
208 lines
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namespace DDDBL;
$objQueue = Singleton::getInstance('\DDDBL\Queue');
### db-connection handler ###
# get (or first establish) connection to database
# and store the DataObject of the connection in the Queue-State
$cloStoreDBConnection = function(\DDDBL\Queue $objQueue, array $arrParameter) {
$objQueue->getState()->update(array('DB' => getDBDataObject()));
$objQueue->addHandler(QUEUE_GET_DB_CONNECTION_POSITION, $cloStoreDBConnection);
### query-definition-loader ###
# get the DataObject of the query and store it in the queue
$cloGetQuery = function(\DDDBL\Queue $objQueue, array $arrParameter) {
$objDataObjectPool = new DataObjectPool('Query-Definition');
# get the first entry of the parameter-list; this is the query-alias
$strAlias = array_shift($arrParameter);
if(empty($strAlias) || !is_string($strAlias))
throw new \Exception('no query-alias defined!');
throw new \Exception("given query alias is unknown: $strAlias");
$objQueue->getState()->update(array('QUERY' => $objDataObjectPool->get($strAlias)));
$objQueue->addHandler(QUEUE_GET_QUERY_POSITION, $cloGetQuery);
### set BIND-DATA-TYPE option ###
# check if the query has a BIND-DATA-TYPE config.
# if not check if there is one given for the database-connection.
# if yes, store it as setting for the query, otherwise
# set false for this option
$cloSetBindDataTypeConfig = function(\DDDBL\Queue $objQueue, array $arrParameter) {
$objDB = $objQueue->getState()->get('DB');
$objQuery = $objQueue->getState()->get('QUERY');
# skip this step, if the query itselfs has its own
if($objQuery->exists('BIND-DATA-TYPE')) {
$objQuery->update(array('BIND-DATA-TYPE' => (bool) $objQuery->get('BIND-DATA-TYPE'))); #bugfix for php-bug #38409
# set type to false, if no config is available, otherwise use the given config
$objQuery->update(array('BIND-DATA-TYPE' => false));
$objQuery->update(array('BIND-DATA-TYPE' => (bool) $objDB->get('BIND-DATA-TYPE')));
$objQueue->addHandler(QUEUE_BIND_DATA_TYPE_POSITION, $cloSetBindDataTypeConfig);
### prepare query ###
# get the stored query and prepare() it for the given database-connection
# store the resulting PDOStatement
$cloPrepareQuery = function(\DDDBL\Queue $objQueue, array $arrParameter) {
# if query is not prepared yet, do this now
if(!$objQueue->getState()->get('QUERY')->exists('PDOStatement')) {
$objPDO = $objQueue->getState()->get('DB')->get('PDO');
$objPDO = $objPDO->prepare($objQueue->getState()->get('QUERY')->get('QUERY'));
$objQueue->getState()->get('QUERY')->update(array('PDOStatement' => $objPDO));
# copy reference of prepared statement into queue for execution
$objQueue->getState()->update(array('PDOStatement' => $objQueue->getState()->get('QUERY')->get('PDOStatement')));
$objQueue->addHandler(QUEUE_PREPARE_QUERY_POSITION, $cloPrepareQuery);
### execute the query ###
# handler, which maps the data-type of a variable to the PDO-constants
$cloMapDataType = function($mixedParameter) {
$arrDataTypeMap = array('NULL' => \PDO::PARAM_NULL,
'boolean' => \PDO::PARAM_BOOL,
'integer' => \PDO::PARAM_INT,
'string' => \PDO::PARAM_STR);
$strDataType = gettype($mixedParameter);
throw new \Exception ("could not bind parameters data type - type is not supported by PDO: $strDataType");
return $arrDataTypeMap[$strDataType];
# bind the given parameter to the prepared statement,
# then set the fetch mode and execute the query
$cloQueryExcecute = function(\DDDBL\Queue $objQueue, array $arrParameter) use ($cloMapDataType) {
$objPDO = $objQueue->getState()->get('PDOStatement');
# remove the alias from the parameter list
$objQuery = $objQueue->getState()->get('QUERY');
if(true === $objQuery->get('BIND-DATA-TYPE')) {
foreach($arrParameter AS $intIndex => $mixedParameter)
$objPDO->bindValue($intIndex + 1, $mixedParameter, $cloMapDataType($mixedParameter));
} else {
foreach($arrParameter AS $intIndex => $mixedParameter)
$objPDO->bindValue($intIndex + 1, $mixedParameter);
# execute the query. if execution fails, throw an exception
throw new QueryException($objPDO, $objQuery->getAll());
$objQueue->addHandler(QUEUE_EXECUTE_QUERY_POSITION, $cloQueryExcecute);
### format the query result ###
# if a result-handler for the query is configured, call it
$cloFormatQueryResult = function(\DDDBL\Queue $objQueue, array $arrParameter) {
$objQuery = $objQueue->getState()->get('QUERY');
return ;
# get the handler and its config
$strHandlerConfig = $objQuery->get('HANDLER');
$arrHandlerConfig = preg_split('/\s+/', $strHandlerConfig);
$strHandler = array_shift($arrHandlerConfig);
# remove handler-name from config
$strHandlerConfig = trim(str_replace($strHandler, '', $strHandlerConfig));
$objDataObjectPool = new DataObjectPool('Result-Handler');
throw new \Exception ("unknown result-handler: $strHandler");
$objHandler = $objDataObjectPool->get($strHandler);
$cloHandler = $objHandler->get('HANDLER');
$cloHandler($objQueue, $strHandlerConfig);
$objQueue->addHandler(QUEUE_FORMAT_RESULT_POSITION, $cloFormatQueryResult);
### close cursor ###
# closing the cursor of the PDOStatement. this will free
# the result and enable the connection to execute the next query
$cloCloseCursor = function(\DDDBL\Queue $objQueue, array $arrParameter) {
$objQueryResult = $objQueue->getState()->get('PDOStatement');
$objQueue->addHandler(QUEUE_CLOSE_CURSOR_POSITION, $cloCloseCursor);