Hypolite Petovan 7d876aab98 Add pear/Text_LanguageDetect to Composer/vendor
- Updated mobiledetectlib to 2.8.26
- Updated PEAR to 1.10.5
- Updated Archive_Tar to 1.4.3
- Updated XML_Util to 1.4.3
2017-11-05 08:34:02 -05:00

622 lines
20 KiB

* File/Directory manipulation
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* @category pear
* @package System
* @author Tomas V.V.Cox <>
* @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors
* @license New BSD License
* @link
* @since File available since Release 0.1
* base class
require_once 'PEAR.php';
require_once 'Console/Getopt.php';
$GLOBALS['_System_temp_files'] = array();
* System offers cross platform compatible system functions
* Static functions for different operations. Should work under
* Unix and Windows. The names and usage has been taken from its respectively
* GNU commands. The functions will return (bool) false on error and will
* trigger the error with the PHP trigger_error() function (you can silence
* the error by prefixing a '@' sign after the function call, but this
* is not recommended practice. Instead use an error handler with
* {@link set_error_handler()}).
* Documentation on this class you can find in:
* Example usage:
* if (!@System::rm('-r file1 dir1')) {
* print "could not delete file1 or dir1";
* }
* In case you need to to pass file names with spaces,
* pass the params as an array:
* System::rm(array('-r', $file1, $dir1));
* @category pear
* @package System
* @author Tomas V.V. Cox <>
* @copyright 1997-2006 The PHP Group
* @license New BSD License
* @version Release: 1.10.5
* @link
* @since Class available since Release 0.1
* @static
class System
* returns the commandline arguments of a function
* @param string $argv the commandline
* @param string $short_options the allowed option short-tags
* @param string $long_options the allowed option long-tags
* @return array the given options and there values
public static function _parseArgs($argv, $short_options, $long_options = null)
if (!is_array($argv) && $argv !== null) {
// Quote all items that are a short option
$av = preg_split('/(\A| )--?[a-z0-9]+[ =]?((?<!\\\\)((,\s*)|((?<!,)\s+))?)/i', $argv, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$offset = 0;
foreach ($av as $a) {
$b = trim($a[0]);
if ($b{0} == '"' || $b{0} == "'") {
$escape = escapeshellarg($b);
$pos = $a[1] + $offset;
$argv = substr_replace($argv, $escape, $pos, strlen($b));
$offset += 2;
// Find all items, quoted or otherwise
preg_match_all("/(?:[\"'])(.*?)(?:['\"])|([^\s]+)/", $argv, $av);
$argv = $av[1];
foreach ($av[2] as $k => $a) {
if (empty($a)) {
$argv[$k] = trim($a) ;
return Console_Getopt::getopt2($argv, $short_options, $long_options);
* Output errors with PHP trigger_error(). You can silence the errors
* with prefixing a "@" sign to the function call: @System::mkdir(..);
* @param mixed $error a PEAR error or a string with the error message
* @return bool false
protected static function raiseError($error)
if (PEAR::isError($error)) {
$error = $error->getMessage();
trigger_error($error, E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
* Creates a nested array representing the structure of a directory
* System::_dirToStruct('dir1', 0) =>
* Array
* (
* [dirs] => Array
* (
* [0] => dir1
* )
* [files] => Array
* (
* [0] => dir1/file2
* [1] => dir1/file3
* )
* )
* @param string $sPath Name of the directory
* @param integer $maxinst max. deep of the lookup
* @param integer $aktinst starting deep of the lookup
* @param bool $silent if true, do not emit errors.
* @return array the structure of the dir
protected static function _dirToStruct($sPath, $maxinst, $aktinst = 0, $silent = false)
$struct = array('dirs' => array(), 'files' => array());
if (($dir = @opendir($sPath)) === false) {
if (!$silent) {
System::raiseError("Could not open dir $sPath");
return $struct; // XXX could not open error
$struct['dirs'][] = $sPath = realpath($sPath); // XXX don't add if '.' or '..' ?
$list = array();
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
$list[] = $file;
if ($aktinst < $maxinst || $maxinst == 0) {
foreach ($list as $val) {
$path = $sPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $val;
if (is_dir($path) && !is_link($path)) {
$tmp = System::_dirToStruct($path, $maxinst, $aktinst+1, $silent);
$struct = array_merge_recursive($struct, $tmp);
} else {
$struct['files'][] = $path;
return $struct;
* Creates a nested array representing the structure of a directory and files
* @param array $files Array listing files and dirs
* @return array
* @static
* @see System::_dirToStruct()
protected static function _multipleToStruct($files)
$struct = array('dirs' => array(), 'files' => array());
settype($files, 'array');
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (is_dir($file) && !is_link($file)) {
$tmp = System::_dirToStruct($file, 0);
$struct = array_merge_recursive($tmp, $struct);
} else {
if (!in_array($file, $struct['files'])) {
$struct['files'][] = $file;
return $struct;
* The rm command for removing files.
* Supports multiple files and dirs and also recursive deletes
* @param string $args the arguments for rm
* @return mixed PEAR_Error or true for success
* @static
* @access public
public static function rm($args)
$opts = System::_parseArgs($args, 'rf'); // "f" does nothing but I like it :-)
if (PEAR::isError($opts)) {
return System::raiseError($opts);
foreach ($opts[0] as $opt) {
if ($opt[0] == 'r') {
$do_recursive = true;
$ret = true;
if (isset($do_recursive)) {
$struct = System::_multipleToStruct($opts[1]);
foreach ($struct['files'] as $file) {
if (!@unlink($file)) {
$ret = false;
foreach ($struct['dirs'] as $dir) {
if (!@rmdir($dir)) {
$ret = false;
} else {
foreach ($opts[1] as $file) {
$delete = (is_dir($file)) ? 'rmdir' : 'unlink';
if (!@$delete($file)) {
$ret = false;
return $ret;
* Make directories.
* The -p option will create parent directories
* @param string $args the name of the director(y|ies) to create
* @return bool True for success
public static function mkDir($args)
$opts = System::_parseArgs($args, 'pm:');
if (PEAR::isError($opts)) {
return System::raiseError($opts);
$mode = 0777; // default mode
foreach ($opts[0] as $opt) {
if ($opt[0] == 'p') {
$create_parents = true;
} elseif ($opt[0] == 'm') {
// if the mode is clearly an octal number (starts with 0)
// convert it to decimal
if (strlen($opt[1]) && $opt[1]{0} == '0') {
$opt[1] = octdec($opt[1]);
} else {
// convert to int
$opt[1] += 0;
$mode = $opt[1];
$ret = true;
if (isset($create_parents)) {
foreach ($opts[1] as $dir) {
$dirstack = array();
while ((!file_exists($dir) || !is_dir($dir)) &&
array_unshift($dirstack, $dir);
$dir = dirname($dir);
while ($newdir = array_shift($dirstack)) {
if (!is_writeable(dirname($newdir))) {
$ret = false;
if (!mkdir($newdir, $mode)) {
$ret = false;
} else {
foreach($opts[1] as $dir) {
if ((@file_exists($dir) || !is_dir($dir)) && !mkdir($dir, $mode)) {
$ret = false;
return $ret;
* Concatenate files
* Usage:
* 1) $var = System::cat('sample.txt test.txt');
* 2) System::cat('sample.txt test.txt > final.txt');
* 3) System::cat('sample.txt test.txt >> final.txt');
* Note: as the class use fopen, urls should work also (test that)
* @param string $args the arguments
* @return boolean true on success
public static function &cat($args)
$ret = null;
$files = array();
if (!is_array($args)) {
$args = preg_split('/\s+/', $args, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$count_args = count($args);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count_args; $i++) {
if ($args[$i] == '>') {
$mode = 'wb';
$outputfile = $args[$i+1];
} elseif ($args[$i] == '>>') {
$mode = 'ab+';
$outputfile = $args[$i+1];
} else {
$files[] = $args[$i];
$outputfd = false;
if (isset($mode)) {
if (!$outputfd = fopen($outputfile, $mode)) {
$err = System::raiseError("Could not open $outputfile");
return $err;
$ret = true;
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!$fd = fopen($file, 'r')) {
System::raiseError("Could not open $file");
while ($cont = fread($fd, 2048)) {
if (is_resource($outputfd)) {
fwrite($outputfd, $cont);
} else {
$ret .= $cont;
if (is_resource($outputfd)) {
return $ret;
* Creates temporary files or directories. This function will remove
* the created files when the scripts finish its execution.
* Usage:
* 1) $tempfile = System::mktemp("prefix");
* 2) $tempdir = System::mktemp("-d prefix");
* 3) $tempfile = System::mktemp();
* 4) $tempfile = System::mktemp("-t /var/tmp prefix");
* prefix -> The string that will be prepended to the temp name
* (defaults to "tmp").
* -d -> A temporary dir will be created instead of a file.
* -t -> The target dir where the temporary (file|dir) will be created. If
* this param is missing by default the env vars TMP on Windows or
* TMPDIR in Unix will be used. If these vars are also missing
* c:\windows\temp or /tmp will be used.
* @param string $args The arguments
* @return mixed the full path of the created (file|dir) or false
* @see System::tmpdir()
public static function mktemp($args = null)
static $first_time = true;
$opts = System::_parseArgs($args, 't:d');
if (PEAR::isError($opts)) {
return System::raiseError($opts);
foreach ($opts[0] as $opt) {
if ($opt[0] == 'd') {
$tmp_is_dir = true;
} elseif ($opt[0] == 't') {
$tmpdir = $opt[1];
$prefix = (isset($opts[1][0])) ? $opts[1][0] : 'tmp';
if (!isset($tmpdir)) {
$tmpdir = System::tmpdir();
if (!System::mkDir(array('-p', $tmpdir))) {
return false;
$tmp = tempnam($tmpdir, $prefix);
if (isset($tmp_is_dir)) {
unlink($tmp); // be careful possible race condition here
if (!mkdir($tmp, 0700)) {
return System::raiseError("Unable to create temporary directory $tmpdir");
$GLOBALS['_System_temp_files'][] = $tmp;
if (isset($tmp_is_dir)) {
//$GLOBALS['_System_temp_files'][] = dirname($tmp);
if ($first_time) {
PEAR::registerShutdownFunc(array('System', '_removeTmpFiles'));
$first_time = false;
return $tmp;
* Remove temporary files created my mkTemp. This function is executed
* at script shutdown time
public static function _removeTmpFiles()
if (count($GLOBALS['_System_temp_files'])) {
$delete = $GLOBALS['_System_temp_files'];
array_unshift($delete, '-r');
$GLOBALS['_System_temp_files'] = array();
* Get the path of the temporal directory set in the system
* by looking in its environments variables.
* Note: php.ini-recommended removes the "E" from the variables_order setting,
* making unavaible the $_ENV array, that s why we do tests with _ENV
* @return string The temporary directory on the system
public static function tmpdir()
if ($var = isset($_ENV['TMP']) ? $_ENV['TMP'] : getenv('TMP')) {
return $var;
if ($var = isset($_ENV['TEMP']) ? $_ENV['TEMP'] : getenv('TEMP')) {
return $var;
if ($var = isset($_ENV['USERPROFILE']) ? $_ENV['USERPROFILE'] : getenv('USERPROFILE')) {
return $var;
if ($var = isset($_ENV['windir']) ? $_ENV['windir'] : getenv('windir')) {
return $var;
return getenv('SystemRoot') . '\temp';
if ($var = isset($_ENV['TMPDIR']) ? $_ENV['TMPDIR'] : getenv('TMPDIR')) {
return $var;
return realpath('/tmp');
* The "which" command (show the full path of a command)
* @param string $program The command to search for
* @param mixed $fallback Value to return if $program is not found
* @return mixed A string with the full path or false if not found
* @author Stig Bakken <>
public static function which($program, $fallback = false)
// enforce API
if (!is_string($program) || '' == $program) {
return $fallback;
// full path given
if (basename($program) != $program) {
$path_elements[] = dirname($program);
$program = basename($program);
} else {
$path = getenv('PATH');
if (!$path) {
$path = getenv('Path'); // some OSes are just stupid enough to do this
$path_elements = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $path);
$exe_suffixes = getenv('PATHEXT')
? explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, getenv('PATHEXT'))
: array('.exe','.bat','.cmd','.com');
// allow passing a command.exe param
if (strpos($program, '.') !== false) {
array_unshift($exe_suffixes, '');
} else {
$exe_suffixes = array('');
foreach ($exe_suffixes as $suff) {
foreach ($path_elements as $dir) {
$file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $program . $suff;
if (is_executable($file)) {
return $file;
return $fallback;
* The "find" command
* Usage:
* System::find($dir);
* System::find("$dir -type d");
* System::find("$dir -type f");
* System::find("$dir -name *.php");
* System::find("$dir -name *.php -name *.htm*");
* System::find("$dir -maxdepth 1");
* Params implemented:
* $dir -> Start the search at this directory
* -type d -> return only directories
* -type f -> return only files
* -maxdepth <n> -> max depth of recursion
* -name <pattern> -> search pattern (bash style). Multiple -name param allowed
* @param mixed Either array or string with the command line
* @return array Array of found files
public static function find($args)
if (!is_array($args)) {
$args = preg_split('/\s+/', $args, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$dir = realpath(array_shift($args));
if (!$dir) {
return array();
$patterns = array();
$depth = 0;
$do_files = $do_dirs = true;
$args_count = count($args);
for ($i = 0; $i < $args_count; $i++) {
switch ($args[$i]) {
case '-type':
if (in_array($args[$i+1], array('d', 'f'))) {
if ($args[$i+1] == 'd') {
$do_files = false;
} else {
$do_dirs = false;
case '-name':
$name = preg_quote($args[$i+1], '#');
// our magic characters ? and * have just been escaped,
// so now we change the escaped versions to PCRE operators
$name = strtr($name, array('\?' => '.', '\*' => '.*'));
$patterns[] = '('.$name.')';
case '-maxdepth':
$depth = $args[$i+1];
$path = System::_dirToStruct($dir, $depth, 0, true);
if ($do_files && $do_dirs) {
$files = array_merge($path['files'], $path['dirs']);
} elseif ($do_dirs) {
$files = $path['dirs'];
} else {
$files = $path['files'];
if (count($patterns)) {
$dsq = preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '#');
$pattern = '#(^|'.$dsq.')'.implode('|', $patterns).'($|'.$dsq.')#';
$ret = array();
$files_count = count($files);
for ($i = 0; $i < $files_count; $i++) {
// only search in the part of the file below the current directory
$filepart = basename($files[$i]);
if (preg_match($pattern, $filepart)) {
$ret[] = $files[$i];
return $ret;
return $files;