// @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0b31508aeb0634b347b8270c7bee4d411b5d4109&dn=agpl-3.0.txt AGPLv3-or-later /** * Contains functions for bootstrap modal handling. */ $(document).ready(function () { // Clear bs modal on close. // We need this to prevent that the modal displays old content. $("body, footer").on("hidden.bs.modal", ".modal", function () { $(this).removeData("bs.modal"); $("#modal-title").empty(); $("#modal-body").empty(); // Remove the file browser from jot (else we would have problems // with AjaxUpload. $(".fbrowser").remove(); // Remove the AjaxUpload element. $(".ajaxbutton-wrapper").remove(); }); // Clear bs modal on close. // We need this to prevent that the modal displays old content. $("body").on("hidden.bs.modal", "#jot-modal", function () { // Restore cached jot at its hidden position ("#jot-content"). $("#jot-content").append(jotcache); // Clear the jotcache. jotcache = ""; // Destroy the attachment linkPreview for Jot. if (typeof linkPreview === "object") { linkPreview.destroy(); } }); // Add Colorbox for viewing Network page images. //var cBoxClasses = new Array(); $("body").on("click", ".wall-item-body a img", function () { var aElem = $(this).parent(); var imgHref = aElem.attr("href"); // We need to make sure we only put a Colorbox on links to Friendica images. // We'll try to do this by looking for links of the form // .../photo/ab803d8eg08daf85023adfec08 (with nothing more following), in hopes // that that will be unique enough. if (imgHref.match(/\/photo\/[a-fA-F0-9]+(-[0-9]\.[\w]+?)?$/)) { // Add a unique class to all the images of a certain post, to allow scrolling through var cBoxClass = $(this).closest(".wall-item-body").attr("id") + "-lightbox"; $(this).addClass(cBoxClass); // if( $.inArray(cBoxClass, cBoxClasses) < 0 ) { // cBoxClasses.push(cBoxClass); // } aElem.colorbox({ maxHeight: "90%", photo: true, // Colorbox doesn't recognize a URL that don't end in .jpg, etc. as a photo. rel: cBoxClass, //$(this).attr("class").match(/wall-item-body-[\d]+-lightbox/)[0]. }); } }); // Navbar login. $("body").on("click", "#nav-login", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); Dialog.show(this.href, this.dataset.originalTitle || this.title); }); // Jot nav menu.. $("body").on("click", "#jot-modal .jot-nav li .jot-nav-lnk", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); toggleJotNav(this); }); // Bookmarklet page needs an jot modal which appears automatically. if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/bookmarklet") >= 0 && $("#jot-modal").length) { jotShow(); } // Open filebrowser for elements with the class "image-select" // The following part handles the filebrowser for field_fileinput.tpl. $("body").on("click", ".image-select", function () { // Set a extra attribute to mark the clicked button. this.setAttribute("image-input", "select"); Dialog.doImageBrowser("input"); }); // Insert filebrowser images into the input field (field_fileinput.tpl). $("body").on("fbrowser.photo.input", function (e, filename, embedcode, id, img) { // Select the clicked button by it's attribute. var elm = $("[image-input='select']"); // Select the input field which belongs to this button. var input = elm.parent(".input-group").children("input"); // Remove the special indicator attribut from the button. elm.removeAttr("image-input"); // Insert the link from the image into the input field. input.val(img); }); // Generic delegated event to open an anchor URL in a modal. // Used in the hovercard. document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].addEventListener("click", function (e) { var target = e.target; while (target) { if (target.matches && target.matches("a.add-to-modal")) { addToModal(target.href); e.preventDefault(); return false; } target = target.parentNode || null; } }); }); // Overwrite Dialog.show from main js to load the filebrowser into a bs modal. Dialog.show = function (url, title) { if (typeof title === "undefined") { title = ""; } var modal = $("#modal").modal(); modal.find("#modal-header h4").html(title); modal.find("#modal-body").load(url, function (responseText, textStatus) { if (textStatus === "success" || textStatus === "notmodified") { modal.show(); $(function () { Dialog._load(url); }); } }); }; // Overwrite the function _get_url from main.js. Dialog._get_url = function (type, name, id) { var hash = name; if (id !== undefined) hash = hash + "-" + id; return 'media/' + type + '/browser?mode=none&theme=frio#' + hash; }; // Does load the filebrowser into the jot modal. Dialog.showJot = function () { var type = "photo"; var name = "main"; var url = Dialog._get_url(type, name); if ($(".modal-body #jot-fbrowser-wrapper .fbrowser").length < 1) { // Load new content to fbrowser window. $("#jot-fbrowser-wrapper").load(url, function (responseText, textStatus) { if (textStatus === "success" || textStatus === "notmodified") { $(function () { Dialog._load(url); }); } }); } }; // Init the filebrowser after page load. Dialog._load = function (url) { // Get nickname & filebrowser type from the modal content. let filebrowser = document.getElementById("filebrowser"); // Try to fetch the hash form the url. let match = url.match(/media\/[a-z]+\/.*(#.*)/); if (!filebrowser || match === null) { return; //not fbrowser } // Initialize the filebrowser. loadScript("view/js/ajaxupload.js"); loadScript("view/theme/frio/js/module/media/browser.js", function () { Browser.init(filebrowser.dataset.nickname, filebrowser.dataset.type, match[1]); }); }; /** * Add first element with the class "heading" as modal title * * Note: this should be really done in the template * and is the solution where we havent done it until this * moment or where it isn't possible because of design */ function loadModalTitle() { // Clear the text of the title. $("#modal-title").empty(); // Hide the first element with the class "heading" of the modal body. $("#modal-body .heading").first().hide(); var title = ""; // Get the text of the first element with "heading" class. title = $("#modal-body .heading").first().html(); // for event modals we need some speacial handling if ($("#modal-body .event-wrapper .event-summary").length) { title = ' '; var eventsum = $("#modal-body .event-wrapper .event-summary").html(); title = title + eventsum; } // And append it to modal title. if (title !== "") { $("#modal-title").append(title); } } /** * This function loads html content from a friendica page into a modal. * * @param {string} url The url with html content. * @param {string} id The ID of a html element (can be undefined). * @returns {void} */ function addToModal(url, id) { var char = qOrAmp(url); url = url + char + "mode=none"; var modal = $("#modal").modal(); // Only search for an element if we have an ID. if (typeof id !== "undefined") { url = url + " div#" + id; } modal.find("#modal-body").load(url, function (responseText, textStatus) { if (textStatus === "success" || textStatus === "notmodified") { modal.show(); //Get first element with the class "heading" //and use it as title. loadModalTitle(); // We need to initialize autosize again for new // modal content. autosize($(".modal .text-autosize")); } }); } // Add an element (by its id) to a bootstrap modal. function addElmToModal(id) { var elm = $(id).html(); var modal = $("#modal").modal(); modal.find("#modal-body").append(elm).modal.show; loadModalTitle(); } // Function to load the html from the edit post page into // the jot modal. function editpost(url) { // Next to normel posts the post can be an event post. The event posts don't // use the normal Jot modal. For event posts we will use a normal modal // But first we have to test if the url links to an event. So we will split up // the url in its parts. var splitURL = parseUrl(url); // Test if in the url path containing "calendar/event/show". If the path containing this // expression then we will call the addToModal function and exit this function at // this point. if (splitURL.path.indexOf("calendar/event/show") > -1) { addToModal(splitURL.path); return; } var modal = $("#jot-modal").modal(); url = url + " #jot-sections"; $(".jot-nav .jot-perms-lnk").parent("li").addClass("hidden"); // For editpost we load the modal html of "jot-sections" of the edit page. So we would have two jot forms in // the page html. To avoid js conflicts we store the original jot in the variable jotcache. // After closing the modal original jot should be restored at its original position in the html structure. jotcache = $("#jot-content > #jot-sections"); // Remove the original Jot as long as the edit Jot is open. jotcache.detach(); // Add the class "edit" to the modal to have some kind of identifier to // have the possibility to e.g. put special event-listener. $("#jot-modal").addClass("edit-jot"); jotreset(); modal.find("#jot-modal-content").load(url, function (responseText, textStatus) { if (textStatus === "success" || textStatus === "notmodified") { // get the item type and hide the input for title and category if it isn't needed. var type = $(responseText).find("#profile-jot-form input[name='type']").val(); if (type === "wall-comment" || type === "remote-comment") { // Hide title and category input fields because we don't. $("#profile-jot-form #jot-title-wrap").hide(); $("#profile-jot-form #jot-category-wrap").hide(); } // To make dropzone fileupload work on editing a comment, we need to // attach a new dropzone to modal dzFactory.setupDropzone('#jot-text-wrap', 'profile-jot-text'); modal.show(); $("#jot-popup").show(); linkPreview = $("#profile-jot-text").linkPreview(); } }); } // Remove content from the jot modal. function jotreset() { // Clear bs modal on close. // We need this to prevent that the modal displays old content. $("body").on("hidden.bs.modal", "#jot-modal.edit-jot", function () { $(this).removeData("bs.modal"); $(".jot-nav .jot-perms-lnk").parent("li").removeClass("hidden"); $("#profile-jot-form #jot-title-wrap").show(); $("#profile-jot-form #jot-category-wrap").show(); // Remove the "edit-jot" class so we can the standard behavior on close. $("#jot-modal.edit-jot").removeClass("edit-jot"); $("#jot-modal-content").empty(); }); } // Give the active "jot-nav" list element the class "active". function toggleJotNav(elm) { // Get the ID of the tab panel which should be activated. var tabpanel = elm.getAttribute("aria-controls"); var cls = hasClass(elm, "jot-nav-lnk-mobile"); // Select all li of jot-nav and remove the active class. $(elm).parent("li").siblings("li").removeClass("active"); // Add the active class to the parent of the link which was selected. $(elm).parent("li").addClass("active"); // Minimize all tab content wrapper and activate only the selected // tab panel. $("#profile-jot-form > [role=tabpanel]").addClass("minimize").attr("aria-hidden", "true"); $("#" + tabpanel) .removeClass("minimize") .attr("aria-hidden", "false"); // Set the aria-selected states $("#jot-modal .modal-header .nav-tabs .jot-nav-lnk").attr("aria-selected", "false"); elm.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true"); // For some tab panels we need to execute other js functions. if (tabpanel === "jot-preview-content") { preview_post(); // Make Share button visivle in preview $("#jot-preview-share").removeClass("minimize").attr("aria-hidden", "false"); } else if (tabpanel === "jot-fbrowser-wrapper") { $(function () { Dialog.showJot(); }); } // If element is a mobile dropdown nav menu we need to change the button text. if (cls) { toggleDropdownText(elm); } } // Wall Message needs a special handling because in some cases // it redirects you to your own server. In such cases we can't // load it into a modal. function openWallMessage(url) { // Split the the url in its parts. var parts = parseUrl(url); // If the host isn't the same we can't load it in a modal. // So we will go to to the url directly. if ("host" in parts && parts.host !== window.location.host) { window.location.href = url; } else { // Otherwise load the wall message into a modal. addToModal(url); } } // This function load the content of the edit url into a modal. /// @todo Rename this function because it can be used for more than events. function eventEdit(url) { var char = qOrAmp(url); url = url + char + "mode=none"; $.get(url, function (data) { $("#modal-body").empty(); $("#modal-body").append(data); }).done(function () { loadModalTitle(); }); } // @license-end