Fix (dump-actors) child serialization and destruction (for #5)

This commit is contained in:
~keith 2021-12-16 16:50:08 +00:00
parent 99238fea55
commit bafd505145
Signed by: keith
6 changed files with 73 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -77,11 +77,11 @@
(defmethod scene ((this actor))
"The scene containing this actor."
(deref-pointer [this :slot scene]))
(deref-sus-pointer [this :slot scene]))
(defmethod parent ((this actor))
"This actor's parent."
(deref-pointer [this :slot parent]))
(deref-sus-pointer [this :slot parent]))
(defmethod tree-active-p ((this actor))
"Whether or not this actor and all its parents are active."
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
"Remove a child from this object."
(unless (eq [child parent] this)
(error "~S is not a child of ~S" child this))
(setf [this :slot children] (remove child [this :slot children] :key #'weak-pointer-value))
(setf [this :slot children] (delete child [this :slot children] :key #'deref-sus-pointer :count 1))
(setf [child :slot parent] nil)
[child (parent-changed)]
@ -195,17 +195,25 @@
do (rplaca entry (pointerize (car entry))))
; Restore components
(loop for component in [this components]
do [component (resume)]))
do [component (resume)])
; Restore children
(loop for child-ptr in [this children]
for child = (weak-pointer-value child-ptr)
do [child (resume)]))
(defmethod suspend ((this actor))
"Prepare this actor for serialization."
; Suspend children
(loop for child-ptr in [this children]
for child = (weak-pointer-value child-ptr)
do [child (suspend)])
; Suspend components
(loop for component in [this components]
do [component (suspend)])
; Suspend self
(loop for entry on [this :slot children]
when (typep (car entry) 'weak-pointer)
do (rplaca entry (referize (car entry))))
(loop for child-cell on [this :slot children]
when (typep (car child-cell) 'weak-pointer)
do (rplaca child-cell (referize (car child-cell))))
(referize-setf [this :slot scene])
(referize-setf [this :slot parent]))
@ -231,7 +239,7 @@
(when [this parent]
[this parent (remove-child this)])
(loop for child-ptr in [this children]
for child = (weak-pointer-value child-ptr)
for child = (deref-sus-pointer child-ptr)
do [child (destroy)])
(when [this scene]
[this scene (remove-actor this)]))

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
(defmethod actor ((this component))
"The actor this component belongs to."
(deref-pointer [this :slot actor]))
(deref-sus-pointer [this :slot actor]))
(defmethod scene ((this component))
"The scene this component belongs to."

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
(declaim (inline deref-pointer))
(defun deref-pointer (ptr)
"Dereference ptr if it's non-nil."
(declare (type (or weak-pointer null) ptr))
(when ptr (weak-pointer-value ptr)))
(defun points-to (ptr obj)
@ -71,6 +72,7 @@
(defun fixed-id (id)
"Ensure the given ID won't be returned by make-id."
(declare (type fixnum id))
(when (>= id *id-counter*)
(setq *id-counter* (+ id 1)))
@ -117,7 +119,7 @@
"List of all known views.")
(defun register-test-scene ()
(let (test-scene test-actor test-drawable test-actor-2 camera-actor camera-view)
(let (test-scene test-actor test-drawable test-actor-2 camera-actor camera-view child-actor)
(setf test-scene (make-instance 'scene
:id -1
:name "Test scene"))
@ -141,9 +143,19 @@
:colour (vec4 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0)))
(setf child-actor (make-instance 'actor
:name "Child Actor"
:location (vec2 0.0 0.5)
:z-layer -2))
[test-scene (add-actor child-actor)]
[test-actor-2 (add-child child-actor)]
[child-actor (add-component (make-instance 'drawable-test
:colour (vec4 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0)))
(setf camera-actor (make-instance 'actor
:name "Camera"
:rotation (coerce (/ pi -4) 'single-float)))
:name "Camera"))
[test-scene (add-actor camera-actor)]
(setf camera-view (make-instance 'view))

View File

@ -21,9 +21,11 @@
;; serialization.lisp
id-ref make-id-ref
referize pointerize
referize-setf pointerize-setf
dump-scene dump-actors
;; actor.lisp

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"Remove an actor from this scene."
(unless (eq [actor scene] this)
(error "~S is not in scene ~S" actor this))
(setf [this :slot actors] (remove actor [this :slot actors] :key #'weak-pointer-value))
(setf [this :slot actors] (delete actor [this :slot actors] :count 1))
(setf [actor :slot scene] nil)

View File

@ -8,12 +8,23 @@
(deftype pointer () '(or id-ref weak-pointer null))
(declaim (inline deref-sus-pointer))
(defun deref-sus-pointer (val)
"Dereference val, and warn if it's suspended."
(declare (type pointer val))
(etypecase val
(weak-pointer (weak-pointer-value val))
(id-ref (warn "dereferencing sus pointer:~%~S" val)
(weak-pointer-value (pointerize val)))
(null nil)))
(defun referize (ptr)
"Convert weak-pointer ptr into an id-ref."
(declare (type weak-pointer ptr))
(let ((target (weak-pointer-value ptr)))
(typecase target
(etypecase target
(make-id-ref :scene [target id]))
@ -23,7 +34,7 @@
(make-id-ref :scene [target scene id]
:actor [target actor id]
:component (class-name (class-of target))))
(t (error "can't referize ~S (not an actor, component, or scene)" ptr)))))
(defun pointerize (ref)
"Convert id-ref ref into a weak-pointer."
@ -176,17 +187,32 @@
[scene (destroy)]
[scene (resume)])))
(defun collect-descendents (actor)
"Recursively collect actor and all its descendents."
(declare (type actor actor))
(cons actor
(loop for child-ptr in [actor children]
nconc (collect-descendents (weak-pointer-value child-ptr)))))
(defun dump-actors (actors &key (destroy-after t) (prune t) (nice-syms nil))
"Suspend and serialize actors."
(declare (type (proper-list actor) actors))
;(declare (type (proper-list actor) actors))
(declare (type boolean destroy-after prune nice-syms))
(loop for actor in actors
;; FIXME Children are destroyed with actor, but not serialized with it
[actor (suspend)]
(generate-load-forms actor :prune prune :nice-syms nice-syms)
(if destroy-after
[actor (destroy)]
[actor (resume)]))))
;; Collect children so we serialize them as well
(let ((all-actors (append actors
(loop for actor in actors
nconc (collect-descendents actor)))))
;; Suspend
(loop for actor in actors
do [actor (suspend)])
;; Serialize
(loop for actor in all-actors
collect (generate-load-forms actor :prune prune :nice-syms nice-syms))
;; Resume/destroy
(if destroy-after
(loop for actor in actors do [actor (destroy)])
(loop for actor in actors do [actor (resume)])))