#include "main.h" lisp_cons* syms_alist; lisp_cons* funs_alist; lisp_cons* atoms_alist; bool lisp_is_nil(lisp_value value) { return (value.type == LISP_T_CONS) && (value.value.cons == NULL); } bool lisp_is_equal(lisp_value a, lisp_value b) { if (a.type != b.type) return false; switch (a.type) { case LISP_T_CONS: return a.value.cons == b.value.cons; case LISP_T_ATOM: return a.value.atom == b.value.atom; case LISP_T_INT: return a.value._int == b.value._int; case LISP_T_FLOAT: return a.value._float == b.value._float; case LISP_T_STRING: return lisp_string_cmp(a.value.string, b.value.string) == 0; default: return false; } } void lisp_cons_join(lisp_cons* head, lisp_cons* tail) { while ((head->cdr.type == LISP_T_CONS) && !lisp_is_nil(head->cdr)) { head = head->cdr.value.cons; } head->cdr.type = LISP_T_CONS; head->cdr.value.cons = tail; } lisp_atom atom_t; lisp_atom atom_quote; #include "crc_table.h" lisp_atom lisp_atomize(lisp_string* atom_lstr) { char* buf = lisp_string_data(atom_lstr); int len = lisp_string_len(atom_lstr); lisp_atom atom = 0xFFFFFFFF; while (len--) { atom = (atom << 8) ^ crc32_table[((atom >> 24) ^ *buf) & 255]; buf++; } #ifdef LISP_USE_ATOMS_ALIST lisp_value key; key.type = LISP_T_ATOM; key.value.atom = atom; if (lisp_alist_getptr(atoms_alist, key) == NULL) { lisp_cons* pair = dbg_malloc(sizeof(lisp_cons)); pair->car.type = LISP_T_ATOM; pair->car.value.atom = atom; pair->cdr.type = LISP_T_STRING; pair->cdr.value.string = lisp_string_copy(atom_lstr); lisp_cons* new_alist = dbg_malloc(sizeof(lisp_cons)); new_alist->car.type = LISP_T_CONS; new_alist->car.value.cons = pair; new_alist->cdr.type = LISP_T_CONS; new_alist->cdr.value.cons = atoms_alist; atoms_alist = new_alist; } #endif return atom; } lisp_atom lisp_atom_init(lisp_string* atom_lstr) { lisp_atom atom = lisp_atomize(atom_lstr); dbg_free(atom_lstr); return atom; } lisp_cons** lisp_alist_getptr(lisp_cons* alist, lisp_value key) { while (alist != NULL) { if (alist->car.type != LISP_T_CONS || alist->car.value.cons == NULL) goto next; lisp_cons* pair = alist->car.value.cons; if (lisp_is_equal(pair->car, key)) return &alist->car.value.cons; next: if (alist->cdr.type == LISP_T_CONS) alist = alist->cdr.value.cons; else alist = NULL; } return NULL; } lisp_cons* lisp_alist_get(lisp_cons* alist, lisp_value key) { lisp_cons** pairptr = lisp_alist_getptr(alist, key); if (pairptr == NULL) return NULL; return *pairptr; } lisp_cons* lisp_alist_put(lisp_cons** alist, lisp_cons* pair) { lisp_cons** pairptr = lisp_alist_getptr(*alist, pair->car); if (pairptr != NULL) { lisp_cons* old_pair = *pairptr; *pairptr = pair; return old_pair; } lisp_cons* new_alist = dbg_malloc(sizeof(lisp_cons)); new_alist->car.type = LISP_T_CONS; new_alist->car.value.cons = pair; new_alist->cdr.type = LISP_T_CONS; new_alist->cdr.value.cons = *alist; *alist = new_alist; return NULL; } lisp_cons* lisp_alist_del(lisp_cons** alist, lisp_value key) { lisp_cons* alist_cur = *alist; lisp_cons* alist_prev = NULL; while (alist_cur != NULL) { if (alist_cur->car.type != LISP_T_CONS || alist_cur->car.value.cons == NULL) goto next; lisp_cons* pair = alist_cur->car.value.cons; if (lisp_is_equal(pair->car, key)) { // remove current element from list if (alist_prev != NULL) alist_prev->cdr = alist_cur->cdr; else if (alist_cur->cdr.type == LISP_T_CONS) *alist = alist_cur->cdr.value.cons; dbg_free(alist_cur); return pair; } next: alist_prev = alist_cur; if (alist_cur->cdr.type == LISP_T_CONS) alist_cur = alist_cur->cdr.value.cons; else alist_cur = NULL; } return NULL; } void print_value(lisp_value value) { if (lisp_is_nil(value)) printf("nil"); else if (value.type == LISP_T_CONS) print_cons(value.value.cons); else if (value.type == LISP_T_ATOM) { #ifdef LISP_USE_ATOMS_ALIST lisp_cons* pair = lisp_alist_get(atoms_alist, value); if (pair != NULL) lisp_string_print(pair->cdr.value.string); else #endif printf("", value.value.atom); } else if (value.type == LISP_T_INT) printf("%li", value.value._int); else if (value.type == LISP_T_FLOAT) printf("%g", value.value._float); else if (value.type == LISP_T_STRING) { putchar('\"'); lisp_string_print(value.value.string); putchar('\"'); } else if (value.type == LISP_T_FUNPTR) printf("", value.value.funptr); } void print_cons(lisp_cons* cons) { printf("("); while (cons != NULL) { print_value(cons->car); if (cons->cdr.type == LISP_T_CONS) { cons = cons->cdr.value.cons; if (cons != NULL) printf(" "); } else { printf(" . "); print_value(cons->cdr); cons = NULL; } } printf(")"); } void recursive_free(lisp_cons* cons) { while (cons != NULL) { if (cons->car.type == LISP_T_STRING) dbg_free(cons->car.value.string); else if (cons->car.type == LISP_T_CONS) recursive_free(cons->car.value.cons); if (cons->cdr.type == LISP_T_STRING) dbg_free(cons->cdr.value.string); lisp_cons* next_cons = NULL; if (cons->cdr.type == LISP_T_CONS) next_cons = cons->cdr.value.cons; dbg_free(cons); cons = next_cons; } } bool fetch_tokens(lisp_cons** tokens) { char buf[64]; //test_print_cons(*tokens); //printf("> "); if (!fgets(buf, 64, stdin)) return false; lisp_tokenize(buf, strlen(buf), tokens); return true; } lisp_atom lisp_defun_native(lisp_string* lstr, lisp_native_fun funptr) { lisp_atom atom = lisp_atom_init(lstr); lisp_cons* cons = dbg_malloc(sizeof(lisp_cons)); cons->car.type = LISP_T_ATOM; cons->car.value.atom = atom; cons->cdr.type = LISP_T_FUNPTR; cons->cdr.value.funptr = funptr; lisp_alist_put(&funs_alist, cons); return atom; } lisp_cons* lisp_defun_lisp_fun(lisp_atom atom, lisp_cons* fun) { lisp_cons* cons = dbg_malloc(sizeof(lisp_cons)); cons->car.type = LISP_T_ATOM; cons->car.value.atom = atom; cons->cdr.type = LISP_T_CONS; cons->cdr.value.cons = fun; lisp_alist_put(&funs_alist, cons); return cons; } void lisp_evaluate_value(lisp_value input, lisp_value* result) { if (input.type == LISP_T_ATOM) { if (input.value.atom == atom_t) { *result = input; return; } lisp_cons* sym_pair = lisp_alist_get(syms_alist, input); if (sym_pair != NULL) *result = sym_pair->cdr; else { result->type = LISP_T_CONS; result->value.cons = NULL; } } else if (input.type == LISP_T_CONS && !lisp_is_nil(input)) lisp_evaluate(input.value.cons, result); else *result = input; } void lisp_evaluate(lisp_cons* cons, lisp_value* value) { value->type = LISP_T_CONS; value->value.cons = NULL; // can't use a switch here if (cons->car.value.atom == atom_quote) { *value = cons->cdr.value.cons->car; return; } else if (cons->car.value.atom == atom_cond) { lisp_sform_cond(cons->cdr.value.cons, value); return; } else if (cons->car.value.atom == atom_let) { lisp_sform_let(cons->cdr.value.cons, value); return; } else if (cons->car.value.atom == atom_defun) { lisp_sform_defun(cons->cdr.value.cons, value); return; } lisp_cons* fun_cons = lisp_alist_get(funs_alist, cons->car); if (fun_cons == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "EVAL ERROR! (no such fun)\n"); return; } lisp_cons* args = NULL; lisp_cons* args_tail = NULL; cons = cons->cdr.value.cons; while (cons != NULL) { lisp_cons* arg_cons = dbg_malloc(sizeof(lisp_cons)); arg_cons->cdr.type = LISP_T_CONS; arg_cons->cdr.value.cons = NULL; lisp_evaluate_value(cons->car, &arg_cons->car); cons = cons->cdr.value.cons; if (args == NULL) args = arg_cons; if (args_tail == NULL) args_tail = args; else { args_tail->cdr.value.cons = arg_cons; args_tail = arg_cons; } } if (fun_cons->cdr.type == LISP_T_FUNPTR) { // native-fun (*fun_cons->cdr.value.funptr)(args, value); while (args != NULL) { args_tail = args->cdr.value.cons; dbg_free(args); args = args_tail; } } else if (fun_cons->cdr.type == LISP_T_CONS) { // lisp-fun lisp_evaluate_lisp_fun(fun_cons->cdr.value.cons, args, value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "EVAL ERROR! (not a native-fun)\n"); return; } } lisp_atom atom_cond; void lisp_sform_cond(lisp_cons* cons, lisp_value* value) { while (cons != NULL) { lisp_cons* fork = cons->car.value.cons; lisp_evaluate_value(fork->car, value); if (!lisp_is_nil(*value)) { fork = fork->cdr.value.cons; while (fork != NULL) { lisp_evaluate_value(fork->car, value); fork = fork->cdr.value.cons; } return; } cons = cons->cdr.value.cons; } value->type = LISP_T_CONS; value->value.cons = NULL; } lisp_atom atom_let; void lisp_sform_let(lisp_cons* cons, lisp_value* value) { // allocate local vars lisp_cons* vars_head = cons->car.value.cons; while (vars_head != NULL) { // create cons pair for new var lisp_cons* pair = dbg_malloc(sizeof(lisp_cons)); if (vars_head->car.type == LISP_T_CONS) { pair->car = vars_head->car.value.cons->car; lisp_evaluate_value(vars_head->car.value.cons->cdr.value.cons->car, &pair->cdr); } else { pair->car = vars_head->car; pair->cdr.type = LISP_T_CONS; pair->cdr.value.cons = NULL; } // add to alist lisp_cons* new_alist = dbg_malloc(sizeof(lisp_cons)); new_alist->car.type = LISP_T_CONS; new_alist->car.value.cons = pair; new_alist->cdr.type = LISP_T_CONS; new_alist->cdr.value.cons = syms_alist; syms_alist = new_alist; vars_head = vars_head->cdr.value.cons; } // evaluate body lisp_cons* body_head = cons->cdr.value.cons; while (body_head != NULL) { lisp_evaluate_value(body_head->car, value); body_head = body_head->cdr.value.cons; } // delete local vars vars_head = cons->car.value.cons; while (vars_head != NULL) { lisp_value key; if (vars_head->car.type == LISP_T_CONS) key = vars_head->car.value.cons->car; else key = vars_head->car; lisp_cons* pair = lisp_alist_del(&syms_alist, key); dbg_free(pair); vars_head = vars_head->cdr.value.cons; } } lisp_atom atom_defun; void lisp_sform_defun(lisp_cons* cons, lisp_value* value) { lisp_atom fun_name = cons->car.value.atom; lisp_cons* fun_data = recursive_copy(cons->cdr.value.cons); lisp_defun_lisp_fun(fun_name, fun_data); value->type = LISP_T_CONS; value->value.cons = fun_data; } lisp_cons* recursive_copy(lisp_cons* cons) { lisp_cons* new_cons = dbg_malloc(sizeof(lisp_cons)); lisp_cons* new_root = new_cons; while (cons != NULL) { new_cons->car = cons->car; new_cons->cdr = cons->cdr; if (cons->car.type == LISP_T_STRING) new_cons->car.value.string = lisp_string_copy(cons->car.value.string); else if (cons->car.type == LISP_T_CONS) new_cons->car.value.cons = recursive_copy(cons->car.value.cons); if (cons->cdr.type == LISP_T_STRING) new_cons->cdr.value.string = lisp_string_copy(cons->cdr.value.string); if (cons->cdr.type == LISP_T_CONS && cons->cdr.value.cons != NULL) { cons = cons->cdr.value.cons; new_cons->cdr.value.cons = dbg_malloc(sizeof(lisp_cons)); new_cons = new_cons->cdr.value.cons; } else { cons = NULL; } } return new_root; } void lisp_evaluate_lisp_fun(lisp_cons* fun, lisp_cons* args, lisp_value* value) { // allocate local vars lisp_cons* head = fun->car.value.cons; while (head != NULL) { // create cons pair for new var lisp_cons* pair = dbg_malloc(sizeof(lisp_cons)); pair->car.type = LISP_T_ATOM; pair->car.value.atom = head->car.value.atom; pair->cdr = args->car; args = args->cdr.value.cons; // add to alist lisp_cons* new_alist = dbg_malloc(sizeof(lisp_cons)); new_alist->car.type = LISP_T_CONS; new_alist->car.value.cons = pair; new_alist->cdr.type = LISP_T_CONS; new_alist->cdr.value.cons = syms_alist; syms_alist = new_alist; head = head->cdr.value.cons; } // evaluate body head = fun->cdr.value.cons; while (head != NULL) { lisp_evaluate_value(head->car, value); head = head->cdr.value.cons; } // delete local vars head = fun->car.value.cons; while (head != NULL) { lisp_value key; if (head->car.type == LISP_T_CONS) key = head->car.value.cons->car; else key = head->car; lisp_cons* pair = lisp_alist_del(&syms_alist, key); dbg_free(pair); head = head->cdr.value.cons; } } lisp_atom atom_cons; lisp_atom atom_atom; lisp_atom atom_int; lisp_atom atom_float; lisp_atom atom_string; lisp_atom atom_native_fun; int main() { printf("sizeof(lisp_atom) = %lu\n", sizeof(lisp_atom)); printf("sizeof(lisp_value) = %lu\n", sizeof(lisp_value)); printf("sizeof(lisp_cons) = %lu\n", sizeof(lisp_cons)); atom_t = lisp_atom_init(lisp_string_create("t")); atom_quote = lisp_atom_init(lisp_string_create("quote")); atom_cond = lisp_atom_init(lisp_string_create("cond")); atom_let = lisp_atom_init(lisp_string_create("let")); atom_defun = lisp_atom_init(lisp_string_create("defun")); atom_cons = lisp_atom_init(lisp_string_create("cons")); atom_atom = lisp_atom_init(lisp_string_create("atom")); atom_int = lisp_atom_init(lisp_string_create("int")); atom_float = lisp_atom_init(lisp_string_create("float")); atom_string = lisp_atom_init(lisp_string_create("string")); atom_native_fun = lisp_atom_init(lisp_string_create("native-fun")); init_native_funs(); size_t init_mem_usage = dbg_malloc_mem_usage; printf("Init: %4liB used\n", init_mem_usage); while (true) { lisp_cons* tokens = NULL; lisp_value value; printf("%4liB> ", dbg_malloc_mem_usage-init_mem_usage); lisp_tokenize_init(); if (lisp_parse_recursive(&tokens, &fetch_tokens, &value)) { //test_print_value(value); //printf("\n"); lisp_value result; lisp_evaluate_value(value, &result); print_value(result); printf("\n"); //printf("Freeing sexpr...\n"); if (value.type == LISP_T_CONS) recursive_free(value.value.cons); else if (value.type == LISP_T_STRING) dbg_free(value.value.string); //printf("Freeing tokens...\n"); recursive_free(tokens); if (lisp_is_nil(value)) break; } else { printf("PARSE ERROR!\n"); print_cons(tokens); printf("\n"); } } //printf("Freeing syms-alist...\n"); recursive_free(syms_alist); //printf("Freeing funs-alist...\n"); recursive_free(funs_alist); //printf("Freeing atoms-alist...\n"); recursive_free(atoms_alist); printf("Done: %4liB used (should be 0)\n", dbg_malloc_mem_usage); printf("Peak: %4liB used\n", dbg_malloc_peak_usage); return 0; }