
97 lines
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Common Lisp

;;;; wh-engine/render/view.lisp
(in-package wh-engine)
(defun sort-world-views ()
"Re-sort the *world-views* list by render pass."
(sort *world-views* #'< :key (lambda (v) [(deref-pointer v) render-pass])))
(defclass view (component)
((render-pass :documentation "The render pass this view should be drawn in."
:reader render-pass
:type fixnum
:initarg :render-pass
:initform 0)
(render-mask :documentation "Only include actors with at least one of these tags."
:accessor render-mask
:type (proper-list symbol)
:initarg :render-mask
:initform '(:default))
(cull-p :documentation "Whether or not to skip rendering out-of-frame objects."
:accessor cull-p
:type boolean
:initarg :cull-p
:initform t))
(:documentation "Defines a view into the scene, and rendering settings for objects drawn by the view."))
(defmethod (setf render-pass) (new-val (this view))
"The render pass this view should be drawn in."
(setf [this :slot render-pass] new-val)
(defmethod start :after ((this view))
; Register
(pushnew (make-weak-pointer this) *world-views*)
(defmethod destroy :before ((this view))
(unless [this destroyed-p]
; Unregister
(setf *world-views* (delete this *world-views* :key #'weak-pointer-value))))
(defmethod view-matrix ((this view))
"The world-to-view-space transformation matrix for this object."
;; view-space = local-space, scaled by ppu, then offset so [-width/2..width/2] -> [0..width]
;; (Y+ is still up in view-space)
(m* (mat *view-ppu* 0 (/ *view-width* 2)
0 *view-ppu* (/ *view-height* 2)
0 0 1)
[this actor local-matrix]))
(defmethod world-matrix ((this view))
"The view-to-world-space transformation matrix for this object."
(minv [this view-matrix]))
(defmethod view-point ((this view) point)
"Transform point from world space to view space."
(declare (type vec2 point))
(vxy-trunc (m* [this view-matrix] (vxy1 point))))
(defmethod render-view ((this view) drawables)
"Render everything in this view, given all drawables in the world."
(let ((view-matrix [this view-matrix]))
;; Apply view matrix
(gl:matrix-mode :modelview)
(gl:load-transpose-matrix (opengl-matrix view-matrix))
(loop for drawable-ptr in drawables
for drawable = (deref-pointer drawable-ptr)
when (and drawable (ensure-live drawable))
when (and [drawable active-p] [drawable actor tree-active-p]
(some (lambda (x) [drawable actor (has-tag x)]) [this render-mask]))
do [this (render-drawable drawable view-matrix)])
(defun in-view-p (drawable drawable-matrix view-matrix view-box)
"Determine if drawable is in the view defined by view-matrix and view-box."
(let ((drawable-culling-box [drawable culling-box])
box-a box-b)
(setf box-a (vxy-trunc (m* view-matrix
(m* drawable-matrix (vxy1 (car drawable-culling-box))))))
(setf box-b (vxy-trunc (m* view-matrix
(m* drawable-matrix (vxy1 (cdr drawable-culling-box))))))
;; If it's in view at all, either its top-right corner is >= bottom-left of view,
;; or its bottom-left is <= top-right of view
(or (v>= (vmax box-a box-b) (car view-box))
(v<= (vmin box-a box-b) (cdr view-box)))))
(defmethod render-drawable ((this view) drawable view-matrix)
"Render drawable with the precomputed view-matrix."
(let ((drawable-matrix [drawable actor world-matrix]))
(when (or (not [this cull-p]) (in-view-p drawable drawable-matrix view-matrix
(cons (vec2 0 0) (vec2 *view-width* *view-height*))))
(gl:translate 0 0 [drawable actor z-layer])
(gl:mult-transpose-matrix (opengl-matrix drawable-matrix))
[drawable (draw this)]