2024-06-22 15:53:36 +01:00

484 lines
17 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

import path from 'path';
import pluginReplace from '@rollup/plugin-replace';
import type { RollupReplaceOptions } from '@rollup/plugin-replace';
import pluginVue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue';
import { type UserConfig, defineConfig } from 'vite';
import locales from '../../locales/index.js';
import meta from '../../package.json';
import packageInfo from './package.json' assert { type: 'json' };
import pluginUnwindCssModuleClassName from './lib/rollup-plugin-unwind-css-module-class-name.js';
import pluginJson5 from './vite.json5.js';
const extensions = ['.ts', '.tsx', '.js', '.jsx', '.mjs', '.json', '.json5', '.svg', '.sass', '.scss', '.css', '.vue', '.wasm'];
* Misskeyのフロントエンドにバンドルせず、CDNなどから別途読み込むリソースを記述する。
* CDNを使わずにバンドルしたい場合、以下の配列から該当要素を削除orコメントアウトすればOK
const externalPackages = [
// shikiコードブロックのシンタックスハイライトで使用中はテーマ・言語の定義の容量が大きいため、それらはCDNから読み込む
name: 'shiki',
match: /^shiki\/(?<subPkg>(langs|themes))$/,
path(id: string, pattern: RegExp): string {
const match = pattern.exec(id)?.groups;
return match
? `${packageInfo.dependencies.shiki}/${match['subPkg']}`
: id;
const hash = (str: string, seed = 0): number => {
let h1 = 0xdeadbeef ^ seed,
h2 = 0x41c6ce57 ^ seed;
for (let i = 0, ch; i < str.length; i++) {
ch = str.charCodeAt(i);
h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ ch, 2654435761);
h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ ch, 1597334677);
h1 = Math.imul(h1 ^ (h1 >>> 16), 2246822507) ^ Math.imul(h2 ^ (h2 >>> 13), 3266489909);
h2 = Math.imul(h2 ^ (h2 >>> 16), 2246822507) ^ Math.imul(h1 ^ (h1 >>> 13), 3266489909);
return 4294967296 * (2097151 & h2) + (h1 >>> 0);
const BASE62_DIGITS = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
function toBase62(n: number): string {
if (n === 0) {
return '0';
let result = '';
while (n > 0) {
result = BASE62_DIGITS[n % BASE62_DIGITS.length] + result;
n = Math.floor(n / BASE62_DIGITS.length);
return result;
function iconsReplace(opts: RollupReplaceOptions) {
return pluginReplace({
preventAssignment: false,
// only replace these strings at the start of strings, remove a
// `ti-fw` it if happens to be just after, and make sure they're
// followed by a word-boundary that's not a dash
delimiters: ['(?<=["\'`])', '(?: ti-fw)?\\b(?!-)'],
export function getConfig(): UserConfig {
return {
base: '/vite/',
server: {
port: 5173,
plugins: [
values: {
'ti ti-alert-triangle': 'ph-warning ph-bold ph-lg',
exclude: [
values: {
'ti ti-alert-triangle': 'ph-warning-circle ph-bold ph-lg',
include: [
values: {
'ti ti-reload': 'ph-arrow-clockwise ph-bold ph-lg',
exclude: [
values: {
'ti ti-reload': 'ph-arrow-counter-clockwise ph-bold ph-lg',
include: [
values: {
'ti ti-reload': 'ph-arrows-clockwise ph-bold ph-lg',
include: [
values: {
'ti ti-photo': 'ph-image-square ph-bold ph-lg',
exclude: [
values: {
'ti ti-photo': 'ph-image ph-bold ph-lg',
include: [
values: {
'ti ti-repeat': 'ph-rocket-launch ph-bold ph-lg',
exclude: [
values: {
'ti ti-repeat': 'ph ph-repeat ph-bold ph-lg',
include: [
values: {
'ti ti-clock-play': 'ph-clock ph-bold ph-lg',
exclude: [
values: {
'ti ti-clock-play': 'ph ph-gauge ph-bold ph-lg',
include: [
values: {
'ti ti-apps': 'ph-squares-four ph-bold ph-lg',
include: [
values: {
'ti ti-apps': 'ph-stack ph-bold ph-lg',
include: [
values: {
'ti ti-terminal-2': 'ph-terminal-window ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-download': 'ph-download ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-circle-x': 'ph-x-circle ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-plus': 'ph-plus ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-planet': 'ph-planet ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-world-x': 'ph-planet ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-chevron-right': 'ph-caret-right ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-chevrons-right': 'ph-caret-right ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-dots': 'ph-dots-three ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-check': 'ph-check ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-device-floppy': 'ph-floppy-disk ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-shield': 'ph-shield ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-shield-lock': 'ph-shield ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-confetti': 'ph-confetti ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-home': 'ph-house ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-clock': 'ph-clock ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-pencil': 'ph-pencil-simple ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-arrow-right': 'ph-arrow-right ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-pin': 'ph-push-pin ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-heart': 'ph-heart ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-heart-filled': 'ph-heart ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-heart-plus': 'ph-heart ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-arrow-left': 'ph-arrow-left ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-settings': 'ph-gear ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-link': 'ph-link ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-key': 'ph-key ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-code': 'ph-code ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-star': 'ph-star ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-eye': 'ph-eye ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-eye-off': 'ti ti-eye-exclamation',
'ti ti-eye-exclamation': 'ph-eye-slash ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-lock': 'ph-lock ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-users': 'ph-users ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-exclamation-circle': 'ph-warning-circle ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-user-exclamation': 'ph-warning-circle ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-info-circle': 'ph-info ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-checklist': 'ph-list-checks ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-plane-departure': 'ph-airplane-takeoff ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-minus': 'ph-minus ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-device-tv': 'ph-television ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-cookie': 'ph-cookie ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-copy': 'ph-copy ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-chevron-up': 'ph-caret-up ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-chevron-down': 'ph-caret-down ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-caret-down': 'ph-caret-down ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-help-circle': 'ph-question ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-x': 'ph-x ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-folder': 'ph-folder ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-folder-plus': 'ph-folder-plus ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-app-window': 'ph-app-window ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-forms': 'ph-textbox ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-trash': 'ph-trash ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-id': 'ph-identification-card ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-cloud': 'ph-cloud ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-upload': 'ph-upload ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-video': 'ph-video ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-file': 'ph-file ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-file-music': 'ph-file-audio ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-file-text': 'ph-file-text ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-file-zip': 'ph-file-zip ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-file-invoice': 'ph-newspaper-clipping ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-asterisk': 'ph-asterisk ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-mood-happy': 'ph-smiley ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-leaf': 'ph-leaf ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-hash': 'ph-hash ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-hourglass-empty': 'ph-hourglass ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-search': 'ph-magnifying-glass ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-external-link': 'ph-arrow-square-out ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-music': 'ph-music-notes ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-player-pause': 'ph-pause ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-player-pause-filled': 'ph-pause ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-player-play': 'ph-play ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-player-play-filled': 'ph-play ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-volume-3': 'ph-speaker-x ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-volume': 'ph-speaker-high ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-player-eject': 'ph-eject ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-player-stop': 'ph-stop ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-player-track-next': 'ph-skip-forward ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-rocket': 'ph-rocket-launch ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-rocket-off': 'ph-rocket ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-repeat-off': 'ph-repeat ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-movie': 'ph-film-strip ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-arrows-minimize': 'ph-arrows-in ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-arrows-maximize': 'ph-arrows-out ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-arrows-up': 'ph-arrow-line-up ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-arrows-sort': 'ph-arrows-down-up ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-arrows-move': 'ph-arrows-out-cardinal ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-arrow-bar-to-down': 'ph-arrow-line-down ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-arrow-narrow-up': 'ph-arrow-up ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-arrow-big-right': 'ph-arrow-fat-right ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-arrow-up': 'ph-arrow-up ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-arrow-down': 'ph-arrow-down ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-arrow-back-up': 'ph-arrow-u-up-left ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-quote': 'ph-quotes ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-send': 'ph-paper-plane-tilt ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-speakerphone': 'ph-megaphone ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-bolt': 'ph-lightning ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-mail': 'ph-envelope ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-paperclip': 'ph-paperclip ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-ban': 'ph-prohibit ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-chevron-double-right': 'ph-caret-double-right ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-at': 'ph-at ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-chart-arrows': 'ph-chart-bar-horizontal ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-medal': 'ph-trophy ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-trophy': 'ph-trophy ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-badges': 'ph-seal-check ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-badge': 'ph-seal-check ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-window-maximize': 'ph-frame-corners ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-password': 'ph-password ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-123': 'ph-numpad ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-world': 'ph-globe-hemisphere-west ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-plug': 'ph-plug ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-palette': 'ph-palette ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-text-caption': 'ph-text-indent ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-crop': 'ph-crop ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-crown': 'ph-crown ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-user': 'ph-user ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-brand-x': 'ph-twitter-logo ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-picture-in-picture': 'ph-picture-in-picture ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-user-edit': 'ph-user-list ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-user-plus': 'ph-user-plus ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-bell-plus': 'ph-bell-ringing ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-bell-ringing-2': 'ph-bell-ringing ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-maximize': 'ph-frame-corners ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-minimize': 'ph-arrows-in-simple ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-rectangle': 'ph-frame-corners ph-bold ph-lg',
'icon ti ti-brand-youtube': 'icon ph-youtube-logo ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-snowflake': 'ph-snowflake ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-feather': 'ph-feather ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-dice-5': 'ph ph-dice-five ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-world-search': 'ph-binoculars ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-list': 'ph-list ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-antenna': 'ph-flying-saucer ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-news': 'ph-newspaper ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-device-gamepad': 'ph-game-controller ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-devices': 'ph-devices ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-user-shield': 'ph-newspaper-clipping ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-checkup-list': 'ph-list-checks ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-license': 'ph-notebook ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-notebook': 'ph-notebook ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-message': 'ph-envelope ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-messages': 'ph-envelope ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-user-circle': 'ph-user-circle ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-menu-2': 'ph-list ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-menu': 'ph-list ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-ad': 'ph-flag ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-paint': 'ph-paint-roller ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-database': 'ph-database ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-whirl': 'ph-globe-hemisphere-west ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-lock-open': 'ph-lock-open ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-photo-plus': 'ph-image-square ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-universe': 'ph-rocket-launch ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-sparkles': 'ph-sparkle ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-ghost': 'ph-ghost ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-adjustments': 'ph-faders ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-chevrons-left': 'ph-caret-dobule-left ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-chevron-left': 'ph-caret-left ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-dice': 'ph ph-dice-five ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-pencil-plus': 'ph-plus ph-bold pg-lg',
'ti ti-mood-smile': 'ph-smiley ph-bold pg-lg',
'ti ti-bell': 'ph-bell ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-bell-off': 'ph-bell ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-tool': 'ph-wrench ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-refresh': 'ph-arrows-counter-clockwise ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-section': 'ph-selection-all ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-selector': 'ph-caret-up-down ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-chart-line': 'ph-chart-line ph-bold ph-lg',
'ti ti-stack-2': 'ph-stack ph-bold ph-lg',
...process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? [
preventAssignment: true,
values: {
'isChromatic()': JSON.stringify(false),
: [],
resolve: {
alias: {
'@/': __dirname + '/src/',
'/client-assets/': __dirname + '/assets/',
'/static-assets/': __dirname + '/../backend/assets/',
'/fluent-emojis/': __dirname + '/../../fluent-emojis/dist/',
'/tossface/': __dirname + '/../../tossface-emojis/dist/',
'/fluent-emoji/': __dirname + '/../../fluent-emojis/dist/',
css: {
modules: {
generateScopedName(name, filename, _css): string {
const id = (path.relative(__dirname, filename.split('?')[0]) + '-' + name).replace(/[\\\/\.\?&=]/g, '-').replace(/(src-|vue-)/g, '');
const shortId = id.replace(/^(components(-global)?|widgets|ui(-_common_)?)-/, '');
return shortId + '-' + toBase62(hash(id)).substring(0, 4);
define: {
_VERSION_: JSON.stringify(meta.version),
_LANGS_: JSON.stringify(Object.entries(locales).map(([k, v]) => [k, v._lang_])),
_ENV_: JSON.stringify(process.env.NODE_ENV),
_DEV_: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
_PERF_PREFIX_: JSON.stringify('Misskey:'),
_DATA_TRANSFER_DRIVE_FILE_: JSON.stringify('mk_drive_file'),
_DATA_TRANSFER_DRIVE_FOLDER_: JSON.stringify('mk_drive_folder'),
_DATA_TRANSFER_DECK_COLUMN_: JSON.stringify('mk_deck_column'),
__VUE_OPTIONS_API__: true,
build: {
target: [
manifest: 'manifest.json',
rollupOptions: {
input: {
app: './src/_boot_.ts',
external: => p.match),
output: {
manualChunks: {
vue: ['vue'],
photoswipe: ['photoswipe', 'photoswipe/lightbox', 'photoswipe/style.css'],
chunkFileNames: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '[hash:8].js' : '[name]-[hash:8].js',
assetFileNames: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '[hash:8][extname]' : '[name]-[hash:8][extname]',
paths(id) {
for (const p of externalPackages) {
if (p.match.test(id)) {
return p.path(id, p.match);
return id;
cssCodeSplit: true,
outDir: __dirname + '/../../built/_vite_',
assetsDir: '.',
emptyOutDir: false,
sourcemap: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
reportCompressedSize: false,
commonjsOptions: {
include: [/misskey-js/, /misskey-reversi/, /misskey-bubble-game/, /node_modules/],
worker: {
format: 'es',
test: {
environment: 'happy-dom',
deps: {
optimizer: {
web: {
include: [
// XXX: misskey-dev/browser-image-resizer has no "type": "module"
includeSource: ['src/**/*.ts'],
const config = defineConfig(({ command, mode }) => getConfig());
export default config;