# hlogin A replacement for `/bin/login` which provides a friendly TUI greeter. *DISCLAIMER:* While I'm reasonably sure this program is secure, I can't guarantee that for certain. Use it at your own risk. ## TODO - [ ] Respect `/etc/login.defs` - [ ] UTF-8 support - [ ] Appearance customization ## Install hlogin depends on ncursesw, panel, and pam. It also requires GNU Autotools and pkg-config. Generate autotools files: ``` sh aclocal autoheader automake autoconf ``` Configure, build, and install: ``` sh ./configure --prefix="/usr" make sudo make install ``` To use hlogin with agetty, add the options `-n -l /usr/bin/hlogin` to it in your inittab, like so: ``` sh c1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -n -l /usr/bin/hlogin 38400 tty1 linux ```