<?php /** * Name: Widgets * Description: Allow to embed info from friendika into another site * Version: 1.0 * Author: Fabio Comuni <http://kirgroup.com/profile/fabrix/> */ function widgets_install() { register_hook('plugin_settings', 'addon/widgets/widgets.php', 'widgets_settings'); register_hook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/widgets/widgets.php', 'widgets_settings_post'); logger("installed widgets"); } function widgets_uninstall() { unregister_hook('plugin_settings', 'addon/widgets/widgets.php', 'widgets_settings'); unregister_hook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/widgets/widgets.php', 'widgets_settings_post'); } function widgets_settings_post(){ if (isset($_POST['widgets-submit'])){ del_pconfig(local_user(), 'widgets', 'key'); } } function widgets_settings(&$a,&$o) { if(! local_user()) return; $key = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'widgets', 'key' ); if ($key=='') { $key = mt_rand(); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'widgets', 'key', $key); } $widgets = array(); $d = dir(dirname(__file__)); while(false !== ($f = $d->read())) { if(substr($f,0,7)=="widget_") { preg_match("|widget_([^.]+).php|", $f, $m); $w=$m[1]; require_once($f); $widgets[] = array($w, call_user_func($w."_widget_name")); } } $t = file_get_contents( dirname(__file__). "/settings.tpl" ); $o .= replace_macros($t, array( '$submit' => t('Generate new key'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$title' => "Widgets", '$label' => t('Widgets key'), '$key' => $key, '$widgets_h' => t('Widgets available'), '$widgets' => $widgets, )); } function widgets_module() { return; } function _abs_url($s){ $a = get_app(); return preg_replace("|href=(['\"])([^h][^t][^t][^p])|", "href=\$1".$a->get_baseurl()."/\$2", $s); } function widgets_content(&$a) { if (!isset($_GET['k'])) { if($a->argv[2]=="cb"){header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'); killme();} return; } $r = q("SELECT * FROM pconfig WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid FROM pconfig WHERE v='%s')AND cat='widgets'", dbesc($_GET['k']) ); if (!count($r)){ if($a->argv[2]=="cb"){header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'); killme();} return; } $conf = array(); $conf['uid'] = $r[0]['uid']; foreach($r as $e) { $conf[$e['k']]=$e['v']; } $o = ""; $widgetfile =dirname(__file__)."/widget_".$a->argv[1].".php"; if (file_exists($widgetfile)){ require_once($widgetfile); } else { if($a->argv[2]=="cb"){header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'); killme();} return; } //echo "<pre>"; var_dump($a->argv); die(); if ($a->argv[2]=="cb"){ /*if (!local_user()){ if (!isset($_GET['s'])) {header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'); killme();} if (substr($_GET['s'],0,strlen($conf['site'])) !== $conf['site']) {header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'); killme();} } */ $o .= call_user_func($a->argv[1].'_widget_content',$a, $conf); } else { if (isset($_GET['p']) && local_user()==$conf['uid'] ) { $o .= "<style>.f9k_widget { float: left;border:1px solid black; }</style>"; $o .= "<h1>Preview Widget</h1>"; $o .= '<a href="'.$a->get_baseurl().'/settings/addon">'. t("Plugin Settings") .'</a>'; $o .= "<h4>".call_user_func($a->argv[1].'_widget_name')."</h4>"; $o .= call_user_func($a->argv[1].'_widget_help'); $o .= "<br style='clear:left'/><br/>"; $o .= "<script>"; } else { header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); } $script = file_get_contents(dirname(__file__)."/widgets.js"); $o .= replace_macros($script, array( '$entrypoint' => $a->get_baseurl()."/widgets/".$a->argv[1]."/cb/", '$key' => $conf['key'], '$widget_id' => 'f9k_'.$a->argv[1]."_".time(), '$loader' => $a->get_baseurl()."/images/rotator.gif", '$args' => (isset($_GET['a'])?$_GET['a']:''), )); if (isset($_GET['p'])) { $jsargs = implode("</em>,<em>", call_user_func($a->argv[1].'_widget_args')); if ($jsargs!='') $jsargs = "&a=<em>".$jsargs."</em>"; $o .= "</script> <br style='clear:left'/><br/> <h4>Copy and paste this code</h4> <code>" .htmlspecialchars('<script src="'.$a->get_baseurl().'/widgets/'.$a->argv[1].'?k='.$conf['key']) .$jsargs .htmlspecialchars('"></script>') ."</code>"; return $o; } } echo $o; killme(); } ?>