
1325 lines
53 KiB

import os, os.path, sys
import urllib, zipfile, json, urllib2
import shutil, glob, fnmatch
import subprocess, logging, re, shlex
import csv, ConfigParser
from hashlib import md5 # pylint: disable-msg=E0611
from pprint import pprint
from zipfile import ZipFile
from pprint import pprint
from contextlib import closing
# Utility Functions
def config_get_section(config, section):
dict = {}
options = config.options(section)
for option in options:
dict[option] = config.get(section, option)
dict[option] = None
return dict
def read_mc_versions(fml_dir, version=None, work_dir=None):
#Read mc_versions.cfg from the fml folder for the specified version, or the default
#version if none is specified.
#Should return a dictionary with the following keys:
# 'new_laucher' True if the version uses the new launcher structure for assets/libraries
# 'client_url' URL path to the minecraft client jar
# 'client_md5' MD5 checksum of the client jar
# 'server_url' URL path to the minecraft server jar
# 'server_md5' MD5 checksum of the server jar
# 'json_url' URL path to the json file for this version, or 'None' if new_launcher is false
# 'mcp_ver' Human readable version for MCP to use for this version of Minecraft
# 'mcp_url' URL path for MCP to download, or 'None' if there isn't one avalible
# 'mcp_md5' MD5 checksum of the MCP archive
# 'mcp_file' File path to the MCP archive
# If work_dir is specified the following keys also contain values:
# 'natives_dir' File path to native libraries used by Minecraft
# 'library_dir' File path to 'libraries' folder
# if 'new_launcher' is false this points to work_dir/bin/ and will not be used as maven style folder structure
# if 'new_launcher' is true this points to work_dir/libraraies/ and will use the maven style folder structure
# 'client_file' File path for the client minecraft.jar
# 'server_file' File path to the server minecraft jar
# 'json_file'
# if 'new_launcher' is false, this is 'None'
# if 'new_launcher' is true, this is the path to the version json file on disc.
# 'asset_dir' Folder containering all assets/resources used by minecraft
# Note: Because a file is give a path it does NOT mean that it exists! So alway check before using
versions_file = os.path.join(fml_dir, 'mc_versions.cfg')
if not os.path.isfile(versions_file):
print 'Could not find mc_versions.cfg in FML directory.'
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
default = config_get_section(config, 'default')
if version is None:
version = default['current_ver']
if not config.has_section(version):
print 'Error: Invalid minecraft version, could not find \'%s\' in mc_versions.cfg' % version
mc_info = config_get_section(config, version)
mc_info['downloads'] = []
mc_info['version'] = version
if not 'client_url' in mc_info.keys():
mc_info['new_launcher'] = True
base_url = '' % version
mc_info['client_url'] = '%s/%s.jar' % (base_url, version)
mc_info['json_url'] = '%s/%s.json' % (base_url, version)
mc_info['server_url'] = '%s/minecraft_server.%s.jar' % (base_url, version)
if not work_dir is None:
version_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'versions', version)
mc_info['natives_dir'] = os.path.join(version_dir, '%s-natives' % version)
mc_info['library_dir'] = os.path.join(work_dir, 'libraries')
mc_info['client_file'] = os.path.join(version_dir, '%s.jar' % version)
mc_info['json_file'] = os.path.join(version_dir, '%s.json' % version)
mc_info['server_file'] = os.path.join(work_dir, 'minecraft_server.%s.jar' % version)
mc_info['asset_dir'] = os.path.join(work_dir, 'assets')
mc_info['new_launcher'] = False
mc_info['json_url'] = None
if not work_dir is None:
mc_info['natives_dir'] = os.path.join(work_dir, 'bin', 'natives')
mc_info['library_dir'] = os.path.join(work_dir, 'bin')
mc_info['client_file'] = os.path.join(work_dir, 'bin', 'minecraft.jar')
mc_info['json_file'] = None
mc_info['server_file'] = os.path.join(work_dir, 'minecraft_server.jar')
mc_info['asset_dir'] = os.path.join(work_dir, 'resources')
for lib in default['libraries'].split(' '):
'url' : default['base_url'] + lib,
'file' : os.path.join(work_dir, 'bin', lib),
'extract' : None,
'md5' : None
for native in default['natives'].split(' '):
'url_ex' : default['base_url'] + lib,
'file' : os.path.join(work_dir, 'bin', lib),
'extract' : { 'exclude' : ['META-INF/'] },
'md5' : None
if not mc_info['mcp_url'].startswith('http'):
mc_info['mcp_url'] = None
mc_info['mcp_file'] = os.path.join(fml_dir, '' % mc_info['mcp_ver'])
if not work_dir is None:
for x in ['natives_dir', 'library_dir', 'asset_dir']:
if not os.path.isdir(mc_info[x]):
for x in ['client_file', 'server_file', 'json_file', 'mcp_file']:
if mc_info[x] is None:
dir = os.path.dirname(mc_info[x])
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
return mc_info
def download_file(url, target, md5=None, root=None, prefix=''):
name = os.path.basename(target)
if not root is None:
name = os.path.abspath(target)
name = name[len(os.path.abspath(root)) + 1:]
dir = os.path.dirname(target)
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
if os.path.isfile(target) and not md5 == None:
if not get_md5(target) == md5:
print '%s%s Modified, removing' % (prefix, name)
if not os.path.isfile(target):
urllib.urlretrieve(url, target)
if not md5 == None:
if not get_md5(target) == md5:
print '%sDownload of %s failed md5 check, deleting' % (prefix, name)
return False
if prefix == '':
print 'Downloaded %s' % name
print '%s%s Done' % (prefix, name)
except Exception as e:
print e
print '%sDownload of %s failed, download it manually from \'%s\' to \'%s\'' % (prefix, target, url, target)
return False
return True
def get_headers(url):
#Connects to the given URL and requests just the headers, No data
#Used when talking to Minecraft's asset/library server to gather server side MD5's
#Returns a dictionary of all headers
class HeadRequest(urllib2.Request):
def get_method(self):
return 'HEAD'
response = urllib2.urlopen(HeadRequest(url))
array = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in]
dict = {}
for line in array:
pts = line.split(':', 1)
pts[1] = pts[1].strip()
#Strip the first and last "s if the stirng is surrounded with them
if pts[1][0] == '"' and pts[1][-1] == '"':
pts[1] = pts[1][1:-1]
dict[pts[0]] = pts[1]
return dict
def get_md5(file):
#Returns the MD5 digest of the specified file, or None if the file doesnt exist
if not os.path.isfile(file):
return None
with closing(open(file, 'rb')) as fh:
return md5(
def fix_patch(in_file, out_file, find=None, rep=None):
#Fixes the following issues in the patch file if they exist:
# Normalizes the path seperators for the current OS
# Normalizes the line endings
# Returns the path that the file wants to apply to
in_file = os.path.normpath(in_file)
if out_file is None:
tmp_file = in_file + '.tmp'
out_file = os.path.normpath(out_file)
tmp_file = out_file
dir_name = os.path.dirname(out_file)
if dir_name:
if not os.path.exists(dir_name):
file = 'not found'
with open(in_file, 'rb') as inpatch:
with open(tmp_file, 'wb') as outpatch:
for line in inpatch:
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
if line[:3] in ['+++', '---', 'Onl', 'dif']:
if not find == None and not rep == None:
line = line.replace('\\', '/').replace(find, rep).replace('/', os.sep)
line = line.replace('\\', '/').replace('/', os.sep)
outpatch.write(line + os.linesep)
outpatch.write(line + os.linesep)
if line[:3] == '---':
file = line[line.find(os.sep, line.find(os.sep)+1)+1:]
if out_file is None:
shutil.move(tmp_file, in_file)
return file
def apply_patch(patch, target, mcp_dir):
temp = os.path.abspath('temp.patch')
cmd = 'patch -i "%s" ' % temp
if == 'nt':
applydiff = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'runtime', 'bin', 'applydiff.exe'))
cmd = '"%s" -uf -i "%s"' % (applydiff, temp)
if os.sep == '\\':
cmd = cmd.replace('\\', '\\\\')
cmd = shlex.split(cmd)
fix_patch(patch, temp)
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'runtime'), bufsize=-1)
if os.path.isfile(temp):
def file_backup(file, md5=None):
#Takes a backup of the passed in file
#Verifying the md5 sum if it's specified
#At the end of this things should be in one of two states:
# 1) file and file.backup exist, both are valid and match the md5 provided
# 2) neither file or file.backup exist, as they both failed the md5 check
base = os.path.dirname(file)
name = os.path.basename(file)
bck = os.path.join(base, name + '.backup')
src = os.path.join(base, name)
if not os.path.isfile(src) and not os.path.isfile(bck):
if os.path.isfile(bck):
if get_md5(bck) == md5 or md5 is None:
if os.path.isfile(src):
shutil.move(bck, src)
if os.path.isfile(src):
if not get_md5(src) == md5 and not md5 is None:
print 'Modified %s detected, removing' % os.path.basename(src)
shutil.copy(src, bck)
def normaliselines(file):
#Normalises the lines of the specified file to linux \n line endings
file = os.path.normpath(file)
tmp = file + '.tmp'
with open(file, 'rb') as in_file:
with open(tmp, 'wb') as out_file:
out_file.write('\r\n', '\n'))
shutil.move(tmp, file)
def load_srg(srg_file, reverse=False):
#Loads a Retroguard .srg file into a dictonary
#If reverse if true, the mappings are reversed
with open(srg_file, 'r') as fh:
lines = fh.readlines()
srg = {'CL:': {}, 'MD:': {}, 'FD:': {}, 'PK:': {}}
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0: continue
if line[0] == '#': continue
args = line.split(' ')
type = args[0]
if type == 'PK:' or type == 'CL:' or type == 'FD:':
srg[type][args[1]] = args[2]
elif type == 'MD:':
srg[type][args[1] + ' ' + args[2]] = args[3] + ' ' + args[4]
assert 'Unknown type %s' % line
if reverse:
for type,map in srg.items():
srg[type] = dict([[v,k] for k,v in map.items()])
return srg
def extract_zip(src, dst, prefix=None, filter=[]):
# Extract a zip rchive to the specified folder,
# Filtering out anything that matches the supplied filters
def is_filtered(name, excludes):
for ex in excludes:
if name.startswith(ex):
return True
return name.endswith('/')
zip = ZipFile(src)
for name in zip.namelist():
if is_filtered(name, filter):
out_file = os.path.join(dst, os.sep.join(name.split('/')))
if not os.path.isfile(out_file):
dir = os.path.dirname(out_file)
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
if not prefix is None:
print '%sExtracting %s' % (prefix, name)
out = open(out_file, 'wb')
def merge_tree(root_src_dir, root_dst_dir, prefix=None):
#Merges the source directory into the dest directory,
#will overwrite anything the currently exists
for src_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(root_src_dir):
dst_dir = src_dir.replace(root_src_dir, root_dst_dir)
clean_dir = src_dir.replace(root_src_dir, '')[1:]
if not os.path.exists(dst_dir):
for file_ in files:
src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, file_)
dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, file_)
if os.path.exists(dst_file):
shutil.copy(src_file, dst_dir)
if not prefix is None:
print('%s%s%s'% (prefix, clean_dir, file_))
def read_file(file):
if not os.path.exists(file):
return None
buf = None
with closing(open(file, 'r')) as fh:
buf =
return buf
def runcmd(cmd, echo=True, commands=None):
forklist = cmdsplit(cmd)
process = subprocess.Popen(forklist, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=-1)
output, _ = process.communicate()
if echo and not commands is None:
for line in output.splitlines():
if process.returncode:
if not echo and not commands is None:
for line in output.splitlines():
return False
return True
def cmdsplit(args):
if os.sep == '\\':
args = args.replace('\\', '\\\\')
return shlex.split(args)
def kill_signatures(jar_file):
# Removes everything in a jar file's META-INF folder, typically used to remove signature data
dir = os.path.dirname(jar_file)
name = os.path.basename(jar_file)
tmp_jar = os.path.join(dir, '%s.temp' % name)
if not os.path.isfile(jar_file):
if os.path.isfile(tmp_jar):
shutil.move(jar_file, tmp_jar)
print('Stripping META-INF from %s' % jar_file)
with closing(zipfile.ZipFile(tmp_jar, mode='a')) as zip_in:
with closing(zipfile.ZipFile(jar_file, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)) as zip_out:
for i in zip_in.filelist:
if not i.filename.startswith('META-INF'):
c =
zip_out.writestr(i.filename, c)
print(' Skipping: %s' % i.filename)
def apply_patches(mcp_dir, patch_dir, target_dir, find=None, rep=None):
# Attempts to apply a directory full of patch files onto a target directory.
temp = os.path.abspath('temp.patch')
cmd = cmdsplit('patch -p2 -i "%s" ' % temp)
if == 'nt':
applydiff = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'runtime', 'bin', 'applydiff.exe'))
cmd = cmdsplit('"%s" -uf -p2 -i "%s"' % (applydiff, temp))
for path, _, filelist in os.walk(patch_dir, followlinks=True):
for cur_file in fnmatch.filter(filelist, '*.patch'):
patch_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(patch_dir, path[len(patch_dir)+1:], cur_file))
target_file = os.path.join(target_dir, fix_patch(patch_file, temp, find, rep))
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=target_dir, bufsize=-1)
if os.path.isfile(temp):
#Taken from:
def _mkdir(newdir):
"""works the way a good mkdir should :)
- already exists, silently complete
- regular file in the way, raise an exception
- parent directory(ies) does not exist, make them as well
if os.path.isdir(newdir):
elif os.path.isfile(newdir):
raise OSError("a file with the same name as the desired " \
"dir, '%s', already exists." % newdir)
head, tail = os.path.split(newdir)
if head and not os.path.isdir(head):
#print "_mkdir %s" % repr(newdir)
if tail:
#Taken from:
def copytree(src, dst, verbose=0, symlinks=False):
"""Recursively copy a directory tree using copy2().
The destination directory must not already exist.
If exception(s) occur, an Error is raised with a list of reasons.
If the optional symlinks flag is true, symbolic links in the
source tree result in symbolic links in the destination tree; if
it is false, the contents of the files pointed to by symbolic
links are copied.
XXX Consider this example code rather than the ultimate tool.
if verbose == -1:
verbose = len(os.path.abspath(dst)) + 1
names = os.listdir(src)
# os.makedirs(dst)
_mkdir(dst) # XXX
errors = []
for name in names:
srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
dstname = os.path.join(dst, name)
if symlinks and os.path.islink(srcname):
linkto = os.readlink(srcname)
os.symlink(linkto, dstname)
elif os.path.isdir(srcname):
copytree(srcname, dstname, verbose, symlinks)
shutil.copy2(srcname, dstname)
if verbose > 0:
print os.path.abspath(dstname)[verbose:]
# XXX What about devices, sockets etc.?
except (IOError, os.error), why:
errors.append((srcname, dstname, str(why)))
# catch the Error from the recursive copytree so that we can
# continue with other files
except Exception, err:
shutil.copystat(src, dst)
except WindowsError:
# can't copy file access times on Windows
# MCP Related Functions
def download_mcp(fml_dir, mcp_dir, version=None):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'runtime', '')):
print 'MCP Detected already, not downloading'
return True
if os.path.isdir(mcp_dir):
print 'Old MCP Directory exists, but MCP was not detected, please delete MCP directory at \'%s\'' % mcp_dir
mc_info = read_mc_versions(fml_dir, version=version)
print('Checking MCP zip (may take time to download)')
if not download_file(mc_info['mcp_url'], mc_info['mcp_file'], mc_info['mcp_md5']):
if not os.path.isdir(mcp_dir):
print 'Extracting MCP to \'%s\'' % mcp_dir
extract_zip(mc_info['mcp_file'], mcp_dir, filter=['eclipse']) #, prefix=' ')
#If we're not on windows, lets set the executable flag on all shell scripts and astyle-osx
if != 'nt':
for path, _, filelist in os.walk(mcp_dir):
for cur_file in fnmatch.filter(filelist, '*.sh'):
file_name = os.path.join(path, cur_file)
process = subprocess.Popen(cmdsplit('chmod +x "%s"' % file_name), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=-1)
output, _ = process.communicate()
process = subprocess.Popen(cmdsplit('chmod +x "%s/runtime/bin/astyle-osx"' % mcp_dir), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=-1)
output, _ = process.communicate()
#As a helper to build servers, or people who don't wish to download all libraris and assets every time.
#Copy all data from 'mcp_data' to the mcp directory
data_dir = os.path.join(fml_dir, 'mcp_data')
if os.path.isdir(data_dir):
print 'Moving mcp_data to MCP'
merge_tree(data_dir, mcp_dir)##, prefix=' ')
return True
def setup_mcp(fml_dir, mcp_dir, gen_conf=True):
#Modifies MCP to the state FML needs it in for recompile/reobf/etc to work as we intend it.
#Does not decompile minecraft in this stage!
print('Setting up MCP')
runtime = os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'runtime', '')
patch = os.path.join(fml_dir, 'commands.patch')
if not os.path.isfile(patch):
raise Exception(' patch not found %s' % patch)
apply_patch(patch, runtime, mcp_dir=mcp_dir)
from runtime.commands import commands_sanity_check
except ImportError as ex:
print('Could not verify patch integrity, this typically means that you are not in a clean MCP environment.')
print('Download a clean version of MCP %s and try again' % mcp_version)
mcp_conf = os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'conf')
mcp_conf_bak = os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'conf.bak')
fml_conf = os.path.join(fml_dir, 'conf')
if gen_conf:
if os.path.isdir(mcp_conf_bak):
print 'Reverting old conf backup folder'
os.rename(mcp_conf_bak, mcp_conf)
create_merged_conf(mcp_dir, fml_dir)
print 'Backing up MCP Conf'
os.rename(mcp_conf, mcp_conf_bak)
print 'Copying FML conf'
shutil.copytree(fml_conf, mcp_conf)
create_renamed_conf(mcp_dir, fml_dir)
#update workspace
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fml_dir, '')):
mcp_eclipse = os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'eclipse')
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mcp_eclipse, 'Client')) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mcp_eclipse, 'Server')):
if not os.path.isdir(mcp_eclipse) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(fml_dir, 'eclipse')):
print 'Fixing MCP Workspace'
copytree(os.path.join(fml_dir, 'eclipse'), mcp_eclipse)
def whereis(filename, rootdir):
# Snagged from MCP
if not os.path.exists(rootdir):
return []'> Searching for %s in %s', filename, rootdir)
results = []
for path, _, filelist in os.walk(rootdir):
if filename in filelist:
return results
def find_java():
# Snagged from MCP so we can gather this info without setting up it's Command object
results = []
if == 'nt':
if not results:
import _winreg
for flag in [_winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY, _winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY]:
k = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Software\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit', 0, _winreg.KEY_READ | flag)
version, _ = _winreg.QueryValueEx(k, 'CurrentVersion')
k = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Software\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit\%s' % version, 0, _winreg.KEY_READ | flag)
path, _ = _winreg.QueryValueEx(k, 'JavaHome')
path = os.path.join(str(path), 'bin')
if (runcmd('"%s" -version' % os.path.join(path, 'javac'))):
except (OSError):
if not results:
if (runcmd('javac -version')):
if not results and 'ProgramW6432' in os.environ:
results.extend(whereis('javac.exe', os.environ['ProgramW6432']))
if not results and 'ProgramFiles' in os.environ:
results.extend(whereis('javac.exe', os.environ['ProgramFiles']))
if not results and 'ProgramFiles(x86)' in os.environ:
results.extend(whereis('javac.exe', os.environ['ProgramFiles(x86)']))
if not results:
if (runcmd('javac -version')):
if not results:
results.extend(whereis('javac', '/usr/bin'))
if not results:
results.extend(whereis('javac', '/usr/local/bin'))
if not results:
results.extend(whereis('javac', '/opt'))
if not results:
print('Java JDK is not installed ! Please install java JDK from')
return {
'javac' : '"%s"' % os.path.join(results[0], 'javac'),
'java' : '"%s"' % os.path.join(results[0], 'java')
# MCP Conf Merger Code
def create_merged_conf(mcp_dir, fml_dir):
print('Creating merged conf')
#Creates the merged conf folder from MCP's conf folder to fml_dir/conf
#Lets grab the files we dont work on
for file in ['version.cfg', 'joined.exc']:
dst_file = os.path.join(fml_dir, 'conf', file)
src_file = os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'conf', file)
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dst_file)):
if os.path.exists(dst_file):
shutil.copy(src_file, dst_file)
print(' Copying %s' % os.path.normpath(src_file))
print(' Generating merged Retroguard data')
common_srg = create_merged_srg(mcp_dir, fml_dir)
print(' Reading merged MCInjector config')
common_exc = load_merged_exc(mcp_dir, fml_dir)
print(' Gathering list of common searge names')
common_map = create_shared_searge_names(common_srg, common_exc)
for x in [['fields.csv', 'searge'], ['methods.csv', 'searge'], ['params.csv', 'param']]:
print(' Generating merged csv for %s' % x[0])
create_merged_csv(common_map, os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'conf', x[0]), os.path.join(fml_dir, 'conf', x[0]), main_key=x[1])
def create_merged_srg(mcp_dir, fml_dir):
#Merges two .srg files together to create one master mapping.
# When issues are encountered, they are reported but the client srg is trusted over the server
client_file = os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'conf', 'client.srg')
server_file = os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'conf', 'server.srg')
if not os.path.isfile(client_file) or not os.path.isfile(server_file):
print(' Could not find client and server srg files in "%s"' % mcp_dir)
return False
client = load_srg(client_file)
server = load_srg(server_file)
common = {'PK:': {}, 'CL:': {}, 'FD:': {}, 'MD:': {}}
for type in common:
for key, value in client[type].items():
if key in server[type]:
if value == server[type][key]:
common[type][key] = value
for type in common:
for key, value in client[type].items():
common[type][key] = value + ' #C' # Tag the client only entries
for type in common:
for key, value in server[type].items():
common[type][key] = value + ' #S' # Tag the server only entries
if not fml_dir is None:
#Print joined retroguard files
with open(os.path.join(fml_dir, 'conf', 'joined.srg'), 'wb') as f:
for type in ['PK:', 'CL:', 'FD:', 'MD:']:
for key in sorted(common[type]):
f.write('%s %s %s\n' % (type, key, common[type][key]))
return common
def load_merged_exc(mcp_dir, fml_dir):
#Reads the exc file into a dictionary
joined = {}
with open(os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'conf', 'joined.exc'), 'r') as fh:
for line in fh:
if not line.startswith('#'):
pts = line.rstrip('\r\n').split('=')
joined[pts[0]] = pts[1]
return joined
def create_shared_searge_names(common_srg, common_exc):
#Creates an array of all srg names that are common on both the client and server
field = re.compile(r'field_[0-9]+_[a-zA-Z_]+$')
method = re.compile(r'func_[0-9]+_[a-zA-Z_]+')
param = re.compile(r'p_[\w]+_\d+_')
searge = []
for key, value in common_srg['FD:'].items():
m =
if not m is None and not '#' in value:
if not in searge:
for key, value in common_srg['MD:'].items():
m =
if not m is None and not '#' in value:
if not in searge:
for key, value in common_exc.items():
m = param.findall(value)
if not m is None:
for p in m:
if not p in searge:
return searge
def create_merged_csv(common_map, in_file, out_file, main_key='searge'):
#Filter throw the csv and condense 'shared' mappings into one entry of side 2
fields = []
data = []
with closing(open(in_file, 'r')) as fh:
reader = csv.DictReader(fh)
fields = reader.fieldnames
data = [r for r in reader]
side = [
[r for r in data if r['side'] == '0' and not r[main_key] in common_map],
[r for r in data if r['side'] == '1' and not r[main_key] in common_map],
sorted([r for r in data if r[main_key] in common_map], key=lambda row: row['side'])
added = []
common = []
for row in side[2]:
if not row[main_key] in added:
row['side'] = '2'
with closing(open(out_file, 'wb')) as fh:
writer = csv.DictWriter(fh, fieldnames=fields, lineterminator='\n')
for row in sorted(side[0] + side[1] + common, key=lambda row: row[main_key]):
def create_renamed_conf(mcp_dir, fml_dir):
# Creates copies of the joined srg and exec files with the new Packaged names
# Also updates the patches in the conf folder for the new packaged names
print('Creating Repackaged data')
pkg_file = os.path.join(fml_dir, 'conf', 'packages.csv')
pkgs = {}
if os.path.isfile(pkg_file):
with closing(open(pkg_file)) as fh:
reader = csv.DictReader(fh)
for line in reader:
pkgs[line['class']] = line['package']
def repackage_class(pkgs, cls):
if cls.startswith('net/minecraft/src/'):
tmp = cls[18:]
if tmp in pkgs.keys():
return '%s/%s' % (pkgs[tmp], tmp)
return cls
for ext in ['srg', 'exc']:
regnms = re.compile(r'net/minecraft/src/(\w+)')
print(' Creating re-packaged %s' % ext)
buf = read_file(os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'conf', 'joined.%s' % ext))
def mapname(match):
return repackage_class(pkgs,
buf = regnms.sub(mapname, buf)
with closing(open(os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'conf', 'packaged.%s' % ext), 'wb')) as outf:
print(' Creating re-packaged MCP patches')
def fix_patches(patch_in, patch_tmp):
regnms = re.compile(r'net\\minecraft\\src\\(\w+)')
with closing(open(patch_in, 'r')) as fh:
buf =
def mapname(match):
return repackage_class(pkgs,'\\', '/')).replace('/', '\\')
buf = regnms.sub(mapname, buf)
with closing(open(patch_tmp, 'w')) as fh:
shutil.move(patch_tmp, patch_in)
patch_dir = os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'conf', 'patches')
fix_patches(os.path.join(patch_dir, 'minecraft_ff.patch' ), os.path.join(patch_dir, 'tmp.patch'))
fix_patches(os.path.join(patch_dir, 'minecraft_server_ff.patch'), os.path.join(patch_dir, 'tmp.patch'))
# MCP Decompile Process
def reset_logger():
# Resets the logging handlers, if we don't do this, we get multi-prints from MCP
log = logging.getLogger()
while len(log.handlers) > 0:
count = 0
def cleanup_source(path):
# We cleanup various things in MCP such as:
# astyle differences:
# newline after case before case body
# newline after case body before new case
# We also assign jad-style names to local variables in decompiled code.
from rename_vars import rename_class
path = os.path.normpath(path)
regex_cases_before = re.compile(r'((case|default).+\r?\n)\r?\n', re.MULTILINE) #Fixes newline after case before case body
regex_cases_after = re.compile(r'\r?\n(\r?\n[ \t]+(case|default))', re.MULTILINE) #Fixes newline after case body before new case
def updatefile(src_file):
global count
tmp_file = src_file + '.tmp'
count = 0
with open(src_file, 'r') as fh:
buf =
def fix_cases(match):
global count
count += 1
buf = regex_cases_before.sub(fix_cases, buf)
buf = regex_cases_after.sub(fix_cases, buf)
old = buf.replace('\r', '')
buf = rename_class(old, MCP=True)
if count > 0 or buf != old:
with open(tmp_file, 'w') as fh:
shutil.move(tmp_file, src_file)
for path, _, filelist in os.walk(path, followlinks=True):
sub_dir = os.path.relpath(path, path)
for cur_file in fnmatch.filter(filelist, '*.java'):
src_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, cur_file))
compile_tools = True
client_jar = None
def decompile_minecraft(fml_dir, mcp_dir, disable_at=False, disable_merge=False, enable_server=False, disable_client=False, disable_assets=False):
# This is where the bulk of the decompile actually happens
# Its a bit of a pain as we need to hook into MCP's Commands class to inject our transformers at certian times.
global compile_tools
global client_jar
from runtime.decompile import decompile
from runtime.cleanup import cleanup
from runtime.commands import Commands, CLIENT, SERVER
fml_dir = os.path.abspath(fml_dir)
# Make sure the src directroy is dead
src_dir = os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'src')
if os.path.isdir(src_dir):
cleanup(None, False)
if os.path.isdir(src_dir):
print 'Please make sure to backup your modified files, and say yes when it asks you to do cleanup.'
compile_tools = True
# Inject ourselves before RetroGuard if it's used
def applyrg_shunt(self, side, reobf=False, applyrg_real=Commands.applyrg):
transformers_hook(self, side)'> Really Applying Retroguard')
applyrg_real(self, side, reobf)
# Inject ourselves before SpecialSource if it's used
def applyss_shunt(self, side, reobf=False, srg_names=False, in_jar=None, out_jar=None, keep_lvt=False, keep_generics=False, applyss_real=Commands.applyss):
transformers_hook(self, side)'> Really Applying SpecialSource')
applyss_real(self, side, reobf=reobf, srg_names=srg_names, in_jar=in_jar, out_jar=out_jar, keep_lvt=keep_lvt, keep_generics=keep_generics)
# This is our pre-everything hook.
# We do the following:
# Verify if astyle is installed/accessible, if not then exit
# We also compile and run our transformers:
# MCPMerge, This merges the runnable code from the server and client creating a single codebase that is complete.
# AccessTransformer:
# This changes access levels of classes fields and methods based on a configuration map.
# Allows up to keep out base edits down because we don't have to patch the access levels of everything.
def transformers_hook(self, side):
global compile_tools
if not self.has_wine and not self.has_astyle:
self.logger.error('!! Please install either wine or astyle for source cleanup !!')
self.logger.error('!! This is REQUIRED by FML/Forge Cannot proceed !!')
jars = {CLIENT: self.jarclient, SERVER: self.jarserver}
dir_bin = os.path.join(fml_dir, 'bin')
if not os.path.isdir(dir_bin):
class_path = os.pathsep.join([f for f in self.cpathclient + [dir_bin] if not f in jars.values()])
dir_common = os.path.join(fml_dir, 'common')
dir_trans = os.path.join(dir_common, 'cpw/mods/fml/common/asm/transformers'.replace('/', os.sep))
java = self.cmdjava.translate(None, '"')
javac = self.cmdjavac.translate(None, '"')
cmd_compile = '"%s" -Xlint:-options -deprecation -g -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -classpath "{classpath}" -sourcepath "{sourcepath}" -d "{outpath}" "{target}"' % javac
cmd_compile = cmd_compile.format(classpath=class_path, sourcepath=dir_common, outpath=dir_bin, target="{target}")
#Compile AccessTransformer and MCPMerger if we havent already
# Only needs to happen once, but we don't know if were gunna decompile both client and server so cant do it based off side
if compile_tools:'> Compiling AccessTransformer')
if not runcmd(cmd_compile.format(target=os.path.join(dir_trans, '')), commands=self, echo=False):
sys.exit(1)'> Compiling MCPMerger')
if not runcmd(cmd_compile.format(target=os.path.join(dir_trans, '')), commands=self, echo=False):
compile_tools = False
# Merge the client and server jar, only needs to be run once so only do it on the client
if side == CLIENT:
if not disable_merge:'> Running MCPMerger')
forkcmd = ('"%s" -classpath "{classpath}" cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.MCPMerger "{mergecfg}" "{client}" "{server}"' % java).format(
classpath=class_path, mergecfg=os.path.join(fml_dir, 'mcp_merge.cfg'), client=jars[CLIENT], server=jars[SERVER])
if not runcmd(forkcmd, echo=False, commands=self):
else:'> MCPMerge disabled')
apply_ats(fml_dir, mcp_dir, class_path, jars[side], disable_at=disable_at, commands=self)
#Check the original jars not the transformed jars
def checkjars_shunt(self, side, checkjars_real = Commands.checkjars):
self.jarclient = self.jarclient + '.backup'
self.jarserver = self.jarserver + '.backup'
ret = checkjars_real(self, side)
self.jarclient = self.jarclient[:-7]
self.jarserver = self.jarserver[:-7]
return ret
pre_decompile(mcp_dir, fml_dir, disable_assets=disable_assets)
Commands.applyrg = applyrg_shunt
Commands.applyss = applyss_shunt
Commands.checkjars = checkjars_shunt
#decompile -d -n -r
# Conf JAD CSV -r -d -a -n -p -o -l -g -c -s --rg --workDir --json(None=compute) --nocopy
decompile(None, False, False, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, False, not disable_client, enable_server, False, os.path.join(mcp_dir,'jars'), None, True)
post_decompile(mcp_dir, fml_dir)
except SystemExit, e:
print 'Decompile Exception: %d ' % e.code
raise e
if not os.path.isdir(src_dir):
print 'Something went wrong, src folder not found at: %s' % src_dir
commands = Commands(verify=True,workdir=os.path.join(mcp_dir,'jars'))
if not disable_client:
updatemd5_side(mcp_dir, commands, CLIENT)
if enable_server:
updatemd5_side(mcp_dir, commands, CLIENT)
def updatemd5_side(mcp_dir, commands, side):
from runtime.mcp import recompile_side, updatemd5_side
from runtime.commands import SIDE_NAME
recomp = recompile_side(commands, side)
if recomp:'> Generating %s md5s', SIDE_NAME[side])
commands.gathermd5s(side, skip_fml=True)
def pre_decompile(mcp_dir, fml_dir, disable_assets=False):
download_minecraft(mcp_dir, fml_dir)
if not disable_assets:
def post_decompile(mcp_dir, fml_dir):
if False:
def apply_fml_patches(fml_dir, mcp_dir, src_dir, copy_files=True):
#Delete /minecraft/cpw to get rid of the Side/SideOnly classes used in decompilation
cpw_mc_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, 'minecraft', 'cpw')
if os.path.isdir(cpw_mc_dir):
#patch files
print('Applying Forge ModLoader patches')
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(fml_dir, 'patches', 'minecraft')):
apply_patches(mcp_dir, os.path.join(fml_dir, 'patches', 'minecraft'), src_dir)
if copy_files and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(fml_dir, 'client')):
copytree(os.path.join(fml_dir, 'client'), os.path.join(src_dir, 'minecraft'))
if copy_files and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(fml_dir, 'common')):
copytree(os.path.join(fml_dir, 'common'), os.path.join(src_dir, 'minecraft'))
#delete argo
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(src_dir, 'minecraft', 'argo')):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(src_dir, 'minecraft', 'argo'))
def finish_setup_fml(fml_dir, mcp_dir, enable_server=False, disable_client=False, disable_rename=False):
from runtime.updatenames import updatenames
from runtime.updatemd5 import updatemd5
from runtime.updatemcp import updatemcp
if not disable_rename:
updatenames(None, True, not disable_client, enable_server)
updatemd5(None, True, not disable_client, enable_server)
# Download Functions!
def download_minecraft(mcp_dir, fml_dir, version=None):
mc_info = read_mc_versions(fml_dir, version=version, work_dir=os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'jars'))
failed = False
if mc_info['new_launcher']:
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(fml_dir, 'jsons')):
json_file = os.path.join(fml_dir, 'jsons', '%s-dev.json' % mc_info['version'])
json_file = os.path.join(fml_dir, 'fml.json')
version_json = None
version_json = json.load(open(json_file))
except Exception as e:
print 'Failed to load version json: %s' % json_file
failed = download_libraries(mcp_dir, version_json['libraries'], mc_info['natives_dir']) or failed
if os.path.isfile(mc_info['json_file']):
shutil.copy(json_file, mc_info['json_file'])
failed = not download_list(mc_info['downloads']) or failed
# Remove any invalid files
for type in ['client', 'server']:
print("Backing up %s"%type)
file_backup(mc_info['%s_file' % type], mc_info['%s_md5' % type])
failed = not download_file(mc_info['%s_url' % type], mc_info['%s_file' % type], mc_info['%s_md5' % type]) or failed
file_backup(mc_info['%s_file' % type], mc_info['%s_md5' % type])
if failed:
print 'Something failed verifying minecraft files, see log for details.'
def download_libraries(mcp_dir, libraries, natives_dir):
# Will attempt to download a list of maven style libraries from the default Minecraft website
# or a custom website if the library specifies it
# This list should be in the format of the new launcher's version.json file
# Under the entry 'libraries'
lib_dir = os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'jars', 'libraries')
default_url = ''
downloads = []
failed = False
for lib in libraries:
name = lib['name'].split(':')
domain = name[0].split('.')
root = name[1]
version = name[2]
path = domain + [root, version]
extract = None
root_url = default_url
if 'extract' in lib.keys():
extract = lib['extract']
if 'url' in lib.keys():
root_url = lib['url']
file_names = ['%s-%s.jar' % (root, version)]
if 'natives' in lib.keys():
file_names = []
for k,v in lib['natives'].items():
file_names.append('%s-%s-%s.jar' % (root, version, v))
if 'children' in lib.keys():
for child in lib['children']:
file_names.append('%s-%s-%s.jar' % (root, version, child))
for file_name in file_names:
url = '%s/%s/%s' % (root_url, '/'.join(path), file_name)
file_path = os.path.join(lib_dir, os.sep.join(path), file_name)
headers = get_headers(url)
if headers is None:
print('Could not retreive headers for library: %s ( %s )' % (lib['name'], url))
failed = True
md5 = None
if 'ETag' in headers.keys(): # Amazon headers, Mojang's server
md5 = headers['ETag']
else: # Could be a normal maven repo, check for .md5 file
md5 = urllib2.urlopen(url + '.md5').read().split(' ')[0].replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
if not len(md5) == 32:
md5 = None
print('Could not retrieve md5 for library %s ( %s.md5 )' % (file_name, url))
failed = True
except (HTTPError):
failed = True
'url' : url,
'file' : file_path,
'md5' : md5,
'size' : headers['Content-Length'],
'extract' : extract
return download_list(downloads, natives_dir) or failed
def download_list(list, natives_dir):
#Downloads a list of files and urls. Verifying md5s if avalible.
#Skipping already existing and valid files.
#Also extracts files that are specified to be extracted to the natives folder
missing = []
for dl in list:
if os.path.isfile(dl['file']):
if dl['md5'] is None or not get_md5(dl['file']) == dl['md5']:
if len(missing) == 0:
return False
print 'Downloading %s libraries' % len(missing)
failed = False
for dl in missing:
if download_file(dl['url'], dl['file'], dl['md5'], prefix=' '):
if not dl['extract'] is None:
excludes = []
if 'exclude' in dl['extract'].keys():
excludes = dl['extract']['exclude']
extract_zip(dl['file'], natives_dir, prefix=' ', filter=excludes)
print(' Failed to download %s from %s' % (os.path.basename(dl['file']), dl['url']))
failed = True
return failed
def download_assets(mcp_dir):
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
asset_dir = os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'jars', 'assets')
base_url = ''
print('Gathering assets list from %s' % base_url)
files = []
failed = False
url = urllib.urlopen(base_url)
xml = parse(url)
def get(xml, key):
return xml.getElementsByTagName(key)[0].firstChild.nodeValue
for asset in xml.getElementsByTagName('Contents'):
path = get(asset, 'Key')
if path.endswith('/'):
file = os.path.join(asset_dir, os.sep.join(path.split('/')))
md5 = get(asset, 'ETag').replace('"', '')
if os.path.isfile(file):
if get_md5(file) == md5:
'file' : file,
'url' : '%s/%s' % (base_url, path),
'size' : get(asset, 'Size'),
'md5' : md5
except Exception as e:
print 'Error gathering asset list:'
if len(files) == 0:
print(' No new assets need to download')
print(' Downloading %s assets' % len(files))
for file in files:
failed = not download_file(file['url'], file['file'], file['md5'], root=asset_dir, prefix=' ') or failed
if failed:
print(' Downloading assets failed, please review log for more details')
# Transformers
def apply_ats(fml_dir, mcp_dir, class_path, target, disable_at=False, commands=None):
def log(msg):
if commands is None:
cmds = find_java()
if cmds is None:
log('>Could not run Access Transformer, Java not found!')
if not disable_at:
log('> Running AccessTransformer')
forkcmd = ('"%s" -classpath "{classpath}" cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.AccessTransformer "{jar}" "{fmlconfig}"' % cmds['java']).format(
classpath=class_path, jar=target, fmlconfig=os.path.join(fml_dir, 'common', 'fml_at.cfg'))
forge_cfg = os.path.join(fml_dir, '..', 'common', 'forge_at.cfg')
if os.path.isfile(forge_cfg):
log(' Forge config detected')
forkcmd += ' "%s"' % forge_cfg
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(fml_dir, '..', 'accesstransformers')):
for filename in filenames:
accesstransformer = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
if os.path.isfile(accesstransformer):
log(' Access Transformer "%s" detected' % filename)
forkcmd += ' "%s"' % accesstransformer
if not runcmd(forkcmd, echo=False, commands=commands):
log('> Access Transformer disabled')