
1.9 KiB

title categories published_date layout is_draft
How This Site Works
2022-05-13 14:22:13 +0000 default.liquid false

How This Site Works

Decided to just make a quick post to go over how this site is made and updated.

Technical Stuff

I've gone through a few iterations, all the previous times I would just hand write HTML and CSS, which worked, but was annoying if I wanted to change stuff.

So this time I decided to switch to a static site generator, Cobalt. It's pretty nice, and written in Rust too.

It was kind of hard to figure out how to do some stuff, since the docs kind of suck. But eventually I figured it out and now it works well.

Pages are Liquid templates (kind of like HTML), which I only need to edit if I want to change layout stuff, and I don't do that very often.

Styling is done with SCSS, which compiles down to plain CSS. It's really nice to work with, especially since I can keep stuff separated into different files.


All the posts & pages are just written in simple Markdown, which makes it nice to write and edit just the content.

Once I've updated it, I simply run an rsync command to update it on both servers. I have a VPS I use for the main site (owned by one of my partners), and a Raspberry Pi 3 I use for the onion site mirror.

I also have it stored as a git repository, as a backup, and so that people can look at the code for reference.

To make a new blog post, I simply run cobalt new "Name" -f posts, and cobalt will create a new Markdown file for me, in the posts directory, with all the metadata.

I then open it up in Neovim, and start writing. At the end I'll enable spellcheck and fix the many mistakes I've made.

I can then run cobalt publish posts/ and it'll rename the file, and add a published date to the metadata. I then just run the rsync command, and it's live on the site!