Zach Prezkuta 1f09e7ad23 Modify Javascript to improve page loading times
1. Add template category 'end' that places content right before final </body> tag
	2. Move most Javascript from tpl files into one cacheable file, theme.js
	3. Load scripts at end of the HTML document instead of in the header
	4. Minify several Javascript files

Note that the second and third things were only done for Frost and Frost Mobile. Doing it for every theme means going through every .tpl for every theme and rearranging the Javascript, which is tedious.
2012-07-28 09:57:16 -06:00

445 lines
14 KiB
Executable file

function events_post(&$a) {
if(! local_user())
$event_id = ((x($_POST,'event_id')) ? intval($_POST['event_id']) : 0);
$cid = ((x($_POST,'cid')) ? intval($_POST['cid']) : 0);
$uid = local_user();
$startyear = intval($_POST['startyear']);
$startmonth = intval($_POST['startmonth']);
$startday = intval($_POST['startday']);
$starthour = intval($_POST['starthour']);
$startminute = intval($_POST['startminute']);
$finishyear = intval($_POST['finishyear']);
$finishmonth = intval($_POST['finishmonth']);
$finishday = intval($_POST['finishday']);
$finishhour = intval($_POST['finishhour']);
$finishminute = intval($_POST['finishminute']);
$adjust = intval($_POST['adjust']);
$nofinish = intval($_POST['nofinish']);
// The default setting for the `private` field in event_store() is false, so mirror that
$private_event = false;
$start = sprintf('%d-%d-%d %d:%d:0',$startyear,$startmonth,$startday,$starthour,$startminute);
$finish = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
$finish = sprintf('%d-%d-%d %d:%d:0',$finishyear,$finishmonth,$finishday,$finishhour,$finishminute);
if($adjust) {
$start = datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(),'UTC',$start);
if(! $nofinish)
$finish = datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(),'UTC',$finish);
else {
$start = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$start);
if(! $nofinish)
$finish = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$finish);
// Don't allow the event to finish before it begins.
// It won't hurt anything, but somebody will file a bug report
// and we'll waste a bunch of time responding to it. Time that
// could've been spent doing something else.
if(strcmp($finish,$start) < 0)
$finish = $start;
$summary = escape_tags(trim($_POST['summary']));
$desc = escape_tags(trim($_POST['desc']));
$location = escape_tags(trim($_POST['location']));
$type = 'event';
if((! $summary) || (! $start)) {
notice( t('Event title and start time are required.') . EOL);
goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/events/new');
$share = ((intval($_POST['share'])) ? intval($_POST['share']) : 0);
$c = q("select id from contact where uid = %d and self = 1 limit 1",
$self = $c[0]['id'];
$self = 0;
if($share) {
$str_group_allow = perms2str($_POST['group_allow']);
$str_contact_allow = perms2str($_POST['contact_allow']);
$str_group_deny = perms2str($_POST['group_deny']);
$str_contact_deny = perms2str($_POST['contact_deny']);
// Undo the pseudo-contact of self, since there are real contacts now
if( strpos($str_contact_allow, '<' . $self . '>') !== false )
$str_contact_allow = str_replace('<' . $self . '>', '', $str_contact_allow);
// Make sure to set the `private` field as true. This is necessary to
// have the posts show up correctly in Diaspora if an event is created
// as visible only to self at first, but then edited to display to others.
if( strlen($str_group_allow) or strlen($str_contact_allow) or strlen($str_group_deny) or strlen($str_contact_deny) )
$private_event = true;
else {
// Note: do not set `private` field for self-only events. It will
// keep even you from seeing them!
$str_contact_allow = '<' . $self . '>';
$str_group_allow = $str_contact_deny = $str_group_deny = '';
$datarray = array();
$datarray['start'] = $start;
$datarray['finish'] = $finish;
$datarray['summary'] = $summary;
$datarray['desc'] = $desc;
$datarray['location'] = $location;
$datarray['type'] = $type;
$datarray['adjust'] = $adjust;
$datarray['nofinish'] = $nofinish;
$datarray['uid'] = $uid;
$datarray['cid'] = $cid;
$datarray['allow_cid'] = $str_contact_allow;
$datarray['allow_gid'] = $str_group_allow;
$datarray['deny_cid'] = $str_contact_deny;
$datarray['deny_gid'] = $str_group_deny;
$datarray['private'] = (($private_event) ? 1 : 0);
$datarray['id'] = $event_id;
$datarray['created'] = $created;
$datarray['edited'] = $edited;
$item_id = event_store($datarray);
if(! $cid)
function events_content(&$a) {
if(! local_user()) {
notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
$htpl = get_markup_template('event_head.tpl');
$a->page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros($htpl,array('$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl()));
$etpl = get_markup_template('event_end.tpl');
$a->page['end'] .= replace_macros($etpl,array('$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl()));
$o ="";
// tabs
$tabs = profile_tabs($a, True);
$mode = 'view';
$y = 0;
$m = 0;
if($a->argc > 1) {
if($a->argc > 2 && $a->argv[1] == 'event') {
$mode = 'edit';
$event_id = intval($a->argv[2]);
if($a->argv[1] === 'new') {
$mode = 'new';
$event_id = 0;
if($a->argc > 2 && intval($a->argv[1]) && intval($a->argv[2])) {
$mode = 'view';
$y = intval($a->argv[1]);
$m = intval($a->argv[2]);
if($mode == 'view') {
$thisyear = datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),'now','Y');
$thismonth = datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),'now','m');
if(! $y)
$y = intval($thisyear);
if(! $m)
$m = intval($thismonth);
// Put some limits on dates. The PHP date functions don't seem to do so well before 1900.
// An upper limit was chosen to keep search engines from exploring links millions of years in the future.
if($y < 1901)
$y = 1900;
if($y > 2099)
$y = 2100;
$nextyear = $y;
$nextmonth = $m + 1;
if($nextmonth > 12) {
$nextmonth = 1;
$nextyear ++;
$prevyear = $y;
if($m > 1)
$prevmonth = $m - 1;
else {
$prevmonth = 12;
$prevyear --;
$dim = get_dim($y,$m);
$start = sprintf('%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d',$y,$m,1,0,0,0);
$finish = sprintf('%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d',$y,$m,$dim,23,59,59);
if ($a->argv[1] === 'json'){
if (x($_GET,'start')) $start = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $_GET['start']);
if (x($_GET,'end')) $finish = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $_GET['end']);
$start = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$start);
$finish = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$finish);
$adjust_start = datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $start);
$adjust_finish = datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $finish);
if (x($_GET,'id')){
$r = q("SELECT `event`.*, `item`.`id` AS `itemid`,`item`.`plink`,
`item`.`author-name`, `item`.`author-avatar`, `item`.`author-link` FROM `event` LEFT JOIN `item` ON `item`.`event-id` = `event`.`id`
WHERE `event`.`uid` = %d AND `event`.`id` = %d",
} else {
$r = q("SELECT `event`.*, `item`.`id` AS `itemid`,`item`.`plink`,
`item`.`author-name`, `item`.`author-avatar`, `item`.`author-link` FROM `event` LEFT JOIN `item` ON `item`.`event-id` = `event`.`id`
WHERE `event`.`uid` = %d
AND (( `adjust` = 0 AND `finish` >= '%s' AND `start` <= '%s' )
OR ( `adjust` = 1 AND `finish` >= '%s' AND `start` <= '%s' )) ",
$links = array();
if(count($r)) {
$r = sort_by_date($r);
foreach($r as $rr) {
$j = (($rr['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$rr['start'], 'j') : datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$rr['start'],'j'));
if(! x($links,$j))
$links[$j] = $a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $a->cmd . '#link-' . $j;
$last_date = '';
$fmt = t('l, F j');
if(count($r)) {
$r = sort_by_date($r);
foreach($r as $rr) {
$j = (($rr['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$rr['start'], 'j') : datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$rr['start'],'j'));
$d = (($rr['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$rr['start'], $fmt) : datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$rr['start'],$fmt));
$d = day_translate($d);
$start = (($rr['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$rr['start'], 'c') : datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$rr['start'],'c'));
if ($rr['nofinish']){
$end = null;
} else {
$end = (($rr['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$rr['finish'], 'c') : datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$rr['finish'],'c'));
$is_first = ($d !== $last_date);
$last_date = $d;
$edit = ((! $rr['cid']) ? array($a->get_baseurl().'/events/event/'.$rr['id'],t('Edit event'),'','') : null);
$title = strip_tags(html_entity_decode(bbcode($rr['summary']),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'));
if(! $title) {
list($title, $_trash) = explode("<br",bbcode($rr['desc']),2);
$title = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($title,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'));
$html = format_event_html($rr);
$rr['desc'] = bbcode($rr['desc']);
$rr['location'] = bbcode($rr['location']);
$events[] = array(
'start'=> $start,
'end' => $end,
'allDay' => false,
'title' => $title,
'j' => $j,
'd' => $d,
'edit' => $edit,
'plink' => array($rr['plink'],t('link to source'),'',''),
if ($a->argv[1] === 'json'){
echo json_encode($events); killme();
// links: array('href', 'text', 'extra css classes', 'title')
if (x($_GET,'id')){
$tpl = get_markup_template("event.tpl");
} else {
// if (get_config('experimentals','new_calendar')==1){
$tpl = get_markup_template("events-js.tpl");
// } else {
// $tpl = get_markup_template("events.tpl");
// }
$o = replace_macros($tpl, array(
'$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(),
'$tabs' => $tabs,
'$title' => t('Events'),
'$new_event'=> array($a->get_baseurl().'/events/new',t('Create New Event'),'',''),
'$previus' => array($a->get_baseurl()."/events/$prevyear/$prevmonth",t('Previous'),'',''),
'$next' => array($a->get_baseurl()."/events/$nextyear/$nextmonth",t('Next'),'',''),
'$calendar' => cal($y,$m,$links, ' eventcal'),
'$events' => $events,
if (x($_GET,'id')){ echo $o; killme(); }
return $o;
if($mode === 'edit' && $event_id) {
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `event` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
$orig_event = $r[0];
if($mode === 'edit' || $mode === 'new') {
$n_checked = ((x($orig_event) && $orig_event['nofinish']) ? ' checked="checked" ' : '');
$a_checked = ((x($orig_event) && $orig_event['adjust']) ? ' checked="checked" ' : '');
$t_orig = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['summary'] : '');
$d_orig = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['desc'] : '');
$l_orig = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['location'] : '');
$eid = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['id'] : 0);
$cid = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['cid'] : 0);
$uri = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['uri'] : '');
if(! x($orig_event))
$sh_checked = '';
$sh_checked = (($orig_event['allow_cid'] === '<' . local_user() . '>' && (! $orig_event['allow_gid']) && (! $orig_event['deny_cid']) && (! $orig_event['deny_gid'])) ? '' : ' checked="checked" ' );
$sh_checked .= ' disabled="disabled" ';
$tpl = get_markup_template('event_form.tpl');
$sdt = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['start'] : 'now');
$fdt = ((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event['finish'] : 'now');
$tz = date_default_timezone_get();
$tz = (($orig_event['adjust']) ? date_default_timezone_get() : 'UTC');
$syear = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $sdt, 'Y');
$smonth = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $sdt, 'm');
$sday = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $sdt, 'd');
$shour = ((x($orig_event)) ? datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $sdt, 'H') : 0);
$sminute = ((x($orig_event)) ? datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $sdt, 'i') : 0);
$fyear = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $fdt, 'Y');
$fmonth = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $fdt, 'm');
$fday = datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $fdt, 'd');
$fhour = ((x($orig_event)) ? datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $fdt, 'H') : 0);
$fminute = ((x($orig_event)) ? datetime_convert('UTC', $tz, $fdt, 'i') : 0);
$f = get_config('system','event_input_format');
if(! $f)
$f = 'ymd';
$dateformat = datesel_format($f);
$timeformat = t('hour:minute');
$o .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
'$post' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/events',
'$eid' => $eid,
'$cid' => $cid,
'$uri' => $uri,
'$title' => t('Event details'),
'$desc' => sprintf( t('Format is %s %s. Starting date and Title are required.'),$dateformat,$timeformat),
'$s_text' => t('Event Starts:') . ' <span class="required" title="' . t('Required') . '">*</span>',
'$s_dsel' => datesel($f,'start',$syear+5,$syear,false,$syear,$smonth,$sday),
'$s_tsel' => timesel('start',$shour,$sminute),
'$n_text' => t('Finish date/time is not known or not relevant'),
'$n_checked' => $n_checked,
'$f_text' => t('Event Finishes:'),
'$f_dsel' => datesel($f,'finish',$fyear+5,$fyear,false,$fyear,$fmonth,$fday),
'$f_tsel' => timesel('finish',$fhour,$fminute),
'$a_text' => t('Adjust for viewer timezone'),
'$a_checked' => $a_checked,
'$d_text' => t('Description:'),
'$d_orig' => $d_orig,
'$l_text' => t('Location:'),
'$l_orig' => $l_orig,
'$t_text' => t('Title:') . ' <span class="required" title="' . t('Required') . '">*</span>',
'$t_orig' => $t_orig,
'$sh_text' => t('Share this event'),
'$sh_checked' => $sh_checked,
'$acl' => (($cid) ? '' : populate_acl(((x($orig_event)) ? $orig_event : $a->user),false)),
'$submit' => t('Submit')
return $o;