. * */ namespace Friendica\Database; use Exception; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Item; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Friendica\Util\Writer\DbaDefinitionSqlWriter; /** * This class contains functions that doesn't need to know if pdo, mysqli or whatever is used. */ class DBStructure { const UPDATE_NOT_CHECKED = 0; // Database check wasn't executed before const UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL = 1; // Database check was successful const UPDATE_FAILED = 2; // Database check failed const RENAME_COLUMN = 0; const RENAME_PRIMARY_KEY = 1; /** * Set a database version to trigger update functions * * @param string $version * @return void */ public static function setDatabaseVersion(string $version) { if (!is_numeric($version)) { throw new \Asika\SimpleConsole\CommandArgsException('The version number must be numeric'); } DI::keyValue()->set('build', $version); echo DI::l10n()->t('The database version had been set to %s.', $version); } /** * Dops a specific table * * @param string $table the table name * * @return bool true if possible, otherwise false */ public static function dropTable(string $table): bool { return DBA::isResult(DBA::e('DROP TABLE ' . DBA::quoteIdentifier($table) . ';')); } /** * Drop unused tables * * @param boolean $execute * @return void */ public static function dropTables(bool $execute) { $postupdate = DI::keyValue()->get('post_update_version') ?? PostUpdate::VERSION; if ($postupdate < PostUpdate::VERSION) { echo DI::l10n()->t('The post update is at version %d, it has to be at %d to safely drop the tables.', $postupdate, PostUpdate::VERSION); return; } $old_tables = ['fserver', 'gcign', 'gcontact', 'gcontact-relation', 'gfollower' ,'glink', 'item-delivery-data', 'item-activity', 'item-content', 'item_id', 'participation', 'poll', 'poll_result', 'queue', 'retriever_rule', 'deliverq', 'dsprphotoq', 'ffinder', 'sign', 'spam', 'term', 'user-item', 'thread', 'item', 'challenge', 'auth_codes', 'tokens', 'clients', 'profile_check', 'host', 'conversation', 'fcontact', 'addon']; $tables = DBA::selectToArray('INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES', ['TABLE_NAME'], ['TABLE_SCHEMA' => DBA::databaseName(), 'TABLE_TYPE' => 'BASE TABLE']); if (empty($tables)) { echo DI::l10n()->t('No unused tables found.'); return; } if (!$execute) { echo DI::l10n()->t('These tables are not used for friendica and will be deleted when you execute "dbstructure drop -e":') . "\n\n"; } foreach ($old_tables as $table) { if (in_array($table, array_column($tables, 'TABLE_NAME'))) { if ($execute) { $sql = 'DROP TABLE ' . DBA::quoteIdentifier($table) . ';'; echo $sql . "\n"; if (!static::dropTable($table)) { self::printUpdateError($sql); } } else { echo $table . "\n"; } } } } /** * Converts all tables from MyISAM/InnoDB Antelope to InnoDB Barracuda */ public static function convertToInnoDB() { $tables = DBA::selectToArray( 'information_schema.tables', ['table_name'], ['engine' => 'MyISAM', 'table_schema' => DBA::databaseName()] ); $tables = array_merge($tables, DBA::selectToArray( 'information_schema.tables', ['table_name'], ['engine' => 'InnoDB', 'ROW_FORMAT' => ['COMPACT', 'REDUNDANT'], 'table_schema' => DBA::databaseName()] )); if (!DBA::isResult($tables)) { echo DI::l10n()->t('There are no tables on MyISAM or InnoDB with the Antelope file format.') . "\n"; return; } foreach ($tables as $table) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . DBA::quoteIdentifier($table['table_name']) . " ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;"; echo $sql . "\n"; $result = DBA::e($sql); if (!DBA::isResult($result)) { self::printUpdateError($sql); } } } /** * Print out database error messages * * @param string $message Message to be added to the error message * * @return string Error message */ private static function printUpdateError(string $message): string { echo DI::l10n()->t("\nError %d occurred during database update:\n%s\n", DBA::errorNo(), DBA::errorMessage()); return DI::l10n()->t('Errors encountered performing database changes: ') . $message . '
'; } /** * Perform a database structure dryrun (means: just simulating) * * @return string Empty string if the update is successful, error messages otherwise * @throws Exception */ public static function dryRun(): string { return self::update(true, false); } /** * Updates DB structure and returns eventual errors messages * * @param bool $enable_maintenance_mode Set the maintenance mode * @param bool $verbose Display the SQL commands * * @return string Empty string if the update is successful, error messages otherwise * @throws Exception */ public static function performUpdate(bool $enable_maintenance_mode = true, bool $verbose = false): string { if ($enable_maintenance_mode) { DI::config()->set('system', 'maintenance', true); } $status = self::update($verbose, true); if ($enable_maintenance_mode) { DI::config()->beginTransaction() ->set('system', 'maintenance', false) ->delete('system', 'maintenance_reason') ->commit(); } return $status; } /** * Updates DB structure from the installation and returns eventual errors messages * * @return string Empty string if the update is successful, error messages otherwise * @throws Exception */ public static function install(): string { return self::update(false, true, true); } /** * Updates DB structure and returns eventual errors messages * * @param bool $verbose * @param bool $action Whether to actually apply the update * @param bool $install Is this the initial update during the installation? * @param array $tables An array of the database tables * @param array $definition An array of the definition tables * @return string Empty string if the update is successful, error messages otherwise * @throws Exception */ private static function update(bool $verbose, bool $action, bool $install = false, array $tables = null, array $definition = null): string { $in_maintenance_mode = DI::config()->get('system', 'maintenance'); if ($action && !$install && self::isUpdating()) { return DI::l10n()->t('Another database update is currently running.'); } if ($in_maintenance_mode) { DI::config()->set('system', 'maintenance_reason', DI::l10n()->t('%s: Database update', DateTimeFormat::utcNow() . ' ' . date('e'))); } // ensure that all initial values exist. This test has to be done prior and after the structure check. // Prior is needed if the specific tables already exists - after is needed when they had been created. self::checkInitialValues(); $errors = ''; Logger::info('updating structure'); // Get the current structure $database = []; if (is_null($tables)) { $tables = DBA::toArray(DBA::p("SHOW TABLES")); } if (DBA::isResult($tables)) { foreach ($tables as $table) { $table = current($table); Logger::info('updating structure', ['table' => $table]); $database[$table] = self::tableStructure($table); } } // Get the definition if (is_null($definition)) { // just for Update purpose, reload the DBA definition with addons to explicit get the whole definition $definition = DI::dbaDefinition()->load(true)->getAll(); } // MySQL >= 5.7.4 doesn't support the IGNORE keyword in ALTER TABLE statements if ((version_compare(DBA::serverInfo(), '5.7.4') >= 0) && !(strpos(DBA::serverInfo(), 'MariaDB') !== false)) { $ignore = ''; } else { $ignore = ' IGNORE'; } // Compare it foreach ($definition as $name => $structure) { $is_new_table = false; $sql3 = ""; if (!isset($database[$name])) { $sql = DbaDefinitionSqlWriter::createTable($name, $structure, $verbose, $action); if ($verbose) { echo $sql; } if ($action) { $r = DBA::e($sql); if (!DBA::isResult($r)) { $errors .= self::printUpdateError($name); } } $is_new_table = true; } else { /* * Drop the index if it isn't present in the definition * or the definition differ from current status * and index name doesn't start with "local_" */ foreach ($database[$name]["indexes"] as $indexName => $fieldNames) { $current_index_definition = implode(",", $fieldNames); if (isset($structure["indexes"][$indexName])) { $new_index_definition = implode(",", $structure["indexes"][$indexName]); } else { $new_index_definition = "__NOT_SET__"; } if ($current_index_definition != $new_index_definition && substr($indexName, 0, 6) != 'local_') { $sql2 = DbaDefinitionSqlWriter::dropIndex($indexName); if ($sql3 == "") { $sql3 = "ALTER" . $ignore . " TABLE `" . $name . "` " . $sql2; } else { $sql3 .= ", " . $sql2; } } } // Compare the field structure field by field foreach ($structure["fields"] as $fieldName => $parameters) { if (!isset($database[$name]["fields"][$fieldName])) { $sql2 = DbaDefinitionSqlWriter::addTableField($fieldName, $parameters); if ($sql3 == "") { $sql3 = "ALTER" . $ignore . " TABLE `" . $name . "` " . $sql2; } else { $sql3 .= ", " . $sql2; } } else { // Compare the field definition $field_definition = $database[$name]["fields"][$fieldName]; // Remove the relation data that is used for the referential integrity unset($parameters['relation']); unset($parameters['foreign']); // We change the collation after the indexes had been changed. // This is done to avoid index length problems. // So here we always ensure that there is no need to change it. unset($parameters['Collation']); unset($field_definition['Collation']); // Only update the comment when it is defined if (!isset($parameters['comment'])) { $parameters['comment'] = ""; } $current_field_definition = DBA::cleanQuery(implode(",", $field_definition)); $new_field_definition = DBA::cleanQuery(implode(",", $parameters)); if ($current_field_definition != $new_field_definition) { $sql2 = DbaDefinitionSqlWriter::modifyTableField($fieldName, $parameters); if ($sql3 == "") { $sql3 = "ALTER" . $ignore . " TABLE `" . $name . "` " . $sql2; } else { $sql3 .= ", " . $sql2; } } } } } /* * Create the index if the index don't exists in database * or the definition differ from the current status. * Don't create keys if table is new */ if (!$is_new_table) { foreach ($structure["indexes"] as $indexName => $fieldNames) { if (isset($database[$name]["indexes"][$indexName])) { $current_index_definition = implode(",", $database[$name]["indexes"][$indexName]); } else { $current_index_definition = "__NOT_SET__"; } $new_index_definition = implode(",", $fieldNames); if ($current_index_definition != $new_index_definition) { $sql2 = DbaDefinitionSqlWriter::createIndex($indexName, $fieldNames); if ($sql2 != "") { if ($sql3 == "") { $sql3 = "ALTER" . $ignore . " TABLE `" . $name . "` " . $sql2; } else { $sql3 .= ", " . $sql2; } } } } $existing_foreign_keys = $database[$name]['foreign_keys']; // Foreign keys // Compare the field structure field by field foreach ($structure["fields"] as $fieldName => $parameters) { if (empty($parameters['foreign'])) { continue; } $constraint = self::getConstraintName($name, $fieldName, $parameters); unset($existing_foreign_keys[$constraint]); if (empty($database[$name]['foreign_keys'][$constraint])) { $sql2 = DbaDefinitionSqlWriter::addForeignKey($fieldName, $parameters); if ($sql3 == "") { $sql3 = "ALTER" . $ignore . " TABLE `" . $name . "` " . $sql2; } else { $sql3 .= ", " . $sql2; } } } foreach ($existing_foreign_keys as $param) { $sql2 = DbaDefinitionSqlWriter::dropForeignKey($param['CONSTRAINT_NAME']); if ($sql3 == "") { $sql3 = "ALTER" . $ignore . " TABLE `" . $name . "` " . $sql2; } else { $sql3 .= ", " . $sql2; } } if (isset($database[$name]["table_status"]["TABLE_COMMENT"])) { $structurecomment = $structure["comment"] ?? ''; if ($database[$name]["table_status"]["TABLE_COMMENT"] != $structurecomment) { $sql2 = "COMMENT = '" . DBA::escape($structurecomment) . "'"; if ($sql3 == "") { $sql3 = "ALTER" . $ignore . " TABLE `" . $name . "` " . $sql2; } else { $sql3 .= ", " . $sql2; } } } if (isset($database[$name]["table_status"]["ENGINE"]) && isset($structure['engine'])) { if ($database[$name]["table_status"]["ENGINE"] != $structure['engine']) { $sql2 = "ENGINE = '" . DBA::escape($structure['engine']) . "'"; if ($sql3 == "") { $sql3 = "ALTER" . $ignore . " TABLE `" . $name . "` " . $sql2; } else { $sql3 .= ", " . $sql2; } } } if (isset($database[$name]["table_status"]["TABLE_COLLATION"])) { if ($database[$name]["table_status"]["TABLE_COLLATION"] != 'utf8mb4_general_ci') { $sql2 = "DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci"; if ($sql3 == "") { $sql3 = "ALTER" . $ignore . " TABLE `" . $name . "` " . $sql2; } else { $sql3 .= ", " . $sql2; } } } if ($sql3 != "") { $sql3 .= "; "; } // Now have a look at the field collations // Compare the field structure field by field foreach ($structure["fields"] as $fieldName => $parameters) { // Compare the field definition $field_definition = ($database[$name]["fields"][$fieldName] ?? '') ?: ['Collation' => '']; // Define the default collation if not given if (!isset($parameters['Collation']) && !empty($field_definition['Collation'])) { $parameters['Collation'] = 'utf8mb4_general_ci'; } else { $parameters['Collation'] = null; } if ($field_definition['Collation'] != $parameters['Collation']) { $sql2 = DbaDefinitionSqlWriter::modifyTableField($fieldName, $parameters); if (($sql3 == "") || (substr($sql3, -2, 2) == "; ")) { $sql3 .= "ALTER" . $ignore . " TABLE `" . $name . "` " . $sql2; } else { $sql3 .= ", " . $sql2; } } } } if ($sql3 != "") { if (substr($sql3, -2, 2) != "; ") { $sql3 .= ";"; } if ($verbose) { echo $sql3 . "\n"; } if ($action) { if ($in_maintenance_mode) { DI::config()->set('system', 'maintenance_reason', DI::l10n()->t('%s: updating %s table.', DateTimeFormat::utcNow() . ' ' . date('e'), $name)); } $r = DBA::e($sql3); if (!DBA::isResult($r)) { $errors .= self::printUpdateError($sql3); } } } } View::create(false, $action); self::checkInitialValues(); if ($action && !$install) { if ($errors) { DI::config()->set('system', 'dbupdate', self::UPDATE_FAILED); } else { DI::config()->set('system', 'dbupdate', self::UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL); } } return $errors; } /** * Returns an array with table structure information * * @param string $table Name of table * @return array Table structure information */ private static function tableStructure(string $table): array { // This query doesn't seem to be executable as a prepared statement $indexes = DBA::toArray(DBA::p("SHOW INDEX FROM " . DBA::quoteIdentifier($table))); $fields = DBA::selectToArray('INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS', ['COLUMN_NAME', 'COLUMN_TYPE', 'IS_NULLABLE', 'COLUMN_DEFAULT', 'EXTRA', 'COLUMN_KEY', 'COLLATION_NAME', 'COLUMN_COMMENT'], ["`TABLE_SCHEMA` = ? AND `TABLE_NAME` = ?", DBA::databaseName(), $table]); $foreign_keys = DBA::selectToArray('INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE', ['COLUMN_NAME', 'CONSTRAINT_NAME', 'REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME', 'REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME'], ["`TABLE_SCHEMA` = ? AND `TABLE_NAME` = ? AND `REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA` IS NOT NULL", DBA::databaseName(), $table]); $table_status = DBA::selectFirst('INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES', ['ENGINE', 'TABLE_COLLATION', 'TABLE_COMMENT'], ["`TABLE_SCHEMA` = ? AND `TABLE_NAME` = ?", DBA::databaseName(), $table]); $fielddata = []; $indexdata = []; $foreigndata = []; if (DBA::isResult($foreign_keys)) { foreach ($foreign_keys as $foreign_key) { $parameters = ['foreign' => [$foreign_key['REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME'] => $foreign_key['REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME']]]; $constraint = self::getConstraintName($table, $foreign_key['COLUMN_NAME'], $parameters); $foreigndata[$constraint] = $foreign_key; } } if (DBA::isResult($indexes)) { foreach ($indexes as $index) { if ($index["Key_name"] != "PRIMARY" && $index["Non_unique"] == "0" && !isset($indexdata[$index["Key_name"]])) { $indexdata[$index["Key_name"]] = ["UNIQUE"]; } if ($index["Index_type"] == "FULLTEXT" && !isset($indexdata[$index["Key_name"]])) { $indexdata[$index["Key_name"]] = ["FULLTEXT"]; } $column = $index["Column_name"]; if ($index["Sub_part"] != "") { $column .= "(" . $index["Sub_part"] . ")"; } $indexdata[$index["Key_name"]][] = $column; } } $fielddata = []; if (DBA::isResult($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $search = ['tinyint(1)', 'tinyint(3) unsigned', 'tinyint(4)', 'smallint(5) unsigned', 'smallint(6)', 'mediumint(8) unsigned', 'mediumint(9)', 'bigint(20)', 'int(10) unsigned', 'int(11)']; $replace = ['boolean', 'tinyint unsigned', 'tinyint', 'smallint unsigned', 'smallint', 'mediumint unsigned', 'mediumint', 'bigint', 'int unsigned', 'int']; $field['COLUMN_TYPE'] = str_replace($search, $replace, $field['COLUMN_TYPE']); $fielddata[$field['COLUMN_NAME']]['type'] = $field['COLUMN_TYPE']; if ($field['IS_NULLABLE'] == 'NO') { $fielddata[$field['COLUMN_NAME']]['not null'] = true; } if (isset($field['COLUMN_DEFAULT']) && ($field['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] != 'NULL')) { $fielddata[$field['COLUMN_NAME']]['default'] = trim($field['COLUMN_DEFAULT'], "'"); } if (!empty($field['EXTRA'])) { $fielddata[$field['COLUMN_NAME']]['extra'] = $field['EXTRA']; } if ($field['COLUMN_KEY'] == 'PRI') { $fielddata[$field['COLUMN_NAME']]['primary'] = true; } $fielddata[$field['COLUMN_NAME']]['Collation'] = $field['COLLATION_NAME']; $fielddata[$field['COLUMN_NAME']]['comment'] = $field['COLUMN_COMMENT']; } } return [ 'fields' => $fielddata, 'indexes' => $indexdata, 'foreign_keys' => $foreigndata, 'table_status' => $table_status ]; } private static function getConstraintName(string $tableName, string $fieldName, array $parameters): string { $foreign_table = array_keys($parameters['foreign'])[0]; $foreign_field = array_values($parameters['foreign'])[0]; return $tableName . '-' . $fieldName. '-' . $foreign_table. '-' . $foreign_field; } /** * Renames columns or the primary key of a table * * @todo You cannot rename a primary key if "auto increment" is set * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $columns Columns Syntax for Rename: [ $old1 => [ $new1, $type1 ], $old2 => [ $new2, $type2 ], ... ] * Syntax for Primary Key: [ $col1, $col2, ...] * @param int $type The type of renaming (Default is Column) * * @return boolean Was the renaming successful? * @throws Exception */ public static function rename(string $table, array $columns, int $type = self::RENAME_COLUMN): bool { if (empty($table) || empty($columns)) { return false; } if (!is_array($columns)) { return false; } $table = DBA::escape($table); $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table . "`"; switch ($type) { case self::RENAME_COLUMN: if (!self::existsColumn($table, array_keys($columns))) { return false; } $sql .= implode(',', array_map( function ($to, $from) { return " CHANGE `" . $from . "` `" . $to[0] . "` " . $to[1]; }, $columns, array_keys($columns) )); break; case self::RENAME_PRIMARY_KEY: if (!self::existsColumn($table, $columns)) { return false; } $sql .= " DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY(`" . implode('`, `', $columns) . "`)"; break; default: return false; } $sql .= ';'; $stmt = DBA::p($sql); if (is_bool($stmt)) { $retval = $stmt; } else { $retval = true; } DBA::close($stmt); return $retval; } /** * Check if the columns of the table exists * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $columns Columns to check ( Syntax: [ $col1, $col2, .. ] ) * * @return boolean Does the table exist? * @throws Exception */ public static function existsColumn(string $table, array $columns = []): bool { if (empty($table)) { return false; } if (is_null($columns) || empty($columns)) { return self::existsTable($table); } $table = DBA::escape($table); foreach ($columns as $column) { $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . $table . "` LIKE '" . $column . "';"; $stmt = DBA::p($sql); if (is_bool($stmt)) { $retval = $stmt; } else { $retval = (DBA::numRows($stmt) > 0); } DBA::close($stmt); if (!$retval) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Check if a foreign key exists for the given table field * * @param string $table Table name * @param string $field Field name * @return boolean Wether a foreign key exists */ public static function existsForeignKeyForField(string $table, string $field): bool { return DBA::exists('INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE', ["`TABLE_SCHEMA` = ? AND `TABLE_NAME` = ? AND `COLUMN_NAME` = ? AND `REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA` IS NOT NULL", DBA::databaseName(), $table, $field]); } /** * Check if a table exists * * @param string $table Single table name (please loop yourself) * @return boolean Does the table exist? * @throws Exception */ public static function existsTable(string $table): bool { if (empty($table)) { return false; } $condition = ['table_schema' => DBA::databaseName(), 'table_name' => $table]; return DBA::exists('information_schema.tables', $condition); } /** * Returns the columns of a table * * @param string $table Table name * * @return array An array of the table columns * @throws Exception */ public static function getColumns(string $table): array { $stmtColumns = DBA::p("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . $table . "`"); return DBA::toArray($stmtColumns); } /** * Check if initial database values do exist - or create them * * @param bool $verbose Whether to output messages * @return void */ public static function checkInitialValues(bool $verbose = false) { if (self::existsTable('verb')) { if (!DBA::exists('verb', ['id' => 1])) { foreach (Item::ACTIVITIES as $index => $activity) { DBA::insert('verb', ['id' => $index + 1, 'name' => $activity], Database::INSERT_IGNORE); } if ($verbose) { echo "verb: activities added\n"; } } elseif ($verbose) { echo "verb: activities already added\n"; } if (!DBA::exists('verb', ['id' => 0])) { DBA::insert('verb', ['name' => ''], Database::INSERT_IGNORE); $lastid = DBA::lastInsertId(); if ($lastid != 0) { DBA::update('verb', ['id' => 0], ['id' => $lastid]); if ($verbose) { echo "Zero verb added\n"; } } } elseif ($verbose) { echo "Zero verb already added\n"; } } elseif ($verbose) { echo "verb: Table not found\n"; } if (self::existsTable('user') && !DBA::exists('user', ['uid' => 0])) { $user = [ 'verified' => true, 'page-flags' => User::PAGE_FLAGS_SOAPBOX, 'account-type' => User::ACCOUNT_TYPE_RELAY, ]; DBA::insert('user', $user); $lastid = DBA::lastInsertId(); if ($lastid != 0) { DBA::update('user', ['uid' => 0], ['uid' => $lastid]); if ($verbose) { echo "Zero user added\n"; } } } elseif (self::existsTable('user') && $verbose) { echo "Zero user already added\n"; } elseif ($verbose) { echo "user: Table not found\n"; } if (self::existsTable('contact') && !DBA::exists('contact', ['id' => 0])) { DBA::insert('contact', ['nurl' => ''], Database::INSERT_IGNORE); $lastid = DBA::lastInsertId(); if ($lastid != 0) { DBA::update('contact', ['id' => 0], ['id' => $lastid]); if ($verbose) { echo "Zero contact added\n"; } } } elseif (self::existsTable('contact') && $verbose) { echo "Zero contact already added\n"; } elseif ($verbose) { echo "contact: Table not found\n"; } if (self::existsTable('tag') && !DBA::exists('tag', ['id' => 0])) { DBA::insert('tag', ['name' => ''], Database::INSERT_IGNORE); $lastid = DBA::lastInsertId(); if ($lastid != 0) { DBA::update('tag', ['id' => 0], ['id' => $lastid]); if ($verbose) { echo "Zero tag added\n"; } } } elseif (self::existsTable('tag') && $verbose) { echo "Zero tag already added\n"; } elseif ($verbose) { echo "tag: Table not found\n"; } if (self::existsTable('permissionset')) { if (!DBA::exists('permissionset', ['id' => 0])) { DBA::insert('permissionset', ['allow_cid' => '', 'allow_gid' => '', 'deny_cid' => '', 'deny_gid' => ''], Database::INSERT_IGNORE); $lastid = DBA::lastInsertId(); if ($lastid != 0) { DBA::update('permissionset', ['id' => 0], ['id' => $lastid]); if ($verbose) { echo "Zero permissionset added\n"; } } } elseif ($verbose) { echo "Zero permissionset already added\n"; } if (self::existsTable('item') && !self::existsForeignKeyForField('item', 'psid')) { $sets = DBA::p("SELECT `psid`, `item`.`uid`, `item`.`private` FROM `item` LEFT JOIN `permissionset` ON `permissionset`.`id` = `item`.`psid` WHERE `permissionset`.`id` IS NULL AND NOT `psid` IS NULL"); while ($set = DBA::fetch($sets)) { if (($set['private'] == Item::PRIVATE) && ($set['uid'] != 0)) { $owner = User::getOwnerDataById($set['uid']); if ($owner) { $permission = '<' . $owner['id'] . '>'; } else { $permission = '<>'; } } else { $permission = ''; } $fields = ['id' => $set['psid'], 'uid' => $set['uid'], 'allow_cid' => $permission, 'allow_gid' => '', 'deny_cid' => '', 'deny_gid' => '']; DBA::insert('permissionset', $fields, Database::INSERT_IGNORE); } DBA::close($sets); } } elseif ($verbose) { echo "permissionset: Table not found\n"; } if (self::existsTable('tokens') && self::existsTable('clients') && !self::existsForeignKeyForField('tokens', 'client_id')) { $tokens = DBA::p("SELECT `tokens`.`id` FROM `tokens` LEFT JOIN `clients` ON `clients`.`client_id` = `tokens`.`client_id` WHERE `clients`.`client_id` IS NULL"); while ($token = DBA::fetch($tokens)) { DBA::delete('tokens', ['id' => $token['id']]); } DBA::close($tokens); } } /** * Checks if a database update is currently running * * @return boolean */ private static function isUpdating(): bool { $isUpdate = false; $processes = DBA::select('information_schema.processlist', ['info'], [ 'db' => DBA::databaseName(), 'command' => ['Query', 'Execute'] ]); while ($process = DBA::fetch($processes)) { $parts = explode(' ', $process['info']); if (in_array(strtolower(array_shift($parts)), ['alter', 'create', 'drop', 'rename'])) { $isUpdate = true; } } DBA::close($processes); return $isUpdate; } }