. * */ namespace Friendica\Test\src\Util\Emailer; use Friendica\App\BaseURL; use Friendica\Core\Config\IConfig; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Object\EMail\IEmail; use Friendica\Test\MockedTest; use Friendica\Test\Util\SampleMailBuilder; use Friendica\Test\Util\VFSTrait; use Friendica\Util\EMailer\MailBuilder; use Mockery\MockInterface; use Psr\Log\NullLogger; /** * This class tests the "MailBuilder" (@see MailBuilder ) * Since it's an abstract class and every extended class of it has dependencies, we use a "SampleMailBuilder" (@see SampleMailBuilder ) to make this class work */ class MailBuilderTest extends MockedTest { use VFSTrait; /** @var IConfig|MockInterface */ private $config; /** @var L10n|MockInterface */ private $l10n; /** @var BaseURL|MockInterface */ private $baseUrl; /** @var string */ private $defaultHeaders; public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->setUpVfsDir(); $this->config = \Mockery::mock(IConfig::class); $this->l10n = \Mockery::mock(L10n::class); $this->baseUrl = \Mockery::mock(BaseURL::class); $this->baseUrl->shouldReceive('getHostname')->andReturn('friendica.local'); $this->baseUrl->shouldReceive('get')->andReturn('http://friendica.local'); $this->defaultHeaders = []; } public function assertEmail(IEmail $email, array $asserts) { $this->assertEquals($asserts['subject'] ?? $email->getSubject(), $email->getSubject()); $this->assertEquals($asserts['html'] ?? $email->getMessage(), $email->getMessage()); $this->assertEquals($asserts['text'] ?? $email->getMessage(true), $email->getMessage(true)); $this->assertEquals($asserts['toAddress'] ?? $email->getToAddress(), $email->getToAddress()); $this->assertEquals($asserts['fromAddress'] ?? $email->getFromAddress(), $email->getFromAddress()); $this->assertEquals($asserts['fromName'] ?? $email->getFromName(), $email->getFromName()); $this->assertEquals($asserts['replyTo'] ?? $email->getReplyTo(), $email->getReplyTo()); $this->assertEquals($asserts['uid'] ?? $email->getRecipientUid(), $email->getRecipientUid()); $this->assertEquals($asserts['header'] ?? $email->getAdditionalMailHeader(), $email->getAdditionalMailHeader()); } /** * Test if the builder instance can get created */ public function testBuilderInstance() { $builder = new SampleMailBuilder($this->l10n, $this->baseUrl, $this->config, new NullLogger()); $this->assertInstanceOf(MailBuilder::class, $builder); } /** * Test if the builder can create full rendered emails * * @todo Create test once "Renderer" and "BBCode" are dynamic */ public function testBuilderWithNonRawEmail() { $this->markTestIncomplete('Cannot easily mock Renderer and BBCode, so skipping tests wit them'); } /** * Test if the builder can create a "simple" raw mail */ public function testBuilderWithRawEmail() { $builder = new SampleMailBuilder($this->l10n, $this->baseUrl, $this->config, new NullLogger()); $testEmail = $builder ->withMessage('Subject', 'Html', 'text') ->withRecipient('recipient@friendica.local') ->withSender('Sender', 'sender@friendica.local', 'no-reply@friendica.local') ->forUser(['uid' => 100]) ->build(true); $this->assertEmail($testEmail, [ 'subject' => 'Subject', 'html' => 'Html', 'text' => 'text', 'toAddress' => 'recipient@friendica.local', 'fromName' => 'Sender', 'fromAddress' => 'sender@friendica.local', 'noReply' => 'no-reply@friendica.local', 'uid' => 100, 'headers' => $this->defaultHeaders, ]); } /** * Test if the builder throws an exception in case no recipient * * @expectedException \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException * @expectedExceptionMessage Recipient address is missing. */ public function testBuilderWithEmptyMail() { $builder = new SampleMailBuilder($this->l10n, $this->baseUrl, $this->config, new NullLogger()); $builder->build(true); } /** * Test if the builder throws an exception in case no sender * * @expectedException \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException * @expectedExceptionMessage Sender address or name is missing. */ public function testBuilderWithEmptySender() { $builder = new SampleMailBuilder($this->l10n, $this->baseUrl, $this->config, new NullLogger()); $builder ->withRecipient('test@friendica.local') ->build(true); } /** * Test if the builder is capable of creating "empty" mails if needed (not the decision of the builder if so ..) */ public function testBuilderWithoutMessage() { $builder = new SampleMailBuilder($this->l10n, $this->baseUrl, $this->config, new NullLogger()); $testEmail = $builder ->withRecipient('recipient@friendica.local') ->withSender('Sender', 'sender@friendica.local') ->build(true); $this->assertEmail($testEmail, [ 'toAddress' => 'recipient@friendica.local', 'fromName' => 'Sender', 'fromAddress' => 'sender@friendica.local', 'noReply' => 'sender@friendica.local', // no-reply is set same as address in case it's not set 'headers' => $this->defaultHeaders, ]); } /** * Test if the builder sets for the text the same as for */ public function testBuilderWithJustPreamble() { $builder = new SampleMailBuilder($this->l10n, $this->baseUrl, $this->config, new NullLogger()); $testEmail = $builder ->withRecipient('recipient@friendica.local') ->withSender('Sender', 'sender@friendica.local') ->build(true); $this->assertEmail($testEmail, [ 'toAddress' => 'recipient@friendica.local', 'fromName' => 'Sender', 'fromAddress' => 'sender@friendica.local', 'noReply' => 'sender@friendica.local', // no-reply is set same as address in case it's not set, 'headers' => $this->defaultHeaders, ]); } }