | func_149175_c | getContainerId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetSlotPacket |
1440 | func_149180_e | getValue | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWindowPropertyPacket |
1441 | func_149181_d | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWindowPropertyPacket |
1442 | func_149182_c | getContainerId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SWindowPropertyPacket |
1443 | func_149188_c | getMapId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMapDataPacket |
1444 | func_149195_d | isHardcore | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SJoinGamePacket |
1445 | func_149197_c | getPlayerId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SJoinGamePacket |
1446 | func_149198_e | getGameType | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SJoinGamePacket |
1447 | func_149207_d | getX | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEffectPacket |
1448 | func_149208_g | getVolume | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEffectPacket |
1449 | func_149209_h | getPitch | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEffectPacket |
1450 | func_149210_f | getZ | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEffectPacket |
1451 | func_149211_e | getY | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEffectPacket |
1452 | func_149220_d | getX | 2 | Gets the x coordinate to spawn the particle. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnParticlePacket |
1453 | func_149221_g | getXDist | 2 | Gets the x coordinate offset for the particle. The particle may use the offset for particle spread. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnParticlePacket |
1454 | func_149222_k | getCount | 2 | Gets the amount of particles to spawn | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnParticlePacket |
1455 | func_149223_i | getZDist | 2 | Gets the z coordinate offset for the particle. The particle may use the offset for particle spread. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnParticlePacket |
1456 | func_149224_h | getYDist | 2 | Gets the y coordinate offset for the particle. The particle may use the offset for particle spread. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnParticlePacket |
1457 | func_149225_f | getZ | 2 | Gets the z coordinate to spawn the particle. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnParticlePacket |
1458 | func_149226_e | getY | 2 | Gets the y coordinate to spawn the particle. | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnParticlePacket |
1459 | func_149227_j | getMaxSpeed | 2 | Gets the speed of the particle animation (used in client side rendering). | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSpawnParticlePacket |
1460 | func_149241_e | getData | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEventPacket |
1461 | func_149242_d | getType | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEventPacket |
1462 | func_149244_c | isGlobalEvent | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlaySoundEventPacket |
1463 | func_149271_f | getZ | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChunkDataPacket |
1464 | func_149273_e | getX | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChunkDataPacket |
1465 | func_149274_i | isFullChunk | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChunkDataPacket |
1466 | func_149276_g | getAvailableSections | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SChunkDataPacket |
1467 | func_149289_c | getTime | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/status/client/CPingPacket |
1468 | func_149294_c | getStatus | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/status/server/SServerInfoPacket |
1469 | func_149299_b | getNonce | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/client/CEncryptionResponsePacket |
1470 | func_149300_a | getSecretKey | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/client/CEncryptionResponsePacket |
1471 | func_149304_c | getGameProfile | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/client/CLoginStartPacket |
1472 | func_149306_d | getDisplayName | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STeamsPacket |
1473 | func_149307_h | getMethod | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STeamsPacket |
1474 | func_149308_i | getOptions | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STeamsPacket |
1475 | func_149310_g | getPlayers | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STeamsPacket |
1476 | func_149312_c | getName | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/STeamsPacket |
1477 | func_149321_d | getObjectiveName | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateScorePacket |
1478 | func_149323_e | getScore | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateScorePacket |
1479 | func_149324_c | getOwner | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateScorePacket |
1480 | func_149330_d | getFood | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateHealthPacket |
1481 | func_149331_e | getSaturation | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateHealthPacket |
1482 | func_149332_c | getHealth | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateHealthPacket |
1483 | func_149337_d | getDisplayName | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SScoreboardObjectivePacket |
1484 | func_149338_e | getMethod | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SScoreboardObjectivePacket |
1485 | func_149339_c | getObjectiveName | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SScoreboardObjectivePacket |
1486 | func_149353_d | getPlayerId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCollectItemPacket |
1487 | func_149354_c | getItemId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SCollectItemPacket |
1488 | func_149365_d | getDayTime | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateTimePacket |
1489 | func_149366_c | getGameTime | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SUpdateTimePacket |
1490 | func_149370_d | getObjectiveName | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SDisplayObjectivePacket |
1491 | func_149371_c | getSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SDisplayObjectivePacket |
1492 | func_149375_d | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityMetadataPacket |
1493 | func_149376_c | getUnpackedData | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityMetadataPacket |
1494 | func_149380_c | getYHeadRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityHeadLookPacket |
1495 | func_149381_a | getEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityHeadLookPacket |
1496 | func_149385_c | getSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SHeldItemChangePacket |
1497 | func_149389_d | getEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityEquipmentPacket |
1498 | func_149395_e | getExperienceLevel | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetExperiencePacket |
1499 | func_149396_d | getTotalExperience | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetExperiencePacket |
1500 | func_149397_c | getExperienceProgress | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SSetExperiencePacket |
1501 | func_149402_e | getDestId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMountEntityPacket |
1502 | func_149403_d | getSourceId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SMountEntityPacket |
1503 | func_149409_f | getZa | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityVelocityPacket |
1504 | func_149410_e | getYa | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityVelocityPacket |
1505 | func_149411_d | getXa | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityVelocityPacket |
1506 | func_149412_c | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityVelocityPacket |
1507 | func_149426_d | getEntityId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayEntityEffectPacket |
1508 | func_149427_e | getEffectId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayEntityEffectPacket |
1509 | func_149428_f | getEffectAmplifier | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayEntityEffectPacket |
1510 | func_149429_c | isSuperLongDuration | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SPlayEntityEffectPacket |
1511 | func_149435_c | getAction | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClientStatusPacket |
1512 | func_149439_c | getMessage | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CChatMessagePacket |
1513 | func_149441_d | getValues | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPropertiesPacket |
1514 | func_149442_c | getEntityId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPropertiesPacket |
1515 | func_149447_h | getxRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityTeleportPacket |
1516 | func_149450_g | getyRot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityTeleportPacket |
1517 | func_149451_c | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityTeleportPacket |
1518 | func_149460_c | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CKeepAlivePacket |
1519 | func_149465_i | isOnGround | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerPacket |
1520 | func_149488_d | isFlying | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CPlayerAbilitiesPacket |
1521 | func_149512_e | getData | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CEntityActionPacket |
1522 | func_149520_f | getChatColors | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClientSettingsPacket |
1523 | func_149521_d | getModelCustomisation | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClientSettingsPacket |
1524 | func_149523_e | getChatVisibility | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClientSettingsPacket |
1525 | func_149524_c | getLanguage | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClientSettingsPacket |
1526 | func_149532_c | getContainerId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CConfirmTransactionPacket |
1527 | func_149533_d | getUid | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CConfirmTransactionPacket |
1528 | func_149537_d | getButtonId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CEnchantItemPacket |
1529 | func_149539_c | getContainerId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CEnchantItemPacket |
1530 | func_149543_e | getButtonNum | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClickWindowPacket |
1531 | func_149544_d | getSlotNum | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClickWindowPacket |
1532 | func_149546_g | getItem | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClickWindowPacket |
1533 | func_149547_f | getUid | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClickWindowPacket |
1534 | func_149548_c | getContainerId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CClickWindowPacket |
1535 | func_149564_a | getTarget | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUseEntityPacket |
1536 | func_149565_c | getAction | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CUseEntityPacket |
1537 | func_149594_c | getIntention | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/handshake/client/CHandshakePacket |
1538 | func_149595_d | getProtocolVersion | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/handshake/client/CHandshakePacket |
1539 | func_149603_c | getReason | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SDisconnectLoginPacket |
1540 | func_149607_e | getNonce | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SEncryptionRequestPacket |
1541 | func_149608_d | getPublicKey | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SEncryptionRequestPacket |
1542 | func_149609_c | getServerId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/server/SEncryptionRequestPacket |
1543 | func_149614_c | getSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CHeldItemChangePacket |
1544 | func_149618_e | isJumping | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CInputPacket |
1545 | func_149620_c | getXxa | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CInputPacket |
1546 | func_149625_d | getItem | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CCreativeInventoryActionPacket |
1547 | func_149627_c | getSlotNum | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/client/CCreativeInventoryActionPacket |
1548 | func_149634_a | byItem | 2 | | net/minecraft/block/Block |
1549 | func_149638_a | getExplosionResistance | 2 | Returns how much this block can resist explosions from the passed in entity. | net/minecraft/block/Block |
1550 | func_149638_a | getExplosionResistance | 2 | Returns how much this block can resist explosions from the passed in entity. | net/minecraft/block/StairsBlock |
1551 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/AbstractFurnaceBlock |
1552 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/AirBlock |
1553 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/BarrelBlock |
1554 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/BarrierBlock |
1555 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/ContainerBlock |
1556 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/BeaconBlock |
1557 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/BedBlock |
1558 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/BeehiveBlock |
1559 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/BellBlock |
1560 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/BrewingStandBlock |
1561 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/BubbleColumnBlock |
1562 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/CampfireBlock |
1563 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/ChestBlock |
1564 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/CommandBlockBlock |
1565 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/ConduitBlock |
1566 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/DaylightDetectorBlock |
1567 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/DispenserBlock |
1568 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/EnchantingTableBlock |
1569 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/EnderChestBlock |
1570 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/FlowerPotBlock |
1571 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/GrindstoneBlock |
1572 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/HopperBlock |
1573 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/JukeboxBlock |
1574 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/LecternBlock |
1575 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/FlowingFluidBlock |
1576 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/ShulkerBoxBlock |
1577 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/SpawnerBlock |
1578 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/StonecutterBlock |
1579 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/StructureBlock |
1580 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/StructureVoidBlock |
1581 | func_149645_b | getRenderShape | 2 | The type of render function called. MODEL for mixed tesr and static model, MODELBLOCK_ANIMATED for TESR-only, LIQUID for vanilla liquids, INVISIBLE to skip all rendering\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getRenderType()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/AbstractBlock |
1582 | func_149653_t | isRandomlyTicking | 2 | Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. | net/minecraft/block/BambooBlock |
1583 | func_149653_t | isRandomlyTicking | 2 | Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. | net/minecraft/block/Block |
1584 | func_149653_t | isRandomlyTicking | 2 | Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. | net/minecraft/block/ChorusFlowerBlock |
1585 | func_149653_t | isRandomlyTicking | 2 | Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. | net/minecraft/block/CocoaBlock |
1586 | func_149653_t | isRandomlyTicking | 2 | Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. | net/minecraft/block/CropsBlock |
1587 | func_149653_t | isRandomlyTicking | 2 | Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. | net/minecraft/block/AbstractTopPlantBlock |
1588 | func_149653_t | isRandomlyTicking | 2 | Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. | net/minecraft/block/LeavesBlock |
1589 | func_149653_t | isRandomlyTicking | 2 | Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. | net/minecraft/block/FlowingFluidBlock |
1590 | func_149653_t | isRandomlyTicking | 2 | Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. | net/minecraft/block/NetherWartBlock |
1591 | func_149653_t | isRandomlyTicking | 2 | Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. | net/minecraft/block/RedstoneOreBlock |
1592 | func_149653_t | isRandomlyTicking | 2 | Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. | net/minecraft/block/StairsBlock |
1593 | func_149653_t | isRandomlyTicking | 2 | Returns whether or not this block is of a type that needs random ticking. Called for ref-counting purposes by ExtendedBlockStorage in order to broadly cull a chunk from the random chunk update list for efficiency's sake. | net/minecraft/block/SweetBerryBushBlock |
1594 | func_149656_h | getPistonPushReaction | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getMobilityFlag()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/AbstractPressurePlateBlock |
1595 | func_149656_h | getPistonPushReaction | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getMobilityFlag()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/AbstractRailBlock |
1596 | func_149656_h | getPistonPushReaction | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getMobilityFlag()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/BedBlock |
1597 | func_149656_h | getPistonPushReaction | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getMobilityFlag()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/BellBlock |
1598 | func_149656_h | getPistonPushReaction | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getMobilityFlag()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/DoorBlock |
1599 | func_149656_h | getPistonPushReaction | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getMobilityFlag()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/EndRodBlock |
1600 | func_149656_h | getPistonPushReaction | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getMobilityFlag()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/GlazedTerracottaBlock |
1601 | func_149656_h | getPistonPushReaction | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getMobilityFlag()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/IceBlock |
1602 | func_149656_h | getPistonPushReaction | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getMobilityFlag()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/LanternBlock |
1603 | func_149656_h | getPistonPushReaction | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getMobilityFlag()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/ShulkerBoxBlock |
1604 | func_149656_h | getPistonPushReaction | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getMobilityFlag()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/StructureVoidBlock |
1605 | func_149656_h | getPistonPushReaction | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#getMobilityFlag()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/AbstractBlock |
1606 | func_149659_a | dropFromExplosion | 2 | Return whether this block can drop from an explosion. | net/minecraft/block/Block |
1607 | func_149659_a | dropFromExplosion | 2 | Return whether this block can drop from an explosion. | net/minecraft/block/TNTBlock |
1608 | func_149666_a | fillItemCategory | 2 | returns a list of blocks with the same ID, but different meta (eg: wood returns 4 blocks) | net/minecraft/block/Block |
1609 | func_149738_a | getTickDelay | 2 | How many world ticks before ticking | net/minecraft/block/Block |
1610 | func_149739_a | getDescriptionId | 2 | Returns the unlocalized name of the block with "tile." appended to the front. | net/minecraft/block/Block |
1611 | func_149739_a | getDescriptionId | 2 | Returns the unlocalized name of the block with "tile." appended to the front. | net/minecraft/block/RedstoneWallTorchBlock |
1612 | func_149739_a | getDescriptionId | 2 | Returns the unlocalized name of the block with "tile." appended to the front. | net/minecraft/block/WallBannerBlock |
1613 | func_149739_a | getDescriptionId | 2 | Returns the unlocalized name of the block with "tile." appended to the front. | net/minecraft/block/WallSignBlock |
1614 | func_149739_a | getDescriptionId | 2 | Returns the unlocalized name of the block with "tile." appended to the front. | net/minecraft/block/WallSkullBlock |
1615 | func_149739_a | getDescriptionId | 2 | Returns the unlocalized name of the block with "tile." appended to the front. | net/minecraft/block/WallTorchBlock |
1616 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/AbstractFurnaceBlock |
1617 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/BarrelBlock |
1618 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/BeehiveBlock |
1619 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/BrewingStandBlock |
1620 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/CakeBlock |
1621 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/CauldronBlock |
1622 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/ChestBlock |
1623 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/CommandBlockBlock |
1624 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/ComposterBlock |
1625 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/DetectorRailBlock |
1626 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/DispenserBlock |
1627 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/EndPortalFrameBlock |
1628 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/HopperBlock |
1629 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/JukeboxBlock |
1630 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/LecternBlock |
1631 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/RespawnAnchorBlock |
1632 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/ShulkerBoxBlock |
1633 | func_149740_M | hasAnalogOutputSignal | 2 | @deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#hasComparatorInputOverride()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/AbstractBlock |
1634 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/AbstractPressurePlateBlock |
1635 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/AbstractButtonBlock |
1636 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/DaylightDetectorBlock |
1637 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/DetectorRailBlock |
1638 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/RedstoneDiodeBlock |
1639 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/LecternBlock |
1640 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/LeverBlock |
1641 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/ObserverBlock |
1642 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/RedstoneBlock |
1643 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/RedstoneWireBlock |
1644 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/RedstoneTorchBlock |
1645 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/TargetBlock |
1646 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/TrappedChestBlock |
1647 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/TripWireHookBlock |
1648 | func_149744_f | isSignalSource | 2 | Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.\n@deprecated call via {@link IBlockState#canProvidePower()} whenever possible. Implementing/overriding is fine. | net/minecraft/block/AbstractBlock |
1649 | func_149829_a | falling | 2 | | net/minecraft/block/AnvilBlock |
1650 | func_149829_a | falling | 2 | | net/minecraft/block/FallingBlock |
1651 | func_149843_e | bootStrap | 2 | | net/minecraft/block/FireBlock |
1652 | func_149939_a | getDispensePosition | 2 | Get the position where the dispenser at the given Coordinates should dispense to. | net/minecraft/block/DispenserBlock |
1653 | func_149940_a | getDispenseMethod | 2 | | net/minecraft/block/DispenserBlock |
1654 | func_149940_a | getDispenseMethod | 2 | | net/minecraft/block/DropperBlock |
1655 | func_150210_i | getHoverEvent | 2 | The effective chat hover event. | net/minecraft/util/text/Style |
1656 | func_150223_b | isBold | 2 | Whether or not text of this ChatStyle should be in bold. | net/minecraft/util/text/Style |
1657 | func_150229_g | isEmpty | 2 | Whether or not this style is empty (inherits everything from the parent). | net/minecraft/util/text/Style |
1658 | func_150233_f | isObfuscated | 2 | Whether or not text of this ChatStyle should be obfuscated. | net/minecraft/util/text/Style |
1659 | func_150234_e | isUnderlined | 2 | Whether or not text of this ChatStyle should be underlined. | net/minecraft/util/text/Style |
1660 | func_150235_h | getClickEvent | 2 | The effective chat click event. | net/minecraft/util/text/Style |
1661 | func_150236_d | isStrikethrough | 2 | Whether or not to format text of this ChatStyle using strikethrough. | net/minecraft/util/text/Style |
1662 | func_150242_c | isItalic | 2 | Whether or not text of this ChatStyle should be italicized. | net/minecraft/util/text/Style |
1663 | func_150253_a | getSiblings | 2 | Gets the sibling components of this one. | net/minecraft/util/text/TextComponent |
1664 | func_150253_a | getSiblings | 2 | Gets the sibling components of this one. | net/minecraft/util/text/ITextComponent |
1665 | func_150256_b | getStyle | 2 | Gets the style of this component. Returns a direct reference; changes to this style will modify the style of this component (IE, there is no need to call {@link #setStyle(Style)} again after modifying it).\n \nIf this component's style is currently <code>null</code>, it will be initialized to the default style, and the parent style of all sibling components will be set to that style. (IE, changes to this style will also be reflected in sibling components.)\n \nThis method never returns <code>null</code>. | net/minecraft/util/text/TextComponent |
1666 | func_150256_b | getStyle | 2 | Gets the style of this component. Returns a direct reference; changes to this style will modify the style of this component (IE, there is no need to call {@link #setStyle(Style)} again after modifying it).\n \nIf this component's style is currently <code>null</code>, it will be initialized to the default style, and the parent style of all sibling components will be set to that style. (IE, changes to this style will also be reflected in sibling components.)\n \nThis method never returns <code>null</code>. | net/minecraft/util/text/ITextComponent |
1667 | func_150261_e | getContents | 2 | Gets the raw content of this component (but not its sibling components), without any formatting codes. For example, this is the raw text in a {@link TextComponentString}, but it's the translated text for a {@link TextComponentTranslation} and it's the score value for a {@link TextComponentScore}. | net/minecraft/util/text/TextComponent |
1668 | func_150261_e | getContents | 2 | Gets the raw content of this component (but not its sibling components), without any formatting codes. For example, this is the raw text in a {@link TextComponentString}, but it's the translated text for a {@link TextComponentTranslation} and it's the score value for a {@link TextComponentScore}. | net/minecraft/util/text/ITextComponent |
1669 | func_150261_e | getContents | 2 | Gets the raw content of this component (but not its sibling components), without any formatting codes. For example, this is the raw text in a {@link TextComponentString}, but it's the translated text for a {@link TextComponentTranslation} and it's the score value for a {@link TextComponentScore}. | net/minecraft/util/text/SelectorTextComponent |
1670 | func_150261_e | getContents | 2 | Gets the raw content of this component (but not its sibling components), without any formatting codes. For example, this is the raw text in a {@link TextComponentString}, but it's the translated text for a {@link TextComponentTranslation} and it's the score value for a {@link TextComponentScore}. | net/minecraft/util/text/StringTextComponent |
1671 | func_150265_g | getText | 2 | Gets the text value of this component. This is used to access the {@link #text} property, and only should be used when dealing specifically with instances of {@link TextComponentString} - for other purposes, use {@link #getUnformattedComponentText()}. | net/minecraft/util/text/StringTextComponent |
1672 | func_150268_i | getKey | 2 | Gets the key used to translate this component. | net/minecraft/util/text/TranslationTextComponent |
1673 | func_150270_g | decompose | 2 | Ensures that all of the children are up to date with the most recent translation mapping. | net/minecraft/util/text/TranslationTextComponent |
1674 | func_150271_j | getArgs | 2 | Gets the object array that is used to translate the key. | net/minecraft/util/text/TranslationTextComponent |
1675 | func_150285_a_ | getAsString | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/StringNBT |
1676 | func_150285_a_ | getAsString | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/INBT |
1677 | func_150286_g | getAsDouble | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ByteNBT |
1678 | func_150286_g | getAsDouble | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/DoubleNBT |
1679 | func_150286_g | getAsDouble | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/FloatNBT |
1680 | func_150286_g | getAsDouble | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/IntNBT |
1681 | func_150286_g | getAsDouble | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/LongNBT |
1682 | func_150286_g | getAsDouble | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/NumberNBT |
1683 | func_150286_g | getAsDouble | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ShortNBT |
1684 | func_150287_d | getAsInt | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ByteNBT |
1685 | func_150287_d | getAsInt | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/DoubleNBT |
1686 | func_150287_d | getAsInt | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/FloatNBT |
1687 | func_150287_d | getAsInt | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/IntNBT |
1688 | func_150287_d | getAsInt | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/LongNBT |
1689 | func_150287_d | getAsInt | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/NumberNBT |
1690 | func_150287_d | getAsInt | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ShortNBT |
1691 | func_150288_h | getAsFloat | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ByteNBT |
1692 | func_150288_h | getAsFloat | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/DoubleNBT |
1693 | func_150288_h | getAsFloat | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/FloatNBT |
1694 | func_150288_h | getAsFloat | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/IntNBT |
1695 | func_150288_h | getAsFloat | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/LongNBT |
1696 | func_150288_h | getAsFloat | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/NumberNBT |
1697 | func_150288_h | getAsFloat | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ShortNBT |
1698 | func_150289_e | getAsShort | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ByteNBT |
1699 | func_150289_e | getAsShort | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/DoubleNBT |
1700 | func_150289_e | getAsShort | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/FloatNBT |
1701 | func_150289_e | getAsShort | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/IntNBT |
1702 | func_150289_e | getAsShort | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/LongNBT |
1703 | func_150289_e | getAsShort | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/NumberNBT |
1704 | func_150289_e | getAsShort | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ShortNBT |
1705 | func_150290_f | getAsByte | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ByteNBT |
1706 | func_150290_f | getAsByte | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/DoubleNBT |
1707 | func_150290_f | getAsByte | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/FloatNBT |
1708 | func_150290_f | getAsByte | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/IntNBT |
1709 | func_150290_f | getAsByte | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/LongNBT |
1710 | func_150290_f | getAsByte | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/NumberNBT |
1711 | func_150290_f | getAsByte | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ShortNBT |
1712 | func_150291_c | getAsLong | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ByteNBT |
1713 | func_150291_c | getAsLong | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/DoubleNBT |
1714 | func_150291_c | getAsLong | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/FloatNBT |
1715 | func_150291_c | getAsLong | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/IntNBT |
1716 | func_150291_c | getAsLong | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/LongNBT |
1717 | func_150291_c | getAsLong | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/NumberNBT |
1718 | func_150291_c | getAsLong | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ShortNBT |
1719 | func_150292_c | getAsByteArray | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ByteArrayNBT |
1720 | func_150295_c | getList | 2 | Gets the NBTTagList object with the given name. | net/minecraft/nbt/CompoundNBT |
1721 | func_150296_c | getAllKeys | 2 | Gets a set with the names of the keys in the tag compound. | net/minecraft/nbt/CompoundNBT |
1722 | func_150297_b | contains | 2 | Returns whether the given string has been previously stored as a key in this tag compound as a particular type, denoted by a parameter in the form of an ordinal. If the provided ordinal is 99, this method will match tag types representing numbers. | net/minecraft/nbt/CompoundNBT |
1723 | func_150298_a | writeNamedTag | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/CompoundNBT |
1724 | func_150299_b | getTagType | 2 | Gets the ID byte for the given tag key | net/minecraft/nbt/CompoundNBT |
1725 | func_150302_c | getAsIntArray | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/IntArrayNBT |
1726 | func_150305_b | getCompound | 2 | Retrieves the NBTTagCompound at the specified index in the list | net/minecraft/nbt/ListNBT |
1727 | func_150306_c | getIntArray | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ListNBT |
1728 | func_150307_f | getString | 2 | Retrieves the tag String value at the specified index in the list | net/minecraft/nbt/ListNBT |
1729 | func_150308_e | getFloat | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ListNBT |
1730 | func_150309_d | getDouble | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/ListNBT |
1731 | func_150502_a | bufToByte | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/NettyEncryptionTranslator |
1732 | func_150503_a | decipher | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/NettyEncryptionTranslator |
1733 | func_150504_a | encipher | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/NettyEncryptionTranslator |
1734 | func_150663_a | writeUnnamedTag | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/CompressedStreamTools |
1735 | func_150668_b | getValue | 2 | Gets the value to perform the action on when this event is raised. For example, if the action is "open URL", this would be the URL to open. | net/minecraft/util/text/event/ClickEvent |
1736 | func_150669_a | getAction | 2 | Gets the action to perform when this event is raised. | net/minecraft/util/text/event/ClickEvent |
1737 | func_150672_a | getByName | 2 | Gets a value by its canonical name. | net/minecraft/util/text/event/ClickEvent$Action |
1738 | func_150673_b | getName | 2 | Gets the canonical name for this action (e.g., "run_command") | net/minecraft/util/text/event/ClickEvent$Action |
1739 | func_150674_a | isAllowedFromServer | 2 | Indicates whether this event can be run from chat text. | net/minecraft/util/text/event/ClickEvent$Action |
1740 | func_150684_a | getByName | 2 | Gets a value by its canonical name. | net/minecraft/util/text/event/HoverEvent$Action |
1741 | func_150685_b | getName | 2 | Gets the canonical name for this action (e.g., "show_achievement") | net/minecraft/util/text/event/HoverEvent$Action |
1742 | func_150686_a | isAllowedFromServer | 2 | Indicates whether this event can be run from chat text. | net/minecraft/util/text/event/HoverEvent$Action |
1743 | func_150695_a | serializeStyle | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/text/ITextComponent$Serializer |
1744 | func_150696_a | toJson | 2 | Serializes a component into JSON. | net/minecraft/util/text/ITextComponent$Serializer |
1745 | func_150701_a | getAction | 2 | Gets the action to perform when this event is raised. | net/minecraft/util/text/event/HoverEvent |
1746 | func_150718_a | disconnect | 2 | Closes the channel, the parameter can be used for an exit message (not certain how it gets sent) | net/minecraft/network/NetworkManager |
1747 | func_150719_a | setListener | 2 | Sets the NetHandler for this NetworkManager, no checks are made if this handler is suitable for the particular connection state (protocol) | net/minecraft/network/NetworkManager |
1748 | func_150721_g | setReadOnly | 2 | Switches the channel to manual reading modus | net/minecraft/network/NetworkManager |
1749 | func_150722_a | connectToLocalServer | 2 | Prepares a clientside NetworkManager: establishes a connection to the socket supplied and configures the channel pipeline. Returns the newly created instance. | net/minecraft/network/NetworkManager |
1750 | func_150723_a | setProtocol | 2 | Sets the new connection state and registers which packets this channel may send and receive | net/minecraft/network/NetworkManager |
1751 | func_150724_d | isConnected | 2 | Returns true if this NetworkManager has an active channel, false otherwise | net/minecraft/network/NetworkManager |
1752 | func_150727_a | setEncryptionKey | 2 | Adds an encoder+decoder to the channel pipeline. The parameter is the secret key used for encrypted communication | net/minecraft/network/NetworkManager |
1753 | func_150729_e | getPacketListener | 2 | Gets the current handler for processing packets | net/minecraft/network/NetworkManager |
1754 | func_150730_f | getDisconnectedReason | 2 | If this channel is closed, returns the exit message, null otherwise. | net/minecraft/network/NetworkManager |
1755 | func_150731_c | isMemoryConnection | 2 | True if this NetworkManager uses a memory connection (single player game). False may imply both an active TCP connection or simply no active connection at all | net/minecraft/network/NetworkManager |
1756 | func_150732_b | sendPacket | 2 | Will commit the packet to the channel. If the current thread 'owns' the channel it will write and flush the packet, otherwise it will add a task for the channel eventloop thread to do that. | net/minecraft/network/NetworkManager |
1757 | func_150733_h | flushQueue | 2 | Will iterate through the outboundPacketQueue and dispatch all Packets | net/minecraft/network/NetworkManager |
1758 | func_150752_a | getProtocolForPacket | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ProtocolType |
1759 | func_150759_c | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ProtocolType |
1760 | func_150760_a | getById | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ProtocolType |
1761 | func_150786_a | writeNbt | 2 | Writes a compressed NBTTagCompound to this buffer | net/minecraft/network/PacketBuffer |
1762 | func_150787_b | writeVarInt | 2 | Writes a compressed int to the buffer. The smallest number of bytes to fit the passed int will be written. Of each such byte only 7 bits will be used to describe the actual value since its most significant bit dictates whether the next byte is part of that same int. Micro-optimization for int values that are expected to have values below 128. | net/minecraft/network/PacketBuffer |
1763 | func_150788_a | writeItem | 2 | Writes the ItemStack's ID (short), then size (byte), then damage. (short) | net/minecraft/network/PacketBuffer |
1764 | func_150789_c | readUtf | 2 | Reads a string from this buffer. Expected parameter is maximum allowed string length. Will throw IOException if string length exceeds this value! | net/minecraft/network/PacketBuffer |
1765 | func_150790_a | getVarIntSize | 2 | Calculates the number of bytes required to fit the supplied int (0-5) if it were to be read/written using readVarIntFromBuffer or writeVarIntToBuffer | net/minecraft/network/PacketBuffer |
1766 | func_150791_c | readItem | 2 | Reads an ItemStack from this buffer | net/minecraft/network/PacketBuffer |
1767 | func_150792_a | readVarInt | 2 | Reads a compressed int from the buffer. To do so it maximally reads 5 byte-sized chunks whose most significant bit dictates whether another byte should be read. | net/minecraft/network/PacketBuffer |
1768 | func_150793_b | readNbt | 2 | Reads a compressed NBTTagCompound from this buffer | net/minecraft/network/PacketBuffer |
1769 | func_150813_a | addBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/chunk/EmptyChunk |
1770 | func_150813_a | addBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/chunk/Chunk |
1771 | func_150835_j | getEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/dispenser/IBlockSource |
1772 | func_150835_j | getEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/dispenser/ProxyBlockSource |
1773 | func_150859_c | createPortalBlocks | 2 | | net/minecraft/block/PortalSize |
1774 | func_150860_b | isValid | 2 | | net/minecraft/block/PortalSize |
1775 | func_150871_b | increment | 2 | | net/minecraft/stats/StatisticsManager |
1776 | func_150873_a | setValue | 2 | Triggers the logging of an achievement and attempts to announce to server | net/minecraft/stats/ServerStatisticsManager |
1777 | func_150873_a | setValue | 2 | Triggers the logging of an achievement and attempts to announce to server | net/minecraft/stats/StatisticsManager |
1778 | func_150876_a | sendStats | 2 | | net/minecraft/stats/ServerStatisticsManager |
1779 | func_150877_d | markAllDirty | 2 | | net/minecraft/stats/ServerStatisticsManager |
1780 | func_150878_c | getDirty | 2 | | net/minecraft/stats/ServerStatisticsManager |
1781 | func_150883_b | save | 2 | | net/minecraft/stats/ServerStatisticsManager |
1782 | func_150891_b | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/Item |
1783 | func_150893_a | getDestroySpeed | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/AxeItem |
1784 | func_150893_a | getDestroySpeed | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/ToolItem |
1785 | func_150893_a | getDestroySpeed | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/Item |
1786 | func_150893_a | getDestroySpeed | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/PickaxeItem |
1787 | func_150893_a | getDestroySpeed | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/ShearsItem |
1788 | func_150893_a | getDestroySpeed | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/SwordItem |
1789 | func_150895_a | fillItemCategory | 2 | returns a list of items with the same ID, but different meta (eg: dye returns 16 items) | net/minecraft/item/BlockItem |
1790 | func_150895_a | fillItemCategory | 2 | returns a list of items with the same ID, but different meta (eg: dye returns 16 items) | net/minecraft/item/EnchantedBookItem |
1791 | func_150895_a | fillItemCategory | 2 | returns a list of items with the same ID, but different meta (eg: dye returns 16 items) | net/minecraft/item/Item |
1792 | func_150895_a | fillItemCategory | 2 | returns a list of items with the same ID, but different meta (eg: dye returns 16 items) | net/minecraft/item/PotionItem |
1793 | func_150895_a | fillItemCategory | 2 | returns a list of items with the same ID, but different meta (eg: dye returns 16 items) | net/minecraft/item/TippedArrowItem |
1794 | func_150897_b | isCorrectToolForDrops | 2 | Check whether this Item can harvest the given Block | net/minecraft/item/Item |
1795 | func_150897_b | isCorrectToolForDrops | 2 | Check whether this Item can harvest the given Block | net/minecraft/item/PickaxeItem |
1796 | func_150897_b | isCorrectToolForDrops | 2 | Check whether this Item can harvest the given Block | net/minecraft/item/ShearsItem |
1797 | func_150897_b | isCorrectToolForDrops | 2 | Check whether this Item can harvest the given Block | net/minecraft/item/ShovelItem |
1798 | func_150897_b | isCorrectToolForDrops | 2 | Check whether this Item can harvest the given Block | net/minecraft/item/SwordItem |
1799 | func_150898_a | byBlock | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/Item |
1800 | func_150899_d | byId | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/Item |
1801 | func_150911_c | getUpdatePacket | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/AbstractMapItem |
1802 | func_150911_c | getUpdatePacket | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/FilledMapItem |
1803 | func_150930_a | makeSureTagIsValid | 2 | this method returns true if the book's NBT Tag List "pages" is valid | net/minecraft/item/WritableBookItem |
1804 | func_150997_a | getDestroySpeed | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/ItemStack |
1805 | func_150998_b | isCorrectToolForDrops | 2 | Check whether the given Block can be harvested using this ItemStack. | net/minecraft/item/ItemStack |
1806 | func_151000_E | getDisplayName | 2 | Get a ChatComponent for this Item's display name that shows this Item on hover | net/minecraft/item/ItemStack |
1807 | func_151200_h | getAsString | 2 | Gets the string value of the field on the JsonObject with the given name. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1808 | func_151201_f | isValidPrimitive | 2 | Does the given JsonObject contain a field with the given name whose type is primitive (String, Java primitive, or Java primitive wrapper)? | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1809 | func_151202_d | isArrayNode | 2 | Does the given JsonObject contain an array field with the given name? | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1810 | func_151203_m | getAsInt | 2 | Gets the integer value of the field on the JsonObject with the given name. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1811 | func_151204_g | isValidNode | 2 | Does the given JsonObject contain a field with the given name? | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1812 | func_151205_a | isStringValue | 2 | Does the given JsonObject contain a string field with the given name? | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1813 | func_151206_a | convertToString | 2 | Gets the string value of the given JsonElement. Expects the second parameter to be the name of the element's field if an error message needs to be thrown. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1814 | func_151207_m | convertToJsonArray | 2 | Gets the given JsonElement as a JsonArray. Expects the second parameter to be the name of the element's field if an error message needs to be thrown. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1815 | func_151208_a | getAsInt | 2 | Gets the integer value of the field on the JsonObject with the given name, or the given default value if the field is missing. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1816 | func_151209_a | getAsBoolean | 2 | Gets the boolean value of the field on the JsonObject with the given name, or the given default value if the field is missing. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1817 | func_151210_l | convertToJsonObject | 2 | Gets the given JsonElement as a JsonObject. Expects the second parameter to be the name of the element's field if an error message needs to be thrown. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1818 | func_151211_a | isStringValue | 2 | Is the given JsonElement a string? | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1819 | func_151212_i | getAsBoolean | 2 | Gets the boolean value of the field on the JsonObject with the given name. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1820 | func_151213_a | getAsJsonArray | 2 | Gets the JsonArray field on the JsonObject with the given name, or the given default value if the field is missing. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1821 | func_151214_t | getAsJsonArray | 2 | Gets the JsonArray field on the JsonObject with the given name. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1822 | func_151215_f | convertToInt | 2 | Gets the integer value of the given JsonElement. Expects the second parameter to be the name of the element's field if an error message needs to be thrown. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1823 | func_151216_b | convertToBoolean | 2 | Gets the boolean value of the given JsonElement. Expects the second parameter to be the name of the element's field if an error message needs to be thrown. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1824 | func_151217_k | getAsFloat | 2 | Gets the float value of the field on the JsonObject with the given name. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1825 | func_151218_a | getAsJsonObject | 2 | Gets the JsonObject field on the JsonObject with the given name, or the given default value if the field is missing. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1826 | func_151219_a | getAsString | 2 | Gets the string value of the field on the JsonObject with the given name, or the given default value if the field is missing. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1827 | func_151220_d | convertToFloat | 2 | Gets the float value of the given JsonElement. Expects the second parameter to be the name of the element's field if an error message needs to be thrown. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1828 | func_151221_a | getAsFloat | 2 | Gets the float value of the field on the JsonObject with the given name, or the given default value if the field is missing. | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1829 | func_151222_d | getType | 2 | Gets a human-readable description of the given JsonElement's type. For example: "a number (4)" | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
1830 | func_151229_a | getCipher | 2 | Creates an Cipher instance using the AES/CFB8/NoPadding algorithm. Used for protocol encryption. | net/minecraft/util/CryptManager |
1831 | func_151232_a | toLowercase | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/EnumTypeAdapterFactory |
1832 | func_151235_d | isPowerOfTwo | 2 | Is the given value a power of two? (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...) | net/minecraft/util/math/MathHelper |
1833 | func_151236_b | smallestEncompassingPowerOfTwo | 2 | Returns the input value rounded up to the next highest power of two. | net/minecraft/util/math/MathHelper |
1834 | func_151237_a | clamp | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/math/MathHelper |
1835 | func_151238_b | clampedLerp | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/math/MathHelper |
1836 | func_151239_c | log2 | 2 | Efficiently calculates the floor of the base-2 log of an integer value. This is effectively the index of the highest bit that is set. For example, if the number in binary is 0...100101, this will return 5. | net/minecraft/util/math/MathHelper |
1837 | func_151240_a | nextFloat | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/math/MathHelper |
1838 | func_151241_e | ceillog2 | 2 | Uses a B(2, 5) De Bruijn sequence and a lookup table to efficiently calculate the log-base-two of the given value. Optimized for cases where the input value is a power-of-two. If the input value is not a power-of-two, then subtract 1 from the return value. | net/minecraft/util/math/MathHelper |
1839 | func_151244_d | getIconItem | 2 | | net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup |
1840 | func_151246_b | isNullOrEmpty | 2 | Returns a value indicating whether the given string is null or empty. | net/minecraft/util/StringUtils |
1841 | func_151255_a | createReply | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/LegacyPingHandler |
1842 | func_151256_a | sendFlushAndClose | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/LegacyPingHandler |
1843 | func_151265_a | startTcpServerListener | 2 | Adds a channel that listens on publicly accessible network ports | net/minecraft/network/NetworkSystem |
1844 | func_151267_d | getServer | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/NetworkSystem |
1845 | func_151268_b | stop | 2 | Shuts down all open endpoints (with immediate effect?) | net/minecraft/network/NetworkSystem |
1846 | func_151269_c | tick | 2 | Will try to process the packets received by each NetworkManager, gracefully manage processing failures and cleans up dead connections | net/minecraft/network/NetworkSystem |
1847 | func_151270_a | startMemoryChannel | 2 | Adds a channel that listens locally | net/minecraft/network/NetworkSystem |
1848 | func_151303_a | getName | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse$Version |
1849 | func_151304_b | getProtocol | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse$Version |
1850 | func_151315_a | setDescription | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse |
1851 | func_151316_d | getFavicon | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse |
1852 | func_151317_a | getDescription | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse |
1853 | func_151318_b | getPlayers | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse |
1854 | func_151319_a | setPlayers | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse |
1855 | func_151320_a | setFavicon | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse |
1856 | func_151321_a | setVersion | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse |
1857 | func_151322_c | getVersion | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse |
1858 | func_151330_a | setSample | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse$Players |
1859 | func_151331_c | getSample | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse$Players |
1860 | func_151332_a | getMaxPlayers | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse$Players |
1861 | func_151333_b | getNumPlayers | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/ServerStatusResponse$Players |
1862 | func_151337_f | getBlock | 2 | | net/minecraft/block/BlockEventData |
1863 | func_151338_e | getParamB | 2 | | net/minecraft/block/BlockEventData |
1864 | func_151339_d | getParamA | 2 | Get the Event ID (different for each BlockID) | net/minecraft/block/BlockEventData |
1865 | func_151351_a | getType | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/NextTickListEntry |
1866 | func_151354_b | bootStrap | 2 | Registers blocks, items, stats, etc. | net/minecraft/util/registry/Bootstrap |
1867 | func_151367_b | doPostHurt | 2 | Whenever an entity that has this enchantment on one of its associated items is damaged this method will be called. | net/minecraft/enchantment/Enchantment |
1868 | func_151367_b | doPostHurt | 2 | Whenever an entity that has this enchantment on one of its associated items is damaged this method will be called. | net/minecraft/enchantment/ThornsEnchantment |
1869 | func_151368_a | doPostAttack | 2 | Called whenever a mob is damaged with an item that has this enchantment on it. | net/minecraft/enchantment/DamageEnchantment |
1870 | func_151368_a | doPostAttack | 2 | Called whenever a mob is damaged with an item that has this enchantment on it. | net/minecraft/enchantment/Enchantment |
1871 | func_151372_b | getJsonKeys | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/util/JSONException$Entry |
1872 | func_151373_a | addJsonKey | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/util/JSONException$Entry |
1873 | func_151379_a | forException | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/util/JSONException |
1874 | func_151380_a | prependJsonKey | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/util/JSONException |
1875 | func_151381_b | setFilenameAndFlush | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/util/JSONException |
1876 | func_151384_a | doPostHurtEffects | 2 | | net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentHelper |
1877 | func_151385_b | doPostDamageEffects | 2 | | net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentHelper |
1878 | func_151408_c | getModifiers | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPropertiesPacket$Snapshot |
1879 | func_151410_b | getBase | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/server/SEntityPropertiesPacket$Snapshot |
1880 | func_151464_g | getName | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/settings/KeyBinding |
1881 | func_151466_e | getCategory | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/settings/KeyBinding |
1882 | func_151468_f | consumeClick | 0 | Returns true on the initial key press. For continuous querying use {@link isKeyDown()}. Should be used in key events. | net/minecraft/client/settings/KeyBinding |
1883 | func_151470_d | isDown | 0 | Returns true if the key is pressed (used for continuous querying). Should be used in tickers. | net/minecraft/client/settings/KeyBinding |
1884 | func_151499_f | getEatAnimationTick | 2 | Number of ticks since the entity started to eat grass | net/minecraft/entity/ai/goal/EatGrassGoal |
1885 | func_151517_h | isBypassMagic | 2 | Whether or not the damage ignores modification by potion effects or enchantments. | net/minecraft/util/DamageSource |
1886 | func_151518_m | bypassMagic | 2 | Sets a value indicating whether the damage is absolute (ignores modification by potion effects or enchantments), and also clears out hunger damage. | net/minecraft/util/DamageSource |
1887 | func_151519_b | getLocalizedDeathMessage | 2 | Gets the death message that is displayed when the player dies | net/minecraft/util/BedExplosionDamageSource |
1888 | func_151519_b | getLocalizedDeathMessage | 2 | Gets the death message that is displayed when the player dies | net/minecraft/util/DamageSource |
1889 | func_151519_b | getLocalizedDeathMessage | 2 | Gets the death message that is displayed when the player dies | net/minecraft/util/EntityDamageSource |
1890 | func_151519_b | getLocalizedDeathMessage | 2 | Gets the death message that is displayed when the player dies | net/minecraft/util/IndirectEntityDamageSource |
1891 | func_151521_b | getDeathMessage | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/CombatTracker |
1892 | func_151522_h | getAttackerName | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/CombatEntry |
1893 | func_151523_a | byId | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/Difficulty |
1894 | func_151525_a | getId | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/Difficulty |
1895 | func_151526_b | getKey | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/Difficulty |
1896 | func_151535_h | createTag | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/math/MutableBoundingBox |
1897 | func_151565_r | getColor | 2 | Retrieves the color index of the block. This is is the same color used by vanilla maps to represent this block. | net/minecraft/block/material/Material |
1898 | func_151605_a | getValue | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/SimplexNoiseGenerator |
1899 | func_151630_c | riverFilter | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/layer/RiverLayer |
1900 | func_151631_c | isJungleCompatible | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/layer/ShoreLayer |
1901 | func_151633_d | isMesa | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/layer/ShoreLayer |
1902 | func_151635_b | checkEdgeStrict | 2 | Creates a border around a biome. | net/minecraft/world/gen/layer/EdgeBiomeLayer |
1903 | func_151643_b | calculateRGBColor | 2 | | net/minecraft/block/material/MaterialColor |
1904 | func_152105_l | inventoryFull | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
1905 | func_152108_a | getOwnerProfile | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/SkullTileEntity |
1906 | func_152109_d | updateOwnerProfile | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/SkullTileEntity |
1907 | func_152111_bt | onEnterCombat | 2 | Sends an ENTER_COMBAT packet to the client | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
1908 | func_152111_bt | onEnterCombat | 2 | Sends an ENTER_COMBAT packet to the client | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
1909 | func_152112_bu | onLeaveCombat | 2 | Sends an END_COMBAT packet to the client | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
1910 | func_152112_bu | onLeaveCombat | 2 | Sends an END_COMBAT packet to the client | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
1911 | func_152114_e | isOwnedBy | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/TameableEntity |
1912 | func_152116_bZ | isChickenJockey | 2 | Determines if this chicken is a jokey with a zombie riding it. | net/minecraft/entity/passive/ChickenEntity |
1913 | func_152117_i | setChickenJockey | 2 | Sets whether this chicken is a jockey or not. | net/minecraft/entity/passive/ChickenEntity |
1914 | func_152122_n | isCapeLoaded | 0 | Checks if this instance of AbstractClientPlayer has any associated player data. | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/AbstractClientPlayerEntity |
1915 | func_152123_o | isSkinLoaded | 0 | Returns true if the player has an associated skin. | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/AbstractClientPlayerEntity |
1916 | func_152339_d | sendRemoveEntity | 2 | Sends a packet to the player to remove an entity. | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
1917 | func_152342_ad | getSkinManager | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
1918 | func_152347_ac | getMinecraftSessionService | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
1919 | func_152358_ax | getProfileCache | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
1920 | func_152359_aw | getProfileRepository | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
1921 | func_152368_aE | convertOldUsers | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedServer |
1922 | func_152369_aG | waitForRetry | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedServer |
1923 | func_152376_a | getDamageBonus | 2 | Calculates the additional damage that will be dealt by an item with this enchantment. This alternative to calcModifierDamage is sensitive to the targets EnumCreatureAttribute. | net/minecraft/enchantment/DamageEnchantment |
1924 | func_152376_a | getDamageBonus | 2 | Calculates the additional damage that will be dealt by an item with this enchantment. This alternative to calcModifierDamage is sensitive to the targets EnumCreatureAttribute. | net/minecraft/enchantment/Enchantment |
1925 | func_152376_a | getDamageBonus | 2 | Calculates the additional damage that will be dealt by an item with this enchantment. This alternative to calcModifierDamage is sensitive to the targets EnumCreatureAttribute. | net/minecraft/enchantment/ImpalingEnchantment |
1926 | func_152377_a | getDamageBonus | 2 | | net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentHelper |
1927 | func_152421_a | byName | 0 | | net/minecraft/util/Session$Type |
1928 | func_152447_a | readNamedTagType | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/CompoundNBT |
1929 | func_152448_b | readNamedTagName | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/CompoundNBT |
1930 | func_152450_a | accountBits | 2 | Tracks the reading of the given amount of bits(!) | net/minecraft/nbt/NBTSizeTracker |
1931 | func_152450_a | accountBits | 2 | Tracks the reading of the given amount of bits(!) | net/minecraft/nbt/NBTSizeTracker$1 |
1932 | func_152455_a | readUnnamedTag | 2 | | net/minecraft/nbt/CompressedStreamTools |
1933 | func_152456_a | read | 2 | Reads the given DataInput, constructs, and returns an NBTTagCompound with the data from the DataInput | net/minecraft/nbt/CompressedStreamTools |
1934 | func_152459_a | readGameProfile | 2 | Reads and returns a GameProfile that has been saved to the passed in NBTTagCompound | net/minecraft/nbt/NBTUtil |
1935 | func_152506_a | createFakeProfile | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/login/ServerLoginNetHandler |
1936 | func_152583_a | copyFrom | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ServerData |
1937 | func_152584_a | setResourcePackStatus | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ServerData |
1938 | func_152586_b | getResourcePackStatus | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ServerData |
1939 | func_152589_a | getName | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ServerData$ServerResourceMode |
1940 | func_152596_g | isOp | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
1941 | func_152598_l | getWhiteListNames | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
1942 | func_152599_k | getWhiteList | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
1943 | func_152602_a | getPlayerStats | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
1944 | func_152603_m | getOps | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
1945 | func_152604_a | setOverrideGameMode | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
1946 | func_152605_a | op | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedPlayerList |
1947 | func_152605_a | op | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
1948 | func_152606_n | getOpNames | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
1949 | func_152607_e | isWhiteListed | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedPlayerList |
1950 | func_152607_e | isWhiteListed | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
1951 | func_152608_h | getBans | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
1952 | func_152610_b | deop | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedPlayerList |
1953 | func_152610_b | deop | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
1954 | func_152612_a | getPlayerByName | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerList |
1955 | func_152640_f | getUser | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/UserListEntry |
1956 | func_152641_a | serialize | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/BanEntry |
1957 | func_152641_a | serialize | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/IPBanEntry |
1958 | func_152641_a | serialize | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/OpEntry |
1959 | func_152641_a | serialize | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/UserListEntry |
1960 | func_152641_a | serialize | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/ProfileBanEntry |
1961 | func_152641_a | serialize | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/WhitelistEntry |
1962 | func_152643_b | createGameProfile | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/OpEntry |
1963 | func_152644_a | getLevel | 2 | Gets the permission level of the user, as defined in the "level" attribute of the ops.json file | net/minecraft/server/management/OpEntry |
1964 | func_152646_b | createGameProfile | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/WhitelistEntry |
1965 | func_152647_b | createIpInfo | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/IPBanEntry |
1966 | func_152648_b | createGameProfile | 2 | Convert a {@linkplain com.google.gson.JsonObject JsonObject} into a {@linkplain com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile}. The json object must have {@code uuid} and {@code name} attributes or {@code null} will be returned. | net/minecraft/server/management/ProfileBanEntry |
1967 | func_152649_a | add | 2 | Add an entry to this cache | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerProfileCache |
1968 | func_152652_a | get | 2 | Get a player's {@link GameProfile} given their UUID | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerProfileCache |
1969 | func_152655_a | get | 2 | Get a player's GameProfile given their username. Mojang's server's will be contacted if the entry is not cached locally. | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerProfileCache |
1970 | func_152658_c | save | 2 | Save the cached profiles to disk | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerProfileCache |
1971 | func_152668_a | getProfile | 2 | Get the player's GameProfile | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerProfileCache$ProfileEntry |
1972 | func_152670_b | getExpirationDate | 2 | Get the date that this entry will expire | net/minecraft/server/management/PlayerProfileCache$ProfileEntry |
1973 | func_152678_f | save | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/UserList |
1974 | func_152679_g | load | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/UserList |
1975 | func_152680_h | removeExpired | 2 | Removes expired bans from the list. See {@link BanEntry#hasBanExpired} | net/minecraft/server/management/UserList |
1976 | func_152681_a | getKeyForUser | 2 | Gets the key value for the given object | net/minecraft/server/management/OpList |
1977 | func_152681_a | getKeyForUser | 2 | Gets the key value for the given object | net/minecraft/server/management/UserList |
1978 | func_152681_a | getKeyForUser | 2 | Gets the key value for the given object | net/minecraft/server/management/BanList |
1979 | func_152681_a | getKeyForUser | 2 | Gets the key value for the given object | net/minecraft/server/management/WhiteList |
1980 | func_152682_a | createEntry | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/IPBanList |
1981 | func_152682_a | createEntry | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/OpList |
1982 | func_152682_a | createEntry | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/UserList |
1983 | func_152682_a | createEntry | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/BanList |
1984 | func_152682_a | createEntry | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/WhiteList |
1985 | func_152683_b | get | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/UserList |
1986 | func_152684_c | remove | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/UserList |
1987 | func_152685_a | getUserList | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/OpList |
1988 | func_152685_a | getUserList | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/UserList |
1989 | func_152685_a | getUserList | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/BanList |
1990 | func_152685_a | getUserList | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/WhiteList |
1991 | func_152687_a | add | 2 | Adds an entry to the list | net/minecraft/server/management/UserList |
1992 | func_152690_d | isEmpty | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/UserList |
1993 | func_152691_c | getFile | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/UserList |
1994 | func_152692_d | contains | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/UserList |
1995 | func_152702_a | isBanned | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/BanList |
1996 | func_152705_a | isWhiteListed | 2 | Returns true if the profile is in the whitelist. | net/minecraft/server/management/WhiteList |
1997 | func_152707_c | getIpFromAddress | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/IPBanList |
1998 | func_152708_a | isBanned | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/IPBanList |
1999 | func_152709_b | get | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/IPBanList |
2000 | func_152710_d | convertWhiteList | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PreYggdrasilConverter |
2001 | func_152711_b | ensureDirectoryExists | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PreYggdrasilConverter |
2002 | func_152712_b | areOldUserlistsRemoved | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PreYggdrasilConverter |
2003 | func_152713_b | parseDate | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PreYggdrasilConverter |
2004 | func_152717_a | lookupPlayers | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PreYggdrasilConverter |
2005 | func_152718_c | convertOpsList | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PreYggdrasilConverter |
2006 | func_152721_a | readOldListFormat | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PreYggdrasilConverter |
2007 | func_152722_b | convertIpBanlist | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PreYggdrasilConverter |
2008 | func_152723_a | convertPlayers | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PreYggdrasilConverter |
2009 | func_152724_a | convertUserBanlist | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PreYggdrasilConverter |
2010 | func_152727_c | renameOldFile | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PreYggdrasilConverter |
2011 | func_152743_a | movePlayerFile | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PreYggdrasilConverter$5 |
2012 | func_152744_a | getFileNameForProfile | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/management/PreYggdrasilConverter$5 |
2013 | func_152754_s | getAsJsonObject | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/JSONUtils |
2014 | func_152764_a | parsePassNode | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderGroup |
2015 | func_152765_a | load | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/shader/ShaderGroup |
2016 | func_152767_b | setFixedData | 2 | | net/minecraft/profiler/Snooper |
2017 | func_152768_a | setDynamicData | 2 | | net/minecraft/profiler/Snooper |
2018 | func_152788_a | getInsecureSkinInformation | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/SkinManager |
2019 | func_152789_a | registerTexture | 0 | May download the skin if its not in the cache, can be passed a SkinManager#SkinAvailableCallback for handling | net/minecraft/client/resources/SkinManager |
2020 | func_152790_a | registerSkins | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/resources/SkinManager |
2021 | func_152792_a | registerTexture | 0 | Used in the Skull renderer to fetch a skin. May download the skin if it's not in the cache | net/minecraft/client/resources/SkinManager |
2022 | func_154331_x | getLastActionTime | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
2023 | func_154346_a | hasAgreedToEULA | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/ServerEula |
2024 | func_154348_b | saveDefaults | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/ServerEula |
2025 | func_154354_b | roundUp | 2 | Rounds the first parameter up to the next interval of the second parameter.\n \nFor instance, {@code roundUp(1, 4)} returns 4; {@code roundUp(0, 4)} returns 0; and {@code roundUp(4, 4)} returns 4. | net/minecraft/util/math/MathHelper |
2026 | func_164247_a | print | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/gui/MinecraftServerGui |
2027 | func_174805_g | setCustomNameVisible | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2028 | func_174806_f | calculateViewVector | 2 | Creates a Vec3 using the pitch and yaw of the entities rotation. | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2029 | func_174809_b | isFree | 2 | Determines if a liquid is present within the specified AxisAlignedBB. | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2030 | func_174810_b | setSilent | 2 | When set to true the entity will not play sounds. | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2031 | func_174811_aO | getDirection | 2 | Gets the horizontal facing direction of this Entity. | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2032 | func_174811_aO | getDirection | 2 | Gets the horizontal facing direction of this Entity. | net/minecraft/entity/item/HangingEntity |
2033 | func_174812_G | kill | 2 | Called by the /kill command. | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2034 | func_174812_G | kill | 2 | Called by the /kill command. | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
2035 | func_174812_G | kill | 2 | Called by the /kill command. | net/minecraft/entity/item/EnderCrystalEntity |
2036 | func_174812_G | kill | 2 | Called by the /kill command. | net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/EnderDragonEntity |
2037 | func_174812_G | kill | 2 | Called by the /kill command. | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2038 | func_174812_G | kill | 2 | Called by the /kill command. | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemFrameEntity |
2039 | func_174813_aQ | getBoundingBox | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2040 | func_174814_R | isSilent | 2 | @return True if this entity will not play sounds | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2041 | func_174815_a | doEnchantDamageEffects | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2042 | func_174816_a | shouldBlockExplode | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2043 | func_174816_a | shouldBlockExplode | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/minecart/TNTMinecartEntity |
2044 | func_174820_d | setSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2045 | func_174820_d | setSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
2046 | func_174820_d | setSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractChestedHorseEntity |
2047 | func_174820_d | setSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/horse/AbstractHorseEntity |
2048 | func_174820_d | setSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2049 | func_174820_d | setSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemFrameEntity |
2050 | func_174820_d | setSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/PillagerEntity |
2051 | func_174820_d | setSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/merchant/villager/AbstractVillagerEntity |
2052 | func_174820_d | setSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
2053 | func_174820_d | setSlot | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/minecart/ContainerMinecartEntity |
2054 | func_174823_aP | createHoverEvent | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2055 | func_174824_e | getEyePosition | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2056 | func_174826_a | setBoundingBox | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2057 | func_174827_a | broadcastToPlayer | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
2058 | func_174827_a | broadcastToPlayer | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2059 | func_174828_a | moveTo | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2060 | func_174829_m | setLocationFromBoundingbox | 2 | Resets the entity's position to the center (planar) and bottom (vertical) points of its bounding box. | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2061 | func_174833_aM | isCustomNameVisible | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2062 | func_174845_l | init | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/particle/DiggingParticle |
2063 | func_174846_a | init | 0 | Sets the position of the block that this particle came from. Used for calculating texture and color multiplier. | net/minecraft/client/particle/DiggingParticle |
2064 | func_174856_o | recalculateBoundingBox | 2 | Updates the entity bounding box based on current facing | net/minecraft/entity/item/HangingEntity |
2065 | func_174856_o | recalculateBoundingBox | 2 | Updates the entity bounding box based on current facing | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemFrameEntity |
2066 | func_174856_o | recalculateBoundingBox | 2 | Updates the entity bounding box based on current facing | net/minecraft/entity/item/LeashKnotEntity |
2067 | func_174857_n | getPos | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/HangingEntity |
2068 | func_174859_a | setDirection | 2 | Updates facing and bounding box based on it | net/minecraft/entity/item/HangingEntity |
2069 | func_174859_a | setDirection | 2 | Updates facing and bounding box based on it | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemFrameEntity |
2070 | func_174859_a | setDirection | 2 | Updates facing and bounding box based on it | net/minecraft/entity/item/LeashKnotEntity |
2071 | func_174864_a | setItem | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemFrameEntity |
2072 | func_174865_a | setRotation | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemFrameEntity |
2073 | func_174866_q | getAnalogOutput | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemFrameEntity |
2074 | func_174867_a | setPickUpDelay | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemEntity |
2075 | func_174868_q | setNoPickUpDelay | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemEntity |
2076 | func_174869_p | setDefaultPickUpDelay | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemEntity |
2077 | func_174870_v | makeFakeItem | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemEntity |
2078 | func_174871_r | setNeverPickUp | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemEntity |
2079 | func_174872_o | getAge | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemEntity |
2080 | func_174873_u | setExtendedLifetime | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemEntity |
2081 | func_174874_s | hasPickUpDelay | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ItemEntity |
2082 | func_174877_v | getBlockPos | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntity |
2083 | func_174878_a | setPosition | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntity |
2084 | func_174882_b | executeClickCommands | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/SignTileEntity |
2085 | func_174884_b | updateGameprofile | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/SkullTileEntity |
2086 | func_174886_c | stopOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/DoubleSidedInventory |
2087 | func_174886_c | stopOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/IInventory |
2088 | func_174886_c | stopOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/EnderChestInventory |
2089 | func_174886_c | stopOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/BarrelTileEntity |
2090 | func_174886_c | stopOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/ChestTileEntity |
2091 | func_174886_c | stopOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/ShulkerBoxTileEntity |
2092 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/IClearable |
2093 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/DoubleSidedInventory |
2094 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/Inventory |
2095 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerInventory |
2096 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/minecart/ContainerMinecartEntity |
2097 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/CraftingInventory |
2098 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/MerchantInventory |
2099 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/CraftResultInventory |
2100 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/AbstractFurnaceTileEntity |
2101 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/BrewingStandTileEntity |
2102 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/CampfireTileEntity |
2103 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/JukeboxTileEntity |
2104 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/LecternTileEntity |
2105 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/LecternTileEntity$1 |
2106 | func_174888_l | clearContent | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/LockableLootTileEntity |
2107 | func_174889_b | startOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/DoubleSidedInventory |
2108 | func_174889_b | startOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/IInventory |
2109 | func_174889_b | startOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/EnderChestInventory |
2110 | func_174889_b | startOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/BarrelTileEntity |
2111 | func_174889_b | startOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/ChestTileEntity |
2112 | func_174889_b | startOpen | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/ShulkerBoxTileEntity |
2113 | func_174894_a | addItem | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/Inventory |
2114 | func_174897_t | getDisplayBlockState | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/minecart/AbstractMinecartEntity |
2115 | func_174898_m | getMaxSpeed | 2 | Get's the maximum speed for a minecart | net/minecraft/entity/item/minecart/AbstractMinecartEntity |
2116 | func_174898_m | getMaxSpeed | 2 | Get's the maximum speed for a minecart | net/minecraft/entity/item/minecart/FurnaceMinecartEntity |
2117 | func_174899_a | setDisplayBlockState | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/minecart/AbstractMinecartEntity |
2118 | func_174902_m | getPotionBits | 2 | Creates an array of boolean values, each value represents a potion input slot, value is true if the slot is not null. | net/minecraft/tileentity/BrewingStandTileEntity |
2119 | func_174907_n | getBeamSections | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/BeaconTileEntity |
2120 | func_174914_o | isOnCustomCooldown | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
2121 | func_174915_a | tryTakeInItemFromSlot | 2 | Pulls from the specified slot in the inventory and places in any available slot in the hopper. Returns true if the entire stack was moved | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
2122 | func_174916_c | tryMoveInItem | 2 | Insert the specified stack to the specified inventory and return any leftover items | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
2123 | func_174917_b | isEmptyContainer | 2 | Returns false if the specified IInventory contains any items | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
2124 | func_174918_a | addItem | 2 | Attempts to place the passed stack in the inventory, using as many slots as required. Returns leftover items | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
2125 | func_174919_a | isFullContainer | 2 | Returns false if the inventory has any room to place items in | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
2126 | func_174920_a | canPlaceItemInContainer | 2 | Can this hopper insert the specified item from the specified slot on the specified side? | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
2127 | func_174921_b | canTakeItemFromContainer | 2 | Can this hopper extract the specified item from the specified slot on the specified side? | net/minecraft/tileentity/HopperTileEntity |
2128 | func_174922_i | getWidth | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/CraftingInventory |
2129 | func_174923_h | getHeight | 2 | | net/minecraft/inventory/CraftingInventory |
2130 | func_174926_d | getZOff | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/PistonTileEntity |
2131 | func_174928_c | getYOff | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/PistonTileEntity |
2132 | func_174929_b | getXOff | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/PistonTileEntity |
2133 | func_174937_a | setFilter | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/texture/Texture |
2134 | func_174951_a | getMissingModel | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/model/ModelManager |
2135 | func_174953_a | getModel | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/model/ModelManager |
2136 | func_174954_c | getBlockModelShaper | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/model/ModelManager |
2137 | func_174963_q | createStars | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer |
2138 | func_174964_o | createDarkSky | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer |
2139 | func_174966_b | initOutline | 0 | Creates the entity outline shader to be stored in RenderGlobal.entityOutlineShader | net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer |
2140 | func_174967_a | compileChunksUntil | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer |
2141 | func_174968_a | drawSkyHemisphere | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer |
2142 | func_174975_c | doEntityOutline | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer |
2143 | func_174979_m | needsUpdate | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer |
2144 | func_174980_p | createLightSky | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer |
2145 | func_174985_d | shouldShowEntityOutlines | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer |
2146 | func_174986_e | resetChunksToCompile | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/WorldRenderer |
2147 | func_175019_b | getModelRenderer | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/BlockRendererDispatcher |
2148 | func_175023_a | getBlockModelShaper | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/BlockRendererDispatcher |
2149 | func_175030_a | renderGuiItemDecorations | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/ItemRenderer |
2150 | func_175037_a | getItemModelShaper | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/ItemRenderer |
2151 | func_175042_a | renderGuiItem | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/ItemRenderer |
2152 | func_175066_a | checkEntityPostEffect | 0 | What shader to use when spectating this entity | net/minecraft/client/renderer/GameRenderer |
2153 | func_175069_a | loadEffect | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/GameRenderer |
2154 | func_175070_n | shouldRenderBlockOutline | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/GameRenderer |
2155 | func_175071_c | togglePostEffect | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/GameRenderer |
2156 | func_175086_a | handleResourcePackResponse | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
2157 | func_175086_a | handleResourcePackResponse | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
2158 | func_175087_a | handleAnimate | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
2159 | func_175087_a | handleAnimate | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
2160 | func_175088_a | handleTeleportToEntityPacket | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/IServerPlayNetHandler |
2161 | func_175088_a | handleTeleportToEntityPacket | 2 | | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
2162 | func_175089_a | teleport | 2 | Teleports the player position to the (relative) values specified, and syncs to the client | net/minecraft/network/play/ServerPlayNetHandler |
2163 | func_175093_a | handleSetBorder | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
2164 | func_175093_a | handleSetBorder | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
2165 | func_175094_a | handleSetCamera | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
2166 | func_175094_a | handleSetCamera | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
2167 | func_175095_a | handleResourcePack | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
2168 | func_175095_a | handleResourcePack | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
2169 | func_175096_a | handleTabListCustomisation | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
2170 | func_175096_a | handleTabListCustomisation | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
2171 | func_175098_a | handlePlayerCombat | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
2172 | func_175098_a | handlePlayerCombat | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
2173 | func_175099_a | handleSetTitles | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
2174 | func_175099_a | handleSetTitles | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
2175 | func_175101_a | handleChangeDifficulty | 2 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/IClientPlayNetHandler |
2176 | func_175101_a | handleChangeDifficulty | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
2177 | func_175102_a | getPlayerInfo | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
2178 | func_175104_a | getPlayerInfo | 0 | Gets the client's description information about another player on the server. | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
2179 | func_175105_e | getLocalGameProfile | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
2180 | func_175106_d | getOnlinePlayers | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/network/play/ClientPlayNetHandler |
2181 | func_175113_c | getPatternCount | 2 | Retrieves the amount of patterns stored on an ItemStack. If the tag does not exist this value will be 0. | net/minecraft/tileentity/BannerTileEntity |
2182 | func_175114_c | getPatterns | 2 | Retrieves the list of patterns for this tile entity. The banner data will be initialized/refreshed before this happens. | net/minecraft/tileentity/BannerTileEntity |
2183 | func_175117_e | removeLastPattern | 2 | Removes all the banner related data from a provided instance of ItemStack. | net/minecraft/tileentity/BannerTileEntity |
2184 | func_175133_bi | removeEffectParticles | 2 | Resets the potion effect color and ambience metadata values | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
2185 | func_175134_bD | getJumpPower | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
2186 | func_175134_bD | getJumpPower | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity |
2187 | func_175135_B | updateInvisibilityStatus | 2 | Clears potion metadata values if the entity has no potion effects. Otherwise, updates potion effect color, ambience, and invisibility metadata values | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
2188 | func_175135_B | updateInvisibilityStatus | 2 | Clears potion metadata values if the entity has no potion effects. Otherwise, updates potion effect color, ambience, and invisibility metadata values | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
2189 | func_175135_B | updateInvisibilityStatus | 2 | Clears potion metadata values if the entity has no potion effects. Otherwise, updates potion effect color, ambience, and invisibility metadata values | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2190 | func_175136_bO | updateEffectVisibility | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity |
2191 | func_175138_ci | getEnchantmentSeed | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
2192 | func_175140_cp | isReducedDebugInfo | 2 | Whether the "reducedDebugInfo" option is active for this player. | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
2193 | func_175141_a | openTextEdit | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
2194 | func_175141_a | openTextEdit | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
2195 | func_175141_a | openTextEdit | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
2196 | func_175142_cm | mayBuild | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
2197 | func_175144_cb | isLocalPlayer | 2 | returns true if this is an EntityPlayerSP, or the logged in player. | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
2198 | func_175144_cb | isLocalPlayer | 0 | returns true if this is an EntityPlayerSP, or the logged in player. | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
2199 | func_175145_a | resetStat | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
2200 | func_175145_a | resetStat | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
2201 | func_175147_b | createPlayerUUID | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
2202 | func_175148_a | isModelPartShown | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
2203 | func_175149_v | isSpectator | 2 | Returns true if the player is in spectator mode. | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
2204 | func_175149_v | isSpectator | 2 | Returns true if the player is in spectator mode. | net/minecraft/entity/Entity |
2205 | func_175149_v | isSpectator | 2 | Returns true if the player is in spectator mode. | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
2206 | func_175149_v | isSpectator | 0 | Returns true if the player is in spectator mode. | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/AbstractClientPlayerEntity |
2207 | func_175150_k | setReducedDebugInfo | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
2208 | func_175151_a | mayUseItemAt | 2 | Returns whether this player can modify the block at a certain location with the given stack.\n<p>\nThe position being queried is {@code pos.offset(facing.getOpposite()))}.\n\n@return Whether this player may modify the queried location in the current world\n@see ItemStack#canPlaceOn(Block)\n@see ItemStack#canEditBlocks()\n@see PlayerCapabilities#allowEdit | net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity |
2209 | func_175154_l | getModelName | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/AbstractClientPlayerEntity |
2210 | func_175155_b | getPlayerInfo | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/AbstractClientPlayerEntity |
2211 | func_175156_o | getFieldOfViewModifier | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/AbstractClientPlayerEntity |
2212 | func_175158_f | setServerBrand | 0 | Sets the brand of the currently connected server. Server brand information is sent over the {@code MC|Brand} plugin channel, and is used to identify modded servers in crash reports. | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
2213 | func_175159_q | clientSideCloseContainer | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
2214 | func_175160_A | isControlledCamera | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
2215 | func_175161_p | sendPosition | 0 | called every tick when the player is on foot. Performs all the things that normally happen during movement. | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
2216 | func_175163_u | sendOpenInventory | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/entity/player/ClientPlayerEntity |
2217 | func_175177_a | resetTitleTimes | 0 | Set the differents times for the titles to their default values | net/minecraft/client/gui/IngameGui |
2218 | func_175179_f | getFont | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/IngameGui |
2219 | func_175181_h | getTabList | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/IngameGui |
2220 | func_175187_g | getSpectatorGui | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/IngameGui |
2221 | func_175188_a | setOverlayMessage | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/IngameGui |
2222 | func_175229_b | setLocked | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/button/LockIconButton |
2223 | func_175230_c | isLocked | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/button/LockIconButton |
2224 | func_175238_c | getSystemInformation | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/overlay/DebugOverlayGui |
2225 | func_175240_a | bytesToMegabytes | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/overlay/DebugOverlayGui |
2226 | func_175244_b | setHeader | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/overlay/PlayerTabOverlayGui |
2227 | func_175246_a | setVisible | 0 | Called by GuiIngame to update the information stored in the playerlist, does not actually render the list, however. | net/minecraft/client/gui/overlay/PlayerTabOverlayGui |
2228 | func_175247_a_ | renderTablistScore | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/overlay/PlayerTabOverlayGui |
2229 | func_175248_a | setFooter | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/overlay/PlayerTabOverlayGui |
2230 | func_175257_a | onSpectatorMenuClosed | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/SpectatorGui |
2231 | func_175257_a | onSpectatorMenuClosed | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/spectator/ISpectatorMenuRecipient |
2232 | func_175260_a | onHotbarSelected | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/SpectatorGui |
2233 | func_175261_b | onMouseMiddleClick | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/SpectatorGui |
2234 | func_175262_a | isMenuActive | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/SpectatorGui |
2235 | func_175265_c | getHotbarAlpha | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/SpectatorGui |
2236 | func_175378_g | checkEffectRendering | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/inventory/CreativeScreen |
2237 | func_175378_g | checkEffectRendering | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/gui/DisplayEffectsScreen |
2238 | func_175396_E | getTabListDisplayName | 2 | Returns null which indicates the tab list should just display the player's name, return a different value to display the specified text instead of the player's name | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
2239 | func_175397_a | sendTexturePack | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
2240 | func_175398_C | getCamera | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
2241 | func_175399_e | setCamera | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
2242 | func_175400_cq | isPvpAllowed | 2 | Returns if other players can attack this player | net/minecraft/entity/player/ServerPlayerEntity |
2243 | func_175402_q | isShowArms | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2244 | func_175403_w | getLeftLegPose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2245 | func_175404_u | getLeftArmPose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2246 | func_175405_c | setLeftArmPose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2247 | func_175407_x | getRightLegPose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2248 | func_175408_t | getBodyPose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2249 | func_175410_n | isSmall | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2250 | func_175411_v | getRightArmPose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2251 | func_175412_z | showBreakingParticles | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2252 | func_175413_k | setShowArms | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2253 | func_175414_r | isNoBasePlate | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2254 | func_175415_a | setHeadPose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2255 | func_175416_h | readPose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2256 | func_175417_e | setLeftLegPose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2257 | func_175418_s | getHeadPose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2258 | func_175419_y | writePose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2259 | func_175420_a | setSmall | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2260 | func_175424_b | setBodyPose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2261 | func_175426_l | setNoBasePlate | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2262 | func_175427_f | setRightLegPose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2263 | func_175428_d | setRightArmPose | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/item/ArmorStandEntity |
2264 | func_175445_a | pickUpItem | 2 | Tests if this entity should pickup a weapon or an armor. Entity drops current weapon or armor if the new one is better. | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
2265 | func_175445_a | pickUpItem | 2 | Tests if this entity should pickup a weapon or an armor. Entity drops current weapon or armor if the new one is better. | net/minecraft/entity/passive/DolphinEntity |
2266 | func_175445_a | pickUpItem | 2 | Tests if this entity should pickup a weapon or an armor. Entity drops current weapon or armor if the new one is better. | net/minecraft/entity/passive/FoxEntity |
2267 | func_175445_a | pickUpItem | 2 | Tests if this entity should pickup a weapon or an armor. Entity drops current weapon or armor if the new one is better. | net/minecraft/entity/passive/PandaEntity |
2268 | func_175445_a | pickUpItem | 2 | Tests if this entity should pickup a weapon or an armor. Entity drops current weapon or armor if the new one is better. | net/minecraft/entity/monster/PillagerEntity |
2269 | func_175445_a | pickUpItem | 2 | Tests if this entity should pickup a weapon or an armor. Entity drops current weapon or armor if the new one is better. | net/minecraft/entity/monster/piglin/PiglinEntity |
2270 | func_175445_a | pickUpItem | 2 | Tests if this entity should pickup a weapon or an armor. Entity drops current weapon or armor if the new one is better. | net/minecraft/entity/merchant/villager/VillagerEntity |
2271 | func_175445_a | pickUpItem | 2 | Tests if this entity should pickup a weapon or an armor. Entity drops current weapon or armor if the new one is better. | net/minecraft/entity/monster/AbstractRaiderEntity |
2272 | func_175446_cd | isNoAi | 2 | Get whether this Entity's AI is disabled | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
2273 | func_175447_b | createNavigation | 2 | Returns new PathNavigateGround instance | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
2274 | func_175447_b | createNavigation | 2 | Returns new PathNavigateGround instance | net/minecraft/entity/passive/fish/AbstractFishEntity |
2275 | func_175447_b | createNavigation | 2 | Returns new PathNavigateGround instance | net/minecraft/entity/passive/BeeEntity |
2276 | func_175447_b | createNavigation | 2 | Returns new PathNavigateGround instance | net/minecraft/entity/passive/DolphinEntity |
2277 | func_175447_b | createNavigation | 2 | Returns new PathNavigateGround instance | net/minecraft/entity/passive/ParrotEntity |
2278 | func_175447_b | createNavigation | 2 | Returns new PathNavigateGround instance | net/minecraft/entity/passive/TurtleEntity |
2279 | func_175447_b | createNavigation | 2 | Returns new PathNavigateGround instance | net/minecraft/entity/monster/GuardianEntity |
2280 | func_175447_b | createNavigation | 2 | Returns new PathNavigateGround instance | net/minecraft/entity/monster/RavagerEntity |
2281 | func_175447_b | createNavigation | 2 | Returns new PathNavigateGround instance | net/minecraft/entity/monster/SpiderEntity |
2282 | func_175447_b | createNavigation | 2 | Returns new PathNavigateGround instance | net/minecraft/entity/passive/StriderEntity |
2283 | func_175448_a | canHoldItem | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/MobEntity |
2284 | func_175448_a | canHoldItem | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/FoxEntity |
2285 | func_175448_a | canHoldItem | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/ZombieEntity |
2286 | func_175451_e | dealDamage | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/SlimeEntity |
2287 | func_175453_cd | getExplosionPower | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/GhastEntity |
2288 | func_175454_a | setCharging | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/GhastEntity |
2289 | func_175456_n | addBehaviourGoals | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/DrownedEntity |
2290 | func_175456_n | addBehaviourGoals | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/ZombieEntity |
2291 | func_175456_n | addBehaviourGoals | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/ZombifiedPiglinEntity |
2292 | func_175463_b | setActiveAttackTarget | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/GuardianEntity |
2293 | func_175464_ck | getAttackDuration | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/ElderGuardianEntity |
2294 | func_175464_ck | getAttackDuration | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/GuardianEntity |
2295 | func_175466_co | getActiveAttackTarget | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/GuardianEntity |
2296 | func_175469_o | getSpikesAnimation | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/GuardianEntity |
2297 | func_175471_a | getTailAnimation | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/GuardianEntity |
2298 | func_175472_n | isMoving | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/GuardianEntity |
2299 | func_175474_cn | hasActiveAttackTarget | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/GuardianEntity |
2300 | func_175476_l | setMoving | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/GuardianEntity |
2301 | func_175477_p | getAttackAnimationScale | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/GuardianEntity |
2302 | func_175493_co | increaseDroppedSkulls | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/CreeperEntity |
2303 | func_175495_n | isPlayerSpawned | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/monster/EndermiteEntity |
2304 | func_175496_a | setPlayerSpawned | 2 | Sets if this mob was spawned by a player or not. | net/minecraft/entity/monster/EndermiteEntity |
2305 | func_175500_n | ageBoundaryReached | 2 | This is called when Entity's growing age timer reaches 0 (negative values are considered as a child, positive as an adult) | net/minecraft/entity/AgeableEntity |
2306 | func_175500_n | ageBoundaryReached | 2 | This is called when Entity's growing age timer reaches 0 (negative values are considered as a child, positive as an adult) | net/minecraft/entity/passive/TurtleEntity |
2307 | func_175500_n | ageBoundaryReached | 2 | This is called when Entity's growing age timer reaches 0 (negative values are considered as a child, positive as an adult) | net/minecraft/entity/monster/HoglinEntity |
2308 | func_175500_n | ageBoundaryReached | 2 | This is called when Entity's growing age timer reaches 0 (negative values are considered as a child, positive as an adult) | net/minecraft/entity/merchant/villager/VillagerEntity |
2309 | func_175501_a | ageUp | 2 | Increases this entity's age, optionally updating {@link #forcedAge}. If the entity is an adult (if the entity's age is greater than or equal to 0) then the entity's age will be set to {@link #forcedAge}. | net/minecraft/entity/AgeableEntity |
2310 | func_175505_a | usePlayerItem | 2 | Decreases ItemStack size by one | net/minecraft/entity/passive/AnimalEntity |
2311 | func_175505_a | usePlayerItem | 2 | Decreases ItemStack size by one | net/minecraft/entity/passive/CatEntity |
2312 | func_175505_a | usePlayerItem | 2 | Decreases ItemStack size by one | net/minecraft/entity/passive/FoxEntity |
2313 | func_175509_cj | getColor | 2 | Gets the wool color of this sheep. | net/minecraft/entity/passive/SheepEntity |
2314 | func_175510_a | getRandomSheepColor | 2 | Chooses a "vanilla" sheep color based on the provided random. | net/minecraft/entity/passive/SheepEntity |
2315 | func_175511_a | getOffspringColor | 2 | Attempts to mix both parent sheep to come up with a mixed dye color. | net/minecraft/entity/passive/SheepEntity |
2316 | func_175512_b | setColor | 2 | Sets the wool color of this sheep | net/minecraft/entity/passive/SheepEntity |
2317 | func_175513_a | getColorArray | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/SheepEntity |
2318 | func_175515_b | setSpeedModifier | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity |
2319 | func_175517_cu | checkLandingDelay | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity |
2320 | func_175518_cr | enableJumpControl | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity |
2321 | func_175520_cs | disableJumpControl | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity |
2322 | func_175521_o | getJumpCompletion | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity |
2323 | func_175525_a | isTemptingItem | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity |
2324 | func_175529_r | setRabbitType | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity |
2325 | func_175530_ct | setLandingDelay | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity |
2326 | func_175531_cl | getRabbitType | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity |
2327 | func_175533_a | facePoint | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity |
2328 | func_175534_cv | wantsMoreFood | 2 | Returns true if {@link net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityRabbit#carrotTicks carrotTicks} has reached zero | net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity |
2329 | func_175544_ck | reassessTameGoals | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/TameableEntity |
2330 | func_175544_ck | reassessTameGoals | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/CatEntity |
2331 | func_175546_cu | getCollarColor | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/WolfEntity |
2332 | func_175547_a | setCollarColor | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/WolfEntity |
2333 | func_175554_cu | increaseMerchantCareer | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/merchant/villager/VillagerEntity |
2334 | func_175555_cq | hasExcessFood | 2 | Used by {@link net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIVillagerInteract EntityAIVillagerInteract} to check if the villager can give some items from an inventory to another villager. | net/minecraft/entity/merchant/villager/VillagerEntity |
2335 | func_175556_cs | hasFarmSeeds | 2 | Returns true if villager has seeds, potatoes or carrots in inventory | net/minecraft/entity/merchant/villager/VillagerEntity |
2336 | func_175557_cr | wantsMoreFood | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/merchant/villager/VillagerEntity |
2337 | func_175567_n | hasMovementVector | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/SquidEntity |
2338 | func_175568_b | setMovementVector | 2 | | net/minecraft/entity/passive/SquidEntity |
2339 | func_175571_m | isTrackOutput | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockLogic |
2340 | func_175573_a | setTrackOutput | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockLogic |
2341 | func_175574_a | usedBy | 2 | | net/minecraft/tileentity/CommandBlockLogic |
2342 | func_175577_aI | getCompressionThreshold | 2 | The compression treshold. If the packet is larger than the specified amount of bytes, it will be compressed | net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedServer |
2343 | func_175577_aI | getCompressionThreshold | 2 | The compression treshold. If the packet is larger than the specified amount of bytes, it will be compressed | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
2344 | func_175579_a | isUnderSpawnProtection | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedServer |
2345 | func_175579_a | isUnderSpawnProtection | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
2346 | func_175580_aG | getAbsoluteMaxWorldSize | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedServer |
2347 | func_175580_aG | getAbsoluteMaxWorldSize | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
2348 | func_175581_ab | getResourcePackHash | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
2349 | func_175584_a | detectBundledResources | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer |
2350 | func_175593_aQ | getMaxTickLength | 2 | | net/minecraft/server/dedicated/DedicatedServer |
2351 | func_175597_ag | getItemInHandRenderer | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
2352 | func_175598_ae | getEntityRenderDispatcher | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
2353 | func_175599_af | getItemRenderer | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
2354 | func_175600_c | getLaunchedVersion | 0 | Gets the version that Minecraft was launched under (the name of a version JSON). Specified via the <code>--version</code> flag. | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
2355 | func_175602_ab | getBlockRenderer | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
2356 | func_175606_aa | getCameraEntity | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
2357 | func_175607_a | setCameraEntity | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
2358 | func_175610_ah | getAverageFps | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/Minecraft |
2359 | func_175623_d | isEmptyBlock | 2 | Checks to see if an air block exists at the provided location. Note that this only checks to see if the blocks material is set to air, meaning it is possible for non-vanilla blocks to still pass this check. | net/minecraft/world/IWorldReader |
2360 | func_175625_s | getBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/WorldGenRegion |
2361 | func_175625_s | getBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/IBlockReader |
2362 | func_175625_s | getBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/EmptyBlockReader |
2363 | func_175625_s | getBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2364 | func_175625_s | getBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/Blockreader |
2365 | func_175625_s | getBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/Region |
2366 | func_175625_s | getBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/chunk/ChunkPrimerWrapper |
2367 | func_175625_s | getBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/chunk/Chunk |
2368 | func_175625_s | getBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/chunk/ChunkPrimer |
2369 | func_175625_s | getBlockEntity | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/renderer/chunk/ChunkRenderCache |
2370 | func_175627_a | getDirectSignal | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/IWorldReader |
2371 | func_175640_z | hasNeighborSignal | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2372 | func_175641_c | blockEvent | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/server/ServerWorld |
2373 | func_175641_c | blockEvent | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2374 | func_175646_b | blockEntityChanged | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2375 | func_175647_a | getEntitiesOfClass | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/WorldGenRegion |
2376 | func_175647_a | getEntitiesOfClass | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/IEntityReader |
2377 | func_175647_a | getEntitiesOfClass | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2378 | func_175649_E | getCurrentDifficultyAt | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/WorldGenRegion |
2379 | func_175649_E | getCurrentDifficultyAt | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2380 | func_175649_E | getCurrentDifficultyAt | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/IWorld |
2381 | func_175651_c | getSignal | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2382 | func_175655_b | destroyBlock | 2 | Sets a block to air, but also plays the sound and particles and can spawn drops | net/minecraft/world/IWorldWriter |
2383 | func_175656_a | setBlockAndUpdate | 2 | Convenience method to update the block on both the client and server | net/minecraft/world/World |
2384 | func_175657_ab | getSkyDarken | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/WorldGenRegion |
2385 | func_175657_ab | getSkyDarken | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2386 | func_175657_ab | getSkyDarken | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/IWorldReader |
2387 | func_175659_aa | getDifficulty | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/IWorld |
2388 | func_175660_a | mayInteract | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/server/ServerWorld |
2389 | func_175660_a | mayInteract | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2390 | func_175666_e | updateNeighbourForOutputSignal | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2391 | func_175667_e | hasChunkAt | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/IWorldReader |
2392 | func_175669_a | globalLevelEvent | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/server/ServerWorld |
2393 | func_175669_a | globalLevelEvent | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2394 | func_175669_a | globalLevelEvent | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/world/ClientWorld |
2395 | func_175674_a | getEntities | 2 | Gets all entities within the specified AABB excluding the one passed into it. | net/minecraft/world/gen/WorldGenRegion |
2396 | func_175674_a | getEntities | 2 | Gets all entities within the specified AABB excluding the one passed into it. | net/minecraft/world/IEntityReader |
2397 | func_175674_a | getEntities | 2 | Gets all entities within the specified AABB excluding the one passed into it. | net/minecraft/world/World |
2398 | func_175676_y | getDirectSignalTo | 2 | Returns the single highest strong power out of all directions using getStrongPower(BlockPos, EnumFacing) | net/minecraft/world/World |
2399 | func_175687_A | getBestNeighborSignal | 2 | Checks if the specified block or its neighbors are powered by a neighboring block. Used by blocks like TNT and Doors. | net/minecraft/world/World |
2400 | func_175690_a | setBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2401 | func_175695_a | updateNeighborsAtExceptFromFacing | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2402 | func_175700_a | addBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2403 | func_175701_a | isInWorldBounds | 2 | Check if the given BlockPos has valid coordinates | net/minecraft/world/World |
2404 | func_175707_a | hasChunksAt | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/IWorldReader |
2405 | func_175709_b | hasSignal | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2406 | func_175710_j | canSeeSkyFromBelowWater | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/IWorldReader |
2407 | func_175713_t | removeBlockEntity | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2408 | func_175715_c | destroyBlockProgress | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/server/ServerWorld |
2409 | func_175715_c | destroyBlockProgress | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2410 | func_175715_c | destroyBlockProgress | 0 | | net/minecraft/client/world/ClientWorld |
2411 | func_175723_af | getWorldBorder | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/WorldGenRegion |
2412 | func_175723_af | getWorldBorder | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/ICollisionReader |
2413 | func_175723_af | getWorldBorder | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2414 | func_175723_af | getWorldBorder | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/Region |
2415 | func_175726_f | getChunkAt | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/World |
2416 | func_175727_C | isRainingAt | 2 | Check if precipitation is currently happening at a position | net/minecraft/world/World |
2417 | func_175736_a | findLightingTargetAround | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/server/ServerWorld |
2418 | func_175744_a | getById | 2 | Get a TextFormatting from it's color index | net/minecraft/util/text/TextFormatting |
2419 | func_175745_c | cleanName | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/text/TextFormatting |
2420 | func_175746_b | getId | 2 | Returns the numerical color index that represents this formatting | net/minecraft/util/text/TextFormatting |
2421 | func_175750_a | populateBlockDetails | 2 | | net/minecraft/crash/CrashReportCategory |
2422 | func_175804_a | generateBox | 2 | Fill the given area with the selected blocks | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StructurePiece |
2423 | func_175807_a | getBlock | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StructurePiece |
2424 | func_175808_b | fillColumnDown | 2 | Replaces air and liquid from given position downwards. Stops when hitting anything else than air or liquid | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StructurePiece |
2425 | func_175809_a | maybeGenerateBlock | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StructurePiece |
2426 | func_175811_a | placeBlock | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StructurePiece |
2427 | func_175812_a | findStairs | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/MineshaftPieces$Stairs |
2428 | func_175813_a | findCrossing | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/MineshaftPieces$Cross |
2429 | func_175814_a | findCorridorSize | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/MineshaftPieces$Corridor |
2430 | func_175817_a | spawnElder | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$Piece |
2431 | func_175818_a | chunkIntersects | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$Piece |
2432 | func_175819_a | generateBoxOnFillOnly | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$Piece |
2433 | func_175820_a | getRoomIndex | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$Piece |
2434 | func_175821_a | generateDefaultFloor | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$Piece |
2435 | func_175835_e | generateLowerWall | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$MonumentBuilding |
2436 | func_175836_a | generateRoomGraph | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$MonumentBuilding |
2437 | func_175837_c | generateEntranceWall | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$MonumentBuilding |
2438 | func_175838_g | generateUpperWall | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$MonumentBuilding |
2439 | func_175839_b | generateEntranceArchs | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$MonumentBuilding |
2440 | func_175840_a | generateWing | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$MonumentBuilding |
2441 | func_175841_d | generateRoofPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$MonumentBuilding |
2442 | func_175842_f | generateMiddleWall | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$MonumentBuilding |
2443 | func_175859_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$RoomCrossing |
2444 | func_175860_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$Prison |
2445 | func_175861_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$StairsStraight |
2446 | func_175862_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$Straight |
2447 | func_175863_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$Stairs |
2448 | func_175864_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$Library |
2449 | func_175865_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$PortalRoom |
2450 | func_175866_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$Crossing |
2451 | func_175867_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$LeftTurn |
2452 | func_175868_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$ChestCorridor |
2453 | func_175869_a | findPieceBox | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces$Corridor |
2454 | func_175870_a | generateAndAddPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Piece |
2455 | func_175871_a | generatePiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Piece |
2456 | func_175872_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Stairs |
2457 | func_175873_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Crossing |
2458 | func_175874_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Throne |
2459 | func_175875_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$NetherStalkRoom |
2460 | func_175876_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Corridor2 |
2461 | func_175877_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Corridor5 |
2462 | func_175878_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Crossing2 |
2463 | func_175879_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Corridor |
2464 | func_175881_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Entrance |
2465 | func_175882_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Straight |
2466 | func_175883_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Corridor3 |
2467 | func_175884_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$End |
2468 | func_175885_a | createPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces$Crossing3 |
2469 | func_175887_b | findAndCreateBridgePieceFactory | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/FortressPieces |
2470 | func_175896_b | getLength | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/math/MutableBoundingBox |
2471 | func_175897_a | orientBox | 2 | Create a bounding box with the specified dimensions and rotate it. Used to project a possible new component Bounding Box - to check if it would cut anything already spawned | net/minecraft/util/math/MutableBoundingBox |
2472 | func_175898_b | isInside | 2 | Checks if given Vec3i is inside of StructureBoundingBox | net/minecraft/util/math/MutableBoundingBox |
2473 | func_175899_a | createProper | 2 | | net/minecraft/util/math/MutableBoundingBox |
2474 | func_175900_c | getBlockState | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/FlatLayerInfo |
2475 | func_175953_c | generateAndAddPiece | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces |
2476 | func_175954_a | findAndCreatePieceFactory | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces |
2477 | func_175955_b | generatePieceFromSmallDoor | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/StrongholdPieces |
2478 | func_175957_a | setConnection | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$RoomDefinition |
2479 | func_175958_a | updateOpenings | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$RoomDefinition |
2480 | func_175959_a | findSource | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$RoomDefinition |
2481 | func_175960_c | countOpenings | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$RoomDefinition |
2482 | func_175961_b | isSpecial | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$RoomDefinition |
2483 | func_175968_a | create | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$XDoubleRoomFitHelper |
2484 | func_175968_a | create | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$XYDoubleRoomFitHelper |
2485 | func_175968_a | create | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$YDoubleRoomFitHelper |
2486 | func_175968_a | create | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$YZDoubleRoomFitHelper |
2487 | func_175968_a | create | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$ZDoubleRoomFitHelper |
2488 | func_175968_a | create | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$FitSimpleRoomHelper |
2489 | func_175968_a | create | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$FitSimpleRoomTopHelper |
2490 | func_175968_a | create | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$IMonumentRoomFitHelper |
2491 | func_175969_a | fits | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$XDoubleRoomFitHelper |
2492 | func_175969_a | fits | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$XYDoubleRoomFitHelper |
2493 | func_175969_a | fits | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$YDoubleRoomFitHelper |
2494 | func_175969_a | fits | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$YZDoubleRoomFitHelper |
2495 | func_175969_a | fits | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$ZDoubleRoomFitHelper |
2496 | func_175969_a | fits | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$FitSimpleRoomHelper |
2497 | func_175969_a | fits | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$FitSimpleRoomTopHelper |
2498 | func_175969_a | fits | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/structure/OceanMonumentPieces$IMonumentRoomFitHelper |
2499 | func_176052_a | getUpdatePacket | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/storage/MapData |
2500 | func_176053_a | setDirty | 2 | | net/minecraft/world/storage/MapData |