From 13e315e004ee09804fad8b2b75b84d527289c100 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabrixxm <>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2013 09:16:24 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] uimport: check table columns before import

 include/uimport.php | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/include/uimport.php b/include/uimport.php
index 38b177247..9cfb183f6 100644
--- a/include/uimport.php
+++ b/include/uimport.php
@@ -24,13 +24,43 @@ function last_insert_id(){
     return $db->error;
+ /**
+  * Remove columns from array $arr that aren't in table $table
+  * 
+  * @param string $table Table name
+  * @param array &$arr Column=>Value array from json (by ref)
+  */
+ function check_cols($table, &$arr){
+ 	$query = sprintf("SHOW COLUMNS IN `%s`", dbesc($table));
+ 	logger("uimport: $query", LOGGER_DEBUG);
+	$r = q($query);
+	$tcols = array();
+	// get a plain array of column names
+	foreach($r as $tcol) {
+		$tcols[] = $tcol['Field'];
+	}
+	// remove inexistent columns
+	foreach($arr as $icol=>$ival) {
+		if (!in_array($icol, $tcols)) {
+			unset($arr[$icol]);
+		}
+	}
+ }
+ /**
+  * Import data into table $table
+  * 
+  * @param string $table Table name
+  * @param array $arr Column=>Value array from json
+  */
  function db_import_assoc($table, $arr){
-    if (IMPORT_DEBUG) return true;
     if (isset($arr['id'])) unset($arr['id']);
+    check_cols($table, $arr);
     $cols = implode("`,`", array_map('dbesc', array_keys($arr)));
     $vals = implode("','", array_map('dbesc', array_values($arr)));
     $query = "INSERT INTO `$table` (`$cols`) VALUES ('$vals')";
     logger("uimport: $query",LOGGER_TRACE);
+    if (IMPORT_DEBUG) return true;
     return q($query);

From 1442fecd148b388f5e92c1fded252e1aeeb77d3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabrixxm <>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2013 09:44:19 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] uimport: fix file formatting

 include/uimport.php | 467 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 230 insertions(+), 237 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/uimport.php b/include/uimport.php
index 9cfb183f6..12e85c61a 100644
--- a/include/uimport.php
+++ b/include/uimport.php
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
  * import account file exported from mod/uexport
  * args:
@@ -8,272 +9,264 @@
 define("IMPORT_DEBUG", False);
-function last_insert_id(){
-    global $db; 
-    if (IMPORT_DEBUG) return 1;
-    if($db->mysqli){
-        $thedb = $db->getdb();
-        return $thedb->insert_id;
-    } else {
-        return mysql_insert_id();
-    }
- }
- function last_error(){
-    global $db; 
-    return $db->error;
- }
- /**
-  * Remove columns from array $arr that aren't in table $table
-  * 
-  * @param string $table Table name
-  * @param array &$arr Column=>Value array from json (by ref)
-  */
- function check_cols($table, &$arr){
- 	$query = sprintf("SHOW COLUMNS IN `%s`", dbesc($table));
- 	logger("uimport: $query", LOGGER_DEBUG);
+function last_insert_id() {
+	global $db;
+		return 1;
+	if ($db->mysqli) {
+		$thedb = $db->getdb();
+		return $thedb->insert_id;
+	} else {
+		return mysql_insert_id();
+	}
+function last_error() {
+	global $db;
+	return $db->error;
+ * Remove columns from array $arr that aren't in table $table
+ * 
+ * @param string $table Table name
+ * @param array &$arr Column=>Value array from json (by ref)
+ */
+function check_cols($table, &$arr) {
+	$query = sprintf("SHOW COLUMNS IN `%s`", dbesc($table));
+	logger("uimport: $query", LOGGER_DEBUG);
 	$r = q($query);
 	$tcols = array();
 	// get a plain array of column names
-	foreach($r as $tcol) {
+	foreach ($r as $tcol) {
 		$tcols[] = $tcol['Field'];
 	// remove inexistent columns
-	foreach($arr as $icol=>$ival) {
+	foreach ($arr as $icol => $ival) {
 		if (!in_array($icol, $tcols)) {
- }
- /**
-  * Import data into table $table
-  * 
-  * @param string $table Table name
-  * @param array $arr Column=>Value array from json
-  */
- function db_import_assoc($table, $arr){
-    if (isset($arr['id'])) unset($arr['id']);
-    check_cols($table, $arr);
-    $cols = implode("`,`", array_map('dbesc', array_keys($arr)));
-    $vals = implode("','", array_map('dbesc', array_values($arr)));
-    $query = "INSERT INTO `$table` (`$cols`) VALUES ('$vals')";
-    logger("uimport: $query",LOGGER_TRACE);
-    if (IMPORT_DEBUG) return true;
-    return q($query);
- }
+ * Import data into table $table
+ * 
+ * @param string $table Table name
+ * @param array $arr Column=>Value array from json
+ */
+function db_import_assoc($table, $arr) {
+	if (isset($arr['id']))
+		unset($arr['id']);
+	check_cols($table, $arr);
+	$cols = implode("`,`", array_map('dbesc', array_keys($arr)));
+	$vals = implode("','", array_map('dbesc', array_values($arr)));
+	$query = "INSERT INTO `$table` (`$cols`) VALUES ('$vals')";
+	logger("uimport: $query", LOGGER_TRACE);
+		return true;
+	return q($query);
 function import_cleanup($newuid) {
-    q("DELETE FROM `user` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
-    q("DELETE FROM `contact` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
-    q("DELETE FROM `profile` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
-    q("DELETE FROM `photo` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
-    q("DELETE FROM `group` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
-    q("DELETE FROM `group_member` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
-    q("DELETE FROM `pconfig` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+	q("DELETE FROM `user` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+	q("DELETE FROM `contact` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+	q("DELETE FROM `profile` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+	q("DELETE FROM `photo` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+	q("DELETE FROM `group` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+	q("DELETE FROM `group_member` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+	q("DELETE FROM `pconfig` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
 function import_account(&$a, $file) {
-    logger("Start user import from ".$file['tmp_name']);
-    /*
-        STEPS
-        1. checks
-        2. replace old baseurl with new baseurl
-        3. import data (look at user id and contacts id)
-        4. archive non-dfrn contacts
-        5. send message to dfrn contacts
-     */
+	logger("Start user import from " . $file['tmp_name']);
+	/*
+	  1. checks
+	  2. replace old baseurl with new baseurl
+	  3. import data (look at user id and contacts id)
+	  4. archive non-dfrn contacts
+	  5. send message to dfrn contacts
+	 */
+	$account = json_decode(file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']), true);
+	if ($account === null) {
+		notice(t("Error decoding account file"));
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!x($account, 'version')) {
+		notice(t("Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"));
+		return;
+	}
+	if ($account['schema'] != DB_UPDATE_VERSION) {
+		notice(t("Error! I can't import this file: DB schema version is not compatible."));
+		return;
+	}
-    $account = json_decode(file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']), true);
-    if ($account===null) {
-        notice(t("Error decoding account file"));
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!x($account, 'version')) { 
-        notice(t("Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"));
-        return;
-    }
-    if ($account['schema'] != DB_UPDATE_VERSION) {
-        notice(t("Error! I can't import this file: DB schema version is not compatible."));
-        return;
-    }
 	// check for username
 	$r = q("SELECT uid FROM user WHERE nickname='%s'", $account['user']['nickname']);
-	if ($r===false) {
-		logger("uimport:check nickname : ERROR : ".last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+	if ($r === false) {
+		logger("uimport:check nickname : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
 		notice(t('Error! Cannot check nickname'));
-	if (count($r)>0) {
-		notice(sprintf(t("User '%s' already exists on this server!"),$account['user']['nickname']));
+	if (count($r) > 0) {
+		notice(sprintf(t("User '%s' already exists on this server!"), $account['user']['nickname']));
-    $oldbaseurl  = $account['baseurl'];
-    $newbaseurl = $a->get_baseurl();
-    $olduid = $account['user']['uid'];
-    unset($account['user']['uid']);
-    foreach($account['user'] as $k => &$v) {
-        $v = str_replace($oldbaseurl, $newbaseurl, $v);
-    }
+	$oldbaseurl = $account['baseurl'];
+	$newbaseurl = $a->get_baseurl();
+	$olduid = $account['user']['uid'];
-    // import user
-    $r = db_import_assoc('user', $account['user']);
-    if ($r===false) {
-        //echo "<pre>"; var_dump($r, $query, mysql_error()); killme();
-        logger("uimport:insert user : ERROR : ".last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-        notice(t("User creation error"));
-        return;
-    }
-    $newuid = last_insert_id();
-    //~ $newuid = 1;
+	unset($account['user']['uid']);
+	foreach ($account['user'] as $k => &$v) {
+		$v = str_replace($oldbaseurl, $newbaseurl, $v);
+	}
-    foreach($account['profile'] as &$profile) {
-        foreach($profile as $k=>&$v) {
-            $v = str_replace($oldbaseurl, $newbaseurl, $v);
-            foreach(array("profile","avatar") as $k)
-                $v = str_replace($newbaseurl."/photo/".$k."/".$olduid.".jpg", $newbaseurl."/photo/".$k."/".$newuid.".jpg", $v);
-        }
-        $profile['uid'] = $newuid;
-        $r = db_import_assoc('profile', $profile);
-        if ($r===false) {
-            logger("uimport:insert profile ".$profile['profile-name']." : ERROR : ".last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-            info(t("User profile creation error"));
-            import_cleanup($newuid);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    $errorcount=0;
-    foreach($account['contact'] as &$contact) {
-        if ($contact['uid'] == $olduid && $contact['self'] == '1'){
-            foreach($contact as $k=>&$v) {
-                $v = str_replace($oldbaseurl, $newbaseurl, $v);
-                foreach(array("profile","avatar","micro") as $k)
-                    $v = str_replace($newbaseurl."/photo/".$k."/".$olduid.".jpg", $newbaseurl."/photo/".$k."/".$newuid.".jpg", $v);
-            }
-        }
-         if ($contact['uid'] == $olduid && $contact['self'] == '0') {
-            switch ($contact['network']){
-                case NETWORK_DFRN:
-                    //  send relocate message (below)
-                    break;
-                case NETWORK_ZOT:
-                    // TODO handle zot network
-                    break;
-                case NETWORK_MAIL2:
-                    // TODO ?
-                    break;
-                case NETWORK_FEED:
-                case NETWORK_MAIL:
-                    // Nothing to do
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    // archive other contacts
-                    $contact['archive'] = "1";
-            }
-        }
-        $contact['uid'] = $newuid;
-        $r = db_import_assoc('contact', $contact);
-        if ($r===false) {
-            logger("uimport:insert contact ".$contact['nick'].",".$contact['network']." : ERROR : ".last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-            $errorcount++;
-        } else {
-            $contact['newid'] = last_insert_id();
-        }
-    }
-    if ($errorcount>0) {
-        notice( sprintf(tt("%d contact not imported", "%d contacts not imported", $errorcount), $errorcount) );
-    }
-    foreach($account['group'] as &$group) {
-        $group['uid'] = $newuid;
-        $r = db_import_assoc('group', $group);
-        if ($r===false) {
-            logger("uimport:insert group ".$group['name']." : ERROR : ".last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-        } else {
-            $group['newid'] = last_insert_id();
-        }
-    }
-    foreach($account['group_member'] as &$group_member) {
-        $group_member['uid'] = $newuid;
-        $import = 0;
-        foreach($account['group'] as $group) {
-            if ($group['id'] == $group_member['gid'] && isset($group['newid'])) {
-                $group_member['gid'] = $group['newid'];
-                $import++;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        foreach($account['contact'] as $contact) {
-            if ($contact['id'] == $group_member['contact-id'] && isset($contact['newid'])) {
-                $group_member['contact-id'] = $contact['newid'];
-                $import++;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if ($import==2) {
-            $r = db_import_assoc('group_member', $group_member);
-            if ($r===false) {
-                logger("uimport:insert group member ".$group_member['id']." : ERROR : ".last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-            }
-        }
-    }
+	// import user
+	$r = db_import_assoc('user', $account['user']);
+	if ($r === false) {
+		//echo "<pre>"; var_dump($r, $query, mysql_error()); killme();
+		logger("uimport:insert user : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+		notice(t("User creation error"));
+		return;
+	}
+	$newuid = last_insert_id();
+	//~ $newuid = 1;
-    foreach($account['photo'] as &$photo) {
-        $photo['uid'] = $newuid;
-        $photo['data'] = hex2bin($photo['data']);
-        $p = new Photo($photo['data'], $photo['type']);
-        $r = $p->store(
-            $photo['uid'],
-            $photo['contact-id'], //0
-            $photo['resource-id'],
-            $photo['filename'],
-            $photo['album'],
-            $photo['scale'],
-            $photo['profile'], //1
-            $photo['allow_cid'],
-            $photo['allow_gid'],
-            $photo['deny_cid'],
-            $photo['deny_gid']
-        );
-        if ($r===false) {
-            logger("uimport:insert photo ".$photo['resource-id'].",". $photo['scale']. " : ERROR : ".last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-        }
-    } 
-    foreach($account['pconfig'] as &$pconfig) {
-        $pconfig['uid'] = $newuid;
-        $r = db_import_assoc('pconfig', $pconfig);
-        if ($r===false) {
-            logger("uimport:insert pconfig ".$pconfig['id']. " : ERROR : ".last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-        }
-    } 
-    // send relocate messages
-    proc_run('php', 'include/notifier.php', 'relocate' , $newuid);
-    info(t("Done. You can now login with your username and password"));
-    goaway( $a->get_baseurl() ."/login");
+	foreach ($account['profile'] as &$profile) {
+		foreach ($profile as $k => &$v) {
+			$v = str_replace($oldbaseurl, $newbaseurl, $v);
+			foreach (array("profile", "avatar") as $k)
+				$v = str_replace($newbaseurl . "/photo/" . $k . "/" . $olduid . ".jpg", $newbaseurl . "/photo/" . $k . "/" . $newuid . ".jpg", $v);
+		}
+		$profile['uid'] = $newuid;
+		$r = db_import_assoc('profile', $profile);
+		if ($r === false) {
+			logger("uimport:insert profile " . $profile['profile-name'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+			info(t("User profile creation error"));
+			import_cleanup($newuid);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	$errorcount = 0;
+	foreach ($account['contact'] as &$contact) {
+		if ($contact['uid'] == $olduid && $contact['self'] == '1') {
+			foreach ($contact as $k => &$v) {
+				$v = str_replace($oldbaseurl, $newbaseurl, $v);
+				foreach (array("profile", "avatar", "micro") as $k)
+					$v = str_replace($newbaseurl . "/photo/" . $k . "/" . $olduid . ".jpg", $newbaseurl . "/photo/" . $k . "/" . $newuid . ".jpg", $v);
+			}
+		}
+		if ($contact['uid'] == $olduid && $contact['self'] == '0') {
+			switch ($contact['network']) {
+				case NETWORK_DFRN:
+					//  send relocate message (below)
+					break;
+				case NETWORK_ZOT:
+					// TODO handle zot network
+					break;
+				case NETWORK_MAIL2:
+					// TODO ?
+					break;
+				case NETWORK_FEED:
+				case NETWORK_MAIL:
+					// Nothing to do
+					break;
+				default:
+					// archive other contacts
+					$contact['archive'] = "1";
+			}
+		}
+		$contact['uid'] = $newuid;
+		$r = db_import_assoc('contact', $contact);
+		if ($r === false) {
+			logger("uimport:insert contact " . $contact['nick'] . "," . $contact['network'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+			$errorcount++;
+		} else {
+			$contact['newid'] = last_insert_id();
+		}
+	}
+	if ($errorcount > 0) {
+		notice(sprintf(tt("%d contact not imported", "%d contacts not imported", $errorcount), $errorcount));
+	}
+	foreach ($account['group'] as &$group) {
+		$group['uid'] = $newuid;
+		$r = db_import_assoc('group', $group);
+		if ($r === false) {
+			logger("uimport:insert group " . $group['name'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+		} else {
+			$group['newid'] = last_insert_id();
+		}
+	}
+	foreach ($account['group_member'] as &$group_member) {
+		$group_member['uid'] = $newuid;
+		$import = 0;
+		foreach ($account['group'] as $group) {
+			if ($group['id'] == $group_member['gid'] && isset($group['newid'])) {
+				$group_member['gid'] = $group['newid'];
+				$import++;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		foreach ($account['contact'] as $contact) {
+			if ($contact['id'] == $group_member['contact-id'] && isset($contact['newid'])) {
+				$group_member['contact-id'] = $contact['newid'];
+				$import++;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if ($import == 2) {
+			$r = db_import_assoc('group_member', $group_member);
+			if ($r === false) {
+				logger("uimport:insert group member " . $group_member['id'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	foreach ($account['photo'] as &$photo) {
+		$photo['uid'] = $newuid;
+		$photo['data'] = hex2bin($photo['data']);
+		$p = new Photo($photo['data'], $photo['type']);
+		$r = $p->store(
+				$photo['uid'], $photo['contact-id'], //0
+				$photo['resource-id'], $photo['filename'], $photo['album'], $photo['scale'], $photo['profile'], //1
+				$photo['allow_cid'], $photo['allow_gid'], $photo['deny_cid'], $photo['deny_gid']
+		);
+		if ($r === false) {
+			logger("uimport:insert photo " . $photo['resource-id'] . "," . $photo['scale'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+		}
+	}
+	foreach ($account['pconfig'] as &$pconfig) {
+		$pconfig['uid'] = $newuid;
+		$r = db_import_assoc('pconfig', $pconfig);
+		if ($r === false) {
+			logger("uimport:insert pconfig " . $pconfig['id'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+		}
+	}
+	// send relocate messages
+	proc_run('php', 'include/notifier.php', 'relocate', $newuid);
+	info(t("Done. You can now login with your username and password"));
+	goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/login");