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* Minecraft Forge
* Copyright (c) 2016-2020.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1
* of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.text.StringTextComponent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ConfigTracker;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.AdvancedLogMessageAdapter;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.util.ThreeConsumer;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.ForgeRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.GameData;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.MarkerManager;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.IntSupplier;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import static net.minecraftforge.registries.ForgeRegistry.REGISTRIES;
* Instance responsible for handling the overall FML network handshake.
* <p>An instance is created during {@link} handling, and attached
* to the {@link NetworkManager#channel} via {@link FMLNetworkConstants#FML_HANDSHAKE_HANDLER}.
* <p>The {@link FMLNetworkConstants#handshakeChannel} is a {@link SimpleChannel} with standard messages flowing in both directions.
* <p>The {@link #loginWrapper} transforms these messages into {@link}
* and {@link} compatible messages, by means of wrapping.
* <p>The handshake is ticked {@link #tickLogin(NetworkManager)} from the {@link ServerLoginNetHandler#update()} method,
* utilizing the {@link ServerLoginNetHandler.State#NEGOTIATING} state, which is otherwise unused in vanilla code.
* <p>During client to server initiation, on the <em>server</em>, the {@link NetworkEvent.GatherLoginPayloadsEvent} is fired,
* which solicits all registered channels at the {@link NetworkRegistry} for any
* {@link} they wish to supply.
* <p>The collected {@link} are sent, one per tick, via
* the {@link FMLLoginWrapper#wrapPacket(ResourceLocation, PacketBuffer)} mechanism to the incoming client connection. Each
* packet is indexed via {@link}, which is
* the only mechanism available for tracking request/response pairs.
* <p>Each packet sent from the server should be replied by the client, though not necessarily in sent order. The reply
* should contain the index of the server's packet it is replying to. The {@link FMLLoginWrapper} class handles indexing
* replies correctly automatically.
* <p>Once all packets have been dispatched, we wait for all replies to be received. Once all replies are received, the
* final login phase will commence.
public class FMLHandshakeHandler {
static final Marker FMLHSMARKER = MarkerManager.getMarker("FMLHANDSHAKE").setParents(FMLNetworkConstants.NETWORK);
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();
private static final FMLLoginWrapper loginWrapper = new FMLLoginWrapper();
static {
* Create a new handshake instance. Called when connection is first created during the {@link}
* handling.
* @param manager The network manager for this connection
* @param direction The {@link NetworkDirection} for this connection: {@link NetworkDirection#LOGIN_TO_SERVER} or {@link NetworkDirection#LOGIN_TO_CLIENT}
static void registerHandshake(NetworkManager manager, NetworkDirection direction) {, new FMLHandshakeHandler(manager, direction));
static boolean tickLogin(NetworkManager networkManager)
private List<NetworkRegistry.LoginPayload> messageList;
private List<Integer> sentMessages = new ArrayList<>();
private final NetworkDirection direction;
private final NetworkManager manager;
private int packetPosition;
private Map<ResourceLocation, ForgeRegistry.Snapshot> registrySnapshots;
private Set<ResourceLocation> registriesToReceive;
private Map<ResourceLocation, String> registryHashes;
private FMLHandshakeHandler(NetworkManager networkManager, NetworkDirection side)
this.direction = side;
this.manager = networkManager;
if (networkManager.isLocalChannel()) {
this.messageList = NetworkRegistry.gatherLoginPayloads(this.direction, true);
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Starting local connection.");
} else if (NetworkHooks.getConnectionType(()->this.manager)==ConnectionType.VANILLA) {
this.messageList = Collections.emptyList();
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Starting new vanilla network connection.");
} else {
this.messageList = NetworkRegistry.gatherLoginPayloads(this.direction, false);
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Starting new modded network connection. Found {} messages to dispatch.", this.messageList.size());
* Transforms a two-argument instance method reference into a {@link BiConsumer} based on the {@link #getHandshake(Supplier)} function.
* This should only be used for login message types.
* @param consumer A two argument instance method reference
* @param <MSG> message type
* @return A {@link BiConsumer} for use in message handling
public static <MSG extends IntSupplier> BiConsumer<MSG, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context>> biConsumerFor(ThreeConsumer<FMLHandshakeHandler, ? super MSG, ? super Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context>> consumer)
return (m, c) -> ThreeConsumer.bindArgs(consumer, m, c).accept(getHandshake(c));
* Transforms a two-argument instance method reference into a {@link BiConsumer} {@link #biConsumerFor(ThreeConsumer)}, first calling the {@link #handleIndexedMessage(FMLHandshakeMessages.LoginIndexedMessage, Supplier)}
* method to handle index tracking. Used for client to server replies.
* This should only be used for login messages.
* @param next The method reference to call after index handling
* @param <MSG> message type
* @return A {@link BiConsumer} for use in message handling
public static <MSG extends IntSupplier> BiConsumer<MSG, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context>> indexFirst(ThreeConsumer<FMLHandshakeHandler, MSG, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context>> next)
final BiConsumer<MSG, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context>> loginIndexedMessageSupplierBiConsumer = biConsumerFor(FMLHandshakeHandler::handleIndexedMessage);
return loginIndexedMessageSupplierBiConsumer.andThen(biConsumerFor(next));
* Retrieve the handshake from the {@link NetworkEvent.Context}
* @param contextSupplier the {@link NetworkEvent.Context}
* @return The handshake handler for the connection
private static FMLHandshakeHandler getHandshake(Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> contextSupplier) {
return contextSupplier.get().attr(FMLNetworkConstants.FML_HANDSHAKE_HANDLER).get();
void handleServerModListOnClient(FMLHandshakeMessages.S2CModList serverModList, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> c)
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Logging into server with mod list [{}]", String.join(", ", serverModList.getModList()));
boolean accepted = NetworkRegistry.validateClientChannels(serverModList.getChannels());
if (!accepted) {
LOGGER.error(FMLHSMARKER, "Terminating connection with server, mismatched mod list");
c.get().getNetworkManager().closeChannel(new StringTextComponent("Connection closed - mismatched mod channel list"));
FMLNetworkConstants.handshakeChannel.reply(new FMLHandshakeMessages.C2SModListReply(), c.get());
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Accepted server connection");
// Set the modded marker on the channel so we know we got packets
this.registriesToReceive = new HashSet<>(serverModList.getRegistries());
this.registrySnapshots = Maps.newHashMap();
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES, "Expecting {} registries: {}", ()->this.registriesToReceive.size(), ()->this.registriesToReceive);
<MSG extends IntSupplier> void handleIndexedMessage(MSG message, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> c)
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Received client indexed reply {} of type {}", message.getAsInt(), message.getClass().getName());
boolean removed = this.sentMessages.removeIf(i-> i == message.getAsInt());
if (!removed) {
LOGGER.error(FMLHSMARKER, "Recieved unexpected index {} in client reply", message.getAsInt());
void handleClientModListOnServer(FMLHandshakeMessages.C2SModListReply clientModList, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> c)
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Received client connection with modlist [{}]", String.join(", ", clientModList.getModList()));
boolean accepted = NetworkRegistry.validateServerChannels(clientModList.getChannels());
if (!accepted) {
LOGGER.error(FMLHSMARKER, "Terminating connection with client, mismatched mod list");
c.get().getNetworkManager().closeChannel(new StringTextComponent("Connection closed - mismatched mod channel list"));
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Accepted client connection mod list");
void handleRegistryMessage(final FMLHandshakeMessages.S2CRegistry registryPacket, final Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> contextSupplier){
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER,"Received registry packet for {}", registryPacket.getRegistryName());
this.registrySnapshots.put(registryPacket.getRegistryName(), registryPacket.getSnapshot());
boolean continueHandshake = true;
if (this.registriesToReceive.isEmpty()) {
continueHandshake = handleRegistryLoading(contextSupplier);
// The handshake reply isn't sent until we have processed the message
if (!continueHandshake) {
LOGGER.error(FMLHSMARKER, "Connection closed, not continuing handshake");
} else {
FMLNetworkConstants.handshakeChannel.reply(new FMLHandshakeMessages.C2SAcknowledge(), contextSupplier.get());
private boolean handleRegistryLoading(final Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> contextSupplier) {
// We use a countdown latch to suspend the network thread pending the client thread processing the registry data
AtomicBoolean successfulConnection = new AtomicBoolean(false);
CountDownLatch block = new CountDownLatch(1);
contextSupplier.get().enqueueWork(() -> {
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Injecting registry snapshot from server.");
final Multimap<ResourceLocation, ResourceLocation> missingData = GameData.injectSnapshot(registrySnapshots, false, false);
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Snapshot injected.");
if (!missingData.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.error(FMLHSMARKER, "Missing registry data for network connection:\n{}", new AdvancedLogMessageAdapter(sb->
missingData.forEach((reg, entry)-> sb.append("\t").append(reg).append(": ").append(entry).append('\n'))));
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Waiting for registries to load.");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (successfulConnection.get()) {
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Registry load complete, continuing handshake.");
} else {
LOGGER.error(FMLHSMARKER, "Failed to load registry, closing connection.");
this.manager.closeChannel(new StringTextComponent("Failed to synchronize registry data from server, closing connection"));
return successfulConnection.get();
void handleClientAck(final FMLHandshakeMessages.C2SAcknowledge msg, final Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> contextSupplier) {
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Received acknowledgement from client");
void handleConfigSync(final FMLHandshakeMessages.S2CConfigData msg, final Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> contextSupplier) {
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Received config sync from server");
ConfigTracker.INSTANCE.receiveSyncedConfig(msg, contextSupplier);
FMLNetworkConstants.handshakeChannel.reply(new FMLHandshakeMessages.C2SAcknowledge(), contextSupplier.get());
* FML will send packets, from Server to Client, from the messages queue until the queue is drained. Each message
* will be indexed, and placed into the "pending acknowledgement" queue.
* As indexed packets are received at the server, they will be removed from the "pending acknowledgement" queue.
* Once the pending queue is drained, this method returns true - indicating that login processing can proceed to
* the next step.
* @return true if there is no more need to tick this login connection.
public boolean tickServer()
if (packetPosition < messageList.size()) {
NetworkRegistry.LoginPayload message = messageList.get(packetPosition);
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Sending ticking packet info '{}' to '{}' sequence {}", message.getMessageContext(), message.getChannelName(), packetPosition);
loginWrapper.sendServerToClientLoginPacket(message.getChannelName(), message.getData(), packetPosition, this.manager);
// we're done when sentMessages is empty
if (sentMessages.isEmpty() && packetPosition >= messageList.size()-1) {
// clear ourselves - we're done!;
LOGGER.debug(FMLHSMARKER, "Handshake complete!");
return true;
return false;