{{* Put additional actions in a top-right dropdown menu *}} {{* The avatar picture and the photo-menu *}} {{* contact info header*}} {{* contact info header for smartphones *}}

{{* item content *}}
{{* insert some space if it's an top-level post *}} {{if $item.thread_level==1}}
{{/if}} {{if $item.title}}


{{if !$item.suppress_tags}} {{foreach $item.hashtags as $tag}} {{$tag}} {{/foreach}} {{foreach $item.mentions as $tag}} {{$tag}} {{/foreach}} {{/if}} {{foreach $item.folders as $cat}} {{$cat.name|escape}}{{if $cat.removeurl}} (x) {{/if}} {{/foreach}} {{foreach $item.categories as $cat}} {{$cat.name|escape}}{{if $cat.removeurl}} (x) {{/if}} {{/foreach}}
{{if $item.edited}}
{{$item.edited['label']}} ({{$item.edited['relative']}})
{{* Action buttons to interact with the item (like: like, dislike, share and so on *}}
{{if $item.threaded}}{{/if}} {{* Buttons for like and dislike *}} {{if $item.vote}} {{if $item.vote.like}} {{/if}} {{if $item.vote.like AND $item.vote.dislike}} {{/if}} {{if $item.vote.dislike}} {{/if}} {{if ($item.vote.like OR $item.vote.dislike) AND $item.comment}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{* Button to open the comment text field *}} {{if $item.comment}} {{/if}} {{* Button for sharing the item *}} {{if $item.vote}} {{if $item.vote.share}} {{if $item.vote.like OR $item.vote.dislike OR $item.comment}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
{{* Event attendance buttons *}} {{if $item.isevent}}
{{if $item.drop.pagedrop}} {{/if}}
{{* Display likes, dislike and attendance stats *}} {{if $item.responses}}
{{foreach $item.responses as $verb=>$response}}
{{if $item.conv}} {{$item.conv.title|escape}} {{/if}}