
343 lines
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Common Lisp
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2022-03-23 18:16:40 +00:00
;;;; wh-engine/render/shader.lisp
;;;; Lisp class for holding & handling shaders.
;; (in-package wh-engine/render)
2022-03-24 05:21:59 +00:00
(defun replace-xref-vars (forms vars replace-fun)
2022-03-23 18:16:40 +00:00
(loop for elt on forms
for form = (car elt)
if (symbolp form)
do (let ((var-entry (find form vars :key #'car)))
(when var-entry
(rplaca elt (funcall replace-fun var-entry))))
else if (consp form)
2022-03-24 05:21:59 +00:00
do (replace-xref-vars (cdr form) vars replace-fun)))
(defun collect-shader-vars (forms)
(loop for elt on forms
for form = (car elt)
if (symbolp form)
collect form
else if (consp form)
nconc (collect-shader-vars (cdr form))))
(defvar *vert-builtins* '((*vertex-id* . "gl_VertexID")
(*instance-id* . "gl_InstanceID")
(*draw-id* . "gl_DrawID")
(*base-vertex* . "gl_BaseVertex")
(*base-instance* . "gl_BaseInstance")
;; out
(*position* . "gl_Position")
(*point-size* . "gl_PointSize")
(*clip-distance* . "gl_ClipDistance")))
(defvar *frag-builtins* '((*frag-coord* . "gl_FragCoord")
(*front-facing* . "gl_FrontFacing")
(*point-coord* . "gl_PointCoord")
(*sample-id* . "gl_SampleID")
(*sample-position* . "gl_SamplePosition")
(*sample-mask-in* . "gl_SampleMaskIn")
(*clip-distance* . "gl_ClipDistance")
(*primitive-id* . "gl_PrimitiveID")
(*layer* . "gl_Layer")
(*viewport-index* . "gl_ViewportIndex")
;; out
(*frag-depth* . "gl_FragDepth")
(*sample-mask* . "gl_SampleMask")))
(defvar *infix-ops* '((+ "+" t)
(- "-" t)
(* "*" t)
(/ "/" t)
(mod "%" t)
(= "==" t)
(eq "==" nil)
(eql "==" nil)
(equal "==" nil)
(/= "!=" nil)
(< "<" t)
(> ">" t)
(<= "<=" t)
(>= ">=" t)
(<< "<<" nil)
(>> ">>" nil)
(ash "<<" nil)
(logand "&" t)
(logior "|" t)
(logxor "^" t)
(and "&&" t)
(or "||" t)))
(defvar *types* '((:void . "void")
(:boolean . "bool")
(:integer . "int")
(:unsigned-integer . "uint")
(:float . "float")
(:double . "double")
(:vec2 . "vec2")
(:vec3 . "vec3")
(:vec4 . "vec4")
(:double-vec2 . "dvec2")
(:double-vec3 . "dvec3")
(:double-vec4 . "dvec4")
(:boolean-vec2 . "bvec2")
(:boolean-vec3 . "bvec3")
(:boolean-vec4 . "bvec4")
(:integer-vec2 . "ivec2")
(:integer-vec3 . "ivec3")
(:integer-vec4 . "ivec4")
(:unsigned-vec2 . "uvec2")
(:unsigned-vec3 . "uvec3")
(:unsigned-vec4 . "uvec4")
(:mat2 . "mat2")
(:mat3 . "mat3")
(:mat4 . "mat4")
(:sampler-1d . "sampler1D")
(:depth-sampler-1d . "sampler1DShadow")
(:array-sampler-1d . "sampler1DArray")
(:depth-array-sampler-1d . "sampler1DArrayShadow")
(:sampler-2d . "sampler2D")
(:depth-sampler-2d . "sampler2DShadow")
(:array-sampler-2d . "sampler2DArray")
(:depth-array-sampler-2d . "sampler2DArrayShadow")
(:multisampler-2d . "sampler2DMS")
(:array-multisampler-2d . "sampler2DMSArray")
(:rect-sampler-2d . "sampler2DRect")
(:depth-rect-sampler-2d . "sampler2DRectShadow")
(:sampler-3d . "sampler3D")
(:cube-sampler . "samplerCube")
(:depth-cube-sampler . "samplerCubeShadow")
(:array-cube-sampler . "samplerCubeArray")
(:depth-array-cube-sampler . "samplerCubeArrayShadow")
(:buffer-sampler . "samplerBuffer")
(defun swizzlep (sym)
(let ((sym-str (string-downcase (symbol-name sym))))
(and (char= (char sym-str 0) #\v)
(loop for c across (subseq sym-str 1)
always (member c '(#\x #\y #\z #\w) :test #'char=))
(subseq sym-str 1))))
(defun conv-shader-form (form funs vars)
(flet ((conv-form (x) (conv-shader-form x funs vars)))
(etypecase form
(let* ((sym (car form))
(args (cdr form))
(infix-op (assoc sym *infix-ops*))
(swizzle (swizzlep sym)))
;; special case for -, which is also a unary op
(if (and (eq sym '-) (= (length args) 1))
(format nil "(-~A)"
(conv-form (first args)))
(unless (or (= (length args) 2) (and (nth 2 infix-op) (> (length args) 2)))
(error "Invalid # of args for shader infix-op: ~S" infix-op))
;; don't wanna repeat this a bajillion times, so just splice the
;; GLSL version of the operator into the format control string
(format nil (concatenate 'string "(~{~A~^ " (nth 1 infix-op) " ~})")
(loop for x in args collect (conv-form x))))))
;; the unary operators ! and ~
((member sym '(not lognot))
(unless (= (length args) 1)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader unary-op: ~S" sym))
(format nil (if (eq sym 'not) "(!~A)" "(~~~A)")
(conv-form (first args))))
;; hijack the (exprA, exprB, ...) to allow multi-setf
((eq sym 'setf)
(unless (= (mod (length args) 2) 0)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader setf"))
(format nil "(~{~A = ~A~^, ~})"
(loop for x in args collect (conv-form x))))
((eq sym 'nth)
(unless (= (length args) 2)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader nth"))
(format nil "~A[~A]"
(conv-form (second args))
(conv-form (first args))))
((eq sym 'aref)
(unless (>= (length args) 2)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader aref"))
(format nil "~A~{[~A]~}"
(conv-form (first args))
(loop for x in (rest args) collect (conv-form x))))
;; non-statement (if) is the ternary operator
((eq sym 'if)
(unless (= (length args) 3)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader if"))
(format nil "(~A ? ~A : ~A)"
(conv-form (first args))
(conv-form (second args))
(conv-form (third args))))
((eq sym 'length)
(unless (= (length args) 1)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader length"))
(format nil "~A.length()"
(conv-form (first args))))
;; apparently you can do this, (exprA, exprB) is non-statement progn
;; thanks C
((eq sym 'progn)
(unless (>= (length args) 1)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader progn"))
(format nil "(~{~A~^, ~})"
(loop for x in args collect (conv-form x))))
(unless (= (length args) 1)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader swizzle"))
(format nil "~A.~A"
(conv-form (first args))
;; need this for (for)
((eq sym 'declare-var)
(unless (and (<= 1 (length args) 2) (= (length (first args)) 2))
(error "Invalid # of args for shader declare-var"))
(format nil "~A ~A~:[~; = ~A~]"
(or (cdr (assoc (cadar args) *types*)) (error "Invalid type specifier: ~S" (second args)))
(conv-form (caar args))
(= (length args) 2)
(conv-form (second args))))
(format nil "~A(~{~A~^, ~})"
(or (cdr (assoc sym funs)) (error "Invalid shader fun: ~S" sym))
(loop for x in args collect (conv-form x)))))))
(boolean (if form "true" "false"))
(symbol (or (cdr (assoc form vars)) (error "Invalid shader var: ~S" form)))
(integer (format nil "~D" form))
(float (format nil "~F" form)))))
(defun conv-shader-stmt (stmt funs vars returnp)
(labels ((conv-form (x) (conv-shader-form x funs vars))
(conv-stmt (x r) (conv-shader-stmt x funs vars r))
(loop-conv-stmts (list r)
(loop for x on list
collect (conv-stmt (car x) (and r (not (cdr x)))))))
(if (consp stmt)
(let* ((sym (car stmt))
(args (cdr stmt)))
(case sym
(format nil "{~%~{~A~}}~%"
(loop-conv-stmts args returnp)))
(unless (<= 2 (length args) 3)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader if"))
(format nil "if (~A) ~{~%~A~^else~}"
(conv-form (first args))
(loop-conv-stmts (rest args) returnp)))
;; handle both forms in one case clause
((when unless)
(unless (>= (length args) 2)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader when/unless"))
(format nil "if (~:[~;!(~]~A~2:*~:[~;)~]~1*) {~%~{~A~}}~%"
(eq sym 'unless)
(conv-form (first args))
(loop-conv-stmts (rest args) returnp)))
(unless (>= (length args) 1)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader cond"))
(format nil "~{~:[if (~A) ~;~1*~]{~%~{~A~}}~^ else ~}~%"
(loop for clause in args
nconc (list (eq (first clause) t)
(conv-form (first clause))
(loop-conv-stmts (rest clause) returnp)))))
(unless (>= (length args) 2)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader case"))
(format nil "switch (~A) {~%~{~:[~{case ~A:~%~}~;default:~%~1*~]~{~A~}break;~%~}}~%"
(conv-form (first args))
(loop for clause in (rest args)
nconc (list (eq (car clause) t)
(if (listp (car clause))
(loop for x in (car clause) collect (conv-form x))
(list (conv-form (car clause))))
(loop-conv-stmts (cdr clause) returnp)))))
(unless (<= 0 (length args) 1)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader return"))
(format nil "return~:[~; ~A~];~%"
(and args (conv-form (first args)))))
((break continue discard)
(when args
(error "Invalid # of args for shader break"))
(format nil "~(~A~);~%" sym))
(unless (>= (length args) 1)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader while"))
(format nil "while (~A) {~%~{~A~}}~%"
(conv-form (first args))
(loop-conv-stmts (rest args))))
(unless (and (>= (length args) 1) (= (length (first args)) 3))
(error "Invalid # of args for shader for"))
(format nil "for (~A;~A;~A) {~%~{~A~}}~%"
(conv-form (caar args))
(conv-form (cadar args))
(conv-form (caddar args))
(loop-conv-stmts (cdr args) returnp)))
(conv-stmt `(progn
,@(loop for x in (first args)
if (consp (car x))
collect `(declare-var ,@x)
collect `(declare-var ,x))
,@(rest args))
(unless (= (mod (length args) 2) 0)
(error "Invalid # of args for shader setf"))
(format nil "~{~A = ~A;~%~}"
(loop for x in args collect (conv-form x))))
(format nil "~:[~;return ~]~A;~%" returnp (conv-form stmt)))))
;; something else
(format nil "~:[~;return ~]~A;~%" returnp (conv-form stmt)))
2022-03-23 18:16:40 +00:00
(defun transpile-shader (name &key
((:in vert-inputs))
((:inter inter-vars))
((:out frag-outputs))
((:uniform uniform-vars))
((:vert vert-body))
((:frag frag-body)))
"Translate Lisp shader code to GLSL."
2022-03-24 05:21:59 +00:00
;; create implicit inter vars
(replace-xref-vars frag-body vert-inputs
(lambda (var-entry)
(let* ((orig-var (car var-entry))
(inter-var-entry (find orig-var inter-vars
:key (lambda (e) (getf (cdr e) :orig-var)))))
(if inter-var-entry
(car inter-var-entry)
(let ((new-var (gensym (symbol-name orig-var))))
(push `(,new-var :orig-var ,orig-var :type ,(getf (cdr var-entry) :type))
(push `(setf ,new-var ,orig-var) vert-body)
`(:in ,vert-inputs :inter ,inter-vars :out ,frag-outputs :uniform ,uniform-vars
:vert ,vert-body :frag ,frag-body))
2022-03-23 18:16:40 +00:00
(defmacro define-shader (name (&key
((:in (&rest vert-inputs)) ())
((:inter (&rest inter-vars)) ())
((:out (&rest frag-outputs)) ())
((:uniform (&rest uniform-vars)) ()))
((:vert (&body vert-body)))
((:frag (&body frag-body)))
"Define a GLSL shader with Lisp code."
`(defparameter ,name (transpile-shader ',name
:version ,version
:in ',vert-inputs
:inter ',inter-vars
:out ',frag-outputs
:uniform ',uniform-vars
:vert ',vert-body :frag ',frag-body)))