
1557 lines
55 KiB

* Smarty Internal Plugin Templatelexer
* This is the lexer to break the template source into tokens
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage Compiler
* @author Uwe Tews
* Smarty Internal Plugin Templatelexer
class Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer
public $data;
public $counter;
public $token;
public $value;
public $node;
public $line;
public $taglineno;
public $state = 1;
private $heredoc_id_stack = Array();
public $yyTraceFILE;
public $yyTracePrompt;
public $state_name = array(1 => 'TEXT', 2 => 'SMARTY', 3 => 'LITERAL', 4 => 'DOUBLEQUOTEDSTRING', 5 => 'CHILDBODY');
public $smarty_token_names = array( // Text for parser error messages
'IDENTITY' => '===',
'NONEIDENTITY' => '!==',
'EQUALS' => '==',
'NOTEQUALS' => '!=',
'GREATEREQUAL' => '(>=,ge)',
'LESSEQUAL' => '(<=,le)',
'GREATERTHAN' => '(>,gt)',
'LESSTHAN' => '(<,lt)',
'MOD' => '(%,mod)',
'NOT' => '(!,not)',
'LAND' => '(&&,and)',
'LOR' => '(||,or)',
'LXOR' => 'xor',
'OPENP' => '(',
'CLOSEP' => ')',
'OPENB' => '[',
'CLOSEB' => ']',
'PTR' => '->',
'APTR' => '=>',
'EQUAL' => '=',
'NUMBER' => 'number',
'UNIMATH' => '+" , "-',
'MATH' => '*" , "/" , "%',
'INCDEC' => '++" , "--',
'SPACE' => ' ',
'DOLLAR' => '$',
'SEMICOLON' => ';',
'COLON' => ':',
'DOUBLECOLON' => '::',
'AT' => '@',
'HATCH' => '#',
'QUOTE' => '"',
'BACKTICK' => '`',
'VERT' => '|',
'DOT' => '.',
'COMMA' => '","',
'ANDSYM' => '"&"',
'QMARK' => '"?"',
'ID' => 'identifier',
'TEXT' => 'text',
'FAKEPHPSTARTTAG' => 'Fake PHP start tag',
'PHPSTARTTAG' => 'PHP start tag',
'PHPENDTAG' => 'PHP end tag',
'LITERALSTART' => 'Literal start',
'LITERALEND' => 'Literal end',
'LDELSLASH' => 'closing tag',
'COMMENT' => 'comment',
'AS' => 'as',
'TO' => 'to',
function __construct($data, $compiler)
// $this->data = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)/", "\n", $data);
$this->data = $data;
$this->counter = 0;
$this->line = 1;
$this->smarty = $compiler->smarty;
$this->compiler = $compiler;
$this->ldel = preg_quote($this->smarty->left_delimiter, '/');
$this->ldel_length = strlen($this->smarty->left_delimiter);
$this->rdel = preg_quote($this->smarty->right_delimiter, '/');
$this->rdel_length = strlen($this->smarty->right_delimiter);
$this->smarty_token_names['LDEL'] = $this->smarty->left_delimiter;
$this->smarty_token_names['RDEL'] = $this->smarty->right_delimiter;
public function PrintTrace()
$this->yyTraceFILE = fopen('php://output', 'w');
$this->yyTracePrompt = '<br>';
private $_yy_state = 1;
private $_yy_stack = array();
public function yylex()
return $this->{'yylex' . $this->_yy_state}();
public function yypushstate($state)
if ($this->yyTraceFILE) {
fprintf($this->yyTraceFILE, "%sState push %s\n", $this->yyTracePrompt, isset($this->state_name[$this->_yy_state]) ? $this->state_name[$this->_yy_state] : $this->_yy_state);
array_push($this->_yy_stack, $this->_yy_state);
$this->_yy_state = $state;
if ($this->yyTraceFILE) {
fprintf($this->yyTraceFILE, "%snew State %s\n", $this->yyTracePrompt, isset($this->state_name[$this->_yy_state]) ? $this->state_name[$this->_yy_state] : $this->_yy_state);
public function yypopstate()
if ($this->yyTraceFILE) {
fprintf($this->yyTraceFILE, "%sState pop %s\n", $this->yyTracePrompt, isset($this->state_name[$this->_yy_state]) ? $this->state_name[$this->_yy_state] : $this->_yy_state);
$this->_yy_state = array_pop($this->_yy_stack);
if ($this->yyTraceFILE) {
fprintf($this->yyTraceFILE, "%snew State %s\n", $this->yyTracePrompt, isset($this->state_name[$this->_yy_state]) ? $this->state_name[$this->_yy_state] : $this->_yy_state);
public function yybegin($state)
$this->_yy_state = $state;
if ($this->yyTraceFILE) {
fprintf($this->yyTraceFILE, "%sState set %s\n", $this->yyTracePrompt, isset($this->state_name[$this->_yy_state]) ? $this->state_name[$this->_yy_state] : $this->_yy_state);
public function yylex1()
$tokenMap = array(
1 => 0,
2 => 1,
4 => 0,
5 => 0,
6 => 0,
7 => 1,
9 => 0,
10 => 0,
11 => 0,
12 => 0,
13 => 0,
14 => 0,
15 => 0,
16 => 0,
17 => 0,
18 => 0,
19 => 0,
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
$yy_global_pattern = "/\G(\\{\\})|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\*([\S\s]*?)\\*" . $this->rdel . ")|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*strip\\s*" . $this->rdel . ")|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*\/strip\\s*" . $this->rdel . ")|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*literal\\s*" . $this->rdel . ")|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*(if|elseif|else if|while)\\s+)|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*for\\s+)|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*foreach(?![^\s]))|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*setfilter\\s+)|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*\/)|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*)|\G(<\\?(?:php\\w+|=|[a-zA-Z]+)?)|\G(\\?>)|\G(\\s*" . $this->rdel . ")|\G(<%)|\G(%>)|\G([\S\s])/iS";
do {
if (preg_match($yy_global_pattern, $this->data, $yymatches, null, $this->counter)) {
$yysubmatches = $yymatches;
$yymatches = array_filter($yymatches, 'strlen'); // remove empty sub-patterns
if (!count($yymatches)) {
throw new Exception('Error: lexing failed because a rule matched' .
' an empty string. Input "' . substr($this->data,
$this->counter, 5) . '... state TEXT');
next($yymatches); // skip global match
$this->token = key($yymatches); // token number
if ($tokenMap[$this->token]) {
// extract sub-patterns for passing to lex function
$yysubmatches = array_slice($yysubmatches, $this->token + 1,
} else {
$yysubmatches = array();
$this->value = current($yymatches); // token value
$r = $this->{'yy_r1_' . $this->token}($yysubmatches);
if ($r === null) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
// accept this token
return true;
} elseif ($r === true) {
// we have changed state
// process this token in the new state
return $this->yylex();
} elseif ($r === false) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
// skip this token
} else {
throw new Exception('Unexpected input at line' . $this->line .
': ' . $this->data[$this->counter]);
} while (true);
} // end function
const TEXT = 1;
function yy_r1_1($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
function yy_r1_2($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_COMMENT;
function yy_r1_4($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_STRIPON;
function yy_r1_5($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_STRIPOFF;
function yy_r1_6($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LITERALSTART;
function yy_r1_7($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDELIF;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r1_9($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDELFOR;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r1_10($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDELFOREACH;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r1_11($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDELSETFILTER;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r1_12($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDELSLASH;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r1_13($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDEL;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r1_14($yy_subpatterns)
if (in_array($this->value, Array('<?', '<?=', '<?php'))) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_PHPSTARTTAG;
} elseif ($this->value == '<?xml') {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_XMLTAG;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_FAKEPHPSTARTTAG;
$this->value = substr($this->value, 0, 2);
function yy_r1_15($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_PHPENDTAG;
function yy_r1_16($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
function yy_r1_17($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ASPSTARTTAG;
function yy_r1_18($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ASPENDTAG;
function yy_r1_19($yy_subpatterns)
$to = strlen($this->data);
preg_match("/{$this->ldel}|<\?|\?>|<%|%>/", $this->data, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->counter);
if (isset($match[0][1])) {
$to = $match[0][1];
$this->value = substr($this->data, $this->counter, $to - $this->counter);
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
public function yylex2()
$tokenMap = array(
1 => 0,
2 => 0,
3 => 1,
5 => 0,
6 => 0,
7 => 0,
8 => 0,
9 => 0,
10 => 0,
11 => 0,
12 => 0,
13 => 0,
14 => 0,
15 => 1,
17 => 1,
19 => 1,
21 => 0,
22 => 0,
23 => 0,
24 => 0,
25 => 0,
26 => 0,
27 => 0,
28 => 0,
29 => 0,
30 => 0,
31 => 0,
32 => 0,
33 => 0,
34 => 0,
35 => 0,
36 => 0,
37 => 0,
38 => 3,
42 => 0,
43 => 0,
44 => 0,
45 => 0,
46 => 0,
47 => 0,
48 => 0,
49 => 0,
50 => 1,
52 => 1,
54 => 0,
55 => 0,
56 => 0,
57 => 0,
58 => 0,
59 => 0,
60 => 0,
61 => 0,
62 => 0,
63 => 0,
64 => 0,
65 => 0,
66 => 0,
67 => 0,
68 => 0,
69 => 0,
70 => 1,
72 => 0,
73 => 0,
74 => 0,
75 => 0,
76 => 0,
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
$yy_global_pattern = "/\G(\")|\G('[^'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^'\\\\]*)*')|\G([$]smarty\\.block\\.(child|parent))|\G(\\$)|\G(\\s*" . $this->rdel . ")|\G(\\s+is\\s+in\\s+)|\G(\\s+as\\s+)|\G(\\s+to\\s+)|\G(\\s+step\\s+)|\G(\\s+instanceof\\s+)|\G(\\s*===\\s*)|\G(\\s*!==\\s*)|\G(\\s*==\\s*|\\s+eq\\s+)|\G(\\s*!=\\s*|\\s*<>\\s*|\\s+(ne|neq)\\s+)|\G(\\s*>=\\s*|\\s+(ge|gte)\\s+)|\G(\\s*<=\\s*|\\s+(le|lte)\\s+)|\G(\\s*>\\s*|\\s+gt\\s+)|\G(\\s*<\\s*|\\s+lt\\s+)|\G(\\s+mod\\s+)|\G(!\\s*|not\\s+)|\G(\\s*&&\\s*|\\s*and\\s+)|\G(\\s*\\|\\|\\s*|\\s*or\\s+)|\G(\\s*xor\\s+)|\G(\\s+is\\s+odd\\s+by\\s+)|\G(\\s+is\\s+not\\s+odd\\s+by\\s+)|\G(\\s+is\\s+odd)|\G(\\s+is\\s+not\\s+odd)|\G(\\s+is\\s+even\\s+by\\s+)|\G(\\s+is\\s+not\\s+even\\s+by\\s+)|\G(\\s+is\\s+even)|\G(\\s+is\\s+not\\s+even)|\G(\\s+is\\s+div\\s+by\\s+)|\G(\\s+is\\s+not\\s+div\\s+by\\s+)|\G(\\((int(eger)?|bool(ean)?|float|double|real|string|binary|array|object)\\)\\s*)|\G(\\s*\\(\\s*)|\G(\\s*\\))|\G(\\[\\s*)|\G(\\s*\\])|\G(\\s*->\\s*)|\G(\\s*=>\\s*)|\G(\\s*=\\s*)|\G(\\+\\+|--)|\G(\\s*(\\+|-)\\s*)|\G(\\s*(\\*|\/|%)\\s*)|\G(@)|\G(#)|\G(\\s+[0-9]*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-:]*\\s*=\\s*)|\G([0-9]*[a-zA-Z_]\\w*)|\G(\\d+)|\G(`)|\G(\\|)|\G(\\.)|\G(\\s*,\\s*)|\G(\\s*;)|\G(::)|\G(\\s*:\\s*)|\G(\\s*&\\s*)|\G(\\s*\\?\\s*)|\G(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+)|\G(\\s+)|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*(if|elseif|else if|while)\\s+)|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*for\\s+)|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*foreach(?![^\s]))|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*\/)|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*)|\G([\S\s])/iS";
do {
if (preg_match($yy_global_pattern, $this->data, $yymatches, null, $this->counter)) {
$yysubmatches = $yymatches;
$yymatches = array_filter($yymatches, 'strlen'); // remove empty sub-patterns
if (!count($yymatches)) {
throw new Exception('Error: lexing failed because a rule matched' .
' an empty string. Input "' . substr($this->data,
$this->counter, 5) . '... state SMARTY');
next($yymatches); // skip global match
$this->token = key($yymatches); // token number
if ($tokenMap[$this->token]) {
// extract sub-patterns for passing to lex function
$yysubmatches = array_slice($yysubmatches, $this->token + 1,
} else {
$yysubmatches = array();
$this->value = current($yymatches); // token value
$r = $this->{'yy_r2_' . $this->token}($yysubmatches);
if ($r === null) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
// accept this token
return true;
} elseif ($r === true) {
// we have changed state
// process this token in the new state
return $this->yylex();
} elseif ($r === false) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
// skip this token
} else {
throw new Exception('Unexpected input at line' . $this->line .
': ' . $this->data[$this->counter]);
} while (true);
} // end function
const SMARTY = 2;
function yy_r2_1($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_QUOTE;
function yy_r2_2($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_SINGLEQUOTESTRING;
function yy_r2_3($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_SMARTYBLOCKCHILDPARENT;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r2_5($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_DOLLAR;
function yy_r2_6($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_RDEL;
function yy_r2_7($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ISIN;
function yy_r2_8($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_AS;
function yy_r2_9($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TO;
function yy_r2_10($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_STEP;
function yy_r2_11($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_INSTANCEOF;
function yy_r2_12($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_IDENTITY;
function yy_r2_13($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_NONEIDENTITY;
function yy_r2_14($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_EQUALS;
function yy_r2_15($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_NOTEQUALS;
function yy_r2_17($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_GREATEREQUAL;
function yy_r2_19($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LESSEQUAL;
function yy_r2_21($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_GREATERTHAN;
function yy_r2_22($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LESSTHAN;
function yy_r2_23($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_MOD;
function yy_r2_24($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_NOT;
function yy_r2_25($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LAND;
function yy_r2_26($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LOR;
function yy_r2_27($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LXOR;
function yy_r2_28($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ISODDBY;
function yy_r2_29($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ISNOTODDBY;
function yy_r2_30($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ISODD;
function yy_r2_31($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ISNOTODD;
function yy_r2_32($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ISEVENBY;
function yy_r2_33($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ISNOTEVENBY;
function yy_r2_34($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ISEVEN;
function yy_r2_35($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ISNOTEVEN;
function yy_r2_36($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ISDIVBY;
function yy_r2_37($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ISNOTDIVBY;
function yy_r2_38($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TYPECAST;
function yy_r2_42($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_OPENP;
function yy_r2_43($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_CLOSEP;
function yy_r2_44($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_OPENB;
function yy_r2_45($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_CLOSEB;
function yy_r2_46($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_PTR;
function yy_r2_47($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_APTR;
function yy_r2_48($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_EQUAL;
function yy_r2_49($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_INCDEC;
function yy_r2_50($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_UNIMATH;
function yy_r2_52($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_MATH;
function yy_r2_54($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_AT;
function yy_r2_55($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_HATCH;
function yy_r2_56($yy_subpatterns)
// resolve conflicts with shorttag and right_delimiter starting with '='
if (substr($this->data, $this->counter + strlen($this->value) - 1, $this->rdel_length) == $this->smarty->right_delimiter) {
preg_match("/\s+/", $this->value, $match);
$this->value = $match[0];
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_SPACE;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ATTR;
function yy_r2_57($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ID;
function yy_r2_58($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_INTEGER;
function yy_r2_59($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_BACKTICK;
function yy_r2_60($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_VERT;
function yy_r2_61($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_DOT;
function yy_r2_62($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_COMMA;
function yy_r2_63($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_SEMICOLON;
function yy_r2_64($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_DOUBLECOLON;
function yy_r2_65($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_COLON;
function yy_r2_66($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ANDSYM;
function yy_r2_67($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_QMARK;
function yy_r2_68($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_HEX;
function yy_r2_69($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_SPACE;
function yy_r2_70($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDELIF;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r2_72($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDELFOR;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r2_73($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDELFOREACH;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r2_74($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDELSLASH;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r2_75($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDEL;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r2_76($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
public function yylex3()
$tokenMap = array(
1 => 0,
2 => 0,
3 => 0,
4 => 0,
5 => 0,
6 => 0,
7 => 0,
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
$yy_global_pattern = "/\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*literal\\s*" . $this->rdel . ")|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*\/literal\\s*" . $this->rdel . ")|\G(<\\?(?:php\\w+|=|[a-zA-Z]+)?)|\G(\\?>)|\G(<%)|\G(%>)|\G([\S\s])/iS";
do {
if (preg_match($yy_global_pattern, $this->data, $yymatches, null, $this->counter)) {
$yysubmatches = $yymatches;
$yymatches = array_filter($yymatches, 'strlen'); // remove empty sub-patterns
if (!count($yymatches)) {
throw new Exception('Error: lexing failed because a rule matched' .
' an empty string. Input "' . substr($this->data,
$this->counter, 5) . '... state LITERAL');
next($yymatches); // skip global match
$this->token = key($yymatches); // token number
if ($tokenMap[$this->token]) {
// extract sub-patterns for passing to lex function
$yysubmatches = array_slice($yysubmatches, $this->token + 1,
} else {
$yysubmatches = array();
$this->value = current($yymatches); // token value
$r = $this->{'yy_r3_' . $this->token}($yysubmatches);
if ($r === null) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
// accept this token
return true;
} elseif ($r === true) {
// we have changed state
// process this token in the new state
return $this->yylex();
} elseif ($r === false) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
// skip this token
} else {
throw new Exception('Unexpected input at line' . $this->line .
': ' . $this->data[$this->counter]);
} while (true);
} // end function
const LITERAL = 3;
function yy_r3_1($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LITERALSTART;
function yy_r3_2($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LITERALEND;
function yy_r3_3($yy_subpatterns)
if (in_array($this->value, Array('<?', '<?=', '<?php'))) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_PHPSTARTTAG;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_FAKEPHPSTARTTAG;
$this->value = substr($this->value, 0, 2);
function yy_r3_4($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_PHPENDTAG;
function yy_r3_5($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ASPSTARTTAG;
function yy_r3_6($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_ASPENDTAG;
function yy_r3_7($yy_subpatterns)
$to = strlen($this->data);
preg_match("/{$this->ldel}\/?literal{$this->rdel}|<\?|<%|\?>|%>/", $this->data, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->counter);
if (isset($match[0][1])) {
$to = $match[0][1];
} else {
$this->compiler->trigger_template_error("missing or misspelled literal closing tag");
$this->value = substr($this->data, $this->counter, $to - $this->counter);
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LITERAL;
public function yylex4()
$tokenMap = array(
1 => 1,
3 => 0,
4 => 0,
5 => 0,
6 => 0,
7 => 0,
8 => 0,
9 => 0,
10 => 0,
11 => 3,
15 => 0,
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
$yy_global_pattern = "/\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*(if|elseif|else if|while)\\s+)|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*for\\s+)|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*foreach(?![^\s]))|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*\/)|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*)|\G(\")|\G(`\\$)|\G(\\$[0-9]*[a-zA-Z_]\\w*)|\G(\\$)|\G(([^\"\\\\]*?)((?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*?)*?)(?=(" . $this->ldel . "|\\$|`\\$|\")))|\G([\S\s])/iS";
do {
if (preg_match($yy_global_pattern, $this->data, $yymatches, null, $this->counter)) {
$yysubmatches = $yymatches;
$yymatches = array_filter($yymatches, 'strlen'); // remove empty sub-patterns
if (!count($yymatches)) {
throw new Exception('Error: lexing failed because a rule matched' .
' an empty string. Input "' . substr($this->data,
$this->counter, 5) . '... state DOUBLEQUOTEDSTRING');
next($yymatches); // skip global match
$this->token = key($yymatches); // token number
if ($tokenMap[$this->token]) {
// extract sub-patterns for passing to lex function
$yysubmatches = array_slice($yysubmatches, $this->token + 1,
} else {
$yysubmatches = array();
$this->value = current($yymatches); // token value
$r = $this->{'yy_r4_' . $this->token}($yysubmatches);
if ($r === null) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
// accept this token
return true;
} elseif ($r === true) {
// we have changed state
// process this token in the new state
return $this->yylex();
} elseif ($r === false) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
// skip this token
} else {
throw new Exception('Unexpected input at line' . $this->line .
': ' . $this->data[$this->counter]);
} while (true);
} // end function
function yy_r4_1($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDELIF;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r4_3($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDELFOR;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r4_4($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDELFOREACH;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r4_5($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDELSLASH;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r4_6($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_LDEL;
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r4_7($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_QUOTE;
function yy_r4_8($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_BACKTICK;
$this->value = substr($this->value, 0, - 1);
$this->taglineno = $this->line;
function yy_r4_9($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_DOLLARID;
function yy_r4_10($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
function yy_r4_11($yy_subpatterns)
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
function yy_r4_15($yy_subpatterns)
$to = strlen($this->data);
$this->value = substr($this->data, $this->counter, $to - $this->counter);
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_TEXT;
public function yylex5()
$tokenMap = array(
1 => 0,
2 => 0,
3 => 0,
4 => 0,
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
$yy_global_pattern = "/\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*strip\\s*" . $this->rdel . ")|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*\/strip\\s*" . $this->rdel . ")|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*block)|\G([\S\s])/iS";
do {
if (preg_match($yy_global_pattern, $this->data, $yymatches, null, $this->counter)) {
$yysubmatches = $yymatches;
$yymatches = array_filter($yymatches, 'strlen'); // remove empty sub-patterns
if (!count($yymatches)) {
throw new Exception('Error: lexing failed because a rule matched' .
' an empty string. Input "' . substr($this->data,
$this->counter, 5) . '... state CHILDBODY');
next($yymatches); // skip global match
$this->token = key($yymatches); // token number
if ($tokenMap[$this->token]) {
// extract sub-patterns for passing to lex function
$yysubmatches = array_slice($yysubmatches, $this->token + 1,
} else {
$yysubmatches = array();
$this->value = current($yymatches); // token value
$r = $this->{'yy_r5_' . $this->token}($yysubmatches);
if ($r === null) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
// accept this token
return true;
} elseif ($r === true) {
// we have changed state
// process this token in the new state
return $this->yylex();
} elseif ($r === false) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
// skip this token
} else {
throw new Exception('Unexpected input at line' . $this->line .
': ' . $this->data[$this->counter]);
} while (true);
} // end function
const CHILDBODY = 5;
function yy_r5_1($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
return false;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_STRIPON;
function yy_r5_2($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
return false;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_STRIPOFF;
function yy_r5_3($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
function yy_r5_4($yy_subpatterns)
$to = strlen($this->data);
preg_match("/" . $this->ldel . "\s*((\/)?strip\s*" . $this->rdel . "|block\s+)/", $this->data, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->counter);
if (isset($match[0][1])) {
$to = $match[0][1];
$this->value = substr($this->data, $this->counter, $to - $this->counter);
return false;
public function yylex6()
$tokenMap = array(
1 => 0,
2 => 0,
3 => 0,
4 => 1,
6 => 0,
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
$yy_global_pattern = "/\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*literal\\s*" . $this->rdel . ")|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*block)|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*\/block)|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*[$]smarty\\.block\\.(child|parent))|\G([\S\s])/iS";
do {
if (preg_match($yy_global_pattern, $this->data, $yymatches, null, $this->counter)) {
$yysubmatches = $yymatches;
$yymatches = array_filter($yymatches, 'strlen'); // remove empty sub-patterns
if (!count($yymatches)) {
throw new Exception('Error: lexing failed because a rule matched' .
' an empty string. Input "' . substr($this->data,
$this->counter, 5) . '... state CHILDBLOCK');
next($yymatches); // skip global match
$this->token = key($yymatches); // token number
if ($tokenMap[$this->token]) {
// extract sub-patterns for passing to lex function
$yysubmatches = array_slice($yysubmatches, $this->token + 1,
} else {
$yysubmatches = array();
$this->value = current($yymatches); // token value
$r = $this->{'yy_r6_' . $this->token}($yysubmatches);
if ($r === null) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
// accept this token
return true;
} elseif ($r === true) {
// we have changed state
// process this token in the new state
return $this->yylex();
} elseif ($r === false) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
// skip this token
} else {
throw new Exception('Unexpected input at line' . $this->line .
': ' . $this->data[$this->counter]);
} while (true);
} // end function
const CHILDBLOCK = 6;
function yy_r6_1($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_BLOCKSOURCE;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_BLOCKSOURCE;
function yy_r6_2($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_BLOCKSOURCE;
} else {
return true;
function yy_r6_3($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_BLOCKSOURCE;
} else {
return true;
function yy_r6_4($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_BLOCKSOURCE;
} else {
return true;
function yy_r6_6($yy_subpatterns)
$to = strlen($this->data);
preg_match("/" . $this->ldel . "\s*(literal\s*" . $this->rdel . "|(\/)?block(\s|" . $this->rdel . ")|[\$]smarty\.block\.(child|parent))/", $this->data, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->counter);
if (isset($match[0][1])) {
$to = $match[0][1];
$this->value = substr($this->data, $this->counter, $to - $this->counter);
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_BLOCKSOURCE;
public function yylex7()
$tokenMap = array(
1 => 0,
2 => 0,
3 => 0,
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
$yy_global_pattern = "/\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*literal\\s*" . $this->rdel . ")|\G(" . $this->ldel . "\\s*\/literal\\s*" . $this->rdel . ")|\G([\S\s])/iS";
do {
if (preg_match($yy_global_pattern, $this->data, $yymatches, null, $this->counter)) {
$yysubmatches = $yymatches;
$yymatches = array_filter($yymatches, 'strlen'); // remove empty sub-patterns
if (!count($yymatches)) {
throw new Exception('Error: lexing failed because a rule matched' .
' an empty string. Input "' . substr($this->data,
$this->counter, 5) . '... state CHILDLITERAL');
next($yymatches); // skip global match
$this->token = key($yymatches); // token number
if ($tokenMap[$this->token]) {
// extract sub-patterns for passing to lex function
$yysubmatches = array_slice($yysubmatches, $this->token + 1,
} else {
$yysubmatches = array();
$this->value = current($yymatches); // token value
$r = $this->{'yy_r7_' . $this->token}($yysubmatches);
if ($r === null) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
// accept this token
return true;
} elseif ($r === true) {
// we have changed state
// process this token in the new state
return $this->yylex();
} elseif ($r === false) {
$this->counter += strlen($this->value);
$this->line += substr_count($this->value, "\n");
if ($this->counter >= strlen($this->data)) {
return false; // end of input
// skip this token
} else {
throw new Exception('Unexpected input at line' . $this->line .
': ' . $this->data[$this->counter]);
} while (true);
} // end function
function yy_r7_1($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_BLOCKSOURCE;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_BLOCKSOURCE;
function yy_r7_2($yy_subpatterns)
if ($this->smarty->auto_literal && isset($this->value[$this->ldel_length]) ? strpos(" \n\t\r", $this->value[$this->ldel_length]) !== false : false) {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_BLOCKSOURCE;
} else {
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_BLOCKSOURCE;
function yy_r7_3($yy_subpatterns)
$to = strlen($this->data);
preg_match("/{$this->ldel}\/?literal\s*{$this->rdel}/", $this->data, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->counter);
if (isset($match[0][1])) {
$to = $match[0][1];
} else {
$this->compiler->trigger_template_error("missing or misspelled literal closing tag");
$this->value = substr($this->data, $this->counter, $to - $this->counter);
$this->token = Smarty_Internal_Templateparser::TP_BLOCKSOURCE;